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FORT MILL TIMES. > - ~ 4'- - * .1 15TH YEAR. FORT MILL, S. C., THURSDAY, AUGUST 30,11>0G. .;,|?E NO. 22. PALMETTO tfFAIRS Occurrences of Interest from All Over South Carolina 'MANY ITEMS OF STATE NEWS A Batch of Live Paragraphs Covering a Wide Range?What is Going On in Our State. General Coton Market. Gal vet-ton. quiet 1? 7-1(5 | New Orleans, quiet 9 1-'2 "Mobile, quiet 9 1-4 Savannah, quiet 1* 1-1(5 Charleston, quiet ..9 1-8 ^Norfolk. qquiet 0 .'1-4 Bait imore, nominal !> 7-8 New York, quiet 9.9(1 ;Boston, quiet 9.99 J-Mnlndedlpliin. quiet 10.10 'Houston, steady 9 5-1(5 Auffusta, steady 9 5-8 Memphis, quiet and nominal.. ..9 15-1 Charlotte Cotton Market. These prices represent the prices j>oid to wagons: flood miiklling 9 .'5-4 tstnet middling , ^Middling !?."?-S ItJood middling, tinged b.Vtt JStuius 7 1-2(?S 3-4 Arm Torn From Body. (latTney, Xpoeial.?One <>1* the most shocking accidents ever witnessed here occurred with Minnie Curry, a young son of Mr. .1. II. Curry, as the victim, 11 is condition cannot he determined, although it is thought t<> be decidedly grave. The facts are a^out as follows: Curry was working at a brickyard at the drum used for putting lip ears of dirt from the pit. ]l was his duty to manipulate the lever on the machine that pulled up the t cars of clay. He was to do this Allien the signal, the ringing of a hell, was given. While waitimr for tli?? signal lit' had apparently gone over to the other side from liis lever, near a swiftly revolving sluift, and wus playing with a small piece of old worn out belting, which lie had wrapped I around the shaft, supposedly to see what effect it would have or to wuit l'or it to get too hot to hold. Stray strings from the belting finally caught the shaft and. in turn, caught the boy. At every revolution of the shaft the body not only struck the ground but struck a large piece of timber, which was near by. His clothes were torn entirely from his body. When the frightened hands reached him lie was absolutely without a stitch of clothing oil. even his shoes being torn from his feet. One arm. the rb>lii ?hi?v whs lorn from tin* body at tlit wrist niul was found some distance away. The same arm was broken above the -elbow. Kotli legs were broken above the knee, and il is feared llial internal injuries were sustained. Thos. E. Miller, President. Columbia. Special. The trustees of the State's colored college at Orangeburg met ;uid passed a resolution requesting Thos. K. Miller, 1,1,. 1>.. to withdraw his resignation. President Miller eaiuc he I ore the hoard and explained his reasons for resigning. He complied with the request of the board, which was embodied in the .following resolution: "Kesolied. That this hoard after a full eonfereiiee with President Thomas I i. Miller in reference to Id* ? . ? ri^nni i"ll ?lll? 1 believing said resignation was sent ill hastily and tinder a misapprehension of the board's action, is of the opinion that it will be for the best interest of the Slate colored college that said resignation he withdrawn and that Dr. Miller remain at the bead of the institution." Favor Municipal Ownership. Seneca. Sj<ecial. At a special olcctioii Jielij hero on Hie question of j^ranlinji a fratiehise to private parties for electric lights and waterworks or having itinnieipal ownership, tin* latter won by a vote of 7b to 2. It is quite evident that unless tne sentiment of its citizens changes materially Seneca will soon own its own lighting plant and waterworks. The town has been growing rapidly the past lew yens and marked progress has been made recently. It i< only a question of a short time now until tile elect lie lights will lie put into sen >ce. Salnda Tiger Convicted. Sajinhi. Special?John Sty mil. the jfouug* tvhlte inan arrested several I lays ago, charged with having about | two gallons of whiskey at (lood Hope Baptist church, in this county, on , Sunday. Alurust 1'2, at the protract oil meeting, was tried before. Magistrate F.theredge and n .pay for transporting liquor in vioiatidii of law and convicted. A VERY UGIY CRIME White Woman Attacked by Young White Man. Aiken, Special.?A young; white man by the name of Pinee Barton was brought here and placed in jail charged with committing an assault upon Mrs. Ma,ttio Bryant, who is said to be a divorced woman oi' (Jraniteville. According to Mrs. Bryant, she had never seen Barton prior to Sutnradv night. She savs Barton eame m her house while she was at a neighbor's. Some of the people in her house called her home, saying that Burton was a nice young man. She agreed to accompany i.;?. ... .... : *? I I ill IW Oil lie n< ,1111 Bryant says that shortly altar leaving the house Marlon made uu altaek upon her. throwing her to tin* ground. She resisted as best she eould. atul screamed for help. Some people nearby ran to Iter assistance, but Marlon fle?l before they arrived. Mrs. Bryant's clot lies were badly torn, and site was bitten on the face and arm. She has been routined to her room all day. Barton was raptured "some time afterwards in (irsiiteville and brought here. Barton is about. 'J-4 years old and is a mill hand. When seen at tIt jail Barton said lie was not responsible for his action; that he was drunk and therefore didn't know what he was doing. He claimed that Mrs. Bryant threw Iter arms around his neck and said after that he re membered notliilit*-, lit* asserted that lie knew untiling ol' I In* assault aiul declared that it lie got nut uf 111iirouble he would "out out" liquor. Constable Howard made the arrest. There is mi excitement or threats ot v iolenee. Lynching ty One Man. ( oluiuhia. Specjial. A Special to The Stale from Kloretiee says: Alter an all-nigilt chase, W. I,. Marshall shot and killed Lewis tiray. a negro, tor improper proposals to his wife. The negro went to Marshall's house during his absence. On being informed of the alTair Marshall armed himself and started in pursuit <d" the negro. While he was resting at a store at Kftlinghutn. Florence county, the negro walked in. He was recognized and shot to death. Was "Justfiable Homicide." Florence. Special. ? As a result of the coroner's inquest over the dead body of I In* negro Louis (dregg. ftu* I .jury, with Mr. Krook> Met'all acting as foreman, lianded in a verdict that deceased had come to iiis death as the result of a gun shot wound in the hands of \Y. L. Marshall and that it was a justifiable homicide. Nothing new developed during the course of the inquest except that the negro j hrute had actually laid hands on Marshall's wife, and offered her a sum of money if she would submit to his proposals. She then screamed and called for her mot her. who was inside the house, and the ncgio fled. Shetiff Lurch was present during the inquest, hut did not take Marshall into actual eustodx for the reason that he showed a disposition not to disappear, and the further fact that several of the I -ii.i-iniii lai illi'll 01 tile Ci?mintuiity assured liim t'nai they would lie responsible for Marshall's appealing in Florence .Ylondnv morning t<> vivo lutinl. Sherift' March says he is v.illiujr to be responsible for the u? isouer. i _____ K'lled Over a Card Game. Y ovk\ille. S,,,, Tbro? nee-mo* Were fii_.._fd in inblniu lit a house mi the yard of id". W. (I. White, of this place, and became involved in a' row. As a result of that row one of I tin in. I><*ii Wiilkt r, i*. dead. 'l in e, pi-tol halls were tired into liiiu l?y one of t!i?' other uet?roes. One is supposed to have passed tlii'ouirh his lieftrt. another entered the brain at I the edge of the hair, above the left eye, and the third went into Hu throat, either of which would necessarily have proved fatal. Wor?!d Excommunicate Lynchers. Sparlunhurcr. Special.--The Spartanburg Hapli-I A-socintirm ai il> meetinj; with Friendship church preset! stl'n.iv resnlui inns (ictinniiciug I \ ile!ii:t\>s ul placed Iho dcnoini'.ia! ion on i cord :ts ndvofat iis?? llie. cxcmnnnMiicntinu I'roni I lie Church of members who may be known to participle in lychin-s. , I ' - I.-'"- iMam V flMfiiSkfc. j-r .laBM* 28 KILLED BY BOMB Home of Russian Official Was Blown Up BOMB THROWER WAS A VICTIM Twenty-Four Also Wounded as Result of Fiendish Attempt to Assassinate Premier Stolypin During Public Reception at His Country House. St. Petersburg. My Cable. Twentyeight persons are dead ami 24 wounded as the result of n dastardly attempt to nssasimitc Premier Stolypin with a bomb while he w?s holding a public reception at his country house on Aptekarsky Island. The Premier was slightly wounded on the face ami neck by Hying splinteis. Among the dead ar?* the Premier's 15-year-old daughter, wlm had both legs broken by the explosion and subsequentlv sueeombeu J" her injuries; General Zumeutm. the Premier's personal Sevretarv: M. KlmvtjstofT. former Governor of ih?- province of Penza; Col. Fredroff. elm-l' of the Premier's personal guard: Court Chamberlain PavidotV. t'ourt Chamberlain Voronin, Aaide Donbassoflf. and four women and two eliildren. The wounded iuelude ,\i. Stolvpin's 11-year-old son, who is seriously, though not fatally injured, and a number of persons promient in the sooial and official worlds. The man who threw tiie bninb was among the killed. Fairbanks to Negroes. Columbus, ()., S|HM-"t?;l. Vice-President Charles \V. Fairbanks and Hooker T. Washington, the eolored leader and president o| Tuskegoe In stilute, aildre^pd t L?> Ohio State ( olo ri'il Industrial and F.dueationul Kx|Misitinn at drove t'ilx. a suburb Regard in;; tin* raft* tpiest ion, Mr. Fairbanks said to a reporter. 'I'lii' settlement of the so-ealled raeo ipiestiou. or race problem, rests with ill.' eolored people themselves. L believe these people', who make up ten per I'lust. n| our |io]iiilation, have improved wottderfullx. and tb?*v air takiiur advantage ??f tlu? opportunitivs plari'd at their disposal." In addri'.-^inir the (Miin State t'nlored Industrial and Kriuentional Imposition Mr. Fairbanks eoiijpaiulated the eoloi'eii people upon the siirresst'ul inauguration of the exposition, saying that their sueeess was not surprising to him. as he knew something of the tenacity of their purpose. The imporlnueo of the work in which they were engaged eould he better appreciated when the I act was recalled that the black race now constitutes more than ten per cent, of the population of the I nited States. The exposition, lie said, is a hopeful sign. not only because ii illustrates what the negro has been a hie to aceoniplish in the industrial arts in a comparatively lev. years, hut it shows mat he appreciates the wiiuc of cooperation. The exposition is mi admirable object-lesson. full of encouragement and inspiration to tin- colored jH'opie. To advance education and industry is to cucouiu"c two of the mightiest factors in tin upbuilding of any race. To prosper to ilie utmost and make the greatest advance in life, the colored people must leaeh the virtue of sobriety, honesty, frugality. industry and fair play. Their advance had h??-n aee-oinplishcd against tremendous obstacles, one of their greatest difficulties being prejudice. A broad opportunity, lie said, lies before the colored race. What it will become will depend upon what it does. In the linn) analysis, people advance only by virtue of their own efforts. The future of the colored race was in its own InrvK Murdered Arrested i" Georgia. . 1.anion, Ua., Special iienrv Greggs a white man. is held in jail here await ing the arrival of the sheriff of Louisiana. Greggs is said to be wanted in that State for the murder of four men in New Orleans. The Governor of Louisiana has ottered a reward of $1,700 for ttie capture of the man who committed these murders. Yields to Assr ssirs' Threat. Odessa, By < Governor General Ivaulhasso: I <!-c time annulled a court martial sentence The ease was that ot r. is >t named Kymslui. whose polite J > t, 1 e was eorrinuted to 10 year*- is! ha <i hdmr. It is rumored that K'tuiha'v l.-ci-ivid n iviiii II-Mil III" I I'l'!',' * I'llH'l! thifaloninir him \vi:h !ii i'ato ?!?v<)h if' In* eon firmed *.ii" -.iiM'ime. The Governor <inuia:;.i ii:>? <a new street tcuurd of about ?50 men. whose wages the house owiiers arc compelled to pay. t AND YET ANOTHER ...... South Carolina Mob Adds Ona More Lynching to Its Score SHERIFF HANDED OVER KEYS Third Such Crime Within Ten Dayi In Palmetto State Takes Place in Dorchester County. Victim Being Young Negro Who Had Attempted to Break Into Dwelling House Where 11-Year-Old Girl Was Alono - Keys Handed Over by Accommodating Sheriff fie&To Strung Up and Riddled With Hundreds of Bullets. Columbia. S. C., Special.- Willie Spain, a North Carolina negro. 'JI years old, was shot to death by a mob near St. George. Dorchester county, Thursday afternoon. This is the third lynching in South j Carolina within ten days. I S. L. Connor, manager of the Dorchester I.utnher Company's stores at Hadhant, was noliliod by a negro that he saw another negro attempting to enter a window of his home and than run away into a near-by cane lield. Me suddenly came upon Spain. He grappled with the negro. striking i mm a severe blow, breaking several I bones in bis hand. The negro finally freed himself and ran to a near-by woods. Connor notified his neighbors and a seareh was 'begun. Abont two hours later Spain was raptured in a negro cabin not far distant. lie was brought to St. George and turned over to Sheriff l.imeliouse, who locked him up in jail. Shortly afterward^ a posses <rf 40 or Tt) men went to the sheriff and demanded flu keys of tlie jail. Securing the keys, the jail was unlocked and the negro taken to the house of Connor, where his 11 -year-old daughter, who was alone in the house, positively identified the negro as the one who fried to climb through the window, but was frightened away by her screams. The negro did not protest his innocence, but admitted that lie bad gone to the lesidenee with the intention of Entering, but .for what purpose he did not say. The mob then took the negro to a near-by oak trie, strung lum up to a limb and shot about .">00 -hots into bis body. The negro's head and body were literally shot to pieces. After the sheriff had surrendered to the mob be telegrphed Governor Heyawrd of what had happened. Tint Governor at once wired the officer to use all means to prevent a lynching, but it was too late, as the mob lost! no time in dispatching the negro. After finishing its work the moli dispersed and all i? ijiiiet at the scene of the lynching. Italians Use Daggers. Buffalo, .Special.? 1 wo men are den<l and two more will probably die as a suit ??i' a desparalw with stilletoH between live Italians here. Two bmthers were matched against three brothers. Kratik Sard: mi, one of the three Snrdiua brothers, was killed on the scene of the battle. Rnphiael Bulsitric, who tried to act as pence maker, was stubbed in the abdomen and back and was earned to a hospital. Dnmcuico (Jeraeei and Bernardo Geracci. who are allotted to have done the stabbing which resulted in the death ot Saldino, are in a serious condition. They art rim reed I with murder. State Department Will Not Interfere. Washington, I). C. Special. There 18 on disposition on the part of the State Department to interfere in the Cuban revolutionary affairs. The Department regards the Island Republic fully capable of protecting itself against insurrectionists. Mr.rder Richmond, \ a.. Special ?At* Jarretts, Sussex county, in a personal affray between J. I'. Matthews and Flank Johnson, the latter shot and killed the former and was despn::<te* ly wounded himself. Assassins Arrested. t Cape Hnytien, Ity Cable.?The r.<-J I eassins of Millionine and Th urston, n two Americans eiit|Mo\c<! ;,s c?d!? . toi> in the |iominic::r C.isPin lionsei" Service, have hi en arresied in i iayti, | their xtradifion is demanded by tho 1 Doiuiuicau government. 1 AMNESTY ISOffERED President of Cuba Proposes Terms to Insurgents WOULD HOLD LEADERS AWHILE While Insisting That the Cuban Government Will Never Compromise With Any Form of Disorder, Provincial Officials Are Instructed to jrenmi an .Repentant rcdcis, Chiefs Included, to Return to Their ?pmes in Peace Complete Pardon Guaranteed to All Who Surrender All-Night Fight in Town of Bcju* cal, Havana Province. Havumi:), Culm. Hv Cable?General Montalvo, acting Secretary of the Interior. lias issued an order, under the direction President Palnia. instructing the government ol'tieials in the provinces of Pinnr del Hio, Havanua, Matan/.os, and Santa Clara, to allow all insurgents who lepeut of their errors to go free to their homes excepting; the insurgents who are prisoners in the hands of government forces and the captured commanders of insurgent hands, who will be detained until the government determines whether they are to be allowed their freedom or are to he tried by the courts. All chiefs of insurgent bands who surrender themselves tr'*" ment forces, or who snJrtmdfr with 4)nNy& their followers and tht?aaB&* will also l>o allowed to return to their families. Finally, to all who surrender the government guarantees they will never he disturbed in any manner as a result of the part they have taken in the uprising. No Truce With Disorder. President Puliua is not disposed to employ any other method than that of arms for the re-establishment of peace, lie declared energetically that the government would absolutely never compromise with any form of the disturbance of order. A parly of insurgents commanded by to. Sanchez entered-the town of Bejuenl, province of Havana, at 11 o'eloek Monday night, fortiiied themselves and fought all night against an at lacking force of government recruits and rural guards without other results than three *?f the defenders of the palace ami one rural guard being killed. Three Captured Spanish Ships Sold For $103. Washington, Special. Three Spanish ships captiucii by Admiral Dcwev in Manila Hay, May 1. WIS. were sold by ihe Navy Department for fU!3. These ships wen* advertised at several Asiatic ports, the total cii.m of ad\ . tiding being $'JS, and the Nnv\ Depaiiment is well satisfled that the bids were sufficient In cover the e.x|>e use of advertising. The three ships ;ne the Albay. Manilicno and Mindanao. They have been stripped of everything movable ami jue s:uipi\ ohi hulks practically useless tor an\ purpose of tin* navy. Shoots Rival and Takes Poison. Chit tendon, Yi.. Sperial.?John Cas-idny was probably fatally shot by Daniel Barnaul. Forty-two buckshot were taken from I'assidv's body. Barnard was captured. After his arrcst he swallowed a ?|uantity of iodine in an attempt to commit suicide. Trouble over a woman is believed to have caused the shooting. A. Reprieve Granted. Kansas t'ily. Spe iul -tiny rnor Folk mauled a rein ieve liil October .!(? to Airs. A:: :'- Myers, awaiting ex-* Petit ion fur the murder <?!' her i shaud. No action was taken in the ease of Frank lloilin.n.. Mrs. Myec"-; ,nc(<yijiiiic. raini. wi'ir st'iilt'iic.'il 1?? h? hanged Sept. 3rd. The respite was granted to nilmv an appeal to ho I'uitcd Stales Supreme < oarl. Resign Supcrintcndcncy of V. M. I. Lexington, Yn., Spei'?;?1.? At a -.pooial meeting of the hoard of visitors here the superintendent, General Seol t Xliipp, presented his resignat ion to take oil eel at tin* pleasure of tlio hoard. Tlie hoard appointed live members to consider I lie resignation aud make a report at n myelin/ in June. UK>7. General Shipp was ijamlo superintendent on thu retirement in ISO? of (iencrnl Smith. General Slii ?p has dioen connected with rhc school for ;'t) years, having eutcred a cadet. !)? loiniiiatiBed the eadetsrin tbn famous charge at ike battle Cf Newmarket. I STILL IN CONFUSION earthquake Sufferers Not Wet "A Free From Danger _ q BUSINESS RESUMING SUBBST Some Business Houses* Opsasut 4B Valparaiso. City Under Startta*! Law, Traffic by Water and sumed Postal Service AAm* tin Operation?Great Trouble iat fRatrying Dead Since Cemeteries adflL Zamstroyed Coffins Piled Hiftft Dread of Outbreak of -? Many Leave City. Yaluparniso. By Cable.? Some- -.?.ar?r.ess houses have opened t'or tUc- >ir** time since the earthquake. T<eJ*y?? oo? aud telegirpbic cummuireat kjbs wUu Santiago has been re-established, ii*** city is still under martial la;** Jk?* the fit'st installment the govcrrw?r>:-iti. has appropriated .f4,OOU.OOO fo*i i_t?s relief of the destitute. The custom house has l>een tr.- !???? ed anel t rat tie by water and ??**> ims been resumed. Postal service hi uaio in operation. On of the greatest difficuUva countered by the authorities is terment of the bodies vecovero# fcveri ?* .Stuns, as all cemeteries /u-rstroytd. At various- temporary ,mau<-gne?r heaps of coffins are accuianili&wsi, waiting ^ the designation of IUav*.i places of burial. The work of recovering Smr.vsec* is being' pushed io the utmost i??ar*t*ey to avoid au epidemic, in fear off* many families are leaving tkr Through the whole length of FfiMsrri) Avenue and ail over Victoria .u?< sheds have been constructed la* ter the. homeless from the- ?sr,v,* rains. Vnlpaviaso, By Cable.?The kmc. >*$ life by the eurthquake of 'f :.?c?sa*nm. . August lti, probably will not ?r .w^vr; of 3.000, while the property doAnt-wti is estimated at $100,000,000 sibly was in execs of that Order is being maintained tix* utmost severity by the mil i t ?*X* lice and armed citizens' pat re-.***?? are empowered to shoot looters ?ua uMn spot. The authorities are sboiriqs ..***? utmost energy in the protectim &?. property. With the first terrible shock ??T -lifts earthquake, buiidiaga collapsed^ Bhatrr walls falling in with a 11 noise. The inmates in mao-r were unable- to escape. The sK followed almost immediately Bty * fierce storm, the wind prozflMrfBamr walls that had been weakened by ?* ? earthquake. and these brokewires, which flashed ineessurrthx. .i second shock was even morethan the first. Five minutes afterward fires j-.?w.n"j.'?c in every direction, and the town, which had been momc-offrw i * in darkness, was illuminated f?"?gantie flames. The firemen smni desparute fight, though there tens '.title water, as most of the :n? ttn -V-joi been broken by the earth trero Irks. Victoria Threnlre (opera hoitf*^ zasai the Naval Club were utterly e<l by the earthquake, and fin? Buoihrionol Theatre succumbed i*> oanMfi quake and fire. Contracts Awarded. Norfolk. Va.. Special. -Th? f*c*? ctu of govt mors of the J.-iinc^totro ?.'i?i- has awarded to J. W. Drvw s*>T Newport \'ws. the contract T?r ac erect son of the Kducat ional anJ ffiFi--toric Arts buildings at a ooi.t of con one r 'W.wv, Stn Francii-?? Sends A'/f.' "Washington. Sik-^jJ.? ?*?" co made :i,( Lri Anic ican eorftd^i( tion for 'l ; n ii< f of th -?* earlliquak* s.ifiV-ers. A ii c ? ( rived .liy tlo- v;,at?' 1 11:no-j f r-*r.'?% Minister 11.i i at ,< ?. win-ivf' fil t. . <?! li'tvr *'s from *ht>! t :.y. Aniiety is Near Subsiding. , \Yftfeliiiq:t<in, Specinl.? tcs Minister John Hick*. *i po de ('hilt, has sent a rath rsrw. it [&& I be State Department Haying C-.idk.rmn*. ioty over, the eavt'iquaku iwin both ^alparaito ood S'astx^% & though at the dr-te of tha scs -riap -*iS ^ Die diijnotch. mild ahoeha to be f?tt. ..He any* that th* Hnaazaa and buniMH* aiUUttiot* #+ tcxuvx* ami that there is fear of * ptuiitr. JPSan. * acripiions are being vailed Sao vt?at \*tiflTerers." , > - / A.-- ^57