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r. ? Beflections of a Bachelor. It's like finding money not to spooulate. Women call it a sewing party because that is what they don't do. One nine thing about marrying an old wife is generally there is no inather-in-law problem. Yon eould hardly get anybody to L. k.j :# tL.i - ? < ww vwt u. kuai warn wv way 10 DC a good eitiien. HERITAGE OF CIVIL WAR. . Bwimndi oi Soldiers Contracted Chronic Kidney Trouble. The experience of Copt. John L. Ely, of 0& ?, 17th Ohio, now living at 600 But Second street, Newton, Kansas, will Interest the thout sands of veterans who came back from the Civil War suffering tortures with kidney complaint. Capt. Ely Bays: "I contracted kidney trouble during the Clrll War, and the occasional attacks finally developed Into a chronic case. At one time 1 had to use a crutoh and cane to get about. My back was lame and weak,' and be>sides the aching, there was a dls (.resting retention of the kidney secretions. I was in a bad way when I began using Doan's Kidney Pills in 1901, but the remedy cured me, and I have been well ever since." Bold by all dealers. K0 cents a box. Foeter-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. At the Industries commission re cently held at Vryheid, Natal, It was stated that thousands of millions of tons of ooal equal In quality to any yet mined In Africa existed within a radius of thirty miles of the town. H. H. Oaexh'b Bows, of Atlanta, Urn., are the only eunossaful Dropsy Specialists in the world. Bes their liberal offer in advertisemsat la another column of this paper. A Rainy-Day Welcome. The rale was pouring In torrents wnen Mrs. Haddon flew to the door and admitted her friend, Miss Ransom. "There, you are what I calf a real friend" she cried. "I never bxpect people to keep an engagement to onitin )!?? In m olnn?" 9 >U m Okuiiu, 1UI luo; UKYlir do. I told Mr. Haddon this morning that I knew you wouldn't, but here you are! "I won't keep you standing in the vestibule a minute longer. I just thought perhaps you'd like to let it drip off you a little, as I've had the hall all cleaned to-day. I always have It done when I'm sure of eight or nine hours before It needs to be walked on. "But?Oh, no; It doesn't matter a hit Perhaps you'd like to take off your rubbers? Rubber soles? Oh, no; I never wear them, for they make such work on carpets. I mean, of course, one expects to have one's own carpets ruined, because so few people consider It at all, and I know rub* ber soles are popular. I only meant the rule was for myself. "There, now, let me flnU you a comfortable chair; perhaps, as your skirt Is damp, you'd rather not sit in one of the oovered chairs. Here's a wloksr one that I've never had a cushion made for, just for such occasions; and that brings your feet on the rug, too. ? am now it jrvv ii excuse me lor ono moment, "while 1 speak to Bridget, I'll he ready Tor a nice long talk. It was ao good of you to come, and so unexpected!" Truth le a Stranger to Fiction. The novelist's small but valuable son had just been brought to judgment for telling a fib. His a oh* having died a war, he sat for a time in ell eat thought. "Pa," aald he^ "how long will It bs before I stop glttln' licked for toliln' lies, an' begin to get paid for 'em, llks you do?"?Llpplncott's. Salvation cannot be spread without sacrifice. So. 33-'06. A WINNING START. Nerve Force For the Day. Everything goes wrong if the breakfast lies In your stomach like a mud pie. What you eat does harm If you can't digest It?It turns to poison. bright lady teacher found this to be true, even of an ordinary light breakfast of eggs and toast. She says: "Two years ago I contracted a very annoying form of Indigestion. M> stomach was In such condition that a simple breakfast of fruit. toaBt and egg gave me great distress. "I was Slow to believe that trouble could oome from such a simple diet, but finally bad to give It up, and found a great obange upon a cup of hot Postuns and Orape-Nuts with cream, for my morning meal. For more than a year I have held to this course, and have not suffered ezoept when injudiciously varying mr diet. "I hart bean a teacher for several jreara and find that my easily dlgestad breakfast means a saving of nervous force for the entire day. My gain of ten pounds la weight also causes mo to want to testify to the value of Orape-Nuts. "Grape-Nuts holds first rank at our table." Name given by Postum Co., Battle Creek, U|?V here's a reason." Read the little book, "The Road to WellvlUe," In fhgs. : 1 SOUTH CAROLINA CROPS Condition of South Carolina Crops For Week Ending Monday, Aug. IS 1906, as Given Out by the Department. The whole State received ample sunshine during the week but there was consderahle local cloudiness during the lust two days in the southern central and wester counties. The average temperature was much above normal. The extremes of temperature were a maximum of 100 degrees at Blackville and Bowman on the 10th and at Walhalla on the 7th, and a minimum of 66 degrees at urecnville <?n the lltli. The daily maximum temperatures ranged in the nineties, exeeptp in the extreme western counties and at places near the coast where they ranged in the eighties during the first three days. The daily minimum temperatures were about normal. The precipitation was deficient except a few widely separated localities that had excessive amounts ranging from about two inches to nearly four inches, with a maximum weekly amount of .'l.Oti inches at Choraw. Both the temperatures and rainfall conditions were generally favorable, and ground dried rapidly except over small areas where the rainfall was excessive. There were no bight winds or other damaging weather conditions.?J. \V. llauer, Section Director. Boy Accidentally Shot. Laurens, Special.?While three small boys of the city were down in the river Sunday afternoon hunting and fishing, Julius 'frapp, aged 10, wns shot in the left shoulder ami arm with a shotgun by Clifford Harris, aged 12. The boy is not seriously wounded though <|iiite painfully, as it appears that only a portion of a light charge of small shot struck the lad. He received prompt medical aid and is reported as resting comfortably. He is a son of the Widow 'frapp of the Laurens mill village. The Harris boy, it is understood, claims that he did not know the {run was loaded and was merely pranking with it when, to his utter surprise, the firearm was discharged with the rcffult above indicated. Summer School Closes. Barnwell, Special.?The AikenBamberg summer school closed a most successful session here on Friday. ! The school has been in session for three weeks and has been quite a success in every way. The faculty was composed of Prof. W. I,. ltrookcr j of the Aiken schools as superintendent, with Prof. K. H. Hall of Denmark and Miss Jennie Lou Brown of Aiken as his assistants. Each of the instructors is amonjr the prominent educators of the State and the summer school was fortunate in securing such able teachers for the different branches. The attendance of the teachers from the three counties was good and all took a deep interest in the work manned out for them to .!<> The State Pharmacists. Greenville, Special.?Tlic thirtieth annual meeting of the State Pharmaceutical association convened in this city nhout 70 pharmacists being in attendance. The examining hoard reported that only three out of 12 applicants for licenses to practice pharmacy in the State had passed the lamination. The successful applicants were Claude Cannon. Spartanburg; T. E. Khnme, Rummerton; C. L. Moseley, Greenwood, Negro Excursionist Hurt. Lamar, Special.?Alexander Stephens of Hartsville, a negro excursionist returning from Augusta on an excursion run from Hartsville, was injured at this plaee. His right foot was cut oil by the train and he received other painful injuries ahout the head and body. Another negro, whose name could not be learned, was also hurt Crops in Laurens. Lancaster, Special.- For the past ten days there has been no rain in this section with the result that much general improvement in the crop conflit ion is noted. Cotton is yet far below the average and hundreds of acres in this county have been "laid' by" grassy. There is i??i*linn< < ?> I I'*" *" increased ancrn^p planted in pnrn and uplands am, as a general thing, vary pood, while bottom lands are poor. 1'eas are line and a large acreage was sown. All cops will need rain very soon if tlit* hot wave continues. Monazite Mine in Court. Anderson. Special.- Judge <!eo. K Prince at chambers has granted A temporary injunction restraining certain parties from operating a mona-' aite mine near Pel/.er in tlrecnville county. The plaintitTs are James and Joseph Alverson, minors, who allege that their mother, a Mrs." Taylor, sold the right to mine nionazite on the I small place owned l>y the family j without consisting them about 1/ s. _ wE ' - , grapy , . ;<. ^ W*^ British wnen tennis players will come hnr* act nmmer. Countess lasslnl, It Is reported, znaV leave le Greek Church to become a Ztoaah Catholic. The Bmpns Dowager says that It will be two* years before China's constitution completed. Leader lii London's fashionable world says tit a woman cannot be I comfortable a less than $25,000 a year. The Oneen > Oi?m ? -- tv~ " -V wawaw ?* ? vuo DUiai*est toot Of ar titled person In the world. She ears one and a halt Inch boote. There is e rell-itn'own actress in Paris who lei received 19400 tor giving a slngl recitation of "La Marseillaise.' Mrs. Russelllage If learning now how many nnstlsh people there are in the world Wo can give advice on how to spend fty millions disinterestedly. i The smallest roman now on earth Is said to be Me. Paulina, ot Holland, eighteen >ars old, and twenty inches high. Ee weighs less than nine pounds. Miss Helen Knber, of Bt. Joseph, Mo., Is one of %e few women real . estate agents an the only one, with the exoeption o her partner who handles railroad rods. Miss Fay Tecdeton, an actress, was secretly mar.ed In Philadelphia. Mrs. Thomas f. Law son, wito of the Boston flnamer, died at Dreamwold, the Lawso summer home in Massachusetts. or nine years she has been a sufferr with heart trouble. Miss Georgia L Burns, of Okla- | homa, Is the yougest woman ranch owner In this cantry. Bho owns 11,000 acres, cc i >rlslng the Arrow Heart cattle ran^-J^-nd she recently leased for ninet < , years 100,000 acres of oil and' 1 lands. > ' <>v Sultan luprove 8. Constantinople, "nrkey, By Cable. ?It is stated that the Snltnn passed a good night ant his condition is somewhat iaiprovet. Kis u-Iuvtnnec to submit to treatnent lias complicated the situation but one of the Palace doctors indtrcd him to allow the employment ol a simple appliance which gave mmediate relief. The doctor, in recognition of his services has been promoted to the rank of (icneral. Dr. Ellis Irowned. Richmond, Va., S?ocial.'?Dr. Daniel F. Ellis, a memtxr of the Facility and college physicitn of Randolph Macon College, Ash md, Ya., was drowned in Stagg crvk, while on tinway to pay a charitf-visit to an old negro patient. High] ater swept his buggy down stream. The Doctor's five year-old son was with lioni, hut was saved by his fat ?r placing him in an overhanging tf-. TH.HN HBiWD. Miss Wearyun (ll|i>. no.)?I like to see a graceful mani.--" Mr. Dorum (ln-ten lptlng)?Hem! Am I not graceful? I Miss Wearyun?Yes; a^d, as I was saying, I like to see a graceful man bow himself out of my presence.? Chicago News. OUR PRICE LIST. Combining good quality and low prices The prices quoted bolownro guaranteed to bo the lowest for quality of Goods 1 year old Corn WTisky, per gallon f 1 ;'?Q I 2 l.YC " ?? ?? ?? tt ti a 2.00 4 ? 2.26 | 5 ,, ,, Tar Heel Corn Whiskey 3.00 1 ? ,, Good Kye "Whisky per gal 1.76 2 ? ? Good Rye Whisl.y " " 2.00 3 ,, ,, Good Ryo Whisky " " 2.50 4 ? Good Rye Whisky " " 3.00 5 .. Good Rye Whisky " " 4 00 No charge for vessel or packing. 5:to extra will prepay express on one o three gallons; over 3 gallons, 76c. SKUMAN & COMPANY, SALJfclHJRY - - - - NO. R li'l SOTS ?H HUNTING TRIP Be *ure to t>e properly equipped?obtain the STF.VUNS ami you cannot <.o wrong. We make RIFLES . . . from $2.25 to $150 00 PISTOLS . . . from 2.50 to 60 00 SHOTGUNS. . from 760 to 36 00 Ask your dealer and infitt Send for 140 page Minton otif popular make. If Ir.itr.l cmlo|, if Inter* v? u? nnn< toUain, wc ship ested in SHOOTING, you carriage charges ought to have it. Malle<l frrfuiJ, upon receipt of for f??ur cenu in stamps to catalog price. cover pottage. Our attractive three-color Aluminum Hanger will be J sent anywhere for 10 cents in stamps. J. STEVENS ARMS AND TOOL CO., P. O. Do* 4006 Chloopee Fall., Mm... U. S. . j When in the Market FOR GOOD WHISKIES, WINES, BRANDIES, ETC., CALL ON OR WRITE J ohn :MIcrv"l?, SALISBURY, N. C. * \ N ; ? | ? ' v PALMETTO AffAlf Occurrences of Interest from AH Over South Carolina MANY ITEMS OF STATE NEWS A Batch of Live Paragraphs CoToring a Wide Range?What is Going On in Our State. General Cotton Market. Galveston, quiet "....10 1-2 New Orleans, quiet 10 5-10 Mobile, easy 10 Savannah, nominal 10 5-16 Norfolk, steady 10 5-8 Baltimore, nominal 10 5-8 New York, quiet 10.00 Boston, quiet 10.60 Philadelphia, quiet 10.85 Houston, quiet 10 3-8 Augusta, quiet 10 3-8 St. Louis, nominal 10 3-8 Memphis, quiet 10 1-4 Loisville, firm 10 3-4 Charlotte Cotton Market. These prices represent the priees paid to wagons: Good middling 10 7-8 Strict middling 10 7-8 Middling 10 7-8 Good middling, tinged 10 7-8 Stains I) to 10 The Farmers at Clcmson. A special from Olcinson College to the* Columbia State of Friday says: The attendance nt the institute continues to increase, and is variously estimated at from 700 to 1,500 There are too many people here to get together iu any one building and threfdro the exact number canInot he ascertained. In addition tc the hundreds from all parts of the I State, many have been driving ir I tMM Ik. 11.? - .?n'ni tuc sinlDuiuuii!^ cimntry?men, women, children and babies. There is a very large numbers of women ic attendance. All seem happy and hopeful. Col. It. B. Watson announced the meeting of the Agricultural and Merhnnical Society of South Carolina, and made a plea for more members and more exhibits at th? State fair. Mr. 0. A. (Juignard, president of the society, called the meeting to order at 4 p. 111. Mr. A. \V. Love, secretary, was at his post. Many of the prominent members of the society were present, among them Hon. It. F. Crnyton, of Anderson, who lias given as much time and thought to the State fair as and other man in South Carolina. On the stage besides the president and the secretary lion. R. It. Watson, Hon, W. D. Evans, lion W. (J. Ilinson and Col. B. F. Crayton. Upon motion of Hon. W. I). Evans it was votod to request the railroads to run trains to and from the fair grounds for the accomodation of the people. Hon J. C. Stribling appeared before tlio society as a representative of the Farmers' union and asked that a day be ap]H>inted during the State faiV on which the Farmers' union should meet. On motion of Hon. W. D. Evans, Wednesday, Oct. 24 was designated as the day for the meeting of the Farmers' union. It was decided to invite Hon. W. ,J. Bryant to make an address at the State fair. A - rrr 1 rviKi-u b w arenouse. Aiken, S|K?cinl.?A meeting of the stockholders of ttie Farmers' Storage company was held here. The old board of directors was reelected, with the addition of Mr. II. (\ Hnhn and M r. S. S. ("Joss. The executive committee was reelected, and they were instructed to appoint a manager for the warehouse. Dividends of 10 per cent, were declared. The warehouse is open and ready for the storage of this season's crop. Cotton can he stored at cheaper rate, than in Augusta and other cotton markets. The stockholders are well satisfied with their investment. The cotton warehouse business is a comparatively new venture in Aiken, the Formers' Storage -company having been organized only about a year ago. The warehouse is well patronized and has among its stockholders many of I ho leading farmers of Aiken county. Candy Factory Collapses. Greenville, Special. - Almost without warning the brick store house occupied by a candy factory collapsed here Wednesday afternoon. No one was caught in the falling debris, though it is thought remarkable that the inmates of tin* places escaped. The collapse was caused by excavations being made on the side of the wall by contractors who sire erecting " new building for the Rank of (oratneree, corner Main and Coffee streets. The admage is estimated at between .$1,000 and $">.000. It is not known where the damage will fall. Mill Operative Disappears. Greenville, Special.? John G. Gambroil of Monoghan mills has disappeared. Ilis whorebouts are unknown. He leaves a wife and two 1 small children. The authorities have instituted a search. His wife is in a hysterical condition, though there seems to he no reason to suspect foul ' play. When last soon Saturday nijrht Gambrell is said to have had a watch and $30 in cash. II ' I jAtUnn mm to eomlng tton au hi to bo recognised M i moot suitable time for house pointftn?. J Ther* |i bo froot deep In tbo wood to mnko trouble for eren tbo boot fob of point Inc. and tbo general seasoning of t m Summer bos put the wood into go )4 oondltlon In erery way. Tbo woe thor, moreover, to more likely to tL settled for tbo nooosiery length o t time to allow all tbo ooats to thoroughly gry?a Tory Important proeanti^B. n ol? and sueoeosful painter aald to tbo waiter the other day: "Honsu owners would get mors for their1 money if they would allow their pallators to take more time, especially (between ooats. Instead oC allowingj barely time for tbo eurfaoe to get dry enough not to be 'tacky.' sover&l 4ays (WNkl would mot til too muohj) should bo allowed ao that the ooat! might set through and through, i n is inconvenient, of oourse, bfet, if on# would auffor thla light In (convenience, it would add two or tl^N years to the life of the paint. "All this la assuming, of oourse, that the balnt used la the very best to be ha<??the purest of white lead and the purest of Unseed oU, unmixed wli.h any cheapener. If the cheap matures, often known as 'White Le'ad' and oil which has been doctored %ith fish oil, benxlne, cornoil, or other of the adulterants known to the trade, are used, all the precautions of the skilled painter are useless to prevent the cracking and peeling which make houses unsightly in a year nr so and, therefore. make painting bills too freqnent and costly. "The hoUse owner should have his painter bring the Ingredients to the premises Separately?white lead of some woU-hnown, reliable brand and llnseod oil of equal quality ? and mix the Paint Just 'before applying It." Painting need not be expensive and unsatisfactory if tbe old painter's suggestions are followed. Not by their signs, but by their service, sha 1 ye know them. DOCTOR CURED OF ECZEMA. | rV^Utea Omm 1?H Pw. Itkw I\]tm "Oatlenn Kmm41m ^*11111 Tim fit." "Mr ?*c# >m afflicted with kmiu In the year 1887 1 mi |b? Cutlcure Rtmcdies and wm antlralv eured. 1 am % practicing phyaicjvn> ui r?ry often prescribe Cutieura Reiflrtnt and Outioure Boep in eaaaa cI and thsy bare cured wbara other formulae bar* failed. 1 am not in tha hab.t of endorsing patent medicines, bat wbat 1 find remedies poaaoaaing trua merit, auch M tha 'Juticura Ramediaa do, 1 am brojd-minded enough te proclaim their viituea to the world. 1 hare I been prgalitigg medicine for sixteen years, and muit eajr 1 find jour Remediee A No. 1. You ai> at liberty to publleb thia latter. U. M. Yiihw, M. D., Big Pool. Md . Kay U. 1908." Even busy aaen occasionally u>?Ae idle remarks. FITS,8t. Vitus'I anco-.Nervotui Dihoaaeapermnnentlycured ?v Dr. Kline's Great Nerve Restorer. 89 tr efl bottle and treatise free. Dr. H. R. Kline, JL,981 Arch St., Phil*., Pa. Tlie young lawyer's first plea is a trial perforaaace. Mrs. Wlnslow'sSoothing 8ympfor Children teething.softens tteguma,redacesinAjunma1 tion, allays paln,usree wind colic, 35c a bottle A poor excise is worse than no excuse. CAPUDINE CURES =?--?3j INDIGESTION and ACIDITY ElUtimftrlsjKrc Majoring ID oasts. * 80 Bushels W ntsr Whsat P?L iaM That's the jleld of Da tar's Had Gross Hrbrtt wlaUl, Wheat. Send ae Is staop* for free earn ol a of V*"* also catalogue oTWlnt ^Wheats, Hye mrler HmothT. drsssss. Solos,Trees. eft., for fallp. ..y* MA LZKlt MEKD CO., SaJtiaLaCreeaJJ^V," pNTED:i?p'Sp Bo 33-'06. C*"* For Toar ttaoic, Far*. T~ " Krfaadsor Hatlttta. It you ?a?ianW^Wr ^izsiisi^iisusafiaa^i * Addrw" ? P.?*A WEIXjftoftI K ?*? . (^HICKJ?JWS you cannot spend year* and . buy tha knowledge required , centa. You want them to pt J them aa a dlveraton. In order to han/, tnin? about them. To meet thla want ' of a practical poultry raiser for (Only a man who put all hta mind, and tlm*en raising?not aa a pastime, but aa a t. ty-flve years work, you can save man : earn dollars for you. The point ts, th_ Poultry Yard as soon as It appears, ant, teach you. It tells bow to detect and <J. fattening: which Pawls to aava for be you should know on this subject to maj Ova cants In stamps. BOOK. ', ' .. f . ?' ; ' * f. , ? ; 5- i > ' -i'-i. 1 : '.'in i Ism&M he t : fest^CSixKEjAsi&te *x/-?? a.?_? *l'"k ^C*M. 3MT?H?)?A1.. ^-iVnTH" !?.-d.Vk 111 f ACHINtrm N iwajsva ff COLLEGE.. WW vVLttWl.1 Hg,M[ Nonaol. Pr?> JJ CHARTERED 1795 wSS #1 60 Weok. fall ( roiop?'iNtm. 4tk" tot MdrtM, Tk? DtM.WMhlBitMOoTuiaiTmk. , {~ TdAi^i,"uoniuiV ui iwuuwi < \ColMn; from Oollaga to pioltioB. Pwltlou iMftml ] 'of frw AmwlowTtHmk ( Mis FAVORITE For Baby's Skin & Scalp Because of its Delicate Medicinal, Emollient,1 Sanative, and Antiseptic Properties combined with . m the purest of Cleansing: Ingredients and most refreshing of Flower Odors. I Bold tkrsuhral it* wmM. Callnrt Mf, Ma.. Ot?A?? ?, Me.. K??ol??e?, Ma, (la fonm trf Ch^eelUe Ceeni lui I SIo?od, 1ST Cohumbu* An. roll** I)ruf* "k? fo? ^fe?e l?fin? ?? Parity,end Hwi41f>(ki Skim, SoaI|, limit, mod Htndi o4 Intuit mmd Chlldnm." You Cannot CURE all inflamed, ulcerated and catarrhal conditions pf the mucous membrane such as tofifal catarrh .uterine catarrh caused by feminine ills, sore throat, sore mouth or inflamed eyes by simply dosing the stomach. But yoy surely can cure these stubborn affections by local treatment with Paxilne Toilet Antiseptic which destroys the disease germs,checks discharges, stops pain, and heals the inflammation and soreness. l\ixtine represents the most successful local treatment for feminine ills ever produced. Thousands of women testify to this fact. 50 cents at druggists. Send for Free Trial Box * THE 1. PAXTON CO., Boston, Mm, I#? Dropsy II y ihbotii all awaiting In to aa affect* a ptrakMat car# /S\ a# in jo to 60 day*. Trial treatment Iran. Mothlngcan b? (aim WdM Or. N. H. Unas'* Sans. So 1 Atlanta. On. 9rnmt less Powder Shells | iWtM" and ~~ HEPEATER" 8 iperiority of Winchester x sless Powder Shells Is 8 ited. Among intelligent | s they stand first In pop- X records and shooting a es. | Always ase them I eld or Tro|> ftbootlno* 1 k Year Dttltr For Them. 1 EARN MONEY U_ro?_f?7* ?n? h.i*. u'u ctnnvi qo tms unless you understand them and know how to oat or to their requirements, and ollars learning by experience, so you must ?y ethers. We offer this to you far enly M their own way even If you merely keep e Fowls judiciously, you must know some* re are selling a book giving the expertenoe Sic.) twenty-five years. It was written by and money to making a success of ('hick* jslneee?end If you will profit by his twen* Chicks annually, and make yeur Fowls t you must be sure to detect trouble in the know how to remedy It. Thla boolt will ure disease; to feed for eggs and also far nedlng purposes; and everything. Indeed, xe It profitable. 8?nt postpaid for twentyNO HOUSED U4 Leonard St, NewTerkClty H8N