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M. W. H KELSAUGB Of VEST TIKIRM PRAISES rr-RO-Oi ^?BSmK WSSS^rawgSSiL^: WiffMJi lBWMiKHHwp^ scsv. : : : -x x*>* v *: .*: T5WMWMl z HmM ?& jHi JHBMB jBrnj Hon. W. H. Kelbaulh. I A Cold at Any 7\'irw o/ (A? JVur, Kspc dully in Hot Weather, inVery Deprnunny to the System. Fdru-na is an Cnequaled Tonic For Such Cams. Head What tYople iSay About It. Hon. W. H. Kelbaugb, Kx-Memberi !I\V. Vn. Legislature, 204 fitb street, N.x j '' K.. Washington II- (V < ! * 1 ? " J'et* can um my name and iron? ! | i at uU times/Or /Vrtina an a mrdi-;; c<m# and tonic urifquafrd. I haw I fHfd ? /Wr a itubiorn r?M and'' t badly run dovc-n ?y?l?m. / tried',', , ? | /' morta ef other medicine* a nd ;; t yald am vera I earpenmive doctor ; bill*. M*eruna cured tarn, etrength etied me more than ever, a nd I t mi rod aw money." m Mr*. Oars Litterat, Sea field, Ind.. Myi: "l.aat fall I took a severe cold. I took x Peruna, began to improve and kept on ao until 1 waa able to do my work." So. 32-'06. REuMBtnn iH^y BHQSHHBnmEflVBs I ^ v HBQiHnfffyBn i I CONSERVATORY I pf MUSIC tor Woman B I CHARLOTTE, N. C. Experienced teachers from leading European and American UnivrrI sitie* and Conservatories. KMR I College plant. $260.000: Park I Campus 20 acroa. New. lire-proof I buildings. A. H? and Klactlve 9 Degree Courses. Schools of Music, 9 Art, Expression. Climate, health nH and thoroughness unsurpassod. 1 I *n - denominational. Coat, $285 to $100 per year. Opens Sept. 18th. Catalogue on application CHA8. B. KINO, ParniDeMT ' L fjr\\ (AsV INSTEAD OK HASH. I A writer In an exchange suggests that the remains of a dinner be made Into a salad Instead of the everlasting hash, and gives the following directions: Cut beef, potatoes, beets i^nd turnips In cubes, keeping each separate. Cut the cold cabbage fine. Place on a platter a bottomless wooden mold or pasteboard box with compartments, such as eggs come in. and fill each compartment with a different vegetable and one or more with meat. When all are arranged sot In the icebox until cold, then pull up the frame in which the different things arc molded, leaving them all In shape. Serve with Krench dressing. mayonnaise or a boiled dressing, as preferred. If you have no regular egg compartment box, take any pasteboard box and with strips of pasteboard mark into triangles or squares. Building a Olrl'a Character at Hrhool. Parent* have no more Important and perplexing question to consider thnn the proper moral, mental and physical training of their daughter* at school. The college force* and influence* tell on HKtudent'H future life. Perhaps no school in the South offers as great advantage* to young women na EnztntTB Coi.i.kuk and Consistatout or Mosic, located at Charlotte, >i. (I. This I* a unique institution. aud appeals to thoughtful parents. There ran be no question that the prevalence of certain diseases has increased during the last half-century. Conspicuous among these, says The Practitioner, are diabetes and inKomnla, both of which are largely flue jM> the mental stross of a harder trdggle for existence. i Current Happenings. Kmnpmr William returned to Swmemuende from a four weeks' Cruise in Northern waters. The battleships Alabama and Tltihoi* were in collision near Newport harbor, but it is believed neither was Young's eooection of paintings of tie fiarhizon seholo and modern iW|iorted to have realized THREE ARE LYNCHED Alleged Lyerly Murderers Fall Into Hands of Mob NO CONFESSION WAS MADE ? ? Crowd of Oyer Two Thousand Men Attacks Rowan Jail and Removes Neasc and John Gillespie and Jack Dillingham?Lives of Three Spared?Negroes Marched to Baseball Field Near Col. John Henderson's Home and Hanged to a Giant Oak The Dangling Bodies Riddled With Bullets. Salisbury. N. ('., Special.?A moh of over two tliousun<l determined men entered Rowan county jail shortly after 11 o'clock Monday night, re moved therefrom Ncnse and John Gillespie and Jack Dillingham, charged with the murder of the Lyerly i family at Barber Junction. July l.'lth. land marching them to the edsre of town, sirung them up to a tree. 1 iddling l lie ?l:invrli>>vr bodies with bullets. t teniae Kr\ in was taken from his eel! with his assoeiates, but after eloselv tpiest inning him. the leaders of the mob returned him to his eel I. Before getting in its work the 'nob gave the three vietims all opjHirt unity to confess the crime. Dillingham and Nease Uillespie refused either to confess or deny the crime. John Gillespie, in teats, mainained his to ^lie ?nd. Tiring of efforts to gel confessions from the negroes and heedless of the pleadings of citizens who urged that the vietims lie spared, the crowd hurried the vietims to the baseball Held near Col. John S. Henderson's residence and completed their work. At midnight, less than an hour from the lime of the Hnal attack on the jail the three bodies were swinging in the moonlight from the limbs of a big oak. Fireman Mrl.endon. an employe of the Southern Railway, was shot and fatally wounded presumably by a stray bn I let from a weapon in the hands of some member of the mob during Die riotous scenes around the jail, and Will Troutman. a negro drayman, was also seriously wound-, ed hy a stray bullet. Both were aimply interested spectator* of the proceedings. Judge Long. Solicitor Hammer. Mayor Boyden, Senator Overman and other prominent citizens did all in their power to persuade the lynchers to desist. Their appeals fell upon deaf ears.. As the clock struck 11 the mob came out of the jail with Neasc and John Gillespie and Jack Dillingham and lead them out Main street towards Spencer. The yelling had ceased and the crowd was solemn. The negroes were walked along in the middle of the streets, each one between two strong tnen. There were about 12,00(1 people in the crowd that followed the lynchers. The crowd grew as the procession marched. The party that went in the jail was about ">0 strong. Ilodge Kridei. the jailer, was the last man to give way. He argued in vain. When silence fell on the mob it was evident that a serious lot of men had taken control of the lynchers. The mystery is where the leaders came from, for none of the Salisbury officers knew their faces. It is believed that they came from Whitney. 11 :JO o'clock: At tirst it was thought that all six of the accused negroes. Nease and John Gillespie, Jack Dillingham, Henry Lee and Geo. Krvin and Delia Dillingham, had been taken from the jail but it develops now that the mob left Henry Lee and Delia Dillingham in their cells ami brought George Krvin back afte* questioning hint as to his guilt. Nease, Jack and John were lynched. It is considered fortunate that llenrv. m-ursr aim iiettn were 11? 11 unmolested for it i> generally believed that the two men are innoeent and Delia is a woman. So soon ats the procession ma re lied into Main street and turned toward the country, the town took on a calmer aspect. Many men, sick at heart, went to their homes am) their beds. The odicers here did all they could except shoot to death the members of the mob. 12 o'clock: Just at midnight the mob halted beneath a large oak tree at Henderson baseball ground ne?: the home of the Hon. John S. Henderson. Instead of killing the men at once the leaders tried to make the prisoners confess to the murder. One of the lynchers, had climbed a big tree and was sitting on a limb smokI |\|T U piflPrt n-ftil in? - * ? mr u iiruiiik,?n 111 i. ii ik nn h ropcr | The negroes were obstinate. A retort to the effect that they would he burned eame to town, but thic proved to be a false rumor. Nease and Jaek said that thej would neither deny nor own that they did it. John held out to the last that he was innoeent. Mr. W. J. MeMahon, of Pittsburg. Pa., was at the seene of the death. He did all that he eould to stay the mob, and his words of counsel were heard, hut not heeded. Little .John elung to his arm and begged him to save his life. Ed. Barber, a rola^Jtc of the murdered jioople, begged the crowd to listen, but it was hloodthirs. 1 ty. Each negro's feet were tied tc I his head, he was drawn up to the tim ! OUR PRICE LIST. Combining good quality and low prices. The prices quoted below are guaranteed to be the lowest for quality of Goods: 1 veur old Corn W lisky, per gallon $1.00 .. I-TO ? .. a.oo 4 3.26 5 ,, ,, Tar Heol Corn Whiskey 8.00 1 ? ? Good Rye Whisky per gal 1.75 2 ? ? Good Rye Whisky " " 2.00 :i ,, tt Good Rye Whisky " " 2.60 4 ? Good Ryo Whisky " " 3.00 0 Good Rye Whisky " " 4 00 No charge for vessel or packing. ;">(>< extra will nroiwiv nmpiwo ^ uuu to ilinns villous; over ;i gallons, 75c. SHUMAN& COMPANY, SALISBURY .... NO. . HUNTING TRIP Be ture to he properly cnulppe'?obtain the STKVKNS tnd you ( a n nut i;o w lioNO. We make RIFLE8 . . from $2.25 to $150.00 PISTOLS irom 2.50 to 00.00 SHOTGUNS. Irom 7.50 to 36 00 Ar.kyourH?-*>r *ti : insist t S^rnl (of t4" p*? * ' ?*? on our popular irake. Il.trated catalog. If inter* % our annotol'tain, ?eshl|>| rated In SmxiTING. you dire. t. cmrrimzt cAar~rs I ou^ht to have It. 4?fled nnon reprint of for four rents in atfcmpe to * atalog peh e. I cover postage. Our attrni five three-o?.1oc Aluminum Hanger arid be sent nnvwhere for in < ents In atami*. J. STKVKN8 ARMS AND TOOL 0O-, P. O. llul 4m. Chicopee Falls. Mass., 0. S. A. When in the Market FOR GOOD WHISKIES, WINES, BRANDIES, ETC., I'A LI. ON OR WRITE J olnri Movl0. SALISBURY. - N. C. her siui riddled with bullets. Ness. ml .luck wer^ stubborn. Governor Will Act at Once Raleigh. Special.?Governor Glem: was at II :ItO told of the mob In Iml^r ovei the telephone. II. at once wired orders to the military compaiiirs at < "lini-l??tI?*. (Jreensbob and Stnle*vill?* to hurry on hv spe cial trains to Salisbury. Finding these were |oo late, be eounterinand *d the order. He says that the crime is a blot upon I be State and he wil do all in bis power to briny the guilty parties to justice. Homicide in Khoxville. Knoxville, Term.. S|>eei?l.?Frank Brown, aged IS. was shot shortly before midnight by Owen Nesbitt. a traveling salesman, at the latter'9 home, this eitv. Nesbitt returned from Chattanooga unexpectedly and found Brown at bis home. Brown started to flee and Nesbitt shot him. me bullet taking effect in Brown's groin and after a short run lie pitched headlong into a creek, dead, his skull having been fractured by the I'm 1 i. Neshitt surrendered. Epidemic of Burglaries. Asheville. Special. It leaked not here that three burglaries were committed in Asheville Thursday night and that the combined offorts of the police of the eity to find .*1 cine to any of the burgalnrips were futile. The police sought to keep the burglaries quiet, thinking that they could more easily get a line on the guilty parties. It is admitted by the poliec that the burglaries were committed in different portions of the eity and at short intervals apart. Homicide Bee at Texa^ Election. .. Cohl Springs, Texas. Special.? In an election fight hero. K. It. Adams. Democratic nominee for tax assessor, was instantly killed, Sain Adams, his brother, was shot in the head, and it is nenevea totally wounded. W. Y. Robertson was bndlv wounded and G. \Y. Williamson wouiuled, but not dangerously. Williamson, it is alleged, did most of the shooting. Fiye Italians Discharged Marion, Special.?The jury in the case of the seven Italian laborers charged with conspiracy came into court and aecounced they were unable to agree as to all the defendants. Fiv* f Haw ? ?J J! - - .1 ut.,i uvi Kuiujr ana UIS- I agreed as to James Ma cone and Au- i gelina Tespa. Judge Cooke thereup- | on discharged all the defendants save Tespa and and these were held in bonds of $500 each For Panlng Counterfeit. Sumter, Special.?Vrnnk 1*. Ruffington, a shrewd white man from Town, was tried before Recorder Hurst for passing counterfeit money. He was bound over for trial at the highieonil. In default of $1,000 bond was committed to jail. He passed $5 counterfeit on a colored merchant tting $4.00 in good money after irehasing 10 cents worth of lemons j Wrrvrr aMBTl Mt*im of a lrtHlir |f? darfcar tb n {hoes ia wbiek wo look within aloe. Tho just lira by faith ani tbo faith* fill lira justly. The brave man is the loi to think ot? lecturing on courage. No man ha* eternal lt'e who is willing to keep it to hims>|f. A soft voice may com* out of a liar heart. An Accorr^pliahed Nule. Tho author or "Very Fa- West Indeed" has many amusing storiea to tell of his adventures on the Fraier River at the time of the jold excitement In British Columbia, low neatly forty years ago. He was caking ki? way through the mountains in coin p&ny with an Irishman whin this occurred : Two or three miles from the fery we looked about for a suitable spot it which to camp for the tight; aitl while thus engaged. Pat He man anj 1, with one of the laden mules, fel k.wl.A_ ?-? ucuiuu. rm was twenty or thirb yards ahead of me. and I van urginj on the lagging mule with gentle en treaties. Finding these unavailing. . adopted a more violent expedient, anc threw a atone at him. The stoneit wag a good sized one?missed th# mule, but hit Pat in the back. With many exclamations of rage' Pat descended front his perch, and proceeded to lick the mule. Hardly able to keep from laughing. I inquired "What's the matter, Pat?" "Matter enough. Here's this ould black baate. not eontinted wld thrving to upsit me iv'ry minlt. has bein and a reck and hit me square in the middle of me back." Football in Burma. "tthinlon," the Burmese form of football, is the national game. The name means "round basket," write* Mr. Kelly in nis book on Burma, and the chlnlon Is raaily a ball about alx inches in diameter formed ef platiad rattans. The rame is nla\srt seTeral persona, who stand in a circle a few feet apart. The hall having beam thrown iato play, tha one nearest ta whom it falla kicks it up into tha air with the tnstap. *knea or aid* af tha foot. Tha affort is to keep it in the air as long as possible, and without losing possession of the ball. A fancy stroke is la turn about fare as tha ball falls and kiok It with the aole of tha foot, although the elbows, head, or any part of the body except hand and toes may be used. While playing no one leaves his place, but waits until the bell falls within hit reach, when he In turn endeavors to retain its possession. It is a very pretty .game to watch, and the akill of the performers is often surprising Bigness in Dakota. "Yes, sir," resumed the Dakota farmer, as the crowd of agriculturists seated themselves round a little table; "yes. sir, we do things on rat iter a sizable scale. I've seen a man on one of onr big farms start out in the spring and plow a straight furrow until autumn. The he turned around and harvested back. We have some big farms up there, gentleman. A friend of mine owned one which he had to give a mortgage on. and 1 pledge you my word the mortgage was uuo at one run unuir i-uvjr i-wmu ?n it recorded at the other. You see, It was laid out la counties. And the worst of it Is It breaks up families *o. Two years ago I saw s whole family prostrated with grief? women yelling, children howling and dogs barking. One of my men had his camp truck packed on seven fourmule teams, and be was going round bidding everybody goodby." "Where was he going?" "He was going half way across the farm to feed the pigs," replied the Dakota man. "Did he ever get hack to his family?" Jon'f Hmo fnr Kim rat TT n there we send young married couples out to milk the cows, and their children brim; homo the milk." Tit Bits. It is now estimated that at least 3.000 were killed in the California disaster. The railroads of the I'nlted States killed 3.790 persons in 1905 and injured 55,4GO more, but the extent of this slaughter makes little impression on the "public mind. "NO Tttorm.K" To Chmige From Coffee to I'ostum. "Postum has done a world of good for me," writes an Ills. man. "I've ha<f Indigestion nearly all my life, but never dreamed coffee was the cause of my trouble until last spring I got so bad I was in misery all the time. "A coffee drinker for 30 years, it irritated my stomach and nerves, yet I was just crssy for it. After drinking it wltb my meals. I would leave the table, go out and lose my ineal and the coffe?j, too. Then I'd be as nunfiry as eve^. "A friend advised me to quit coffee and use Postum?said it cured him. Since Liking his advice I retain my ,food and get all the gpod out of it, and don't have those avjfui hungry spalls. "I changed from cofTee to Postum without any trouble whatever, fell better frcsgt the flrat day I drank! it. I am well'noir and^iae the credi^ to little WellvlHje," * S* <>1. . VL% Garret* EwiU. Secretary Wilson staled that many nail packing houses that had not yet applied for inspectors may be barred from interstate commerce in meat products. 8ixty-four railroad officials held a conference with the Interstate Commerce Commission in record to the operation of the Railroad Rate law. The hard work began in the camp at Mount Gretna, Pa. A Fatherly Longing. A Rood sized boy was hurrying along the street, dragging his twoVPar nl/1 hrnthar oftasw him ! ? of the loud protests of the child, when a benevolent looking old gentleman stepped him. "My sen," said the old gentleman, regarding him with kindly eyes, "how old are you?" "Twelve," answered the boy. "You're a stout lad for that age. I should have taken you -to bj fourteen. Never been sick much, have you ?" "No. sir " "I thought not. You enjoy yonr victuals, sleep like a top. and can pl&v hall all day without getting tired, can't you?" "Yes. sir." "I was sure of It. I wish I had a boy like you." "What for?" "So I could turn him over my knee and spank him. Pick tip that baby and carry him. you young savage, or I shall be tempted to consider you nay boy. for all practical purposes, right now." HEAD COVERED WITH HUMOR. SMIiii.i Wttk Itrklng Worm txiBg Tin. ?l*dy Wow CompUtolj Woll?4'arari ky C.ttrura. "Altar Minn Cntirura Soap, Ointment, sad Pills. I am vary clad to tay 1 am -shwly roharad of that itching humor of bo bood sod scalp which 1 *m bothorod vith fwh a length of Uqgy. 1 did not iOO tho Cuticuro Rocoodico mora than cntaa Hifnrt 1 Kaoan tA -oi V?? > 4 bow J sin aomplatale wall. 1 auf rod with that burner on my baad, tod t*?nd bo relief until 1 took tba (kilicura lawiodiaa 1 think I ueeri aararal aakaa a Caiituia Soap, Outm bona of Oint>?at, and twa rial* of PiRa. 1 am do)of 1 1 can to publish tba Cufeeara Kamadou. tor i ay bar a doaa ma goad, and 1 luoo tbar will do otKara tba aoma. Mia. liaWia Jaekaoo, Mortoaoeilla, Kt , J una u ins." Ho ran not serve the Win* who seeks oi!t hi? own crown. FlTK,St.Vitui?'Danre:NervoUH Diseases prruanently cured by Dr. Kline's ttreat Nerve Restorer. tt trial Itottle and treatise free. Dr. H. R. Kline. Ixi..?81 Arch St .. Phila.. I'a. Paf ienee helps us ti? see our greateat privilege in our pain. , Mr*. Winalow's Soothing Syrup for (Children teeMnng.aoftens t begums,reduccKinflhiiuihitioa. allaya jNtiiueures wind colic, a bot tle Ker. George G rent el U ? missionary j explorer in the Congo (Lied of black I wa er l'ever. DA/.KI) WITH I*AIX. The Suffering!* of a (Utizcn of Olympia, Wash. I,. S. Gorham, of &16 Kasf 4th St., Olympla, Wash., tava: "Six year* ago I got wet and took cold,and wan aoon tflat in bed, suffering tortures with ray ; back. Every move- I raent caused an agonising pain, and the j persistency of it ex- ; haunted me, ao that for a time I was dated and stupid. On the advice of a friend I begaa using Doan's | VJ^KTHWIB Kidney Pills, and soon aotired a change for the better. The kidney secretions had been disordered and Irregular, and contained a heavy sediment, but in a week's time the urine was clear and natural agalr and the passages regular. Gradually the aching and soreness left mt back and then the lameness. 1 used six boves to make sure of a cure, and the trouble has never returned " Sold by all dealers. r>0 centsabox. Foeter-Milburn Co.. Huffalo, N. Y. A young American named McClune is said to have narrowly escajH'd a lynchiip in Peru because lie shot two persons dead. ^^Products j I wtbkjMi ko m*k? good auk of | LftW* Food Prodac* mm mdy to min ?M ymm ?at them, ymt aim cooked mcardoft? m w?l m T?m aoutd do | h ypm mrsm kjtcbca. Ox W Dried Beef. BooedCWickoa, OnU Hta, Veal Leaf?lint arm hot a fow mi tko many luado ymm dealer kaepe. Try (or Kmilnnu or manor tomorrow. eemaM Cfcicke. L3/ IllHa. ** How la Make Coed tmo to Col" baa if ymm wrha Ubby. McNeill & Libby. Chicago. I 1 k/L* r j lUmm of IsUTMt. Secretary Charles J. Bonaparte, is a speech to the National Negro Cougress, declared that this country had no room for the lnryf ignorant or vicious of any race. The freight embargo of the Southern Pacific Railroad ill San .Francisco was extended. Secretary Leoh announced in a letter that President Roosevelt would not he a candidate again. ITS MERIT IS PROVED j RECORD IF A 8REAT MEIICME Prominent Cincinnati Woman Toll* How L.ydla K. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound Completely Cured Her. The great good Lydia E. Pinkham'e ' p Vegetable Compound is doing among I j' MM the women of America is attracting the attention of many of our leading \ scientist#, and thinking people gensr.11. T^e following- letter is only ont of I bbdv thousands which are on die in I the Pimkham office, and go to provebeyond question that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound ranat be a remedy of great merit, otherwise it could >ot produce such marvelous resulta among sick and ailing women. Dear Mm Plakham:? "Aheut aiue n>?aths age I we* a great tuf- I fbrer with female trouble, which caused mt severe pain, extreme eerrmisaees and frequent headaches. from which the doctor . failed to relieve me. 1 tried Lydia K Pink- / kam'a Vegetable Compouari. a ad within a _W. W away Will , MWi w??joy; nrw botMaa of it I waa enMraly cured. 1 therefore iMUtil/ r*comm?o4 your Compound u ftnud* tonic. ' It makes Um monthly periods regular and without pain; and what a blaaMLngle is bo find such a remedy after so many doctors fail to halp you. I am plsaasd bo recommend it to all suffering wnttn."Mrs. Sara VT tlaoa. SI Bast Sd Street, Cinrinaati, Ohio. If you- hawppw.Mtd or painful periods. waaknaaa of tha stomach, indigestion. bloating, pelvic catarrh, nervous prostration, dlszineaa, faintnans, " don t-Mis " nnd " wnnt-to-bcleft-alone " feeling. excitability, baekacha or thn blues, these are aura indications of fnmalo weakness, or some derangement of the organs. In such ease a there ia one tried and tn?? remedy ? l.ydia K. Pinkhnm'e Vegetable Conspound. r ' AArv BANK DEPOSIT N.R. FarePald. Note* Taka* 7 .too I'RFP. COURSES B9DH9BK3ZS9BB Board at Cost. Write QulA ) BE OR CIAALABAU A BUSINESS COLLEGE, Macon. Ga j la the eldest aed ftTSt buanre crMrgr in Va. to own iu boU- j i i.g ?a flna en a. No *a< ationa. 1 .adin and Genlirmro. Bookkeeping. Shorthand. Penmamhip. Typewntmg, Tclr raohy, flee. Three Era lau(hl by mail aim. " ( ..11.1 tt-v- .v .1 ?.. ?... vwaiuoM v?u?|? ivuui ui iuc r uiomic rl**."-Thllm. Sttfograohrr Acidrru. C. M. SMITHDEAL, Prelicirnt. Kirhmooti.V?A Healthy Skin. But every wunian can have a healthy, creamy akin with a pair of lovely blush pink cheeks. Pink checks are found In the diet. Nothing except a Rood dietary will Rive a woman the pink and white complexion. CAPUDINE w m II |r Ja yon fool it* o(fcct? is te WlllbW ,?miN Yon don't INDIGESTION and wVt" APiniTV to know ita ?ooi| It<*ur*B AiflUI I I II RADACIi KS ALKO by MmoTlnf ib? c?n 10 cent*. You Cannot I IDT '^Wr BH I2??il | all inflamed, ulcerated and catarrhal conditions of the mucous membrane such as nasal catarrh,uterine catarrh caused by feminine ills, sore throat, sore mouth or inflamed eyes by simply dosing the stomach. Hut vou surelv can cure these stubborn affections by local treatment with Paxtine Toilet Antiseptic which destroys the disease gci ms,checks discharges, stops pain, and heals the inflammation and soreness. Paxtine represents the most successful local treatment for feminine ills ever produced. Thousands of womeu testify to this fact. 50 cents at druggists. Send for Free Trial Box TffS K- PAXTON CO.. Boston. Nut. 11 I ji* III ON ARCH STUMP usjemsfejiti pullers "? *>*? ? Olnnrlrr. - 'Ouarantewl for limuM'Bi*l to* * Lilac.. ad*r*a, Monarch urubb, r co.ljuir 1 im.1l So. 32-'06. 1 M f & TT^IT^ Whfnt, HO nnahrla ?>*r lf\I Q f\l I k Uvtc. 'atAlomie and anmpler || 111 I L |\i Rtif SnlrrrSrri! Co.. Ho* " w mA. V., La Oraaar. Wla. CAMII For Your llomc. Form. Tliahra I.Hiidtnr Huilnrts. It > on want quirk m. n?jr, ltnt your property >?lthnie Co-op-ration doritlif I work. I hare rlrMiable Home*and timber Ln>-0? fop * y i talc. Addrraa S F SK.\ W'KI.I. K<-al Liialr ilU.-oe N.0L K-Iv^ Thompson's EysWatei ^