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Items of Local News. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Watson, of Charlotte, spent Sunday in the city. The Fort Mill friends of Mr. Ward W. Pegram, of Lancaster, will regret to learn that he is ill of typhoid fever at the home of nis iatner, Mr. F. T. Pegram, in Gastonia. N. C. Misses Mary Culp and Mamie Mauney and Mrs. Cacy went to Shelby, N. C., the past week to attend the marriage of Miss Leaner Grigg. Miss Culp will spend the summer with relatives in Cleveland. Mr. W. R. Bradford, of Charlotte, spent yesterday in town. A special term of court is being held in Monroe this week oor the trial of the alleged lynchere of Anson county, the case having been transferred to Union county. The defendants are charged with the lynching of John V. Johnson on May 28. Misses Wren Harris, Willie Hoke and Beulah Faris returned home yesterday from Rock Hill where they have been attending the summer school at Winthrop college. Invitations have been issued for the third annual reunion of the Spratt. family, which is to take place Wednesday, August 1, at the home of Mr. F. Nims, two miles south of town. The Misses Boyd, of this place, gave a large and sociable affair at their home Thursday evening in honor of their visitor, Miss May Zeigler, of Orangeburg. Mr. and Mrs. Hartsell and Miss Hattie Castor, of Concord, have been visiting Mrs. L. P. Fulp. In the Chancellors Court at Richmond, Va., on July 12th, \A- i??TJ * ATii. mains, iormeriy or Pleasant Valley, was granted a divorce from his wife Mrs. Leanna Harris, who resides at the home of her father, Mr. R. S, Torrence in Upper Fort Mill. Nothing further has been heard of Robert Barrett and his son, who acquitted the town suddenly with charges of violating the dispensary law accumulating against them. The elder Barrett forfeited a $50 bond to the town. lvir. YV. J. Stewart, who for a number of years has conducted a ginnery just south of town, has about completed arrange ments for the removal of his ginning outfit to town. The plant will be located on the old ball ground near the Farmer's Warehouse. It is Mr. Stewart's intention to erect a large warehouse a little later on for the purpose of dealing in cotton seed. The new ginnery plant will be run exclusively by electric power. Prof. Jas. H. Thornwell, who for several years has held the fosition of principal of Mt. Zion nstitute at Winnsboro, was a few days ago elected superintendent of the institution, succeeding Supt. Baker, resigned. Prof. Thornwell's promotion is quite an honor to be conferred upon so young a man and his friends here are justly proud of the mark he is making. At present Prof. rn 11 i_ 1 i iiurnweu is reacning in the county summer school of Richland county in Columbia. Train No. 26, the Chester 4'Swing" was delayed here for some time Thursday by a rather unusual accident. Lineman of the local telephone exchange were .stretching wire across the railroad crossing near the old mill ,and one of the slack wires .caught the whistle of the engine .and tore it away. All the steam -escaped and it was some time before the hole could be plugged and steam raised for the train to continue on its journey. Mr. W. R. Smythe, of Rock Hill and Miss Carrie J. McElhaney, of this place, were happily married Sunday afternoon at the Methodist parsonage in Rock Hill, by Rev. Watson B. Duncan. Mr. Smythe is a popular young business man of Rock Hill, and enjoys the friendship of a host of people in that city and this place, his .former home. His bride is a daughter of the late Sam'l L. .McElhaney, and is a young woman of lovely personalities. Mr. and Mrs. Smythe returned ,to Rock Hill Monday and will make that city their home. Congressman Wyatt Aiken writes the daily papers as follows: Having had inquiries from R. F. D. carriers in different parts of the state as to leave of absence with pay, I will state for ;the information of those interest. ed that carriers wid be allowed 15 days leave with pay after . they have served twelve jnpnths, . effp^tive July first instant ? ??0?0???? 1 July if We have ? Goods. ^ AT> Iyet in whic au opportu cool, comfo settes, Mus Ladies' Um fords, Patei Oxfords. ] Embroider i Mens' CI Oxfords, I sample Shi wear. Ela kind, 38c. 50c So* and 00i 20c; 25 ? Everythi 0 at the same ? We sell t 0 They are ti ? one. We 0 Furniture i I I T"3 C$??0??0?@ Out of 40 or 50 foreigners who have been brought to the Charlotte Brick fnmnnriv'c ^ I '1UI1L i here only about 15 are here now. ; The others have drifted away or I were unsuitable for the work. , Of the number now here, one i is said to hold diplomas from five ! colleges. He is a genius in mechanics and keeps a small gaso) line engine running-steadily, that ; has always been a source of an! noyance and expense. At a meeting of citizens held here Friday it was decided to I have the big annual picnic, which i follows the laying-by of crops, ! on August 7th on the graded ! school grounds. Committees were 1 appointed and the work of prc| paration will commence at once. ! The day and night following will 1 be deentfwl fr* oil ' ( w ?,? 1 units , of amusement for all ages and sexes. A barbecue and tournament are two new features to be added this year. This is distinctly a social affair and speeches and politics are not | allowed in the programme. Invi! tations are free t,o all. Senator B. R. Tillman, as pre' viously announced in these eol' umns. will address the voters of ! Chester county today in the city ; of Chester. Quite a number of j Fort Mill people have expressed I their intentions to attend the ; Chester meeting while others will j wait until next Tuesday, the 24th j when they will have an opportuI nity of hearing Senator Tillman i at Filbert, 4 miles north of Yorki ville. A number of country people came to town Tuesday afternoon to witness a game of ball between Fort Mill and VVinnsboro, but were disappointed. It was renort f?d fVint u '* *> -?->^ ? - 4 -v. Up ^UtllC ilUU I ICC I I arranged with Winnsboro, but a ! card from that place on Monday stated that it was impossible for the team to meet Fort Mill on the following day. It is underi stood that the Fort Mill team i will go to Charlotte this morning to cross bats with a team of that ; city. The list of the names of solI diers who were rejected by the ; government during the Spanish| American war, after having en* .listed from this state, is being made by the war department. As soon as the list is completed the government will make settlement with soldiers. The de* partment is anxious to secure these names at once, 50?????@Q?00?? Reduction reduced prices on al /hile you have seven h to use them, we will nity to got the second rtable Dress goods, Li lins, White Silks, M [lervests, Lace Hose, \ til Leather Oxfords am Big* lot Laces, All-over ies. othing, Odd Pauls, 1 [ats, Etc.' Big line < rts, Socks, Suspenders stic Seam Drawers, rc cks, 20c; $1.00 Shirts, 1\ c Shirts, 00c; 50 Suspe cSuspenders 10c, 23c Soc ne, else in summer goo 5 rate. he Perfection Oil Coot iking the day. You jalso have splendid hj md Stoves. 3. BSX. 5???G???????5>? Om-Fiftl Off Mr- ? - i ' 1 e make it a rule never to carry goods over from one season to another. Hut this season we bought a little heavy in order to */ close out our Mens' and Hoys' medium and light weight suits and pants. AYe offer M % ? them at '20 per ct. discount, or 1-5 off the price that is marked in plain figures. Antler Aims. ! v a v A&MiJkVUI All 10c Lawns and Organdies at 8 1-3 cts. ilaif k Co. ? " 1 1 111 i MsnMBMawnrcn ????e?G?sx3 Bale. I i 1 Summer x ill months <& I give you ? supply of Q awns, Soi- ? nils, Etc., x Vhito Ox- ? [1 Viei Kid ? Laces and ? Shoes and ? drummer's ? and Noek- ? ?uular oOc x 8 >c; r>() ? lidcrs, & ks1Sc @ (Is reduced ? ;ing Stove-. ? should try g tt rutins iu ? T<r i -J JCTX-. 5 Q? 8003000 I A book that tells you how to look cool and fresh ; to avoid the pain of sunburn and the annoyance of ; $ j freckles. ; It tells you how Pompeian j Massage Cretin clears the I pores and keeps them free from summer dust and travelstain. (Soapand water take \ otT only surface grime.) We want you to read it?it i9 Given Free with ; ; a Generous Sample of rOMPEIAN MASSAGE CKEAM If you \vill call at our store for it ^ *> Pompeian Massage Cream contain. no oil or urease and cannot cause the urowth of hair on tlie face. It makes the use of fare powders unnecessary, a* it removes all shine caused by oerspirr tiun and leaves no sluae of its own For sain by W. B. ARDREY & CO. I UttleDoctor CURES Liver Complaints ; uses only Ramon's Liver Pills and Tonic Pellets, and gives your money back if not satisfied. Your liver is the biggest trouble inator If 1? ...M?V4 Al y VJ U WUU1U UC well,try Ramon's Treatment. Only 25 cents, fOV 4?U by W B Aidicy ***** \-. :< V ''! Ml? I ????M?3?M??f?? ??@?@???@???? 1 i 61 Rett tOn all Summer Goods, and w TYIO'in if Br" J" 1 ...vuii n. uu not cry "i g around, for you know we can | g time and meet expenses. If ; g Orpandies, Dimities, White g and Black Oxfords, call on us g Black Liles Gause Hose, 2 f g All Linen Handkerchiefs, & 0) All Silk Ribbon, all colors, 5 g) White Shirt waists at a bip g One Pint of Household amn g Fairy and White Ribbon So g Millinery, just exactly at g less than half. Lg We have jupt received Whi g sian Lawns. g White Wash Belts. 15c, 25c MEACHAM 0? ? 1 PARKS D - j j We carry in stock all the si >i I'ATE NT M] || ancl DRUGGl >> DUTES, PEli 44 Cologne, Hay Rum, J and exl raets for tl 4 S? G Our stock comprise Odors. Toilet || Goods, Toilet Soaps, Face l1 6 * I 7 ^ fant Powder Powders, Too 1 PARKS D 4.4 \N\VA\\\\\\SN%SNSNN>NS\V\ V P W. II. HOOVER ?/ DEALER WINES, LIQUORS, CIG, 125 East Council Street, *5 quote you the follow V Brandies, Wines, Etc.: 1 Gallon Now Corn Whisk' 1 Gallon 1-year-old Corn W 1 (iallon 2-year-old Corn W 1 Gallon 2-year-old Corn W is 1 Gallon 4-year-old Corn W 1 Gallon New live Whiskey rv 1 Gallon 1-year-old Rye W 1 Gallon 2-year-old Rye W *? 1 Gallon James E. Pepper 1 4/. 1 Gallon Old Henry Rye W1 1 Gallon Echo Springs Ry< 1 Gallon Apple Brandy (ne\ 1 Gallon Apple Brandy (old 4 Quarts 7-year-old Corn (c; 12 Quarts Mountain Corn (< 4 Quarts Old Henry Rye us 4 Quarts Rose Valley Rye 4 Quarts Malt Rye V 4 Quarts Hoover's Choice R *5 We can furnish you anythir orders will receive prompt atl 9 "W"elsh. ISTeols:! HARTSVILl Co-Edueal innnl and Millfo.-w - - V I * \ 4 ill IIIKU J . heated by furnaces or steam, proyk ated on a campus of twelve acres, ors, graduates of leading colleges o tuition and medical attendance for cadet, $30.00; for young lady about Write for catalog. ROBT. W. Hfl?SlliS!MS1!? graft I JOB PRIN' rrj H NEATLY LXE Hi THE TIMES C ? letterheads.Nnnt heads Billhoads, S VJJ Circulars, Envelopes, Etc. at the lo> m work, Jsond us your orders aqd we 1 I Til lihiiiD MMt Dr. King's IMew Life Pills H The best in tho world. hen we say not sell at cost all the (S you want to buy Lawns, Summer Parasols, White ft at once. ft or 25c. ft 5, 3 1-4 and 4 inch, 10c. ft reduction. ft lonia, 5c. ft ap, 4c. ft half price, all shapes at ft te India linens and .Per- ft and 50c. ft O EPPS ? ?? RUG CO. 1 .andard w EDICINES << fSTS' SUN- \\ LFUMERY, |j , Florida ater, -$1 ic Handkerchief. || s all the popular > and Fancy ?? , and Bath $ ; 'owders, In* \ J' s, Satchel ?? th Powders. ?1 RUG CO. I !? - _! .< XL, & COMPANY, | ARS, TOBACCO, Etc. - - <- Salisbury, N. C. i5? rng prices on Whiskies, j^Z; ey $1.50 hiskey 1.75 hiskey 2.00 85 hiskey 2.50 &: hiskey - 3.00 j??j 1.75 hiskey 2.00 hiskey 2.50 rtye Whiskey 3.00 ' ' liskev 1- 3.00 S^: e Whiskey 3.00 2^ v) 1 2.50 g5 1) -_Z 3.00 8J; ase goods).-- 4.00 3ld) 7.00 L 3.70 88 3.80 55 3.70 22 ye 3.00 ig in our liue and all mail Ay. Mention. 85 CN 4INA<\ < \4\*N4\?A4\S4%^ Eiiglx Soliool ( _,E, S. C. 1 i..~? 1 > uuimi 1^3 iai >;c uiiu cuinmoa'.ous, led with shower baths and situr Pure artesian water. Instruct* f the country. Terms for board, session $120.00. Uniform^ for $18.00 for session, DURRETT, A. M., Principal. ?- 1 1 -- --- ..'j TING ? i CUTEI) AT M I >FFICK. A; ? m S] fl statements, Handbills, Posters, fftj vest prices consistent with good o Times. |1 W, R.HINb'S NEW DISCOVERY^ \| Will Surely Slop That Cough. /