University of South Carolina Libraries
FORT MILL TIMES. ^ UiTHYEAR. FORT MILL, S.C., THURSDAY, JULY 19,1906. NO. 16. ' m AWTUL TRAGEDY f at* Members of Family Are Butchered in Their Beds FIRE SET TO DESOLATED HOME Hm? li'/erly. His Wife and Two Vhild ren jmucwroa a3 rney Slept in Their Borne by Unknown Hands.. Several Negroes Arrested for the Crime. firewis iorn, N. (Special.?One *vf 11). most horrible trajre.!>? ?n t'io history of Kuwait) eom.r occurred near Rat.liiL'tioM. about 40 miles from rni- rity Sat unlay uiornin?*. Ret ween hours of 1 atnl 2 o'clcok an unfeivwn p<? ->>>1 or person* entered the bur.:"- of i .< Lyerly. a well known r.vrror, -iiile it- occupant?- were p, l;:!iin_tr Mr. I.verly. his wife ir /: two of the yonnjjest ehildren and vatn'ty wo :din? the third. T-ue parent* and the litre.' children were nslee:, in the front room on the ^r.-v (loo i. there hei'itr two elder da lyliters n|> flairs, who nntnoie.-ted and \v?*r?? awakened h\ ljiv smoke from below. The yirls bwended m> stah- lo awaken tlicit* Ya'.berand mother. On reaehiny their nun they beheld their father and oiv and three yonnsrest ehildreu yv.?- on the bed. their heads were enured and their fares liadly dis. rfywwd. Tb.t; two older dnn^ht^rs. Marv and \?i .ii j aged and l(i rosneet ivelv. ?u..-;?$?ed to carry the dead bodies t'nrejf the house and extinguish the \rtan i-r.. Then they ran to the nearer neighbor, \V. B. Barbers, and to'd ~?o story of the awful tragedy. There no oflicers of the law at this v:? -i. Yv. R. Mulliken. train dispatch duty at that hour, was notified tud promptly wired the news to the sbr f 'flt at Salisbury, who started at vt . *? ;?? the scene with bloodhounds aioi a posse of armed men. Hhxjd.ino: d o were also scut from Winstont? assist in the pursuit of the gm i: \ Lyerly was a highly respected i' '!? M.d well connected and it is i <?% .vioivable that any one should h;>> ; milling against him or his family . Tl'?> < negro men and a negro wornnr H'.orge Erwitt, Jnek Dillingham ar<: Mitehel Graham and his wile 2i-.t\? !> mi afrested and put in jail at Sulisi/nry on suspicion of complied; \ n the case. Ihi "'wnt is intense in the ncighi*? :'.i > m: and there is talk ol lynching, it ; criminals are caught. Charged With the Crime. ? t.arloile. Special.- SherrtT .lulian >5 Itownn county brought to this city 3" .- ntV keeping, Neal Gillespie, his John Gillcspi^, .tack l>illinghatn a.m tvilc. George Krvin and Ifenry J.-v-. oiorcd, charged with the jnur?ic of Isaac l.yerly. his wife and (k? iddrcn near Barber's Junction. (.1.- i -,\).s nothing to indicate a lynch . i %j i MuiiMiiii \ . mil i in* r>n?Tl1I ihovwht best t?? move the prisoners. "The loner's ,jurv fastened tlie crime ape* ',11 1 uc prisoners. Ivcgroes Macle Threats. VI. unit 1.. Wi'iili, a white man .?d worked \\i;!i Noase flillesj?-. < large mulatto, about 40 years old. r period thai lie had heard the iu~o.. i?i the following language: "*?>!<i man l.yerly can cut that wheat r.?t >lir;; Ii it but In* will never eat it or get the money tor it.'* Thi?- walled something that Mr. .1. i.i. loverly, a son be a former wife. , bad heard his father say. Nease Oil V-fo who is a saw mill hand for Mr. .lohn Dellinger, moved into one i VJ Isaac LverlvV cabins last fall. He. o ? son and step-son agreed to otovk r.o much land it they took" the t - i* ... a ?rr ' j\ section 01 wheat was !ai(J off. i.? (jillespies snwcd part of this, hut trading that they could get plenty <?*" cork at good wages ilul not sow the ire lot. This, not being ae niit eg to contract, worried Mr. LyerL\. spoke to Xease and wh*, in turn. cursed. Finally, howevc. the ijnaiti r was settled by Mr. Dillinger, hi ?.i? mill owner, agreeing to pay ho;irent for tiillespie. Nothing nv? e was heard of tlie wheat until otv.v tune ago, when it had been cut hx Mr Lyerlv, who was preparing to Luxe it thrashed. "Monday Nease Gillespie went down to Mr Lyerly's house and asked hitn surliat. he was going to do'with the wheat. ^"*A > 1 "Why, I nm {joint; to thrash it and use it," said Mr. Lverly. "You will not," declared Nease. Hot words followed and Mr. Lyerly ordered the negro out of the yard. It was here Gillespie told his landlord that he would kill him or die in the attempt if he used the wheat without giving him a share of it. It was after this that Nense told Mr. Webh that Mr. Lyerly might rut the wheat, hut he would never eat or sell it. Gillespie had been very insolent to Mr. Lyerly. The crowd which gathered at the Lyerly home heard of this threat of | Gillrsnie and went ti? liw Immn <?? arrest him. The negro had gone to his work, a mile or more away, hut his wife became frightened and ran to the home of Mr. Pick Files, a farmer, and hegged hint to protect her. saying that she would he hanged for killing the Lyerlys when she had nothing to do with it. Said Gillespie Knew of the Crime. "I don't know nothing about it, hut my husband does," said Gillespie's wife. Near the home of Gillespie was a freshlv burnt spot, where a straw bed and other things had been tired si nee daylight. Those who graveled in the charred plaee found pieees of clothing. and a s|?oonfnl of seortched blood. Some paces froui the house a bloody shirt, which"'had been boiled, and was still wet. was discovered in a weed patch. These hits of evidence, when put together, make an interesting and convincing story. Gillespie's wife was hysterical and wild. She lalked two wnvs. hut 1 lie officers believe that she gave her husband away to Mr. Files. Gillespie is described as a fussy negro. Utie ot I he ladie> told the officers of a conversation that their father hatl with Dilliiighuui. one of liis bunds. He luid been after Dillingham for being 1 rirtin?- when the negro told hint that he was going: to leave and go to work at the saw mill. Mr. Dverly answered: "Yes. if yon go there and work five da\s right straight along 1 will set yon tip." This seemed to rile Dillingham, for lie told some one that, exeept for the reason that lie lived on the old man's piaee. lie would have given him a cursing. Friday Mrs. I.verly had trouble with Dillingham's wife, who was taken to task for leaving dirty water in a wash tub. whieli had been loan*1 to her. The nopress beeame mad and abusive. Those who were looking for motives thought that .lack Dillingham and his wife should he aire ted. Attack On Rowan Jail. Salisbury. N. tSpeeial. t>u Saturday ui?hl. .just before midnight, a desperate attack by a leaderless mob was made upon 1 lit" jail here with tin* purpose of dealing1 summary punishment to the alleged murderers of tin* Harbors .1 unction family. The ofTicers allowed two committees of tlie lynchers to go through the jail and sec for themselves that the prisoners bad been removed to Charlotte. Then the mob dispersed. Sentence Confirmed. Philadelphia. I'a.. Special. Tin United States t 'oiirt of Appeals aflirm 11! th" sentence of live venrw ... .... J.. . *>1 <iii(*Hi for I leu rv I .ear, former pr?~-i?]?*ni n| tin* Itolycstowu. I*:i.. Nation: I ban kt'or ahsiI'iidiny ii . funds. (Jno. I*. itruck. former ?n>bu and brothci in-law hi ly ar was also comidcil ami appeal is pending. Assault by Would-Bc Robber. Wilmington. Special. A neirru linking almiit tin* premises. evidently bent mi robbery, assaulted yountr |.e?? I.aey tiptm .yuinj; to I??- home on nppei Market street ami beat ami eliokei! 11iIII iiitn ir.seu-dbilit \ when lie came forward with a stone to drive the black man oft*. 'I lie yminv ma:'father. later cominu to tlie house, found liis son unconscious in the front ,1 'CI ....... in- iiv-j{ii? n- iii>i iiecu jiri'i siell. Mi.-' identity :> iiiii I;inn\ n. Drowned in James River. Hiehmoud, Special.- Large parlies are searching for the bodies of Jolin (iordon and Miss Sattcrticld, two wellknown young Richmond society i?eople drowned while on a launch party down the James river. The accident was due to the launch careening while in the wash of the steamer I'ochahontas. Three of the party was thrown from the roof of the craft, hut otic was rescued. AFTER PEACE. Redd?'I ?ce an amateur society has been formed for the ''diffusion of the cult of the bagpipe," not only in 8ootUnd. but in Kiigland. Greene?Move that matter also he referred to the coming peace tribunal.?Yon hers Stalesuiau. |t / LP [ROUBLE SPREADING 1 South American Republics Are * All Involved in War ALL AMERICAN INTERESTS SAFE < Third Country Enters the F-ay in t Central America. Giving Guatemala i Two Opponents and Increasing the * Probability That Nicaragua and ? Even Costa Rica May Also Become ? Involved?Invasion of Honduras ? Territory by G'.iatemalan Troops in Pursuit of Salvadoreans Motive for t Step?Cabrera's Overthrow Desired a Throughout Central America. J c Panama. By ('ab)t.?A telegram re- \ eivod here li<>m San Salvador says j that Honduras declared war against t iuutemalu. t According to t li i-- same message, ihe following proclamation has been irculaied in Salvador: "(Jeneral Boiiilla, eonimandiug the Salvadorean army, has repelled the ^ final etna Inn forces at Metapan. in v f Salvador, ten miles ea?t of the tinate.ualau frontier. The victorious army . of Salvador retained the positions ^ eaptnred from the enemy." The deei.ii .<i ion of war by lion- f Auras against ({itniemala brings a ^ i third Stale actively into the (Jentral ^ Atliet iean trouble, wltieii hits been nogtessitte with more or |e-s severe ^ lighting and bloodshed for a mouth or iiore. Honduras and S? 1 uiv I ^ now arrayed against their neighbor I 11 tin* west. Niearagna ami Costa lliea are I lie only two count lies still J tussive and it lias been said that tin* former is about to lake purl in tbe ^ lighting. I'p to the present Honduras bas seemingly taken no part in tiie ditli<*ii11y between her neighbors. Ueeent reports, however, declared her territory hud been invaded by ( iialeniaUiu troops in pursuit of fugitives from t the army of tJeneral Kngulado. the I Salvadorean commander, who was e kilied in the lighting at Jicaro. r The present trouble in Central Am- s riea lias been blowing for a long I time. I'or the past tivo yea is the r revoluiionisis ha\e been planning, in- * trigiiing and preparing for the over- i throw of President Cabrera, am! in e iheir cffurls to this end tliey have no! < failed in appeal for support in eer- ?1 liiin elements in 1 londiiras ami Salva- 1 dor. work in*; on the national jealous- ' ies of the lirsi pi nee annum tlie sever- " al States forming t'enlral Anieriea. ' President ('alireI'a lias lieen harsh N Iv nilieised l?y liis enemies. They ' deelare In* rulrs willi extreme depot 0 ism ami thai no man's life i- safe 0 under his administration and thai Ihe '' ?-?>imt r\ morally and eroifotiiieallx is ijoiiijr In | lie doj?s under his ninvisc and ill-udvi-ed eourse. On the oilier hand President ( ahrera has deelared that (his revolutionary movement is im*onse<|iiential and thai the iioverninenl would promptly put it down. !, President Cabrera's term of olliee 111 inn explicit in |ill*.?. ! I ? hsis 111-isleil. however. in li<??<lini* oilier. Washington. Special. Tin' State I >t?|?:ir111it*111 ha> i'ii i11 i'? I'lli;iI i<111 cull- ' rernitijr lIn* ilcela ration ??I' war hy | llomluias ajjainst Iinatrmala. lint no surprise is manifested. a- tin* frontier nl Honduras i- in I'm disturbed district. Thai no advices liavi' been x' rcrrivrd on lli?* subject is no) sni|ni>itnr. a- ihc 1 "nil I Stale- representativc In | he country also represents (uialenuila ami live- in (lie latter o country. While the I i;iinl Slate*, has a consular otlices in Honduras. they e may not liml n cas\ |o conuiiiiiiicate p with the .American minister in tiiiale- r mala or wit Si the State I ><*|i;irtmetit. s Special Term of Court. Raleiifli, N. (S|meial. -Col. Arrinirton, private secretary to Cover- t tmr Clenn. who is absent in Atlantic T Cit v. ordered a soeeial leim of K'uusm ? county Superior Court l<>r the trial r of the alleged murderers < !' Tsaar 1 ,v- t crly ami members i I" his tnmih at ^ Barber's .lunction, earl* hist Satur- h day morning. .Iul\ .'?Olh i< the (lav h set. Judge B. ! '. Long will preside. tt Killed in a Pillow Fight. Philadelphia, Special, heath resulted from a pillow tight in the c ward for nervous patients in the ^ Philadelphia Hospital. Samuel K. v Yourtg, aged ."><> years, and Theodore r Horne. aged 57 vears. inmates, who .1 -7 II wore not on friendly tcvins, engaged t in n light wiili pillows ami Young p was knocked down. In falling Iii~ b head striu'k one of 111?> iron col- mid lie died almost instantly. Nome lias r been ])laced under surveillance and f, will be given a bearing when his eon- i: ilition warrant* his remove! from the a hospital. i: [MOLINA VA. EDITORS 'forth Carolina and Virginia Press Associations Hold Annual Joint Session at Mecklenburg Hotel?Excursion Trip to Boston. Chase City, Va.. Special.?The forth Carolina ami Virginia Press Lssoeiations met in joint session at lie Mecklenburg Hotel Friday moiling with a good attendance. Two essions were held at which several xcellent papers were read. At night ,1- \ : 11 i ? ? - ? in. i oiiv miner auuresseu uie asso- I iation and Kev. J. U. Atkinson deivered t'ne annual oration, luvitaions were received to uioet next year it Kenil worth Inn. Asheville, and also it the Jamestown Exjiosition. This natter will he left to the executive omuiittee. The editors will leave llotiduy for Boston, via Norfolk, oil in excursion. All are charmed with lie entertainment at this famous ho 1. Serious Accident. New Bern. Special.?A white man ?v the natuc of Cicero Buck, an emilove of the Blades Lumber Company, offered a serious and perhaps fatal leeident. The mill had shut down or the purpose id* undergoing; re>airs in the engine department, and lad .just started up. Mr. Buck atempted to pass between the opening let ween tin* up|>er and lower section if the belt, which was moving slowly. lilt 1H <1(1! II tr l?i? K-l - ... ..W nu IV31 llir? liaiHIII'C. ind being' taught by the belt vras lorne onward to tlie wheel. Hi< danger was then noted by another InVx>rr who gave the alarm, but not beoiv Buek was terribly crushed. lie vus taken to the Stewart sanitarium or treatment. He is internally inured and his recovery is verv doubtul. Librarians to Asheville. ( 'Impel liill. Special.?The deletion represent t nj*' the North Carolina dbrgry Association at the twentyiglith annual meeting of the Amerian Library Association at Narraganett Pier. it. t.. June *2!) to July titb. ins just returned to the State very nueli elated over the fact that Asheille was chosen as the place of meettig for 1007. The delegation. cont|H?sd of Mrs. Annie Smith lloss. of the amegie Miliary, Charlotte. presileut .?r I lie North Carolina Library Vssociatiou; Dr. Louis If. Wilson, of lie I'niversity Library and secretary 1' the State association, and Mr. \V. \ Randolph, secretary of the Asiieille board of trade, received sin h learlv support from a large mnnlvr f Southern State associations and durational leaders in presenting the laiin for Asheville ar.d the South at urge. that the executive council of lie American Library Association ottld not do otherwise than give isheville the next meeting. Guatemala Pushing War. Washington, Special A cablegram eeeived at the State Department iom Minister Merry, at San Salvalor, stales that continuous lighting s proceeding on the border line hewe?Mi (Juatemala and Salvador; also !iat the (Siiatemalan troops have rossoil the Iitio into Honduras. This Iter i- under-fond to he part of the iunternalan attar on the fugitives f Reguladoarmv after that leader iiis killed. ;:-i ucnt uotton. Now York. Special. Tlio first halo f thi- M'ai''s cotton oroy sold at notion in front of tlio rot I on c\ 11:11?vfO mi?I hroujrlil '24 cent- per oiiiiil. It was shipped from Ka I Curias, Star oonntv. Texas. It will lie !i ppo?l to Liverpool. Three Ladies Injured. Winston-Salem, Special . While liroe ladies were driving from Wnrnl Tall to Vade Meeuui Springs last rook the team lieenmo fiio4itmu,.l an away. Miss Fannie Co/art ol hirliam had her left limit broken, liss Bain ol' I! reel i si to i?> had one and broken or sprained, the other idy whose name is not learned susained painful bruises. Kills Wife and Children. ( liarleston. S. Special. A speial to The Kveninu I'ost from Wali, rt .. ' ? * ' linn w . irneiran, a i'ell-to-do white fanner of Colleton ounty, killed hi^ wife and four chilren, hrnininvr tlieni with an axe at heir home twenty miles from Walprboro. lie then went to a neiyhor's house and told of his deed. Teiuhhois hioiv.ii! him to W'alterbon jail. Irneuan says he killed hianiily, hut does not know why. lie ? a native of Sweden. Some year? urn he tried to cut his throat, and i i believed to be insane. I | Late JVetvf | ' | In -Brief <* ? ' 1 MINOR MATTERS Of INTEREST | I Secretary Hoot loft Ssni Juan. J. j U.. for Kio ?l?? Janeiro. The President signed lot I eomniissions at Sagamore llill. It is stated Demitri ShijiolT has deelined the Hussiati Premiership. Kx-runpress Fugenie was weleomed at 1 sell I hy Kinperor Francis Joseph. Five American >lVtcet> have been named to attend the Herman uiaueuv- * eis. t Hush work was ordered on the government buildings for tin* Jamestown Fair. The Chicago and Alton Uadroad was lined $40,000 for granting re- ' bates. j l>r. W. Starr Jordan in a lecture . predicted more eatthipiakes for Cali- f fornia. A Wisconsin milliner named Nellie !< I'lilisoti was found murdcicd in a Mitt- t nea|>olis hotel. J Miss Hose M. Satterliehl :tn?l .1. \V. Cordon wtM t' drowned in I In* James 1 river sit Kieliumiid. I Ambassador Wright presented a ' Inter I'lum I'resident Koosevelt to I lie ^ Kmperor ??J" Japan. The Stiite Depnrtuieitt i> using' all (] its inlluenee to avert a war between (iiiateuiala and San Salvador. John H. Chapman was eleeted pre ident of the Baptist Young People's ^ l iiion for the sixteenth time. c Areorditt" to report the walls of , the Vaetieian are unsafe and the , Cope ha- ehanged his apartments. A voting woman who registered at (Soshen. \ a.. 51^ Minnie Join's and ask- ;t ' ed for the brst room i>i the house r eomniitted suieide. 1 A sweeping inipitry into the grain 1 trade and the alleged combination hits been begun by the Interstate Coin inetve <'ontmissioii. The tiial of the Uar.iie divorce suit which may begin in Citlsburg i> ex- , iwrted to be a battle between bandit writ 111.'' expei |v. 1 Judge Alton B. Casket replied to I lie speech of Secretary Tall at v (ireensboro. N. <eritieising some n statements sis ineorreet. Curt led, when put on the witness u stand in the llargis-Callaliau ease, ex- | ...1 i\'t.:.. ? 1 . .: 1 1 < <> jin-n tt iiiic mm siim 11*' II II.Ill > k i 11<>< I Mareum. .1 Several important wit nesse> have \ heen loeated in tin' Thaw ease, ami lit*' slayer <>f Stanford While maile ' a -.tatemenl i*> reporters. 1 >i\ i iit \ students in I'ei-ia have re- ' vivetl in \ ioleni I*>rin tin- agitation for a *hhi*?i iI ill i*>naI sy>irni *>l ?overniwnt. I Yirp-Ailuiiral ( hoiinkiiiu was > !n?t x hv an assassin ai Sevastopol and. it is s thought. will <lie. I he assailant **seaj>- | ing. Three ease> *>l" aniii'il men attaching oftieials with liionex ami rohhiug I them . !' large miiiix ai" reported I'roiii s Russia. \ Tie' how <>l ili*' Hamburg-Amerienn J I.mi*' steamship I >* * 111 -**l 11 :i 11 * I was had- I' ly damaged li\ ?-<?lIi->*??11 wit! a pi?n l< at Dover. Kngland. v "Tom ' Jones ami t'harles A. ' W oodruff were hanged from the samel" scaffold at Indepcmlence, Ya.. ami ' Andrew I.. Davenport wa> hanged at ' N?'Wp*irl News. All three wen- n*'tl'ois. v S I ll<* 1 It! t I'M lie sellon|> Mllll ~ rial cii'i' I? r harkward Mini delieioirt children ui'ii' dismissed before tinAmer'nan 11 i^i il 111 < of Instruction. n meet in** in New 11 a veil. Secretai y I en in parte gives half tin* '? armor plate t<> I lit- Mid vale Company. t In* hnvc-i bidder-. ami I In' 'j nilicr halt |i> I lie Carnegie ami I let It- ( lehetn Companies, I lie so-called "ar- y niMi-|>lnie trust." . ( Tlie Virginia fanner-" Infinite at <1 Woannke wa> attended |?y nearly 1.- !$ llllll la liners, who tleelareil their oppo- j sitimi to the International Harvester e Company. ii A sweeping inipiiry into tlie grain trade and the alleged eonihinat ions lias heen begun hy tlie Interstate < oiiimi'i('iiruniissio'i. r Amid ltiimallihhh srciiis tin* I'Vonrli ( IuhiiIh'i- ii;' l??-|nitics mn?I?' Ail'i-.'il J Dreyfus it >11 ;t ji>i of artillery n?>d Colonel I'icquai I a hi isjudiiM'-uriiorai. 1 Ii At 111 Mliriri'StlOll l>| Kllssi.i j, proposed visil ,11 tilt' Miitisli lie * to 1 Cinjistad' Ii;i- hern indelitrk j.< ?; jviihmI. sl Tlo- will of Stanford \V!iit?* Ii1'',! ' in Xe\< York. leaves !ii> ostat . tli?* ' vol IK' o| which is not revealed. to Ii is viJow, mother and brother. v ????^ SOUTH CAROLINA CROPS ? Condition of South Carolina Crops for Week Ending Monday, July 16. 1906, as Given Out by tha Department. l,ik" tlit* preceding week, the cur ent one was delieient in sunshine. [ Vw t hunderxtorms and no high winds centred. Both the averape temperaure ami the averape precipitation vere below normal, although exees?ive preeipitation occurred in the exreme northwestern, southern and oast sections. 'IM... . .i. n-iu|>i-iauur lanjjc iui" uic weeic vas from a minimum of til degrees it Greenville on the 10th to a maxiuum of 94 degrees at ('on way on the Mh. With the exception of one day vlien maximum temperatures of 90 legrees, or above, were noted over naetieallv the whole State, the range if the maximum temperatures was. rom til to 70 degrees, except in the astern portions where the range was rom 7'J to 77 degrees. The precipitation was generally beow normal, although frequent light bowers oeeitrred over the entire state and kept the soil amply supdied with mniMure. while the excesive eloudiness. and low temperatures invented the ground from drying lit rapidly. Small streams overflowd their batiks in a few localities, but lie larger rivers have maintained heir stages only slightly above their lorinal gage readings. The Tax Assessments. The State hoard of equalisation ''riday adjourned to meet again at the all of the chairman, Mr. ft. (J. Hill t' I'nion. At the next meeting the nauer 01 assessments on real estate ill I)'1 considered. %S Probably as many as (en auditor* me not yr*i mailed their abstract* to tie comptroller general, and for that vasnii il^<? matter Qt' assessments on val estate could not lie considered. I'll** auditors are not to blame, tor lie chairman of the board wired to aeh deliu<|uent and found that there i'as a valid excuse in eacil ease. The assessments on eotton mills, utilizer plants and eotton seed oil nills were adopted upon the report* it the respective committees. The omniiltees which reported on the nidation of these manufacturing n'opert ics were as follows: Cotton Mills: A. Zimmerman, Ocoice: .1. I'. Derham. Horry: Morris srael. Charleston: \V. H. Murphy, partaulmrg: H. II. Folk, Newberry; I. I., t^uinby, Aiken; J. St. Clair* Vliite. Berkeley; ,f. F. Cox, Ander011: I. I.. C. White, Chester; I'. f?. olnisou. York; .1. A. Meetz, Uichnnd .1. .1. I.atie, Marlboro: It. M. :i veland. (iveiMivillo I'Vrtili/er Plants: I-. \V. (!aniioii, >iii*liimloii; \V. .1, <'imninjrliniii. I.annstor; A. .1. If irlil>nnr<>, Clarendon; A. Cochran. I'Msjeliold: S. M. (lain. I >ni clicstrr ; .1. Hcr>r. Ri'illlloi'l, N. i. Mel,? <>iI; If. M. ?'Lilly. Oranjjpmr?: S. I), (lues-;. Itamherg: .1. .1. iiillin. Barnwell. Cnltnii Seed Oil Mills: .1. II. Mckenzie. Haiii|?lnii; II. ,1. Mel .atiriri. >iinilit ; M. I ,iiisroinl). < 'lierokee; J. d. Snivel I. Kershaw; l>. (!. Price; Ue\. .MeTnirjrarl. I**l?tr<,in*t?; I.. S. "i it'll. < iMip'lown : Thomas I,. Truv>r. KairficM: .1. \V. Alton (ireen?>:>?I . If. I'. Adair. I.aniens: II. C. ' > n li. Salmla: K. II. 11?*n<Iri\. Ijoxnrlmi: C. Pricks, Pickens: .1. E. .<>nia\. Ahhcvillc; I?. M. Italic ril ine, 'lies! erlield. Till1 assessillCllI s nil IVrl ili/ 'i lilanfa i"-ir increased t n>in s;;,o( is in !7.77">. <>r mi increase of .$7.~>0,000. Tin' cotton v <il oil it i i 11 o wore ini.i-cd from $'J.7!M. I.'tli in n increase ol $'J.!.*>.:I!is, |)>'iiici|?ii 11v in ou Inisiness enterprises. Tlie col ion mills sliow nn increase f noiirlv I" i?or cent.. 1'roin $41,507,! I to * !0.l.">7.liM!l. Tlie new concerns ml on tlie t:ix Imoks ||>is yenr are iiekson mills. *"2(i.dOI); Alliny and irem Kniilin^ mills, $">.000; Koval tax and Vnrn company. $.'Jd1.000; Jlohe M;imil';i?*turiii<_r company, $40, mi; \\ ( stiriinslcr Knit I in*; mills, 1,1.000;Aiii?M'ican Pros* Cloth Cnm aiiv. .Ionian Maniti'aHniing~ r?ni|>aii\. $12">,000; Manufactnri<i com[>:uiv. J*"'?0.000 Pressing Pardon Petitions. <invrrrnr Hevivanl. v. ho lias just iiriiol from Virginia, finds some >ros>iiiff pardon petitions mi Id* ami-, then- lieinc lia' a do/.cii lianyriims hooked for ?>ji 11\ Auyiist. lie a- issued a call for a -jiocial mcetii' <>| flic pardon ho;,ni to he ||ol?f intrust 1-t. Toe attorneys for Hob hnalh. tlic N'oill. t'liroltna white mar / ciilciiccil to hanir A writs! .'trd. have een i'ni 11 toil a Hale for n ln-ariii? be ore flic ("Inventor .Inly 'JI. The parone board lias already passed adersoly upon this case. ' , J