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0- . ?????? ? Pie Crust. Ttoy tableaponfuls sifted flour, one MMwpuon cold lard, two tablespoons ?sM water and a pinch of salt. Chop flhs lard in the flour unttl it Is fine. An mix with the water, using all the ^taor. Turn out upon a well-floured Aaaurd, divide equally and roll out ??w?-iu*ir. Cover tire pie pari, patting Or crust to get out the air. Fill with adtatever fruit you have, roll out the apser crust, fold In half and cut three abort nlits near the center of the Aald. place over the pie and pat down l Ate edges. Trim off the rough edges sard mark around the edge with the CiitxM of a fork. Rake until a nice ftmarfl Hothnr tm i oeror?o *?nrl ?II ? ? ?uuvtiv* up cut/ ov? u|/o auu i vii jftim out again, and cut out with a can cover about the size of a silver - *Sallar. Prick each piece with a fork pari bake a delicate brown. Place a Ml of jelly in the center of each place and you have a plate of dainty 3 ^ 1 -? | ? Heavy Postage on Letter. A Dover, N. II. man has a letter fiaai the Arctic sea on which the poBtape amounted to more than $25. It -PC* written on a vessel in the Arctic whaling fleet, and had to be sent by use of the boats returning with a , > ewrpn. TOBlt:UEI) WITH GKAVKL. Sheet Using Doan's Kidney. Pills Not m Kloflo Stonr Has rornicd. Opt. S. L. Crute, Adjt. Wm. Watts Cfcmp. TJ. C. v., Roanoke, Va? says: ?"I suffered a long, long time with my back, and felt draggy and listless and tired all the time. I lost from my ary passages were too frequent, and I have had to get upoftcn at night. I had headaches sad diuy spells also, but my worst mWofing was from renal colic. After 1 began using Doan's Kidney Mils I passed a gravel stone as big as m Pcan. Since ihen I have neyer had sua attack of gravel, and have picked op to my former health and weight. I am a well man, and give Doan's KJdnoy Pills credit, for it." Hold by all dealers. f>0 cents a itoxn Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, -Th. X. There is hardly anything that makes a woman madder than to have her photograph look like her. So. 127. Itch cured in 30. minutes by Wool ford' Snmtarr Lotion, never tails, cold by Drugr'M.1 Mail orders prjointly tilled by Dr. Detcnon, Crawtordsville, lnd. fl. fThe Eyes. V/hen the eyes have been irritated ifbrcngll excessive ose a compress ?f Jlxio linen wot with very cold wuter will maaoraily bring relief. An eyewash {Chat hp particularly excellent when inaRammai Ion has HQi*ain can be made by wumuib.'ng ^ drops of spirits or camjptmr, cne teaapoonful of tioric acid and twrp-thlrds of^a cupful of boiling water. Oool, strain through tuuBlln and apply eery hour wlih an eyeoup. Veils with thick. haatr* dots are extremolv bad for the eyes, and they are not half as pretty as the finer French veils with a large dot scattered hero and there. (Heading In the twilight or continuing to do fancy work when the eyes are Hired should be forbidden. K Grown of. Gold. "The late Paul Lawrence Dunbar, the n? gro poet," said an editor, "once ddre-sed a Sunday Bchool in New tfork. An odd Incident happened, though, at Its end. an Incident that >unbtir laughed at as heartily as the rest of us. "Ihinhar. toward the close of his remarks, said: '? i **'And, my little friends, if you do 11 these things some day you will rear a gold crown. Yes. each of you wmn "uy win wear n gold crown.' "A little chap in the front row. catching the poet's friemlly eye, pipeil: t u"Vy fader wear3 one now.' said the poet. " W 9. he does?on his toof/ said tbc little chap."' cjrKM:n nnrrou <Cui cu a 20 Year-' Trouble Without Any Medicine. A wise Tnd'unn physician cured 20 jronrs* stqntuch dineaso without any Jnnll.-inc, as his patient tells: *'t had stomach trouble for 20 jrours, tiled allopathic medicines, fatonl mcdit itte3 and all the simple L remedies suggested by nty friends, j 1 but grow worse ail the time. % . "Kinally a. doctor who is the most % prominent physician in this part of P the H:al)> told wwrnidicino would do ce no -utod Anly irritating my stom<w.h und making it worse?that I mast look to diet and quit drinking ?r*?Iloe. *T cried out in alarm, 'Quit drlnkiiafc coffee!' why, 'What will I drink?' "*'Try Postum.' said the doctor; 'I ?fr?x,k lr and you will like it when it made according to directions, with ?rrow?. for it is delicious and has ol the bad effects coffee has." well, that was two years ago, and I A nm still drinking Postum. My ?te?ar? is right again and I know for hit the nail ou the head when %?* ?.trilled cotfee was the cause of say trouble. I only wish I had quit timers ago and drank Postum In Us >?<:k " .Name given by Postum Co., sHaeCreek, Mich. rr loo 5a?o to mend. Ten days' tl 4>T Postnm In place of coffee \lr? rxroadeifa. There's a reason, v.ok in pkgs. for (ho famous littlo ^'"'The Road to Wcllville." ?, j ' \ . x ^ a ,v N i tXPlAINSRSTE BILL Facts About the Leading Piece of Work By Last Congress ITS STRONG AND WEAK POINTS Salient Features of the Measure Which Became a Law After Lengthy Consideration. Tt is cornetliin?r of a task to study in detail tlie ''rate bill" as it lias become law. Tt may. therefore, bo useful to our readers to make a summary of the salient features that work important changes in the interstate commerce law. The definition of common carriers includes for the lirst time express companies and pipe lines for the transuortation of nit lint nol seel pi lie: ear companies. The dclinition of a railroad covers all the appurtenances eoniuyted with tracks and terminals, and the term "transportation*' covers all the inslumcntalities used in receiving, conveying and delivering: persons or property, including: what is necessary for ventilation. refrigeration, storage, hail- , dling. etc. This brings under the law the so-called private car companies and elevators. The clause restricting the use of passes or free transportation is new. but it is pretty liberal in the exceptions made. The provisions intended to prevent common carriers from competing in production and trade in commodities which they carry is limited to railroad companies and lakes effect on the first of May, UH)8. The main purpose of this, which was one of the Senate amendments. is to divorce the ownership, contrdl and operation of coal mines , from the railroads engaged in transporting the product, hut it applies to all other eominodities except such as may be for the use of the railroads I in their business as common carriers. tj_:I J- > naiiman.N are required to make 011 reasonable terms sueli eoiiiieetion at shipping points by means of spurs,sidings, etc., as may lie ' reasonably practicable,'* where it will result in "suflieieut business to justify the ' construction and maintenance of the . same." Whenever they fail to do this and complaint is made, the commission after investigation may require it to be done, and its orders in the premises may be enforced by the same proceedings as its other orders. The provisions regardintr tlie tiling and posting1 of schedules of rates and charges are fuller and more explicit than those of the law at present. They must include all through and joint rates, or, where these are not established, all the separate rates and charges ''applied to tluougli transportation." No change can be made without a notice of thirty days, except that the commission may*"in its descretinu and for good causes shown," allow changes on shorter nouee or modify the requirements of the law "in respect to publishing, posting aiul filing tariffs." All contracts, agreements or arrangements between common eaiTiers affecting thoii* rates or charges must he tihsl with the commission, anil it may prescribe the form of all schedules. Similar requirements arc made regarding passenger fares. There is a stringent anti-rebate provision, which is substantially that of the Klkius Act. but somewhat strengthened. ]t makes it unlawful for "any person or persons or corporation to offer, grant or give, or to solicit, accept or receive any rebate, concession or discrimination in respect to the transportation of any property." whereby such property shall "hv any dvice whatever be transported at a less rate than that named" in the published scuenuies, or whereby "any other advantage is given or discrimination practiced." The penalty is n heavy line for each offense, but any person or any officer, director or agent of a Corporation who shall he convicted of the offense is made also subject to imprisonment. Ample provision is made for the enforcement of this clause, and offenders who receive rehates or pecuniary advantage are made liable to forfeit three times the value of the eonsideratioii received in proceedings brought on authority of the Attorney (ieneral. The section giving the commission power to prescribe rates lias been made familiar in the long discussion of this measure. It is only necessary t to recall that where upon complaint and after full bearing the commission finds that "any of tli'- rates or charges whatsoever demanded, charged or collected," or any regulation ov practice "effecting such rates or transportation," are "unjust or unreasonable, or unjustly discriminatory or unduly preferential or prejudicial or otherwise in violation of any of the provisions of this Act," it may "do i< i mmv' jiim |jit- i 111ii* wuai win im tin; just and reasonable" rates or charges to be observed as the maximum, and what practice i> just, la%*.and reasonable to bo thereafter followed, and may issue an order for their observance, which "shall take effect within sueli reasonable time, not less than thirty days, and shall eo ii tin no in force for such period not exceeding two years, as shall be prescribed in the order of the commission, unless the same shall he suspended or modillcd, or set aside by the commission or be suspended, or set aside by a court of competent jurisdiction." The power to pre % ' Mmmmrnmrnrnrnmar % vn i wun HUNTING TRIP Be sure to 1* property ariuim*^?obtain the STEVENS and you L an not c;o T\ RONC, We tua'-e RIFLES . . . from $2.25 to $180.00 PISTOLS . from 2.60 to 60 00 SHOTGUNS . . from 7.60 to 36 00 Askyourck.ilrran l insist; i;ftvl for rjo-pare ?tiuson our popular make If trated catalog. if Interyou cannot obtain. n*c ship i cstcJ in shooting, you direct, farriir^e ehar~cs I ought to have it. v lined prepaid% upon receipt of j for f?Mit cents In Stampi to catalog firice. I cover postage. Our attractive thrrc-color Aluminum Hanger will be sent anywhere for 10i cuts in staini*. J. STEVENS ARMS AND TOOL CO., P. O. Box 4006 Chicopse Falls, Mass., U- S. A. OUR PRICE LIST. Combining good quality aud low prices. The pricQS quoted below are guaranteed to bo the lowest for quality of Goods: 1 year old Corn Wiiskx, jkt gallon $1.50 2 " 1.15 2 ? .. 2.00 '* If ?? ,f M M > 2. 25 5 ,, ,, Tar Heel Corn Whiskey 3.00 1 Good Kyo Whisky per gal 1.75 2 ? ? Good Rye Whisky " " 2.00 3 ? ,, Good Rvo Whisky " " 2.50 4 Good Rye Whisky " " 8.00 5 .. ., Good Rye Whisky " " 4 00 , No charge for vessel or packing. 50c Hxtni will prepay express on one to three gallons; over 3 gallons, 75c. SHUMAN & COMPANY, SALISBURY - - N Q. ! i When in the Market 1 FOR ! GOOD WHISKIES, WINES, BRANDIES, ETC., CALL ON OR WRITE , Jolin JS/Lo^srle, ; SALISBURY, - N. C. ^ l scribe rates extends through and 1 joint rates where the carriers halve failed to agree upon them and cmnplaint is made. Elaborate provision , i> made i'ol* enforcing the orders of , the commission, by prosecutions for failure to comply with the require- 1 meats of the law and tor forfeitures and penalties. Incidental*' in designating the venue for suit.- against the commission to 4 enjoin, set aside, annul or suspend any order or requirement of the commission." jurisdic lion for such suits ss specifically vest- 1 eil in the Circuit Court* ?>l the Unit- | ed States. This is a point which pr?- " voted surh a ponderous and prolong-. e<! debate in the Senate. The provisions of the former Art for expediting '' the hearing and determination of suit in equity an so forth" is made applicable, with some further specifications, and here the proviso over which so much contention was made is interposed, "that no injunction or interlocutory order or decree suspending or restraining the enforcement of an order of the commission shall he granted except <>n hearing after not less than five days' notice to the commission.' The other important provisions- are I those relating to an mini reports to the commission, the details of which are | fully prescribed, giving the coiniuis- , sion power in its descretiou to pre .ni-1 iik* Tonus ior all -*aeounts? re- i cords and memoranda to he kepi, by the carriers" subject: to the Aet:.. including those relating to the movement ot* trallie, n< well as receipts ami expenditures, and enlarging the commission to seven members with seven-year terms ami increasing salaries to $10,000 a year. There 's no doubt that this bill lias greatly strengthened and improved the inter-State commerce law. llnv, this provision giving the cointniskm power t.<o prescribe rates will work can only be determined by experience, i'robablv the only elTeet it will have wit! be to put the carriers on their guard and induce them to take pains with their schedules to nvuiil conflict with the ' authority ot the commission. The ! commission may also he cautions about conflict <?vef rates, but it' there should be serious conflict the cumbersome system would probably break down by its own weight. New Canal Commission. . Washington. Special.?Because of the failure of the Sou ate to cor.rirm the Isthmian Canal Commission, President Roosevelt lias named a new commission consisting of Theodore 1*. Shouts, chairman; John F. Stevens. Governor, Governor Charles E. Magood. Brigadier General IVter C. Hains, IJ. S., (retired), Mordceai Endieott, civil engineer, I*. S. X. ! ami Benjamin M. llnrrod. members.. mmm. THERE'S THE RITB. "Ilo you thir! :? mathematician is flkriy 10 make a good business man?" asked the student. "Not necessarily," answered Mr. Dustin Stax. "A mathematician can pile up long rows of figures. But the hard part of the trick is to set tho dollar mark in front of them."?Waah* ington Star. l.o. toi VlTS.St.TUa a' DcbccNwtou DImhw per? an^dtlf eured bjr Dr. KIIm'i Great N*rr? Kestorer. II trial bottle and tnatlM tra*. Do. H. B. Ki,i*k. L<L. 981 Arch *t.,PblU..Pa. In March 1M6 Japanese left the Hawaiian Islands for the Pacific Coast. Mrs. Wlnalow's Boothing Byrop for Children teething ,so ftena t begum*, reduces inflamiuUoa,sla|tpsll^UWVUd oolio,26cn bottle William Dean Ho wells can tell by your accent what city yon came from. Tiikn'Dr. RlRR^rn Huckleberry Cordial For all IJow?l Troubles. Cholic, Dysentery. Choleramorbus, Cholera Infantum, Children Teething, etc. At Druggists 25o and 50e. Lord Northcote, governor-general of Austrulia. was entertained at a banquet in a coal mine at Newcastle. New South Wales. The banqueting ball was "00 feet below tho surface. How'a TMi T We offer One Hundred Dollars Iteward for any ease of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo. O. We, the undersigned, hav* known F. J. Cheney for the last 16 years, und believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions auil financially able to carry out any obligations made l>y their llrm. IV est A Thcax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, (J. Waldixo. Kixnak A Mabvix, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo. O. Hall's Catarrn CureLs taken internally, actingdirectlyupon the blood tiDd mticuous surfaces of the aystem. Testimonials sent free, l'rlce, 75c. per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Take Hall's Family Fills for constipation. State pride takes strange forms Wisconsin notes that more rats than ever before are being caught within ncr uoruers. Stic attributes tliis fact to the increased production of cheese. CHILD'S AWFUL SKIN HUMOR. With 1'nin ? SufTrrinp; Ncnily Hrohr I'nrrnt't llfiirt?Spfctllly Cured by Cutlrura. "I wish to inform you that the Cuticura Remedies liave put a Htop to twelve years of misery 1 passed with my son. As an infant I noticed on his body a red spot, md treated same with different remedies for about five years, but when the spot hefan to get larger 1 put hint under the care of doctors. Under their treatment the disease spread to four different parts of his body. The longer "the doctors treated Inm the worse it grew. During the day it would get rough and form like scales. At night it would be cracked, inflamed and badly swollen, with terrible burning and itching. When I think of his suffering it nearly breaks mv heart. Ilia ocreams could be heard down stairs. The suffering of my son made me fall of misery. 1 had no ambition to work, to eat. nor could 1 sleep. One doctor told ine that my son's eczema was incurable, and gave it up for \ bad job. One evening 1 saw an article in the paper about the wonderful Cuticura and decided to give it a. trial, i tell you the Cuticura Quit men t is worth its weight in gold, and when I had used the tirat box of Ointment there was a orrnnf iirvr?i-rvv?. ment, and by the time I had used the second set. of Culicurn Soap, (Ointment and Resolvent my child was cured, tie is now twelve years old. and his skin is as tine and smooth as silk. Michael Steinman, 7 Sumner Avenue, Brookl; ny S. Y., April 18. 1905." Don "c waste (into* findintr Am It [villi yourself; lln:<'s what yimr friend.4- arc for. CA.PUDINF. 6 \ IMMEDIATELY CP*** J '1 U. HEADACHES I jy ' . uraln op COEDS ^ott*t 10c- At Drurxusi ! POPE-TOL \ THIS 4-CYIJ E Contains svery good featu I incliiiiHxng /,'hrftpie I Gravity feed. C; J cam b<r driven feeiiiii | SO miles an beui oc J A light wieldy car c * tires ; rasy on the pocketbc.o | POPE -TOL This :s our fa*ont entr I n i ' Ir. engine ana -cnassis and owner. Roamy Tonneau ai WIS TO PI.A ^ WRITE U { ' SPOPE P ! ' > [ Boston, fM. Y. City, j Washington, | | Members A [k "IT SAVED MY LIFE" PRAISE FOR A FAMOUS MEDICINE Mrs. Willadsan Tails How She Triad Lydia E. Pinkhan'e Vsgetable Compoaad Jaat in Tine. Mrs. T. C. Willadsen. of Manning, Iowa, writes to Mrs. Pinkham: Dear Mrs. Pinkham :? " I can truly say that you have saved my life, and I cannot express my gratitude tio you in words. "Before I wrot? to you, telling yon how I felt, I had doctored for over two year* steady and spent lota of money on medicine* besides, hnt it all failed to help me. My monthly pe1 rinds had censed ami I suffered much pain, with fniutiiig spells. headache, buckadte and t>e?ring-down paina, and I was so weak I could nardly keep airouud. As a last resort i I decided to write yon and trv Lydia E.. Pink; harc.'s Vegetable Compound, and 1 a'Ui so | thankful that I did, for after following- rour ! instructions, which you sent me free nil charge, I became regular and in perfect health. Had it not been for you I would be in m * grave to-day. " I sincerely trust that, this letter may >ad every suffering woman in the country to I write you for help as F did." When women are- troubled with> Iri regular or painful periods, weakness, I displace.mentor ulceration of an organ, ! that bearing-down feeling, inflamnuation. backache, flatulence, general del bility.. indigestion ot nervous prostrai tion. Cliey should remember there is t one tried and time remedy. Lydia E. ! Pinkham'sVcgetableCompound atonce | removes such troubles. No other female medicine inthe world has received such widespread and unqualified endorsement".. Refuse all substitutes, For 25 years Mrs.Fink-ham. daughter! in-la'.v of Lydia E. Finkhatn. has under J her direction, and since her decease, i been advising Hick women free ot | charge. Address, Lynn, Mass. ] MEDICAL DEPARTMENT", TULAIMC UNI VERSITVfOF LOUISIANA) Its ltdvantages lor luui-ncal Instruction. both In ntnt-le laboratories mwi abundant hospital materi.ils are unequalled v." ?. an-fsn is given to the grent Charity llo?|iit.?t with 900 beds nru' i 30.000 patl-ats annnallx N*e,-ial Instruction -a | glv"n daily ut the bedside of the sick Tll? n-vl urns' m begin* October IKth. lilllH. Kcr 1 catalogue arid ItiforuiatIon address I I'KOP'.H. F C'ltAll.l.F. .11. IF. Ilran. P.O. i?rn wrr JfBt. NK?# UKI.KAsls, #3 Dropsy It \ Removes ail swelling in R to rci 1 days; effects,* prrmanent cure /AS, je. in .to to to dr.t-s. Trial treatmeut ffec- Notbingcan be fairet A.iWrite Dr. H. H. Green's Sens. SSGlSD&clallsts. Box b Allants. 0a. (Ill llTm Address of (11 person* of past 1BI (1 M I ?- I I - lndlartblood who are not llv? MM Mil I LU in* wtlli ntiy tnl*. (i) dl lusn who served In the Fcdern" army, or (SI the ' " nearest kdi ot stloli soldlar* or sailors, cow. tics-eased HATHAN BICKFOKD. Washington, l> O. I * 60 Bu-wt?ls Winter Wheat Per Acre ! That's thfl vlold of Sal/or'h VrhI ?"rim*h Hvbri?l Winter Wheat. in Ktampn fi.efMtuplc <>f tuuno. as i alito cataloga** ofWlnterWh?AU?, K.v?\Bnrloy,(7lowrH, j Timothy. Ora*??'*. Hulhi*,Trot?. etc* . for "all planting. 1 HA L/KK ^KP.l)( 0.,Hox A. ?i\ LuCroaafiWUu ED^^^T'E iM)KK 2 0-24 (L P. P r<; or the wcrid~s best practice N?cke! Trans ipe Cart Victoria or Canopy Tc ici i*. teara*. iirg or ai b t&k'i hij^h gear. j[ great speed and. ettdura k tor upkeep.EDO TYPE ance model which is now so popi i is a car which appeals to the < rid Pope-Toledo construction thrc CK SOiKE; O'/; THILSK CAR* S rOFi PARTlCUf, ARS, CATAIO w 1 i-optr-Toledo Type X, $250 0OTOR C ESK 3, TOLEDO, Ol 223 1 ...... 17 D. C., - - .819 1 ssoclatlon of Licensed Automobile nMifstcisaw&aiaaMaii V >u m . s ... WM * (own IKM and Beautified by liuciu* YSI)AK The World's Favorite Emollient for rashes. blemishes, eczemas, itch- ' ings, irritations, and sea lings. For red, rough, and greasy complexions, for sore, itchmg, burning hands . and feet* for baby rashes, itchlngs, and chafings* as well as fbr all the purposes of the toilet, bath, and nursery. Cuticura Soap, assisted by Cuticura Ointment, the great Skin Cure, is priceless. (bnplrt, Mid far ,i<y Rvnir, from Plmpta* t* 8rrnf?l?. frpm l.f.noyt. Amt miiMUi o? Caftwn Dup. B? Olofcnw.t. M?., R??rl Kp.(ta form of CHMlitt Co*t*d Mil.. IV- p. rtf ^1dn.?ni^?. A Prud A Ch.m. Corp., if.'. Prop... M.a% rr>. u<-?lo Hdf * You Cannot CURE all inflamed, ulcerated and catairhal conditions of the-muoons membrane such as nasal catarrh,ute-Tine catarrh caused' by feminlnerllls,. sore threat, sore | mouth or inflamed eyes by simply j dosing the stomach, l' But you surely cam cure these stubborn . atteetinns lurJnnil' Paxtine?ToiTet Antiseptic j which destroys4he disease gcr ns,checks 1 discharges, stops- pain, and heals the ! intlammaticauuid.sorencss. j Paxtine represent** the most successful ; local treatment fur femlnin * ills ever , produced. Thousands of women testify ! to this face.'. 5pocots at druggists. Send ibr Free Tri.i Box; THE R. PAXTON CO.. Beaton. Nui^. Stn. 27-'06. An PKK MAY. ??rnl. nanUik i\ / TA Ik M rt? nntl Wnjtril, wrttr ? kDi. III kDJ.'o""' A M P.RU'AN Nir> '*r v CO., KU'liiuiinil, -.v. K X, $2500. } ()P? TOLCOO | i in automobile construction., I nii^ian, Gears and I >p, $200 extra. TXiis 8 ip to its maximum of 1 nee.. Easy to drive; easy on | VSI, $2500. 1 jiar. It has the regular 30 H. I convenience ana com'.ort ot tiie 5 iughout. * i: IN VOIR VICINITY. \ GtlCS, CT.C? w >AR CO. -110. J Columbus Ave. | '33 Broadway. 8 4th St.. N. W. | Manufacturers. g .