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1 1 J'-eins oi Local News. Messrs. C. S. Link and J. C. Walker attended a meeting of the Shriners at Wrights ville the past week. Miss Beulah Hoagland is ill of fever at her home on Booth street. If i " iviiusu;r james loung, who has been ill of fever for several weeks, is reported to be improving. Little Esther Meacham, we are glad to report, is also slightly improved. Mrs. P. K. Mull, who has been in ill health for many months, is reported to be very ill at present. ; The employees of the two mills here were given a holiday yesterday?the 4th. Mrs. W. B. Ardrey, W. J. Stewart and J. J. Bailes returned Monday after a few days so-! joum at Wrightsville, N. C. | The local express office on Tuesday received about 50 dozen bottles of beer and probably 40 gallons of whiskey. Mr. J. C. Thornburg and little daughter, of Helena, Ga., were visitors the past week in this township. Mr. J. A. Withers, of Worthville, N. C., was a visitor here Sunday. The Ladies of the Village Im-1 provement Society are requested to set a good example by keeping their own premises, and pavements in front of their homes, as clean as possible. Mr. Gary Moser and Miss Patsey Simpson, a young couple who reside in the village of the Fort Mill Mfg. Co., were united in marriage Sunday afternoon by Magistrate J. W. McElhaney. The Fourth of July was observed here yesterday by a general suspension of business. Fire-water was substituted for firecrackers by a majority of the patriotic (?) ones and the j J - * 1 " * * demonstrations lurnished by these were the only public evidences of the day being a national holiday. The Ladies of the Village Improvement Society have compiled the Every Day Cook Book, which is on sale at Dr. Meacham's Drug Store at 50c per copy. Purchasing the best ingredients from our merchants and with the tried and true recipes of our best housekeepers one cannot fail to serve a delicious meal. A large crowd of townspeople were out to hear the musical given Wednesday evening by the j ladies of the village improvement society. The musical selections, | Doth instrumental and vocal, were of a high class and were much enjoyed by all present. Dr. J. ; H. Thornwell contributed much i to the pleasures of the evening by an interesting and appropriate address. Senator Tillman has, we are j informed, accepted an invitation ' to address the voters of York , county upon the occasion of the big Woodmen picnic to be held at Filbert, four miles north of j Yorkville, within a few weeks, j It is to be hoped that Mr. Tillman ; will also consent to speak at the ! annual picnic at Tirzah during next month. The many friends throughout the county and State of Hon. J. W. Ardrey will regret to learn that he has decided to withdraw from politics and will not offer for re-election to the House of Representatives from this county. Mr. Ardrey's reas- i on for withdrawing, as stated j to a Times reporter a few days J ago, is that his duties at home are such that he can attend the 1 sessions of the general assembly only at a sacrifice of time and neglect of his interests, and he , has decided to drop out of politics. Mr. Ardrey has served only one term in the lower house, and his friends were much pleased : with his work, and would have given him hearty support for reelection. The Fort Mill and Winnsboro ball teams divided honors in *v?^? series of games played in the latter place on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of the past week. The game of Wednesday was won by the Winnsboro team by a score of 5 to 2, while the game of Thursday went to Fort, Mill by a score of 5 to 4. Fri- I day's game resulted in a tie of i 1 to 1, and was by far the closest j game of series. Eleven innings failed to give either side the winnincr *iir> on/1 ? .?... c?v4 me game was ; called in order that the Fort Mill team could catch the train for nome. Arrangements are being made for another series of fames to be played with Winnsoro on the Fort Mill diamond, but these will not take place until the latter part of next week. ) v ' * \ I July We have Goods. \ yet in whi< an opportu cool, comf< settes, Mus r.??i. 11 oc * i t . ? ws? umuvr' L II @ fords, Pate @ Oxfords. ? Embroider ? Mens' CI x Oxfords, I ? sample Shi x wear. Ela ? kind, 38e. X o()c So 0 and (JO ? Everythi q at the sann 8 We st^l 1 1 0 Tliey are t; tone. We 1-41 ii m? -i ? I i ? <-? rg x Li I 111(11 I A* I T.] <s!?SK3?????( Evangelist Leitch Converts a Dispenser. < :ii- \ ? i x iiuiiuuitsviiit1 nas no snort dispensary or dispenser, but is short, a dispenser. And all this is on account of a revival meeting conducted there by Evangelist Thos. Leitch. Mr. Leitch knows all about the evils of the drink devil by actual contact as well as through inspiration, and his efforts on this subject are usually such as ought to appear in black type even in a great family newspaper. He has converted various persons at Timmonsvill, including the dispenser, Mr. W. B. White, who has forthwith resigned. At least that is the information that has reached the State board about the matter, and an inspector is to go there in a few days to transfer the stock to Mr. White's successor, because Mr. White, since his resignation, has not wanted to touch the thing at all. ?Columbia Record. Tillman Needed in the Senate. As an evidence of how general public opinion of Senator Tlllmon Unn ? ' xmiuuii lira uiiaii^uvi, we nave The Baltimore Sun editorially proclaiming that he is needed in the Senate. That South Carolina has long thought well of him, The Sun says, "has been shown by his election for 15 years to the highest office the State has to bestow. But the country at large, which at first feared the untamed fire-eater with his pitchfork, has come to realize the sterling virtues of this rugged old Roman. His unimpeachable honesty, his continual championship of the cause of the people and his unfailing courage have won admiration and esteem even from his political enemies. Not only this, but in his management of the important railroad rate bill?an honor unexpectedly thrust upon him?he exhibited statesmanlike qnalities that revealed a new phase of his character." We agree with The Sun tb?t tin is a good man to keep in the Senate and there need be no uneasiness that South Carolina will fail to return him.? Charlotte Chronicle. Don't bo fooled and made to heliove that rheumatism can bo cured with local appliances. Holliater'a Pocky Mountain Tea in the only positive cure for rheumatism. 85 cent a. Tea or Tableti*.?Parks Drug Cy. X Reduction * reduced prices on al V liile you have sever 3h to use them, we wil liitv to act the second %' i * >rtable Dress snoods, L dins, White Silks, M dervests, Dace Hose, A lit Leather Oxfords an l>ii> lot Laces, All-over les. iothing, Odd Pants, i lats, Etc. Big line rts, Seeks, Suspenders stie Seam Drawers, r< cks, 20c; $1.00 Shirts, 7t c Shirts, 30c; 50 Suspc >c Suspenders 10c, 25c Sec ing else in sununer goo e rate. lie Perfection Oil Cool \ k i iio- f.lii* /hi\* ^ ... ?. ? ? * m ? i v; 11 i" also have splendid 1) and Stoves. Z3 T3TJ1T 13. jojjLijl 3???003??80??? SPECIAL! SPECIAL! ? ? I From this date we offer our entire stock of Dress Goofls, Etc.' at prices that will . interest the closest buyer. We shall not attempt to quote prices, but if you Avill give us a call our prices will do the rest. 4 liespoet fully, McEltaj & Co. / Sale. I II Summer 8 al months 8 1 give you ? supply of ? awns, Soi- ? nils, Etc., 9 Vliito Ox- ? (1 Yici Kid g juaces ana (g) Shoes and ? drummer's x and Nock- Q igular 50c || )c; n() ? inters, kslSc ? dsreduced ? ting Stove. ? should try @ argains in ? -jZE^Z . cl ??0??08>G? CHARLOTTE OBSERVER The Largest and Best Newspaper in North Carolina. Every day in the year, $8 00 a year Tho Plisorvpr nmiuicta r>f in l" i pages daily and 20 to 512 pages Sunday. It handles more news matter, local, State, national anil foreign than any other North Carolina newspaper. THE SUNDAY OBSERVER is unexcelled as a news medium, and is also tilled with excellent matter of a miscellaneous nature. THE SEMI-WEEKLY OBSERVER issued Tuesdays and Fridays, at $1.00 pur year, is the largest paper for the money in this section. It consists of H to 10 pastes, and prints all the news of t he week- local, State, national and foreign. Address, THE OBSERVER CO., CHARLOTTE, N. C. 50c GETS THE DAILY RECORD nc rnriiMimA e n VI WLlVKlUli 1, <j VJI For Ten Weeks; which covers the Campaign. In Tho Record will be found daily j reports of the campaign meetings by J. WILSON GIBBES, a votoran at such work HiH name at- i fuelled to the reports is a guarantee of i their fairness and accuracy. For nine years Tho Record has advocated the dispensary. Editorially it daily sets forth the reasons why the J disjKiiisary should he retained. Every ; friend of the dispensary who wishes to keep posted with arguments to moot : the opposition should read Tho Record. The Record ten weeks for 50c, absolutely in advance. THE RECORD. Columbia, S. C. HOLLISTER'S Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Busy Medielro for Busy People. Brings Golden Hulth and Renewed Viffor. A speoliic for Constipation. IndltroRtion, T.lver and KJdney trouble*. IMmpIes. Eczema. Impure IMooU. Had Hroath, Silutrtrish Bowels, Headache ?ml HacUarhe. Its Itocky Mountain Tea In tablet form. 35 cents a bo*. Genuine made by | Houfsm DflUO COIIPAWT, Madison, Wis. I 30LDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE 00?030800?00 8 1MEACHAM Have the Hot Weather C White i Persian Lawn, 12 l-2c, 1 121-2c, 15c and 20c. French 15c. French Mulj, 20c. Oth 121-2c, and 15c. Colored Lawns ; tWe still can give you an; 5c, 9c, 10c, 12 l-2c, 15c, 20c, Lisle I Women's Black Lisle Ho for 15c. Same in Men's, 15c White Shii An elegant line 50c to $3 cial waists at $1.00, $1.25 an< Tow See our 10c Towels in Hu OXFORDS?Anything y< comfort. White Linen Parasols, fc MEAGHAM </ f\ A * r s~* I| PARKS 1) i ^2 We carry in stock all the ? H PATENT M ; \\ and DRTJGG I |Ji DRIES, PE1 S) Cologne, Ray Rum 5> and extracts for tl cs | || Our stock comprise 6 Odors. Toilc H Goods, Toilc | p Soaps, Face 1 I fant Powdei I V> Powders, Toe J PARKS D ! 44 | ! ! I \SNN\\\NV%\S\%\\\\\\VN\\\\ X !| W. H. HOOVES I ?> DEATJEI WINES, LIQUORS, CIG $$ 125 East Council Street, ? We quote you the follow Brandies, Wines, Etc.: $V 1 Gallon New Corn Whisk $V 1 Gallon 1-year-old Corn \\ 1 Gallon 2-year-old Corn W 4/ 1 Gallon 3-year-old Corn VV 1 Gallon 4-year-old Corn W ? 1 Gallon New Rye Whiskej 1 Gallon 1 -year-old Rye \V 1 Gallon 2-year-old Rye W 1 Gallon James E. Pepper 4/ 1 Gallon Old Henry Rye W 1 Gallon Echo Springs Ry 1 /< " * ~ " 1 vjaiion Apple urancly (ne^ /V 1 Gallon Apple Brandy (olc $$ 4 Quarts 7-year-old Corn (c 12 Quarts Mountain Corn (< 4/ 4 Quarts Old Henry Rye ?5 4 Quarts Rose Valley Rye__ 4 Quarts Malt Rye /V 4 Quarts Hoover's Choice R We can furnish you anythir orders will receive prompt att \\N\\\\\\\\\V\\\\\\\\N\\\\ p S\\N\\\\\\N\\S\\\\\\ WWW V <?Js | SOUTHERN jf 1 THE SOUTH'S GR | B Unexcelled Dining Cnr Sen B Convenient Schedules on nl E Through Pullninn Sleeping i ? Winter Tourist Rates in Et IS jgj jnl For full information na to rntes, W Southern Railway Ticket Age | BROOKS MORGAN, A Q. P. A., Atlanta, Ga. 1 iTflllWfc m\WMi fUS LIMITED MEANS OR EOUCl ALL OUR G.OOO GRADUATE! K. R FARK PAII). HoiBnATM oo, n,\ - A | A RI tow tin ivm*c? vl/\, olfrti UL 9 I 8EPW| ? 3c and 2V~. India Linen, ,fl| > Muslin, 10c, 12L2c and iK I _"| ?? - ? - ityr very soeax goods at 10c, .0 iik) Organdies. 0 / colors in these goods at 0 and 25c. 0 Hose 5 se, big drive, worth 25c, ? "t Waists. ? .50. Call to see our spe- jgj i $1.5?. ? els. v ick and Turkish. * ou want for both dress and * umerly $1.50, now $1.25. 5? I S EPPS ? >?? ??o??a?a<a? a RUG CO. | .tandard *S ' . EDICINES ? ISTS' SUN' \\ 1FUMEKY, << i, Florida Water, || lie Handkerchief. || >s all the popular || t and Fancy << t and Bath IS ^owders, In^ <> l rs, Satchet \\ >tli Powders. RUG CO. ? , & COMPANY, f? IS IN I ARS, TOBACCO, Etc.j - - - Salisbury, N. C. p? mg prices on Whisjkies, ey. ...$1.50 M rhiskey J..75 gg hiskey ZOO rhiskey , Z50 >> rhiskey 3.00 gs r 1.75 g* rhiskey__ 2.00 ** hiskey Z50 gg Rye Whiskey 3.00 hiskey 3.00 * s e Whiskey. 3.00 iv) 2.50 gg 1) 3.00 25 ase goods) 4.00 gg old) 7.00 3.70 25 3,80 gj 3.70 M ye 3.00 lg in our line and all mail fijj: ention. 5;5r vj - i . u . m I railway!!, EATEST SYSTEM. ? I Local Train*. r*< i s on Through Trains. ? r^ct to Florida Points. |?L i routes, etc., consult nearest l? fl R. W. HUNT, j| j[ u. r. a , unanestOR, S C mil n i ?' .? wiif .'.j j 11 jlw.wwwwb? MY A $5,Ool I ATlON NO HINDR*MCt. 'A I 5 at write IS. COLLEGE, Maconl I