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f,IKE WORK OF CONGRESS M Whst is Being Done Day by Day By the Nation*1 House and Senate. J Alcohol Bill Passed. ) After considerable debate the Scn?] ate passed the bill relieving denatured alcohol from the internal revenue tax and the*^ took up the agricultural appropriation bill, which was still under consideration when the Senate adjourned. The disjwsition of the alcohol bill turned largely upon the effect of the legislation on the ms..?ofacturc of wood alcohol, which Senator Aldrich asserted would ho geratlv injured. Thcro was also considerable discussion of the amendment autlioriz4 L _ A* 1 _ ?> 11 iu|? tut! jmiciu^'i ui Mimpius 01 ail serums and anti-toxins for the ?*jrc of animals, and it was denounced by Mr. Ilale as another steri in the direction of poterualism which he deprecated in strong language. Senator McCumber supported provosion as in the interest of proctcction of the public against poisonous and otherwise dangerous decoctions. The amendment was agreed to. In connection with the provision muking an appropriation "to originate crops by selection, etc.," Senator / ^ Hale sc:d this was an effort to improve on nature, and ho congratulated Senator Proctor, in charge of the bill oh getting "nearer the lino or absolute control by the Federal government than any one else had ever gotten before." The Senate passed the so-called free alcohol bill' as it was reported from the committee on finance. The bill already lias passed the House and the amendments which tho Senate has adopted do not materially change its scope. It does not go into effect until January 1, 1907. Preparing for the Campaign. The issues destined to bb uppermost between the two great pai-ties during the coming campaign are already being joined, if the speeches now being mado in the house of representatives are n sage index. Several weeks ago Mr. Itaincy of Illinois made a carefully prepared speech on the watch trust, asserting that the watch manufacturers of the United States had one price for wetel-es at home and a lessor price for watches abroad. Thursday in the house Mr. Charles B. Landis of Indiana, in a sense, answered Mr. Itaincy, frankly admitting that American manufacturers had one price at home and another abroad, and he dofendod the practice ns in accord % with good business methods, insisting that all countries sold their wares for less prices abroad than at home. Mr. Laadis also paid some attention to a speech made by Mr. Bourkc Cockran (N. Y.), wherein the latter denounced the policy of protection as ono of public plunder, the fountain , source of all conception and the cause of total demorl'i/ntion of the American republic. This Mr. Landis denied. He said that every poor but ambitious immigrant who lauded here I during the last ten years would re i tunc allegation. Ket'ernng to] Mr. Cook ran's speech, he said: "This is the best country on earth, and not the worst country on earth. And if I thought about it as the gentleman from New York, I would resign my seat in this house, sell out my belongings and move to some othoi country nearer in hanuony with niv political notions." Mr. Williams Takes a Hand. I Mr. Williams of Mississippi, the minority leader, in answer to Mr. Landis, spoke of the conditions leading up to tli'; appearance of General Coxey's army on the grass about the capitol. lie stated that he had walked through Coxey's army while it was encamped on the grass in front of the senate entrance to the rapitol and at that time the Wdson-Gorman bill was under discussion in the Senate. He insisted that the government was still operating under the MeKinley hill nt that time, and thut revenues were being collected under that Kcpublican measure. Mr. Williams said be was encouraged in the tight the Democrats were ? naking in favor of tariff reform y.c ??.o -O T> if ......v, ... ? .?. IUHIUSI t?l Itl'jlUUIK'IU) ^.coders who wore dashing to the relief of tho protective tariff. 11c said the sledge hammer debater, Mr. Hepburn, of Iowa, the chaste and brilliant Iloutell. and even the humorist of tlie Itepublican side, Mr. ('ashman (Washington), had all been commanded to support the protective theory and he inferred from this that the a1 tacks were having effect. It was Mr. Williams' solemn beli ' that the wont thing about the active tariff was that it bribes orrupts the friends of good gov>nt. He said tho Republicans eomc into the Demtpralic parsay to the friend of free trade, vill protect you against frost, ? protect you against 'mil,' ami Democrats yielded and even been indirectly approached rne similar lines but he hao far able to say: "get dice e Satan." Roll Call or. Journal. tative Williams carried hi- i n the House to the extoat ig a roll call on the ap'hursday's journal. Jlc K ing (o stave off the in* from the rules' amend rate bill to eonfo'^per k g the speaker to -I... point conferees withou* itnerveuing motion. The conference on the pari of tho House will bo by Hepburn, oi Iowa, Mann, of Illinois, Republicans and Richardson, of Alabama, Democrat, *he cSnate conferees being Elkins, of West Virginia, Cullom of Illinois, nnd Tillman, of South Carolina. There is some talk also of Andricli, of Rhode Island. The directors of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company decided to investigate th* admission** of grafting made by olieialS. Shoots Woman, Then Suicides. New York, Special.?John Kitchovics, who represented that he was employed at the Metropolitan House, shot the woman with whom he had been living as his wife at 357 Wtt.t 44th street and then sent a bullet through his own brain, dying instantly. The woman, who gave her name as Selia McCnri-v. i< a serious eouciilou. Jealousy is said to lie the cause of the deed. Ruffin Gets Another Chance. Petersburg, Special.?William Unf fin. alias Tinker Hullin. colnreil, -dungeil with shooting; Warren Iirown. post master at Hebron, in 'jinwidtlle eoun ty. six years ago, and .obbing hi sal'? of about iftitltt. was arraigned for tria in the Pinwiddle ('oun.y Court. Thi jury failed to agree, standing eigh for IS years in the penitentiary am four for aequiiial. The \\r. continued to the next term oi tie eourt. As to the dissipation or largo fortunes, says the Indianapolis News? um-rn-m, well, the boys (with the ex ception of a few like Johndeo junior of course) are doinc heir host _____ U NEED Any I ~ ? ? place your Itlairag ordcr in wi'" I HOOVER & the TEETER, way of aiisbury, N. C I ? Phone 248, i gOOd 1251;. Council St ' LIQUORS? T.m.rjL.xsL,^xsi?rsrsa. 11. ?N HUNTING TRIP Tic sure to be properly cqulppe !?obtain the STEV hNSan.l y->iH VNN??r<io\via)NC. Wen. . RIFLES . . from $2 25 to $150 00 PISTOLS from 2.50 to 50 00 SHOTGUNS. from 7.60 to 35 00 Atk your?1<flier nn>l iiufct t Send frr 14 ;>V '* * on our |><' inuke li tratcO catib li >r. r\-<>u cannot < ' tain, ucship c-t< I in SiluCTIKG, you dirc< t, carriage ch?ir?cs ou/httohave It laucd firffiaiJ, upon rcwcip% ot for four rents In StSTOpito t atalog prh e. cover postage. Our attractive thrcc-rol ?r Aluminum llanprcrwlU be eat *nj where fur to ?< In un ? J. STEVENS ARMS AND TOOL CO., P. O. Hot 4 "6 Chicopee Falls, Mass., U. 8. A. \tmm* vmmmmmamMmmxartm When in the Market FOR GOOD WHISKIES, WINES, KUAN DIES, ETC., CALL ON OR WRITE J oh.n Moyle, SALISBURY, - N. C. OUR PRICE LIST. Combining good quality and low prices. The prices quoted below nro guaranteed to be tlio lowest for quality of (l??ods/ 1 year ohl Corn Whisky, per gallon $1.50 2 ,. ? ., ., ,, l.'.S 8 ? ? ? 'J.00 4 2.25 5 ,, ,, Tar llecl Corn Whiskey 11.00 I ,i .. Good Kye 1.75 8 Good Rye Whisky " " 3.00 8 ,, ,, Good Rye Whisky " " 2.50 4 ? ,. Good Rye Whisky " " 3.00 5 ? .. Good Rye Whisky " " 4 00 No charge for vessel or packing. 50c e.\tni will prejuiy express on one to throe gallons; over 11 gallons, 7 ">*-. SHUMAN & COMPANY, SALISBURY - - - X c. j \ LOOKSDANGEROUS Bold Action of Russin Popular Assembly MAY LEAD UP TO REVOLUTION Parliament's Action in Following tlie Example of French States General of 1789 and Becoming a Revolutionary Body, Sends an Electric Shock Through the Country. St. Petersburg, By Cable.? With breathless anxiety, society awaits the government's response to the bob! action of the lower house of Parliament Saturday, which in censuring I lie ministry and demanding its retirement, was like a deliberate slap in the face and a direct challenge which the government, though inclined to prefer its usual policy of temporizing and compromise, can hardly avoid meeting. Parliament lias burned (lie bridges and virtually lias taken the step which the French States Genera) did when it transformed itscii into a r? l>v flaunting the fundamental laws and practically declaring that it proposes to exorcise l ull parliuuicniu" y rights with a responsible ministry, it has hccotn \ in the eyes of the law. a revolutionary lanly, and from that position there seems no relief. The news of the notion of the House came like an electric shock, the people generally being as greatly surprised as the buroauerney at the promptness with which the wlude of the government's policy was absolutely sco is led. Both sides reeogni/.e thf aentenesj? and seriousness of the moment, hut panic is in the government and not the pjplar camp. Bolt Kills Five at Game. Mobile, Ala., Sf acini.?About three miles from the city Sunday afternoon during the progress of a hall game in an open field, a thunderstorm came up accompanied by vivid lightning which s'ruek in the midst of the Mowd of spectators, instantly killing fi, and injuring 2.~> more or less seriously. The dead are: Donald Tounrt, aged 21. Stephen Tonart, aged 10. (Sons of Stephen .1. Tourrt). Arthur Moody, aged 1 !>. "wo negroes, John Green and Charles Thomas. Seriously injured: John Yorkers and Fred Johnson. Afiong the painfully injured were Fred Burch, Joe Dolhear and George Cleveland. At least fifteen or twenty others were shocked and knocked down by the stroke, who quickly recovered and were able to leave lire scene. The field was strewn with hts of shoes and clothing from those who were killed or seriously injured and the bodies of the dead presented a terrible spectacle, being burned in numerous places. A silver dollar taken from the pocket of one of the victims was melted on both sides. Charter For Virginia Tair. Richmond, Special.?The Virginia State Corporation Committee i-wied a charter to the Virginia State Fair Association, with a maximum capital of $200,000 and with the i'n!lii?ln.? officers and directors: Henry S. Stuart. president; John Stewart llryan, vice-president: Henry C. t'ahell. treasurer; Charles 15. Cooke, secretary; .1. T. Anderson, M. A. Chaiohers. .1. <5. Corley, W. E. Cutsliaw, E. G. I^ei^h, Jr., li. (). Miller, John Murphy, M. C. Patterson, K. 15. Sytiod, Jose pli Wallersteiu, and A. 15. Williams, directors. Union-Buffalo Mills Sold. Union, Special.- It was exactly 12.07 1-2 p. in. that Win, Elliot <, Jr.. attorney of Columbia, representinp the IHion-HutTalo Mi!i< Company, hid in for $1,220,100 the Cniou cotton mills and its entire property, eoiisislili..; of plant, real estate, and .leeountr this amount being $22.71 n.ore har the Federal Court had fi.?:ed a- tl.e ii|s set p. ice. Mr. Klliott, who v .is re- . quired to deposit a rectified cheek lot $50,000 before being allowed to hid was the on 1 v uerson doiiw < . Knights Templars in Bristol. Bristol, Special.?The t Stand (Vnv raandery, Knights Templar*. ?,' T? : ? nessee, convened in its forty-fourth nit mini session in Bristol with the largest attendenee in many years. .\ street parade in Templar uniform was a feature. The welcome address by John II. Caldwell, of Bristol, wa* responded to by Brand (.'nmmandei Jacob ('. Smith. A t'?-? " n. OCI1VUS V/Time. Winston. Special.? Rev. N. L. Cilenn, colored, was convicted in#ili* Superior Court of "caunal l.imwledg* | of a child under fourteen." Th?i< , are two other indict ncnts like tin above against him. and one tor abducting the wife and daughter n' another man to Pittsburg. I'a. During the trial it was s'iowii mat Clean ' during, his pastoral* here, conductor ' a physical culture M-hool for tenia!* 1 members of his con®ation. Matter of Relative Risk. 1 aee that Maxim Gorky Is In Ben lln superintending the production ot his play, "The Children of the Sun/ " said a newspaper correspondent. "Later on ho will come to America and I will be glad to shake his thin, cold hand again. "I met Gorky in St. Petersburg. Ho Is delightful. He told me that a Russian soldier only gets about $2, o,~ 3 rubles, a year?say 6 copecks j day. "During the war, said Gorky, a private soldier ?t0le a shirt worth half a ruble xnd was condemned to be shot. "as ne was Demg leu away to death his colonel met him. "'Ivan. Ivan,' sahl trie colonel reproachfully, 'what a fool you were to j risk your llfo for the sake of 6G co- 1 pecks. " 'Colonel,' Ivan answered, 'I risk *t every day for 5 copecks." " How to Have Sweet Peas All Summer. When the sweet pons come into bloom, cut their flowers oil as soon as they begin to fade. This prevents them from forming seed, and the plants, in their efforts to perpetuate their kind, will straightway produce more flowers, and keep 011 doing this as long as interfered with. In this manor flowers are secured throughout the entire season. Hut, if seed is allowed to form, you will have comparatively few Ho.wers during the latter part of summer.?Ebon E. Hexford in "Making the Count.'y Home." in the Outing Magazine for June. " - 1 "no hundred and twenty fire women ' -t Ik* Society of Polictical Stujy In --cw Voile City, decided that uon apport is a man's greatest sin gainst the marriage contract, and therefore a wife's chief causo for ?1 vorce. Desp c her vaunted emanc! pnticn womau still exploits her load jug-strings. IN CONSTANT ACONY. A VI ffl l*n'< Awful I>i*tr<-*? Through Kidney Trouble*. W. L. Jackson, merchant, of Parkersburg, W. Vu., snys: "Driving about In . had weather brought kidney troubles on E0:/ A ty. nnd I suffered k years with "^arp, cramping pains ij v in the back and urinI nrV ^'sor,'e,'<' * ?Hen I took to my bed, aud the doctors failiiiK to help, liogan using Dean's Kidney Pills. The urine soon came freely again, and the pain gradually disappeared. I have been cured eight years, and though over 70, am as active as a boy." Sold by all dealers. ,r?0 cents a box. Foster-Milburu Co., UutTalo. N. Y. A good many of us will carry scars to our graves, earned by trying to make things hot for others. S10O Krirnr i. KIOO. The readers of this paper will bo pi aimed c t Jearn that there is at leas; ouo dreaded disease that science has been able to cure lu all itsstages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is the only positive cure now known to the ntedicai fraternity. Catarrh being n constitutional disease, requires a constitutional j treatment. Hall's CatarrhCure is taken inter- j nally,acting directly upon the blood andmucous surfaces of the system.thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by bnlldtng up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faithiu its curative powers that they ofTer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fHllstoeure. i5?n?i lor list o! testimonial*. Address F. J. Chknky X Co., Toledo, O. Hold by Druggists, 7.V. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation A homely girl always selects a girl homelier than herself for lier bridesmaul. T? A M.' I.. A M.! T.. Si M.' Buy L. Si M. l'aint and gel a full gallon, j Wears 10 to 15 yearn, because L. .t. M. Zinc hardens I.. & M. White Lead and makes I.. A* M. l'auit wear like iron. 4 gallons of L. &. M. mixed with 3 gallon* oil wilt paint a moderate sized house. C.S. Andrews, Kx-Mayor, Dan bury. Conn., writes: "Painted inv house 19 years ago with I.. A M. Looks well to-day." PAINT YOUR nOUSE. 15 per cent, commission allowed to any resident where we have no agent, on sale of I,. <fc M to property owners, at our retail price. Apply to MAN A MARTINEZ. l'aint Makers. l ew York. Youth and Age. Young Man.'?"In the bright lexicon of youth there is no such word ns I nil.'' Obi Man?"1 suppose not, but as your education advances you get a different sort of lexicon."?The Bohemian for .I line. Itch cured in 30 minutes by Wooiford'a (sanitary Ixition; never fails, .void by Drugfele,J<. Mail orders promptly tilled lr"f Dr. !. JKtchc-u, Crarvfordfville, Ind. $1." The best wry to be happy i? to pretend tiiat you are. j Terming ( hlMren During lint Weather HJtoi.ld take I>r. Bigger* Huckleberry Cordial. Pour* StOTJWh and Hon ai Dieease Diarrhoea, etc. At Druggist and 60e News Notes. Cornelius N. Bliss, treasurer of the Republican National Committee, was before the special grand jury which is investigating lite insurance in New York, and was presumably questioned ibout campaign contributions. Andrew Carnegie is to lie summoned io court in Boston to tell about ns relations with jMr.<. Cassie Chadwrick. STOPS BELCHING BY ABSORPTION ?NO DRUGS?A NEW METHOD. A Box of Wafers Free?Have Yon Acuta Indigestion, Stomach TronbU, to regular Heart, Dlssy Spalls, abort Breath, Qaa on the Stomach T Bitter Taste?Sad Wreath?impaired Appetite?A ieeiing ot fullness, weight and pain over the stomach and heart, sotimcs nausea and vomiting, also fever anu aick headache? What causes it? Any one or all ot these: Excessive eating and drinking ? abuse of spirits?-nxietjr and depression?tnentaj effort?mental .vorry auL physical fatigue? uad air?uisitthcieut foo?^?sedentary habits ?eocenes 01 teeth?bo.vtrg of food. II you sutler from thi# alow death and ] miserable existence, i*? its wud ; ou a sam- I pie box ol Mud's Anti-Belch Wa/tri *bso- I utely fi-ee. .No drugs. Drugs uijure th* itniusch. 1C stoi'- belching and cures a diseased stf uihcb oy aosorbing the foul odors from undigested food and by impsirliDg activity to the lining vf the stomach, enabling it to thoroughly mix the food with the gastric juicey, which promotes digestion ana cures the disease. This oiler may not appear again. | 6-6 GOOD FOR 23c. 145 Send this coupon with your name and addre^t and your druggist's name and 10c. in stampa or silver, and we will supply you a sample free it you have never used Mull's Anti-Belch Wafers, and will also seud you u certificate good for 2dc. .oivaru the purchase of inite Belch Wafers. You will tind them inva>uable for a.oinacj ti6uble; cures by absorption. Address Tlll's Ghats Tom to Co.. i-aa 3d Ave. Rock Inland. ill. Give Full Address awl ltVilc I'Uiinl'/. | I > All drucrgUts, 50c. per box. or by mail npon receipt of price. Stamps accepted. ITalrcd is often the result of knowing but one side of a person. BABY'S AWFUL HUMOR Thin skin formed Over Itmly anil Under It Wus AVntci-y Blood?Cured in One Week by Cuticura ltciiicdlc*. "When my lift* girl baby was one week old sne nad a skin disease A thin okiu forum" over her body and under it was watery blood, and whe she was washed it wou.d hurst and bre?k. She was in that condition fcr * eeks, and 1 tried everything i could think of, hut nothing cid her any good. "A lien she was three months old 1 took her to San Artonio to sec a doctor, bu the doctor we wanted to sec 1 . * .lot home, so my s.stei gave 1 me a :ake of C'uticura Jbcap md halt a box of (Juticura Ointment, and told me to use them, which 1 dil in time. 1 used .hem t ree times, and the humor began to fade, and in me week chc * as scum.' and well, and .t has 'ever returned ?ince. l thing every mother should keep the ( ulicitra Remedies in the house. Mr a. 11. Aaron, UcuL'.'i. Texas, uly 3, ll?D5." Vacation Time. Now doth the summer hotel man Ransack the slioic and hills To find a 'it foundation for A place to build big bills. ? I lie itolicmian i'or June. FlT8.St.Vlta?' Danee:Norvons Diseases per* rnanently cured by Dr. Klin**'* Great Nerve Iteatomr. *2 trial bottle and trealise free. Db. H. I:., Ld., ?31 Arch St. Pliila.,1'?. The best memory is the kind tliat remembers what to forget. 'Irs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for Children teet king,softens 1 ho gums,reduces inflammation, allays pain,cures wind colte 29c a bottle If wc were all hi free with assistance 2." advice, the world would be different. /"fjftfr, HICKS' ?Q$8$h CAPUDINE : \ IMHID1ATCLY CIM1 ? ;J\ Uw HEADACHES W$j\ -- - ' JfeiBrcnKi up COLDS ,N 6 TO " HOVM Bout* 10c Ai Drvaibti MAKE EVEKT'D^I COUNTzlrl*/ ? V no matter how' (P\ /' , bt\Q the we either i ^voflLKtrv' You cannot ' afford to be without a TOWERS | ^ W 11 / T^HT WATVt>t>x>rtrki?l i Vl- rvl ' 1 rA (7 ] rA OILED SUIT *' J r LJvORSLICKER ^ /J Whin v :>u buy I * *, \\ look tor tne ' I , ft SKiN OF THE FISH 1 V iWfrs m ^5^Ocrff? j n*** ea o%ro* u** THE ONLY IMPORTED PERFUMEI / ffth told dlreot to the consum- [ or. Wo are offarlng the , Celebrated NILE LILY Brand i at 35c par oun*a, by mail > postpaid. Violet, n?lia- ! tropa, White Rosa, Jockey ^X |^y Cluti. or any other desired jl**Ss^ka33? U odor. Sample battla, ^ IB ounc". 1^ ota. WJUTK 1 """* tB i Descriptive lit- i Iti J I^r,, UP?" request. ; -rheCOI.ONIALPF.RFliME Co. THE DAISY FLY KILLERSTfflpi I ^ *,y * i'tit ? *. ^^ ^HICKEJVS E; you rannot spend years and doll buy the knowledge required by cents. You want them to pay tl thcin as a diversion. In order to handle 1 thing about thtm. To meet thin want we of a practical poultry raiser for (Only 25c a man who put all his mind, and time, ur cn raioing?not as a pastime, but as a bus! ty-flve years' work, you can save many Ct earn dollars for you. The point Is. that y Poultry Yard as soon ae it appears, and kr teach you. It tells how to detect and cure fattening; which Kowle to save for breed you should know on this subject to make I fiva cents In atAispa. HOOK PUBMSHING iiMM umijjj uii! -*4* 4 li f ' A WOMAN'S ORPc'AL DREAM DOCTOR S QUESTIONS Thousands Writ* to Mrs. P jkbta, Imuk Kim., and Reoeivo V Suable Adfriof Absolut sly Confide' -ial and Free Thoro o*t> * uo more terrible ordeql *- " * " -ve, sensitive, refined vromafc than to be obliged to antwor certain questions in regard to her private Ilia even when those questions are askei by her family physician., and maajf m continue to suffer rather than submitto examinations which so many physi* cians propose in order to iutelligently treat the disease; and this is the reason why so many physicians fail to cure female disease. This is also the reason why thousand* upon thousands of women are corresponding with Mrs Pinkhain,daughterin-law of Lvdia E. Pinkham. at Lynn, Mass. To Ver they can eonHde every detail of their illness, and from h?r great, knowledge, obtained from year* of experience in treating female ills, Mrs. Pinkham ean advise sielt woman S more wisely than the local physician. J Rend how Mrs. Pinkham helped v* C.Willadsen of Manning, la. She writ-eat / Dear Mrs. Pinkham: f " I ran truly say that you hare saved \i\jf life, and I cannot express mv gratitude \J, words. Before I wrote to you telling von how t fait, 1 had dootored for over two wnws steady, and sjwmt lots of nionev in m.vhVinaj besides, lent it all failed to do me any good I ha<i female trouble ar.d would daily bare fitirrting spelL. backache, bearing-down pain*, and my monthly periods were very irregular and finally ceased. I wrote to vein for your advice and received a letter full of instruction* Just --bat to do. and also commenced to lake I.vdia E. Pinkliam's Verotahle Compound, and I have be?n restored to |H>rf?et hcnWlj, Had it not been for you 1 would have \tm4ht in ray grave to-day." Mountains of proof establish the f?o| that no medicine in the world equal* Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound for restoring women's health ?W ^ r DEPOSIT R.R.FaroPatd. NotesT.ik?? " 500 FltEK COl'USBJ IWiWiHliifffflMHIl EoardatCoct. Write Q*tU) CEORGI A-ALABAMA BUSINESS COLLEGE, Macon. 0* W. L. Douglas *3= & *3= SHOES $ W. L. Douglas 94.OO Cilt Edge Line cannot ba equalled at any price. JULY 6 ,8T<i * i HlllCAPI7AL *3SQQ.WC { W~ L.aOUOLASt MAKES A SELLS MOA| MEM'S S3. AO SHOES THAN ANY OTHER MA NUFA C TUttER IN THE WOiTLO. <M n Hfin StWARD iny*"* *ho caa 0 I UjUUU disprove this statement. It I could luke you Into my three Inrge fetforlM at Brockton, Mass., and enow yon the ln'Irtltf care with n hlcli aver> palrof shoes Is made, IN would realize why I.. Ooujjlns $J Sit sWosf cost more to make, why they hold their sbsMk tit better, wear lonjjer, and are ot grtswr intrinsic vutur than any other $,t. *0 shoe. IV. L. ttoualo* Strong Modo ?hoom tor Mmn. Sa.GO. SZ.OO. Boy*' Softool A Doom* Shoo*,??'. HO, SS, $1.78, $t? 3# CAUTION. Insist npnn having w.I,.V?oujs las shoes. Take no substitute. None ^opalo* without his name and prlee stamped on bottom. Fast Color Eurltls utod ; thry udll not wear brany. Wrilo for Illustrated Catalog. * W. I~ DOt'OI.AS, Bmrkton, U>i% You Cannot all inflamed, ulcerated and catarrhal cotvditions of the mucous membrane such at nasal catarrh, uterine catarrh caused by feminine ills, sore throat, norS inuuiii ur imiainca eyes by simply dosing the stomach. But you surelv can cure these stubborn itiections by local treatment with Paxtine Toilet Antiseptic which destroys the disease germs,checks discharges, stops pain, and heals the inflammation and soreness. Paxtine represents the most succeuwftrl local treatment for feminine ills v.'er produced. Thousand *, of women te ..*ifjr to this fact. 30 cents at druggists Send for Free Trial Be* THK R. PAXTON CO.. Boston. M%??? So. 22- 06. SSPSS Thompson's EynWaler VR.N MONEY I? you *,v? thom A"-1 tou cannot do tWI# miens you understand them and know iow to cater to their requirements, an* ars learning by experience, so you tnuJI others. We offer this to you far only V >elr own way even if you jnerely krti "owls Judiciously, you must know somsare selling a book giving the expertanos i.) twenty-five yearn. It was written by id money to making a success of Chlr.k? ness?and If you will profit by his twsA. licks annually, and make yovir Kowfp ou must bo sure to detect trouble In ttta iow how to remedy it. This book will disease; to feed for egg" and also far liny purposes; and everything, indues, it profitable. sfont posipuid lor twonfjl JiOt'SB, 134 Lsor.aid St.. Nsw York City