University of South Carolina Libraries
-~u Iteill? of Local News. Mrs. C. H. Branson is visiting relatives in Lock Hill. Hon, Wm. Mack, wife and little son, left Friday night for New York City, after a visit to relatives in this place. Prot and Mrs. J. H, Witherspoon left for Yorkville,their forrnerhome, a few days ago and will remain there during the summer. The Reck Hill and Fort Mill ball teams will cross bats on the diamond of the latter tiiis afternoon at 4 o'clock. Miss Annie Link, of Hickory. N. C., is visiting at the home of j her brother, Mr. C. S. Link, in this olace. Mrs. L. P. Fulp will leave on next Tnesday for Clinton to attend the commencement exercises of the Presbyterian College of South Carolina, from which her son, Mr. Jas.' D. Fulp, will graduate. Repoi t has it that the Charlotte Brick company will in a few days import another lot of! twenty foreigners to its plant; two miles south of this place. It is also said that quite a num-. ber of those who were brought to the yard some weeks ago have quit work and gone to other parts. The special committee of the State Democratic executive committee met in Columbia en the 23rd inst. and arranged the' schedule for the State campaign 1 meetings. The York county meeting will be held at Yorkville on Wednesday, August 1. The "Every Day" cook book, which was compiled by the ladies of the local civic soviet v. is now in the hands of the printers and will be completed and placed on sale within a fewdays. The book will contain ! many receipts for the cook room and much valuable information for the house-wife. The publisher has received an invitation to the tenth annual commencement of Clemson Agri- i cultural College, June 10th to! 12th. The Baccalaureate sermon will be preached by Rev. Jas. Y. Fair, D. D., and the address to the graduating class will be made by Dr. E. B. Craighead, former president of the college. State Chairman Wylie Jones on Thursday received the; pledges of the following can-; didates: Thomas G. McLeod, i for lieutenant governor; G. L, j Walker, for comptroller general; B. R. Tillman, for United States, senator; L. M. Ragin, for secre- j tary of state; M. G. Ansel, for governor; J. H. Wharton, for railroad commissioner; LeRoy : F. Youmans, for attorney gen oral. It is now time to plan for a big reunion and picnic of the farmers, to be held during the time between the laying by of crops and gathering i me. Thest public gatherings of the farmers are good for the advancement of their organization and result in I much good by bringing the farmers together to discuss the thinps which are of prirrte interest to all the farmers. The Times is in receipt of a catalogue of the University of j South Carolina for the current scholastic year. It is very handsomely illustrated and contains a wealth of information concerning the institution. The total enrollment for the year in all the branches is 300. Now since the the college has been expanded into the university and the scope of work broadened the attend ance should be doubled that in the next year or two. Mr. L. L. Worrels, who for the past ten years has held the position of overseer of weaving for the Foil Mill Mfg. Company, loft Friday night for Cliff side N. C., where he has accepted the superintendency of the big Cliffside mill. Mrs. Worrels and children will join Mr. Worrels in about ten days. *Mr. Worrels is an expert mill man and during his time as overseer here the mill made a recrod in the grade and production of goods turned off. He is also an excellent citizen and his many friends regret his departure. The postoffke department has issued an order, effective July 1, which requires that every person in the country who deposits mail in their boxes shall display a flag or adequate signal over the box to let the carrier know when it is necessary for him to detour to reach the box, and also when a carrier places mail in a box, he will raise the signal to let the owner know that there is mad for him. When* the carrier takes i mail from the box or when the j palron removes his mail, leaving the box empty, the signal will! be lowered. SPBlgMiP,< 1 } Mr. Gary S. Thompson, of I Grahan% N. C., is spending a I few days here with li s family 1 itt the Palmetto Hotel. In the Florida state primary j election, held on the l">th inst.. Hon. 1. N. Withers received a j large majority of votes over his !opponent for the State senate from Lake county. Mr. Withers j is a brother of the late Jas. A. Withers, of Fort Mill, and was I himself a resident of this place ! until about 20 years ago, when he moved to his present home. Lady Lake, Fla. His Fojrt M friends w ill learn with pleasure the honor \v hich has been bostowed upon him. Remember The Orphan?. Thrt TJtvw O u . ... << a i4v x niiv r> 11? > i t'ccivuu i n*. j following wit] a request for publication: As summer time comes on. the thought ot' vacation fills! every mind. We are apt m .>. seeking after leisure t<> for ret that there are orphans to bo thought of a id cared for. A : the Superintendents of cu; orphan's homes and without <. \cept ions they will tell you that the hart'est time in the w ve year, is "the good old summer time." Provision gets scarce I and money a great deal scar< still. It is a splendid thru to remember the or] mans th? n. When the wheat cr< p comes in. send samples to be tested by the palates of the little people. '1 he 200 pupils of the Thornwell Orphanage could test ?ral hundreds bushels of wheat, for the neighboring mill makes th gift of wheat as acceptable as flour. And as for money, only $5.00 will care for a little nub! for a whole month and there are 200 little children e be cared for here. Provision can he sent to Thornwell Orpi . . ye Clinton. S (".. and money to Rev. Win. P. Jacobs, at the same place. The verdict n the famous Brickman case 1 s been paid at last. Clerk of h Court Tate on hist Saturday n e.vd a voucher from the Southern railway t" $4-1,524.05 and promptly depositeel the same in the Loan and Savings hank. The voucher > enresented $li?.OOP of verdict a little over $1,000 of interest a: ' the bahtn -e r IK TERES' Why buy the "KK lieoause it is t he Si I l>i.<?* Store Cor less Sizes, '2 quarts to (5 e Why do so many < f \ -J * rt ' 5F*; /h?>\ < // V v V AJkv^ 3V^~ '^i ' J NC. /! vV I i \ /v^ ! PWl \f* jy^ ^3y^' O ' - . w Ask T. B. Belk or ! toll you that it will j is the host made. Strawberries are ri fore other fruits will sliould have a good s do now is to go to B< Mason's ]<Vuit Jars i sugar you are lookin Car load of Shingl | per thousand. Also BELK^ Let Us Remind You I i During this age of new fruits and vegetables, folic, Dysentery and Stomach Com-! plain;s are very common Blackberry Cordial 't* wi',n C ;n.cer i ! is a remedy upon which y? u 1 can rclv. 1 lea.'ant to take. Leaves no bad oll'ect. A i ? j ^ra t cy s si. ?_i * Ox v t o I e*3' 3?3 c O S0 30 0C i <5 Authoritative In St; ' | Uneptllsd j /??% l nut is me aiana nous i<j?i ^ who have worn a pair of our jp I>1 \MOM> !!! pPK9i W fltnHBHRBSi PS B made for us by vt :* n -jr"> (f waiouui eve of a special ?th esc conditions could a belt q not and you'll ho thinking oi Prices ?2.00 to .>"?.( o. | \\' V I I! t V V\ <?@<?>000008?- . T-T'llT n Tx jt A T iljmij ma j l\ZiV ice Crran? Fivr: iMorn x i (LS a An I yon <\m u'< o?ey 1 ban t lio ot Iht foli marl s. >V t!io mo?1 prosporoi *mm \r-wmmm. ? % * * .' *. , ; \ r ' 1 * / .... If : A 1, W'fl .A; jj .X-> v i< .y X ' \ ., > i . ' > _ V ir ; < ' ? - -i' A, < t f" ImM -' V .* , -i your neighbor who ha [my lor it soli' in a sliorl ipening very fast and it bo ready for canning, upply prose * ed for \vi oik's Store, \\ here you n one and t wo quart i?- for. os. No. 1, 8 t.?>0 per t h Tin Hooting. let4 waU S IE3IC3" SB m / "77" The d.7* O r littleDocfor CURES Liver Complaints; uses only Ramon's Liv< Pills and Tonic Pellet: , and gives your money back :i not r.atioi.ed Ycur r.vcr t it Ivgges* crounlq n afcc*. If vou would be wed' '-y iii nif: 1 rt atment. Onlv 2'S cents. For sail- by \V It. Ardrev O. O y W.<X J <yVj/vu> 4_t v_? ve>" <o'<> o>"o v> Ks *1 0 i " 1 \j 'd* kv Fit and Wear. | niui ? i * .; Mill cit * i V'A {AM) S!!OKS O ?*S nadein the seven : .v- ^ B iulty t'acloiies of t e f IVtrrs Shoo ComiKiiiy, *2 i: i; :JI t > ^ 11 H i i-nv .1 i't- iod n ;:i,? ^ k man : facturo of footwoar B t'arh p.iip is caiofulh Vx B l lado In' < sl.-tra? uiakor. and undor tiir 9 tv jMiji'TiiiU'iiMint. i r.iai * :orShooU made? \W tidal; ir way after you buy a ] > t'r t u \ \\ o i v \' 3 VX 1 ' ' H 1 A a ? . ? f :: d> f NEWS. ,.a . * YAXV r 1 t nrm from I link's ows want fr" t'? >i:s. is farmers nsa tin* /\ -v / v H/ 4;t J / ;f :l* [i-j *u? :'x- . 'a.-' /'w S'vJ \ 1 / \ \ \\ M \ <-i\- - 57 j.1'/ "A. - ?.AA / W * *-/; <. -,X i 3, A // f vt /> * V r' > >/ ': (. A, J' " H 5 IP! .11 . Ill II I. IMF - I is 0:10, siiif 1 he wii: time. And that it will no! bo loin.** 1)0! Aery housekeeper ntor. The tiling to will tind lot) dozen sizes. And nil the ousand, No. 2, 8'boO iv free to everybody. iTORE ? # >^^yfrT^^ggtKtfnfWK^M 1 ; " ? Get The | J)id you ever see t | old blue back speller? j b ird-earned cash exj y ;u can get the bench perielice free ? We s l i well-known goods b j found by experience t | j better: Mew Home Sewin; llarrisbvirg Shoes i j < hi Id re n. (jrossett Shoes for l*osier * > Iroii lied-. \Y a J1! 1 a in \Y a teller lahson Phonographs and a 1 I wo know art? the best. Our r { lowest ! 1 L a J Wk A : *"< >* vLyV.O ?c.>KLv (o^v i? Vji/vji) v J ^ ^ w^O Q SXLirt.3, ? "PRINCHI.Y" the great money f>i> fonts. ?s X. "yon E ' jJ Now line jus1 in. Neat s wl.iiont '.>.rK , mkI i.r?o. y?) Ho, tor the hig man ! Cot Wo have lit to;I \. A. Young, \ > J l'lyler and ClitV McKlhaney. y/ Elastic Scam ?~0 A late shipment which she 1st. I'ure Pep nils Bleached vJ ivl ill in *C'J ? Just a few more and we 1 00 Ivits as we did i lu? whole of l;u tk nty to choose from and no ?0 s>< w is the time to buv vour h* CO . |i MEAGifiAM &?55??8???? ?Q ?i**i >n-? V W&fs99-i'9-9-9'?-^P-9P-9-9-9 991"PLAT : ^ The base ball sea: {'nil swini?\ and we e?tk ^ ^ jrjeds with which t< \) > ve our line1 of hat ?? masks, ete. ! f \\ ^ what you want, wo < * to order it for you. u 4% Lee s F ft> 4 ^ Are recognized ; Stock and I oultrv 1 'i it in t he several sizt 1 PARKS Di ^ 1 <* t'-C +.-d-l4t \J-ii&-? *(* *.* 6-4 >S-? 4-f t -4 > FTX KU'LKN >< i/ I FWNEHAL i '< u ^ il p vJ >' iV ; . o//Vv ' > i\ 1M1 ^ -# * /? trJ 3 a && x r if ^A'V >< M Jthri ^ ef ? I ndertakin;; in all s 7 " *? the cheapest Pine Co % State Casket. Robes f *'* and gentlemen, Slipp and Hearse Wagon. * % T. 1). FAULKNER 4 f . ' " "*""i"w"1"^^ B6St , | ;: ' I hat on Webster's | Why waste your 3eri men ting when j t of Our long exell the following ) ecause we have hat there is none .... i ? Mae hi lies. for ladies anij I ill V. II. i . . 'i'/A i, Gilbert (blocks, >t of other things that | prices are always the I : m ?8E Y. |j j| , -* S EPPS I 31mx*ts. ^ est Shirts made for the QP rand. g tripes and dots and all ? no on. we can fit you. ? V. T. Iloagland, George ? Drawers. ?uld have come in April ? Drill, sixes .'11 to 4:1. 0 ivill have sold as many ro season. We still have ? w ones still coming in. Ga / o ,ees| >j ?????3??@? " ' w --a / y% BALL!" If ss son is now 011 111 ?6 can furnish the || > play tlie game. 5| s, halls, gloves, haven't exactly will he pleased >* ?* oods || is the standard || Foods. We have Jl s II _2; pRUG CO. | 1 r '<# & * ? , 7 ^ A-A* ,\NNW\NW\W\WW Ell COMFY. ? . I ! branches from finest JHH 1 a d i e WcarseflH^^^^H . I H 1 J