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? f # | SAILING OF I k | THE LED A1 P Rjr Victor Laudato*. j| In an hour more the I.?<t? would sail. Walter Dutnont, puffing at bia cigar, mused on all that this meant t n hltn Rlv U'nnb ha/I noauo/l ho since he first met Es telle# 8ix wee kg! And what bad she not become to him In those six weeks and jAow, this fnornlug. their farewell. Estolle would go with Mrs. Euacelles, the etately, freezing chaperone. This morning the I>;da was to sail; and they sailed on the Led a. Then ho must go*back to the broad West, to his business, and she to England, to play the lady on tho estates of her tyrannous old stepfather, the baronet. In tlmo she would inevitably forget hlra. Could he Inevitably forget her^ But what a distance there was between the daughter?even tho Btop-daughter? of the English baronet, and the young colonial merchant! He threw away his cigar, and etrolftnj down toward the wharf. There he wan to meet her once more, at the last moment, to say good by. He stood with his hat In his hand, and his hands behind his back, Rooking about. Huge, black. Imposing, the ocean Knar lay at her moorings. The wharf was crowded with people, passengers, stevodoros, porters. His keen eye took It all In at a glance; and In a distant, deserted corner, amid innumerable parcels, a gray traveling' dress that meunt?Estelle. j "Mra Lascellcs Is terribly nervous," she said. "I have her quite worked up with the fear of being left "MRS. LASTKLLBH 18 VKRY NERVOUS." behind, and she hns g'-no on board, V and dnron't set foot again on the wharf. I promised to stay here and see that John didn't forget any of the hundred and one souvenirs of Quebec and the Thousand Inlands. He will be back soon for the parcels ?-and for mo!" "We have a good while yet," h? said. "Let us walk up to the park. "What would jou do If you were to miss tho Leda?" She shuddered. "Mrs. Laacelles Is on hoard, and She haH all the money?and daren't sot foot on the wharf to save her life?and 1 am alone here, where I know no one, whore no one knows me! What could I do?" She laughed nnrvnnii) v ? - ??/ "You would have to marry mo!" he said boldly. "What would papa say?" she Whispered, lu a frightened voice. "Would ho euro?" VYullon roJulnod sharply. "You are of age, free to choose. Do so! 1 am here! There 1r the Loda. Choose. If you lovo me you will miss the I,eda." Sho drew back, frightened. IIo released her haud. "Oh, seo how far wo have gQno!" she cried, glancing away dowu tho long path to the wharf. "1 can't got there lu time. No, uo! Don't come vrlth me. I'll run. Good by?" Sho ran down the walk toward whero tho liner lay waltlug. Duinont crushed his hut ovor his eyes, Clasped his hands behind him, and gazed moodily after hor. Sho had boon free to choose. She had chosen She was going with the Lada. Ho paced Blowly across tho park, dowu toward the busy stroet. A little summorhouse lay close by his path. It was In a quiet cornor, usually little frequented; yet he, returning from whore he had stood, could not have missed It. lie glunced through the veil of green foliage, and caught a glimpse of something gray. He heard a soft sound of .<?? mug. Uo stepped across the thresh old. Blue eyes looked up ut lilui from a tear stained face. "Estolle!" he cried. "I ran as fast 1 could, but 1 missed ft. 1 couldn't help It. I'm so aorry?" "I'm glnill" and hp laughed. "You know what it means. OKI Mrs. Lus* colics?" "John was waiting and I sent her |l note by him," she replied innocently, then caught her breath. tie is Lured at her. dumbly amarrd at this rovnlatlon of feminine . ..ic and feminine duplicity. Vint ' - , : nothing. It was enongl for M.> to ^nou that sho was w !i . . the pornlty prero t < ! i the Ledb. "A man." s , > "usually n ho love-; iie "And a wo .a. bachelor, "usually rnatrteua ... p%ut>e he uska her." / 4 f THE MIXJE AMD AVTOMMMLA Bruddah Persimmon Draws Some Conclusion* as to Their Similarity. JJruddah Persimmon was comparing the mule to an automobile. "Do mule am lak an automobile, Bruddah Rabbltt." "Yeas. Bruddah Persimmon." , ' "Yo nohbeh know /dees which way ho am gwlne." "Dat's right." "Bn den he'B liable to be enxpeneib, atubbobn en mak a lot of noise." a in i ei ae vurei" "E# den when ho stops all ob a I sudden In de road lak an automobile i en yo' gits down on yo' knees en crawls undeh him to see what's de trouble yo' am liable to land in heaben d 'ss de same es if de bilehs in de automobile had busted."?Chicago Ne ?a. Knew Her Grammar. The Judge's little daughter, although she had talked several times through the telephone to her father, had never gone through the formalities necessary in calling him up, The first time she tried it she took the receiver off the hook, as she had seen others do, placed her lips to the transmitter, and said: "Hello! I want to talk to papa." "Number, please?" said "Contral." "Singular," she answered, surprised at the question, but proud that she knew some thing of the rudiments of grammar. ? Youth's Companion. His I,lttle Joke. They had just moved In the house and as Is usually the case the former tenants had left much rubbish boJiind them. "Just look," complained the little woman, "here are three pails of ashes in the yard." "Ah," laughed the big husband, "speak of them with more reverence." "Reverence! Why should I?" "Because tiu.y are the ashes of the departed." He Knew the Kind. A small boy in Boston, who had unfortunately learned to swear, was rebuked by his futher. "Who told you that 1 swore?" asked tho bad little boy. "Oh, a little bird told me," said the futhor. The boy stood and looked out of-the window scowling at some sparrows which were scoldinc and chattering Then ho hoH a happy thought. "J know who told you," ho Bald. "It was one of those ?sparrows." Jacky's Thought, Jacky?Please, ina, may I take baby out In tJie perambulator? Matuma?Certainly, dear; I am glad to see you are so fond of your little brother. Jacky?That's all right, ma. Billy Brown and Johhny Wilson and me Is goln' to play at a railway accident. The perambulator Is to ho the railway carrluge and baby's to be pitched out on his head, and he's to be saved Just in time by Billy. ^ A Difficult Tusk. "How can I get the ladles of my congregation more Inerested In i heaven?" sighed the earnest young ' rector of the fashionable church. "You might hint that things will i bo very exclusive there," replied the ; preacher, sadly. "By such ineaus you may be able to anxuse a mild interest."?Louisville Courlor-Journal. A (ireut Scheme. Oldwed?Lot's celebrate our golden wedding next week. Mrs. Oldwed?But we've only been married twenty years. Oldwed?1 know, but wo need the gold. Heal Thing in Optimism. The story is told of an old worn- ' an?a woman aged and poor, but sunny and serene?whom some one asked what in the world she could find to make her happy, to which she replied, "Well, 1 hain't got but two teeth, but thunk God, they hit."? Argonaut. , Secrets of the Crart. * ' Customer (inspecting the sample the wpiter had brought him)?How do you dlHtlngufSh your clam chowder from plain vegetable soup? ???- . - - nnuar?vve nave UinorODl labels pa the kettles, sir. Wish any coffee? ?Chicago Tribuno. Preserving Appeurunccs. "What do you think of the plan of doctors killing suffering patients by dealg?.," "Oh, they might as well claim that they do it l>y design, and save the embarrassment of getting credit for mistakes."?Philadelphia Lodger. A Kind Lady. "Kind lady," remarked the weary wayfarer, "can you oblige me with something to cat?" "Go to the woodshed and take a few chops," replied the kind lady.? Philadelphia Record. / I . v # ? a com? STAND ANOTHER, Thej Were Not the Kind the Vmdj Had |teferrod T9. A commercial traveler tells the following of fi little social gathering In eastern Ontario: "Dinner was a little late. A guest naked the hostess to play something. Seating herself Of IKa ?J ^ ?? >uu ywiw, u? SUVU wuuiau t'AOcuted a Chopin nocturne with precis.' Ion. She finished, and there was Btllf an Interval of waiting to be bridged. Ip grim silence she turned to an old gentleman on her right and said: "Would you llko a sonata before dinner!" He gave a start of surprise and pleasure. "Why, yes, thanks!" he said. "I had a couple on my way here, but I think I oould stand another.' " SU11 Smiling. The visitor In the South was offering his sympathies to the old colored parson. "It's a shame, uncle," said the visitor, "that the congregation should drop buttons in the plate when you were collecting your salary." "Dat doan matteh, snh," repled the old man with a luminous smile, "Ah kin use dem on dat old path ob trousers de kernal gib me." "Well, they dropped nails In the plate also." "Just what Ah need, sah. Yo' see Ah'm gulne to build a cohnhouse en Ah'll need de nails to drive In the shingles." "But the lead nickels. What are you going to do with them, throw them away?" "No, sah; Ah'm gulne to make slnxors foh inah fishing lines. Glory, hallaluyah!" A Wedding Fee in Instalments. Ger&ldlne?When axe we to be married? % Gerald?When I can find a minister willing to take one dollar down and 50 centa a month afterward. One of His Lucid Intervale. A visitor at a lunatic asylum noticed one of the inmates walking about the grounds pushing in front of him a wbeelburrow turned upside down. Tho visitor stopped him and inquired the reason for tho unusual procedure. "Why, you see." said the demented one, "if I turned It right side up they'd put brickB in it." Pleasures of the Poor. Owing to the practice of throwing stones at motor cars, which has become very common In Berlin, many cars are now fitted with thin wire netting to protect the windows, and thero Is a renewed outcry against thoso who interfere with the almplo pleasures of the poor.?Punch. Why She Was Learning. Bridget?Oi can't stay, ma'am, onlers ye give me more wages. Mrs. Hiram Often?What! Why, you don't know how to cook or do housework at all. Bridget?That's Just It, ma'am, Oflrn So. "Jack and Mildred, before they wore married, were always quarreling as to whether they would get an automobile or a horse and trap." "I suppose, of course, Mildred finally had her way?" "No; they compromised on a baby carriage."?Puck. Caught. "I must confess," he said in a sudden burst of confidence, "that I'm an odd man. I long to bo different?" "O! this is so sudden," exclaimed Miss Passay, throwing herself upon his nock, for she, too, was odd and louged to be even.?Philadelphia Press. Got liiuy. "Do you believe a man can be at two places at the same time?" asked the country editor's wife. "I certainly do," replied the man of the pen, rubbing his discolored eye; "there was an Indignant citizen In my rOlce, this morning, and he was all ovit the place!" i ' Of Course. "Do you believe the. old Raying, 'There's no place like home'?" "That doponds." "Depends upon what?" "Upon whose home you are referring to!"?Judge. Not tlic Lookc'1-Por Reply. Departing Quest (after paying his hill, sarcastically)?I sincerely hope your conscience wou't trouble you! Hotel Proprietor (blandly)?Don't worry, sir; we don't caro how you got the money!?Tit-Bits, > NOTICE I Notice *. ?herefcy $p\w thar iijt n o# J ondii ?ire U * running a' 'w * "> and other ue^u ?i.uiuV >ani(t<'i h??jpfrirtlj ei 'nee . and that, all ^ ioia 10 i? n tif i vpw- ' ja1 ? .' peuaUr PT** scriL it* *ai?t u . fiv orciei Ktf c uu il tfciv Uth of i bn< ary 1900. v >* ^Mhaney. Clerk. j When in ihe Market FOR iGOOD WHISKIES, WINES, BRANDIES, ETC., e*LTi ON OK WB1TE *T ->T-i-n T ^r 037-1? !SAM5T:n<Y. - N. C. HtfleDocfor Brings back health by arousing the Liver. The liver is the cause of most illness--it gets lazy. Ramon's Liver Pills andTonic Pellets restore the natural functions. Don't use purgatives-try Ramon's Complete T reatmpnt 91 r?nto For rfttle by W. B. Ardrey & Co. n> r>r t'flgif. : aotattaaamcv' | DO IU NEED Any^ iTI I ' # j , . your dung ordw ) in HOOVER ft thc TEETER, way of S. tilbury, N. C I ; Phone 248. j | gOOd 1251-. Council St 1 LIQUORS? ! ,'frrm ui ux.rai uif>: mnnamai ?M HUNTING TRIP I neiure to be |>r(n*rlv tr,u!ppr. I?obtftln the :>THV? ENS and you can no I u<'\vkjNG. Wer.uU 1 RIFLES . . . from $2 25 to $150.00 | PISTOLS . . . t-oca 2.o0 to 50 00 SHOTGUNS . . Iron 7 AO to 35 00 A*?k yc*if <U ?'c? an*1 insitt Semi ft <4? page ?'.us* onour po|Kiur nui e '( tutf 1 tHiloj;. II inter* V'Uimi: otoltiln, Hchlpje.! '1 In SiutOTIlf**, y(** illrect, rarr-i.ifr charrts |oufc'Mtoh%*e It. failed p"?ta{d% i pon <?f f? r i??uf tenii la stamp* to 1 lUl. g price. I cover |? *U?e. Our attn tire three ' Jnr Almntnnm flanker v.lll be rent ?n?hfre r> t 10 cents In stamps. J. 8TEVK*:3 ARMS AND TOOL CO., V. O. lioi tvA Chlcopoo Fall*. Mm*.. U. S. A. KJLLthb cough ?H0 ClIK^a the L'J Pi CO w,TH Hr. King's j Ito D^c every \ /Tr riiMrnon prie? nd a9sft$1.00 R rial. T.ii ?? .? ?m tor all I J ROUlw \ ' v - 1 yc u V ?* ' J s hu- rem pell or ?*;rh ?n>??" a?'\ I iii-ip, p' ? H want" ud. hi tno '2"> hi^c lined. / V*4i* . ' V ii To ha/e a happy home they are great happy-horne-ma f-an be made strong enough 1 little pain or discomfort to yoi ^ a n..:u: Ih Dunuing un It will ease away all you cure leucorrhea (whites), fa! disordered menses, backache childbirth natural and easy. At every drug store in t WRITE US A LETTER Put aa'.d? ail timidity and writ? ti? free'v and frnrleiy. In at.- .ctcst ci', telling aH your sympto ms miIjIcs. W< vr.Hj I'd free :.dvico 'tr i 'in, ?' alfd envelop.'), how to \ L:?tl: ' Advisory ; 'angola Mfdic-ue Co., t Cabbage Pla Ihave hail several years experience in ami now have ready for shipmeun 1 i l-nrge Tyjn> WakefieldH, ileiulcrsou Sin ! varieties to exporicin oil truck farmerr. : water ' > ojieit air. Will st-oml severe i in light boxes. F. O. E. bore, $1.50 per Special prices on largy orders The ex rates on plant his season. All plants prefer to send ; _?e xuonej with the orih aud personal atteutiQu. Give me a trin B. IwoMBBSBae??: c ?Baa We Nsvet Disappt Wt fulfill Eyury Promise and I IMP nllDC Strtotnr? wttfeeot tb* hi vT C lit?TIC pntD or detention from onr?d Defer to ratora, Wltl.ot-t mercury ,, * iror I'oalUvr I Trio Dr. Kins Mi /flHrr 'I lawaof the ?ut? i tiervoue nod ohron V I t>7 > ttaO of vinttK ItJgJZfKJP /fSStw Our aucceaa It tl #c<l: we u?? both i t) * ,ay 1 IJ rJ ocntrlr&nco knowi .1 ^ * I ? wi.jrn la ovary f >v 1 and cffloli r| a. X. nad Itcanftcd pbyM >#?\ ?Wo entploy no > V7r\ pnron??re--co C. < i ' bylhlt itmtullnn. ?' \ xWltll toBlO.OO per niontl } ^ywiWfy av.ce of * coro wit i nv BtsT RtrtscrKr is. CHbOKICDiS I KWiUAft 1? &to> "'? UNTIL CUBED. **#/ r?*.-ue?. Tnmora uniiLbuuv. -w N m Tfcr0Bl> Ue H. K. KING, M. O. Clxroolo Dlmw <" ???? (Vmmjkino Pw??ioi*?i. U" m*' 'irnl DiaoUar *?a? u> w4?; roif*r'!'.uj ? iar conditio! Vl | 11(7 K>nd yon cur 11 w-mtura, Inclualug CON.SCLTA i IOM, BXAXINAT 5*. KINS MEBIQ6L CO.. fti ??1 j""?rmTmn | - . - I? r?fgJijSfB]EiMS!SJSfl@ SB 1SOUTHtRf | | i | THE SOUTH'S Gf ; |i I fi j^j Unexcelled Dining Car Sei fife Convenient Schedules on r ^ Through Pullman Sleeping Winter Tou|iat Rates in E ( < ll V j^l For full information as to ratios fit Southern Railway Ticket Ag | BROOKS MORGAN, m A Q. P. A., Atlanta, Qa. ? L?iy?n?|-SJS'ay@iM@J3iisi p.n IBWfflMffiiaing'Brsafliagfi Ijoa PRIN | 1?1 NEATLY EX! s ||j THE TIMES < fTtU Letterheads.N 4>theads Billheads, |rn [ Circulu s, Envelopes, Etc. at t he lo ray work, isoud urtp-< ur orders and \vc Tla . lesiMaiaraijdligfefgWg'ifeJBI: I.? ?, ,?, ? OUR PRISE LIST. ; Combining good quality and low prices. The prices quoted Lolow arc guaranteed , to be the lowest for quality of Goods: 1 yenr old Corn Wii.dky, per gallon il.oO 2 I. ,, M it >i i> 1.75 I 8 .. .. 2.00 ^ ii ?? ?? it 2.25 : 5 ,, ,, Tar Heel Co^n Whiskey , ji ? ,, ijotHi uyo wrnsky per pal 1.75 [ 2 ? Good Rye Whisky " " 2.00 i 8 ? ? Good Ryo Whisky " " 2.50 4 Good Ryo Wliisky " " S.OO 1 5 ,, ,, Good Rye Whisky " " 4 00" | No charge for veamd or packing. 60c uxtm will piopuy ex Dross on one , to (hroe gallons; ovbr A gallons, 76c. SHUMAN ft COMPANY, SALISBURY .... NO. ( - IK. / y -WV4. ' * jf Home I you must have children, as H kers. If a weak woman, you to bear healthy children, with ra| jrself, by taking M ic For Women, ra tr pain, reduce inflammation, HQ lling womb, ovarian trouble, B| , headache, etc., and make UN >1.00 bottles. gB "DUE TO CARDUI |S and nothing else, is my baby girl, now two weeks oM," writes airs. J. Priest, of Webster City, Iowa. *'She is a Una, ka healthy b.ibe and wo aro both doing W nircly. I am still taking Cardui, and E\3 would not be vithout It in the houno, ml as it is a great medicine for women." Sy 1.1" mag. mm ?am am^mewmmmm^aami nts For Sale. |! 1 growing Cabpngo plants for the trade i Carly Jersey Wakefields, Charleston Qcrtssior-, Which aro tho liest known Those plants arc grown near salt joid without injury. Prioos, packed i 1,000. Lots of r>,0<M) at $1.2u ror 1,000. qress company is giving us cheap 1 will bo snipped C. O. L). unless you >r. Your orders will have my prompt 1 d order. Address all orders to J. DONALDSON. Moggotta, S. C. \ wnBMmKsmamtamgMammEs^ lint Our Patents.! K???r Held Gut Fs'y? Lop??. | if* or bougie and ViCrico'Sl? wUbont B] LutlnrK.; Cor'nuloui IlloCKl Poifirt B 1 or mineral n'kturet !.? * Of Mai.ty nl y rur?U; too nt Unulo-it but Mrmihn t cdlral Co. lltn Institution ersanlred nnOtr lly> |? >f Georgia for the frcaunetit and o'lYr 01 <U HJ Icdiaeaira. Dr. N. K. KHu. thn founder of SB tbe chief c insulting egectaliat, being asaiSUJd H Bt pbyMeUus nod .urroops. jf if trrliwi nt or chronic dNrasei Is u.T?urp?a- ffi hedlcal aud ?Mi?etr1<-al ancnclea. 2 lulppad with a I tbo Kairanlo, faradla bailor ray, and Klusenray: in fact, etnry flixatfeiU i to the mcdloal prnfomtlot.. OiirtsclUriorn It K reapcct, and we employ oono bat the b$gt K 5nt attendants. regular./ qualified fcnuiuaun BP ctaus b. ti.-g in ohsrge. W misleading vtiii to ironra patltnla and B ). D.'i or (marked for Utonunr* are-tutrt trot B Oar term* for treatment ocon'irc rtotn f* "0 B . (madid re luc'uded; and VjT girt) the twur H (bin a specified ''me. B iriCCC ' *?! snceoesfuUy treat and ncnpik K ItBotwi nentiy cure kit chroulo dltoaeoe w jy am. Uiutldur troubles. KhouiruHtkin, H oeolo. Drains. Losses. otr., and all I'Mvato I' and roallrnaat truiihhs < n-wrrli of lb? f ad and Lun/s. Dlac.vea of lire nod Uar, !?.> of \Y*.<iii?u, such an nispiacenfc&tfc gas. and luoh weaknesses of women, n If you are sir* or crRicted. Or. request Wi> Tinptaiu blanks for b<ima treatment. (OV ANI> AOVICK'FRM 1ff2ft&wear f tlania, 6a.?! g?IS ?HliS:BJ'gjEllS|l <1 RAILWAY. I 1 IEATEST SYSTEM. ? ?| rvice. a ill Local Trains. Cars on Through Trains. ffect to Florida Points. 1^. m W , routes, etc., consult nearest gg ent, or SI R. W. HURT, I D. P. A , Charleston, A. C. & [IfSSiS^fSSIiJsSi .1 ~ n . J T!NG | iCUTED AT b JFFICE. A ? ffl Statements, Handbills, Posters, j-p. west prices consistent with kcxkI ^ will plouse you. g .o Times, p 4 50 YEARS' yone *"n<11iiK ? Hketrh and description n:.?r quickly ascertain our opinion free whether >in Invention Is probably pnloniitblo. ( oninninlralion* strict ly ronudanltal. Handbook on Patents ent froe. Oldest luretiry for scouring patents. PnUnu taken tUmuyli Munti A Co. rocolva rptriiU notltf, without chance. In the * Scientific American. A handsomely Illustrated weekly, 1 .arrest drrulntion of nny sclenlifl journal. Terms, $3 i. roar; four months, $1. Mold by all newsdealers. MUHN 8 Co.3e,B'"j-". New York Brunch Office. t?6 K Ht., Wash tuition, I).