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SHORT ITEMS of Important Events of the Week Enster Sunday will come c Ap ;il 15 this year. Born Surds3' to ICr. and Mr "W. T. Hu'-.trlsud e daughter. The heua have got busy at lai and theie line been a fall in tL price of eggs. Mr. Ernest Armstrong, of CIihi lotte, spent a few hours here 5Sa1 urday on business. Miss Margaret Warlick has r< turned from the Northern mail ets and resumed her duties ? milliner for Meacham & Epps. Mrs. Cleo Robertson and chi dren, of New York City, who hav been visiting relatives in " Roc Hill, spent Tluirsd y with Mri T. B Meacham in this place. The comptroller general wit the approval of the governor, ha extended the time for the paymei of commutation road tax uut April 15. The Enquirer announces the Clerk of die Court Tale has th money with which to pay the mam gers of the Brice law election hel in this county last fall. The political pot will soon begi to simmer, but up to this time w liave not heard ?>i a county cand date, except some of the ittcun bents who will stand for re-ele*. tion. Mr. A. O. Jones, the up-to-dat grocery man, is having a nice brie ice house erected in the rear t his store, preparatory to furtiiai ing his customers with ice Lh coming summer. Mr. YV. B. biteele, a carpentt of the town, had the misfortun {Saturday to lose $10 in cash, H hud the money, two $r>.<)<) bill loose in his pocket, and whil walking along Main street Letwee the depot and Hall's market ioi the bills. Mr. Steele says that li would willingly allow the tindi one of the hills if he or she woul return the other. Mrs. A. A. Young has for tl past week been in Savannah, Gu vhere she was summoned by tel gram to the bedside of h< daughter, Miss Mary Young, wl; has been dangerously ill from ? abscess in her throat. A messai yesterday stated that Miss \Toun was much improved and that h< recovery seems assured. Mrs. M. V. M oore (Betsy Han ilton) appeared before a luige ai dience at the town hull Fridi night, and everyone present soeu ed well pleased with her inimitabi recitations, etc. the eutertaii lit out wua given under the au pices and f<?r the benefit of fl local home mission and civic in provement .-ucieties, which res ized about $30 00. Mr. R. P. (Dick) Stewart, former resident of Fort Mill, bi lately of St. Petersbuurg, Fit was here several days of tlie pa week on a visit to relatives an friends. Mr. Stewart left Fo Mill about 15 years ago, and aft< residing in Charlotte for a alio time, moved to Florida where 1 has since engaged in the merchai tilo business. His friends hei were pleased to see him. Farmers who own their laqc are the richest men in the worl because they are the most iudepei dent. They come and go, woi when they pleuse, do as Hit please wttb their products and ni at no maifs beck and call. The ought to be the happiest, for tht have all that nature can give t secure health, which is the grea est blessing in the world. A marriag" which was of ui usual iu erest to tluir frienc owing to the popularity of tt couple whs that on Friday nig! at 7.30 o'clock of Mr. Oscar Pari and Mies Vernic Startles, whic took place at the home of tl bride's adopted mother, Mr JeHaie Stnrnec-. iu the village < the Millfort Mill. The inarria^ ceremony was performed by tl bride's pastor, llev. J. H. Thori well. The couple were the recip ents of many valuable prt-sen and their friends wish tin 111 su cess. Cotton Crop 10,697,013 Bales. A bulletin issued Tuesday t the Census Bureau at Washinj ton shows the complete crop < cotton for 1905 including linte; and counting round bales as ha bales to be 10,097,013. The number of bales estimate by the ginners as remaining to 1 ginned and included in the r port is 40,112. LOST?On Main Htreel Saturday raor tug batweeu depot and Hull's mark two well-worn five dollar '$M hill Finder is woleome to one of th j hills be will return the other to W. ] Steele, L j& v JMjk LOCAL INTEREST. Bunched For Busy Tunes Readers. itl I A ti. c ? .??.wn irum rire. Just liow the home of Mr. W. H. Parke, on Confederate erect, escaped destruction by tire Saturday " night ie a mystery to Mr. Parke ie and members of his family. Saturday evening Mrs. Parke cleaned r- the Hehes from the stove in ttie t- cook room and placed them in a small wooden box. The box was shoved aside and it was the inten" tiou of Mrs. Parks to carry it iuto l~ the yard a little later and empty the ashes. Her attention was then directed to other duties and the 1- ash-box escaped her memory, e Sunday morning Mr. Parks was k surprised on entering the kitchen 9. to iitid the room tilled with smoke. The doors and windows were 1, opened and wlieu the smoke had lR cleared it was found that the wooden box had took fire during jj the night and had not only been entirely consumed but that a hole about two feet across had been burned in the floor. The tire had 16 gone out when Mr. Parks entered l" the room. It was indeed a narrow d escape, and should be a warning to others who would deposit hot n ashes in a wooden box. e i- To Reckon Faster. . The Christian festival of Eaatet corresponds to the Pascha. oi Passover, of the Jewish faith, f Easter day (from which the rest , of religious movable feasts is re} corded) is invariably the first l* Sunday succeeding the fourteenth e day of the calendar moon which (fourteenth day) falls on or next *r after March 21. If the fourteenth ie day should be Sunday, Eastet ie day would be the Sunday following s, Only twice during the past dele cade has Easter been later than n this year's date?April 15. at Throughout the last 11 years, with ie a single expection, Easter has falir len in April. In 11)02 the date wat d March 30. )e Mckejaay Suit Compromised. l*' Those people who were expecting sensational reading growing 3r out of the $50,000 libel damage 10 suit brought by Rev. A. J. Mc 1,1 Kelway against the Observer Com'e pany, were disappointed Monday afternoon when the Charlottt "r papers announced that the cast had been compromised. The cast 1- was called in the superior court n- Monday morning, and after a jury ty had been drawn, the attotneys foi a- the two sides held a conference lc and a compromise was agreed a- upon. Rev. McKelway was al s- lowed damages iu the sum of out ?e cent. a A Competitive ExaminationSenator Tillman gives noti^t a that a compe;itive examinatioi Jt for two midshipmen will be heh at the State house nt Columbia 8t beginning at il:30 a. m., Tuesday 'd April 10, under the directi n 01 rt the State Superintendent of Edu 2r cation and two assistants. Aiij rt boy may enter this cor.p tit ion 16 who is not under 10 n r in rt thau 20 yesrs of age, ii->r less ti uii r? 5 feet 2 inches in height. Is A White Man to Hang. Id The euprenie court on Fridaj 9' affirmed the action of the circui k in reference to tiie cases of Bot y small and John iNali, two younj, re white men convicted of having y killed a negro in Darliugtoi *y county laat spring, o Both of the convicted men wen t- drunk and were behaving in 1 rowdy manner. They are fron North Carolina. Small is 23 anc jg Nail 19 years of age. The forme ie received the death sentence aii( the latter was sent up for life. At t8 appeal to the supreme court stay ed the execution and the appea has been decided against the ap a pellants. Another date for the exe cution of Small must be set, aiu Nail must uow enter upon his lif< ie sentence. ,i. Up to a few y ars ago our peoph were always inl< restt 1 and looket c, forward with pic isure to tlie 20tl of MllV m?l?hrn?i/it.a :.. Ol I j ww.vvftm aviio Ail V>ll<ll UJI U but for some time tine interest ha been on the lag, owintr to the fac that those of our people who visi )V ted Charlotte on these occasion with tiie hope of seeing or liear ^ iiiK things out of the ordinary rg wore doomed to disappointment j? We are triad to note, however that preparations are being uiad< for tin hi truest, celebration f r tin )e next 2|1 li of May in the history o g_ the city. On the front page of thii issue io given an outline of tin progrurn lor the three days enter n- tainineut and if this program ii ot c irri 1 out, and there is 110 rensoi '? to doub? ?t. th'-se who visit Char p lotte will be r yally entertainer wlme tLe?e, ug \ \ STANDAE ING MA ABSOLUTI > j Commencing todi will issue coupons w chase in the following | Notions, Clothing, When you have hoi bring in your coupoi these Talking machi | Remember the numl have only 12 machi not be here long. 5c to $50 counts in t no game of chance, the first twelve to se coupons, you w ill ce ing machine free. T very loud and distir call at our store am sing and play some < ; the country.. IZMZFOIE* i Our dry goods dep been so well hlled at dies who have seei goods have been hea they were the pi ; ever seen in Fort ] want to be sure to Mercerized White Mercerized Lawns, 1 [ cy White Goods, Ma We are especially pi j SHOES for ladies ai spring and summer. Leather Plain Toe beauty! Our line ol j CLOTHING is also I and the pretty part ; prices. Let us fit y< F foot with a new Spri you how much cash ; We are also givin can of Purity Uakinj tiful and nicely frar [ and see these and tl ) j BELK'S B] i i ) ! ! A In . L I / * OIHIill III I Time Saves Nine. a We absolutely guarantee 1 our BED BUG POISON to 1 kill every insect or trace of t s insect on your furniture, t it win also Kin little cnilB dren and grown people. y We also have other preparations that are also effecte ive, though not so dangerous, f When you think of Spring 8 Housecleaning, think of us, if we can help you out in a lot of ways. 1 Ardrey's\ ,D TALKCHINE 3LY FREE I ay?March 1st?we ith each cash pur* lines: Dry Goods, Shoes and Hats. Light 850.00 worth is and get one of nes absolutely free, ber is limited. We nes and they will rery purchase from his offer. This is If you are one of cure 850 worth of rtaiuly get a talkThese machines are let, and you should 1 hear them talk, >f the best music in artment has never s it now is. The lai oiir new spring rd to remark that rettiest they had Mill. Ladies! You ?"> A A sue our ?oiseites, i Fancies, Lingerie, [ labutai Silks, Fail- I idras, Percales, etc. mud of our line of id children for the See that Patent at $3.00. It s a " men's and hoy's right up to date, of it is the low lu up from head to ing Suit, and show we will save you. g free, with each ! \ ^ Powder, a heauned Picture. Call le pretty goods at [Gr STORE. I i LOST?From my Store a fow dayR ?KO l i set of Obatretical Instruments. These instruments are useless. except to a J physician, and I would be thankful for ' the return of same. Dr. T. B. Meacham. umhmr/mms*sH&\ ? Tho difference l>rtv*pfn flitting and MI%*tog lathed If* A Ifrr^iue t?tw?en an A - urate and an ln.t .rate Arm. j Choose wiiely?<Uv riminitet Get a STIiVENSI J Forty rear* of CKperlentels behind our trUd an?l rt /r./t'/a line of ^ KIFLKH, PIHTOLS, SnOTOUNS 4 Hi He* THr>acof?*n, Etc* ' Art yu?ilsafmaml lulu Semi 4 In stamps faf 140 9 on the Stbvbnv If. mi p?i:e cmalo? detuMrlnif * .. ti.e entire S revicNS l|ne rt ftnnot obtain,w??lilp<tl- > rect, tx/rtit/re/ii*J%on rontalnft polntl on Shoot- A re<eh< of catalog price. ing. AmnmwHlow, 1 tc. 3 beautiful three-color Aluminum flanker will le f<?r- 4 warded for 10 rents In stamp*. 4 J. STEVENS ARMS AND TOOL CO., \ f. t) Ilo* Z Chicopf* I ai.i.s. Mash..U.S. A. . I s 'v <- (y<h&3r'' ' I II ? oiKvniu ICAW. CKOSSETT SHOES for Menrand * | ' ^ HAKKISUURG SHOES for La. dies and children. They tit better, look better, and wear longer than any Shoes on the market today. There is no experimenting when j you buy these Shoes. They Itave been tried and found to be the 'best on the i market. One pair will convince you that the above are undisputed facts. ]|| \ ' New Spring Styles have just arrived. I I Call and see them ? - - - "11 L. J. MASSEY. Ill ? MEICHAM & EPPS' SPRING SHOWING OF || I OXFORDS I I IS COMPLETE. ALL STYLES AND LEATHERS 1 |p The Drew-Selby line of Ladies' Oxfords connot be ? 0 beat in style, fit and wear. Call and see them. We ? lj| have them in "Grandma's Comfort," and for the mid- ?8 ^ X die aged who want both comfort and dress. Our line * j& for young ladies is grand. ?& I Mens' Shoes. | a We have a full line in Shoes and Oxfords, in Patent * leather, Kid and Gun Metal, in all the lasts and tods. a We sell the best shoes made, for the money. jnj MEACHAM & EPPS I **ir Watch for our 5 and 10 cent sale, which will Jc commence soon. )080?Q00O 0? 00?0003OS090W | When's a bed I | Not a bed?- | !! WHEN Irs > LITTLE "BUOGT." U !! II s Si n jlj As a sure preventive of such a ca? ce lamity use CATAWBA BEDBUG EX- || || TERMINATOR. 15 cents per bottle. || J J Sold and guaranteed by |5 Ki 11 u n i n 1/^ ^ " \\ rAKIVS UKUU tu. II 11 it *#####M>########44^###4,####4'######M,M<###(N<##M4iM#M4 >x*x?x? x* x^ x? x* \*x*x?x?x?x *\*\*\*%*\*%*\+.\+,%*%*\*%*r. kXXXXXXXXXXXXWXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXVXXXXXXXXXVWXVXXX I T. D. FAULKNER COMFY. | I Jj i \j wsr e ? 1 i Undertaking in all its branches from 9} j? the cheapest Pine Coffin to the finest if State Casket. Robes for children, ladies ^ J and gentlemen, Slippers, etc. Hearse || and llearse Wagon. 'Phones 12 &34. ^ T. D. FAULKNER & COMPANY. Am\\\\\NNN\\S\S\\\N\SVi XA AAAAAAAAA ?\A4 .