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Shf Jort 2jftid Sinus. DEMOCRATIC PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY. B. W. BRADFORD. One year 11.00 Six months ,, .?0 Three months 35 Anonymous communications will not ? bt published in these columns. foi resuonilence on current subjects Is r)tw|, but no responsibility Is assumed for the views of correspondents. * ' Term* of Subscription: Part Mill 'Phone (with long distance connections) No. 26. MAKUH 22, lSMJfi. Passing of the Cock Pit. Tlie public generally nnd especially iiie respectable people of York county, are gratified to know that the cock pit at It. F. Thorn, seaon's place, east of liock Hill, is A ? now h tiling of the past; that is. so fur as the legal pitting of chickens is concerned. This pleasing news is gleaned from the Bock Hill Herald of Saturday. It lemained for the trustees of the Leslie school to administer the death blow to the cockpit and this they have done by obtaining a charter for their school. The State law prohibits cock fighting within three miles of any chartered institution of learning. The pit on Thomatson's place, according to The Herald, is located auly a fraction over a mile from the Lesslie school, and that the institution is now chartered, the pit must go. The people of the community are determined to break up this nuisance und promise to take the matter into comt if any njore chicken fighting is done at that place. The Thomasson cock pit has been the scene of many wholesale butcheries of blooded chickens, and many a young man has visited me piace wiiu 11 ih nara-earnea money, only to lie relieved of his * coin mid sent away penniless. 1 Not only this but this pit has been 1 a general resort fur drunkenuess and rowdyism, and hr.a been the cause of great annoyance to the ? good people in the community i where it was located, besides a t nuisance to York county and the . State. Its doom is welcomed. Good Jtoad*. A subject which bobs up and do- 1 mauds discussion at all seasons of t the year is that of good roads, Hnd j the season is now at hand when the farmers realize the need of improvements along this line. It is 1 n fact that the farmers, who are e the chief beneficiaries of good t country roads, are not yet fully awake to the importance of improvement, and until they are 1 ready to act the problem will not 1 be solved. i New York is said to have the f best roads of any State in the ^ Union, while Mecklenburg county, North Carolina, lends in quality an mileage any county in the South in macadam. The roads have added much to the value of i property and wealth of the people t where they have been built, and s we are pleased to uote that the farmers of other sections are c awakening to the need of better c highways. The good roads of New - York slate were built through t legislation brought about by the t fanners, and the firming cIhss of any othei state nan have just as e tmicli influence as those of New f York, if they will only do so. < When the farmer sees tit to put "] his best foot forward in the mat- ^ ter of good roads the result will he t of great benefit to all, and especially to the farmer himself. c "Qwyen to Law." j An exchange tells of a negro ' who went before a justice of the J peace and swore that there was a , another negre in the neighbor- ] hood who ho was afraid of and wanted him placed under a peace I) >nd. At the trial ten negro men 1 and one woman were present. The ' lawyers made noble and loud ' speeches that could be heard aoross the square. The negro gave his bond and the colored hi-pilir..n weet nvvay happy, i It ia astonishing with what ] bawle h negro rushes into a law suit with another negro. He had i rather have a lawsuit than eat 1 rlueken.pie or pound cake. Some white men are juat an big fools alx>ut going to law to right an itn- < aginary wrong as negroes; yet they forget that the one who wins a suit in law pays out more money for lawyer's fees and other expenses than he recovers by Inw. So both the plaintiff and defendant lose in money, time and sometimes in reputation- J3aoh anxious and eager to win, yet both litigants lose in the legal battle. ( Attorney General U. X. Gnnter 1 was on Tuesday reported danger- 1 onaly ill of pleurisy at the home j of but father at bates burg, I it,* American Tyranny? Some of the brethren of the press in this section of the country have for several day? been tearing their hair, so to ep-ak, over what they teruj tyranny or brutality on she part of the American soldiers in killing out s bund of Moro out' laws near Jolo iu the Philippines, while, as a matter of fnet, the re' ports of tiie battle do not seem to warrant such an accusation. These Moro people are described as plain, ordinary, everyday brig unds. They had harried, robbed and murdered not only Americans, but their own countrymen. They had defied and resisted the authority of the sultan of their jwu country, as well as all the iletuanda of the Uuited States government. Under coyer of darkness they had barricaded them selves iu an almost impenetrable fortress (the crater of an extinct irolcauo) and from there pursued their murderous and thievish work in defiance of both native and American forces. Their attitude made it not a question of snbmisuission to American rule, hut a juesiioci of regard for any rule at ill, and for the peace and safety of die Moro people. The band was -xtermiuateu because it could not lot be CHptured, and killed not bemuse its members were patriots esisting invasion of their country ?ut because they were a lawless ind menacing s^t of brigands. As for the killing of the women md children, this appears to have seen unavoidable by the Ameri;ans and due to the cowardice of he Moi-oh, for it is said that the votneu and children were placed n front as a defense for their cowirdly men. While the killing is leplorable, it is perhaps best, even it the eacaitioe of the women and 1 k i 1 vl rn 11 t kit f t ?- '1 ,iiiiviiviit Iiini< inc V/UU llll J to iiu >f tliin band of desperadoes. Believing thkt the matter of educating one's children is of equal mportance to all men, the writer ihall not rack hia brain or kill a ot of space in propounding the vhys and wherefores every ma:: n this school district should atend the meeting to be held in the mil Monday afternoon to deoide ipon whether an election shall >e called to decide upon an extra ax levy for the improvement and uipport of the Fort Mill graded ichool. That improvements, espeoo the building, are much needed, s clear to anyoue who has recently visited the school. It is the luty of every citizen to be present, vhether he favors or opposes the ax, and give his views in the mater, A Good Way to AdvertiseIf the commercial club is seekng a plan to advertise the town he following may be worth con. lidering: It is not what Lexington prints m the backs of envelopes that :ounts so much with a progressive itranger, but the very fact that here is enough enterprise in the own to print anything on the mvelopes is what impresses the itranger with the town. It's a good idvertisement. Are you having ponr envelopes printed this way? Don't be afraid it's a scheme to five the job p~inter work. It's for he good of the town?Ditpntch. Just why The Times has gotten >n the list of "Appeal to Reason," i Socialist paper published at jtirard, Kas., we are at a los-s to mow. We aincerely hope that the publisher of "Appeal to Reason'' ioes not entertain the idea that we ?re inclined to Socialism. We're Democrats! The McKelway-Observer suit jeems to have been a case in which :a ? - in- uiun who acureu and IU6 Oilier zlad of it. | lettsr to X. A- HABTIS, Fort Mill, SC. Dear Sir: Yon buy yonr horse.moen ?nd nails: vour grandfather, if ho wa? a blacksmith, made 'em. You cuu't aftord t> hammer them oat. by haud, when you can buy an good, or better perhaps, roadymude to your hand, lor a little more than the cost of the iron. What do yon think of a painter who goes on buying his linseed oil and white lead, and mixing, and tinting bv hand, and charging his time for work that is far better-dona than he oan do it, done by machinery, done as your horseshoes and nails are made. Mistake isn't it? He is wast ing his chance in the world. There is no better stuff to do business with than good hors shoes and paint, nud no better work than paring them on. Good horseiu es well put oa: It's the patting Vm on thu. makes yon a blacksmith", n < mat or who makes 'tin. Who wantn to go back to old times, and make his own horseshor ;? Hetween us two, thut pninter don't know how to makt go I paint?he used to; bat paint lias run awuy from him. Yonrs trnly !10 F W D> vok A Co P. 8.; W. B. Ardroy sells our paint. I THE NEWS OF Interesting Items From Our Corre T? nn\r U 411 I dWVVA JU >? Tlie county commissioners have awarded the contract to Mr. 8. E. MrFadden, of R. F. D. No. 1, to bnild a bridge over Tools fork creek on the Rock Hill and McConuellsvilie road, at his bid of $148, the county to furnish the ninterial. The Presbyterians of Rock Hill are looking forward with great pleasure to the series of meetings which will be held in the First Church the week beginning Sunday, March 25. The Rev. Geo. H. Coruelaon, cf Concord N. C., will preach twice each day during the week. The Methodists are also making preparations for the celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of the founding of Methodise) in Rock Hill, This will occur April 12th and through the 15th, and a uumber of prominent men and speakers will be asked to attend. A session of the State Teacher's Association will be held at Winthrop College July 4-6. The State summer school will be in session at Winthrop at that time, convening June 20 and closiug July 18. An unusually strong faculty with several new departments is now being organized and full anuouncmeuts will be issued from the department of education about the fir's t of April 1st. Dr. J. H. Thornwell preRched at Ebenezer Sunday. It was an exceedingly interesting servioe, as Dr. Ttiornwell gave a delightful description of his visit to Nashville, He was a delegate to the International Missionary Union. Yorkville. The new hotel Shandon at I Yorkville will be opened April 1st under the management of Mr. J. E. Sadler, who has for several vearN bnnn will iifvnl url nritli tin, Nicholson Hotel at Cheater. The hotel is new throughout; is modem and will till a long felt waut at Yorkville. A late report from Washington says that Alias Moore may rest assured of reappointment when her present term expirea next month. Mr. W. Brown Wylie has been elected secretary and treasurer of the Tavora cotton mill to succeed Mr. W. S. Neil, resigned. Mr. Wylie will assume his new poettion April. Will Crosby, the negro man who assaulted the little girl near the Arcade mill in Rook Hill a few days ago and who* was committed to jail, has hevelopaci a most beautiful case of smallpox. According to The Enquirer, Dr. Walker so diagnosed the case on Wednesday. Sheriff Hugh G. Brown and others are circulating subscription lists which are being liberally responded to, for the organization of a brass band, composed of good material and talent. They are also looking about tor a competent instructor and hope to have the hand in good shape before the summer campaign opens up, Mr. John E. Carroll, superintar t f -"-1 ??? ? -- ? * ^ I ci.uciai UI ruiirHHUII U1 XOTK county, has forwarded his resignation to Gov Heyward. Tlie resignation is to go into effect as soon nt> the successor qualities. Gold Hill. It seems that the farmers will not get started with their crops very soon, if the rains continue to come. They are now hauling fertilizers. Some of the people of this community are still sick. Mr. Henry Windle is very sick with pneumonia. .. .Grace Grahatn daughter of Mr. C. H. Graham is now very ill.... Master Garey has also been sick with whooping-cough, Mr. and Mrs. IV M. Faris spent Sunday with Mrs, T. M. Faris.... Prof. S. E. Bonev SDent SaturdHV in Rock Hill....Miss Sue Faris visited her home Saturday night and Sunday... .Mr. S. L. Coltharp spent Saturday in Charlotte on business. The military boys met at Gold Hill Academy last Saturday to drill, but employed most of the time in a game of baseball. A number of young people were highly entertained at the home of Mr. (5. P. Blankeuship, Tuesday night of last week. The Flint Hill olioir is improving very much. The next choir practice will beat Mr. C. P. Blankenships, Saturday night. A LXVXLT TUSSLE with that old enemy of the race. Constipation, often ends in Appendicitis To avoid all serious trouble with Stomach' Liver and Bowels, take Dr, King's New Life Pills. They perfeotly regulate these organs, without pain or discomfort. 36c. at Anlrey's drug store. The new 'phone line from Marviu to Fort Mid 19 about completed. YORK COUNTY, | spandents and Oonty ExchangesPleasant Valley. Mr. J. M. Harris istuking down the acreage of this district. There will be leas cotton plant d this year, especially if the rains continue. Mrs. J. B. Mack has returned to Fort Mill after seveial days visit hi Mir. \J. w. Jfotts. Mr. Will Phillip** of Rock Hill was in Pleasaut Valley the past week. Dr. B, M. Potta and Mrs. M. L. Culp of this place went over to hear Betsy Hamilton Friday night reported it an enjoyable entertainment. i Mrs. Mack and Mrs. O. W. Potts visited the Misses Rosa in Marvin last week. Master Alfred Jones is visiting his aunt, Mrs. J. M. Harris. Mrs. Lilly Skinner of Charlotte visited her mother Mrs. Patterson the past week. Mrs. Wilson and grand daughter Mi?a Beulah Crowder of lower Fort Mill visited relatives in Pleasant Valley Saturday. Miss Beulah Patterson of this place is visiting in Charlotte. R. W. Doster and John W. Hall are attending court in Lancaster this week. J, L. Pottus our model rood overseer has just put his section of roas from Belair to Pleasant Valley in good condition. The people of this community are very much disappointed in the location of the public road leading from Pineville to this pUce as it will be an ill convenience to the public of this section as both Pineville and Charlotte draw a considerable amount of trade from here. 'Phone 14 when you want anything good to oat. WK HAVE IT. A despatch Tuesday from Washington says that Miss Maggie Moore has been reappointed posh mistress at Yoikville. If the the FLOUR that you are using doesn't give satisfaction, try "IMPERIAL*." Sold by A. O. Jones. In the year 1806 the month of February was, in one respect, the most remarkable in the world's nisiory. 111)ltd no lull moon. January and March of that year had two full moons. This had not occurred since the creation of the world, nor will it occur again, according to astronomers, for 2,500,000 yeurs. TOBTUBED BY SAVAQIS. "Speaking of the torture to wliioh some of the savage tribes iu the Philippines subject their captives, reminds me of the intense suffering I endured for three inonthe from inflammation of the Kidneys," says W.M. Sherman of Gushing, Me. "Nothing helped me until I tried Electric Bitters, three bottles of which completely cured me." Cures Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Blood disorders and Malaria; and restores the weak and nervous to robust health. Guaranteed by W. B. Ardrey, druggist. Price 50c. Miss Martha Ayer Aldrich, of Barnwell, has been named as sponsor for the South Carolina veterans at the reunion in New Orleans next month. The maid of honor will be Miss Jessie McCay, of Columbia. DOCTOBS ABE PUZZLEDThe remarkable reoovery of Kenneth Mclver, of Vauceboro. Me., is the sub joct of mach interest to the medical fraternity and a wide eircle of friends. He Buys of his case: "Owing to severe inflammation of tlio Throat and congestion of the Lnngg, three doctorsgave me up to die, when, as a last resort, I was induced to try Dr. King's New Discovery and I am happy to say, it saved my life." Cures the worst Coughs and Colds Bronchitis, Tousilitis, Weak Dungs, Hoarseness and LaGrippe. Guaranteed at Ardrey's drugstore. 50c and $1.00. THE NEW YORK WORLD. THRICE-A-WEEK EDITION. The Thrioe-a-week World hopes to be in 190(1 a better paper than it has ever been before, and it has made its arrangements accordingly. Its news service covers the entire globe, and it reports everything fully, promptly and accurately. It is the only paper, not a daily, which is as good us a daily, and which will keep you as completely informed of what is happening through, out the world. Tho Tkrim a.wMilr U/nrlif fa fai? !? its political reports. Yon can fret the truth from its column, whether you are Republican or Domocrat, and thut is what you want. A special feature of the Thrice a Week World has always boen its serial fiction. It publishes novels by the best authors in the world, novels which iu book form sell for 91,AO apiece, and its high standard in this respeot will be maintained in the future as in the past. THE THBICE A-WKEK WORLD'S regular subsdription price is only $1.00 per year, and this pays for l.r>6 papers. We offer this uuequalled newspaper and The Times together for one year for $1.66. The regular subscription prioe of the two papers is $2.00. IF YOU WANT?To buy, rent, sell or exchange anything, place a "want" ad. iu The Times. 2Ac, three Uues. jwajst 3 We want evrey n 4V?in !VXU1VJ Ui Ulio U11U< that we can supf Our three big si rooms contain ah essential to the h and comfort of e Someone has sai after the wants of ery stage of life to the grave " an< about so. For the young man or wt the clothing, the s ables. The younj we start to housel nishing the home kitchen. Grocerie In fact, we make of people's wan large and assorte the various wan MILLS & NORTH CAROL! Send us your Orders. We ship c Remit by postal money order, bai CORN WHISKEY RYE " APPLE BRANDY PEACH " RUM ok GIN If bottled add 50 cents per gall Will ship in plain packages, without ni when so desired. Wo make NO CHi SEND ALLORD ANSON DISTILL1 W A DESBORj LIMITED MEANS ON EDUC ALL OUN O.OOO GRADUATI K. R. TAJIK PAID. HOARD AT MOO. fl A - AI A R| ?M rmCouriN. U/1* U' Tho Times will sell you old newspapers to put under your spring carpet or matting at about one-half what the dealer will ask you for paper. And the newspapers are just as good, too. TOWN HALL, TUESDAY, MARCH 10th, "THE DEACON" A play filled with fun and pathos, will be given by practically the same cast that presented the "Cuban Spy," 1C OCT nuniiooiuii xu ana tcnui. t "IMPERIAL" $ I FLOUR | Is the BEST FLOUR on tho ^ market, Givo it a trial and you m will always have Good Bread, # J( You can always find it at J( J A. O. JONES' I L PHONE 14. MULES, MULES. A full supply continually on hand. Call and sec them before you buy. Prices and terms to suit the purchaser. J. E. Marshall & Co., East Hi,ack St., ROCK HILL, - - S. C. i j 11 i 7s* 3S-: - ' .14 F'? ; ' 1 ^ xxxxxxxxxx TEDlf ian, woman and 5 i section to know g >ly their wants# g :ores and warex ? nost everything J ealth, happiness g very household# \ d that we look g a person in ev^ ^ from the cradle J i we believe its ^ : little tot to the ? >man we furnish r hoes and the eat"' ^ g married couple J seeping by fur^ g from parlor to 5 rs ever afterward# g a special study ? ?... i ^ is, ana carry a g 1 stock to meet S ts. Phone 12. g YOUNG. 1 * NA WHISKIES lireot by Freight or Expi-ess. uk check or cash, with order. $1 25, $1 60 and $2 OOper Gallon 1 60, 200 and 2 50 "Gallon 2 25,?dyrsold 3 25 " Gallon 2 50,?Oyrsold 8 50 " Gallon 1 60, 2 00 and 2 50 " Gallon Ion to above prices, arks or brands to indicate contents, IRGE FOR JUGS OR PACKING. ERS TO THE [NG COMPANY, r>.. . n r BY A S5.000 '/UmiCCt/ BANK DKFOMt NATION NO HINDRANCE. :s AT WORK. WHITE TODAY TO JS. COLLEGE, Macon Ga. ?????++ ?++?+?? ; Let the )\ jl \\ !< Charlotte Steam Laundry i: J} \\ i; Laund?r Your Lima. )* |? 1| We have the Biggest and Best Laundry Plant in || the Carolinas. We do more t[ work than any laundry iu || the Carolinas. We do Bet- || \\ ter work than any laundry ![ in the South. Our agents, \\ !| whose name is attached \\ \\ hereto, has instructions to ![ !{ give you full and complete \\ satisfaction or make no ![ \\ charge. \\ !; Isn't that fair dealing ? ![ I! 15 |5 PARKS DRUG COMP'Y, ?! L AGENTS | PORT MILL, - - - 8. O. f IPwnpOj obUlMd^rrH RKTURNKO, I > ??? XMNIKMOC. Our ON AMOS S AM TNC UNIIf. Sand modal, photo or hatch for I apart ?rah awl frae raport on patantahlllty. mSMMMSMKirr nuu conducted bafora all oourta. Fatanta obtalnad through urn. AOVSN* I TtACOand SOCO. fraa. TMAOS-MAMKA, PCM. I MOMS and OOMYMtOMTS quickly obtalnad. Opposite U. NtMt OfHoOt I WASHIMCTON, P. O. B