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SB iiSI RULES How the Government of Little ' Republic Protecrs Its People. ! I LOCAL COMPANIES LEAD : 11 Only Three American Companies are 1 Transuding liuninrst in the Al- 1 pine Territory?Obliged to Deposit ' Securities With the Oovcrnmrat? Cautoiu Write Plre Insurance. 1 .# ????? J Supervision over Insurance com- ( Ipnnles operating In Switzerland Is , exercised by the Swiss federal coun- j ell, which has power to grant and to | < withdraw concessions and to appoint | the officers of a department known ' . as the federal lnsuranco office, says ( the St. Loins Republic. Although 1 technically the latter Is simply an i auxiliary bureau and an aid to the , f council, this office Is In practice the , controlling factor of the entire insurance business. It not only lnves- , tlgates the standing and methods of the companies, but also advises the council as well as publishes an Important yoarly report containing detailed Information concerning the companies, extracts from their reports, the names and legal domiciles of the agents and a synopsis of the business transacted by each company. The six Swiss life-insurance companies write more policies for the J flwlss people thnn all the numerous forelgu companies combined. These domestic companies have 86,000 jiolleles In force, amounting to $60,000.000. Following thntn romo tha eight German companies, with 23,000 policies, valued at $38,000,000; eleven French companies with 19,000 policies, amounting to $32,000,- , 000 and five English firms, whose | 8,000 policies represent $14,000,000. The Now York Life, the Equitable ( and the Gcrmanla are the only ( American companies holding con- | cessions. Of these the Equitable ( ceased operating some years ago, but , etlll has unexpired policies, while the , total number of their policies writ- , ten by the American companies Is 2,700, amounting to $6,000,000. The ( American companies are obliged to t i deposit with the government se- < curltleB or cash, upon which Interest \ la paid, to nn amount representing , the present net value of all their out- i standing policies In force In Swltxer- | land, as well na a further amount of t $10,000. Other companies, both do- , meatlc and foreign, deposit only i $20,000 and no further security Is \ required of them. This apparent dls- | crimination against the American companies is explnlned by the state- , ment of the Insurance office, which , ays that It has no adequate means of ascertaining the legitimate values of the resouroes of the American companies. There 1b a federal fee amounting to one-tenth of 1 per cent of the yearly premiums on Bwiss business aside from tho usual Income and property tax. In each of the Swiss cantons where business Is done a legal domicile must be established by the comp?ny, a general agent for the entire country must be appointed, and a copy of his power of attorney filed with the Insurance office. Concessions are granted only After Bufilclent proof of tho stability of the concern has been furnished. If the government requires tiny Information concerning a company not contained in Its regular tariff, statistics or yearly report, a demand may be mude upon tho general agent and he Is obliged to furnlBh the details called for, as well as permit examination of the accounts covering all branches of administration. The publication by a concern or Its representative of falsified or untrue Accounts, reports or prospectuses la punishable by a fine or Imprisonment cr both. Should a concession be withdrawn by the government, or a company voluntarily renounco Us right to operate, as was the case with the Equitable, the deposited security will bo returnod only after the company's obligations have been mot. In almost all the twenty-two Swiss cantons firo Insurance, excepting on extraordinary risks. Is written by the cantonal government to the oxcluslon of private enterprise, and la, In most coses, obligatory. Tho cantons, however, reinsure with private companies, mostly foreign. In tho agrl- ' cultural districts Insurance against damage by hailstorms has met with considerable success. The Swiss hall Insurance companies appear to be j doing a good business. One of them ' collected premiums to the amount of |120,000 In one year. A form of lnnurunco called "chomage" lnaurance, ' that entitles property owner# to re- i lmburaoment from loss of trade or ' rent as a result of dree, cannot be j contracted without the written con ent of the authorities or the com- I pauy holding flro risks on the prop- I erty. The Swiss poople are well provld- | ?d with both iuRurance and sayings bank deposits. The Insurance capital j represents $40 for every man, ' woman and child of the 3,300,000 ! population of the republic, which Is 1 higher than any country In Europe ) except England. Over $200,000,000 would be a safe estimate of the fnnds the Swiss have In the banks to their credit. This la remarkable 1 when the economic, situation of the 1 country and the low wages are con- 1 eldered. 1 ** " I All sailors In the English Nary are bilged to buy a black silk handkerchiof. They get It from the govern- , 1 xnsnt stores, and the price Is deduct- | d from their pay. j * ,<> K 4 *" ' ? THE MOTHER T05TGUE ABUSED. Comparison of English Spoken In England and In America. The shafts launched at H^nry James during a meeting of the Mod a> u t?ugu?i? nHwwuuuui America were barbed with wit and not a little Justice, says the Philadelphia Ledger. They do not, nevertheless, destroy the unofrtunate vitality of the contention that the speech of Americans is inferior to that of Englishmen. It Is not a matter of the comparative merits of the differing English and American standards. In the particularities of usage our own role is as frequently as not to be preferred. "Different from" is as "different to;" "In accord with" as "In accord to;" "under the circumstances;" as "in the circumstances;" "as soon as he rarae" n,s "directly he came." The Englishman's failure to distinguish In pronunciation between the verb and the' noun "prophecy" is lamentable; hs hard "genesis" and trie soft "schedule" are. to our ear, an Inversion of propriety, and his enmity toward the Italian u in " figure" Is a national horror. We may say vanlller," but we couldn't possibly be guilty of " flgger." But tbe speech of England is immeasurably superior to that of America?gentlemen of the Modern Languago Association will not deny It?In this?namely, that whereas Americans, are careless In both grammar and pronunciation, slipshod, easy-going, and prone to every colloqulnl short cut, the vast majority of Englishmen speak with precision, according to a well-care for correctness of speech. We never established uutional standard. The meat of the matter la In the fact that we of America have no pride in or dream of Judging a man's education or culture from the manner In which he speaks. We are not surprised to find the samo verbal Faults upon the lips of college presidents, men of letters or of affairs that we have heard from the untaught. There even lingers a nong us a suspicion of too groat elegance af speech, as if heartiness and vigor could not comport with refinement. And so we go on torturalg all foralgn ears and wronging our own iouls with the drawl, the slur, the iipptm HyiiRDie, me flattened vowel, the strident voice and slovenly enunciation. We snub our labials, we torture our mldsyllabies and we massacre our vowels, until In our homes, streets and even lecture halls, churches and theaters, the atately tonguo of Sknkespeure and Mlton Is become Inglorious, shabby, well-nigh Infamous. In England how different Is the case. There his manner of speech Is an Index of a man's education. Of the unlettered little may be expected, but In the graduate or In the man or woman of respectable breeding a verbal fault Is a social crime. Carelessness is not excused. Vigor la not not held to be a thing opposed to accuracy. or power to be necessurlly uncouth; on the contrary, a clear head Is expected to express Itself In correct sentences, cleanly enunciated. It Is expected to do so, and It does so- -to the pleasure o? the listening ear, the delight of the answering mind and the promotion of social understanding, amiability and efficiency. To establish the same happy conditions In America, It would bo necessary only for the educated to persuade themselves of the desirability of correct utterance, and In particular for all such organizations as the Modern Language Association to rebuke at every opportunity such pointless pettifogging pleas as that wblch formed the climax of one delegate's address yesterday, "Power Is more (sic) to be preferred than (sic) mere breeding." The Corean Gentleman. The Corean la, above everything else, a man of the drawing room, and all hie Instincts move along the leisurely ways of life. Anything like haste or "en pressement" Is unknown to the eternal laws that govern him. This characteristic of hla Is evident In all hlR actions at all times and under all conceivable circumstances. Being a drawing room gentleman, dress Is the great ambition of his life. From the shoes of his feot to the topknot on the top of his head is arrajed so as to be seen and admired of men. His shoes, during this year of mourning, must be spotlessly white. No atom of dust or fly speck shall mar them. His socks, beautifully puffed, are stitched to perfection; his pantaloons, big enough for a Brobdlnnag, are padA -v J II * - J -a a uctu, \jiiiii~u ?inn ironru tintll they como forth looking like nomn mysterious fabric of polished marble his Jacket likewise nnd his overcoat nnd wrlslets. Not only has he a headband, a topknot, and a hat ou his Jioad, but he buys a pair of spectacles and adds them to his already overcharged headgear, and thus rigged with a ring on his finger and a fan In his hand, he voes forth to make his *-ay through this troubled World.?North China Herald. Encouraging Htatistlca. Census returns In England show that man works more and woman less than they did ten years ago. It is true that In a good many directions more and more women find employment?many more are teachers and clerks, for Instance, but the great decrease In the number of domestic servants brings down the general percentage. In the royal plate at Windsor castle Is a knife which was presented to Qeorge I. by the cutlers of Sheffield. H has over 100 bladea. TBTKD TO TEliL HEEL "> I I Bat Sister Would Not IJsten to the Explanation. A 10 year old girl, fresh from her first skating on the lake, dashed Into a room where her sister was sitting "holding converse" with her most particular young man acquaintance. "Sis, you ought to have seen me," she breathlessly cried; "the first time I stood up my feet went right up In the air and I came down plump on my?" "Minnie," Interrupted the sister, ' getting uneasy. I "Well, what?" asked Minnie. I "My legs Just scooted from under me and I came down plump on > in v " ?* "Minnie," screamed her sister, j "leave the room Instantly!" "But he's hurt," said Minnie. 1 "Hurt?" asked the sister; "who's hurt?" I j "Why, brother. I came down on him, only you wouldn't let me tell you." Making It an Kvon Five. A young lawyer received a call from a farmer who was In need of legal advice. The lawyer looked up the statutes and told the farmer what he should do. "How much?" said the farmer. "Well, let's call It $3," said the j lawyer. The farmer handed over a $5 bill, i The lawyer seemed embarrassed, j After searching liia pockets and the drawers of his desk, he rose to the occasion, and pocketed the bill as he reached for a digest. "I guess, neighbor," he remarked ' as he resumed his seat, "I shall have ' to give j'ou $2 worth more of advice." Nothing to Bpcuk Of. . Some school children were having an object lesson on birds, and the j teacher called attention to the small tall of the blue heron, saying, "This j bird has no tall to speak of." Next ! day the class was told to write an , essay on the bird, and one little ; girl concluded her essay thus, "The j blue heron has a tall, but It must not be talked about."?London Express. The God-Forsaken North. A teacher In one of our public schools was having a lesson upon < latitude uud its eftect upon climate, j "Now, who can tell me," she In- ; quired, "why It grows colder as we travel toward the tho north?" A youngster cried out: "It's because you get farther away from the creator."?Philadelphia Ledger. Now the Question. "At what age does tho average man's usefulness cease?" "Tk.t .? > iou v mi' i^ucauun, answered the misanthrope. "The main thing la to discover an age at which the average man's usefulness begins."? Washington Star. The Mule. "De mule is a stubborn critter," said Brother Williams, "but he ain't got de ambition dat Is de ruination ! er some folks. Ho thinks dat the worl" don't go no furder dan a bale er hay, en alter he gits dat, it's all dat'a comln' ter him 'twel next time!"?Atlanta Constitution. No Answer. A widower took his second wife homo and Introduced her to the chll dren by saying: "This Is your new mamma." They looked at her critically, then the youngest blurted out: "Is that the best you could do, papa?"?Puck. A Marvel. Reuben?1 came to see that wonderful giant you're advertlsln*. Manager?Here he Is. I Rfinhpn Ylf H ? ? ****__ * <1 um, ti>in i w ny ne ain't inore'n six foot tall. Manager?That's where the won- j derful part cotnes in.?Cleveland ! | Leader. Her Had Ilrcak. "I first met my wife on a trolley car," he said. "What awfully funny looking people we do meet on trolley cars, don't | , wo?" she replied, absent-mlndodly. ! ?Yonkers Statesman. On to Him. Alas," complained the bibulous oie, "my life has been a good deal of a ftzzlo." "Yes," commented the practical citizen sarcastically, "a good deal of a gin lizzie."?Pittsburg Post. | Watered Stock. "You seem quite fond of soup," vald the Inndlady to a boarder who had had three plates. | "Not nocessarlly," was the roply. "My ph; .iclan recommended the hot | water cure."?Chicago News. A Difficult Course. I Fax?There's a man who Is learning self-denial by correspondence. 8ux?By correspondence? "Fact. His wifo Is down South, and he has two sous at college."? Life. Ivy an a Dryer. It Is a widespread, but erroneous, notion that the growth of Ivy on the exterior walla of residences creates a damp habitation. A little reflection will convince one of the fallacy of this proposition. The Ivy, Instead of contributing to dampness, has rather an opposite Influence, since It must ; extract woibiuro front the brick or stone that It over runs. The dampness of these Is what gives life to the plant, so that the Intorlor of the house Is rendered dryer than It would be otherwise. When in the Market FOR GOOD WHISKIES WINES, URANDIES, ETC. U \JLL ON OK WRITE John Moyle SALISBURY, - N. C NOTICE Notice is horeby given tlist th. n visions of an ordinance re!a' ing t h running at largo of cows, liors??s and other neat nninmls will hereatto be strictly enforced, and that all violu tors may expect to pny the penalty i :? scribed in said o-dinance By order of council this 9th of Febary, 1900. ? P. McFlhaney. ' brU. LitileDocto SAYS "Don't Physic!" Use Ramon's Liver Pills and Tonic Ptllets for all liver troubles. Safe, sure, permanent and complete treatment fo25c. Easy, natural an 1 certain?money back if they fail. For|?mle by W. B. \rdrty Ac C'o. j DO ~ I SJ NEED 1 Anyv J I ( place your j thing nMt ?rdcr 1 ^ with : KG3VER & \ the vEETERj 2 way of Salisbury, N. C I Phone 248, gOOd 125 E. Council Si {s inunnc? j J t * ? m' 1 1 ON Re sure to he properly equii>ped?obtain the STi VI.NS and you cannot t.-? wmokcv. wc n uo f RIFI.E3 . . . from *2.25 to $160.1)0 PISTOLS . from 2.50 to 60 00 SHOTGUNS. . from 7.60 to 36 00 A*k your dealer an I Insist? snit for 140 page . .* on our popular make I i| t rated tat--;..g. If micrvotacannc tt tain, w???hl|> csted In SHOOTING. \ 11 d'.rr.*e.?r>r<ifA>? charges J i^Mt^have It MaHed r+rf/ii/j, sir-ra rr ufif?rf. tirreuttInsUni|<sto c walojj i>dce. I cover postage. Our attra tive thre cr.ior Aluminum Hanger will l>c cut anywlurc f. r 101 cnii In stnmjjs. J STEVENS ARMS AND TOOL CO., P. O. Bo* 4--i6 I'ifO COUGH* <?n CURE_thb j.uwco with Dr. King's -. Hsw Discovery /^ONrilWPTION Prlc* It-UH I 0U6H8 %nd E0c&$1.00 ^OLLS Fre? Trial. kiV and Quickest Ouro /or all I VHKOAT and LUNO TROUB,JKS, or M )NEY BACK. F YOU WANT?To buy, rent, sell 01 limine anything, place a "want" u TUo imea. 25c, three Hues. % 3 A Happ To have a happy homt 1 gj| they are great happy-home-m can be made strong enough fl?kl little pain or discomfort to y< 1 WINE ffcjl I GF || A Building Toi fid It will ease away all yc H cure leucorrhea (whites), f IS disordered menses, backach H childbirth natural and easy. B At every drug store in H WRITE US A LETTER 53 Put aside all timidity and writo us KH freoly and frankly, la strictest conflKJ1 deuce, telling * all your symptoms RT and troubles. Wo will s.nd free advice |R| (In p ain, sealed envelope), liow to 0H cure them. Address: Ladies'Advisory yjjfl Dept., The Chattanooga Medicine Co., F^i Chattanooga, Teuu. MSWM?S.?'^<WSWSW|W11.I m SMHUa ; Cabbage Pla Ihave linrl several years exj?erietice i and now have ready for shipment! ljtrge Type Wakefiolds, Henderson Si varieties to experien ed truck farmeri water in open air. Will stond severe in light boxes, F. O. H. here. $1 ,r>0 j?ei Special prices on large orders Thee rates? u plants this season. All plant prefer to send the nionej with the ord and personal attention. Give me a tri B. ' a m iiwa?!ui ?? * We Nevsr Disappi g| Wt Fulfill Every Promise and HI MIC pllQC Btrtctnre without the I H ??C UUClb pain or detention (Vow ,J cured never to return, witlm. ? ^3 . ,n fosiit.To? D'- 1 I inSSI^?k4 law*of the ii*t? J^iWfe. ." V ticivou* and chre \ U>l( Instil .'Inn 1 H i. f- -jfygy \ by a stall of euiii ^9ltW Our success In KSji^'r -^y-\ aed: weo-oboth ffjtj'- .1 Our offices are ' VfJpV* '** X-??F. ! Va(\ , ?j Contrlranoe knot . " | ir.ixlern in over; ' ) tiHlu-d and iilic jL JfjSr ?Dl1 Noenscd phyi iUfW Wo employ i>( \ ' V. Hy llils^Ssiutlon v^fcfnWflV (olto.OO person ^ &f V anccofacurew :Y BEST wrEREfict IS. CHROKIC Dl \ ^vOUAfi titLDftb/A Hupture, SRi 1 d UNTIL CURf0. ^ r>'?ni*r?. Tumor None, 1 Ureal, 11 N. K. KINO. M D. Chronic Ol?? .Tnirr CaitiuiTiNd pHvectM. Uouatuial P.sehs jug *4 us n? flay rrpardlnjr your condlll \IU I | |(j) ?r':?i * jU vur litoraturo, luciudh. ???. cor.-vr r tion, kxamiwa ;a. uhg epical co.. & V ___________________ ! I SOUTH E.RI 1 ' ^ U THE S0UTH'S:G ill ? [0 | Unexcelled Dining Car St . pi Convenient Schedules on Throntrh Pullman Sleepio j Winter Tourist Ratr-a in J I Si ! I jt i S3 V 'or full information nn to rwte | Southern ilnilway Ticket A; ? BROOKS MORGAN, <3 A G. P. A., Atlanta, Ga j; ^ jrty ?L r^~iilEiwi rp | rSlMS-^S ISrS^1 ; I JOB PRIN 1 m ? NEATLY h\ I flj TIIE TIMES : m f ef to-heads Nnet heads I billheads, tn;j ' 'ircnlars, Kn velnpes, lite, at the 1 work. Solid us vonr orders imd \v t ^ I *x"r: r^iyjJ t! ' I OUR PRICE LIST. ' 'onibiniiig good quality ami low prices. ~ ~r ho prices <|uotod below are guaranteed to bo lie' lowest for quality of Goods: 1 your old Corn Whisky, per gallon $1.50 2 , 1.75 '> ? ? ? n ?? 2.U0 4 2.26 5 ,, ,, Tar H' o! Corn Whiskey 8.00 1 ? ,, Good Rye V* hisky pur gal 1.75 2 ? ,, Good Ryo Whisky " " 2.00 3 ,, ,, Good Ryo Whisky " " 2.50 4 ? ,. Good Rye Whisky " " R.OO 5 ,. ,, Good Rye Whisky " 4 00 Mo charge for vessel or packing. 50c extra will prepay express on one ' to three gallons; over 3 gallons, 75c. SHUMAN ft COMPANY, SALISBURY - - - NO. % - ; y Home 1 s you must have children, as 8 akers. If a weak woman, you a to bear healthy children, with ra ourself, by taking $58 lie For Women. 1 >ur pain, reduce inflammation, ailing womb, ovarian trouble, e, headache, etc., and make $i.00 bottles. "D'JE TO CARDUI II and nothing sIfc, Is my baby girl, now Bb3 two weeks old," writes Mrs. J. Prlast, ESI of Webster City, Iowa. "Bheisafna, f%H healthy babe and wo aro both doing j??| nicely. I am still taking Cardui, and Ee9| would not be without it in the house, M| as it is a great xuedicins for women." LSj asa?1 mmm jits For Sale. 11 growing Cabpage plants for tho trade Early Jersey Wake'lelds, Charleston loeessions, Whioli arc the host known \ These plant" are grown near coitl without injury. Prices, packet! l.(K'). Lots of .*>,000 ut $1 2't rer 1,000. xqress company is giving us cheap s will he snipped C. CI. D. unless you er. Your orders will have my prompt 1 al order. Address all orders to J. DONALDSON. Muggotts, S. O. oint Our Patients. I Hmr Hold Out Fftlat Mopat. ? lull* orbaaglatud Vivrtoocsls \v?itaoot II 1 bunlnei*; Contagions Illnod roison K y or mlusral mixtir.; Lous of INahiy Pfc Ijr rirtrt) no stimulant but permnnrr t. d( dirni Co. U sn InnUtutien orgbotfrdunder the fn of Oeorgts for the treatment and o?re of wn Hi m!e dt??a?ct. Dr. S. K. K:?\y. the loender ?vf R the ehlof onn?nltln?? k-t.. Bm icnt pLyilrlau* ami ?ur*otiiir. K the trraiineui of chronic <lUen?e? li uaanrpav U| n.wll.-tl J electrical aovnclea. iKiulpped vl'b a I th?- RalTdiric, faradle batter- (1 ray, and Klntcaray: In fact, every electrical U vn to tbo medlcat profession. Ourrsaltarldm la B f respect, and we employ none but (he best B dent aitendnnta. rcttulaily <jUalltloU graduate* H Melius bt-inp In charge. ajj > mislead lug toraui to seoure patient* and lj O. U.'aor unasked fnr literature af* tent out B Our term* for treatment avorafre frutt tt 00 B tl .<medlcl .e? Included) and we gtru the uitb Bg ithin a ipaMted t'mo. K oriere t?e successfully Utnt aadpedna- H uUldCdi ncutly cure all chronlo diseases U rejr and Itlu<l?lor troubles. RneumeM/1.1, B Irooele. Draloa. Losses. oic_, and alt PHrat? B a end mailenaat troubles. Cutarrh of tbb B cad aud l-unus. DUotaen of Kyo nod Kip, w )?kii of Women, atrch aa ni? pi a cements, (a irttea. and anoii weakniMsue of women. bl on If yen are sick or afflicted On request #4 B ^ irnsptOTT? blanks fop hiisin treatment. " H TION AND AIIVlCK^rUEn I I n B 'S?. etianta, Ca. J BBWBggg,aaSBMBBBI11 IIIIBI'I mmr > ^ ?? J... I ?gj?jg|BfgjBj?gJ^ A RAILWAY.! REATEST SYSTEM. | ? irvice, jj| all Ltical Trains. Cars on Through Trains. Ktf^ct to Florida Points. ji~ lESi r3i h, routes, etc., consult' neurest ^7 Lfent, or jO. R. W. HUNT, || D. P. A , Charleston, S. G IE] fSl iMns estfiimiSisiBSff] TING I EOL'TEI) AT If OFFICE. A !^: [Ej Statements, Handbills, Posters, jre; owcst prices consistent with irood l?r"! w |tR ; e will plonsn you. ?jj]j l<3 Times. [? ; igJiMDUi Anvono sending n sketch and description 'uv qutelilT ascertain onr opinion froe whetl ; i > Invention Is probably pute'rtnMp. tomm n!r/. tlonsstrlctlyenhtldentlal. Handbook on I' '.outs sent fr<>?- llldwt nironc/for securing pat< t*. Patents taken through Munn ft Co. rt coive aprrUil notice, without chary. In tho i - Scientific American. A handsomely Illustrated weekly. largest otr rulutton of any edenUllo Journal. Turtiii. ?* a g year ; four months, $1. Sold by alt newadea) <r.<. J MUNN & Co.""-""' New York I Branch utUco. CJ& F St., Washington, D. u ,