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FIRSI BOiJRtll Hailed in France as Worthy Successor of M. Loubet. REGARDED WITH ESTEEM During Thirty Years of Political Cv m r IIus N'rvcr i'sod tlie Power fo Remove An Employee?Expressed (i Desire to Walk Lu the Steps of His Predecessor. "M. Faille res succeeded M. I.oubct." writes M. Georges Clenienoeau in the Aurora, and the sutlsfactiou thus expressed Is common to the largo majority of republicans. ~M. Jaures, in L'Humenite, r.otcs the "beautiful ypectaclo of deniocracy allirrnng with decorum and wIbdom its sovereign power in the palace of an old monarchy." Tho paper dwells with pleasure on the democratic oilgin, modest character und true republican record of M. Fallteies, in whom the other republican writers see a man likely to he a worthy successor to M. I.oubet; President Falller***. In fact, some people go so far as to trace n personal resemblance between the two Presidents, particularly In the lower portion of the face, with a big spreading white beard. In stature and girth there Is, of course, a Brent difference. M. Fal( i llereB Is a much biggor man, with uu ,< avoirdupois which has already bean tho butt of the caricaturists. The President, takes thoso Jests with characteristic good humor, while ut the santo tlmo sparing no pains to keep down his weight. It Is told of him that every morning, ruin or cold, he starts at eight o'clock on a two hours' fast wa'li, from which he roturns bathed In perspiration, and then, assisted by hla wlfo?for this simple minded man does not like to have many servants around hint?has a vigorous rub down bef??ro starting bis day's work, nt half r?Ht ten. Ho lunches at midday, dines at seven and retires at * ?n. A ruin / * f rrvKnot !?/*.%! u - - -1 .. v. .vuiial lil.lll.l .11111 lippwtlto, M. Falllorca Is very fond of cllshes peculiar to Oascony, from which province ho halls, being, In fuct, the first Gascon who 1ms attained Presidential honors. At the table he drinks a "petit vln" from his own vineyards, at l.euplllon, where he hns a small ejtnto, which, with a house or two nt Mczin, left blm by his father, constitute the bulk of his modest fortune. In his birthplace and surrounding country M. Falllleres Is hall fellow well met with everybody and is said not to havo an enemy. Tho Figaro states that In the whole courso of hla political career, thirty years ns Deputy Senator and IiTlnlster, M. Fullleros has nevor been known to use his power to remove a government employee, schoolnmstor or functionary of nny rank, high or low, In his department of Dot ot Guronue, whoso political views did not colnc.ldo with his own. How many Deputies? nsks the tho Figaro, coifld Buy as much. Nor can tho charge, of nepotism be made against tho President-elect. M. Fallleres has throe orphaned nophews who live with him, and recently one of them sought to obtain the decoration "Palmes Acadainlques,," and induced the then Minister of the Inter.or to include his name in tho Hat, which was In duo courso submit*- <1 to M. Fallleres for approval. At dinner that evening M. Fallleres spoke to tho ofTendlng nephew as follows:?-"So you wanted tho Palmes Aradnnilques, and you made use of my name to get them. I wish you to understand n.o?h<?w thnt I don't want anybody to say I fnvor my relatives, and consequently I have crossed out your name from the Met." When notified of his election, ho expressed himself In the following words: "I have but one ambition? to walk In the stops of that old republican, without fear and without reproach, who during his seven years of office has BOt such examples of courage, wisdom, patriotism and disinterestedness. If, like him, I accomplish my seven years' mandate, I will, like him, modestly and without atir, retire from power." I'sea for the Itanium. Tho producing powor of the banana If forty-four times as great as that of tho potato. Tho drlod fruit 1 Is readily converted Into nutritious flour; it may also be manufactured Into Bausuges; beor can bo made from It; whie the skin can be turned Into cloth, end the Juice mado to do arvico either ts Ink or vinegar. 4 - , JUST A PEW POINTS. ' i How a Man May Meet Antlers Though I He Stay at Home. | ' /'Ah, my boy." said the enthuslas- ' i tic hiflfftcr, who had Just returned , from the great north woods, "why ! don't vou follow the moose? You ! don't know what It is to feel a hugo , pair of antlers goring you on a dark night." , i "Don't, eh," ropllcd the stav-at- j home. "Well, I Just happpened to ~ ?..l- as -n * ? icoi u |;uir uh uin?r liigui." j "Great Scott! Do you mean to say you v.*oro In the north hunting?" j "No; these antlers happened to form a hatrnck In our hallway and 1 brushed up against them when I 1 came In from the club." j A Reading Lesson. ' Tt Is a well-established fact that 1 the average school teacher experiences a great deal of difficulty when she attempts to enforce the clear 1 pronunciation of the terminal "g" of J each present participle. "Robert," said the teacher of one of the lower classes during the pro- ' great* of a reading exerclBo, "please : read the first sentence." 1 A diminutive lad arose to his f?et, and amid a series of labored gasps ' breathed forth the following: "See the horse ruunln'." I ] "Don't forget the 'g,* Robert., ad| monished tho teacher, j "Geo! See tho horse runnln'."? | Llpplncott's. j | Ho It Seem*, i It's a long loan that has no ro- 1 j turning. ; 1 Tho truest picture of a woman is , ! ; to bo found In a composite of tho do- ' Bcrlptlons of her lover and her rival. ( Some people have ability enough, but It's like goods In tho piece; they j never make It up Into anything. A woman likes to make a fool of a 1 ! man. but sbo doesn't like to have 1 him make u fool of himself.?Boston 1 Transcript. Rust us. \ 1 Rastus?Whut'a all dish ye r dnt j Ah heuh 'bout dom sassuges comin' i outon a hole an' den goln' buck in ' when dey sees deyr shaddah? Unkle Luke?G'wun 'way, chile, j j Wid VOh ln'ranrn 'T?Ib'? ? ? ?? I .- w.? atuj- ! | sugo, nit's a Rronn'hog. Rustus?Wall, If sassafie ain't | Krgun'hog, den Ah doan' know whut , Is.?Star of Hope. j , Got Idckod. WfI ! * | i Mrs. Smith?Why, Willie, you've been fighting again. Don't you know that good little boys don't tight? Willie?I know, and I thought Johnnie was a good little boy, but I bit him once and found out that be wasn't. Just Ibwutnu'nt. The pretty girl with the auburn hair had refused him. "I never dreamed, Mr. Symklns," she said, "that your attentions to me were anything moro than those of a friend." "Oh, you didn't?" growled the young man. "You thought I had boon coming hero regularly once a week during the last six months moroly for the pleasure of seeing you eat a 50 cent box of candy, did you?"?Chicago Tribune. What Hhe Wanted. A young Glasgow minister, who thought himself qulto oapahle of : making great improvements, peri forming his first rnurrlage ceremony, asked tbo bride: "Do you tsike this man In preference to every other , man?" received tho smart answer, ! "Deed, no, sir? I'd rahter hae yer, el'." SUk<> Money. "And what will be my salary?" asked the actress, who had Just been i divorced for the third time. "Your salary will be $2,000 a I woek," replied the mann;:er "Hut how much will I g-'t?" "You will get $f>0 a week nnd ex1 pcnscs.?Milwaukee Sentinel. Ills Strong Face. "What a remarkably strong face [ young Huckemhard has." I "Yea. At the game the other day I saw two players Jump right on It. but apparently neither of them aucceeded in making the least Impression."?Chicago Record-Herald. The Ivarthly Paradise. ( "What reason did he give for , wlghlng to break off tho engagement so soon?" "He said tho report that he was , engaged to mo had not extended his credit noarly as much as ho had kpped for."?London Punch. I J : . j MTOilw Proposition of D. H. Burnham For Philippine Capital WILL PRESERVE OLD WALL Government Buildings to Command the Bay?A Great Ecclesiastical Canter?Tho IMaza >lcffJoley?At Present Ten Thousand Americans in Manila. The application of American ideals >f municipal improvements to this picturesque old port of the orient interest and delight, says the Chlmgo News. To the extent that It was idoptcd it will prove a guaranty of the development of an oriental capital upon occidental lines, and it will reflect the cfTorta of temperate-zone people to make themselves comfortable In the tropics, with results that would Bcom to be wonderfully suclersful. No American landscape artist or municipal improver ever had jo pretty a problem, Tho first question relates to the aid wall, for Manila Is one of the ! most perfect examples of the old i walled cltv to bo found In the world. I The hustling business men of Manila are Impatient of the obstruction which it presents to getting about md they want It demolished straightway. Every visitor to the city feels that It would be a terrible mistake to abilterate such an Interesting monument of the past uud one that fits in jo harmoniously with old Manila. Mr. Burnhaui lias effected a happy joaipromise. lie purposes to convert the insanitary moats into sunken gardens, and he has discovered a ' way, on account of tho peculiar con- I jtructlon of tho wall, by which it j may be pierced without showing it j much, or without affecting Its geusral long-distance effects. In this way he would give tho additional jtreots necessary and would save the Wi.ll. The ocean view Is Manila's great lift moil t Of ho??llfV All Its u-'hltn lents now go at nightfall to the Luuotta, which Is u park on tho sea. to hear the bund play and to witness the tropical sunset acrow the bay, with tho cone-shaped mountain on the other aide. Mr. Burnham purposes to construct an 'ocean boulevard all the way from I,unetta to Cavlte, and to puah the Lunotta Itself out Into the sea, on made land, to bring It Into Ilns with the reclamation now In progress for the warehouses and other dock facilities which have been provided. A short distance from these government building*, on the ocean boulevard, another projection into the sea would bo made for the governor-general's palace. That residence Is now on the Pusig River, about a mile and a half Inland from the ocean front. It Is known as the Malacanan palace and has been occupied by the long line of Spanish ! governors. It Is proposed to group the inunlc- j Ipel buildings In that part of the | walled city which has long been used ' for government purposes of all i kinds. It has recently been named j Plaza McKlnley, end If Mr. Buru- ! ham's plan prevails theso structures ! will bo devoted to municipal pur- | poses, while the government edlflcos ' will begin opposite tho Luuctta, Just < out side the wall, and swing ucross In a graceful curve to the Pusig j Ri' er, making a distance of perhaps : a i lie and a half, which can bo lined j with handsome buildings for the colonial government. The tendency , to put Uncle Sam's structures In this part of the city has already set In. , The government printing office is | tn ere ana also tho uuw scientific laboratory. Tlio esteros, or natural canals I with which the city In threaded, that serve so largo a transportation pur- . pose for the native population, much llko the alloy approaches of an American city, Mr. Burnhain proposes to leave Just as they aro, let- J ting them wind In and out regardloaa ' of bis proposed street system. Choice locations on the ocean , boulevard aro assigned to the various American clubs of which there are many, since the club life of European and American residents In tho tropics Is one of the most pleas- J ant features In the Asiatic cities. Manila has about 10,000 American resl- j dents and under tho commercial de- 1 velopuient promised with tho now ducks and with free egress for Its products into tho United Statos, It would probably have a natlvo popu- ! latlou boforo many years of 400,000. Bagulo Is already developing Into a great ecclesiastical center. In fact, | the church buildings aro In advance of tho government buildings. Arch- | bishop Harty, who Is an Amorlcan, proposes to build a great cathedral, a seminary for the education of priests, a school and other ecclesiastical buildings, on ono of tho hills of flngulo, making his own residence there. The Printing Office. The printing office has Indeed proved a better rollego to mivny a boy, has graduated more useful and conspicuous members of society, has brought more Intellect out and turned it Into practical, useful channels, awakened more minds, generated more active and elevated thoughts, than many of the literary colleges of the country. A boy who commences In such a school ns the printing office. will have his talents and Ideas brought out; and If ho Is a careful observer, oaporlence In his professfon will contribute more toward an education than can be obtained In almost any other maoaer. NOTICE Notice is hereby given that ttu frv | visious of an ordinance relating t) the" ranning at large of cows, horses, hogs and oMior neat animals will hereafter bestiiotly enforced, and that all violators may expect to pay the peuulty prescribed in said o dinauce. By order of council this 9th of Fobrn.1 rv 1 <11111. A. R. McElhanoy, Clerk. F *V \ c? I : tic perrons in every ten have Liver Troubles. If you're one of the nine-cion't delay, try Ramon's Liver Pills & Tonic Pellets. Better than phyics --'isn't Eripc--act quiclr1/ and absolutely sure. Full t**csfT>cnt JS cents. For (iwlt* by W. 11. Anlivy & Co. When in the Market FOR UUUD WHISKIES, WINES, BRANDIES, ETC., CALL ON OR WRITE JoTolyt Moyl?. SALISHUKy, - N. C. * -*? r... . , , I lu NEED | Anyx ~ I I j , , P!acc your jj ! tll^S ?tt order II in I I i MOVER & | tilC TEHTilR. ? I 3 way of Salisbury, N C j P j Fltor.e 2i8, | gOOd 123 ?. Council St j 1 | j LIQUORS? jj I'.NS ?n ! you C.i.n.noI c.o \v?( >nO. Wo iih^c RIFLES . . . from 93.25 to $150.00 PI8T0LS . from 2.60 to 60.00 SBOSOVHS . . from v.60 to 36 u0 Alk jronrheater iikI Inilit > Srad for vio^im ' >t> .i r 1 | 11 r. % on | | I. riNO, a aifQ tt *rriagteh ?, : /'u'n.c it. Sailed firt+ iiJ, vpon nedpt of fori HSfcentstail ; i io cWA'o/pri c. core* {>utu\gc. Our Attn *. rc tt^roe-rolor Aluminum Hunger rill be triii anywhere f. r :?. out* in stan.;>?. T. 8TBVBN8 ARMS AND TOOL CQ^ O. Box 4- - a Chicojw** Falls, Maes., IT. S. A. ? ' ? ? in Wij biAa Levi's i >?* l?ii?; }< i;oo I quality unci low pri *os. s ii'it<*<1 below are ft 'ira Si.- st f<>r quality of (.' KHis: 1 ? ..r old Lorn W j -r gallon vl '' " 1.75 2.0G f ?? ? *. t 2..5 . T I" M <'?-n WhiriU?iv , ? i < i I c ! iskv per ga I 1.7-3 , .. "i 1 vc \i .us i> " " *A?; , .. f. I >e Vvijim.y " " 2.o\> . t ii I e \\ his::y " " 8.0O ' W l.Ks ;y " " * UU ? r l? i-kiug. ? 1 on one , .. nis, 75c. J I "J O 1 FYOb WANT?To bny, vent. s,-U or ; exchange anything, plucte a "want" I a J. 111 Tho l)uie$. iao, threw lino*. | iti ' vi. i " I THE "DODGI of a woman's life, is the nar of lire." Your menses come scantier until they stop. Sonentire change lasts three or much pain and discomfort, v> by taking lump A H nine S~n H I OF vA I Woman's Refu Ml It quickly relieves the ] Hj miserableness, forgetfulness, cold flashes, weakness, tire HB bring you safely through 1 n build up your strength for 1 Hu At all druggists, in ?1.0 M WRITE US A LETTER Wjl Pnt Mid* all timidity and write us kg freely and frankly, la a trio test acnil fl denoe, telling as all yoar ijrmpwms KJ3 and troubles. We will Mud free advioe E?JB (in plain, sealed ensHopel, how to Wfl cure them. Addreaa: Ladles' Advisory COB DcpC* The Chattanooga Medlclao Oo., HH Chattanooga, Toon. jpmmm mm iiiWBwrnrrwMiriwnn Ws Nsvsr Disappi Wt Fulfill Sftry Proroisa and L'lS Hirletat-o without the k C Uiitlfc or detention from cured nefer to r?iurn, without rue roar; V ffnrPoelttvTte Dr. King S W igqCfeOL'.l laws of the slate J it4 * tWSy '*r norroua and ohro ? /VviraT \ in-ttliu'ion. Ii 1 * \ br ? stall or mlr ii'^TUUSar Oureuoces" In 1 IMw \. weusebo'h Gill' s . 1 Oar "Wceeare? *T>v* les. X-raf. Tlotet ' *ca w o>n>rlTaneeknne >f " j p wiero In etnrj X. ) trained and cfBc A tlui licensed phy? ?? ,'-~Vv^ We employ tic - 'WwV patrooapt)?no C. y"i' byil?t? tnatutloo. , u y _ (of UVOO p?r in on i ^ N^5>.'J8\ ?nee <if a owe w i ^BESTRff&CTCEfS. CHRONIC R! Wopt*?r?i ?V'<4 v-J UNTO.CUSCft. N. K. KINO, M O. ?hronl5%U?* c-vtr Co?nuvTiH3 phv?ioiam. u?Wfctorml ! otia Write | Cabbage Pla Ihave had several years experience i and now have ready for shipment! 1 ; 1 arffu Type Wakolields, Henderson Si varieties to experion ei truck farmeri wafer in opeu nir. Will stood ne\ ore iu light boxes. F. O. H. hero, * 1 . 0 pel : Special prices on 1 a rgo orders Thee rates on plants this season. Ail plant prefer to send the money with the ord and personal attention. Give me a tri B. * |job prin 1 NEATLY EX ? THE TIMES (HJ I.etteiheads.Noetheads Billheads r?ll Circulars. Kliwlniwa Kin 11 ?!,.? c=n - -ijj work, Send us yoar orders aud \\ 1 TI W promptly procure!, 01 NO IK Seat model, rfcaTch O; )J/i.r rh"W It fr?? roportoa pstauuMM'e Bnuk ltywA A)e , i ihUinlI.8 aod I'oreip PaUataeau fradeMarka."\V Jv -HRf. IViroat terma ater otfored to larenter*.W Kiatirt i awysen or is tsarb- practicb.Ql S 20,000 PATENTS PROCURED THROUGH THEM. ? J) All umiuosi cm nQaeatial. bound rvslvict- t Attlif'slfl) Y) 9 r%i? o Mv-derato char***. Cl; fwrc. A. SHOW & CO.| RATCNT LAWYERS, ? $ Opp. U S. Patont Offle#, WASHINGTON, 0. C.& ?>ul>9cribs to 1 Ltf TUkqs. j ?! A I ? v & ING PERIOD" j 9 ne often given to the "chanfe ?! at longer intervals, and grow le women stop suddenly. The four years, and is the aiuse of rhich c*n, however, be cured, Sgl 1BMPK u P) t 1 fFH ^ ^ _ _ $ ge in Distreao. k ?ain, nervousness, irritability, jl fainting, dizziness, hot and > d feeling, etc. Cardui will 3 this "dodging period/' and I the rest of your Uie. Try it ? o bottles. "EVERYTHING BUT DEATH B 1 laVcm]," writes "Virginia Bokwn, Bd of Bus to ti, Kd.. "until 1 ta?k OnrduL, kJ whioh cured nie so quickly ft aorpriaod M wy doctor, w1k> didn't know 1 wm Kl UHng U. I viHh I bid kacnra of Card of aanUnr in life." B j lint Our Patients. 1 Psvtr Hold Gut Fatso It opts. S If* nrb*o|l*aiid Vnrlco'tll w'l^odt B ti?i)t*Kloui lllood fcl^n f or Mineral n.dinrr; I.Asa at M?vl# ly Mfoill an it l??la< t but Mrutanafi. tcdl at Co. Lawn lnstiinti'<n organised trtfdar tka of tioorgla for Hie traaionrnt and ourc ftf all atcAttaaea. I>r. N. E. Klrff. U>? foander of B > Uso chlof ooaaoltioif nt^'olalUt, beltilf aoaiatad H mt physicians and -urgr>c?. m Ihe treatment of ebronle d!??i\oaa la uaaqrpaa- 9 n otlic*! at d electrical agencies. H rqulp. ad ?l<b a 1 tbC galvanic, faradlr bat Iff. ff ray. and Finecn ray: la ffcet. avary electrical U rn to bbo moiloal pr faction. Ourrvattailttm t? B ' r? tpecu and we employ nora but the boat B tout attendant*. regulaity quaitOad graduates B bring in charge. H a,l*i?sdU>|t irraut to ccura patient* and Bj O. D.'( or dnathed for morarur* nrwhaot oat B Our terms I6r trettire nt arorage from 9b M B it tmadid em Ice'nAad) and wegtea tba >pn> ffi tiblna apoctnal''no. cr I err we auccneefnllytraat andperm*- B oCavCu. canity euro all ohrrnlo Ojt?a?ea B a> and Dla<l<tor troubles. RbeuBiac'era. rocol*. Brain*. Lotto*. ?to aud all Ptlmta Q aud malignant troubl?a. t atarrb of the K nad and Lang*. Dlcnaaa* of JSya and Bar. B ia?? or Wotarq. dock at Ptkptacdmdnu, B rgaa. and auoh weaknnatee of women. B ua If yon are Mr k or afflicted. On ran mat ?a B K ?y*jptom blftnka for bi/Tne tr<wnai?BV I MOW AND ADVlOierrRKK - - I 7 Wirlf.x 8t, Cornr ff it - ? A? Cm. H I mts For Sale. I u growingCabpage plants for the trade I Early Jersey Wakeflelds, Charleston H locessions, Which ure the best known H r. These plants are grown near salt H ooid without injury. Prices, packed H 1,000. 1 otsof .'>,u00 at $1 25 rer 1,000. 1 xqross company is giving us cheap H ;s will be soipped C. O. D. unless you ler. Your orders will have my prompt 1 ial order. Address all orders to J. DON \LDSON. Meggctts, S. O. . : H - . . . .< . i..-n B ffgJ S frlli'S frtlJ S3 fit IMt^L'Mfg-fl] fl TING I I ECUTED AT fl fl OFFICE. X g gi , Statements, Handbills, Posters, HH lowest prices consistent with good gj ^^9 e will please you. =3 j^H| le Times, p H 3C7SJ a I ^JaTrtil "a i A1 lars-Ia i BUKI IH TKILL^^oughI^H Sand CURE_thiJ.UNC8 WM w,th "Br." King's I I liew Discovery m /Consumption Price IFOR I OUfcHSand 50c 4$1.00 I %/nLlhS Free Trial. I Surest and *QUnckestOureltoraiil I THllOAT end LUNO TttOUB- I j I LK8, or M JNBY BACK. I