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I F p.-v^ SHORT ITEMS of L Important Events of the Week Bui Mr. W. P. Elliott, of Atlanta, spout iSuhdtty here with hie brother, Dr. Boycta Elliott. Miss Mnyme Darby, of LowryvilUj, visited her sister, Mrs. j. H. Witherspoou, during the past week. Mr. TIiob. B. Mencham, of i OvPHnWDiul wn? n i'icif.ii* In I parents here 011 Saturday. The speculators are still hammering away at the col ton market. Up awl down goes the pi ice of the 6tHple. ? The attention of the veterans is called to the dinner to he given the U. D. C'a. on Satuiday, March 10. Miss Julia Kenclrick of Rock ITill, spent Sunday with the Misses Culp at the Palmetto hotel. Mr. J. K. Coach, of Rock Hill, formerly' principal of the Port Mill Graded School? was u visitor to Fort Mill Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Stacey, of Albertnnrlo, N. C., are here on a Ivieitto the latter's parents, Mr. uud Mrs, W. 11. Carothers. Tax pay< vn will remember that* after first of March the penalty of seven per cent, will ho added to their taxes, running up to the 15th of March, when executions will be ,raa issued. With the return of milder weather Confederate park has again ? sprung into popularity as a gen3t oral resort. The "grand stand" is Ian ideal "hang out'* for the loafer. A special meeting of White Oak Camp No.4, W. (). W. will be i Iwi* 1 in the lodge room Fiidny > night at 8 o'clock, for the transaction of degree work. All metni hers are urged to attend. J T< i*. 41.-4. 4i.- 4.. ^ xv 10 vu uu uiai lur 11UD19 and freezes will continue to hold down tho peach litems for awhile. A local weather prophet, however, says the fruit will not he safe until after the full moon in April. i Mr. J. F. Rodgers, of Springliill, Va., was a visitor Sunday at the home of Ins brother, JVlr. It. E. I Rodders, in this place. Mr. JlodI gers is slightly crippled as a result I of a collision of street cars at WitI iniugton, N. C., some months ago. I Mr. Joseph Parks, Sr., one of 1 k Fort Mill's best known citizens, E celebrated his 82 nd birthday SnnI day. Mr. Parks is one of uldest resI idents of the township and his host of friends hope lie will pass E many more mile stones, in just as I good health as he now enjoys. I Rumor lias it that Mr. S. S. B McNinch will in tin? early spring I erect a liaiuUomc thrbe-sUiry brick H residence at his brick plant at 1 Grattan, Such being the case, it is hoped that Mr. McNinch will H find it to his interest to occupy the reaidence, thus giving Fort H Mill township another most yaluH able citizen and excellent family. Mr. Z. V. Bradford has been awarded the contract for the torn pletiou of the Ardrey building on aiu street and is pushing the ^8 work as rapidly as possible. Mr. Bradford also has the contract for ^B the builditur of a number of ten n?it. houses in the village of the Millfort Mill. <S IT >,f .<w rtime Uavi: an opportunity of hear- "! ing an address by President Harvey Jordan, of the Southern Cotton Association. He is scheduled to speak at Chester, March 5th; Lan- ; caster. March 6th: Florence, March 7th. Mr. Jordan will be accompanied by the executive officers of the South Carolina branch of the Cotton Growers' (Association. Mr. Jordan will urge organization and restriction of acrei ige. A nam- 1 ber of onr farmers wi II doubtless visit Chester or Lan master upon the occasion of Presid* nt Jordun's visit. ,OCAL INTEREST. | ached For Busy Times Readers. I Mrl John Potts was down from Pineville Sunday. .Mr. Frank Kimbrell, of Charlotte, spent Sunday with liits pnreuts near this place. Mrs. A. B. Culp and children, of Columbia, visited relatives hen ' the past week. If you are looking for a good town to locate in and start a manufacturing plant, Fort Mill is the place. v We have had several d^ys cf line weather the past week and the early gardener put in some good work. Mr. R. E. Brown, whoso illness is spoken of on tho 1st page of this issue, died a* the Charlotte hospital Saturday morning. lleports from tho country indicate that the fainieis are ge'^iiu an < arly start with their work this year. If the favorable weather continues they will get their crops planted early. The Washington birthday party given Friday night by Mrs, L. P. Fulp at her handsome home on Booth street was an exceedingly ' enjoyable event for those who were I present. The hall and parlor were artistically decorated in red, white and blue. Mr. John J. Smith died Friday innibi 1 ??r /\f ?n?niimo?Mii ? ? . I - - ? i'?? ..... M.i'i <n >i^ iiu:iic in the village of the Millfort Mill ufter. an illness of only a few clays. Mr. Smith was about 30 years of litre and is survived by a wife, j The burial took place the follow- ' itier morning. 'Squire J. W. MoElbaney was ! laid up for a short while Friday as I the result of being jerked clown | and dragged a short distance by a mule which lie was leading. The ! 'squire soon recovered from !:is injuries, however. This section visited by a regular summer wind sad rain storm Sunday afternoon. The t rain was accompanied by a heavy fall of hail ill Upper Fort Mill, but no damage resulted owing to I the earliness of the season. The Times is roqu idee, to announce that there will bo a m? et- I ing of the Fort Mill branch of the County Cotton Growers Associalion in the town hall next Satur day afternoon at 3 o'clock, Every j farmer of the township is urged to j be present. In the advertising columns of : one of our exchanges is noticed i a "for sale"advertisement in which is offered claims against a numb >r J of our citizens. It must, indeed, j U.. l . ? iiu inimuiiiimu wi nave otu* h namo ] thus spread before the | ublic a - a poor paymaster. Every man should at least make an onrnest effort to meet his honest obligations and avoid such undesirable and humiliating publicity. Mr. J. L. Kitribroil, of ("J ?ld Hill, was painfully injured aboir ten days ago while unloading seed from nwagon near his liumc, Mr. Kimbroll was standing in the rear of the wagon bed, when the mules gave a sudden start, throw inghim backward to the ground. He suffered a seven sprain to hisll ankle and leg and has been con- ' fined to his bed a greater part >f the time since. However, he ranged stocks in this section when once installed in their new quarters. FOR SALE?A good soooM(l-hmi<l Surry and Buggy. Apply to J. L?. Kimbrell, Fort Mill.S. C. Roiicb of drill, Armory Co. K. 1st Tnfantry. Notice is hereby given that there, will be a company drill at the armory nexi Friday night, March 2nd at 7.80 o'clocl. All moinbers ara urged to attend. Annual inspection on April 20. T. 13. SPRATT, Capt. 1st Infty. N. G, S. C. t i; I' STAN DAE INGr MA ABSOLUT] Commencing toe will issiio *?rmrw*i?e v ' chase in the followin Notions, Clothing, When you have bo bring in your coupo these Talking mach Remember the 1111111 have only 12 maeli not be here long. E 5c to 850 counts in no game of chance, the first twelve to s< coupons, you will cc ing machine free. ' very loud and disti call ar our store an sing and play some t he country. IMPOF Our dry goods dej been so well filled a dies who have see goods have been lie; they were the p ever seen in Fort want to be sure to Mercerized White Mercerized Lawns, cy White Goods. M; / ' We arc especially p SHOES for ladies a spring' and summer. Leather Plain Toe beauty! Our line o CLOTHING is also and the pretty part prices. Let us lit y foot with a new Spr you how much cash We are also givir can of Purity Bakin tiful and nicely frai J and see these and tl BELKSK 1 GARDEN SEED. if vo> d< n't know iwlmt vni leties of Garden U 1 if. I i . .. oet?ti fire ine ooai, you are safe in buying here, for all v 1} have are what other people want. AUDREY'S * V it ? v V: idTalkf!TTIN"P . W XX A. JLJ5 blt free / , v. * lay?March 1 st?we rith each cash purg lines: Dry Goods, Shoes and Hats, light ?50.00 worth ns and get one of i nes absolute 1 v free, iher is limited. We ines and tliey will very purchase from this offer. This is If you are one of LH iire ?50 worth of ulaiilly get a talkThcse machines are net, and you should d hear them talk, of the best music in LT.A.ISTT lartmcnt has never s it now is. The lan our new spring ird to remark that retticst they had Mill. Ladies! You see our Soisettes, Fancies, Lingerie, IIahutai Silks, Fanadras, Percales, etc. roud of our line of nd children for the See that Patent at S3.00. It's a f men's and boy's ? right up to date, ; of it is the low on up from head to ing Suit, and show we will save you. lg free, with each g Powder, a beaumed Picture. Call lie pretty goods at [G STORE. I 1 | model 1 I Steam Laundry. ! j CIIAIUjOTTE, ? ? N. C. | PP. ICE LIST. I Shirts 10c , i SiiirtH, now 12,.?c ? Collars -Jc 1 l'ail's, ]K-r pair Ic J Undershirts He 1 1 , Drawers 8c ? ; t ocks, per pair 3c t i Handkerchiefs, linon 3c Ilundkerchiefs, silk f.o Pants 25s to 7oc 1 ; Coats 25o to 75c ; Vests 25c Shirt-Waists !5c uj> ' Curtains GOo up ^ Blankets, single, 15c; double, 2"c Counterpanes 10c H ; Tililo Cloths Do ? rLUlMHilf & COilP'Yi | Agents, | FORT MILL. ? ? ? C 1 H'-WVO'W" yyr-f 'x\\ \Aif iQ u uM< t L i NEW SPR3M Come see our Ncj>v Gi * - ? linens, hitc. We have so some rare bargains. 1) EDISON PIK It is the only talking 111 "English," so you ran lie. ly. We are sell; ig lots o f outer is delighted. New rived. Our new Spring 1 CROSSETT SII Has arrived. There is that can compare with t! and comfort. We have a few more that we are closing out better Stoves were ever i L. J. ISVE-g | Tc Our Patrons JjS Our Ruyers will S on Monday, March 5t S and summer stock 0 can be of anv service S ^ special orders, they 1 ^ do so. Miss Warlick, < ^ spend more than t gj markets, studying st season, and she wo look after any speck j? that you may give In Resp. > | M EACH All @@@?@00??0 ?? (S T-t #S? *-*9- 9 9-9-9*9>l? 9 ? i+9>9?*93-C> P-.99P>*>+9-9+-99&*'9-?>*9f>. 9 iA DRUG IS J yj. rr.T= $ 7s the one place < $$ it is unsafe to lot P* If you are satisln the worth of v< ** best Mciucinc it 'i ?? compound from t ' 9 s Drugs, and the sv ! fc 6 ^ pcrienccd Pliari J J send your presv : u - . ?-?? ~ r ? fi. * % PARKS D I 5) u 4, S?-4-4-4T<t*4. , ; V-vXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX > & T 1\ T? A TTr T/"f j. v. rAUiJiYi % | ffclNERAL P i ? ? <* ! ?> Undertaking in a the cheapest Pine C Yf State Casket. Robes if and gentlemen, Slip ' and Hearse Wagon. T. I). FAULKNE %S\N\\\N \N\N\\N\NNN>\\NNX\! V IO GOODS, nghams, White Goods, me beautiful goods and nn'f fail fn Vif at- rmi? ?'?? ? iikti ?v/ uvui vrui )NOGRAPH. achine tnat really talks \r Every Word distinct* f them and ever}' cuslot of records just arine of OES for MEN nothing on the market lem in wear, lit, style famous "Leader" Stoves j at Factory Prices. No nade. i : and Frie^T^I leave for New York h, to buy our spring (g) of goods. If they ^ to you in getting ? will be delighted to JgJ our milliner, will jgj wo weeks in the jg yles for the coming jgj mid be pleased to ? il order in her line &? ours, X 1 & EPFS. I STORE | -- || on earth where m >k for bargains. || t?fl With Jnr? ? v? 11 llll ^Vlllll^ y our money, the t is possible to gg he highest grade || rvices of an ex- eg nacist you will |S :riptions to the gg RUG CO. I A\\\\\\\.-A\\\\\\V\\\\VWS SER COMP'Y. J RE|| 11 its branches from offin to the finest ||| for children,'ladies jjSjj >pers, etc. Iiearse 'Phones 12 &34. R& COMPANY. x>j