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w ?ht prt *?W sinwa DEMOCRATIC PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY. B. W. BRADFORD. One yenr ...; i...... <1.00 K Six months 60 Three months 25 Anonymous communications will not I be published In these columns. march i. hhx;. Opposition For Senator Tillman. The fotk3 of Senator Tillman and the nnti-d speiiB/uyitee over the State are becoming more and more perplexed in the selection from their forces of n man who would stand u show at beatiut? the senator in his race next fall. Already a number of probable candidates have been spoken of, and at least two have intimated a willingness to run, suuh intimation being sandwiched, however, with the usual "ifs," "awls" and "provisos'' so dear to the proenectr ive candidate who doubts his ubilit-y to defeat his opponent. Among those moat favorably spoken of for the race is Hon. Geo. H. Cromer, of Newberry. The writer knows little of Mr.Cromer's past political carreer, if he 1ms any, but learns that ho is one of the champions of the force engaged in the present light against Senator Tillman, He would perhaps make ft fairly good start in the race, and with the aid of an extra longsighted microscope get in near -enough to see the hoisting of the wool-hat colors at the finish. ' Then on the list of probables is is Mr. K. D. Smith, the popular president of tho South Carolina Cotton Association. Mr. Smith has not yet signified his intention of entering the race and it is not believed that he will, for such a step would not only mean overwhelming defeat for him, hut ft sacrifice of the popularity which he now enjoys as president of an association in which Senator Tilll man's supporters are numbered high up in the thousands. Xiusl, and perhaps least, so far no his chances of winnsug are concerned is tho Hon. John L. McLauri n? "flnrl v- Ht-ni t.*?l r? ???"' ..... J I -*-who as everyone believed, was songly tucked away in the political dentil-robe by Senator Tillman a few years ngo. Mr. Melauriu, according to reports, expresses a willingness to enter the race, provided a sufficient number desire thnt he should. This number he will probnblv plnce nt a figure so high ns to give him ample room to discard the proposition. It is safe to add, however, that should the former senator decide to take a snatch at Tillman's scalp, he would do so from the blind side, and when it was all crver would discover that ho hadn't even touched a hair. # . Should Patronize Home Folk. The Chester Lantern tells in- \ terestingly of the nipping in the bud of u scheme launched in that city some days by two strangers whose inteniion it was to fake the people by taking orders for en JHIglllg llliu IlHHling pilOIOH. AH usual in such schemes, the patrons of these fakirs were required to make small deposits hh a show of good faith until tho enlarged photos were returned. To n number of persons the actions of the men seemed a little peculiar and an arrest followed. The money i which had been fraudulently collected from the people of Chester wus held /is bond for their appearance, but when the trial was called the strangers were not to be found. Such is the fruits of dealing with strangers, but the Chester people will doubtless protit in the long run by their experience with the picture men. v V accent Discoveries. The esteemed editor of the Rock Hdl Record has made some wonderful discoveries since his debut into the* South Carolina journalistic field some months ago. Among the impoitant discoveries of this ardent pen-pusher is the fact that a certain nationality are unfit for residents in this State; that the Columbia Record is an avowed on amy of Senator Tillman, and that the editor of The Stato does not know the senior senator outside the walls of his sanctum. Pretty good! Now, jnrt discover that 1>articular typo of "man" wanted >v Tho Record, and we'll excuse you for a trip with Waller Wellman to discover the North Pole. "State colleges got all they asked from the legislature this year."?Herald and News. Little consolation in that, contemporary. Pupils attending the State schools, as a general rule, araof a class who > could have attended had the legislature ignored the colleges. The i peed of the country ia more and belter rural schools and a law to t Compel parents to send their chil ? Pestered by Bees. "The following ure said to have the Gubernatorial bee in their bonnets, though formal announcement of candidacies has not in nil all cases been made: Richard I. Mantling, of Sumter; John T. Sloan, of Columbia; M. L. Smith, of Camden; Mr, Ansel, of Greenville; Colo L. Rlense, of.Newberry; A. C. Jones, of Newberry.!'?Columbia Record. Who said Senator Brioe didt.'t hear a noise like a buzz. To Reduce Southern Representation. Because of the disfranchisement of negroes in South Representative Keifer, of Ohio, on Monday introduced a bill to reduce Southern representation in Congress. The bill makes a reduction as follows: Alabama from lJto 2; Arkansas from 7 to 5; Florida from 3 to 2; Georgia from 3 1 to 0; Louisatia from 7 to 3; Mississippi from 8 to 3; North Carolina from 3 0 to 0; South Carolina front 7 to 3; Tennessee from 10 to 8; Texas from 10 to 12; Virginia from 10 to 8. Similar bills have been offered for years, and, as nothing ever results, it is supposed that the authors introduce them only to gain popularity and votes in their native states. The Trial of Hasty. A trial which is not only nttrac-1 ting attention in this section and state, but throughout the entire country, is that of George. Hasty,; charged with murder, which was taken up at Gnttney Monday. Hnsly, it will be recalled, was charged by W. T. Davidson and J. L. Bennett, two members of a theatrical company, with making improper remarks and proposals to a young lady with the company. Hasty shot both of the men fatally. The feeling in Gatfney was very stroiiLT at the time and Iho nfTnir ni tracted attention throughout the country. The Actors' association of the United Slates tool; the matter up and employed counsel to assist in the prosecution. .lust how the trialter will end is not known, but n being hard fought and is regnrded by both sides, as one of the biggest criminal cases of recent years in this stute. For a Commercial Club. About thirty of the leading citizens assembled in tho town hall Monday night and for more than two hours discussed in detail the subject of organizing a commercial club for the town. All wore heartily in favor of forming such an organization, and Dr. J. L. Spratt and Mr. C. IS. Link were elected temporary chairman nnd secretary, respectively. The first business discussed was the proper method ot proceedure, and quite a number of suggestions along this line were otiered. In each, however, there was a dissenting vote. Finally, it was decided that a committee of live, comp aed of J. L. Spratt, O. S. Link, -1. II. Witheispoon, W. B. Ardrey and L. J. Masscy, meet Tuesday night ami draw up a constitution for the club, a mango other prelim iuarieo and report at the next meeting which was called for Thuasday night, in the meantime the committee will visit the pro- j s|j?'uiive mem net s, explain tno purpose of I lie organization, entrance foes, clues, etr The hooks will be opened for membership Thursday night. Cotton Association Elects Organizer. Tho executive committee of the York county branch of the Southern Cotton association met in Yorkville Monday in the ofticeof the president, C. i<2, Spencer. All of tho nine townships wore repro sentod except Catawba and Bethel, W. j H. Stowart of Hook Bill was uuam- j imonsly elected county organizer for tho current year; and a mooting of every township association in tlieconuty was called to ho held next Saturday afternoon at :j o'clock, each at its regular meeting placo, for tho special purpose of selecting a township organizer to aid the county organizer in his work. The principal work of the organizers at this time is to got the farmers, by a personal canvass, to pledge themselves to raise their supplies at homo this year, and also to reduce tho cotton crop of j 1006 to at least 7.r? per cent, of what it | was in iw4, mi as per rorm or me r.H)t? plodgo recently issued from the general headqnartors in Atlanta, and also to agree to pnv to the organizer early next full 10emits por bale on the cotton raised on their respective lands in 1U08, to help defray the oxponses of the organivxit ion, 20 |>er cent of those collections to go to tho organizers for their years work. The compensation of the , cHinty OfVulnr was guaranteed to : amount to as much as $r> per day for 110 i day's work, and to this extent ouch , committeeman undertook to stand for > his township association for its full one- . ninth of said amount, there being nine ) such organizations in the county. The) matter of {guaranteeing a miuimum , sum to ouch townshit* organizer will be utrunged for by his own township or- | gauizatiou. Before proceeding with the election an cflfort was intule to communicate with Mr. Stewart ovor tho telephone, but it failed. HtWMOh however, with tho hope that he would 1 be willing to serve, oveu at a porsonal j snorUtae. THE NEWS OF Interesting Items From Our Com Rock Hill. Mrs. Barron, the beloved wife of Mr. Will Barron of this city, died Monday morning at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. Triplett, about 4 miles outside of Cheft icr, win :v sue nan neen critically ill lor several weeks. She had been in the CheBter hospital for some time, anil returned home seemingly improved, but her condition soon grew worse and she steadily declined to the end. Dr. Simpson, Sr.. was showing Monday an egg laid by a black Minorca hen, full-blooded, which is a veritable monster and curiosity. It measures 7 inches in circumference and 2 inches in diameter. The Dr. will put it under a sitting lieu and watch ihe result. The members of the Catawba rill s will meet at the armory on ' on Friday nignt at 8.&J for the purpose of electing u captain to succeed J. D. Cosby, whose lvsignation lias been accepted. The liellevue Mills at Kock Hill, 1 formerly Chieora, have been started up. and, in all probability, will ' continue to run from this time, as they are now owned by Northern 1 parties who have sullicient uu .ns to propci ly equip and operate theni. Electric power has been 1 contracted for and a large amount ! of new machinery will be installed 1 at an early date. Yorkville. . * Mr? Jane Peters died at her'] home four miles east of Yorkville , at an em ly hour last Wednesday | niormiug and was buried at Union j Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Peters' , maiden name was Holmes. She ( was born in lrelnud and was t brought to America when about | six years of age, ; On tlio recommendation of the 1 York delegation in the house, the ] governor has appointed snpcrvis- I ors of registration fur York county i as follows: D, C. Clark of Y*>rk; t U. M. Wallace and F. E. Clinton of King's Mountain, It fieouis that. . tlie recommendation was agroed i upon as the result of a majority I vote of the delegation. i The bill to increase the salaries * of certain York county officers 1 was killed in the committee ou free conference. As parsed by the senate, the bill provided that the increase go iftto ?ITeet at once. Tho 111embers of tho house insisted j that there should ho no increase t until after the next election. Gold Hill. As soon as the ground dries the \ the farmers will begin to plant i their crop). ' Master Sam Yoiu.gblood is sick i with malarial fever. I Mi-s lJessie Faris, of Wir.throp, I sp. nt Send y and Monday at her home in Uruld liill.... Messrs. S. L\ Blankenstiip and S. L. Colthnrp spent Friday in Chariotte.... Miss t Sue Faris visited Sunday at the i home of Mr. S. L. Coltlmrp. She l Iihr accepted n p >V:t;on as sales- J lady f ?r 1j. .1 M is-cy.:....MiS8 Inez ! Smith spent Friday niuht with , MiaH Annie * -rook ... .Mrs. S. L. i Coltlmrp speiit Friday ami Satur- 1 day with lu*r winter, Mrs. S. P. ( Blankenship. { , A huge number attended the party at the home of B. M. Faria Saturday night, in honor of Miss , Faria. All enjoyed them- t selves to tho utmost. FliiiTTiiU. ; ? , , I Mr. Barnes Glover, who has been i rpnte ill for aonie timo, is iinprov- , ing, glad to say. , Mr. Sam Hoover has moved his saw mill to tin- Flint liill spring branch nnd iH doing a good business. Ho ia supplying tho community with lumber. Mir-a Johnnie Miller baa gone to India Hook on an extended visit , to friends. Little Miss Georgia Miller fell oil her aislcr'b luj last Friday and broke her left iu in, from which ahc has suffered right much. Ki v. F. S lice vch, our beloved Larger to B- ?' ?{Abi>S7Fort Mill, 8. C. Dear Fir: The Fair Ground buildings. Cobloskill, NY, wore painted l>ovoo last year. Two other-paint agents said it would take 150 gallons (tkoir price was 15 cunts loss a gallon). Our agent said not over 125. It too* 115, Wo saved 'em at least $140 on paint and labor. The Aiuericau House, Taunersville, N Y, was painted two coats last year; not Dovoe. Mr Charles Hanor, across the streei, put-on one coat Do.oe. Mr Wiltaot American House) is sorry he didn't paint Devoe, ilaners one coat was better thau Wiltae's two. Depends on the paint, iours traiy 75 F W Drvok A Co F. g, W. D.Ardroy 5? Co soil out paint. 4QP YORK COUNTY. I ispondcnts and County Exchanges. pastor, preached rii excellent sermon on the 25th, his subject being \ tlfl f!tu 4 1% ** *?>v jjuivi nvuiru iu iUC cliarch daily such as should be saved." (Acts, 2. 47.) ills tlierae was tlie Ideal Church, which is the conception of a tiling iu its most perfect state. The many friends of Cnpt. W. II. Edwards, of Chester, were deligtlied to have the pleasure of 1 shaking hands with him ut Flint Hill church last Sunday. "Peg Leg" Graham in Town. Mr. R. G. (Peg-Leg) Graham, of Steel Creek, was a visitor to Fort Mill Monday for the tirst time in quite a while. Mr. Graham is one of the most progressive farmers of his section, a member ber of the Mecklenburg cot ion growers' association, and a true beliover in less cotton and more hog and hominy. This vonr his cotton acreage will be 10 ncrea to j the horse. Asked as t<> why he did not visit Fort Mill oftener, i lie replied that the "superinvisov" I of the upper Fort Mill road had ' left and that the "board" of road 1 overseers wore taking a rest and ! it was almost impossible fur him 1 lo get here. Peg-Leg was, as us- j ml, iu the best of humor and his j friends here were glad to see and talk with hi in. Innovation by knights of Pythias. Electva Lodge No. 37, Knights )f Pythias, have Adopted a unique plan of gelling their members to ittend the regular meetings of the , lodge. They have appointed what is called a "Tired Committee," ornp sed of eight members, whose luty it is to go, iu u body, about am clown to the home of a member who has failed to attend a meet ng and remain until after bed- j iuie. At other places where this; L)lnn liae boon adopted, the lady of i lie house generali sees that the j nember is a regular attendant at t lie meetings tliereafter. r The lodge has appointed Prof. I J. H. Witherapoon and Mr. L. J. j Maasey a committee to arrange or some entertainment at each I nteting, and for both these reasons it behooves every member to je present at the next meeting. ? ? ? FBIGHTFULLY BUBNSD. Clias. \V. Moore, a machinist, of Ford }ity, l'a.,had his hand fruitfully bernid in an electrical furnace. He applied iucklou's Arnica Salvo with the usual *esaU:"aqaickand perfect care" Great st healer on earth for Barns, Wounds, sores, Eczema and Pilos. 26c at Ardroy's Irug store. The Gin tiers' Association of doutli Carolina will bo organized i n Columbia tomorrow at 10 a m. j I'll is association will form a part >f the National dinners' Asaocin-! lion. York county will no doubt he represented in the meeting. LUG2I2ST MAN* IN ASKANSA3. "I'm the luckiest man in Arkansas," ivrites H. 1j. Stanley, of Bruno, "since S he restoration of my wife's h >alth after 1 ivo years of continuous coughing and i deeding from the lungs, and 1 owe my | jood fortune to the world's greatest medicine, Dr. King's New Discovery for | Jousumption, which I know from ox- i oorionco will cure con sum r>t ion if taken u time. My wife improved with first lottloand twelve bottles oomplctod tho ' uiro." Cures tho worst coughs atal colds jr money refunded. At Ardrev's drug I itore. 5 )o end $1. Trial bottle free. Edwnrd Cntou, the white mnn who some years ago was convicted in York court of selling whiskey in this township, was tried and L'onvieted on n similar charge in Ihe Mecklenburg court at Char- | lotte the past week. Caton's sen- j tence was that he pay a tine of ?.~>0 und appear at each court and make riatli as to his good dehavior. Caton should quit the business. A nSALIlTO GOSPEL. Tho Rev. J. C. Warren, imstor of Sharon baptist church, Helair, Ga., says of Bleotric Bitters: "It 'sa Godsend to mankind. Ik cured me of lame back, stitT joints, and complete physical collapse. I was so weak it took me half an hour to walk a mile. Two bottles of Bloctric Bittors have made me so strong I have just walked t lire miles in 50 minutes and feel like walk ing three more. I t's made a new man of me." Greatest remody for weakness and all Ftomuch, Livor and Kidney complaints. Mold under guarantee at Ardrey's drug store. Piico 50c. v i ? * ' > j.?m mum. uoi expeci us 10 Know i everything. Wo have t.<? woik a i little sometimes just liko somo other people. So when you know \ of anything that yon know ou<4lit to go in the paper, and which yon are interested in, come 'round and j tell us about it. We will appreciate j it and yon will certainly see it 111 the paper. THE YILLOw'pSTER 3EPM has recently been discovered. It bears a close resemblance to the malaria germ. To free tlio system froui disease germs, ; the most cffectivo romn ly is Dr. King's . New Life Pills. Guaranteed to cure all diseases duo to malaria poison and constipation. 2Go at Ardrey't drug store. | '4 * . r ? ITheV = MAMJ XIX XX XTX J \ Means much conn* Furnitn] We have about tw< hundred feet of floor si exclusively, and yet n< our entire stock, wliic thing in cheap, mediun FURNITURE. The lat Carpets, Matting, A lium, Rugs, Oil Clot Curtains and Curt* and numerous othe ment and beautify tl We have placed o ! each day expectin 3 SOLID Ci of House Furnishing anvthmo* in this lint / o MILLS & NORTH. CAROL I Fond us your Orders. We ship d Remit l?v postal money order. 1km CORN WHISKEY IlYE " APPLE BRANDY PEACH " RUM ou GIN J'?iF~ If bottled add r>0 cents pet pill Will ship in plain packages, withojnt ni when so desired. Wo make NO CM/ FEND ALLORD ANSON DISTI L LI WADESBOR* CARD OF TIIANKS. Editor Times: Please allow us space o extend thanks to our many f loods 'or their kindness during the recent ill jess of onr beloved father. ' (Miss) Maggie Wilson and sisters. T77rr77~7~~T77~7T;711 MlLEjS, MULEo.j; A full supply contin- > ually on hand, Call !! and see them before you buy. Prices and 5 terms to suit the ? purchaser. - - 1 J, E, Marshall & Co,, > East Black St., ROCK HILL, - - - S. C. ^^WKENrai SHOOT Llj V'cu want to HIT what you arc aiming at ?lc it ht.i1, lx-a.,t or target. Malr y mt OJ t"?iut by > hooting toe STh r"'.S tfjf lor 4- y ?r* STr.Vr.NS ARM.- h, J j f carried of! PREMIER HONORS fat I < CURACY. Our line: ' < Rifles, Slioigiins, Pistcis | I A \ t f I'M rr? S-n<l 4rt5.1r\ sm .*?-4 J > -tin the' rHVKN -i. f r 140-1 "ft ?6 Citato,* . If j. 1 nr.. I obtain, of *??> netc citr r. A * . l ? < r- t. t\- % ? >. >?!>. . : . t;- fv r < r*v*f.'. Uf n en r (ft pr-xrnt .it I ( i t f. . -?"TTTt. ? J r-^'v iit? K . un. ? l>e u**ifu1t'uee- oloi Aluminum Hunger wil! ? b forwarded lor so cents in h' t J. Stevens Arms & Tool Co., ; P. O. Bc.r '.39* CHICOPFS FALLS, It ASS., U. S. A- j j IPYOU WANT?T > btlT, rent. st-llor! J oxchango anything, plnon a "want" I t u'l. iu Tin.- iiwets- 2<ic, lUroo liuos. ) 4 l T s. f -y.-i # ' ,7" < f .. : i i * ' i 'i?? III BH IWOB3BB?BP??Ml Vord | IOTH = :cted with our big i re Store. :> thousand and five >aco for FURNITURE jt enough to display :h consists of every1 and high grades of est styles are here. rt Squares, Lineox h, Window Shades, sin Poles, Pictures, i r things to orna^ ic home, / rders for, and are g the arrival of \RLOADS : so if you need \ come to see us. *rr A TT-aT /-V lUUiNtr. I NA WHISKIES. [iroct by Fv. ight or Express, ik cheek or cash, with order. $1 25, $1 50 and $2 oOpor Gallon 1 50, 200 and 2 50 " Gallon 2 25,?Oyrsold 8 25 " Gallon 250,?(iyrsold 5150 " Gallon 1 50, 2 00 and 2 50 " Gallon ou to above prices, arks or brands to indicate contents, lRGE FOR JUGS OR PACKING. EUS TO THE AG COMPANY, J, - N. C. CITATION. i Statk of Sonni Carolina, \ County ok Yoxk. By L. R. Williams, Probate Judge. WHEREAS, P. Wilson, has audi ed if. me for LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION, on all and singular, tho foods and chattels, rights and credits d Ij. G. Wilson late of the county aforettiid deceased: These arc, therefore, to cite and adnonish all and singular the kindred Hid creditors of tlve said deceased, to bo nid appear before mo at our next Prolate Court for tho said county, to bo < tolden at York Court House on tho 8th lay of March, to shew cause, if any, >vhv the said Administration should lot be granted. vuvcii niuKT my naiui aua seal, tins L4th day of Fobrnary, in tho year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and tix, and in tho 130 year of American independence Ij. R. WILLIAMF. Probate Judffe of York Co. _____ _ '1. Let the I I Charlotte Steam Laundry I t , ' ? * Launder Ycur Linen. & < | Wo lmve the Biggest and ?t c Best Laundry Plant in x* :J tho Cnrolinoa. We do more y ? work than any laundry in 5 $ the Carolinns. Wo do Bet- y l- tei work than nny lnnndry y 5 in tho South. Our agents, y ^ whose name is attached J C hereto, has instructions to K*vc you full and complete J c satisfaction or mako no jt | c charge. $ Isn't that fair dealing ? *1 y 5 ? | i PARKS DRUG COMP'Y, | \ AGENTS 11 J FORT MILE, - S. O. j| I *c> <*?<?