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par. .RFiTTALli PTFIilJ imarkoble Rise li ??? World. Lr great moo revlv< s which kept* then e the public ey< IarBhnll Field. H< lttlw town of Con , <35. His father'i ^'Vncm.v^1 ,ay on the outskirts, au>l th< be pub(?'** of hla enrlv years ak.ernate< 1 *Fween the district 6chool and thi rvest Hold. When he was 17 yeari --J*-- '*-?i he &ot a position ao porter, sales ? ?wv? piwn Licin in u s'naii cry food3 store In Pittsf.eld, Mass . nn< 'pif'ioro he nppliod himself with s;:cl ill pence that his small sn!ar> wai r ajaoublod within two years. He final!] . jbocame buyer for the store and hli BIOI selections as well cb the terms In pv neoured were bo favorable as to adc I '/ perceptibly to the prestige and prof m Its of the lii..tltutlon. The factlit] I m v.lth which he collected "old nc I a counts," the ease with which lie In ' M troduced live "Bpot-cu:?h" system ant the succers with which he "turner down" chronic credit seekers placet him, at the er,-l of four years, In po M frttlon to seel; and even command ? partnership lu the business. He li:*J w already saved enough money to baj n bird, but he believed that the trade had already been expanded to Itt natural limitations and that if lit wished to achieve wealth and eminence he must seek a wider field. Optimism was not one of his trr.itj ( and the absence of it was mistakes for nrlancholy. Marshall Field plnced little trust in the future so fat cs temporary affairs are concerned, Ife gave a promissory note, never borrowed money, never bought on margins and never uuked fox time. Entering Into the employ of Cooley, Wadsworth & Co., In Chicago, lc 1S5G, his services proved valuable) enough to insure him in 1800, four } ears afterward, a membership iu r... Jtiie firm. From then on his upward growth as a merchant was as great us u nan reuiurtwiii'e. Laying tho foundation of his fortisro before the fire of 1871, he lost heavily in that holocaust, but rapidly retrieved his losses, and within a very few years his house was doing a business aggregating $8,000,000 annually. &&'( \ ISPI. *' '*.A kMarshall Field In 1S01 tho Field stores wera piakinsr sales totaling in the 12 months $o.r),0G0,000. In 1905 the aggregate business was conservatively estimated at $80,000,000. It was the tiollrv nf Mr KtelH tn keep this prestige and to encourage popularity. Ills salesmen and liis employees were aware of tiiij wish, and their combined efforts have never permitted the hcuso reputation to recede from the mark sot for it hy its head in tho years gone by. ^ , If In this Mr. Field took particular pride bo also encouraged for the 4 benefit of his employees a civil service system -a system by which through merit they might rise in hia employ. It was possible, and often pocurred, for a cash boy in his service to rise to the head of an important depart; . ?nt and to become n confidential employee. Mr. Field's ability to keep In touch with every department of hlf varied Interests was peculiar to himself. He did so with apparently little effort. Ills was a mind to grasp, lie quickly learned, and once tho Idea was teglstered in his brain there it remained. , Although immersed in business |^Lt affairs from curly manhood, Mr hln w * ~ 'Hi.. rj icmi iuvcu 1119 uwuir. i iiu at'UUl Ol his first wife darkened hla life, l>ul gradually lio threw aside the gloorc that held him almost captive and mingled more with his familiars, til late years he had played a great dea pf golf and was devoted to the sport ^ The last year of his l^o was e\ent fill. - It possessed a mighty Joy and dealt a fearful blow. The high tidi \ of his happiness a me with his mar \ riago, on September 5, 1905, to Delh fclpeneer f'uton, whom he lmd knowi HH for 20 >hhi-s or more. 'x Hp generally devoted as man: hours to business as did his em ployces. He often gave the retal Bl fciors an hour or two in the morning The rest of the day he usually spen In the otllce at the wholesale build lug Most of the time entrance wri free to any one having business wttl Of Mr. Field's social life there h much to be said. His tastes wen ^^^^^^^Bremely modest. He lived in quit went but into so never in public crawling fourteen daya ana flvt j l[ sl\ - V . ' W: F' ? 20,000 PREACH BUMS. Terrorize end M?l:c Miemb!e l.ife 1 of the Thrifty Dnborvrs. In Franco also the question of the 9 unemployed Is serious, says the I,oa1 jdon Exchange. The latest statistics 9 show that there are In that country 9 20,000 men who are without work simply because they do not wish to 8 .work. During ihe winter many of 9 them are glad to dlrft Into the prl* sons, where they find It more coni9 fortablo than Lo wander through " streets anil lanes day by day, an J In " Bleep under the shelter of brtdgct " and outhouses by night. Uut during * the warmer months their roof Is tho 1 sky, and thcv feed themselves by 3 begging in the smaller towns and ' hamlets. Unfortunately, It is not 3 upon the rich that the burden of this 5 vagabond class weighs most heavily, 1 for they are diSicult of access and " enjoy police protection. Tho induef trious laborer, tho small farmer and * tradesman, the unprotected woman * and children, have to support this 1 Shiftless, wandering army ar.d <m1 dure its importunity and half-veiled 1 threats. In England under the Tu" dors the man who gave to a beggar 1 wh3 fined, and the recipient of tho I gift was punished, ft seems to have T been perceived that tho vagabond is * potentially a crimnal, and that it is ? usually his cowardice, not bis oon? scionc, which deters the street beg per and the tramp from robbery and \ violence. Certainly, as dohn Earns ? holds, no plan of dealing with tho i unemployed will* comtnetd itself 1 which does not rule out these wus' treis a Jul semi-criminal idlers or deal sharply with them. Laziness and Lunacy. "Laziness Is a great contributory cause of lunacy," savs a British spo* cialists in mental diseases. "The only i way to preserve a healthy mind Is to 1 lead a busy 11. . But modern conditions, the compulsory tc tlrenn nt 1 from professional occupations of men who have reach 1 the ago o* say, r>5, condemn th? :n to sp.end ti s rest of thiir oil: tence in idlcncsu ' , They become introspective end brood. They feel themselves hidetracked* from the main line of life, and almost unconsciously a stato of rebellion is set up. From link wf mental exertion the brain loses tiie nutrition it has been accustomed to over a long p?.: lod of jours. Other conditions are set up which culminate in mental degeneration. "Young men who Inherit fortunes and devote their time t > ?i them fall ready victims to this undermining of the brain. Tragedies of : the kind are constantly occurring. Many women n:ul girls who belong to the leisured classes are saved from a like late by their devotion to dress and bridge. The zealous pursuit of tho^e pastimes r< quires at least some measure of mental rclse. Perhaps that Is the beat that can be said oi them. ! "It Is dangerous for a man who , has led a busy life to abandon brain ; exertion. Medical science has prolonged the spun of human existence. ' and yet retirement is now forced ' upon ir.en at a much earlier age than hitherto. The only hope for these j men Is to cultivate some engrossing hobby." One Strike! Sleopsln---Thnt non-union man. killed by a r ne duril g the strike, had quite p.n . pitnph. Chapelle ? Yes? Slecpsln Ilnre r*s O'Reilly, t done Ids best to In t the gun . 1 : was rocked to rest.? Pi incut ?n Tiger. Chintt's lb sentirent. Thcie once was a country named ( j China. Who asked that her treittniuut bo linn; ( So she boyc otted all I or tne stuff that we haul On sailboat or freighter or Una. ?Baltimore American. Punishment for Two. Tho Count My dear sir. your daughter has a frightful temper. I can't put up with it. His American Father-in-law? You're right. If 1 hear uiiy muro complaints. I'll disinherit her.?l.lfo Often the Case. Little Elmer ? l'apa, what la n critic? Professor Broad head A critic, my noa. Is a person who couldn't have done it himself. Puck. A b~e that works only by night is round In the Jungles of India. ?t i.s nn unusually large insect, the cc-mhi being often-blx feet long b> four feet wide. Vj 'ir\ i J m *' p fc *' r. r> ^ pi fl rvvv vwk* n. l'*" (l;'i 'io wii'.mit 1 e ' } v < C CJtliiC ? ?T dnffT... in o I Cu.wli H l?> .'4,atu, w. tio- V \? ret 'J v V. ite ? j ? ' - \ t T' # Or. elr>? l a, ' '' y~' ' T I ffliiil1 anil oh ' I I * j \ r :?i"*i Ki. ii> . ) . V \ !;/*.? (T c . r. . y i j f ittmpf 11 j/ ?v?? v *.><;: w c i <? t><> . \ O T . ft..' 'l?l 'v V"7 1. > ri?. ? n> 3 ; V - ' 1 C ''ii? M?CO fcn , . * ( r !.>-? In cvi I -K .) 1 ,; ' a:"'-r,' ;5 N. **' a. ! . v\ ^ V- %V<? . 'O* i V pir-..n.i/n -nr , V /fS v ? U !' <? v% .< * IIt?r t ^ jn. Jj,y %J\ ,1 C'l'i r:"'Ti''v ' ' UNTIL CUPtft. T? 'P. I M. K. KING. M O. Chii-IM Ul" .T? ** C^nilimh. PM.HJIAM. P " ufal r> i" ? I i ' < ? or eood * 1 ' ?7 I 1 lv> W?ti.l ynu rur ,iier?i\ir*. I>i< liit |l ona KJN'I I l'\ !l o, > V 1 WI l.>Ul6J^Ki8lSa;.j ?_rs'" I. wdr1 * "v.. m .. 1.. k * . fft ' * ?& * * - V* ' T' ITS CHIEF MERIT. Worth the Price When Its Riddc Valne ts Shown. VI don't see anything especlall fine about that pocbetbook," tlic ciu tomer 6nid, "except tbe price. A dol lar and a half Is pretty steep for li That's the way It strikes me." me show you," said tli salesman. "See this secret compart nient? You can carry a good roll o bills here without their showing When the man that's always wan; ins to borrow $5 from you happen around you take out your pocket . book with great willingness, open i and you're awfully sorry to Iln nothing In It?you must have let your money at ?" , "I see. Wrap It up."?Chicago Tribune. An Advantage. fi^ 5rTl fm iff U / She- Yovr auto never po^s fai without bre. King down, does it?" He No. that's the beauty of it It's *-o < .tsy dragging It back home jvsu rv u u \v . ? i lll'K. Sn'ilfk'iiC. Rivers. v ho w orl." on n n'nv?;c. per, had been trying to make ar rrngoeients for 11 titp to Kam-tu Cltv. lie was routed out of If I at ml(l night to an.' .ver a telephone call. an< tli's was the subsequent ton versa lion: "Hr'lo!" "Hello! That you. Rivers?" "Yes." "This Is "rooks, down at the of flee. There's a telegram here foi you." "Open It and read It to me, wil you ?" After a short pause the couversa tlon v. as re. :i:ied. "It's fro i' the gepcrnl passonge: n tent of the X., Y. Z. Railway, anc It says: 'I regret to say?' " "That's enough. Brooks. Yot don't need 'u rend any more. Gout ! night."?Chicago Tribune. Sentiments of t!?? S? he du rst'r. A good many people have tin courage of other people's eonvletioas .' : liailon without education mean | r.'ot. , You will never f.nd a good me ' chnnlc with a poor tool. When a fellow gets to he bos ! well, he'll do about as his boss did : sometimes worse. For the nerve??think of sorrv one else. There Is always room at the to> 1? yon can pesh he other fellow off ?Ainerl. an Illustrated Maga/duu. N i:iln* No N*i tnes. They \\ere looking nl t o news ' paper portraits ol' an eminent stall's : man. "It sr?ms scarcely poa ih'.o," oh Hi'ivf.1 the tali man, "that he cni haw grown so mnrh older and sad Cler in a few short years." I "Those are his 'before and afte taking' portraits," said tlu- slior man. "Before and after taking what?" "That sn'ary from the- life Insur auce company.''?Chicago Tribune, Andrew's Kxtrnvugnncc. "I see." sal ijidrs. Oidrastlo, "tha Andrew Cn. negie has offered $300, 00(> for a Ilubens." "II. s he?" replied her hostess "My goodn ?s, it seems to nie that' nn awful i rice. Why, the LMIllgson onlv paid i ",000 for the ir Mercetle and the 1 taps are all y.<>M-idated too."?Chit ago It cord-ll raid. Mutual A hi. At a bnn jnet given to the dele grP ".i of Mutual Aid Societies ii 1'ails P. t w? ? a 23,000 bottles o red wine. 23,000 bottles of whit wine. 2, <00 bottl. s of beer am 10,000 hi ties of ekampaguo wer provfdi et every delegate reachei his home i.i safety. That shows wha Mutual Ai.i can do.?London Punch ioiat ii alii isl A 11&vet ! J i C; t Fr!--r 1 ii kulli' ?u? li? ? '<1 Vnrii "frlr u iho?t H ?\i l)U4lnr>>| ,;|f?ti1 ll.Ortil f nin'in PI ivy" ? uot'ft'. m if I .??* ? i.f " / jr rnr i; > ?I (ri i' 't 1>UI ?< I [) I Mi di t'o. I? r.r. It ttui rr?r l. 'i.-ni? t. i T (. > t tut* it . Hi' nt .t.iU c u? *11 -*T rv> . i. It. K. 1 J Hi" ffi.iij't of fi . |-?!t ii ' >? 'i 1 .11*1, t)<l ii,: m i.jIiJ fi III I .iTS.rlm. ,.l ill Tit'* .* H i. . t ' ii ..t t rhioUP. -? ?> < Id untiirt ?Hit ><1!c?l* i.t!. "ti. '"n. tj .i iilur v :i k 1 I'i-i i ili 'ilr., f?r?dlc tut'"- [1 ft. tpt. if d f-in*, un) ia 'net, +'trf tln>irlnl ? ! t>?-j t't tiin m iu..i pr f? iliin. Oi;i initi mm it i' . KjiPt, and ?c Mnpltiy mo tm: tt.n t-est L I'lpiulf,. I filiiUii/ qu iinlod KraUunUt l?, j\. It I. it* In . !i ?e. t . v uf?lf t'-hX i- ?..? u> ?fc'ir? jmtlcrts nnd ' r. I ti'ir f.i f.>r llif -.iiiiro ar? sent fi t n 'I .l? i 1 rtrtl ti it ?vem,.f fi.i.ll I'O ' nit i ri i ii<: .u| alitl wf ?: vii thr * .?ar- i ? .lu'n ttitfilfl'V r'.ntit. rtf r*C" J v* ?*icro**fnl,y trcnt nn.l prrmaI ' tLdoL V ". :lt "|.r I, : cl>t< nlc d| fftfti * , ?n . tli? |i!? r ti.>":i!e?, 1'.ifiio.At'?ni, ' . 1 : O. ii 1. *' -. o'c.. rndnll o ( < i ' t.r-iiiM' . ?'?t.>rrh t.f ttie > lif t ; n: .1 ;.u:?. Iii:i ft." ?.f I'rf i.nd Kir, iphii ?>? W, kiii'Ii Dl pU e'iient*. 'h*ii-v*,n. 1 p oh w aknc'st'ti of w m. ri. tft ii If JOO m ?|. x yr mflirteri. Oil reque&t w? line svmputn Mm. ? fur Uorur trcauudiil. A i l.iv |MI vltVIMC J KKK i ftiania. fiaj, - ~ .ifn'iT' 'w.ii \ ;|" cut? fv3 says the doctor ro many of 1 l- doesn't know of anv medicinal ! k j cure womb or ovarian troubles * r*. ? That such a medicine t ::is lf , by the wondeilu) cures per ] lu thousands of cases, by 5 i U112 |f& F\ > I s? I' ] | a ? / % ? - n r r? 0 ' 'J J V_#7 k ? hau VV^ V If Vj/ 4 ft It has saved the lives women, nnd has rescued tl nie!;ui-holy lifetime of chroni you, if you will only ghe it S Id st every c!rug store ir V??.lTi. l.S A LI TTER P'?? .k-:>!c nil tlmic'.lty and will" ti, t.v.dy Hit 1 Irin ly, in stricli'M rni.Stl -.iff. M'-' , ua nil yt?a aymptoir, , :..<?{ IrouLltf Wc* Id b?:i I ?ieo adriua (iti |> am, t>. iletl *r.v?lope/, 1:ot? to evre th> hi. .*?!ilix?s: Ij iItC Advi -orv 1) .?*. " It t.KM XwdiciUli Uo., ("i -itt-vinx" i .Tcsi. When in ti e Market FOR GOOD WHISKIES, W 5 X ES, BRANDIES, ETC., CALL < >N OK WRITK .; -TolTin >4"037*10. - kv, k t-" ? 1 I > 'omliiimtg k,"|-' M ai.Mi low jirifo.s. !li 'iric-'s I lit'lt.w -ii\> ::u ra:it? In hi" t 111! IOWI : ' t >r tj l l ' >' i >t I Is i your oi.t C.oim Whisky, jior .1 o . ' , ,, l.To > ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, I .. , c "? ,, ,, Tar !T?1 Pn**n \\ lis'toy it.??. 1 ,, 1 Ian Whislty jht i'al !.. < J ,, ,, (Jowl !. . ? V lii>i;y " '* ! ,, <.!??. 1 l?yo \\ liistty " " 'J.i>' . (In. I H t? Whisliy," " .. ? <t*l I.yo Wins.jy " " -I Uu 1 it i u u ," it? \essol or p.; r ? f \i r.i will j ty ovptvss tm owe 1 o Iijti'(viHons, nver t x-t-.i-.-t.s. ?. . st';- y, , i ..?*. ... U. >oi A ? * a i ?' '' il ' IT I Y V (! , T YOi; WANT?To buy. vent .n M or I'M-hi n?;t? miyi'liujr jthioo a "waul" :?'? i . 'I ho tints. Joe, throe 1 i? 9 i , w m Tin- FORT Ml H i - . S. litSunday iioi | Anlroy. .1. \V 1 ' . i lr> y s. I tr'.ii Store 1 ? ' r?l y, \Y. K. (Party Lino).. - ? Aimslroti , S. :ii S;l \ i ins! roiiy, Lee S ).;i 1 A i n i 1 mi _. \\ . (' li) 7-a. " A li'tn'l:, M. 10?-a. A<!1;. . Win. (I'arlv Lii. r t T. ii. tl'arty Ian I.... P?nrher, Os. (: arty Line) ! Harbor, Alex (>'i Rclk, T. B, (Resilience) -i!>: !!;. T. P... ( Si ire) S 1 I*. Ik, K. 1.. ( i Pai ty Lit) ).... ' . O. V. 107-1). I ' I .1. i \ ( ' I \\ | if:- ) ! -ail v . 'A. ( Pai ty Lin ) lank 'JJ ' 1 U-kett, Let1, (Party Line).... - ? 3 Maiik 'shin, <\ 1'. (PniU Line) H Lia-'kw li'cr, ( kits. (1 arts Lino) .v.i. .'.A ' ; ' 'oyil I. F. (Party Lino) * '.i it. A. A I ,;:.... I. /. V 19 Prnnso.t, <'. 11 (i I n ho)?i. W. i . (L'h'Iv Line).. f i a, i - . .1. I . (Party Line) u ' fijij >. li. N. (Parly I i.:r \. .. . '1 i imi>s. S. K. (Parly I i: ).... e ( oitsa-t, A. Q ' '.'.2 ^ ( aiMtl.cis, ,J. il. (Partv I.ino).. 1 <'nitliar;?, <L II. (Pnit.? Liiio).. l nltlnirp, S. L. (Party Lino).. (\)|' I vi: | >. .1. .1. (Party Lin-).. t iia11 'lie Mriek ( ( iia.nlk r, !\ev .1. (. !?l Cutp, L. M ' > | ('nl)>. VV . M. 11Intel ) AS I < i !|), T. \\. (1 arty I nue ) - - i nl> . Mis. Ai L'u.-'a 110 Y.n :in 'li. tn, W . K.( !':ii 1; I in; 1 l^nviilson, .J. V,. (PartN l.iiu ... I S. A l.?7 1 S. II.. Sr. (I'm In 1 ,i no) . . ; F.p|>s, .1. M ' . !,"? i S. 11.. .Iv. (Pnry I inc).. I',i \n n, Frank (flirty 1 i: ).... Klnis, J. \V I Furt Mill Mi':. <??. *Olli. o) '2 F<?rt Mill Mfir. Co. (( lo;!t room) !><" Karis, I. L.. (Party Fine) . 1*:iiis, I?. M. (I'arty Fine) Paris, S. (1'nrtv Fine) Fill p. Mrs. 1.. I'..' IS i CJamble, M 7;l I la iton, 11. N (.or?lo?i. .lolm 11>(? fiftiham, C. II. (Party Fin<). . J drier, K. F. (Store) 11 'Crier, P. F. (IF'siilcm ) .. . . ?.,? * ? wm WUF XWbF H K ils fiady pat ients, because he p^j treatment that will positively K except the surgeon's knife. ^ ts, however, has been proved vj . riil&t on ei:ie\Ucd^ Women, r^B D5S2ASS. | of thousands of weak, sick tousands of others from a c invalidism. It will cure : a chance Try it. a* i f> i.oo bottles. '$) M GAVE UP SUPFOP.TER. r> "I wore A supporter for four vonr.i, to fceey v->^ up my vomb.wlMilnu cr<>. ded every: Mmi \Ji <1 .u-u befoMie" wiito-s Mi*. 8. Omiwim't, ? < . f MnnnavltiO. N. Y. "My do<-r?>r tola hi-m v i -! lot l5c.n? wi?uW ?-rlp inc. 1 RUUi- r d unto..l ?' * t:..?,iT,?nd roti; I d.urtty w.v,. Af'i'rtaUi'K <* | two l of ?Jn<"diU I itu* Hpmrsupport ju . \7 1 atn tftkll?rtii? Mil. N.'.iv! .\o r..?i ^ t > dm * :ts formerly,und ran t ? or mv r < . f ' I. .if h <Wy nt u One v. 1 mr.ri.r'-, r oo.'o.i.voU f. '? Coauui to every fcuileritii. tvouoiu." L?*. . 5 .... l. u.. . . j RJgr i CMJ J he h-j littleDoctor CIVLS YOU a complete treatment at our store for 25 cts. His specialty is Liver Complaints, all kinds, and he i.iurantccs satisfaction, cr money back. Hu-.ion's Liver Pills a;i:? Tonic Pellets make permanent cures. For s I * l?v It. Anlrov A* Co. ILL TELEHIOJ L. MK-ACHAM, Propriet ular Hours, 7 a. in. to ?) ] irs 7 a. m. to 10 a. ni; 12 <:1 ' s 11!) linnI.. .V vv Co SJ !':mi >. !.. .V. ( Kr>*ideuce) .... 11 liil . \\ . I 1!.! i: ; t >. \Y. Farm (Party LimC I'- M. (Party Line).. Hall. W. ( M .?ikot). -d li.:!!. Mi-, M. .1 7.S 1 i:'.lI, Jos. t P;u i.v Line) Mailt*. .1. XI. (Party I.imc).... 1 leovc. Walter (Party Line) .. ? I!<?n-la <2. NY. T. (Stable) 2"? lick:. W. !' J-a liar: Party Line).. .loner .. A. '). (; ore) 1-1 Joins, \. <\ (: nek Yeard)... .10S Jon -. V". 1'. (Party Line).... ? Join . i ar ? I. li * ?i'i i Mill 37 .1 nui:i . s. <' 101-b K? .1. S. ". (i'arty Lino) .. t ? Ki: jN i . P. V . (S* re) 7 Kin i< il, P '' 51 I . ".* , K. NY.. iivi>i?lence).. 7-1 Kin re . J. L. (Party lane).. Iii I op. .V i M. I 40 l\i . bi. II. Will J ll)3 Kill-pat. i k. Ih*. T. S. 'ires.).. 21 K ' it' . I . T. S. ( inn 1) SO-b it k i-*!\, Pr. T. s. (Paint 2) Keini . !;, K. (Patty -?K : lit". (Paity Line).. Kixer. 1.. t 1 i: \ Line) .... '! ce, l>. A ' Hi) M i i (N. <".) (Party Line).. Meaebain, L 5-e Ma \. L. 71 U: ->ev. P. K 00 M;i- sc.. M.S. f 62 Ma-, tie 12 ill 01 M ir:atn. NY. P. 23 Meae!,.im v. i'.f,- 64 .N 11 il I ! . !y l . tu*). Meriitt/A. i J. (i rty Line).... )icr: il:, T. i . t. Line).... Mill- y Ynmiu' " 12 Mil. , J. P 49 M ill fort Mill Co HI ' ' a<*' ;i:.i 's I >rn_; Store 43 Mo i I .Pv T. P?. (!'< - i'nee) 7?-rt. M< Klh. y. I. \V 61 Mr I'll; . u'V "s Si :i'>! *JS McKllumi'v. A. K M Mturay. .1. II oO Mi'K imi'V. \V. II. (Parly Lint*) ?? MrKc-. K. i >. (i*art> Line).... M r1111. Ilowiiiau, (I'nriy !- ) Niv< ns. P. s. (lY.rtv Lino).... ?? Nimh. Kroil tl-a ()'('nniicl!. Mis. L 47 farUs. V. 11 09 i .m NOTICE. Notice is hereby giveu that fcfts p?v visions of an ordinance if luting to the running at largo of rows, horses, hogs and other neat aniumls will hereafter h. strictly enforced, and that all violate s may expect to pay the penalty prescribed in said o'diniiuce. . , By order of council this Oth of February," lOdU. A. H. McFllianoy, Clerk. BcS'tre to vrone-'v c>iui 'pc?.!-K>uta!n t'.te STEV* I'NjC'i . j o t' <;?> \v it? 'NT?. Wo hunC E .FEES . . from $3-25 to $150.00 PISTOLS . Iroitt 2.50 to 60 00 8HOtGUX3 . . troin 7.60 to 35.00 A'?l?yc it ti:' ' 'nsi-t ' m 1 for ?l?uv (i ir ... it' i ! caltl It inter* v ? nti< c-*t' i in shooting, you ^ - t. * *t > v. 3 l ive ;t. Mulled if i r ; o;,f??rt t.r rent* in &U:ni?to ? n pri;c* I cover jvstAjye. Our a Urn t vn tV.rv - <>U.r Aluminum HittrcrwUl be c t t un\ v.'.v ie l r i ?mills in statr*i>&. j. sxzvzirj ajtd tool co.. ! r. o. tov CUtcopeo l'>lli, mnas., tt. 3. a. 0 | in need] i I ! "f ; : o* ; 1Icvt cr<]cr / in I "ilh t 1. .v tl ! U:c ???T?8, ! way Ci Sa'.i Ijurv. N C 8 Pltone 2 <8. i PCGli 123 E. Council St jj 2Lt!a.\j> tUUIWi | i vE EXCHANGE. or. p. in. 111. to 7 p. m. 1 m! A. ! 34 Pnilc . Mis. L. A 95 ! 'a i i.s I >ni'.p < *i? 91 s.?n, S. K I". ti. is iiiMrs. .fns.i Pavtv Line) ) nUei-'oi, P. (Party Line). Potts. Pr. Iv. M. (Party Line).. I *?'it.-. 1?. O. t!'arty Line) I lis. II. \Y. (Party Line).... i tiersoii, S. Lee (Party Line) Pn ;i "i < (N.<\) (Partv Line) I 'nek Hill (S. C.).. .. .... 40 . Kola i , i .1. Y 11 l.Yc \? . Ki v. I'. S S7 Sellers, \Y. T f>-b. Sn-ilh, Inn. ?. (Party l ine).... Smith, C. B. (Party Line) S*>hli. Sum A. (Party Line)... Stnyl he, 11 ;t < I S>S Southern l!v. <'?> 3 S; ialt. .!. M 105-b. Sprat I. Lr. J. L. (Ifeshlenee)... 100 f- ji!;?11. .1. L. (Office) 83 S 11. T. i-} 10"i-n. S" t -i: i?t. Mi .. .Jennie 1-e. Sprat t, Lev. .las 1-(1. Sntlon. .1. IT. (Party Line).... Strmip, .1. P. (Party Line) .. .. Sun men ille. in 00 T' >i>,v. !!. P I. H. (Residence) 4 Tlmrnwt 11, !>r. .1. II. Ofliee).... 54 Th i, 1> '. I >. t !.< ifrsidenoe) 55 Thompson. I)r. 1 >. (J. (Office).. 38 Torrenee. If. A. (Parly Line).. 'JWronee. K. S. (Party Line).. Thomas, .Mr.-. N. If.(Party Line) . Tattle, I. A. (I'arty line).... Titties Office 2G V T'H, \V. If. (I'urtv Line).. Withers, Mrs. L. P..... ... . ... 13 Wiodlr. \V. II. (I 'art v Line).. ? ? V\ !nis, .Mrs. A..... 102 A\ i del Moon. J. 11 104 Wi -on, S. P. (Pattv Line).... - hite. V. S 41 -b.". Miss AlieC 52 Wl-it,- .I V. ! Y\ i'itl. ? k. F. <; 85 V, i!-i ii. .I.'l) ' 3!) Wolt. Duncan 45 . Willi. .1 HI. (I'jIllN I.MIC) Yonir.r. A. A 33 Y omi;:. . '1 OS PINEVILLE, N. C. , Arrlrov, .1. P. (Party Line) I - ( til)>. L. P. (Party Lino) I Funk, Mi - Tolli (Party Line) J Johns n. '/.'U M. (Party Line).. I Peed. Pi. \V. I\.. lies.,( Party L) I , Pi ed. Pi. \Y. K. Store ( Party L) J Pone, Mrs. N. L. (Party Line).. 1 j MyAlpino, ?J. K ( Party Line) I J