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MALL FAILED TO APPcAR. Former Fort ,Hi!l Man Forfeits Bond Rather Than Face Court. (|rnv??r C. Hall a yonnir itmn who was reared .in tliis place mid who IimiI nuiiie weeks 'ifjjo been b'liinil over to the superior court of Cabarrus county. N. (\. created much surprise during the punt week by liis fuilue to appear for - trial. l*p ui his acpuillal of the charge of robbing the safe of the Salisbury store in which he wie employed and with a knowledge of the yoiiiii; maids former reputation. Halt's friends here weie con ttdent tliat he was miiitless of the ehartre of fals ly ohlaiiiiuo poinds from the store, and very much 10pret that lie didn't at len.-t make uii ? ffort to clear himself of t he charge. rriie Charlotte Chronicle on Thins day published the following special from Salisbury which will b lead wiili interest hy Hall's iicij mm in tano^s hereabouts: "Tin- failure of (_i. ('. Hall charged with the larceny of uoocls from ; Tj. Thomas, to ?|.i|)HHr for trial h is b?en the 8mention of the court He was believed hy almost everybody to b- innocent of the tire.* otfense, that of robbing Thomas' s.fe. ()11 this indictment he was acquitted, whan tried for another otfeuse. the evidence was so a rone against hin that he Vas bound over tu a $10 ) cash bond. When lie walked olT yesterday without a word of explanation to his counsel. it became apparent that lie had 1 a desperate case against him and lie realized it. Hall's bond was raised to ?IQO. lie has heretofore borne a splendid reputation and Ins d iwnlall is deplored." Catawba Indians Want Much l.and. A delegali>m of Catawba Indians, C'insist net of S un til ue, chairmnn; lien lv. Harris secretary; (Ml icf I) < \ A. Hh ris mid Sec aid (Miief .John I v * Hrown, is here with an avlorney, I William F. Part law, of Wusliin^j Indian cases, to lay H um before ilie Legislature lu a rich tract of land hi the York comity section over against the North Carolina I'ue. embraein t |.S'J square miles, which the Indians claim was illegally taken from them through a treaty concluded in 1810. whereby the State agreed t buy the tract by paying $21.00J and buying them a new tract for $.j,000. The ntt >n?ey acknowledges the 821.00J was paid, and it is also of record that the annual appropriations to t lie Catawba* bv t lie State amounts now to about $80,000. St II Mr. Part low Claims thetrn-t wis never bought, and tin' the treaty was mi contravention of the act of Cougrss of IT'.'O, which required tinhale of lands b\ Indians to be appioved by a Commission appointed by the Secretary of the Interior The records of the State govf-t liieut's dealings w 111 the C'.ilawbas are not Hear, and it is said it. will be difficult t> prove Hiiything much on one side or l ho other about this treaty. fi(> years ago. There are Bonn* who contend that the act of 17b.> does not apply to Minimis ot ine mutual thirteen Stall's. The iji-lfttral inn was before Iito judiciary committee of the H ouse litis aftern >on with its at- j torney to u-k for the npp >intm nt of h commission to look into the niaft- r.?Columbia cor. Charlotte Observer. To Promote Dairying. The Times iH in receipt of a letter from Congressman A. i4'. Lever relative to a lull which lie Iihh tn(rodneed to prom >tetiie dairy industry of the country. The hulk of the appropriation earned by (his hill will he used in the South for the purpose of putting a dairy expert in each ot the various Southern States, whose business it will he to co-operate with the j various Slate experiment stations and the individual dairymen in teaching the dairymen the hest methods of the business. This expeit will visit th? individual dairyman and give hi in the benefit of the best experience mh to herd se leeting, building of sHos, hums, cic. Iu other words, the-expert is to co-operate with the expeimeiit stations in touching the Southern people the poswibilitiea of the (South for dairy purposes. There is a derided seariety of well regulated dairies throughout tin* South, and it is hoped that Congressman Lever's bill wijl Hi eel \vithf4vg; in cupgicos. /' ( L J^mn Carruthers Case,On in Salisbury. A mse, in which considerable local interest will attach from the fact that the defendants were, np to u t-h'?rl time a?o , residents of b'ort iM II. is that of Shui Carrutli- ' eis and s ?ns, Will, Charles anil dames, which will come up at the p'esent session of the superior i court at Salisbury, X. C. 1 In August f last year, it will lie remembered. Will Garni hers and i his brother, Charles, made an as- i sauit upon Walter Crump, fore- ' man in one of the Salisbury mills, ! I and almost stabbed him to death. ' 1 Before yonntf Crump could appear for t-sfimony, says a corres- I pondeiit of the Chnrlotte Ohaorvcr, the ease whm tried on an indict ment fur secret assault with inlenl ' 1 to kill. Tliey were convicted Inn i < tiie bill of indietmeut was alleged | i to Imve been defective and the j case wan lust, Judge Long then [ 1 ordered a mistrial. Later they were tried for conspiracy and Jim ' 1 CamitheiK, another brother was j t indicted with them. The intei \st-|? i11point of law as to whetuer j they conld again be pat in j ?op- i ary, came up and secret assault i ' was not again opened. It was n|< fearful blunder. The three boys 1 < were convicted of conspiraey and ' given two years each. Crawford s Bennett, list]., of W adesb no. is i here to defend old man I'.irrntli-j i'i'h for perjury, dim Cai rntliers ' I for bigamy and the other aetnally " guilty men are likely to Ii.ivo an- i < other indictment gainst tluan. Senator Tillinan Before ti e Omirittec. j I Senator IS. It. Tillinan was in '1 Columbia on the 1 1th and upon < request appeared la-fore the bis-'1 peuHiiry investigating eoniinittee. ' The meeting was held in the hall 1 of the iioiise of representatives and ' a I irg.' andie re was present to ' hear tie- distinguished and imp >r- : 1 port ant wit in ss. , 1 Senator Tillman was allowed t" ! testify in Ins own interesting way. 1 which lie d-d by making a f 'ireful 1 speech, replete with his own pei ii ' liar individuality, presenting r ' nough eiionuistiiiitial evidence to land every dispensary grafter l> - 1 Itiud tlit* liars. Tile senator willingly admitted i 1 that lie could ??tT- l" no direct proof 1 against tlie pirlies at whom the! 1 investigation ih aimed. He ! > d the committee that the disp n^ary 1 management was rotten and that!) it was the doty of the committ-e ' to tied out who was fesp uisible for the rottenness? no matter who it strikes. lie challenged the t ,?m- ' inittee to connect him in any way w it h the corruption of the di^pen- ! sary. His speoch to the c-'inniittde was lepeatedly cheered by the large and ence which turned out to hear *'I ncleM Hen. l Will Dig Bin Canal. ' The Southern Pow r CVmpni v. which owes and operates the leg < electric plant near Port Mill, a few |i days ago award (! a contract for a j hig eniim| at its plant now under ' construction at Great Falls. The j I contract went to the Ssmons,); My rant Co.. of t'harleston. The I canal ih to he 1 1-S mileH in length ; and IS to he 20 feet d. en ISO feet I wide mi the top Mild 100 t nt the ! Iiot><>tii. At the foot of the i hi nl is tin- power-house eontaiiiing the turbines through which tin- water will pass to ag in enter the river. ' The fall between the iIhiii audi power-house is 7'J feet and it is estimated that, with this lead of water 45.000 horse p ? ver i f eloe- 1 tricity will lie generated. Thinks Oklahoma V. ill Go Democratic Col. Win. Cross, of Oklahoma. 1 who f air years ago made the "ace for Deli gale to Congress on the Democratie ticket and who now serins iikely to lie the next noin- 1 inoe, in an interview gives his ideas Mini <1 lllf | )? > I I 1 I C-III S I I U It I I O | I in 11int State in follows: ' If the Congress (if tlio United StfitfK does IKtl p'lsstlie Statehood hill at this ses ion. Okl iIioiiih will c*-rt?i 1 iiIy oo Democratic l?y a log i niiij nitvin tin* November election i The argument we !?; o always lor < oul oil in Oklahoma Iris been thai a Republican Delegate could g | i more from a Republican OnMg.vsB than a Democrat could. This song litis been song so often that it will ' not rccievo favor any more." WANTED?VopicR of The 'li nes of August 9th, Ir? oat November lsf. U*i.V Will jkiv to cents each for vuur, The Times. ? v bute . l " : . THE SOUTHERN POWER COMPANY. The Big Plant at Croat Falls is Now Nearinjj Completion. Some i uteres! i nir descriptive! tun tier 11 mm been issued coMet-miiii; j : ihe progress ttitide mi the South ji srn "ouer plant which will extend j ita i.ile? from (Tit/Jit Fulls O.I the i , Uat twba river. j j It is understood that nrrauy-*-1 | ini'titH are now beinir i ade for the!, itriueitiy of wires to (.3<>li.itihia. I | ttid that as sot mi as the plant wm t. j j is completed the company will enter that city. I , At tiro-it Falls, tln-re are silefi , tot three seperate ami distinct de- , velopmctits from which 75.(00 | horse power of eieofrieitv timv be 1 , >litaitn'il. \\ .>rl; is 11 \v h ?in^ (I me ! , >n tie* first of ilif?sn, from witicli , ipproxi tn-do y 17 1 (')() hot sc-power I ( will be secured. The contract for , lite tthh'liiitery. eosbiipj i?25'. hOOl) j was let some time n^o U> the West- j ittl.i o tso Com put >. It is estimated , Unit tin' total lit velopn it will 'ost Hotimiliinpr tilve $2.t;00.Of1'). ; Great Falls is in the < enter of lite | ^reti ?t lexliU'imuttifa-'ttiimtr see , tioti in 1lte Stiiit !i. Spurt uiiburu , bounty alone has 30 mills wltieli u oi'sniiied Inst ye ir more tlian 200, ( K)0 I hi It's of cotton, 'i'iie fiiuiie in a j greater or less deytee mi^ht l>e mid of ti e <>tl.ei countiea - in this i'ledinont belt. Tii em r- n1 t'roin [lie development ?<t (if- at. Falls iikI front the other sites on the ( I'utawhn owned by the same company will lie list .1 to stlpp V these 1 mills wi'h the necessary motive p ver. This section i-. tli man ir icturino center of the South ft d it is expected that the op<-ri.i m of the urt titer number of thoi inids will In by i leetricM v Tile area i if t lie sect ion so supplied will be about ltitl miles lono nud t>0 miles . broad. The striking feature < >f the', 1 plan1 is the metnod of w 11 r alor- | By a diversion of the water supply tiom tin Catawba river to tiie In ad of a natural canal a alormo* reservoir is obtained, w hich is ^ uie-fourtli of a mile wide and two 'ui.oslom; Ivn ^ piiraiiel to thoi' nver bed. At r i?ht angles across' , the I over end of tlieeaiial. forinini; ; | this uaiur.ii reservoir, a powerful retaining wall as been built. In lite leia uili.; v .ill six 5.200 hurSH* j power twin hv raulte tiiriun-'s will he inss'.ied which writ op-lab' at! a rate of 222 evolutions per minute from a 72- oot l.eail ? f water . L'liere will b added to this equip ( incut, t v<> 70 horse-oown twin 1 . lituiziMital ex? :t.t-r hydraulic tnr- J I>iaOft to np'rao* at a speed of tod i revolutions p r minute from i lit- i same lend '11 ? \va' r from the) tail race after1 h-uvinj* the t lit liile s in to tie turned hack into the river ( bed. i; The power having lints Iven I ( Ljeneiu'ed will la transmitted in all ( directions. ()ne It ne will run up t he 1 r iver to the t'alnvrlm p.w.r plant. ( whence it will he t ransmit I1 t > ( MlHI'lotte, diet (ilia, Kork lllil und other point-. Other main Inn a will he inn to Columbia, Spin tan ( liure ;.cm1 o" ier principal maun- ( Iaeturtnu points in South Caro- , Ii11a. Kock 11 i11 Record. Tort Mill's Oldest Man ? . !' Says the Charlotte Chronicle: ( Pierce Savin, ers*while newsboy, j ' who recintly Httuched hiin.-alf to ' the local stalf < f l tie Chronicle, lias Im'pu con lining himself to the personal 'in i brief columns. Jiul ( io-.liiy I'" ?li |:p- < 1 into 111o city mlitor s olfiri *. handed in mi mi- * liclr ii i (I iisl it I hat a heal he put oil it. Here ii is Mini it is Pierre's. 1 "Mr. 11 oniy lVnniiitor, who is >mid to he the old? st mail in tlie Slute. is ii visitor in I he city In-day, Mr. IVrininter said that I i > wife was oVtr 100 years old iasl laiiuarv. He is about 1:,)0 years ohl also. He eau walk al> int. v My nieely. lie 1 has lo?i? white hair ipid Ills hands 1 me H1 i wriuJod up He lives at Fort Mill, S. C." The Mr. IVnnenter referrel to 1 nhove is the father of .Mr A. F. j j Form *nter, with whom he m re. | t Hiding temporarily in this |?!:.?*? , j mid is 1?> 1 win old. Mr. 1 Vi men- ' It'r is doubtless lli*-* >111? t in.ilf i t-- ; , ident of Hit* county, mikI 111 ' 1 hi)>l\ i of this seetit n of 1111 Slate. Mo ' l.ns I it**-* 11 m resident <>f I'oit Mill , 1 for only a ?-li<?rt time. His wife, j with whom h'-livtd for more than i HO years, died last year after liav- I mix reached 111 ?* advanced a^e of ( lt).{ years. As staled above, Mr. IVrmenter gets about exceedingly w. II for one of his u,,*e. tC\' ? ^ TO TAKE 500,000 CALLS COTTON. Thirteen Cents the Price to Be Paid. 1 Deliverable On or Before July I. Prescient Ilarvie .Ionian, of the' S ul hei n Cotton Association, litis ! ? mmle the followiui; announcement: i "[ lievc ssecnied an agreement 1 t with ji syndicate of Eastern cap- | * itali ts, headed by Iv O. Thomas, [ * lo take f)00,< 00 lades of iniclll11titX | o'.ton from Southern planters at " 1 he minimum price of Id cents a > pound, deliverable at interior i P'tii.ts, or the ports, by or before* | 1 uly 1. IDOti, the deal to be el< s d ? is soon as option on the synch I I nie s nipuretuetits hIi it 11 I nve I ? 11 ??11 Kt't iiri .1. for tin' taking ot nil 1 t?t 1??n ready for market next August him| September from tin1 mop t f IhOti at tliet lien market prices I In lie not less than the minimum > price tixed l?y the Southern Cotton AstsooiatIon. This agreement < is not intended to idl'ert holder.who are demanding a inaxiiunm of 15 ct nts at present. New York I 1 ankers are prepared to limine, j 1 Fully all S.,u i.crn hankers in in sisiine holders of rotten for hitih 1 r priees. Option * . nti acts will he > Foi ward upon application to nil jut toll m?\veis. ' 1 Dor fTies at \>re of 5.'; Years. ?? i Th Charlotte papers told i few lays iipo of therlralli of n d-LT at j llie M;p- of 5d veai'S. No olio wil 1 ris never heaid of tliisennine can i onirinh r another that rvr lived to sueh an advanced no, . The cioo was the property of Mr. ' K. M. Wallaee, who lues on tin- 1 Lawyer'a road, ah out six miles rroui the city. Me had be, n in the j ' \\ allare luinily si nee he was h ?rn. ' in 1850. The canine was stroiii;, had ' ' ?nod eyes and a keen scent ami was us, d to t i vely i 8 a hunt ii o doy ' For 50 years, or up -.intil live yeais 1 iuo. I ! * el owled at a 8t ranker who i ' was pissinf* by tile Wallace house | 1 ihoul lii o years a_ro. whi rnipon ' lie n.r in ,'i-r emptied a load ol ' dl I into him. These took effect i ' ii the iloii's leo, and since then he ' and I teen crippled and in feeble j ' Health. Me became effected with' jrysipslas during the cold spell a I ' Week ajjo, anil thonch he received he last dI int'dieaI ntten?ion, i? 1 mi-; known from the first that In* ' ' . oulil not r? i-osvi'. i ' Since let >ro 11:?* w?r, the do?? j ' ins heeii known j'jir and WMit* as a i11? bird hunter, with much nunc 1 iiUfHi^ciiL'c llntti lite HYi l'M^e pom _ I ' .Miu.t Kiss the I ::st?r. A new volition nmono *ho n> *roes of Atlanta. one of ih * pnn i j lies of which is ihul it i i female' 'omiiitiniciints must hm? nml Ui-s ' h<* j hist or nin I h-rs of t lie oh ii re ii. ; liciiio lnvi .-.titi'ilctl in the police uiirih of I hat city. The pastor of the local omnch I I he new eh nrrii," A p >st " Alex xaiiiier IJom'siiii, who hails from lie West Indies. has heeii arrested >ii com phi i it t of several IiiisI amis j IV ll ' thought lie whs too |OOIOUii his religion. It is calh 1 "Tile j 1 'AilMl ell f lioii. Saints of hrist , ( )lie of < lie le(| lireltn Ills of tile ' liureh is that each im-mlier shall lout li'oule tl II pi r l-eilt of Ills O! ter em niin.s every week for tin up port of the "( I rophet ivhois stationed in \\ iis'iiuyton. I lie ehnrcli also observes Saturlay as t lie Lord's I )ny. All male members of the eon- 1 ireontion are en'ith-d to reeeiv. xiyn /i tit I a liu<_r from (lie female lietnbois, hut I hey must nook tiiein nit. I'lii* pastor Mtauds in one cm icr of the eluireli and ree.t ivcs t ..? nibiuces of I bo faithful. Letter to UAYOIt HALL. Fort Mill, is. Dear Sir. You are so well known that h.? |M!(?|?lo have p it yon in otiicc. They oiew they were about: They li ln't ilo it hy accident. t Wouldn't it he a hands . tiling to I > to |kiiut >our house? Ij'sa aire house, las a uoo 1 substantial romun tiions look, toil isn't rusty at all, you know; hut a Tosh coat of paint would make it so iritrnt' it's a pi y not to. iJevoe is beautiful paint, hut tlieheau v of 11 is. it lasts so lontf. and does so i liueh more than adorn analready inter- ! and attrae ive o lilieo. Hons > our mildings ami fem es. There isn't a main >r woman in town who wouldn't see ;hom aind make s nne pleasant remark. Of course, yon will paint the town [iroperty; nothing would mark your administration more, ill tho eyes of the people; and having done the same tiling ir homo, it is the most uatuiul tlviatf in die world to do it for them. Yours truly r.*i F W Dkvof. & Co I'.ts W. 15. Ardrey& Co >-ell oar pa?n*. Tile LAND OF .MURDER. ren Thousand Murders C :mn;i:ted Lacli 5 Year in America. S'ntistics t!<? t.? slmw flint ill", tnnunl number nf inniUtis coin-!' 11 i 11?*? 1 in thin emnifty i*. nlimit Id. j ' )UO. A per ( I'lll of 11??* tniir- ' lereis are i i in I e(j n it 11 I v i hi 11 i.-^i it <1 I ir esenpo puiii.-htniil entirely.'' Lin* erime nf mine: r i-uin- , II III i I ill.. I i I. . ... .. . ..v, ? . m ii -s i null I n ' my (i iier count i v * I' 11 >i I is because j ii is ctmipinatiwly !i-y t'> ?.-? ??{ 1 punishment.. The need of reform U .f our ct iiuinal emirl system is np- ' pureii . Too much latitude is lpv- ' n e i i i ;i i ii :i I I1 \ is. In no otlci 1 oiiinry is there sueh ii ii 11 st in i i ied I' 1 ift us - to insult wi uesses mi li t* 1 4nu<l; to all i?k 11; it rlinraeter l;r. ' [.>! ' tin jury; In appeal in tin' padons and pi? j ml n-i s of i'_jiii?r'iiut ' jurors, to | irk jur is; to senile l'oiiI ililiaiiees with tiie view to ' < IVi ''.liiiLj tilt' eilsi out. ele Tliese 1 priii't ices nte tolerated llirouuh 1 L'l.stoni, but custom does not make * tlieni rielit. 1 Dismissing 1 lie upp dine nuinber ' 1 of uiurd *rs. the nuiidier <>f innr- : 1 lieiers who eseaped mini i Old 1***111eilies lo|* no lie ... the ; evil, t lie D neinalti I'd ijuire. .\s; " llleie should lie no attempt to ' infliimn t' j11; if-, nor should they ; permit themselves to In swayed 1 iiy imv cousin,-va i< n ex.-ept the.' luets. '1 i.f tm .j >iiouid be a pei fi el ly eat in and t1 ;n i lied prneeil ii iv to 1,1 l)o old the e- abimietl fails. ' ind counsel on bo. Ii sith s shoiihl 1 be it -trained In in -u h unworthy ; -xhibjiions .is tie ft eipien I ly made in t ri ds. \\ 'mild it ii- t lie lair to 1 the invest I all ! Would it in t con ' >i i bule to the tt io n 11 y i in pi 11 i . I i ty ' i11(i e\*t n-ln adeii justice -1 tiials, 1 to provide !>>i ooveriinn'llt th 'ense 1 is \*'"ll a*, o, \ (uiillielit pi os- ration ? ' i,.\ ni :j?'X > "IM!1IU>IIS. (IS IS Well ' v11()\ t~11, produrc at in'Mi i v every !?ir | 1 i rln-s ?.f < run n il lawyers who ["osier ctime. imh! pi irtira'lv sX" ' jhai'i H v/illi (lie ei iuiiii'ds, in order i 1 In o, | their fees. Should the l'"\' ! riniieot lake en 1 ire elini ^e < >f the.' <dniinisi i at ion ol t rim nun j.i.-t iee. ! 1 Ihey won al, to rvei \ i) Iv'sadvan- 1 UlriO. I>o driven out of luisimss. All p- ; -ion- ehip x'd v. i' h tip' Ollilliissloii of crime are drilled j' io n I 11 r a ml i a pat I in! t rial. Z n I ' jus pr< s? rutin" at orueys should ' not make ailed', ill toeoiiviel when!' ill i e is no j no if i ?/u i; I. It is a S 'linn to coiivirt an ini.ntiiI man : It is also a rriini t i allow t1;. * onilly to Hi' unpunished tin ni.1' methods div-itriied ai d inh ma .<> dr teat justice. N liotiorabh Inwyei would o ek to d i either, and no 1 i court sin uid pi unit sin h pract tees. 1 I lour 'hire htlipscs t -r i:0&. ! i Th ere \\ i! I lour more eclipses , Itil ii?t; the year. \ pal 1 in I eelipse , >F the miii. visiIih* only lie I the | 'until pole, will I e the feature of ( I? I .tliarv -J. Another I ?; 1*1 iltl I, EW 111 >r*? * of till' Hill I Will 1111\ e } (I M('i' ' ^ !ul\ ill. which will it 1 h?? seen . ill this ? >111? I I < > 11 August I will | >< li I ! Ill' rt | < . ! I I ! i t ,-| i j>-? < .f1 ! , I 11 ill: I, V 11 .. V. I i I I ?< \ ?i I lit' ill ? lit* \V . >t > | I ; ' II I the I II : t I'll j St II > j 11 r! I lit I If >11 It I >e. T lull i < -it \vi 11 ; 11 lit* ] iirI !> i i Ii;>.- * fill till' I'.It It I tlx' Hit lilt' llll lilt li. ' I mt t. f pin cm in hi will lit' wit - J | III'-: ill > (I I \ liy I 111 U. 11. It 111 S of tilt | i it >l t lift ii i t'f it 11 . Mayor hit's I tin J figer $30. Tlif l?i-1 I'uHf t.t 1,1 id ti^fi'Min | thai lrt> IM't'ii iit-il in ili?- iimyoi i | tilt t't.r ht.|||f lllOlllllH ll?*-ll 1 t'll* j I) ;?i * 1 > (iii Wednesday of laKt tvi'ik , II I'diy, t' ti^t-r. convicted | III tlll'fC CtlSl'S Itlltl sell t fllCI'll 1o , |)'tv 'i tine o| ;/ >(), or !_'o to the | roads for :i term of ill> days. How- | ver. upon investigation of i'ony'H rircnin^tiinces, Mayor li II found i Suit the mi o ii wns un ill to pay t lie $ ">') nil I ii 1 lowei | hi' the option <>t p t\"i11*_r M- ? him. h iivino | tlie town for tl, teim of one year. I'onv p'lid the nutl lelt I'foin wind the re|?oit>-i is a le t>> 1 iirii i' >i v has In- n tl >:n ' finite h | i tilnlile ! 1 i 11 t l.?t r I m i > 111 PftH , slliee ile CM I I- lll'ie Willi !l f'lllliis J Si-Vt'llil Wicl s IIU . i'liltis will) nil* ill position I kri v, hiy llnil lie lias worked liltle, il ;m\. since 11in mi i iviiI hi F.ii t Al ill, depoiidiim i 111111 1 \ "M llie |?ii lils lii.hi his ( liquor I it it livelili mkI. This e is-' .'inrks the I) uiimiiiu f ii viii'Uiiiis iviii^) .i:rn t*? i id llie town nl' the I ?i i I ill li;;er llllisHllce. #Vl.iy V liail lints instructed his olIireiH t i keep m elifii p for liters, iiinl (.1 Iters wIki wiiiild | entjHtre iii tiie business Imd lie-t hew .in A>< NEARLY ALL HAVE PASSED AWAY. ] li^li Officals of the Confederacy?Eut I Few Now Living. 11 is true that we 'Make no nolo >f lime/ i 'ul also Ivne that we foil o note the inroads of death. Of 'n* lolly nine delegates to tll? ! r visional Confederate c< neresa iflil in Montgomery, Ala , in 1861, alio signed tlie ooHHiitution, I HI liink .) iulj?e .1. A 1'. Campbell, of \l 'sHisMppi, now over seventy five I rears old, is the t-.?h> survivor. fl Sot a single hi^h ollieial of the T /onfetlerale States, ho far an I 1 <now is alive today. All ihosenn- " ors are dead, and only a scattered l> vii or It ss r> preventatives Bur- , rive. lion, ilu.iin 1'. Hell, of | 'iimniin^ (?a.. and Col. John M. ] i. t?f Oealn, Pin., are sole J survivor? of I heir Sta'es. 1 Not a '-i rifle Soul In m war gov- 1 : _ .. i: . i i.. a . vr . i ^ ...... imih\ ii iii i 1 mil v l\m) i\ on ii mm wiir govet not b now answer to Hi i !l cill. (i .v Win. Sprngiie, i" Kit - If Island, and Gov. Fret I- ? ; ilek I lolhrook, of Vermont. The Utter is ni'W ninety-tluee years 1 >M ami i>!i Thursday next he is to fiehiate liis hirtInlay. Surviving g verii-irs ( otln r States are ill- ] ?i v 11 11. I mi t Gov. Spragne, if pres ul. will he tin* only war governor /nest. Next to 1111m will enine Gen. 1 hlni'i L. ("hainh* rlam. who re i ivi 11 the s it ifieler of Gen. Lee's 1111'.-i1111 y nt \ 111e 'inattox, and who -i was i'i i\ ei'iiur of Maim* in 18G7, iii.; thiee years longer. He is now nearly eighty years old and is still i i aetive puhlie ollieinl. Gov. [ \Io11 / i I i:iri idim, M. ! >., is a won- 1 ler. being almost iiinty three years :.t. Id, and yet lie went to New Or- ! i nns to deliver a inedieal address ' e-enlly (i v. Fredertek ltobie is marly eighty f.nir years old, yet if is tnes dent of a hank and an rtive nmii. Gov. Sydney L'erlinm s about . if lit \-seven years old and tilt lively. In fuel, Maine can > at the u rid u governors, for ' J| hey never resign and seldnuiVclia, S it11 i-'. t ike South Carolina, Gah.itnn, Fioiida and Georgia, ^H| Hid where are the ver.rtahle gov 111"-- I e St ;!? S? Not a one fl of,i as i mi; ted. irt alive Unlay. fl The ileal h of Gen ?J osepli Wheel r leaves only three surviv ing lien- J eiiant geneials of the Confederal* I i:ni\ Si. u a, t. Lee and Bmjktier? jfl ill I ill generals being dead.?Sa- ;* ' .'aunah News. ' < t Local Vi\s >ia. Wavliaw. m i' (1 \ ( i i von w. 11 ?. >??i i ?nm? mitu; ~sy ?i >! v I. in i\\ n 111 t his < < >in in unity, has . ? i:11 v 111<>v?el 11is family from,..*?' Fort .Mill t?. Hock Will. M Mi.-. .1. I'. Phillips <1 ioil at her ionic in tin- Pleasant ^ ?iiloy comniiiiily M mlay. Measles was the aiir-e of li?*r ?!? ;?tli. About tlnvdtfk i,i\s |.ravioli- i. I . r ilaatli her^|^Bk. >' nit child ill. (I. Mis. Phillip? was \ " * j Wl'llty ftxll Vl 111 S of |ioa Mild is SUV' r?rj?; ivi (1 11\ a Iiii-b ind am;. four chitban. She was a inmnder o f Bel- i i .Mi : d -i i-11hi<.-li and had baeu j -. s11 ? v.i'.h buried A ii I' , i-mi Hill .Monday, Funeral I conducted, by her I . Liev. ?S. J). Oiman. ; I i i -I. It Mack, pasbn of Prov. 1 dt'iira and Hanks Preebytavinn .1 bin dies, who Iihh for some time ,'j jjk a en con iiioriiur a call to Atlanta, .as finally divided to Recline this alt and to icjnain* with the I mclc - at Providence Btoik*. ' \ !; u ill n tl in ar future move lis f.niiib from Fori Mill to the JHH fcarsonaue at Providence1, Dr. Mack ::j - oni (>f ti i abla-t and tnjust learn d ininislcis in tlie Southern Pre*? **v - yteiiau <* 11111<* 11. ami Iliorliiirchert^ iifiiti(?np?l are very fm'tnuute it* ' >eiai; iti>11* t I. lain him &U msioi. -Wnxliaw JCtiierpriue. |t ^ Cuts Icelli at Aire of 106. ! A ^ J). < i a I to 'IMi.' Stale front i'itkm says that Hannah Kelly, R . i i.iu' hel' Oil'I set of t'-elli, after ^ iavin-.r la mi tool IiIcsh for yearn. S' i l I weeks it wart noticed . h? (thout tjH D \h haw mnt" <411 lie teeth, ivliirh ??n tile iott^h I trout, have become umr? they nrti ^ Afl B a of an i iu>A% M I inobt (-aiirJfl I ??r pa t<i (yi htMiit lobllstllKM iii to .