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A Doubl saving /goo Second: you receive useful hd' /HW the Good Luck coupons (uotic uH 'there is a couj>on on every can rH manage to furnish their homes pieces of jewelry for themselves. Other baking powders claimui vA Luck cost uiorc, and bring yoi aA Ask your grocer for a can (I * send us his name. THE SOUTHERN f Htm I Bj' r?N ** 11 jv ?>r ^ IN NKW YORrv. , '.'That was a terrible crime coinIjiitteJ yt):tcrelay." 'It. was so. Have 'lie !>olice made i ny progress apprehending the r.ntlty ivarties?" ' tthj ye a. They've persuade I the in wvpsipers to take the matter up."? i / iiisviuo v-ouner-joiiruai. Taylor'* Charolcae Remedy of Hwaot Oum tnfl Mullen Id Nutura'i KOiat rooifidjr Cunta I (VimcIu., Colds, ('roup and Consumption, ::ud nil Itirout and lunR troubles. At drugKli-lh, '/fx?., Mlo. and ti.00 per tmttl*. li lakes a fjood deal of courage n? Ui pretend you have it. it f?r m*n ANDBEASV. AND DESTROYS i ALL GERM LIFE. IIURES RHEUMATISM ; ?????=__ i WONDERFULLY PENETRATING. A COMPLETE MEDICINE CHEST. i 'rice, 2So.( BOo.( and $ I .OO. Or. EARL 8. SLOAN, GIB Albany St., Boston. Mass. I v iwMoneyfJ? i| ' "incraaaaTfoci' The farmer's I I YlekUParAsr*" -J^S I count itrow I larifor in proportion to the fertility ,V of Ills farm. To supply to your farm I ?Lin olcmonts tbut have boon taken from it l>y plnntlnfr and harvest in* reason after soason, uso bountifully ' Virginia-Carolina Fartlllzars (with a special formula for every crop). Thoy lay at the root of thouaunOS aud thousands of prosperous farms. Uso thoso fertilisers for all ; your crops, no muttor what they innybo. They will arently-increase your yields por acre." and rtuiko your ?nonev-bsjr fuller. Ask ??>nr I for thorn, nnd If ho can't supply you, I i write us direct. Don't pay your I pood money, nor pivo your note, for , f?ay Inferior BiiliaMtuto. C VIRGINIA-CAROLINA CHEMICAL CO.. 1 vtlchmond, Va. Atlanta. Oe. K Norfolk, Va. Havanuah.Ua. i Durham, N. C. Montgomery.Ala. . (Charleston, B.C. Memphis. Tenn. J lUltlmoro, Md. Shrcvo)H)rt, I.e. H So. 6-'06. That Delightful Aid to Health ? Paxtiue [ 1'Toilet Antiseptic Whitens the teeth ? purifies mouth and breath ? cures nasai catarrh, sore throat, sore .eyes, and V direct application cures all inllamcd, ulcerated and catarrhal conditions caused by i feminine ills. Paxtine possesses extraordinary cleansing, healing and germicidal qualities unlike anything else. At all druggists. 50 cents LA RGB TRIAL PACKAGE FREE 1 The R. Paxton Co., Boston, Ma^s. Flwli r ' tome mone your pocket buy a pound of G< Powder?price oplj ThU K tVir* nnr*ct an cle on the market. Every good cook who $&BBm comes a steady user, bu enormous quantities if much profit?therefore 10 A wonder of modern ru< D LUCK l dcgatit premiums for i? pirrtut*; helon-1, and Mituy clever women irnl obtain handsome w til t"r?m these coupon*. i i he equal to (rood i no premiums, either. BU f tic 'xua't it, please jHv MFG. CO., Cut the b&ck of b'uttalutc dealers are advocates of |,r ,?f coiirlships. So. O-'Oli DOCTOR CURED OF ECZEMA. Mnyl.tii I rtisali-ian < urtk Himaell?l>r. 1'iiMrn True Meril." Mv i < was ;.Mli"teii with eczema in tli?- veil IS'.lT. I u?ed the t.'uticura Rcmt<!? > ind .v.- onlirely rnred. 1 am a pratIiciuk physician. .ii?<l very n.'un prescribe ( It.' iciir i It.*sols cmt and (hiticura Soap in km < 1 M'eMia. and Ihoy have cured wliiu iMut IictjoiI.i- has*.* failed I am not *n ' ne habit nt 1'iidnrtinF patent niedi* . i it ? ?. but Alien 1 Kiid remedies niMtfaiim trui; tii*m ?urh sis | In* ''utirur* Remedies di?. I 4111 broad luindrd enough to pro ?l.i:m hoi. \ it in**-* 11? th?* world I have been |ir i iiija uirihi'ini* for sixteen years, .itifl mil*. ?.i\ I liud ynui Remedies A No. i. Y.n: < at liberie to pubimh this lot r ' M Fibber. M j? . l'ijf Poo'. M l . Mi .'I. i'NC." Pathos Between Lines. T'lU'n Mlletaell. in ti description of >t;?* <it" tli* hist uric <o?l striken .f the last century, said: "There is ;? story of ;iu* viva: ns of poor people that has a grim pathus in it. Us pathetic rather than its hutuorotts -ide makes the story worth r -pealing. V child, during the strike, goes to Mrs. Simpkins on Monday rat rcing and sa vrt: " 'Please, ma'am. niv mother sen? me for the loan of your marrow bone** to make soup with.* "'Tell your mother.' \!is. Simi.kins replies, "hat Mrs. Murphy has them <? i.i> and Mrs. Mcllevitt is promised k!t *nr for to-morrow, hut she can have h *u? on Wednesday if she'll return Item promptly, licin' as 1 wan? to in' * soup myself on Thursday ' A hoy nuisl cillter think hi*- at her v:t> nit si wit 11 clmni|> or is s?:i awful tar to tell him the things hf never Iht when he wits young. i TRULY IDEAL WIFE1 1ER HUSBAND'S BEST HELPER 7\tg orous Health la the Great Source of ' Powor Vo Inspire end ffcoourag*- i AIL Women Should Seek It. Oiia of the moat noted, successful and 1 vjhaat men of this cpntury, in ?j recent irtirl*!, haa said, " Whatever I nin and rhatever success 1 have attained in ; his world I owe all to my wife. From ! he day I first knew her she lute been ' in aspiration, and the grenteit Lelp aUs of my life." To b? sttoh a successful wifa to reAm the lore and admiration of har ousband. to inspire hiir to make the nost of himself, should be a woman's ?nstant study. If a woman finds that her energies *rn Hagging. that she gets easily tired, ItirU shadows appear under her eyes, he has backache, headaches, hearinglown pains, nervousneaa. irregularities or the blues, she should start at once ho build up her system by a tonic with peeifle powers, such ns T>ydia E. Pink Linn ? ? > oiupounn. Following we publish by request a letter from n young wife : Deer Mn Plnkhatu: ' Kvor <tnee my child was l?om 1 hare suf- | fared, aa I hop*few women <?v?rbavt>.with Inflammation. female wooknesv hearing-down pain*, hackache and wratv.hed headaches. It affactod my stomach so I could not enloy my m?aU, and half my time was spent in t**d. "Lydia K. Plnknam's Vegetable Compound made me a well wotnan, and I feel so grateful that I am glad to write and tell you of iny marvelous recovery It brought rno health, now Ufa and vitalityMrs Rawsio Ainaley, dll Houth 10th Street. Taooma, Wash, What Lydia E. Pinkhinn's Vegetable Compound did for Mrs. Ainsley it will do for every sick and ailing woman. If you have symptoms yon don't un- I dcrstand write to Mrs. Pinkham, daughter-in-law of Lydia E Pinkham, at Lynn, Mass. Her advice ia free and always helpful. I tbere's^^^^^^ y saved to /cry time you ood Luck Baking ^^^k * 10 cents per can. d most reliable artiStrength never varies, i tries Good Luck be t we couian t sell such we tried to make too cents a can. jPW r Baking Jf t Powder M About tin* last tiling on earth a man wants to think ot* is his finish. BOX OF WAFERS FREE-NO DRUGS -CURES BY ABSORPTION. l'nr?? Rtlohlnt of Gat? Bin I Hrttlli and Bad Ntomacb-Short Breath? Bloating?Sour Krnctatlons? Irregular Heart, Ktr. Take a Mull'* Water any time ot the day or night, and note the immediate good effect on your atomach. It nbaorb* the gas, disinfects the stomach, lulls the poisou germs and curea the disease. Catarrh of the head and throat, unwholesome food end overeating make bad stomacha. Scarcely any stprasch i* entirely free from taint of some kind. Mull's AntiTtelch Wafers will make your stomach healthy by absorbing foul gases which arise froiii the undigested food and by re-enforcing the lining of tbe^ atomach. enabling it to moiuuguiv mix uie iooa ivith the gautrid juice*. This cures stomach trouble, promote* digestiou, sweetens the breath, stops belching and fermentation. Heart actiou becomes strong aud regular through this process. Discard drugs, as you know from experience tffey do uot cure stomach trouble. Try a common-sense (Nature's) method that does cure. A soothing, healing sensation results instantly. Wo know Mull's Anti-Belch Wafers will do this, and we want you to know it. This oftci ma\ not appear again. |2l0K (iOOD FOll 25o. 142 1 I Send 14ii < coupon \vi(it your name laud address and your's name I and lGc. m stamps or silver, and we i wiil supply you :? sample tree i. you 1 have never used Mull's Anti Belch Waters, and twill also send .von a certificate good tor 25c. toward the purchase of more Belch Wafers. You will tind them invaluable for stomach trouble: cures by absorption. Address Mn.i's IiRaph Ionic Co.. 228 2d Ave.. Rock Island, III. (}ive Full Addrrsa and MV/fe Plainly, j Ail druggists. 50c. per box, or by mail upon receipt ot price. Stamps accepted. I nloss n man has faith in his work lie will not work faithfully. FITS permanently cured. No fits or nervousness after flrst day's use of I?r. Kline's Great Nerve Restorer. 'it rial bott le .tndf reatisefree Dr. It.H.K '.ink. Ltd., Ml Arch St.. Phi la.. I'a. Many of the large ocean greyhound* carry ? .tls as mascots. A 4.uan*titee?l Cure For Pllrt. tteliim*. Blind. Weeding. Protruding Pil"*s. Drr.?ririst* are authorized : o refund utonevi" Pazo Ointment faitstoeure in 0 to 14 days. Me. \orw.o", have established Koosevelt lloliHoil in Church. .lost think what an outrage it is to t>e robbed it nil the benefits or the aerviree hr continuous coupling throughout the congregation, when Anti-Uripine ia guaranteed to cure. Sold everywhere. 23 eta. F. W. Dinner. M. D.. manufacturer. Springfield. Mo. Slavery still exists in British Kaat Atrii i. To ('tire a Cold in One 111' Take T.axatire Bronio Quinine Tablets. Druggist* refund money it it fails to cure. R W . Grove's signature on each ho*. 26c. The largest safe in Hie world will hold $10,000,000 in uncut atones. Plao's Cureoaunot be too highly spoken ot rraoough cure.?J. W. OT.rikn, STJThiri Arenue. N.. Minneapolis, Minn., Jan. 6,1000. Germany leads European countnea :a the numher ot publications. itch cured in -'10 minutes by Wooltord'a Sanitary I.otion; never (alia. Sold by Druggists. Mail orders promptly filled by Dr. Detcbon, Prawfordsvllte, Ind. $1. 'ilir total number of men in the United Slates liable to military aerrice ia 11,126/ 750. __ LOST 72 POUNDS; Wn Fait Drifting 'nio Hie l'atal Stagei of Kidney Airkueaa. Dr. Melvin M. Page, Page Optical Co. Erie, Pa., writes: "Taking too many iced drinks in New York in lwvr. <eni me home xvitb a terrible attack of kid' u<\t trouble. 1 bad acute congestion, hliarp pain in the back. nea cloche; | 5I and a(lacks of ilizzt ^ ucss. My eyes gave alt out, and with the languor and sleep lessne*s of the (lis M&Zmi' ease upon nie I ^^SBKr wasted front 104 tc *^?05?' 122 pounds. At tin fT tiuie I started usinj Donu's Kidney Pills an abscess was forming on m> right kidney. The trou hie was quickly checked, however, anc the treatment enred me, so that I have been well since ISOc; and weigh 181 pounds." Sold by all dealers. r>0 cents a box rostcr-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. T. TILL THI?M MUMANM HAUL Ag*4 Millionaire K>iy> ta the Cuatem of Hlo Poverty Days. In Brooklyn there Uvea a mlUlonairo well along In yeara. with a wife from whom alao youth has long alnce fled. Prom the old days before wealth camo to them the couple retain one custom which has passed, as the years have flown, into a sort of sacred rite. The old lady cuts the old gentleman's hair. Once a year the millionaire goes to a barber shop and has his scanty locks trimmed. That sets the style for the ensuing year. When he j comes home the wife carefully stud] ies the cut, and after that it is her | work of love to reproduce it until I anotuor year rolls around and the ani nual visit to tho barber takes plane. The old gentleman also shaves himself. Economy in the matter of barbering, which was first a matter of stern necessity. is now the one Utile thing that the couple refuse to give up out of the days of poverty. As they are a childless couple, there is nobody to hector the old man into engaging a valet. Really the old man has hts hair Qjtt more ofteu thau is necessary, for sometimes when the worries of wealth and social duties are more than ordinarily oppressive the good wife will say: "Come dear?come up to my room I want to cut your hair." And while the scissors snip the old couple laughingly go back to the old happy days of youth and struggle once more. i A man would hate to drink even whiskey if lie was sure it was proud for his health. Cui?< Blood. Shin Troablri, ('Mtrr, Hlood I'nUon. firofttmt Hlood 1'tirltler Free. If your hlood is impure, thin, diseased, hot or full of humors, if you have blood poison, ranker, carbuncles. eating sores, scrofula, eosetna. itching. risings ami lumps, scabby, pimply skin, bone pains, catarrh, rheumatism, or any blood or skin disease, take Botanic Blood Balm FB. B. B.) according to directions. Soon all sores benl. aches and pairs stop, the blood is made pure and rich, l*aving the skin free from every eruption, and giving the rich glow of perfect Imaltli to the skin. At the same time Ft. Ft. B. improves the digestion, cures dyspepsia, strengthens weak kidneys. Just tile medicine for old people, as it gives them new. vigorous blood. Druggists, il per large bottle, with directions for home < ?!re. Sample free ami prepaid by writing ltlood Halm <b>., Atlanta, lia Describe trouble and special frep medical advice also sent in sealed letter. 11. H. It. is especially advised For chronic, dcep-srntcd i cases of impure blood and skill dis ?use. I ?,..i -it . uiki vuiva uii< r uii eitt* I ill 15. j Many a man's meanness is due to | chronicle stomach trouble. Btwum oT OlnNii?iita For C*tarrit Tint Contain Slrrcurjr. MntorQttry will surely destroy tb" sense o! smellandcompletelyderangetha wholesystom warn catering K through ihe mucous surface*. such articles should never be used except oil prescriptions from reputable physicians, a-> the damage they will <lo Is teu told to the good you ckn possibly derive from i tliem. stall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured j by F. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo. O.. contains no mercury, and is taken internally, aotlng directly upon the blood aud mucous surfaces ol tha system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get tor genuine. It Is taken Internally' and made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney A Co. Testimonial* free. sold by Druggists; price, 76c. per oottle. lake Hall's Family Pills for constipation. When a man oversleeps and misses a train that gets wrecked you'd think from the way lie brags about it that il was all due to the brains he's got. i 1 B > * The genuir p I druggists. Fig Syr } of every p PUTNAM J Color mora good* br:*rb?#*r an 1 favor color-* tbm inv I emu iy* auf ^ inuant without niu?tnj Wrlto k mm fi l CAUGHT BY T RELEASEC Pneumonia Followed la Grippe? m. ?-?u-uai ui? JHIMBJ 111RI Brought Keliof. Mr. T. Birnfcott, Wrst iyhnrr, Ontario. Can., write*: "Last wiuter I wo* ill wit)' pneumonia after haviug la grippe. I took Peruna for two months, when 1 Wramv quite well, and 1 can say that any one mn l>e cured by it in a reasonable time and at little < a pense." Systemic Catarrh, the Result of Jm Gripoe. Pe-ru-na Receives Credit For Present Good Health. Mrs. .Fannie W. Gilmoic. Box 44.. White Oak. lnd. Ter.. writes: "Six years hro 1 had la grippe, which was followed by wysteunc calarrii. The only tiling 1 used wu Peruna and Manalin. and 1 have been in oetter health the last three years than fot years before. I give Peruna all the credit for iuV good health." Pe-ru-na?A Tonic Alter La Grippe. Mr*. Clias. K. Wells. Sr., Delaware. (Mno. writer: "After a severe attack of la grippe I (<>ok Peruna and fdttnd it a very good tonic." "Most Effective Medicine Ever Tried For La Grippe." Kobt. L. Madison. A. M., I'riiu ipal o: ( nllowhee High School. Painter. N. ('.. is Chairman of the dackaon County Hoard n Education. Mr. Madwn says: "1 air hardly ever without Peruna in uiy houie. j It is the moat effective medicine that I have ever tried for la grippe." Mrs. Jane Gift, Athens, ()., mites: "t . had la grippe very bad. My husband bought Peruna for me. In a very short J time I saw improvement and waa ?ooii 1 able to do my work." 'WINCH EWIIkepeati h No matter how big thr bird, ni \ \w\] flight, you can bring it to b V NI VBU winchaatar Repeating Shotgur r w VmIi give the beat results in held, Lf ||U| reach of everybody's pocketboo name and address ^ r- a r?ri * r-e- m ' ViHDDHVJC. TIC aniltll kindiot gar\l?-n plan jZ\JC* ' J S^jjWCjJ plant* *ro??n In tin* nwn ale /, -' -aarilaof llir moat rrllnblr ?! tKS f i&XV < nSIF^S thousand aorr trnrg farm. I'l JMii- ril Cplert rraviv ln?t of l<< Um? oronrlirr. Kp^IiippO rip hut patablUUad an icxiipriui? of vpgotable* p<i poiallv ?.i>>i>itK<'t. Thr roanlit of i tl*e you at auy time. Voura rroporffully, ,\. M. t ! PRlCE,g=\25 ct? m m? I y^TOCURETtTIEGRIP/3h M Si | IN ONE DAY E*VI ** * ; ANTFGRBPiNE HASBO tQljALFOR lltMMlE V / Call for four -^r- HWgt'J^ Jf. IF.JHrii all U Bait Cough Hyrup. Taaiaa Jood. Lap Kj In tlrna. Sora br druiitau. W So. 6 06. |A? for Mi' worth of leading 1*08 nnnlbtw in < tiolc. Ill wl ''artU.n Mnita. fS'a worth of I'norrnl BrrIU mium Coupon* fra* wtth "try order. BOIXtIAMO'S HKBD STORK. BAI.T1MOKE. 2?5?SE^82S5S! To sweeten, Di To refresh, I h< To cleanse the \ hi system, st Effectually \ F< and Gently; \ ? here Is only \ , ne Genuine p t yrup of Figs; \ > get its bene- ] cial effects ' ways buy the gwiiine ? M . R :jv ia riva o Sm\ Fr&picisco.CaJ. le Syrup of Figs is for sale by The full name of the company up Co. ? is always printed ackage. Price F ifty Cent: FAD?LE nth# ir# ').i? t > i># <?*? '">1 ?r?*ll i :i?r <ti >r fraa MOKUt-liow to D/r Ul? *-h *'id Hit'!o!or? ?1 HE GRIP> BY PE-RU-NA. i' Suffered Twelve Years From AfterEffects of La Grippe. Mr. Victor Patncaude. .'till Madison St . Topeka. Kan., member of Knights and latdtea of Security, writes: "Twei\<* year* ago I hail .1 severe afi*<k of la grippe u*i(l I never really recovered my health and strength but grew weaker everv year iifitil I was unable to work. "t wo year* ago I begun using Periina and it Luilt up my strength so that in a couple ot' months 1 was able to go to work again. "Thu. winter 1 had another attnrk of la grippe, but l'cruna soon drove it out of my system. "My wife and I coueidrr IVrtinf a household emedy." ESTER 1G SHOTGUNS d matter how heavy its plumage or swift its ag with a long, strong, straight shooting t. Results are what count. They always fowl or trap shooting, sad are sold within k. on a postal card for our largt illustrated catalctur. EK REPEATING ARMS CO.. NEW HAVEN. CONN. trvis! CELERY Plar\ts!__^_ ts.t'an now famish a'.l kin 1. <if <-atiiinK"BSaJ&StaB itixl will .land ttr,*at old. i.ruwu r Lt\I'aJ^W J'lncn. Ms u?. ill' onir plant, on our mngti ) aula carefully counted nn<t pr -perly park erftSfaf MB ladtuce. 1 'nlou suit Href pnni . ftTBTffli Hfl re., rsles proinlie.l.wlih-li.when efterllrw. >3 I1.11 inci i'ii?n>it.e rule, Price*. small Int. HwEh flw |1 i?l fo4l..'.'. per th<>u?.n I. r. O. It ?-ir l5\lglU li spine ('ileumtier Herd uicents : er puiimi. jgW I .U ed stale* vgrk-ulturnl I' M| nta! Hl.tlon <> < nur (arm*.to leu all kind. HBRH0H then-experiment* er will lit pi< ased in ii.rrcn roMPANT. ukijuitti. s. ?. TI-GRIPINE GUARANTEED TO CURE 1 COLD, HEADACHE AND NEURALGIA. tl Orlplnr to a dealer who won't Oaaraaten It. MOXEY BACK. IFITUOCaVT CVJBB. ter, Ml.If., Manufacturer, fijprlugJIrlS, JUm LOUISVILLE, KT. c*takit.k.? wGn%tBX3?3ni Rlglie.t market paid for raw VmI ea Thompson's Eye Water ispels colds and | sadaches when 1 ilious or con- 1 ipated; J or men, women I nd children; I ArH Km*, iuv the kidneys j and liver, I stomach and ! bowels; I onufact^ured by tht I YRUP(?( | flewYork./lY. \ all first-class I ?California i on the front 1 i per bottle. j j S S DYES I ' lAJL'll 'or '"'tor tlMO vn >tlMr Vim I IOMCOU illtlll Ct)>? UaUirllUi tI|??oa rl. I