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I ill .? Wl l|l If yiI?HI r-*i ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST, i! . I.I I I Ml I ..? .. | Mr. F fir. \V Lit lock has accept- j ,ed a position in the cothinjj house j of McElhmiey <Jc Co. M ra. Sallie Stewart and niotlior,; have movodheie from Gold liiii and are occupying the Patterson' cot 1 age oit Enet booth street. A birth which wo failed to note in our last issue vvn?? tliut of a soul to Mr. and Mrs. S \V. At. not on tlii' morning of .fanuary 2S ii. % r r ? air. ?. A. A iIIu-tr, of Worth rilie, N. ( ., was n \ isitor Sunday it the homo of his mother in tliits ilaee. lilt1 drug stores of the toww are ; lispluyintr lar^w assortments of >?Mitinu'iital Mini eomie valentines. Mi. li. l\ ihlKs-y, .jr., is at home from the Pr? hyletian College, (Minton. for a ft \v d.ijs. Mr. Hugh Torrenre who has n connected with the Charlotte* Crick Company. us tune-keeper, on* the past vein hits resigned his posit iots Mr. A A. Bradford, of Co!nnt-J l?iu, was a visitor Sunday at the | lionie of his parents here. Mrs ! U'adl'ord. who has I) *eu ill for gov- j oral hi utiis. is gradually growing weaker, and nieinher> of the family have given lip hope of her recovery. For the purpoR of raising rands for town itn ?: ovementH, the Mvio Improvement Society will ; ,;iveu Dime I 'onem I a? the tesidetiee of Mis. L t*. I u p tumor- i row evening at v o'eioek. The jllblie is eoidia Iv invited to at- '; end. An admission fee of iOeetilH vid he < harmed. Owing to tiie \vr k of a Soiilii( n freight train near Krank i.i ! uiict ion, \ I v I'hidry morn-' 'its, theie were no trains south iidiI late in tie* nl'tci noon. I !u* " ' r ijVipo ami ten ot 11; ears attached! > (Ii-' wei e dm ;uh u hut no te whs st'iiou^ly injured. Durinii I'm* month of .January. j nt J) is.-v I ill r Wft'i' M clear. Id i uuly and l<? p ii tly cloudy days. I The in nil tempera a was dd.Lii j <! 'irp ?s. The highest tenperntnre' wiik 72 ili'erees on tiic 2Ut ami the . ?\V"st was L!<J ili j fees <m the lOth, 'J"lie greatest daily ritual ot t?m- j lerature whs 2 ?dejjf ees on the 21s' . 1 he least daily inline was 2 decreet* ?.;i l he 2i t h. 11 the ground h??ji theory is cor- 1 vert ivi1 are to have 40 more days! of winter. '1 he little animal, if he 1 did not l'? t his dates mixed, certainly saw his shadow, for tliesunaliine was In tightness per.-onilied J'riday. It is useless to add that tunny will pin i.e ir faith t>> 1 1 lie "ground hoir theory and in! ooiihi i j uenee will lay in another, supply of coal and wood in order to combat the cold weather that is Mire to follow in the wake of the shadow of the lilt!" ii11iiit.ii. On the Ii ft h of next mouth the secretary of of South ("ardiaa will he asked to j^ra'nt a ? har'er for the (.' itnv.ha Valley lailway, t he purpose of the coi iratiou bfino to construct and penile a railway running through lie eoiiniii'S of tversiiMW lotii field . Miesler ami Y"vkt ilio rami to 'art unir Ln;;? IV. Kershaw county j t .station <?:t til.* Seaboard Air tiint* Railway, to ? point on the ino between York and (inston Counties. It it is not known whether the new r .ad will enter dock Hill. Mr. .1. Dallas \I.'fancier, father f Mrs. .M. A. I hit tin, was found 'lend in bed at the Inane of the lat- j t"r early Fiidny morning. Mr. Ahwandt r had been slightly ill for several days but !i:h death vvasen tirely tiiio.\per<cd and was a i-nd slioek to llm family. l)'iit#h is thought to have -.fen due to pa. ralysis, Mr Ale.Vtndei having pre. viously Mitfeiu d several slight (strokes of the disease. Mrs llailis is the only survivor The funeral was held Friday morning at 'Flint Hill ohurch, Jo v. 10. S, Reeves eondueting the services, and the burin J was made in the church burial ground Fa! (.'ftton, a white man who several yonrsftgo renal, d in tin.'upper part of this township, was given a preliminary hearing before Recorder Shnnuouhou&o of ('luirlotte M .... I ...... .1 i ii .umidHv upon ilie eiiarge ui aeiiing whiskey and wits l> mud ovjer t > 1 h? superior court of .Merklen burg county in Ihe sum of Severn I years ago Catupi engaged in the illegal sale of ivji'.Rkey in litis township, null as a icsult of Ins folly was relieved of nearly all (<f Ins earthly belongwigs. Veterans Will l:;?* rtain Daughters. IVrt .Mill ('fitnp Confederate veterans no t last Satnidny evening at 3.30 o'clock. The meeting was culled to order by Comtijatuier Ij. N. Cu!p. Tl.e object of the meeting having been made Known it was moved by Ira (? iSmyihe ; that, a dinner be g'ven to the < I laughters of the Confederacy and ' each member of the n^bociu-I : .1' - ??,, ? 11 LARGER ? } ? | H j Hons to the ? \ . & ot your arood fain ? ?3 All of the best ? and used by t he 9 sale at Belle's Bi n || Fanning Imp 03 eription. &i Oliver Chilloi 1 Cotton Fh P INhiItrv Wire, Co || Shop and S Axes, lYoss-ci ? ! Sheet Iron J Vr.v i! l A *'' * rts ^ I and JSaiis, lae ^ | Pay us a vis I 1 Tit TIT TT1 Ct | j JDIiijil o ? ~ " rtwronrnpaannKn uiniwrarer-i ? , . i?ji.tuw m (ion who contributed his purl bo ]>i ivile<*ed to brino his wife, sons and daughters, or us many us would uo. This motion was ht- 1 ouded by so vend and unanimously 1 aired. It wns iiiovhI by laN.Culp ' and seconded that \V. ! '. 1? ?yd bo," put. on committee wilh himself to : look after the ?uiui.-hiug ot' tin* ' tables, etc. ' J. M. Arntalronj* made (ho mo- ' lion ti> have the dinner at 2.oVloll< ' p.m. Thijjt molion v as curried 1 and Saturday Ft brunty 1Tth was j ' the day set and tho town hull the , ' place named to have it. 1 Messrs. (t. <Kpps. .1 H.'I horn- ' '.Veil, Jr., and J. II. \\ itl.eispoon 1 were selected to addiess (he vet- 1 oralis before dinner, and Dr. !. II. ' Til >iliw?dl (o welcome (lie l)au<_(h- . 1 Iei s Tlie men! i iiy :;<!j mined to meet at noon February 171h. il l^estli of a Former Fort Mill Resident. ( i Mr. Joseph (1. Kevins died at l:is \ home, I fi?wr miles 11 irthwest *?f Yorkvilie, last Tuesday t'V"iiiu;' ' at 11 ojeloclt of kidney trouble, and <bn|s Iniricd at Heth-Shil h <>u 1 Wednekdiiy, the si rviees beino ' conducted by liov. W. A. Hafner. j ' Mr. N(|vii h was a iiti'ive i I V rii " counlyL nnd was bun n < n tin* . ; t ?\vii of Fort Mi'l on ]on. HI, 1SF1. : ' 11 o v'mA reared on a i'ttiin and di ' * voted (himself to that voeat i.?n 1 t hrouidhout iiis hfe, except for ' four yAurs in the war. lie wna a- 1 mon^ She first to tro to ti. f i? lit ( and anjioii^ the hist to tetiirn. i! 1 belonged to company lb, Sixth ' South'Carolina. His comrades gay 1 he was a ^ood soldier. lit* v.ns ( twice married, his first v ife li- in^ Mi.-h < Cynthia lohtiHon and tlie ' second, i?l ia-t Sadie Km.bad, both 1 of Fort M111 Tl???r<? rhildn ii hs the re.-a! ->f tin* f11*-.! ' mm ris ge tt$ follows: Miss Nancy 1 Nt'V'in h, Mrs. A 1>. I'arks. Mi's. ' I iim^h Nevine, .Mrs, Win. ' Boyd, Mrs. \ Vrn. (\mpOi-il, Messrs.W i\. 1 li. A and IS. 1\ Ji. Kevins. An 1 the re lult of the second marriage I there Acre four children a f??l- ' lows: Miss .Jessie II. Kevins, .Mrs 1 Kobet t fr. Boyd, Benjamin .M . and ' Bunko R, Kevin*. .Mr. Kevins * spent the greater j?.ri of hi.- life J in Ko t Mill township; hut during 1 lhe pfist eight Veins has lived on 1 what is known as the Wilson place ' four miles northwest of Yon. ville. ( He w is held in high eft! cent hy his ' neighbors. During hiis iast illues.-, he connected himself with the1" t'reflt yterian church. i'herc was ( quite a huge gathering at the ' funeral.- Yutkvtllc BnquiuV. ...... -if >?%.. \ >T STORE ir Health of your s>ood er< lily for 1?()?. /Fertilizers sold by the best people of the o< g Store. laments and llardwaiv :1 Flows, ( hattanooga inters, El I wood Fen Barbed Wire, Bellow Builder's Tools of < \i Saws, Stoves, Paper [too/lug and Shingles, ks, Piedmont Buggies v it and make yourself" BIGBTOR] t s?g>??@3? sq???@ A Koyal lintcrlaiumeiit. j :l The i*liinn v ?>f entertainments .if || lie st usou was rei.ched Friday w li^ht, when the masonir fraternil\ j jfiive a bniiijurt to the Indies of llic j ' Fast.Til Star." Some ton ladies . t md a do/.'tt "enllemt ti w--re inili ; ?t<d i it it tin* mystei i. s : >f i h Mast- i M rn Star The t;oV w;h in line j, run and seemed determined I ?^M Jlill^dowtl I lie llOllSe. The rill lino of ehnin9 and tirinir of nrmn ? .Yarned the "profane" to he iiiiifnl. But. when t he novili,lies rvnel. \ I tin entrance ''seeking h.nht" it ' .vie a , ih r.i ceremony. ami lessons ? .veie-i npres.rtrd ilial will last a life line. The officers were all la-nut inllv dressed, most of t hem in ium < .vhtic ami with tiit K sinrs and r? ;alin made quite a handsome ap jt'Hinncf. .After tin.' ham|Ut't so . Ial side (U'irioe.s were conferred, me especially produced much i.u iinu.nt from the lint that only .hose who hud paid a visit to Metichnm A" Lpps that afterno n ,\crc entitled to take it. The banquet was nerved on fain!y tallies, each tahie healing tud each lady decora!ino Iter lah'.o . iVith silver, flowers, ? tc. 'J he mi long tarnished the ? > 1 r-, meats, ^ im! Saratoga chips d the lad'*., uriiished tho side dishes and d-s J >*' rtrV Seventeen >oll|'e "iris ,,f I. lie town Waited upon these tables !nid home of the nnniarrii I masoiih . vere f-o entranced with I in* beauty 'j >f the waitresses that they rame * mar iiiissino supper. Ad < f the ? oiriotis hiijli teas u i simply pre. j, jiii.utoiy to the beauty ami "ran % leur ol this b uujue'. l } Woishiptnl Master, ('. L Link, ri nadc a splendid pr. sicImil: eiiicer ? i mi toast m a ate r, and by Iris witty $ illusion in liltindue.ii?- lie- speak Z is ad led initeli to the amusement ^ ;t the crowd. H? v. !, II. '1 t?. n?- * veil icsponded t i ihe t -set, * i he ' Las' en JStar." and traced ill ins ^ >n\ of tiie adopli\ > mas miry from * Is in JjYauce in I LJd I > the . [il'HSt lit H11 o U* 111 r i I -i iii.ii .i li.ii U i - i' ' ? i m i use!" il'iess. ili-v.J. 1 Aid -k ? espouih (.1 to til.- twist "liiiillrl" Manoury." His speech wiih fully 1 tjim! to his best. i If. r', and nil. ^ Alio have heard linn know this i.-> ligls praise. No ina.s >ii eonltl lif- 5 i-n to his spee< !i with owning al- y eniaace to Christ anil earnestly ? i Hiring to live woiti.ily of his or- J tl ami written pieeepts. Mr. F. i?. J Wliiilock respoii led to tho, i Fort. Alii I," and told of his tiint g Mitranco to the city and of several {forts lie had made to tear himself f nvay. but hull lit lust t Deluded ^ V n'- V * -. * \ , 1 II II l?l II I II I * --* ;. l TOWN] I!: ) a . ?3 I ^ fi W >j) and Wealth 'j (^) i 1 i / | wv ; ! I 1 best eontenis [ Q 3 Wv ? umlrv are lor ; <*5 \ Q i i t e o! evorv vies- ? ?.*, . J? c -V f C-o '; ;c'* l Plows, I 5$ t V:v n ^ ? r^?: i'** ^ J; ir-J s, Anvils, i tt * I'vnry kind. r X \ V J ' k'vOOfiUl^ < Q } Horso Slices I S? ? (Vy ! f?A uai Wagons. r ; ' i ii at home in & i iTs' i i 'c.v <*? i m ni'v i a Is, Mill, s. c. i 2| ! O &&G9&a?&2&-S ir>? ? >iawwwm\jw^m j? -rr? M-wm w7.n rx-. / * nil l ho truililioii of .is- j in we lie, \ i?.. "lie wild I .!!' ( (I . a Ls it te public well nf l*i 111 Mill. licrr VCl' llf WHIui. IS. IllUlit II'. c.i a."allowing n > vniiul: >;? ? this '.lie, suvi' licit hi- li sly limy he uuiiil iu ( 'utuwhu 11 vci ! in- I v. to u Star w II i: *1 y,niti Thiii scluy at (i t* I he t till in ii 1'eln nary, when nmir, i>t! re ? xpeel ei t > inve.-t ieiite tie M y.-Uci Ii-H of .\il 11 j I Ci! I {11: h' e Valentines.. wri- v.xi?.vt3+iLizusmeumem9mrsr.r Comic ?!jJ Sontirricafa]. i cent io \RDREYS DRUG STCRli. >4><L* C) -J' \?'<i ?! '> !; ? :> J.u; the | I Charl'jtts Sieaiii LaniJr; I ? ! Lourt'J'jr Ygmi Utisii. y ? \ > ? , ? \N < lmv?- 'tit* 1 i._ _;*v-?t a; i ' ' lJ(\st UfUimi:y I'ihi i.i > ' Jim Cnrolina.H. \V?? ?]<> in v Wiil'll I'm" ?'?' ' ~ ... MIMIIM. V I.I , ?!?? (' .rulin.i.j. \V?> (}?? i'?c y i ' 1? r woi !> ti.ii.i run ii.iji. i v ? I in tao Sotti!i. ( )ijc ri>*> wJjohi; iiauii* i-> attar lu".l ? , llt'l'r*(t, !|i:k i:i |"f| ;<?h to <,: ivr \ ti full ami caiii;>lt % fit! 'HI act ion ci an if in j charge. I -n i fail* thnlin ? v i 3 PARKS osas aaasPT I ; V FORT MILL, .... C\ * < c c >-v-><? i > .... . . ,% . 9 1 T%* % '/"rv'~" ? ? . ? . 1 NEW SPRlfi (.^>iiie see our New Giii Linens, Etc. We have so in ionic rare bargains. Doi EDISON PIIO? it is the only talking mat 'Hugllsh, ' so you can hear ly. We are selling lots of Corner is delighted. New 1 rived. Our new Spring lin CROSSIiTT SIIO lias arrived. There is in hat can compare with the tad comfort. We have a few more fa dial we are closing out at :eUer Stoves were ever 111; TLu J? IvHA Q_; 'tfv ' i> < LwD ? *< 1 8091 FOR THIS SO! CfO P ^ u ncLerwe I.ndies' Fleered Vest and Pan1 ? Wool jVl , (Jlov s and Mittens, If .r*f\ _ C, S',iaw Is and r ascinator t 1 1 >1 * " \\ ool and L'k'civ lined '?Y.^ Men'.; iMioit lined S'.iirls and fei f** *t Mi -s Vent and I V fvir Mis: i" 5'( x^' W o< i (i lows, liar (p Blankets Two pins ?; .*? 1 inch Inf? V p 1 ,/>? finest woo!. \v< rlli ?i> dO a pair. C\v per jiaii.^It you need t v2 31^-irts. Heavy t ?|? Skirts at. fi hii* rodll lvnit Skills, :iiv and warm, 7. i MEACHAM &899@08SOQ '3? ?5 i -v * : ^5-n-fri >v-itw->;> >*thr **?? a- &+P-0-5v? i i.^Ti's .<r.xwT*rin.'KT. iratanms 4C JT^WI S | IT'S A FAC ; i j.': vr. urr.or KUC a limTCrwiTBi ss That wall vi* just roceivtd ?i ^ I'll > I'm: ts. INj-yihlv y< i 'i r: IJ Mil tills fl MIOIIS lilieof 1'a I%'r_ iu_ tlu iii I . spfiHoifti, ai li'st r unpi lint. \\ <>tx*-11 i **r jim !,. fit mill durability. Tin ^ [' t.:i! t>i'.-1 i in is sold iii 1'urt 7 A ?, r-'!XS -,.il Z.l/*XlXHXUMtMBlX?"Z* p-smwm W\i W I HEP r *.'* rj Lt^Ji y-i ? R . >j hiJfl <L~" E ' >m.i jjcrarrfTrnu I 4 y i l.i'/ but l ust, j'liv more t! .**' i.ia v.i iii a inir ot Li. l?. Tr< 'v i-: i Mn I >n v i is.; i .i in. These rJ ? mi. d?>n'i 11.i\ ? 5m iiinkf than inaUf a wi'll lint* of luury \ * ft i n; iiatiaiiis to fcloirt fimii. / 1 j j v'bvumi iftt- r r-,-"T>-"rTHimyrgrr ri"?Ti" $ | McEfrany 4 4- If ?'} . <' ) t"v.*?fMBcx3'urztotfc & 4 v. . t -x ? <* 7 ?vi'1 / -c .? < y-t-i- -f -.*2- m w 3 3441+n vt ?v-? <,v* '.v^v/a'asvwv I T. I). FAULKNJ 3 ! Rwssui, a ' * f i ^ M %t /*& >?v 3 ? & n 5*' - 'M? jafc ?v s i 1 ,> i 1 /t?- > ", ' irrt? ' l ' /rir?' r*?:? II i 5 M JDM : <; i i " c' V I ndcr(akinj4 in all Vj the cheapest Fine Cof js* State Casket. Robes i< *?* am! gentlemen, Slippt : J? and ilearsc Wagon. 'J % T. i>. FAULKNER !>S ?A v%^.H* ^AV.\N,/A\\V\\NS\VS9-\s v.* V.V*> AV' * ,;.\%N'v>i.NWA\V ^4t'.i r-.--.aH-.; v!Lg ' .* ' '.^ 3 GOODS, ghanis, White Goods, 10 beautiful goods and i't faii to hear our t'OGRAPII. ;nine tnat really talks livery Word distinctthe in and every cusot of records just ar? e of ES for MEN > thing on the market 111 in wear, tit, style incus "Leader" Stoves Factory Prices. I o ide. SSEY?T -j WEATHER. I ?ar. ? lb, 25 unci 50c. jc $2 suit, new $1.75. ). 15, and 25c. s. 25. 50, 75c, Si and $1.75 jflr 11 dsc, 15 wild 25c. Sc I drawers,'-J5c. Jc 'iiiiU. 25c. scs and Children, 50c. ar Muffs, 10c. gj int's Crib Blankets, tho po We will sell these at Wy lu se cull and see them. iction from former price. >c and Sl'.OO J w i; i > ds ? tv i'j l l 'z I &>&>{>&* ?3> MB?W ?? ;t i ,, | iT'jj?Ba ? C C i brum! new lot of Brand %y ri ilon'i know auythiifg nts. Wo liavo boon soil- ?? id have y*t to hoar the *5. leaf them complimented ' ry are, beyond a doubt, il111. They wear an lit well \C if is linn other Pants. If you iiik.-th, you will always in- 5> pautH are made Ho tlml yj. i over. Brnnil Bros, also v* e.sta. W e have six differ- wt J jet iih sell you one, rrt!???? << 1 Go ij leaKvomwwi 'i . t. _\x W*?Vfc\ V\\\\V\\\\N\\W%X Ell COMPT. | <M / fl ^ b>2~ ' ;| "" jj II i f i' Kt-o /%l* /? ? ?- r A IV.-! luaiitiitM 11 (Jill 'fin to the finest >r children, ladies $$ ;rs, etc. Hearse it, Phones 12 8?34. & COMPANY.