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F tlu TiU't rirtill simr?.: DEMOCRATIC O'UKLlSHliD KVJOUV THURSDAY. B. W. BRADFORD. Vtne v?T?r SI.00 | Six month!.* r.O ' Thre<- m*>ni 115 | <'of.(!R|)oudcniT on < urrcnt Kubjcctrt is l:ivlt**?l. 'Hit ?!* itspruisiibiiity is n.rmsrrst-ij "'or tlit* virus of rorivs:>on<lontK. Anonymous oorsununirut Ions will not In* ptihilKlictl In th??To col?i'i>ne. ? ? " "!rr..i^!... !*,.. L' KbJLli'AK V P. l'.KM:. Tun net i d wisnly ill S'liii" to utfi un<ler-f<rouii<l homo. Do.v't borrow your noijjhbor's paper. The subscription price is too small for you to pruct ice Mich nn imposition on your u? itfhbo.' unti tin* publisher. Wo tknnk those friends who have called (luring the past week an 1 luiid their subscript ions. Wo feel certain t hut ?.?' hers will follow suit during the next ten drys and that it will ho only u short, tiino r.ntil wo shall be able to make the < uprovotucnts spoken ut in ojv last issue. If yon are anion;* tin* . jiumbel' who owe i or who would see i the pa;>er improve, call or send us ihauuioant due. Don't put this oil'. H '.iii'i.y i; day pisses liut that The Times is requested to Dl'K.'J i?l>ou the commissioners of York and Lancaster | counties the ijec,essity of immediate ae- ; lion in the repairing or rebuilding of, the two bridges across 8uwar creek, two miles east of this plaee, uti i it is w ith pleasure that we a^ain invito atten- ' lion to the fact, Both bridges are ilown and cannot be crossed except lty foot ami it is hopod thut the snperv isms of the two counties will p't together and i ut onco put the bridges in proper shape. So Till: present legislature of South t arolinu 110c endorse the conrp.ilhory education law . This is one bill which we e ipecinii} desired to become 11 law and we regret to not* that it has been killed. The future welfare end prosperity of a certain class of the youth of the country demands such a law and we predict that the time is not Jar distant when the l/ill will pass by uu overwhelming ma jurily. Tlpi Yorkvilli) New Era offers some consolation when ;; says thai ?.!>< vn ers may ma'%? u more foriimale selection hj the time the next legislature convenes. lm*identully it may be added that the inlire York delegation voted against the measure. Tub tikce of humanity described as follows by the Wax ha v.* Enterprise needs no introduction to our readers: "Have you ever noticed the end-seat hog at church'.' t>u <dy everybody has had to Crawl over him many tjmcs to got a sent. May he you have often wondered, us we have, why the end-seat j hog doesn't wait and come in last, so1 that other people would not ho forced toeruwl over him to get to their .? us. Well, it's this way: ho know t'.iat there . ?> A<..i .... I...... i.. i:1.,. i.:... till ?>i III I \-|?.| '.If J'*-"*' H?V?- lll'Ilself, so ho hastens to church to so 'arc a favorite mil soul before uny of the other , oud-scut hogs got ..head of him. Ho the tho eml-seat hog is always in evidence, early and lato at church, and hp's a protty thin" too." With each winter the quest iqnof scouring fuel for heutini; purisMes hecomes a more serious problem with our people. Ttyo fact is that there is little woo*I to he cut and sold in this section, and in a very few yo;jrs the pe >;>h must necessarily look to coal for cooking and heating purposes. In view of this it appears that some of our enterprising young men couhl profitably ninra^ in the wood and coal business. The t resit le on tho spur truck running to the upper mill would he an ideal sp >t to locate, a clmte and u wood yard and tho coal hins couhl he built there for about half what lhey ordinarily cost. It js ecr tain that the railroad company would not object to the trestle being used for , the purpose an ' it is equally certain that the land owners would grant a roadway to anil from the yard. Here is an opi*ortniiity for some young man to do a profitable business with a small j small invest in* lit. J it: not no by tho number of train- that puss along the railroads on Sunday, the railroad officials have little regard for 1 he laws of (tod and man. It is generally understood that there is a l^w in ^ this State prohibiting the running of freight trains oil tho Cahbath, but il is po.-sible for one to gluiioo out almost smy tunc of the day or night utul sen u freight train passing through. There is however u p.ovistq in tho statute, permitting the running of trains loaded with perishable guide hut that this jiroviso is being strictly nIhored to is doubted by many people. It is somewhat peculiar that the railroads fiail >s? onmy c ir loads of perishahlo go als at this season of tho yonr. Speaking of running Sunday freights calls to mind a scheme which was said to havo boon worked by a railroad e.qmpauy in Nor.h Carolina to evade the law agaiust operating freight trains on ih>: Sabbatli. The law there was similar to that of this Statu and the railroad was bein. greatly ham pil ed by tho persistency pf tho otlicers in enforcing the law. Finally, the railroad people got together And adopted u plan which, though just a bit novel, worked to perfection. A fiumbir of old plug males wore bought % and mailed ail a joint jam over tlin Vir- | and wlmu (be occasion do- j luunded if wonUl be bunched into a box , i-ar, ami, with olbor carloads of mer- I ehantlixe, earned through the rttati. to i bo unloaded at a convenient joint in this N'ale. Tin V would I lion be hauled buck to Virginia to await their return to this fchatc tho following Sunday. So accustomed did the animals become to untieing the trip, that they would hurriedly scamper to the place of load it).? ! when tho car was rolled tip. It has ! boon said that the law hus; never been i enacted that could not bo evaded, and we have about re a Jiod that conclusion. Tuenr. is a spirited contest between the cities of llool: Hill and Cliostcr as! to which will got the Federal courti building to bo lonated in this section of the State. C-'omiiiittciijj from both cities have visited Washington and presented i t heir claims a > lo best location, and it cannot he stated at this stpge or the contest which, if either, city will win out. though Kock llill, it is though, is niosi l' at present. We do not wish to discredit Chester, but a healthier location and bettor peoplethuuthere is in llock Hill w ill be hard to lind We venture that if tho department ollicials were to sap of Chester's limestone water, Rock Hill would get the court, j Thf. tows of Lancaster lius boon laboring for several years to get the Southern Railway tq erect and equip u depot n keeping with tho town's needs, ! and having failed, the matter has been j placed b"cu place 1 before the legislature in the hope of compelling tho vailrotid to build a suitahh station. A bill to that otl'ect introduced by Representative Foster, qf Lancaster, has passed nje House mm win doubtless become u within ;i few days, 'lhore are but low towns of importance 111 this suction l which have not in tivj past lew veins lioon provided with depots to nieyt the needs of i ho people nil I tlloro is sqoiii! iiigly no excuse for the Southern lmv-j in;: so Ion;: ignored Lam aster's demand. | i Tun", hmiest and most inter stin : tight of ilie present session of tlio : general assembly tonic piano in the ' House Friday over the Mi'V^au local op tionbilli which passed us first reading by a vote of (?. to 17 and the vote was 1 eoiisiilcrcd littal sn far as the view of the House js cnncoraod. 1'ho bill pro\ ido . for option between county dispousari s end prohibitinu, cxeopt in counties with cities of over "JO 000, wliorn a third option of h'gh license is provided. I The chief object oi the Morgan hill is i rh?*abolition of the State) dispensary, j After tho State dispensary is abolished the count it ? are to decide whether tin y | wish . onniv dispensaries or prohibition, except in vYdumbia and Charleston, where the third option is allowable. In the counties that are now prohibition the status is rotni i?d and can only change to county dispersal es upon pc-I tition and ballot, 1 r is the on * aim of the pa hi i dier of t ais p.iju?r to Uoep in eye v>;?*-ii for I lie best interests! of our peple and the welfare of the town, an l in doing this it is found t hat the"o is rq an for a decided iiup"ovonin:it in the ma'. lor of desist; ehin if ilia i I s ml h from t hi plaee. 1 'inler < tlio present arrangement, ami a very; 1 ur oao it is, there is is but imn eollei;t ion of southbound mail each day from Fort Mill. This is taken up liy train I No. .'ill at 0.) a. in,, ami it very often happens that this train is several hoars ; lute, which piobab runs"S tlio mail to miss oi hm* trains at junctional points, \ til "rchy etinsinjj it to reach its ilesl inunction many h sirs late. Not only dots the present laont show up in ha.I light in thii particular, hat it often happens that mail must remain in the : |s?stotVu:o for many hours h'f.iro begin- ! ning its j cm icy southward. For in- j staina letter mailed a 1) a. m. must neeossir'ly lay in the p ostofheo uutii the following niorti'ng. Dut thero is a remedy for this condition and there is lit I ie doubt hat that if the an; luivities were asked they would grant it. Thi-< is to place a locked jxineh on train No. tin, whieh parses liere lihonnd at 0.5O p. m. and carry it as lar as Rock Hill to j , he taken up by No. 211, whieh pusses there at 11 p. m. This urru.igmciit would be of great heiietii to all nu t We would like t > sou an effort made to get it. L:ttcr to L- A. Harris Fort Mill, fcj. U. Dear Sir: A great many people will see your house in the course of tlie next ten yea-s. We want it to show what l)ev? o 'o ?d and /inn w ill do. We -h i id like you to pain it, and then not paint it again in ten yours?unless it in ds repainting. We'd like saeh n ample as t hut i;i every town in tin* eo.mrry?with a notice ii'mnt it in t!r? ioeul p . -por: "Miv HarriV house was paintod ton yours u<o with LVvoe ieau and zinc, ami has never boon 1 rcp tinloJ. Tito color is no", so brij?h* as i< was: hut timpani* is us perfect a coat 1 ns over, to keep out 'io water." A good leud-andoil j.d> is expected to last three years; it is a Rood ouo that lasj.i throw yours; it Renora 1 iy doos nor IXjvoo load and 7.1110 lusts t wico as 1o:ir, ! it no:;? I "If yo i have any fault to Hud wi.h tins paint. t ilh 'r now in pu.tiiiR it oil, or hereafter vn tho wear, toll your, dealer about it." "Wo nut.ion/,0 him to do what is riRht ut our oxjiens >.*' Wo wn ir your h iiwj as ft sample, and you us a witness. Yours truly, 71 F ?V Dkvck A Co I P.S. W. II. Ar.iroy & Co. soil our paint, j &?Efi9ElM6l ?o'A ^ ?lr, ' *ss*s*^Aitiirs 1 I DISPENSARY KIU.ED. i ?? I COLUMBIA. FEE?. 2.-3Y A: MAJORITY OF 23 VOrts. (Ht HOUSE PASSED THE MORCAN BILL ABOLISHING THE STATE DISPENSARY. THE BKL KAD ALREADY PASSED THE SENATECu!p AkQregOj. Tl;ur.silny evening n|t 8 o'clock, t!i?- 1'iVhbyt i inn chuicli llu- j 8-MMie of ij most btfMuiiful wedding, j liie eontrmMjrig pnstiefi heiitg Air. i 'P .. -f I ?;nr. vax \ f > if ruin U?M V,;, l and Miss Tom in in R. Gulp. Mit-u j Wary Hoyrl announced the arrival , of the bijdnl party by siiif*iuj{ in a i clear soprano voice "M WhispM* d Vow." Ah the h\vo? t strains of Mendelsohn's march pen led forth Miller the skilful louc i of-Mir;. C ! S. Link, eveiy whisper ceased ant I all eyes waited anxiously for the entry of the bridal party, which j came in in the following ottler: First were the ushers,, Dr. J. 1>. Elliott ?.ntl Mr. I*. Cijrothers, | who entered from the vestibule, eiossiiitr and taking positions on opposite sides of the nit tr. Nest eamo the In itle unci, bet maid of honor, Miss Margaret Wurlick, of Charlotte. They wyro met at the I altar by tin* ^rootn itnd hit# best ; man, Mr. Jan. H. Thorn well* of1, Winneboro, who entered from the 1 refir of the pulpit- Dr. das. II. a | 'I iiujrii\yell, pastor of tlx* bride, j j ) 10 .oil need he tunn iagc vows. 1 lie j | boantiful and impressive r.ny: < ermn'iy beint: 1 sed. The bride was I beiniiit'n 11 y p wited in white silk Mirl earned an exquisite boqMet of bride's rosea. Sue also wore a I p >id locked, -vd with diamonds, a eift of the ip'ooii). The maid Innior was 1 i> eoininply now tied in j white silk and cat t ied a ioveiv bo- j qui t of white caynatioiiR, while tin j Iies man em! pioonismen were In 1 full evening at lire. immediate y after the marriage; I ho happy couple repaired to the home ot the in ides mother, w he e they were tin* recipients of the b.-si wishes of their friends. Tin? many ( I _ il 1 f cosijy nmi u.v in. j resents, consist- ' big of rut gins*', tVol', oiliua, rli , attest the popularity of lite ccupie ;i:iui!i^ their wide circle ot trieiiis, Mr. niul Mi a. AlrCjrirgor ifcil mi ' ! tlir 10.15 train for their future j 'home nt rboro, where Air. I Mefiregor li Ids the position ul : | .superintendent of a collou-mill. Happenings in Odd Kill | The ground-liog predicts bad went her I'ur I -rty day ., if hat be [ ihe case, the iarn1 era will not sub- I 'soil much tli i- spi i We lied i | few* pietty, w;i?ui days last week but the cloud.- now fnvor either I .iin or snow. Th rs is m o,n Mi den* of sickness j in I lie neigh'. > hood. Mi. li. \V11 - > son has been \ v bid; f the past I !o..r r live \< 'cks but is likely t r? cover soon.... Mi . llnin Smith is i?ei iou.-d) ii' ?0 hei lioinc in lower Stci le ('r-. ,v .... M ibs llassie South of C'lni io'te has been very ! low, but ib now b-Iter.... Too u foul of Mr. -'ain IjlaiiUeiiblii[> is very sick will. pneumonia. j, \i . ? w M i M-,. f ??*?.-, n , it. ! iimir iiiiu JI in v, . l\ PlankeiiMiip left lust l'riday to visit relatives in Cheater.... P:of. S P. I??-ucy sp nt Saturday iiikI Sunday in Cnestei; Mi>. Sallie Steward and 11or mother, Mm. ilichaidson, of tins Bert ion Ii ivc moved to Kin i M ill '<? i ceuj y .e widow 1' ill ei son's home on , ; .in itli Si root.... Mr. l\ iJ. M. rri11 i has move i In Ii is in w liuiuo in K)\v*-r (io'd llill. ()n -rronnt of tin* bail load* Rev. ?J. C. Chandler Iris eliangi d the iipjini ni nit*i* la of Philadelphia rii urcli, II e \v?ll preach only two Sundays in a mouth, for the present tin? lii.-t Sunday hi the I afti vnoon and the third in tin- : inoriiirg. Quitt? a lars. * crowd attended the oyster Ki:| p, r Saturday night t;iv?*ii !?} .\lr. JS. 0. Paris at his home. 'I'll crowd was fur* . ui*lud with music on the violin h\ iMeaaiH. C. P. liini.krttiship and | .1, G. Smith. Ml an enjoy, ab e lime. Pl&asanl Valley N?w?. At a meeiiii:_j of tin? Parmer* . Ascociation ."at m day evening, Mr.-HIS. 1). (>. Pot's mid t). l?.ll ti r wore appointed dcUtgnt ? to the county convention Monday. \V expect these gentlemen toe>lir ' tip our sup rv.uor ou tjie r pair* t ill;.' of Pail oh' bridge. Mis J. M. lb,rris attended the | Mi Givgor-Culp marriage in Port -M ill llio past week .... Messrs, f K \\ . Duster a ihI K. \\ olfrt went to Lancaster 'he past \v.? k ?i\ business.... Mrs, ?). Z. b'ili: ' lifter hOVeiill W. ck* HOseill'O ltt Olle t . 111. hospitals m Charlotte, retimed home t: a pa.-t week very ui lie: i i in proved Messrs. i\ P Tlierrell mid J L. i etlus visited 0l? .il<> to tlio past week on bun- ( iiitH-i.... Mr. \V. L. Patterson, one ot our^ tanners, epent a couple of days ii: Lancaster last , week....Our nouiel set enjoyed , themselves several hours Saturday ; ! I FURNSTRE ! I * ! KiaiaijaBUaaaBiaaCB Si "Mwrmim !Wc are ?m?v pla< on a greai ma213' present stock is * styles, but \re do tl \ top notch of pctvnc | and one things thai mm 3s?:mtRTS I SESKaSXiliS ii ?smsa agsKS < eHii.MR!SS!S <;KiSS mm f'Losns ?ARLt)i< RUBS ! C0KF8RT? \\ 1)8.1 ft CSS !; L&a?ifiEs ii js All t>l this great > the hisLlact under meats to suit you. ( inemoer t.i; ( \vna< pa\ n)ciits is ail rii; II 1 j \ 11 <c I j irv.a lit izx+~ ?? ?> V> <i? <; < * <-~*V *" *>* ^ & 0 VALENTINES, S A ^ LACK AND FLOI.1 \L Die HC 5 ALSO THE COMIC. I'ULOK.i *> e IK you SKIS TH KM. vol w $ t PARKS DRUG * c?3 ~ o-o < c ooo > "mr nVuioLi Pon.l us your Or?l- ;\? Wo ship < Romit b\* i><i ..;1 i.i :u v ortl.T, Inn CORN Will.-K?' V RYK ' AiM'J.E BRANDi' RNXOll " RUM our,IN ? 1^" If hottluu !\?bi .Vl , .Is j; , l.\i "NV11! ship in i>'i us , . n^V', wiihosi: in wluui hu (b'sirod. \Vu umbo NO Oil. H!M> \ 1.1.! >!ClJ AN"SOX I) 1ST! 5,3,1 WADiiSBl >R< ut .Ml-. T. \V. CulpV) v C. H., J Kohs is quite sirk wit it iiuus- | 8' Is.... A elnhl of M i Y-l! !*.? i ; ;I I lIuM Alomliiy < ! \\ lump o^-emi^u | FUUHTFuiilY BUBKSD. ! | Chan. W. Mowro. a insu-hioist. of T\ i . 1 ,'ily, l'i.. had fn^h: fu. iy h i cm! iu sir oli f; ra n o. II ,.p|? . j I,. .1.1 ...'o \ C... I J. . . .v .w ii - I nii iV ? n 4 \ ? w; II m' .' . i 1 la-salti^H quick and perfect rare" ? oat. ' est healer on earl 1' lor l-ur . WimhuIs, ' Siivh. Kc/.njaa a i<l i :. s. "Jo ai . .r.i.ayj (l*u? store. -a*** | lie-d CMttoii solu oil 'lit-, ill'I yesterday for 1 I eeiil.THS YTiLLOVs* PS7SB G2BM has recently heon It bearsi | close resemblance in he nei "r jfenn 1 Toiroeth . t\ an (I's p n:c., the most e.ic. : i v.- i '.nedy is Dr. Kin;'; New I,if.> t iils. ti i;i111t'otl to um i'J. diseasesdne to .na'.a ia poison and e m at i put km. 25c at Ardrey's druj? stove. ?Next \V. dm*Kl:iy, I In* I Lilly is ' St. \ tii-til lie's Imv. 4*t T "T,,T",T i . " VT ? T!"* \T*? A ? .i... .. .ei .. J .1 - I'm the luckies. mm in Arkaiivi-.' writes It. i? Stanley, of . .'ami, "siiev the ivj:?ira ion of iny \v i' 's lie i'h at i ' five jvmn'ot' coa/iii ijj and bleeding from t ie limits, an . t <,,ve i. \ yoo I fortune to tb" world's ^rentes'. uiiMlieiiii'.1 >r. Kind's Ne a !' i.rn < ; (Jons.impt ion, winch I 1.-. \\ ?i'.i < . perinea will ear eonv.:in,.. i' tak.-'i ill tinto. My wit'o improved wi h fir?: boti ie and t vv< Ive bonus otnple .1 the Bttiv." Cures ll4" WojsI c.tuuh ' col"s or money refunded. At \rdr. \ t dm^ store*. &:i' nmt il. Trial bottle i;><:. I >oi n 'I'hin jt i iv t.> Air am! M:. . Mi?i. I >. A!ills, a s >n. ? IHSALINQ G08P3L. The H'tv. J. O. Warren. paspv.-of } ha rut Raptisf chnrvlt. It '!.ti.', <.? i . >\s oi llleoti i P>it iei s". " It's a (i> >/!.- ml . a n an kind. It envoi tan ol l.itno hoc;, . iti j >.lit:;, anil oomplou* pliv.s oal ? ? llaps . I was so wonk ii t >ok me halt' no hour to walk a mi t>. Two bottles 11 ivioiirt ters hove made ine s. > s ron?{ t na ja-* 1 walked t hre mil'*s in . i :nii. a: > and :Vr' like walking threo nior?. lt'sntadi me,. man of mo. V (itMteM rain ki I >r neuk ttossami all Sioniaeh. i. i>r and I\ id \ complaints. Sold under ttuar.ui eo at Ar(Ley's drug s o a. 1'r.ce ;V c. g|, . f1 ? ?:? ?' ' " "" ' mM ? ?? *-* ONLY FUR BARGAINS T* . ttv; n vt^'f T" n?? -?? ?rfr ?&-* ring our spring orders ai pa items that we shall di iisposeu of. They are !is every year to keep 01 iss and exce Jenee. We t Will beautify the home 1 PiPLOR CK&SRS PA&Q3 BR.&SS F.eOS LAPPS' SLQ6K3 HEftYEVS BL&HETS fi?T Rf.CX^ P3CTUSES ,iock is offered to you io standing that we will a Come and look over oi over is agreeable to you ht with pswjth onlj asms 3 JC- CD r imrv JBirtxvwM vrr^w?--Mri?rin?'ii A VALENTINES, ?; 4 NS. CUPID'S CHOICEST. y S I'ttOM 1 C KNT TO 51 .VJ. J ! ILL BUY * . * I COMPANY. I V A V f 0^<><? 4>yo I NA WHISKIES; linvt l>y Freight ov Express. ii k <*lionlc or cash, with ovlrr. . $! 2?, $1 ;>) un< 1 i ('alien I f>0, u> ami 2 50 " GSaMou i 2 2?,? >.u\sn ' ( hi Pun 2 ;?(),?#: yr????11! . ;'.ti " < lallnti .. . 2 k)hm(1 a " Gallon I11.i to ab.ivo pv . ii'.'l:s or l>r.itnls to indicate rnnlcii , \:i l-E Foil .lU'vrSO.l I'A* :iAt to the 1 V* 1 rf" '< 11' 0 > \r l S V \ /Ol 1 . \ * i ? I o, - ?>T. c. - V .-r.-i-tT- -r - jL*riy:^lSCV | HOME p j INS I UA \'( E. f 'i 1 ion should lake lid ii:'.' It j f * ; suuancc v lth I.OViI C0.V:P j r 2 r ? fi , | Because-- a L i 'si: Thw are 3L LibS Lite S tj ^ j Insurance Companies $ | Because-nJr.d: They pre officered and j | c m)irolled by lio-ne people ; 5 C J | keep money in the Slate. i j Because-- ( I Jrd: The policies siuip'c ^ |j | contracts. free from ail *pecu 7 3 ^ k'.liou as to res !l\ each item p. Jl 8 and fijii-j :,oin . * .rr? a::t r. J [ J 1* }iecliiIt. >c -* 4tir flu prciaiuit rr.lrs arc i a | ^ \ Ic.ver iiiau id companies (j ;jt !? and >.i li?ey furnlsii ^ ft , !; much, just rr. f.ood jar. .a. * 9 'i ' 'J . safe Insurance. j <1 ? j See me before you take a 5 9 ij * policy, > it iii save 1 \i p J >ou nwney j | ? 4 ** \ JffO.J. B1ILES, | Agent, I | l'ort Mil!, :. | NOTICE- On ai<l ,ift?*v "!ou(!iiy, ! *? 1? i ruary 10, tl; > anh i,'1' ' aha: 7'J cents tov s'.i<??i'i Tim inarense , becomes naees .-a rv on nceoiini oi' iii<> advance in (In i>.*'< of shot , nails; mid labor. M. *. HAhTiS. A A. YOUNCr. ; I ^ # w:. X. i IMlM't?tt?? NITUPvE STOKE IN TO^X N, I I vd hare cm prices :op as soon as the all this season's ir stock up to the i have a thousand :br years to come. UGE CURTAINS MSIG CABINETS GB3rF0Nr?RS SIDEBOARDS CREDIT. ? 'TOgggajBLMBMaB?aBBCgc zaoso?i ? choose from with rran&c the payiir stock and rein the matter of Lc 11 amount down. "ULXXg.. IlilEsli ITLKS. A full supply continually on hand. Call and sec them before you bay. Prices and terms to suit the purchaser. T, E, Marshall & Co,# East Black St., ROCK HILL, - - - S. G. ' *rr? -i MODEL I I 5 I t i ? Sioam Laundry. $ 1 I ;! ^ OH\KI.<H'TIC, ? ? N. C. ; ? i; jj I'KICE 1.1 ST. : | Shir ; l(k? J ' u Slur,*;. ..12L_.e f O >Il.ivs :2c | t ('ntTs, jx>r pair Ic ? \' ndi rsliin s He ; 'v Drawer.- Sc 1 ! 5 ; ucks, ; r pair I!c 1 , ? Il.uiclUerchioO. limm ''r S Ilaixlkrl'l-liicf.-*. silk f>c Q J'an.a '2'?c to 73c $ t ( <nts "i.'iC to 7">c I | Vests 2f?0 f l?irr-\V;iists I I V up ; (.'retains T. ..-10c up l.lanketa, single, lf>c; doable, 2'c ' Omnicrpati's 10c Table ('If fits !l)c | I M^LHMIEY & ; Agents, I FORT MILL. ? ? ? S. C ! ? xr.tMTj.iCT r.!'.11 ' 1 L _ 1 DO I |U NEED! | Any- | >0 . , phce vour A ^ni^rj I ? next order I | {n with I >S , isG0?F.R 14 j \ 1ilc > TEETER. I I : way of Salisbury, N C M I I g I Phone 248. 8 I | good I 125 E. Council St 1 5? |L!QU0RS?"j S; '"<( o to T-.? Times. V ? i