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$ ; ' f . ) / / s Qj .. .* r ' , ' : >. , , .-. ( >f 7 y^f- t 7 rv?r> <? >i !. .. ' ' - * ' 1 " i FORT MILL TIMES. VOL. XIV. FORT MILL, S. C., THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 8,190C>. NO. 45. MILLION DOLLAR FIRE Over a Million Bushels Wheat Destroyed BURNING OF A GRAIN ELEVATOR Mighty Pillar of Fire by Night at East St. Louis. Entailing a Loss of Over 81,000,000, Besides Destrucm tion of Near-By Stables. Last ^t. Louis. 111., Special.?The l iiion Klevator, containing a million bushels of wheat, was destroyed by lire, entailing a loss of more than >si ,<mhi,<mim. i nc lire spred i<? me >lnhles of the St. Louis Transfer Co., a ml 20(1 horses and 200 wagons were burned, as well as the stables. The lire started in a brick engine house itO feet t'rom the elevator. Before the arrival of tin' tire department, the Ikitues had spred to the elevator. Assistanee was sent from St, Louis ami the etTeets of the tiremeu were prineipally directed toward preventing the tire spreading to adjoining elevators and warehouses, the I'nion Klevalor having been converted into furnace within a few minutes after it caught lire. Seven dwelling houses were destroyed. being covered with burning oil by the explosion of four tank* Tin' occupants id' the housesicscaped unhurt. The oil tanks which exploded were standing nearly -1(1(1 yards north of the elevator. They belined to the WatersI 'ieree Oil ('oinpain. 8140,000 Fire at Valdosta, Ga. \ aldosta. (la.. Special?A lire starting in the paint shop of the I lendersou-Crawford Buggy Company caused a loss of $140,000. The properly destroyed iieing the |titiitt shop of tin* buggy company, including the Georgia ."Himin*rn itaiiwnv lrci^ni depot, t eight loaded cars, 1(> cot tali's. Hit* \ alilosta Laundry, and Avnunir Company's warehouse. The heaviest losers are the Henderson- C ran t'oril Huggy Company. which carried a slock v..lue?i at $(10,000 and occupied a building worth $50,000. The eoiupaity carried insurance for about twoI liird s of this loss. The railroad losses I were from $15,000 to $20,000. Much of the merchandise in the de|?ot was carried out, though considerable damaged. Factory Burns in New York. New York. Special.? The six-storv factoiy building at 107-11.'! tirauil street as thi* corner of Mercer street, in the heart of the silk and linen district wsa hunted with a loss exceeding $250,000. Charles Sehoolliotise vV Sons, iiiauufaeturers of ribbons, lost SI00,000. fully insured, and Hernhard, l llman & Company, dealers in yarns, embroideries and braids. $150,(Min. partially covet.?d by insurance. The lire was spectacular, hursting from all the windows within a few minutes after the lirst alarm was ><uiiided. S<? many thousands <>!' people were attracted to tiie scene that police reserves from eight down-town precincts had to ho summoned. A liretuan and a policeman were sli?tl> hurt. Not Half Over at Savannah. Savannah, (hi. Special?The (iroene and liaynor trial will enter upon its fifth week and the introduction of documentary evidence will he continued. It is exported that the week may see the close of evidence a Ions; this particular subjects of contracts, which has been followed for the last few da\s, and that witnesses may be examined touching; the character of the work done in the river ami harbor improvements. The progress of the trial continues slow and it is not heIieved to he half over. Fierce Rioting in Paris Church. Maris, My ('able.? As a net result of rioting though the inventory was taken in hnt one church, that of St. I'ierre-t i roseaillou. over AO persons were severely injured and a further considerable number slightly injured. Tile latter i?n.ln.1?.l .. i ? * iiiiiiilJIT <M pill Iff si ml liremen. who wen' almost blinded with cayenne jiopper. Fit'tv arrests were made. Storms in North Atlantic. Si. Johns', N. F., Special. The steamer Chimin. Captain Chambers, of ilie Fitrnoss-Allen Line, which saileil t rom Liverpool .January 'J.'t. tor St. Johns' ami Halifax, nrriveil here al ter a stormy passage. Last Snnilav during a hurriean a member of the j crew was washed overboard and drowned. The steamer sustained sundry damages from being swept by seas. The schooner Canadian, Captain Miesner. which sailed from Cadiz l>eeeinher .'HI. for this, also arrived bringing reports of terrible weather experienced in the North Atlantie. COUNTESS ASKS DIVORCE [ Countess dc Castelane, Through Representatives, Begins Proceedings in French Courts Against Husband. I'aris. llv (Countess Boni do ('astollance (formerly Anna Gould.) entered a pica for rjvoree. Keprow'iilulives of the coiurrss and the count apjH'ared before .Iu4<*e Henry Diettes. of I lie Court of Fifct Instanee, >vho. in conformity with the French law. etiilonvi. <: ? ?" mi i uii(;v a v-wiicauni'Mi bo foil1 allowing a dfjinito suit. to proceed. 11 is sn i?l on unquestionable qutliority Hint .ludir Diette's efforts wore not successful the countess absolutelv declined to resnnie her relations with her hushniuK nml that after repeated hut vain attempts by Count ?lo <'astcllane"s advisers to arrange a sotlleiuut. the representatives of the eount ami eountess k*ft the court ami that the suit will prtceeii. y Another judicial effort at reeoneilintioti will almost certainly be made before the suit euiuea to trial in the ordinary course. No decision lias Weu reached relative to the eventful custody of the children of the count and countess, but they being under age. will for lie present nalurallv remain with th?ir mother. Friend's of the Coniit and Countess de Castellanee express litiie hope that any sol just incut of their differences will he brought abon , but as divorce pr edings under tlac French law are [ very lenghty. new ihvetopmeiits may occur before the ease comes up for rill! A decree eaiilict be ttronouilced under from three to six months. Packers' Agent "Jnder Fire. i Mo........ < -i . |" . I.II. ? lit* III1IV WHIICSS on i In- si mill in the moat puckers* Ilor i111111it11 iI \ eas? was ('. M. McKai lam-, oliirc uianagir tor Main- \ Co. Ilis evidence related to the liinnner in which infonmtion was given to the agents of the government in the otliee oi Morris \ < V>. The evoss-cx;i in i i in I it > 11 hv District Attorney Morrison was c\-cccdiugly dinrp. Just lielore the ail.journment of court the district attorney pul some leading ?|iieslions regarding the. working of llie < t|i|ienlieimer Com ?any, whieh. it is asserted hv the grvernment. was one of the aflilateil eoueerns through whieh the packers eon rolled the pi ieos of by-products. He made the direet assertion that the witness was not tolling the truth in his answers, and brought on a warm legal argument in which all the attorneys in the ease took part. The questions regarding Oppenlieimer iV Co.. were finally ruled out by the court. Brokers Charged With Fraud. New York, Special.? John S. White, president of (lie luipwial Trustees Company, of Jersey City, and Kohcrt (i. Uuxioii and Clyde Cdt. brokers of this rity, were nrtestci l?y I'liited States Marshal llenkil. on indictments charging tlieiu with using the * * * n? uciniiiii. II i< alleged that Coll :i11<I Itii.Mon sent >ut thousandol' circulars setting i'orlli licit lliev reptesented clients with millions of iillo capital to invest in lirst-elass sceiirities. Wlmn visited by representatives of various concerns, it is alleged that It u \ I on and Colt proposed to handle the securities offered, providing tliey wore .guaranteed by the lin|?erial Trustee Company, of Jersey City. While charged sums latigiiu from $200 to $."?.000 for gunrauteei nj the securities. Funding Board Purchases S50.000 State Bonds. Nashville. Speeinl.?The funding board pureliased $10,000 of State bonds, paying 0t? 1-2 therefor. This pureliase comes out of 15(00 surplus. Forty lltousaiid out of last vein's snrplus also went t <? the pure base of bonds, at llie same priee. I Cumberland Co. Increases Capital*to S17.000,000. Naslnille. Special. At the annual meeting: of the stockholders of the Cmnhcrlaml Telephone A: Teh graph company, at 1 lopkinsville, and increase of $.1,20(1,000 in stock was voted. making $17,000,000 in all. It is said the proceeds will be used in improvmeiitS in the system. I Seaboard Shops at Abbeville, S. C., j Destroyed. ('linrlr-.Inn. S. Sneeial.- .A spec- I ial from Ahheville, says (lint tin* Sen . board Air L'ailroad shops and | roundhouse were destroyed by tire | Suttdax niorniiiu witli an estimated , |os;. of >'_?"?.lllio. The shops were built | in lSh_? and were actively engaged in repair work. All wood work and small parts of sis engines in the round house were luirned and their withdrawal front use until repaired is a ;ral ineouvenietiee to lie* railroad eoiitpauy. The losses are eoverod by in uirnnee ami it is understood that the buildings will he replaced at onee. I i DEADLY EXPLOSION fire On Transport Threatened Great Destruction SUSPICION OF DANGEROUS PLOT At ?ier in San Francisco, Transport Meade's Forward Hold Was Suffocating Furnace for Three Hours and Firemen Worked in Danger of Flames Reaching Tons of Explosives. San Francisco. Special.- Three men were killed and 58 injured, mostly by suffocation, in a tire that damaged the United States transport Meade $2,000 as she lay at the Folsom street pier Thursday morning. For three hours after midnight, the forward hold of the big troop ship was a suffocating furnace from which firemen wcr borne in an almost continuous stream. Relays of men I romplly stepped forward to take the places of those who were carried out unconscious. Tons of high explosives were loaded in the after part of the vessel ami the firemen worked with the possibility ever before them that the fiaines would reach this compartment. Owing probably iu tin- fact that an infernal machine was found in the bunkers cf the transport Thomas on her last voyage, the rumor was circulated that a plot had been laid to tire the Meade at sen, as she was to have departed for Manila Friday. Major ('. A. Dovol. chief of the transport service, is investigating this theory with great eare. lie is having tin* cargo taken from compartment No. 2, where the fire started to ascertain the real cause of the disaster. The Haines did not spread from compartment No. 2. Dock Captain Dun believes that some of the officers had packed matches in their trunks and that some'of these were united in loading. A thousand pieces of baggag were ruined. Trunks, boxes, and barrels were water-soaked or burned. ^Yearbig apparel and household furnishings were ruined. One officer places the damage to personal effects at $30,000. The vessel is not seriously injured and will be ready to sail for Manilt on Saturday. For N. & W. Stock Fraud. Ivnoxville, Tenn., Special.?C. S. Northrop, accused of using the Tinted States mails to defraud was bound over by the I'nited States Court at Omaha, Neb. lie gave bond in the sum of $'2,000. Northrop is charged with having written letters while miner the jurisdiction of the Omaha court by means of which he disposed of worthless Norfolk & Western stuck. Northrop, it is charged, secured in excess of $'20,000 by his operations in Knoxvillc and Jefferson City. Some of the land which lie secured on money raised on alleged worthless stock was deeded hack to parties involved, hut in sin I a n P ?I. I ? ? ? -J ,u>Kf iiviiiiiu|i i> sum to have gained several thousands. Order Big Advance in Lumber. Norfolk, Special.- -The most sensational advances ever recorded in the price of lumber in the South Atlantic Slates was ordered at a meeting of the North Carolina Pine Association here Thursday. The price on all grades of lumber was advanced $2 a thousand feel for some of the better grades and $5 on some other grades, principally the lower. West Virginia Mine Disaster. Roanoke, Special.?A report reached here of the terrible explosion which occurred about f> o'clock Thursday afternoon in what is called the "Rail Knob" Mine,, No. 2, one of the operations of the Red Jacket Coal and Coke Company, near Dclorme Mingo county, W. \ a. Cp to 7.30 o'clock one miner already dead, and three others serious1 - ? * ' iy injured, have been taken out of the shaft. The names of the victims ere not yet known. The victims are believetl to number many more. Kills Man Found With Wife. Moultrie, (Jn., Special.- Dr. It. Lindsey, a prominent physician of tliis e.ity, returned to his home and found I*. J. Williams with Mrs. Lindsey. Dr. Lindsey drew a revolver and opened tire upon Williams killing him instantly. At a late hour Dr. Lindsey was still at his o(Tire and no effort t<? arrest him had been made. The coroner J has ordered an inquest. | L * t I This Is the Approved Method. She runs to the gate us he comes, there to meet him; The joy that she feels In her smile is expressed. With wifely embraces she Iovingl\ gleets hint: She knows In* Is weary uud needs a Rood rest. But first. It Is certain he ought to have dinner. lle'll foel a den| better, she's sure, after that. The lady is wliat we would nil rail a "winner. ' She knows what to do when she wants a new hat. i She wears his pet gown and she's mighty good looking: She has. which is lucky, his favorite dlslt; The coffee Is worthy the test of lit* cooking: Hi' seems to have alt a m^rf mortal could wish. She talks to hln? guyly. her silvery laughter Rings out at his joking so ready and pat. lie has his suspicious of what she is after But then it Is cheap at the price of a hat. She brings his rdd jacket when dinner Is ended. lfi? slippers and pipe, not forgetting the ? match. And when oh' the lounge he Is fnlrl.v ex' tended She gets out her basket to darn and to patch. Oh. synles may sneer at the marriage relation. But what hal' so sweet as that nice, cosy chat? And what does It matter If soon conversation Insensibly turns to a new winter hat? ?Chicago Newa. Sweater. Where the rlter brawls loud In the depthc of the glen. And the treea bend abo\e. 1 can see you again: I can see the blue grapes. And can bear the in call I's nwny to the meadows. Where daisies are tali. And the cliffs are as his'' And as broken and brown. And the path that of old We ?<> ..ft clambered down Still twists down Us face As It then used to do. Past each steep where of n!-'. I was glad to help you. And I know the huge rod; Siilits the torrent in two. Ann I know where the shallows Sung sweetest to you. And I know that these mem' rig J Are sweeter by far lMian the scenes of to-day Thai 1 wander in are. - Houston Post Stories Told of Prof. Park. Prof. Park, bo long tht? especial light at Andover Theological Seminary. when u young man studied in Germany. His acute mind made htm ?,? ? ~ r * v. . ? .... i.-uui ui me proieasors. inu eminent Dr. Tholuck, after being driven Into a corner in an argument with the young Amarlcan. exclaimed, "Now I am sorry that Columbus discovered America." When Prof. Park, at Andover, was asked by a student, the reason for the tower of Pisa, he quickly answered: "No doubt, the contractor did not pay his men promptly, so that they were compelled to put a lean on the tower." Prof. Park was very particular to call bis students by name. One day he met a man by the name of Jones. Not. wishing to betray the fact that he could not r'call his name, he said: "By the way, how do you spell your name?" The student with some surprise. exclaimed: "Jones. Is there any other way of spelling it?" Father is always al'lcr us children to save our money. "And do you follow his advice?" "We did for a while, l?ut whatVllia- use/ The old man borrows t/"f So. - 'St.' ov' ( SEA HABIT tltfTeranr* Thit Side the Water. The jv j ut .effect upon the heart I of caffeine in coffee cumiot but result ; In the gravest conditions, iu time. Kneli attack of the drug (and that ! means each cup of coffee) weakens the ' orgnns a little more, and the end is | niluinii ;? uiuiuT oi maiuema ileal dem- ] onstratlou. A lady writes from a i Western Ktatr: "I nm of German descent and it was natural that 1 should learn at a very early age to drink toffee. T'ntil I wns twenty-three ;ears old I thank scarcely anything else it my meals. "A few yea s ago I begun to be af- j fected by a sttadily increasing nervousness. which eventually developed into a distressing heart trouble tiiat made me very weak and miserable. Then, some three years ago. was added asthma in its worst form. My sufferings from these things can be better imagined than described. "During all this time my husband realized more fully than I did that coffee * is injurious to inc. and made ercry effort t ? make me stop. "Finally it v as decided a few months ngo, to quit the use of coffee absolute ly, and to adopt Postuiu Food t'offee as our bot table drink. I hud but little idea that it would help me. but con sented to try it to please my husband. I prepared it very carefully, exactly according to directions, and was delight- I1 ed with its delicious flavor and refreshing qualities. "Just so soon as the poison from the i ''oflTe/j had time to get out of my system the nutritive properties of the Postum began to build mo up. and I am now fully recovered from all my nervous urs<. Heart trouble and asthma. 1 glad, ly acknowledge that now. for the tirst time In year*, I enjoy perfect health, and that I owe It all to Postuiii." Name given by Posluni Co.. Battle Ci'ifc, Mich. Tliere'a a reason. Bead the little bool* "The Road to Wellvllle," In p';g>. r.stuni Food Coffee contains no irujje of any description whatsoever. | A Painless Cure Never resign yourself 1 pains are curable. They H conditions of the female | promptly attei ;ded to or da Vmeii n IT COMES TO W whenever she suffers from any of v It not only compels the pains to st Bi the cause of the pains, which prev Hi It makes ycu well. Try it. f3 Sold everywhere in $1.00 bol j? WRITE US A LETTER ftsj freely and frankly, in strictest contid|fl ence, telling us all your symptoms and sS9 troubles. We will send free advice (in plain sealed envelope), how t? 9M cure them. Address: Ladies'Advisory M Dept.,Th? Chattanooga Medicine Co., ffl| Chattanooga, "Venn. CONGRESS AT WORK ! I What Our National Law Makers Are Doing Day by Day. Shipping Bill in Senate. Tin* Senate passed thirty or forty niiseellaneiios hills :iik1 denoted several liottis to tlu* consideration ol' lite shipping i?i 11 -. Mills were pnsseel authorizing I lie election ol' a Delegate in Congress from Alaska: authorizing the eonstruelion o| a revt'imc cutler vessel for duty at Savannah. < ;i.; authorizing the eonst met ion of a bridge across St. Andrew's ltny. I'la . by ilie Birmingham. Columbus vk St. Andrews Uailroad t'ompany. and providing' for light houses, lisle cultural stations, ete. Most of tin* lime dcvoled to the shipping trill was consumed by Mr. lVnrosc in a sel speeedi in support of the measure. Mr. Tillman's resolution calling on the President to send the senate all iin* ii'iici's from tin- I'11i11><I Stales minister t<? Santo Itomingo in ilit* Stalf Itepartnienl in 1'dll I, was referred in tin' committee oil foreign relations. Mr. Tillman made no objccttion, lint saiil thai In* only wanted light as to whether Santo Domingo had been coerced into the present arrangement. lie saiil tin- newspapers ha?l saiil that this was the rase, while Mr. Patterson hail saiil thai the arlangement was maile at the snlieitiltion of the i>oininiean government. After Mr. Tilltnan Innl made a brief statement concerning the hills hold-* ing railroads responsible for injuries to employes, Mr. Klkius withdrew his motion for their reference to the eonimitlee on the judiciary, thus leaving them with the eommiltee on interState eomuieree. Mr. Tillman said lie had not been aware of the frei|iieul elutiige of reference for the bills. lie said that he had been instrumental in the effort to secure the change of reference hecause the inter-State eomuieree committee was so much engaged oil the inilroad rate i|ucstiou. At 'J o'clock the shop subsidy bill was taken up. Mr. Ikieou said that he would be .inclined to support the shipping bill if its operations were confined to |franting aid in the wav of liberal mail subsidies i<> steamship lines bet ween ports ..I' f l:?* 1'nited Siali-s and other ports willi which there is now mi direct romuniiiicut ion, sut'li. I'm- instance. as tin* ports of South America, lie believed that such lines should he eticnnatred. Mr. I We Never Disappo | We Fulfill Every Promise and I 53 111C OIIQC Strict 11 ro without the kt A nC UUnC pitln or detention from 'S cured never 10 rtluru, without mercury |V .. Vigor I'otltlvel; 9 //*",eh The I)r King M< ' 4 " * a) lews of the utete ? -I . iierron* hihI chron >,S \ thU inatltiillon. U '/' \ by *?ti?ITof cmtnr W' y duriuciTK In 11 ? Jjgr^V \ eed; umi both 1 1 Our offices ere c? . AfisA lea, X-rey, violet 1 i Contrlvence Iniowi ^ "| Tn"?1orn In eii-ry ' ^k. 1 truliie-l end cfllcli A ? "etui lloonseil pbvnt ,S\ \ PetroneKC -nnC.I ' \ \ \Y3: liyihle Uoiutl'in V \ lollO.OO per mon'l -*w!/ fi\ unroof u cur.' w|: '1Y BEST REFERENCE IS. CHRONIC DIS M "?P?<""?>. Hv'lr ? UNTIL CURED. r**U) N >se. rbront, lit1 N. K. K!NQ, M O Chronic Con?miino P.fvtioian. Unumur?l l> M-!i?r ' 'ijJ ..;*/> us io-d*y reicardlnn jour conditio .Cl 3 lfc2 you ?ur literature, Including . MIN-I (.TATfON, KXAMINAT a. mSEGIOALCC.. 2'd lam??a? I? i of Cirrabfe Pain1 to suffer pain. Women's ?8 are the sign of dangerous 9 organs, which should be |y ngcrous results will 1\>How. |g ROMAN'S RELIEF woman's bitincr jinrt W??nl**nlne? o & K"""" H op, but it follows up and drives out ents them front coming back. "WITHOUT A PAIN," H writes A\ary Shelton, of Poplar B Bluff. A\o., " I c-n do my housework, although, before taking CARDUI, two H doctors had done me no good. I can H truthfully say I was cured by C.ardui SP I want everv suffering lady to know of W this wcnJeriul medicine." Sj S|io()!ii'!' sttinrested thai t!s? hill wotihi alTord eiicotirnu'oniciit only to In rue eoiieerns. a- vessels would reeeive sub >i?ly for hut 1(1 year.-. Sueli vessels would then eotne into emu petition v.:{11 subsidized ships, with the inevitable result, as lie thoiiuld. of foreilljj their scale to the buyer companies operating suhsiili/.ed vessels. Mr. (Jalliinrer inlimaled a willinjrnesj? to amend the hill to meet the oh.jeet *>n. Mr. Penrose declared that for 'JO years after 1S7J no trans Atlanlie yes-el- had heen laimelie.l oil tlie Mel eware ami that the reeord for liiirtv years was only ten while the t'lvde had launelied hundreds. lie eonteml ell that American labor should be preteetod in the ship yards as well as in the iaetories. Mr. ('arter expressed the opinion tlull tIn- hill would ho endorsed hy the entire Roekv moiintjiin m Penrose deelared tSi?* report. i Vi:tt I \va> a ship building trust i?> be "a dement of the inia^ination." Rate Bill in House. < 'onsiderable fault was foinnl with tlu- railroad rate bill in the House, eonsiderini: the fact tbat it is I he measure of both parlies. Mr. LittleHeld, ot Maine, opened up with a whirlwind speech in wliieh In* pointed out the drustieaud far-nraeliini:" elVeel of its provisions. The eoinmit lee, lnsaid. had jp?no inueb farther than the President has recommended and inneh farther than he was willing to ?o. lie will not vole I'm* I lie bill. Mr. I ,ll I leliebl said lie would delli oust rale I lie inenpncitv of the inter Stale eoinmeree commission. and from their own records. "And." he added. "I will irive I hem that square deal that we hear talked of so inneh and see so little practiced."' The eoininission had been overruled two-thirds ill l lie |;in**. In* said. I In* hill | iiivided seven <*<?id 111i*sinners mill made four a <|uoruui ami it was possible t 11* I lie I 'resident t" remove llifee ami leave all tlie power ill llm majority of I lie remaining four. It would lie llien thill this dangerous power wiiihl rise up and eurse its makers. Mr. (!ro* veil nr. of Ohio, ridiculed the alleged popular dettiaml I'm the legislation. picked (laws in the eniistruetion hi" the bill, emnplaiiied beeauise no atneiulinents were to he tl lowed, and concluded with the statement hat he should do his best to eel the bill oil! of the House at (he earliest possible moment, which was taken to man that lie would vote tor it. lint Our Patients. I lever Hold Out False Hopes. ? or* ?r tiiiiigln unit V?rlc<if?l? without E t.Mi?lnr*?; Conl?(loui Itlood Polmoi or mineral nnniro; I.on* of Monty I y cured; no ntlmiilniit lint pnrmnnent. ^ uiv-i > v. >n iisgioiion orumir'a tinner inn K it Georgia for the treatment and ourrofall H to di*aasr?. Dr. ?!. K. Kin*. the founder of E lilt! cblef Cmsulllnf k^rclalllli being anal* tinl K nt physician* nnd urgoolia. H 30 treatment of chronic disease* la nnaurpae- jfl nodical and electrical agencies. 51 I>iI|?i*?U with a I tin- gilv.mlc, fnradle batfcr- B iny.ntid f'ln*? n ray: In fact, every electrical K 1 lo the medical profession. Ournnltar'.um la U rcspiTt, and we employ tioiin hut the fiost H nt attendants. regularly qualified graduate* K elms lieltig In chime. K misleading nn-au* to aecure patlenla and E >. Il.'ior u mis kid for llioraluru are sent out H Our term* lor treatment uverngo from $.' On t medicines Included) and wi-Kive tlic iu>sur- ff thin a specified time. Si r ? ere We mioceasfully troat nod perm a- l{ iCAOLdi nciitly cure ail chr< nlc diseases V ry ano Itludder troubles, Ithctiuinthm, ttoelo. Drain* I.o**r . etc.. end nil l'rlvate 1; ar.d malignant ir.nbl'*. (infttrrli of the r nd anil I.unii*. IM.soasos of Kyo Hnd K ir, E| ira of Women, such an Displacement*. ttg yes. and *<ich of women, n If you urn sick or aflllcred On request we ij symptom hlanlt* fur ho inn treatment i ,t ION AM) AIIIICK F1IHK W