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/ I 7lieutenant bowman. HOURS ! PE-RU-NA CURED HIM. i Cold Affected Head and Throat? I Attack Was Severe. Cha* W. Bowman, ImI I.ieut. and \<1 j. 41li M. S. M. C-uv. VoIm., writes trotu l.atiham, Md., iM follows: "IIioiikIi nutiicwhul averse to patent medicine*, and still more tv?r? to l>ooom- j iiik a professional affidavit man. it seems only a plain duty in the present instance to add my experience to the eolnmns ,il- , ready written coneernniK the urutive power* of l'cruna. j " / have been partle.ula rl y benefited , | <111 </M uao /<-. <M n... '/ I -...I I throat. I hare hern able to full y eu re 1 tii linel/ of a most ne'ere attack in 1 forty-eiyht bourn by it* u?c accord- | iny to df reel ions. I mite It a* a pre- | em live whenever threatened with an attack. "Members of my tMiiuly iImo us it for like ailments. We an* recommending it to our friends." When tlie church seeks uieu it will hnv? 110 trouble in finding money. Omm Itlood. Skin Troubles. I'aurar, ttloo<l I'otaon. Blood PurlHar Pre*. It your blooil la impure, thtn. diseased, luil or full of humors. If you have blood , poison, cancer, carbuncles, anting sores, scrofula, eczema, Itching, risings aud lumps, scabby. pimply skin, bono pains, oatarrb, rheumatism, or any blood or skin disease, tnko Botanic Blood Balui (B. li. B.) according to directions. Boon >ill sores , aches and pairs stop, the blood is made pore and rich, b avlug the skin free from every eruption, and giving the rich glow of perfect health to the skin. At the same tline B. B. B. improves the digestion, cures dyspepsia, strengthens weak kidneys. Just the medicine for old people. *w tt gives (horn new, vigorous blood Dfugglsts, ft pur large bottle, with direotlous for home 1 ore. Sample free and prepaid by writing Ulood Balm Co., Atlanta. <la. Describe trouble and special free medical advice also sent in sealed letter. B B. B. is especially advised for chronic, deep-seated cmre of impure blood aul skin dis lose and cures iritrr all else falls. ? Tumors Conque With Unqualified Success of Vegetable Compound and Miss Adams. One of the greatest triumphs of Lvdia 11 R Pinkham's Vegetable Compound ia!? the conquering of woman's dread 1 <iaemy, Tumor. So-called " wandering pains" may j, come from its early stages, or the presence of danger mnv be made manifest by excessive monthly periods aecom- J panied by unusual pain extending from * the abdomen through the groin and I thighs. If yen have mysterious pains, if there h *re indicationsof inflammation, ulcera- J" fcion or displacement, don't wait for ? time to confirm your fears and go j through the horrors of a hospital operation; secure Lydia K. Pinkharo's Vege- a table Compound at once and begin o its use and write Mrs. Pinkhain of K Lynn, Mass., for advice. * Read these strong letters from grate- j fill women who have been cured: j Dear Mrs. Pinkham:? (First letter.) n "In looking over your book I see that your t medicine cures Tumors. 1 hare been to a g lo-tor and he tells me I have a tumor. I > will he more than grateful if you can help t me, as I do so dread an operation."?Fannie o D. Fox, Bradford, Pa. Dear Mrs. Pinkham:? (Second Letter.) j "I take the litierty to congratulate you on . the success I have had with your wonderful { medicine. " Eighteen months ago ray periods stopped Bhortly after I relt so badly I submit ted to a thorough examination by a pay- T sician, and was told that i had a tumor * and would have to undergo an o|?erat4on. r " I soon after read one of your advertisemanta and decided to give Lydta E. Pinkham' s Vegetable Compound a trial. After taking five bottles as directed, the tumor M % entirely gone. 1 have again ixn-n examined i f Lydla E. Pinklwa's Vegetable Compound s HEAD COVERED WITH HUMOR. Bothered With Itching For n Long Tint ?Kentucky Lady Row Completely Well?Cored by Cot leu ra. "After using Cuticura. Soap, Ointment, ind Pilla, I am very glad to aay I am sntirely relieved of that itching humor of :he head and acalp which I was bothered tvith quite a length of time. 1 did not lse the Cuticura Remedies more than hree times before I began to get better, md now 1 am completely well. I sufprtul with that 1, 1- _ - > 1 v?.?v imiiiui uu mv qcru, ana ound no relief until I took the Cuticura Remedies. I think I used scvcr^L. cake* ?f Cuticura Soap, three boxes or\)intnent, and two vials of Pill*. I am doing ill I can to publish the Cuticura Remelies, for . ?ey have done me good, and 1 mow they will do others the same. Mrs. dattie Jackson, Mortonsville, Ky., June 2. 1905." There is a communion that does- not lepend on communication. 'ITS permanently cured. No flt? or nervousiess after 11 rst day's use of Dr. Kline's Groat serve Restorer,V2trial bottle nndt reatisefrcs Dr. R.H.Kline, Ltd.,931 Areh St., riilla., I'a. In London about 4000 persons regularly nake a living by begging. A Guaranteed Cure For Piles. ftehln^. Blind, Bleeding. 1'rotrudlug Piles. Druggists aro authorized to refund money'' t'nyoOintment fnils t <> cure in 6 to 14 duvs.50c. The annual coal bill ol tlie Pennsylvania Railroad system is $18,000,000. ltobUeil In Clturoli. .lust think what nn outrage tt is to be robbed of all the benefits of the servirea by continuous coughing throughout the congregation, when Anti-CJripine is gttaranIced to cure. Sold everywhere. 25 eta. F. W. Diemer, 11. L>.. manufacturer. Springfield. Mo. There has been a great demand for pure bred cattle in Argentina recently. state or Onto, Citt or Toledo, 1 Lucas Couxtt. 1 ' * Frank .1. Cuknky make- oath that he Is onior partner of the llrm <>t 1". .1. t'henf.T A !'o., doing business in the City of Toledo, County ami State nforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of one hundred dollars for eaeh and every ease of catahiiii that cannot be cured by the use of llM.i/a L'atarru Cuiie. Frank .1. C it knit. Sworn to before ine and subscribed in my . presence, this tSth day of Pwmn1 seal. ( ber, A.D., 188(1. A.W.Gleakon. ' ??' A'olary Public, Hall's Catarrh Curs Is taken internally,aud acts directly on the blood an.l mucous surfaces of tht* system. Semi for testimonials, tree. F. J. Cheney .V Co., Toledo, O. Hold by all Pruggist*. 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. oil i mu is hi ways a conservative when sin is on the throne. Piso's Cure Is the best medicine \r?* ever used for nil attentions of tliroa nnil lungs.?Wv O. Kni?sl.ey. Vanburen, Ind.. Feb. 10, l'.HIO Kaeh season Dundee sends her whaling fleet to the Arctic. To Cure h Cnltl in One bur Take T.nzntlve Broruo Quinine Tablets. Druggists refund money if it fails to euro. E. W. Grove's signature on em-li box. 25c. Dundee is tlie only port in the hritieh isle:) that owns whuleahip*. Tavlor's Cherokee Remedy of Sweet Gum and taulleu is Nature's great remedy- Cures Coughs, Colds, Croup and Consumption, and all throat and lung troubles. At druggists, 25c., fcOo. and fl.00 per bottle. Getting into debt is an easy way ">f going to the devil. So. 5-'00. ired \out Operations Lydia E. PinKham's in Cases of Mrs. Fox >Y the physician and he says 1 have no signs r a tumor now. It ha* also brought my teriods around once more; and I am ntlrcly well. I shall never 1k? without a l>otle of Lydia Plnkham's Vegetable Compound n the house."?Fannie D. Fox, Bradford, Pa. Another Cane of Tumor Cured >y Lydia E Piakhuni's Vegeta>le Compound. >ear Mrs. Pinkham:? " About three years ago I hail intense |>aJn a my stomach, with cramps and raging eadacbas. The doctor preacrilied for me, ut finding that I did not get any better he xamined me and, to my surprise, declared had a tumor. 'I folt sure that it meant mv death warrant, nd wa* very disheartened I spent hundreds f dollars in doctoring, hut the tumor kept rowing, till the doctor said that nothing but n operation would save me. Fortunately I orresj?onded with my aunt in one of the New Cnglnnd States, who Ad vised me to trv Lydia 5 Plnkham's VegetnbleComuound lieioresubnitting to an operation, ana I at once started fining A regular treatment, finding to my reat relief that my genera! health begr.n to mprove, and after three months I noticed ha. the tumor had reduced in *iza. I kept n taking the Compound, and in ten month* t had entirely disappeared without an o|>er .tion, and using no medicine hut Lvdia K. 'inkham's Vegetable Compound, and words ail to exprcaahow grateful I am for the good t has done me."?Miss I.uella Adams, Oolonlade Hotel, Seattle, IVash. Such unqueat ion able tostimony iroves the value of Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound, and should give lonfldence and hope to every tuck votnan. Mrs. Pinkham invites all ailing vomcn to write to her at Lynn, Mass., or advice. i a Woman's Remedy for Women's Ills. . \ Ir A DESPAIRING WOMAN. If ilk. Ntrroo* u4 Wr?t?h?d Troia WMUD( EMMJ TtmMU. Mrs. Henry A. Reamer, Mam and Garst Sts.. South Rend, Ind., days: 4'\Vhen I began using Donn'n Ktduey Tilts I was so weak I could f ffil hardly drag tnytf ^ 3Pl^ across the jKpg>* wretched and ncrvous. and liad backache, benrins down pain. eS^Mm headache, dizaslJ^.Oj&r ness and weak vjrvn. urupsy ser in and Moating of the chest choked me and threatened the heart . I had little hope, but to my untold surprise Doan's Kidney Pills brought tne relief and saved my life. I shall never forget it." Sold by all dealers. !">() cents a box Foster-Milburu Co.. Buffalo, N. Y. A man never blows his own horn until the silence has become more than lie can bear. _________________ STOPS BELCHING BY ABSORPTION -NO DRUCS-A NEW MET HODA Itoi of tVahn Free?Unfit Ton Acute Indigestion. Stomach Trouble. Irregular Heart. I)liiy Spelts, Short ltrnatli, <la? on the Stomarht Bitter Taste?Bad Breath?Impaired Appetite?A feeling of fullness, weight and pain over the stomach and heart, sometimes nausea and vomiting, also fever and sick headache? What causes it? Any one or all of these: Excessive eating and drinking?abuse of spirits?anxi?ty and depression?mental effort?mental worry and physical fatigue? bad air?insufficient food?sedentary habits ?absence of teeth?bolting of food. If you suffer from this slow death and miserable existence, let us send you a sample box of Mull's Anti-lielch Wafers absolutely free. No drugs. Drugs lujure the ' stomach. ; it stops belching and cures a diseased i stomach by absorbing the foul odors from ! undigested food and by imparting activity to the lining of the stomach, enabling it to thoroughly mix the food with the gastric juices, which promore* digestion anil cures the disease. This offer may not appear i again. | 1 1230 COOD FOR 23c. 145 | i 1 Send tin* coupon with your name and addrea* and your druggist's name and 10c. in stamps or silver, and we will bupply you a sample free if you have never used Mull's Anti-Belch Wafers, and will also send von a cer- ' titivate good for 25c toward the pur chase of more Belch Wafers. You will tind them invaluable for stomach trouble; cures by absorption Address Mull's (Jrape Tonic Co.. '128 3J Ave.. Rock Island. Ill Givt full Addreaa and U'nfe r'dinly. All druggists. ;>0c. per bos, or by mail upcu teceipt of price Stamps accepted. Preaching hell in the spirit of hell will only drive men in that direction. Sa ear lOOri Sale*. The total distributive sales for 1005 exceeded S'iOO.OOO.OOO. ? This t of A1 ix r^?ii7Ml i"pAm ^ha of fresh nun Ls (beef, mutton nnd pork), provisions, produce (poultry, butter and eggs), soups, glues, oils, bones, fertilizers, f^Jtors. casings, hides, wools, pelts uiu^^her by-product* derived from cuttle^Lheep, hogs and poultry. Mnrnin of I'rertt. The iud stry is operated gin of less t.<.:u 2 cents to each dollar of sales, cwift &. Co. do not sell ! at retail. Their ?itire output is sold, at wholesale to many thousands of dealers in various parts of the world. There are hundreds of local slaughter era throughout the United States, who buy their live stock in competition with the packer doing an interstate and international business. Likewise the packer must sell in competition with the local slaughterers. There are no secret processes in the industry, no complicated and expensive factories, nnd as live stock can be purchased in : almost every hamlet and city, and the j preparation of meats is simple in the extreme, local slaughtering will long remain a factor in the fresh uieuts and provisions. Krnnotulc Ailvittiljici-a. The large parking houses will, however. always have these advantages: locations at the chief live stock centers, with the opportunity to buy the best live stock. manufacturing in large quantities, ut the minimum of expense; utilisation of all waste material; refrigeration; mechanical appliances; highly efficient business management. These advantages are reflected in the quality of the packer's output, a quality that has reached Its highest development in the products bearing the name and brand of "Swift." t'nrrlimlng I.lve Stork. The principal live Rtork centers are Chicago, Kansas City, Omaha, St. .? ?. ;"" 'i':_ Iteh anrtd In SO minutes by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion; never (alls. Bold by Druggists. Mall orders promptly filled by Dr. Detcbon. Crawfordsvllle, Ina. #1. Coke calls lor 40,000,000 tons of coal this year. There are no pre-dotermined deathbed repentances. Good Teeth <& Good Temper Are characteristic of the | Atkins Saws always. That is because they are I made of the best steel in the world ? Silver Steel ? by men that know how. Atkins Saws, Cam Knives, Perfection Flaar bcrapcrs, etc., are sold bv alt good hardware dealers. Catalogue on request. ' E. C. ATttlNS (EL CO. Inc. l.argest haw Manufacturers in the World Factory and Executive Oflicea, Indianapolis Bramchrs? Nscw <Vork, Chicago, Minneapolis Portland (Oregon), brattle, ban Francisco Memphis, Atlanta and Toronto (Canada) ' Accept no aubititute? Insist on the Atkins Brand | [ SOLD BV GOOD DLALLRb [MPf WPK^Tl *** *?M?t?sa..s|.liflflrnn^r,^rMf)fiiuiui>w>A^AftftV"'JU*/M^>^' II of liberally using our fertiliI ft, id to pay off a mortgage f *1 on the old farm Read tbo'folt 1 lowing from Messrs. W herry 1 ft & Son,owners of the Magnolia 1 I\ Fruit Farm, Duriint. Miss.\ IV "Wemado $H00 froui one aero Ijr strawberries. on which your fertill7.ers tvenj used. Eight years ago wo bought tills place tinNp! ut V-0 per aeie. It was then considered to have been worn out twenty years before, but r_ by liberally using Virginia-Carolina Fertilizers under peas and velvet beans, we can now grow almost anything, and havo been ottered $360 per acre for the place. Wo experimented with a great manv brands of fpr?lllT?M but find tho highest percent, cheaper." Now don't you think Virginia-Carolina Fertilizers would onablo you to pay off a w?\ mortgage If you had one.' Well, don't ubo any other. Vlrglala-Carollna Chemical Ca.^^m Richmond. Va. Wl Norfolk. Va. Durham. N. C. Charleston, 8. C. Baltimore. MiL Atlanta. Oa. Savannah, Oa. Montgomery, Ala. fVH Memphis, Tonn. y|| Shreveport. l.a. taa | So. r.-'06. ivift & ( T.onis, St. Joseph, St. Paul and Fort Worth. Tlio same methods of purchasing cattle, .sheep and hogs prevail at all cities. At Chicago, which is the largest market, there are about two hundred and fifty buyers, representing packers, local slaughterers in various eities, and exporters. Of this number, less than a score are employed by Swift A- Company. The farmer ships his live stock to Chicago, consigns them to a commission firm at the 1'nion Stock Yards who sees that they are unloaded and put in pens. Then the buyers inspect them, make their offers to the com mis sion dealer, who aeeepts or rejects as his judgment dictates. All buying must be finished at 11 o'clock each day, and the buyer must pay s|h?i cash. If the commission man has no satisfactory offers, he ean hold his stock over to the next day. lie gets his commission from the farmer, and naturally strives to get the highest possible price for his client, W halrfslr I>i?trit>utiiiK IJntiiei. A wholesale distributing house is a giant refrigerator, but instead of shelves there are trolley rails, from which are suspended hooks to hang the carcasses. Some of the houses cost as much as a hundred thousand dollars to build and equip. As a rule they are of pressed brick, the ilisides being lined lloor. walls and ceiling with highly polished hardwood. The tloor$ are eovercd daily with fresh sawdust and all are kept spotlessly clean. There are over three hundred of these wholesale nouses in various cities of the United Stntes, niul the public is always welcome to visit them. I'x'kine I'lmit*. All the Swift A- Company plants are located at the great live stock markets, in the heart of the great agricultural sections, where can he purchased the finest grades of cattle, sheep and hogs. We huve seven packing plants, employing at each from two to eight thousand persons. The following gives the locations and sizes of the different plants: t' - '. \ * -i ?j?s?aeac price. |j=^ai ct? m l^toawethe6hp|d^ ii11 r4*. in one day ml * ? j MmwMvzmi Tabbage plants, celery moat reliable seedsmen. We use the same plants on ou ed and proper I.r packed. Celery ready last of Dec. I. ( abhaK*' rt*ady now Kt'ducnd oxiireM rttei Dfoniiscd than merchandise rate*. I'rloes: ~>tnall loU 111 <*> oer i B Nenetta. S. a Arlington White stSne CueumbTr S United States Agricultural I opartment hat esiaMMhc. kind, or vegetable.. e.peclaUy^h^ tffKliiuii at any time. Yours respectful*. W. H. HT( B [?Farn SrE KY/ -o Is the Be | jjy ycD Kills a Sp Very Pen< |f/rrf\ \ DR. EABLS. SLOAN, ?OOD, big " can not be out a liberal am< in the fertiliser ten per cent. It i form of Sulphatt highest quality. "Plant Food" and "Truck : books which tell of the success! j other garden truck?sent free t Address. UeRMAd New York-OJ Numu Simt. or Dompan Nrlilnn Plants. I ' Floor t Boildtnga, Space, I^and, Acres. Acres. Acre*, ll Chicago 44 V, S7*4 47 u Kansas City f\ 90 19Mi a Omaha t; 23 <j St. Louis 7% 19% 31% r St. Josenh. hi.. or.1/- 101/ l _ . -'7* ".? e i St. I'aul 5 12 10 v ! Fort Wortb 3 15 22 U KmplojM. The total number of persons rmployed in nil the Swift packing plants I and branch houses aggregate over a 2(1,000 persons. Conditions for em- p ployes in the various manufacturing a j and operating departments is eontlnn- e ally improving with the construction of new buildings and the installation of new and up to-date equipment. t Sanitation and llytji.-na. The housewife makes no greater effort to keep her kitchen clean than we ' do to keep in sanitary upd hygienic a condition our abattoir*. They are thoroughly scrubbed at the close of each day's operations, and automatic appliances are used wherever possible in order to eliminate the personal hand- 11 ; ling of meats. Rigid rulds governing these points are strictly enforced; lax- '' i ii.? ujt'uiin dismissal. li Visitor* Alwn.r* lYrlflnmn. No other industry, in the world gives ? such a eordinl welcome to visitors as Swift & Co. We keep open house the year around, and maintain a corps of specially trained guides, with special elevators and rest rooms, [n one year we have entertained over a quarter of a million of men and women; in one day?Grand Army I?oy, 1001?we entertained 23,1)00. Among our visitors have been ambassadors from foreign governments, princes, noblemen and distinguished citiz"ns from all lands and eminent folks from eV'ry State in the Union. We wish to familiarize tbe public with our methods, and the best way to do that is to let tho public see 1 for itself. We have no secret processes or methods in any department. Swift'* Premium t sin* *<ul Mucin. ' Swift's Premium lining and Bacon f tf"' >5 Dropsy fi a^tta Kcbotm an mltlni la to a? 1 day.; effect* permanent euro ^#V in jo to today.. Trial treetmeot -jg.N. .Fah.r)?rn free. Nothlngeen be fairer Write Dr. H. H. Croat's Sena, ? ^SvimweliUttt. Box B Atlanta, to. D-GHIPINE GUARANTEED TO CURE COLD, HEADACHE AND NEURALGIA. X-ttrtalae to .dealer who won't Onarantre It. MONET BACK IF IT DOBSS'T ( VKE. er, M.D., Manufacturer. S^rina/trld, Mm ni tiTD and all kind, of unrrton plant*. Ml A 111 I V '"on IIOW f"rnlsh all kind* of I |_M|l I it. oaltftaire lunula. crown in the op-u air an I.will aland xre.t cold. (ir?*n from ewilt of the r thousand acre truck farm. I'liiius carefully rount , u..,vu mu iwfi pianta. Mime llmr or earlier. whlrh. when effective. will kIyo na no |ier cent, lea* housand. large lots gl.iX) to #1 '? per thousand. K. O. red 60 cents per pound. . O. II.. MeitKetta. s. c. The 1 on Kxperluiental station on our farms, to test all }f these experiments we ss ill be pleased to glee you [ COMPAXV. MEOBKTTIl, W. C. iers Say ist Remedy on Earth, avin Curb or Splint, strating. Kills Pain. I ^IBJOBAHYSTflEET^^ mealy" potatoes produced with)unt of PttTASH^ ? not less than must be in the : of Potash of Farming" are two practical ul growing of potatoes and the 0 those who write us for them. 1 KALI WORKS. Atlanta. Oa.-Z^S So. Broad Street. * re more widely and favorably know* hnn any other brand. Their popularly is due to the uniform quality and luvor of the meat, and to their tine ppearance when received from the lealer. Karh piece is branded on th? iud, Swift's Premium IJ. S. Inspectd," and wrapped iu cheesecloth and vhite parchment paper. I.ook for the brand, "Swift's Promina." when buying bams and bacon. .Swift's Silver Lr^f l.ard s a strictly pure lard, kettle reudored, nd put up in 5, and 10-pound scaled uils. It is America's Standard I.ard. ud enjoys a hitch reputation and a* uormous sale. Swift-' > nuilpB. An interesting feature of a trip lirough the Chicago plant is a visit to Me soap factory, one of the largest ml most complete in this country, ^here we manufacture numerous toilet nd laundry soaps, and washing powers. Among which are: Wool Soap, widely and favorably down; for toilet and bath, and washng tine fabrics. Crown Princess Toilet Soap, highly lerfuiuod. Swift's Pride Soap, for laundry audi lousehold use. Swift's Pride Washing Powder, unurpussed for all cleaning purposes. SwIft'B Sprrlnltlnii. Swift's Premium Ham Swift's Premium Bacon Swift's Premium Sliced Bacon Swift's Premium Lard Swift's Winchester Hani Swift's Winchester Bacon Brookfiehl Farm Suusage Swift's Silver Leaf laird jewel l.ard Compound Swift's Cotosuet Swift's Jersey Hutterine Swift's Beef Extract Swift's Be of Fluid Swift's Premium Milk-Fed Chlckei* Swift'* Soap*. Wool Soap Scented Toilet Soaps Swift's Pride Soap Swift's Pride Washing Powder. ! % 'X T fc