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ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST' | Titers nn epidewiu of mensles flnion^ the children of the town. The report of the town treasurer for the year 1905 appears in thin issue. . i On account of the very bad weather on FiidHy the Jocnl graded school suspended for the day. Messrs. W. II. Coltlinrp and Charlton Parks, of Pineville, were hero for a few hours Thursday on business. Messrs. *T. J. Bailee and J. II. M oM.niray attended the installstion of a Pythian lodge at Blaokfitock Tuesday night. The value of Fort Mill's cement pnveuu uts was forcibly impressed upon our citizens durwig the sleet und sluslj of the past week. Contrary to the general belief that tlie sun shines more or less every Saturday, Old .) skua failed to put in appearance Saturday. The taxable v.due of York county land, us given by the comptroller general in a statement fitrnished the general assembly, is $4.57 per acre. \ Misses Annie Russell and Fonts Jenkins, of Pinoville, spent several days of the past week at the home of Prof. J A. 13 >yd in this place. At a meeting of the leers of the Piedmont Fire ItiwueRioe Oo., ? f Charlotte, a few days ago Capt. S. E. White, of Lam aster, wus elected one of the directors. . \ Mr. Uluuie T!i mps >n wsspninfully burned n few dnysug by Hie explosion of a (quantity of keromi tie which he had poured into h stove at Meacham's drag sture, preparatory f? building & lire. The office of the Southern Powel Company, at Croat Falls, was burned W edu<-sday afternoon. The damage is estimated nt $2,000, v> i111 $1,000 iusutun *e. The rfecorda kept in the office were preserved. Miss Addie Davis and Mr. A. M. Baylor, <>f Montana, were married Saturday evening at 7 o'clock at the h me of the bddu'a brother, Mr. \V. H. Davis, of L >wer Steel C reek, Uev, P. 11. (Jwyun, pastor of Steele Creel Cuui oil perforating the ceremony. Although the authorities have recently spent considerable elfort and money in an effort to tepuir the town hall r>> f, the building was fairly Hooded during Friday. The putting on of a new roof* it is thought will be ueoessary to stop the leakage. . . The special te m of the court of common pleas for York coiiuty will convene at Yorkville on Monday, next, February 5. * The jury roinmissioiiers met one day the pant week and the following Fort Mill gentlemen were drawn as jurors to serve during the term: First week? Z. T. Bailee, J. S. Parks, W. D. Jvimbrell. Second week ? S. P. Wilson, J. H. McMurrny, J. Q. Oous irt, E. L. McElhaney, B. F. Maasey. County Auditor J. J. Hunter and assistant, Mr. White, sp^nt : Wedin sd.*y, Thursday and Friday i here listing the taxable property of Fort Mill township. Mr. Hunt- ] er expressed himself as highly 1 pleased at the number of returns i taken, and believed that had not : the weaiher boon ao disagreeable lie wonkl have taken every return in the township. Thus is shown the value of advertising in a p per wlticii completely covers its homo community. Mr. L. Kiser, a farmer who lives about 5 miles north of Fort Mill ' has instituted anion in a' suit' fltrUHikt 4 I * f 1o 1 n ? ? Un . - . ? ^ - - - ? nir- v nirinua A U WTl VUIJIpany for $10,000 uu account of injury to ins land and hotiie by tiie hack water from the Catawba dam. i Mr. Kiaer's plantation consists of ; about 210 acres of land, which iies on the Catawba river just beyond the Nortn Carolina line. The case ' will he heard at the March term j of Mecklenburg superior court. Fort Mill, in common with otb- 1 er towns in this section, suffered 1 heavy damage on acoouut of the j unusually severe sleet storm of Thunsday and Friday. Fruit and 1 shade trees were everywhere broken down and in some instances even uprooted. The electric light and telephone lines also suffet?>d much damage. Many wires were broken clown and h number of poles nave away under weight of the toe. The damage cannot be estimated as there is evidence of injury on every side. i The public roads are bad in many Sections of the township and farmers experience difficulty in j?ettii:tr into town. In some sections the roads are said to be in . worse condition now than they have beeu for several years, and ! the condition will not be relieved until there is plenty of sunshine . to di"3 them out. The same oon- j ditiou also exists on some of the . streets of the town, especially . tbuoe that wire recently graded. I > I n- , i-t?: - . ' > % ====== ? 11 BELK'S 11 doom: i goo: I This Er. ? We cannot affo ? are already crow ? in a few days; so ? ly great bargains ? Dress Goods, Unc 0 Etc., Etc. You w ^ the above goods. ? ets and Skirts ths ? Blankets to go to iknee, stainless 11 12 l-2c. Our prici YOUR If you are diss home and exami [mo Miss Katherine Walker returned to her hornet!) Charlotte Saturday, after a pleusant vibit to Alias Mary Ardrey 111 this place. Misses Janie Maaaey, of Rock Hill .iii.i xr....:.. r :_j * ...... aim uini it* LJIIIUHIiy, or 1 Ol'Kville, spent several days the pant week with Miss Mary Ardrey. The stores of the town will in a few days display numbers of articles suitable for gifts St. Valentine's day, which is the 14th inst. Mr. S. A. Epps entertained a pa?"ty of gentlemen friends Friday evening at bis hospitable home on Forest st reet. Everyone expressed themselves as spending a in st delightful evening. A salad course was served during the evening. A 'phone message to The Times Tuesday stated that Mr. Jno. W. Eiois continues to improve from injuries sustained in an accident at Cattvha Falls two weeks ago, but that lie will not bo able for some time yet to return to bis home here. Very few people from the Barberaviile and Pleasant Valley sections have been Been on our streets the past week. With Barbel's Bridge entirely down and bailes' bridge impassible except by foot, the people of those communities find it more convenient to go elsewhere. The town council of Pineville has contracted with the Southern Power Co. for power to htfht the principal streets and business houses and the work of erecting the lines is now well under way. The power company's lines will be tapped at the Dover Yarn Mills, on the outskirts of the village. Scarcely ha 1 Intendant Hall time to realize that he was steering the town's affaire, when he was called upon Thursday to administer justice to two prisoners who had been roped in for violating ordinances prohibiting drunks and peddling without license. Beill}; his tirst dispensation of "ex ?:..i 4 >? 41_ uniini^ oiuiuieill, nit: Hill IltTS were let down easy?$1 and $5. It w?- otbing but an ordinary 'possum, but its preseuee has been the cause of much speculation with Mr. J. H. Sutton for several days. Mr. Sutton, in tearing away tlie roof of a porch at the Leonard house near the depot, discovered between the ceiling and roof what had once been a fiue specimen of Ilia 'Possumship. Investigation failed to reveal the animal's access to such close quarters, but what is worrying Mr. Sutton, who is a : ? BIG STOE tiUi - DOC D-BYE WINTER GO Ltire Line I rd to carry any heavy g ded. Our Spring Goods ^ for the next 30 days you ?in Winter Goods. This lervvear, Men's and Boy's ill save from 25 to 50 pel We have a few Ladies' it will so at Half Price. 0 cheap to mention. 50 j lack stockings, sizes 51-2 2 during this sale, is onlj 1 MONEY E satisfied alter you have ined tliein. "big stor lover of " 'p'ssuin unci Maters" is ! that lie cli?i not tear away tlmt roof sooner. The 'possum liud been i dead for some time. I ? . - - |iromitieni Is oint event of the week will he the marriage this (Thursday) evening of Mies T >mliiie Ethel Culp and Mr. Jits. T. McGregor, uf Waltoibor". The happy event will take place in j the b ft M ill Presbyterian church ?t 8 HO o c lock and will be witnessed hy u larg? number of reintiv- s and frien is of the bridal couple The ceremony will he performed hy lie v. I)r. Jas. 11. Thoruwcll. and Mr. and Mrs. McGregor will leave on the 10.20 train for their future home at Walterboro. Mr (iambic Gives Bond. Ex-Chief of Police .T. M. G?m1 ble, who on January 13th shot and j killed Section Foreman F. N. Kd-i , wards at the depot in tliia place, ' has given bond in the stun of ' $1,500 for hie appearance at the ! March term of the court of geueral sessions for York county. I lta f il * " 4 rci-n uor U1 tllf" 11(11111*6 OI 1116 verdict (>f the jury at the in({ueHt, the coroner hesitated about issuing a warrant. ITpon learning that it was his duty to issue the warrant anyway, he did ho. Mr. Gamble was notified by Sheriff Brown that it would be necessary for hint to furoiHh bond and, in company with Mr. \V. It. Merchant, Mr. Gamble on Thursday went before A t ? i ASfOcinic justice iloneH at chambers in Columbia ami whh granted bail in the amount stated above. W. M, Dniilap, E?q., of Rock Hill bus been retained aa couuael for Mr. (Jamble. Why Capers l ost l!is Job. i The principil charge against 1 John (i. Capers, who lost the Utiij ted States attorneyship for South i Carolir.a, whh that lie allowed him* j self to be retained as counsel for J the Richland Distilling company , in an action brought against that concern by an Ashevilie, N. C., distilling concern ai a tune when there was leason to believe that the Richland concern was liable to indictment in the United States court. The charge was brought by Congressman Aiken, who laid the facts before the proper authorities. .Congressman Aiken is quoted as I saying that his action was not suggested by politics but that he did ! what he did for the best inteiest of the Stute. 11 ?0?Co???????? Efort 8 , Mill, S. C. ? "V n r n * I ? ) iVi. ?i JJ! 1 ODS, 8 iffust Go 1 & oods over, as we ivill he coming in (jj) will get unusual. ^ ? line consists of ^ i Clothing, Shoes, ? r cent 011 any of ? Raincoats, Jack- ^ 15 pairs all wool ? 3airs misses triple ?0 ! to 111-2, cheap at ^ t 8 cents per pair. ? JACK, | taken the goods Jgj I Efobt ? , Mill, S. C. | 0???y???@???0? ? ? ??M?? I JSTE'O'i3 I and. :TCEXX2NTK.! Medicine cannot be used as a ( plaything. It meat ho con si do red most seriously find ! handled most carefully. Have you not confidence in the fact that what you buy from, Ardrey is all right, and isn't thin worth a great deal to you. In time of sickness the value of t^^^satisfactiou to the patiofria incalculable. and ask yourself the Kill. Aulf VI III I- Ti J^Elsk your wife, or your child, t^^r Pricey lire very near tlm same everywhere, but don't lot that ! fit;urt- in the consideration, it doesn't t-tty. ARDREY'S DRUG STORE. ~. Let the | i| Charlctte Sieam Lanoflry I It $ < Laundtr Your Linen. ;? ji i; : j; | : i \? e have the Bifj^eat nnd <[ Host Laundry Plant in jj 11 the CarolinaB. We do more 2 | I i ' | i( work than any laundry in ? 11 the ('arolinna. We do Bet- ]j 11 tor work than any laundry v ; ![ in the South. Our amenta, 2 i, win me name is attached * 15 hereto, has instructions to J? m ^iv'? you full and complete || !| satisfaction or make no ]> <| charge. J? ![ Isn't tnnt fair dealing ? |J ;! PARKS DRUG COMP'Y, if ! \ AGENTS | ![ FORT IwiILL - - - - 8. C. | Subscribe to The Times. TDCDlSrjrJL A nilisiral Jncfrumnn A KIOV I U 111 V II you hear a genuine 1 It is more music for lc thing else ever inven talking machine that ural voice. No liars Compare it with othe machines and see foi superior it is in ever\ a polished sapphire wears out, it reproc friction, and does nc as other machines. < son Phonograph and 1 minstrel troupe right We have them at $10 hear it. It does its < L. vT. ?? 208?S??G?? S 1 SHOES AT LESS 1 <g) (S3 In taking slock, we found Womena' Shoes, sizes 3, 3 1-2, |;aiib ??f n kind. Thes>e shoes C\p 1 75 nnd $2.00. Vvu |mt tliei invito you to take ^ TTOfin i g iuurt bfluiii ] if you WHtnt n good home tliese prices will move them 01 0 3-u.iti 1.000 yards of Pomilie Sn for shirt waists, full suits and (^3 floods at IUc. & Pt.-u.T3T: A new line for men, wonn ij, > 1 M EACH At ^0?Q0?0000 @0 s III IT'S A FA' >> ? *s That we havo just roceivet * * Pros. Pauls. Possibly k about tins famous line of'] ^ ing them for t .vo seasons, * S lirst complaint. We often ?i? . ' *' jik 10 ill mikI durability. 'J the best I'aills sold in For | j B IT~] They don't cost uny tnorf once wear a pair of H. B. ' sist on buying tliein. Tlif // you don't have to make tli *>*> make a swell line of fancy 4^ ent patterns to select from | \ McEhany I 4 4 f?\+v? 'A\\N\\\\V\\\\V\\\N\\\\\\\ X j! T. 1). FAULKI w \\ fUNERAL I tj Undertaking in al the cheapest Fine C >$ State (basket. Robes M and gentlemen, Slip and Hearse Wagon. J; T. D. FAULKNE1 \NSV\ ^ \N\\\N\\%N\\N\\V%NN\\\\\^ > I 1 BTJ Y j WBMcaadbBeujiuj'ui'H f1 ' fl t of any kind until Edison Phonograph. ;ss money than anyted. It is the only reproduces the natih, grating sounds, r so called talking r yourself how far p respect. By using ball which never luces sound without >t wear the record Get a genuine Edilave an orchestra or in your own home, and $20. Call and )wn talking. lSSEY - i 'ca HAN HALF COST. | thirty or forty pairs of JST -I, -1 1-2 and 5, two and tbree 35 formerly sold at SI.25, 1.50 Q& in all in our euht window and 0 FOR 75 CENTS. 1 Shoe, come at onoe, for ngs. ft lit 11>or inrtl.jB ".Ub child reus' Ureases, apleudid A Ders. <? en and children just arrived, I & EPPS. I )890O@?008?sS E,n^*'J 0 CD EJ . 1 a brand new lot of Brand 5'5 you don't, know anything fcy L'atita. We have been selland have y*?t to hear the hear them complimented 23 ?hoy are beyond a doubt, Shi t Mill. They wear an til well y* if n 33 1 t'.inn other Penis. If yon frontiers, you will always in- &S - penis art made so that S.& in ovfi\ Bra ml Bros, also Vests. We have six differljet us sell you one, E| 5 Co | I m COMFY. |j' ^ tl its branches from ^ fl offin to the finest '0 I for children,ladies 1 pers, etc. Hearse 'Phones 12 8r34. |i R& COMPANY. ,4\A4V4l\4SA^4\43;?\<^