University of South Carolina Libraries
' n telw ^'ort gfliil Stow. DEMOCRATIC FUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY. B. W. BRADFORD. One yonr $1.00 Six months 50 Thrvee months 26 Correspondence on current subjects is Invited, but no responsibility Is assumed fo- i'ne views of corros;?ondents. Anonymous communications will not t>e published In these columns. " FEHliUAKY 1, lOOfi' A BUSINESS PROPOSITION. The publisher of The Timet it gratified to uote that the advertising patronage of the paper has reachod that point where an enlargement becomes a necessity. This fact is easily discernible by a glance at our advertising columns. We ...i ?... .-J ? i UBV4 MAW* 9 O1 OUU iUViO WO have. Bat to accomplish this we must surrender a considerable amount of cash; A largor press must bo bought, together with fixtures to operate it, and a quantity of type to fill in the additional space, .all such material is very costly and is' not sold on time. Now, tho preposition by which we are ! confronted is to raise the necessary cash, 1 and we must looh to our subscribers for a large portion of the amount. It is the Intention of tho publisher to give you a largor and better paper, but your help is neeiedOur preposition to you is this: Do you owe us anything? If so, come In and pay up. Do you object to paying a few months in advance? You should not. for we have certainly had our turn at waiting Then, drop us a dollar or two and chow your appreciation of our effortsThis appeal is nude with the hope that you will respond at cnco and not wait for us to ceo you in person. GROWING AN IGNORAMUS. It is regrettable to relato, nevertheless true, thut thoro are children in onr midst that ure being denied the Godgiven right to an education by the foolish belief or supiKmition of their parents. Information has just readied the ear of the writer of an incident which proves this beyond a doubt. It in told that a mother in one of tho mill villages was a few days ago approached upon the I ..I.SAKS nf ......-11 I -."J .i * I waujv.iIW ui ouuuiu^ 14m V IIIJ11 tU V11U pUU* lie Hchool, aiul ah an excuse and reason for hor failure to iierform this duty who replied that she did not propose to send her child to the school to have it ''run over" and "imposed upon" by the "town children." It is noodle.**, perhaps, to add that tho mother was doaf to the absurdity of hor belief. God save the child! The very thought causes one to dosjtair. How cuu anyone believe that such a condition would be allowed at an institution of learning. Tho idea is preposterous. As a fact, the graded schoul is n public instution, run equally in tho interest of the rich and poor. There are no pots; no partiality shown and no distinction made between the children, whether they live in the country, tl)u town or the mill village, O110 and all receive the same attention und educational advantages. But, for tho foolish ideas of some parents, the child is allowed to grow up un ignoramus, with scarcely enough education to write his or her own name. The children deserve sympathy. It is a pity but that the compulsory school law could b 1 enacted in such form as to apply solely to parents of this lyi>o. Thoir only reward is that, in ten yours they can boast the ownership of the very linest specimen of ignoramus. PATRONIZE YOURR MAIL ROUTE. inn iiiiui miiii route is not only a con . onienoe, but is of nncstimnhle value from an educational point of view. Our attention has just boon called to the lu a that numbers of ponplo in the j rural districts hereabouts are now re- ! chiving in.iil daily anil that these same people, prior to t he establishment of the routes, seldom if ever received mail. The natural consequence is that tin* average lariuer keeps abreast of the times and can engage in conversation on locator national affairs with intelligence equal to his city friend. There is littlo going 0,1 >?> the world nowadays that the ruralist knows nothing of. But there are some routes throughout j the country that are not receiving the [ support they should and arc in danger of being suspended. The puslufflce do- j purtment is piuuuwg to make a retrenchment a]ong the lino of the rural inuil service and to that end has issued an order to thoofTect that all routes on which the carrier does not handle 2,000 pieces of mail each month shall be discontinued. This order will hn merf. ?t fectivo iu tliu fc>outh, qn account of tho sparsely settled sections through which Home of tho routes pass. Under tho ruling no distinct ion id to bo made in a piece of mail, whether it bo first, second or third class. That thero uro 2,000 pieces of mail, regardless of olass, is necessary for thocoutinuauooofaruute, Tills condition places within easy roach of the rural resident tho possibility of retaining the service. If lie writes and receives but few letters, ho still has the Opportunity of bringing the |Kirculs up to tho r<. quired 11.'tuber by subscribing to newspapers, luagu/.inos and other periodicals. Ixicully, there is hut one route which is likely to be utfeoted by the order, uud oven iu this case, the patrons can prevent such by ptirsuiug tho policy outlined ubo.e. r The city of Charlotte, under coutrol of tho prohibition forces, seems to have deveolped inro a veritable hotbed of bliud-tigerism. Scarcoly a day passes < bat that tho recorder is called upon to t pass uj oa the guilt or inuoceuee of numborH of suspects, nud many thore t be who aro awaiting their desorts ut 1 the approaching term of oourt. According to tho Charlotte papers there l aro 50 prisoners in Mecklenburg jail * und about half tho number are being * hold for Rolling liquor. Besides these * many others charged with the same of- ' fetiBo are out on bond. While this is 1 proof that oonsidorablo whiskey iR still ( being sold in t he city, it also is proof ' that the authorities are uot idle in their efforts to suppress the evil. With the 1 number of convictions* that are sure to 1 follow aud the lessen t?? bo lonrucd by ' these who are oouvictod, it is reusona- i ' ble to expect improved conditions in tho future. Tho death of Gen. Joe Whauler serves as a reminder that not only the ranks I of the privates but thoso of the oiliocrs < who served through tho war of '(JJ-5 are beiug rapidly reduced. An interesting article on tho subject has just been issued by tho ponsion commission- , er at WaRhington in which it 1h shown ; that twenty thousand pensioners havo 1 passed over tho great divide during tho 1 past six mouths. Tho articlo does not , give tho rank of thoso who havo died; neither does it state how many each woro from tho Northern and Southoru unities. Thcro wore G7D.234 pensioners ( on the list January 1, and it is figured i that should tho present mortality continue it will bo but seventeen years until the voternn of tho Civil war will have passed away. The "yallcr dorg" Is still under fire of tho legislature. A bill empowering 1 school trustees to list dogs for taxation in their respective district has passed mini reading una indications are bright . for itH final passage. The school fund to which tho dog tux is applied is losing many dollars through tho fuiluro ' of people to return thoir canines uud, uow that tho trustees aro to look into J I tho matter, wo may oxpoet a consider j uble increase in tho tax noxt your. Mr. Tillman's rooont deuunolation of ,1 Prosidout Roosovolt not only proves . that tho senator is no rcspootor of porsons when ho dooms it wise to offer a rebuke, but it also brings out most for cihiy that outside of Senators Hulo uud Lodgo Mr. Roosovolt has about as weak backing in tho senato of the United States as ho has in the State.of South Carolina. It is quite cvidout that the president is losing weight in the senato ! on account of making himaolf overly conspicuous in public matters. The Charlotto Chronicle has this: "Ritha Crosby, a negro woman, was found guilty of running a blind tiger by th? recorder this morning and sent to jail in default of a $100 bond." Well, well, who wouldor thank that Mr. Shnunouhouse had gone into the business. But, granting that he lias, where is the justice in sending Ritha to j iil for a tiger that was run "by the recorder?" In a reomit nrtiolo, Mr. Mntthows of tin Charlotte News, referred to his homo city as "Charlotte, tho Queen City of the Carolines." Mr. Matthews, had evidently forgotten Columbia, the "Hub" of South Carolina, fur 011 second thought he added: "certainly of North Carolina." Bro. Wndo Harris of tho Charlotte | uproiucio Rooms to have been very I much in attondanoo at the big cotton I oouvcntiou in New Orleans recently. I Since his return home, Mr. Harris has I given his re.uleivt a numb r of interesting articles on what ho ho lieurd and saw ut tho euivt utiou. Comptroller Gonoral Jones on Thursday a niton need tlio semi-aunnal distribution of the dispensary school fund to tho various county treasurers of the State, tho total amount being slightly in oxcess of $100,000. Of this amount, York county gets " | 5 I According to a lato census ropotS there , ; wore I),998,000 bales of cotton ginned up to January l'J. Ton and a half million > bales is now thought to be a fair estimate of tho crop. If Capf. Caper* is still worried as to the real cause for the loss of his j.tb, he could perhaps flipl a solution in the chorus of that old familiar tune, "GooGoo Eyes." Slate 'lust Borrow Money. I Tlie ntmcul report of the c nip- j ! tr iller gfimr tl to the legislature I J embraces h me interesting fact.-* 1 ami Hcnres n the owlition of the I State tinanei s. The total r vetin for l.> ;5 in estimated at $l.i{48 66(i, I ms >iLT'tii?si a total expenditure of itl.22t.HSl, leavini* an apparent 1 cxi o.jh f $121.2^2 Still it will be ' n cessary f ?i the State t- harrow this year n t lee < than $Jh)d, 00 in order t no el current ex: ensos mij til the fall t ixe.< v me in. Among 1 the itenia n .viim1 m a deficiency of $19 148 u> the State hospital I for the iusuue, 0 New Council Assum? s Office. The new town eonn *il consisting >f Intendant \V L. Ball and Warlens W. A. Fisher, w. W. Forks, V. R. McElhnucy unc R. E. Kod;ers, where in due form installed nto offiice on Thursday morning. A meeting of the new council vus held Thursday evening, at vhich Mr. McElhatiey was elected Herniary mid treasurer of t he town, iiiceeeditiK Mr. l'arkk The eh-cion of police c ificere, for whi h j< silions there were many applicants, resulted in the election of Mr. V. I). Potts as cliief, with Mr. Henj. Patters n assistant, at salaries of $30 and $25 each, respectively, per in nth. Mr. Patterson ledim-d tin1 position. however, iind i special meeting of tin; council tvu.s held Monday night at which Mr. S. N\'. Fi*her waa elected assistant to ( liit?f Potts. The Times was awarded the town printing for the year, the cuutract price being S40.U0. LU3KI3ST MAN IN ABKANSAS. "I'm the luckiest man in Arkansas," vvritos H. L. Stanley, of Bruno, "since the restoration of my wife's health after five years of continuous oougliing and bleeding from the lungs, and I owe my Rood fortune to the world's greatest medictno, Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, which I know from experience will cure consumption if tukeu tn time. My wife improved with tirst bottle and twelve bottles oompleted the cure."- Cures the worst coughs aud colds or money refunded. At Ardrey's drug store, 50eund$!. Trial bottlo free. Congressman Wyatt Aiken, of South Carolina, has introduced a bill in Congress to increase the pay of rural mailt carriers to S'.IUO per annum, instead of what they are now receiving. A USALINGTGOSPEL. The Rev. J. O. Warred, jwistor of Shuron Baptist church, Iiulrir, Ga., says of Electrio Bitters: "It's a Godsend tomankind. It cured me of lame back, stitt joints, and oompleto physical collapse, 1 was so woalc it took me half an hour to walk a mile. Two bottles of Electric Hitters huvo made me so strong I have just walked thru miles in r>0 minutes and feel like walking throe more. It's made a new man of me." Greatest remedy for weakness and all Stomach. Liver and Kidney complaints. Sold under guarantee at Ardrey's drug store l'rice 50c. A just reward Iimh boon meted out to John (I. Capers, Several yeara ago ho reuouu.-ed the Democratic faitii, to become an hireling of tho Republican party. Now the hitter has thrown him overboard by electing E. F. Oocli* inn, Esq., of Anderson, United States attorney for the district of South CuruliiiM in hia otourl ? I?dgofield Advertiser. ? pbishtpully stoned. Chas. W. Moore, n machinist, of Ford City, Pa., had his hand frightfully burned in auolcetrieul furuuru. He applied Bucklun's Arnioa Salve with the usual result :"a quick uml |*?rfc?et euro" Great, est healer on earth for burns, Wounds, Sores, Eczema and Piles. 2oc at Ardrey's drug store. Host cotton sold on tliia market yesterday for II 1-4 cents. ? the yellow pevss oehm has recently boon discovered. It bears a c lose resemblance to tho malaria germ . To free the system from disease germs, theiuo. t effectivo remedy is Dr. Ring's Now Life Pills, Guaranteed toeiuvfcll <li-.visesdue to malaria poison and oon hi ipation. 5J5c at Ardrey's drug store. FOR SALE?TWo gool, fresh Milch Cows. Apply to J. L. Kimbroll, Fort Mill, S. O. From former troasuror |.$ 30 78 Street tax 4:t0 0o Property tux .1. 581 32 Uomotery lot? J. 75 00 Fines .\. 79J 35 Hull rent and license A. 85 80 Dog heuso L 8 00 Lumber L 1 50 Piping .1. 60 Total $2006 85 Disbtjksbmekts: Manngoni election $ 8 00 Street work, lombor, ei>auing pump, bridges, cometoy work. 847 70 HeiKtns, interior, roof tewn ball 87 25 Advertising, Fort M>11 limes 8OU0 Printing arrest warrant? 4 00 Feeding prisoners 1 05 Trimming park he.igo 0 0," 'Plione messages 60 Ins. preminm on town luil 10 25 Ex. returns to Yorkville 5 00 Salary, polioo and ussist?i?fs 592 80 Acoonnta? A. A. Brad fori, $1600; Ft. Mill Mfg. Co, $55 W; Mills & Vonug, fil 50; A. C Jones, $8 75; A. A. Young, $515; W. L. Hall. .75; R. F. Urier, <2 80; W. B. Ardroy, ,25; L, J. Massev, $4 90; Moaeham Ac Ep>s, $1 1)0; E. W. Kimbroll, .15, T B.Belk, T no U'' Interest ou town bonds...... 2800 Intoudant's commission 16500 Trommer's ,, 10034 1 indite **?d billy 2 00 Stationery and i-oatage.. 40 Juries 3 00 lawyer's fees 10 00 Paving streets 410 30 Street lights 43 92 Wheel-burrows 3 00 Jlrnyngo, dead dojpi 80 Wood 3 75 Civic society 10 00 Kx. prisoners from Rock Hill 2 00 D. (i. Thompson, attend prisoner 10 00 llalanoe 011 hand 83 Total $3006 86 S, W. PxRK8, Treas. Fort Mill, S. C., Jail ?5, 1096. u .1 * /1 * 'r ; r :fy v >* "7 rUKNlTRI We are now p! on a great man; present stock is styles, but we do top notch of new and one things tf PARLOR 0RNAMEN1 DESK CHAINS WRITING DESKS CHILDREN'S CRIBS CHINA CLOSETS PARLOR RUGS COMFORTS HALL RACKS LOUNGES All of this grea thfc distinct und ments to suit yoi member that wli payments is al! r 3VE111 11] __ | Tue two cotton iniiid Ht tun | place were idle Friday morning the wires from the power plant oi the river by which the mills an furnished power, having beei broken by the sleet. HOME INSURANCE. . II You should take Old Line Insurance with HOME COMPANIES Because-Ist: They are Old Lino Lift Insurance Companies Because-n 2nd: They arc officered and controlled by home people and 5 keep money in the State. Because-3rd: The policies are simple I contracts, free from all speculation as to result;, each item and figure being guaranteed Because 14th: The premiun rates are lo*er than most old companies, and yet they furnish just as much, just as good and just as i safe Insurance. j See me before you take a policy. I'll guarantee to save you money TtT .TNO.15AILES, Agent, | Fort Mill, - - - S. C. \ = LirF,=: it Life- in of leu liuiigin^ in j+ tlie hnlhiict* wlin h physi w ciMti writes h prescription. < 4 If the compounding ih inne- < ' > curate, or it the drugs su- < ? plied are lurking in purity ( or strength, who shall mio ^ ' swer for the re-nit* ? We (. recognize our re^p nisibilily . (> in these ma t We regard , every preemption as one ^ i > requiring the utmost cure < < 1 rh tu scourn y mi 1 (letllftud- < < > ing the hi dn'rt grnde of * drugs that money will buy. < V Our idenl prescription 8?'rI vice costs you nothing extra ( ^ ?We always strive to give ( a the best of everything ?t i prices that me nbsolutely < ^ fair, < J PARKS DF.iiu COMPY. i Subscribe to T!w i.nies. r il -i jt ONLY FUR1 E BARGAINS lacing our spring orders an y patterns that we shall dr \ disposed of. They are this every year to keep ou ness and excellence. We . _ ??!__ j i*__ j 1. I /? lai win oeaunry ine noma t S PARLOR CHAIRS PARLOR TABLES BRASS BEDS LAMPS CLOCKS HEATERS BL&NETS HAT RACKS PICTURES it stock is offered to you to i crstanding that we will a i. Come and look over 01 latever is agreeable to you iglit with us with only a sins s & yo mi i.i;s..mi i.i;s. i, A full supply continually on hand. Call I and sec them before you buy. Prices and terms to suit tnc purchaser. J, E, Marshall & Co,, East Bl,ack St., ROCK HILL, - S. C. ; MODEL : 1 ! Steam Laundry. I ' CHARLOTTE, ? ? N. C. ???????PRICE LIST. I : i' Shirts Ktc! | Shirts, now, 12h<e I ; Collars 'Jc \ Cuffs, ]>or pair 1c * i Undershirts 8c i | Drawers 8c 1 i- oeks, per pair, Jlc !i J Handkerchiefs, linen 8o ! 5 Handkerchiefs, silk 5 c f Pants Ufio to 75o i ;i 1 Coats 25c to 7*>c 1 Yosts 25c I1 i ; Shirt-Wnists 15c up I f Curtains 50c up j ;i ! Dlnnkets, single, 15c; double, 2'c :l i! Counterpanes 10c ' 1 Tablo Clot lis 10c i jmHSMEY S j I'; Agents, !| \ I FORT MILL, ? ? ? S. O ! 1 l 0UR~PRkCE LIST. Combining good quality and low prices. !l ^ The prices quoted below are guaranteed * to be the lowest for quality of Goods: i 1 year old Corn Whisky, per gallon $1.50 s I 2 ? ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, 1.75: :i [ x .i ti ,, 2.00 11 Y 4 ) )?, l] I * M '? f 5 ,, ,, Tar (Ytrn Whiskey 51.00: v : 1 ,, ,, Good Hvi! Whisky per gal 1.75 | < | 2 ? ,, Good Rye Whisky " " 2.00 ^ '? ,, ..Good Ryu Whisky " " 2.50: f p 1 Gooti U>o Whisky " " 51.Oo t I 5 ,, ,, Good Rye Whisky " " 4 t>0 ' 'h No charge for vessel or packing. J i 50c extra will prepay express on one * ? I to three gallons; ?oor 55 gallons, 75c. j1 i CUIiUD' o nnuni uu k ofturcr'iu a ivur-ruto i n 1 jk | SALISBURY - - - - N.C. > TO OUlt FllIENDS!? r c We are now located at 124 R. ' r Council street, Salisbury, N. C , 1 f ! and solicit jour trade. Wc liave|?j f ! oil l and a complete line of I he k 1 lu bv Wliihkies, Wines, Brandies,'1 11 Etc., and can supply your whiuh ' p'with anything in our line. Onr j J Mr. M. A. Teeter, formerly of!, $ | Charlotte, lots p< rsonal supervision 1' of our shipping depnibnenl and r r all mail on l? is receive prompt aud 1, r careful attention at his hands. Is ? Ask (or nice list and or<ler ? f blank with \. ur order * * W. H. HOOVER & CO., ' SAL1SBUK1', N. (' Phone 21 ' '' ^ ' ' v* v SITURE STORE IN TOWN. id have cut prices "()D as soon as the i ail this seascn's r stock up to the have a thousand or years to comc. LICE CURTIINS MUSIC CIBINETS CHIFFOHIF.RS SIDEBOARDS CREDIT. ] :lioose from with rrange the payir stock and rein the matter of ill amount down. ung. j rm :& m u&i/zV/ir&i^aRSSflyfj Thodlflerrnrcbetnber Ultiti.^niv) Mli<1n'(riithfdi^ I 'Inrn clvi nanA rn??* uii-l a*i Ina*. rimtrAfni. \#".rs i-f e\|M'ci.ucci?k t?ehin?l our tried *n*t j; nsroia diiotouns i antirt ctuln.wc ?),(pirti j', , ,' g ???t,<r/?(///ri/ 4%4%k n!. ..ntam* m? on ^hout- j ! Icaatitu1 il?t r r .\!i ? vmi. | ??r will be li U V J HACTEaS ?.KK3 i?N13 tool co. | iT-?sn*/r. X- I TAX RETURNS FOR 1906. )ffice of thf. County Auditor or Youk Cotnty. s. o. Yorkville, S. O., December 1, 1905. \ S required by statute my books will be opened nt my office in Yorkville hi MONDAY, JANUARY I. 1900, and copt open until l'EBKUARY 20, 190rt, or the purpose of listing for taxation t ill PERSON XL and REAL PROPER- | PY held in York county on January 1, 000. Particnlar attention is called to the act that all real pro|ierry must bo re- J issesaed during t ho period mentioned, md nil pv iperty reaI or personal not eturned, will be suhject to a penalty if fr) per cent which will bo uddod af- I or February 20. All returns must be made in regular Virm and it is preferablo that they be nude by the property owner in person I o mo or my assistant, direct, on blanks I n'Qvidcd for the purpose. The rot urns oust be duly sworn to either before mo I ir my assistant or some other officer nullified to administer an oath. All items of realty whether farms, ir town lots, must be listed separately, I md no return which simply says: same as last year," or "no changes," \ ill be accepted. Ret urns made on proper blanks and gj \\ urn to In*tore tin officer qualilie I to . idminis:i r an (Kith and forwarded to H lie by registered mail before February I :*>, iauu, v. jii ho accepted. j All lu\|Kiycrsu;v part icnlarly request* j id to inform t lionised vcs us to the nuili- 1 K'l" of their tv.. ive school districts, nid where t hoy have projKTty in more I h. 11 one hool district, they wiil please I n so; . hi us in . i1 .i i ithe or. . on ot each piece of property. The Jm .ill in which tin re arc apeiul levies arc as follows: Nos. 29 and I i;t in l.t'tlicsdu; Nos 9 and 40 in Broad I iivcr; No 12 iii Catawba and Ebene* \ :er; N'os. 29 and 26 in Fort Mill; Nos. 1 and 5J8 in York. For the pur|>oso of facilitating the akintr of returns and for ?*><* ionveiiieuco of taxpayers, I will bo at ho following phicep an the dates ntmedAt Yorkville from Mondny, February i to Tuesday, Febrnary '-2D, inclusive. All males Ik Iwecn the ages of twon* y-ono and sixty years, except Confed* irate soldiers over t he ago of lifty years, ire liable to a poll tax of $1, and all xirsoiis so liable are especially requestid to give the numbers of their respectvo pehool distriets in making their et nr:t3. It will be a matter of much aooomuodntion to me if as many taxpayers is j. ih'.e will moot in< at the res poetvo appointim-nts mentioned above, so is to ;e ,d tl a rush at Yorkville during he cle -ai.g dr vs. j H.X J. HUNTER. County Auditor. YorkV11 S. ( , L>cc. 1, lhoe. I