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lb to every p<)?t yn>t ?ver put psAcll to paper. 8; once Issued a volume of verses!" e shrieked, then, between his cursea. "It feU flat as a fritter! ^ That's why 1 am bitter Jfcgalnst every writer of verses!" Oh. prince. If your fancy Is rhyming. When the bells of success are a-chlnitn* You will hear !oud and bitter The walls of the critter Whoa* mlsmated feet stopped his climb- I ln>. In every wide hold of endeavor The climber will stumble forever O'er obstacles bitter Put there by the quitter; There's no crime like Just being "mors clever." ?Houston Post. ALL SICK WOMEN SHOULD READ MRS. FOX'S LETTER In Ail Parte of the United States Lydia B. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Has Infected Similar Cures. Man3' wonderful cures of female 111* are continually ooming to light which have been brought about by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and through the advice of Mrs. Pinkham, of Lynn. Maes., which is given to sick women absolutely free of charge. The present Mrs. Pinkham lias for twenty-five years made & study of the ills of Ker sex ; she has consulted with and advised thousands of suffering women, who to-day owe not only their health but even life to her helpful advice. Mrs. Fannie D. Fox, of 7 Chestnut Street, Bradford, Pa., writes : Dear Mrs. Pinkham " I suffered for a long time with female trouble, and finally was told by my physician that 1 had a tumor. 1 did not want to submit to an operation, so wrote you for advice. I received your letter and did as you told me. and to-day I mfii completely cured. My doctor says the tumor has disappeared. and I am once more a well woman. 1 believe Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Is the best medicine in the world." The testimonials which we are conatantlypublishingfrom grateful women establish beyond a doubt the power of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable ComDOlind to oonnuer Women suffering from any form of female weakness are invited to fromptly communicate with Mrs. inkhum. at Lynn, Mass. She asks nothing in return for her advloe. It is absolutely free, and to thousands of -women has proved to be more preoious than gold. Increase Yw_ KSB rZJ&is&LA VteldsPftr I S&T One Of The Results 11 of liberally using our fertiltI ft zers. Is to uay off a mortgage f *1 on tbe old farm. Head the lol| 1 lowing from Messrs. W harry I ft & 8on,owners of the Magnolia I l\ Fruit Farm, Dursnt. Miss.: I IV "We made $900 from one sere IV* strawberries, on -which your : fertilizers were used. Eight SkAM years ago wo bought this piece HBll St 920 per acre. It was then considered to have beon worn out twenty years before, but by llborelly using Virginia-Carolina Fertilizer* under peas and volvot beans, we can now grow almost anything, and httvo been offered $360 per sore for the place. Wo egperimouted with a great many brands of fertilizers, but And the highest per-cent. cheaper." Now dou'tyou think Virginia-Carolina Fertilizers would enable you to pay off a murhriM If tm, V ? WollTdon't un auy other. Virginia-Carolina Cbamlcal Ca.^?| Richmond. Va. ^K>.?J Norfolk, Va. ?urbam. N. C. VMflr barleston, 8. 0. Baltimore. Md. Atlanta, Qa. Savannah, Qa. Montgomery, Ala. (VI Mempht*. Tenn. \||l Shrevaport, La. w * Tl "* That Delightful Aid to Health Jfoxtme 1 Toilet Antiseptic Whitens the teeth ? purifies mouth and breath ? cures nasal catarrh, sore throat, sore eyes, and by direct application cures all inflamed, ulcerated and catarrhal conditions caused bv I feminine ills. Paxtine possesses extraordinary cleansing, healing and germicidal qualities unlike anything else. At all druggists. 50 cents LARGB TRIAL PACKAGE r FRBK The B. Parton Co.. Boston, Mas?. So. 4-'06. UfAUTCn I'ABY. adTerttper In eeer? town. TVnNICU No rtnvuilnf Oood pay Send stamp for reply. Wtdnwe preferred. CULVER A KIDD, Dept. P., MUledgerllle, tie. j Fcen)ineao ef Walter. 9- B. Dtvhunt, the Australian ten|li champion, tall at a dinner party In Mew York: "American waiters areamuch superior to those of Spain. Traveling Is cheap and comfortable in Spain; Hying Is cheap and comfortable there, but Spanish waiters are Often rude. "They are particularly rude to Americans and to those whom they mistake for Americans. The old wound, you see. still rankles. "In Madrid one day I entered a restaurant and ordered a cut of beef. The waiter, after a long delay, brought the beef to me?a miserable, tough and grisly cut. " 'Waiter, said I, Ms this beef from the black bull they killed at the bull fight yesterday?' "The waiter looked at mo with a sneer. " 'No, monsieur,' he said, 'It is from one of the horses that they killed at the bull fight.' " Not Quite "Priceless." Among the rare pieces which caused hot bidding at a coin sale In New York the other day was an old New Hampshire cent of 1776. This coin Is down in the catalogue as "priceless" and "unique." The buyer had to lay down $60.50 to get possession. There were 1S00 guest's at a marrlage Wast ut Sevlgnac, near Morlaix, Brittany, and 300 servants waited on them in an open field. FITS permanently cured. No fits or nervousness after first day's use of I)r. Klino's Qroat Nerve Restorer.f 'iLrlnl bottle uudtroatlHef roo Dr.It.II.Klink, Ltd., U31 Arch 8t..Pbila.. Pn. Ragout of bear has become a popular dish. To Cure a Cold In One Dar Take Laxative Brorao Quinine Tablets. Druggists refund money If it fails to <-ur?. E. W . Grovo'ssignature oh each box. 25c. Mahomet's tomb is covered with jewels worth $12,600,000. Itobbril In Ctiarob. Inst think what an outrage it is to be robbed of ail the benefits ot the services by continuous coughing throughout the congregation, when Anti-Gripine is guaranteed to cure. Bold everywhere. 25 cts. P. W. Diemer, M. D., msnt&acturcr, Springfield. Mo. A company has l>een formed in Greece for buying up unsold currants. A Rnaraolaad Cure For Plies, Itching, BNnd, Rleedtng, Protruding Piles. Druggists aro authorized to refund money If Pazo Ointment fails to cure in S to 14 days. 50c. Salt has had much intiuence in shaping civilization. Ptao's Cure for Oonsamptton Is an Infallible medicine for coughs and colds.?N. W, tUauiL, OoeaaOrove, N. J.. Ket>. 17, 1900. The Hindoo* are boycotting foreign agar. Itnh cured in 90 minutes by Woolfosd's Sanitary Lotion; never tails. Bold by Druggists. Mall orders promptly filled by Dr. Detchon, Crawfordsvllle, Ind. 91. The new Italian postage stamps will not bear the monarch's beau. ONLY ONE. "I've received ten proposals this fall." "The persistent fellow! What's his name?"?Cleveland leader. i TWENTY YEARS OF IT. Rm?rlst?<l t?jr Dlab?*ti<a; Tortured Willi Ornvcl and lililney Pain*. Ilenry Sonle, cobble", of nnmnioudsport, N. Y.. says: "Since Doan's Kiiln j Tills cured me eight years ago, I've reached 70 and hope to live ninny years longer. But twenty years ago I hiul kidney trouble so jfl) V? was persistent and It was agony to lift . whirling liead jfthaches, dizziness nn<1 t<>rr,l>le ur'unry disorders ran me (jo^n from ICS to 100 pounds. Doctors told me I had lli a hot OC un/l /w\t*u * ?..u >vuiu iiui me. 1 was wretched nnd hopeless when I began using Doan's Kidney rills, but they cured me eight years ago, and I've been well ever since." Bold by all dealers. GO cents a box. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo. N. Y. American Exuberance. A prominent English statesman who isited this country during the past summer was talking with friends about the national characteristics of Americans. and gave it as his opinion that the Westerner is the most truly humorous of the citizens of the United States. "Why," said the Briton, in explanation, "a relative of mine who frequently visits the States for purposes of sport tells me that he was entranced by the reply made to hint by the proprietor of a hotel in Nebraska when he asked if there were any quail in tne vicinity. "'Quail!' exclaimed the proprietor, *1 should say so! Why, they've got to he a regular nuisance 'round here. My cook eomulains that she can't throw a piece of toast out of the window without fdur or live fat quail lighting to see whtf-h shntl pot on llome Companion. Slaughter of Fur Game. "What a gap there must be in th< ranks of squirrels and rabbits and pussy cats this year," said the catur Jlst. "Nearly every woman you s<v is wrapped In fur. and squirrel and what passes for ermine seem to be the most popular. Of course, the squirrel is genuine, but there isn't enough ermine in the world to make all the white furs one seos and sell them at medium price. It certalniy is amusing to see a haughty dame decked in the fur of some inoffensive bunr.y or tame cat."?New YorV Press. PONT Mt3? THIS. A Cava Far Itoauck Troaklt>A Hew MMktl by Abeorpt lorn?N Draft. Do Too Belch? It maane a diaeaeed Stomach. Are yon afflicted -with Short Breath. Gee, Soar Eruotatione, Heart Bain, ftidigeetion, Dyepetaia, Burning- Paine and Legd Weight in rit of Stomach. Acid 8toraa?h, Dietended Abdomen, Dizatneu, Colic? Bad Breath or Any Other Stomach Torturer Let ua send you a box of Mull'e Anti Belch Wafers free to convince you that it cures. Nothing else like it k f*-*.-"-, It's syre and velfy pleasant. Cut^^xjx bsorption. Harmless. No ?Vugs. JT?brr?oa Trouble can't be cured o'oltya Medical Science. Dfu&s won't Uhnrc.b eat up the | Stomach and make yJr. (^lirol We know Mull's J Wafers cure and we want ypi.tlUOUllUt hel)Ce tbia offer. This offeifest by thear again. Ti. owtni; to 1273 (yonnn coupK 144 Send !l ^?WIMour name and address nM^P, R'TOIlt; iat'a name I and lGfc. in stantf*.*^. Hnt? r> a,,d wc will supply you a sample free if you have Inever used Mull's Anti-Belch Wafers, and will also send you a certificate good for 23c. toward the purchase of more Belch Wafers. You will find thein invaluable for stomach trouble; cures b.v absorption. Address Muli.'s Grape Tonic Co.. 328 3d Ave., Rock Island, III. Give Full Addrast and Writ? Plainly. All druggists. 50c. per box, or by mail upon receipt of price. Stamps accepted. Thoro arc no pre-determinetl deathbed repentances. FOUR YEARS OF AGONY. Whole foot Nothing But I'rotnl Flesh?. Hail to l/'se Crutcju-H ? "Cuticura Kriiieillos It rut ou llartli." "In the year 1S96 the side of iny right foot was cut off from the little toe down to the heel, and the physician who had charge of me was trying to sew up the side of my foot, but with no success. At last my whole foot and way up above my calf Was nothing but proud flesh. 1 suffered untold agonies for four years, and tried different physiciaps nod all kinds of ointments. 1 could walk only with crutches. In two weeks afterwards 1 saw a change in my limb. Then I began using Cuticuru Soap and Ointmeut often during the day. and kept it up for seven mouths, when my limb was healed up just the same as if I never had trouble. It is eight months now since I stopped using Cuticura Remedies, the best on Cod's earth. I am working at the present day, after bgg years of suffering. The cost of Cuticura Ointment and Soap was only $6, but the doctors' bills were rnrrre like $600. .lohn- M-JJstoyd. 718 S. Arch Ave., Alliance, Ohio, June 27. 1905." Many people think that the church is a "Don't Work" club. Taylor's Cherokee Remedy of Rwest Gum and Mullen Is Nature's great remedy Cure# uouglis, CokU, Croup and Consumption, and all throat and lung troubles. At druggists. 26c., 60c. and gl.00 per bottle. Japanese Diplomat In Londora The Jap is by naiure a diplomat, j writes a correspondent of M. A. P. Here in our midst the Viscount Hayashi was long a respected figure, but the man who has familiarized us with Japan, and done most to advance her cause among us, is undoubtedly the Baron Suyematsu. As one of the crowd of ' Young Japan." who, as the outcome of the revolution sought a new life in Europe, young Suyematsu (with more than one of the generals who have met Russia at the front), made Cambridge his alma mater, and then returned to Japan. As the son In-law of Marquis Ito, here on a diplomatic mission, the baron reappeared among us two seasons ago, and rapidly became a familiar figure in Ix>ndon drawing rooms. "Cy" Silloway Would Dig 'Em Up. "Cy" Silloway, the tall New Hampshire congressman, was visiting a friend who was making extensive improvements on his estate in Dover, I niieu me luuowing incident occurred: There was a scarcity of sand and loam, which was needed to till in an excavation, and his host asked the congressman: "What shall I use to fill that hole?" "Oh, if you haven't the dirt, fill in | with some of these diggers, and cover them deep," answered "Cy." "Yes," spoke up one of the diggers, "an", begorra. nixt election time ye'lj be 'round diggin' us up." THE LITTLE WIDOW A Mighty Good Sort of * Neighbor to Hero "A little widow, a neighbor of mine, persuaded me to try Grape-Nuts when my stornacb was so weak that it would not retain food of any other kind," writes n grateful woman, from San Bernardino Co., Cal. "I had been ill and confined to my bed with fever and nervous prostration for three long months after the birth Of mV soprtnrl W**. * ? ? ... ? ??.- in u?*?[inir until the little willow's advice brought relief. "I liked Crape-Nuts food from the beginning, and in nn incredibly short time it gnve me such strength that 1 was able to leave mr bed and enjoy my three good meals n day: In two months my weight increased from ninety-five to 113 pounds, my nerves had steadied down anil I felt ready for anything. My neighbors were n into zed to see me gain so rapidly and still more so when they heard that Grape-Nuts alone had brought the change. "My four-year-old boy had eczema, very bad. last spring and lost his ap petRe entirely, which made him cross and peevish. I put him on n diet of Crape-Nuts, which he relished at once, llo improved from the beginning, the eczema disappeared and now lie is fat and rosy, with a delightfully soft, clcai skin. The Grape-Nuts diet did it. ) will willingly answer all inquiries." Name given by I'ostum Co., lluttUCreek, Mich. There's a reason. Read the little book, "The Itond to Wellvilte," in pkgs. \ A MAMMOTH IAWBUIT PILE. K Forms a Hill That Csvsrs Absut Twslvs Aerss. Prebabiy the largest sawdust pile la qjp world Is the one ft Cheboygan, Mich. This Is the product of onesntll Operated by the W. A A. McArthur Company. The mill being run by water power had no way of disposing of its sawdust. The company was not permitted to dump it into the river and for a few years an attempt was made to burn It. There was so muca malfo that lha ??"?1 ? ??- ? ~ f faiioca uu ordinance prohibiting that form of destruction. Ah u consequence it was simply hauled out into a vacant field and during the thirty years of Its growth has acquired monstrous proportions. It is a hill 1.080 feet long. 875 feet wide, and ranges from 20 to 50 feet In height. The hill covers some twelve acres. I* Is almost entirely white and Norway pins sawdust, because this mill did not cut hemlock except Tor the last two or threo years before It was closed down. The pile Is undoubtedly rottipg a little at the bottom, but it Is well preserved and bright when it Is dug into, the top and sides having crusted over form a protection for the aawduet underneath. In its present state it contains rather too much moisture to admit of being used for fuel without treatment by some process of drying. A number of chemists have examined it with a view to extracting the chemicals which it contains, but as yet nothiug has been done in this directlou. There is no question but that it has a considerable chemical value and prcJfcably the tituc will come whea some one will fiud a way oi working It up profitably. Cmntootl. Skin Trouhlm, Cancer, Itlood r?la<ui. lirenteat Illooit Purtdar Fr??. If your blood is impure, thin, diseased, hoi or full of humors, if you have blood poison, cancer, carbuncle*, eatiug sores, scrofula, ecnema. itching, risings ami lumps, scabby, pimply skin, bone pains, catarrh, rheumatism. or any blood or skiu diaenso, take Botanic Blood Balm i B. B. B.) according to directions. Soon all sores beal. aches and pairs stop, the blood is made pure and rich, lc aving the skin free from every eruption, and giving the rich glow of perfect health to the skin. At the same time B. B. B. improves the digestion, cufe* dyspepsia, strengthens weak kidneys. Just the medicine for old people, us it gives them new. vigorous blood. Druggists, $1 per large bottle, with directions for home cure, bample free and prepaid by writing Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, (la. Describe trouble and special free medical advice also sent in sealed letter. B. B. B. Is especially advised for chronic, <iojp-H?uU*d >n^? Ul l ill I>urf UIDOU mill HK1U ait) 'USe, nnd cures n'tcr all vise fails. Getting into debt is an easy way of going to the devil. IOO Uewsrit. IIOJ. The readers of this paper will be pleased tt? learn that there is at least one droAded disease that science has been able to uure la all its stages, and that Is Ontarrb. Hull's Catarrh Cure Is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraiernily. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a constitutions I treatment. Hall's Catarrh Curb Is taken Inter nally,acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system,thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the |Mitlunt strength by bnllding up the constitution and assisting nature In doing Its work. The proprietors have so much faith iu its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any casethut it fails tocurc. Send for list of tcstimnniuis. Address 1?. J. Oicknky A, Co., Toledo, O. Hold bv Druggists, 7.Vu Take liu!l'& Family l'ills for coustiiiuliou. During the tronlh of Septembei only one American was naturalized in Great. Brhnin. I High C a The better class of druggii who devoto their lives to the purest medicinal agents of scientific formula. Druggis always under original or offi They are the men to deal w all standard remedies and c best of toilet articles and pr The oarning of a fair living, conferred upon their patron a reward for long years of stm I Figs is an excellent laxative 1 are selling many millions of h remedies, aad they always t mm name of tho Company?Cal ^ They know that in cases of M of weakness or torpidfty of 1 I over-eating, that there is no In * " s ?yrup 01 .f igs, and they aro I Owing to the excellence ol I immense demand for it, imi b individual druggists to he fc of tho profession and whose S to recommend and try to sell H Boraetimes have tho name?' ti or fictitious fig syrup comp: P the Company?California F I should bo rejected because I they find it. necessary to resc h off on a customer a preparat m does not bear the full name H he is attempting to deceive j establishment, whether it be f and deception in one caso h I phvsicians' prescriptions, an ? Knowing that the great maj 1 for our oxccllent remedy eni 1 where, in original packages m exist it is necessary to in for any imitation which may b< T& California Fig Syrup Co!?j B article and to demand the n W d ruggists who will cell you wl ===== Admiral HieMon Admiral's Words Carry "Weight. Rear-Admiral Hiehbom is one of t>ie best known officers of our navy. Hi* statement* concerning I'erana will have much weight a* tuev go out in the world. What he says is echoec by many other officers of high standing. What the Admiral Says. Philip Hichborn, Rear-Admiral of the U. S. Navy. Washington. D. 0., writes: ''After t/ie u#?o/'Paruna A?ra n/iorf period, J run now cheer/wily recommeiMl your val uable re.nedy to any one who Itt In need of an invigorating lonie. ''?I'hilip Hichborn. For Your Family | 7/] J/ 615 AU>i PRICE, tf m Ml SV} ORE THE GRIP 4h It N r^ lH ONE DAY #VI n . T>toWOtOtj^IFOftOatl far your Wanted. Old dafaultad or unHlrabU atocka and bo aula. Tlrluatndar* of rsloiaa houuht. All uaiiuotrd or upllitad net urltiuo detail lu. No i-liarifn fur \aluUk|r old Mx-uritim. >alaalil? book (Tu old xa.-urlttaa pr?Mintud (o lioldt-r of any mttnrt atook not rtuaitionod tlioreli. It. .>1. Mil VT1IK. Itoom ISli, t*rotlut-c Itxrkaair, Now lark. So. 4-'06. ? . - * fad Boat Cough Hfrup. Taatoa Jood. Ua? PH fjj In lima. Sold by dnualau. VI ^BEizraaBmzaeai >iass Dri \ND?OTHE sts, everywhere, are men of scientific at i welfare of their fellow men In suppb known value, in accordance with' p ts of the better class manufacture m cinal names and they never sell false It ith when in need of anything in their orresponding adjuncts of a first-class eparations and many useful accessor) with the satisfaction which arises frc s and assistance to the medical profei dy and many hours of daily toil. T1 remedy and that it gives universal si ' bottles annually to the well informed take pleasure in handing out the gei ifornia Fig Syrup Co.?printed on colds and headaches attended by bili< the liver and bowels, arising from iri other remedy so pleasant, prompt ar glad to sell it because it ftiveB univeri f Syrup of Figs, the un versal satisfart ilations have been rr.vide, tried an(j )und, here and there, who do not maingreed gets the better of their judgmei tho imitations in ordeir to make a lar 1 Syrup of Figs"?or "Fig Syrup" ar. my, printed on the package, but the) ig Syrup Co.?printed hn the front of they are injurious to t(he system. Ii >rt to misrepresentation or deception, ion under the name of "Syrup of Fi of tl..'California Fig Syrup Co. print* rnd mislead the patron who has been ; large or small, for if t he dealer resor e will do so with other medicinal a| d should he avoided by sverv one wn< or.' - of dniv -.a ar:. reliable, we s\ tirely through the drug] gifts, of whom only, at the regular pri' re of fifty cc^t m the public of the fact a, in order tha i sold to them. If it dcies not bear th >rintod on the front of ehrery package, eturn of your money, ai rd m iuture gc lat you wish and the bean of everything i I y ? Mi '<'j***t^^ U>r?ttfw - ~ An Ever-Present Foe. The soldier and the sailor are especially subject to catarrh. In the barracks and on the Held Peruna is found equally efficacious to overcome this physical enemy. If taken rn time it will prevent colds from developing into catarrh. Kven after a cold has settled in some organ of the bodv Peruna can be relied upon as an efficacious remedy to promptly overcome it. Peruna will relieve catarrh, whether acute or chronic, but a few doses of it taken in the tirst stages of the disease will be more effective titan when the disease has become established. and Your Horse tntis^ptic Known. TRY IT FOR lumatisni, Strains, rains, Swellings d Enlargements. e, 25c., SOo. and SI.OO. . KARL S. SLOAN any St., Boston, Mass. | TI-GRIPIHE guaranteed to cure COLD, HEADACHE AHD NEURALGIA. lU-AflflM to a dealar who won't Hur.atfr It. moxIy Sack ir it docik't cvbb. mt, M.D., Uuuftctumr, Springfield, Mm COTTON AGENTS WANTED Wt dtiirv rorrrnpondatitn In the ?io*U?r town, and vtllnr*' of the South Man who ran control pot and option buxinasi will mcalre liberal sultry and commitnlon. KatablWhed l?, Frederick K. Fish, Jr.&Co., 44 A4C BROAD WAV, NKW YORK. siirH Thompson's Eye Water IGGISTS^ :R5. I lainments and high integrity, ^ / ring the best of remedies and I hysicians' prescriptions and any excellent remedies, but >rands,or imitation medicines. line, which usually includes pharmacy and the finest and es and remedial appliances. >m a knowledge of the benefit 1 wion, is usually their greatest j ley all know that Syrup of ! itisfaction, and therefore they 1 i purchasers of the choicest I mine article bearing the full M the front of every package. T rasuess and constipation and m egular habits, indigestion, or id beneficial in its effects as | sal satisfaction. I tion which it gives and the I 1 condemned, DUt there are I tain the dignity and principles at, and who do not hesitate I ger profit. Such preparations id of some piratical concern, 1 r never havo the full name of r the package. The imitations I n order to sell the imitations a and whenever a dealer passes M I gs" or 4'Fig Syrup," which I ?d on the front of the package, so unfortunate as to enter his w ts to misrepresentation and 1 jents, and in the filling of 3 values health and happiness. ft apply the immenso demand I it may he purchased every- f 9 per bottle, but as exceptions f t all may decline ot return M e full nam*' of the Company? M do not hesitate to return the m ) .to one of the better ciasB of fl in hia line at reasonable) prices. ! | s 2 * * fii