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r= ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST. Miss Florence Kiuihrell of Charlotte is visiting her parents in Gold Hill. Miss Huli.w Wilson came down from Charlotte Tuesday to visit lier sister, Mrs. L. ?T. Massey. Mr. H. C. Gulp left Monday for Concord, N. C.. where he takes n position with tlit? Propst Construction Coiupnn . Messrs. T. B. Bolk. F. G. Whitlock nud W. J. Stewart left Hnn<day for a ten days' pleasure trip m rough Florida. According to an order of [Ton. J. Y. Pope, a two weeks special term of tlie court of common plea* for York conuty will hogiu at Yorkville February 5th. Chief of Police \V. S. Fnrtlow came aver from Hock Mill Saturday to attend the funeral of Mr. it. (t. Johnston. Mr. T). V. Epps. a son of lion. S. H. Epps, Sr., of Gold Hill, left a few days ago for Braidentnwn. Fin., where he will in the future make his homo. Mr. Charles McCorkle and Miss Snllie Bradford, a young couple from Charlotte, wore happily married Wednesday of last week by Kev. Edward S. Reeves. The raariiage took place at the Baptist parsonage. The friends of Mr. and Mrs. J P. Orowder deeply spmpathise with them in the loss of an infant daughter which died Wednesday of last week at the home of its parents, 3 miles south of town. The child was buritd Thursday at j the town cemetery. Mr. F. CI. Whillock, who for several years has held the position of agent for the Southern at this ; place, has resigned and is succeeded by Mr. J. Walker, of Chester. Mr. Whiliock is undecided as yet whether he will remain in Fort Mill or in what business he will engage in the future. Mr 1? egrani B?'vant, a brother of i the Charlotte Observer's famous | "KimI Hurl;" Bryant, was a visitor to Fort Mill Monday unci paid The Times a pleasant call. Mr. Bryant is the traveling representative of tlio Southern Textile Excelsior, Mr. S. Li. Meacham lias completed his "phone lino to Pineville and installed 'phones in a number of businoss houses and residences of the town. At a later day it is Mr. Meaehum's intention , to install a switchboard and other fixtures for a complete exchange in Pineville. ' Mr. W. R. Smythe returned Thursday night from White Pine, Tcnii., where had gone to purchase ' cattle and hogs for the meat mark- ' ets of Mr. A. C). Jones at this place and in Rock Hill. The cat. tie and hogs pnssed through here : Friday morning and were taken on to Rock Hill, tho freight rate from 1 Tennessee to that city being about $17 lower than to this place. Tho Fort Mill friends of Rev. R. A. Yongue will be interested to know that he and family are now located at Barnwell, having been sent to that place from Springfield by the Inst conference. In a communication to The Times Mr. Yongne says, in part: "We are fill well pleased and comfortably provided for. and 1 serve a very geit( erous and refined people and lomk I forward to a good year." All bf I which will be gratifying news to I the many friends of the family in .1 this community. Funeral services over tho re K mains ot IMih .John J{. K. Honjth ! took place Monday morning nt tjhe | V Method is! church, after which the . burial was mads nt the town cense* j I tery. Mrs. Hough died Sunday ; afternoon nt her home in Hack ' V Hill, after an illness of severnl j I mouths with consumption. She is I survived by a number children njud ; I several brothers and sisters, anuintr | I the latter being Mrs. T. E. Merritt r aud Mrs. E. S. Harks of thisphjce. The f.tiling of the old house j on the Hotchkiss lot on Confederate street Thursday morning marked ( the passing of the only vacant ( house in town. The falling of the old hut was duo, it is thought, to j the work of mischievous boys. | This leaves vacant one of the best building lots in tho town and we are expecting one of our citi7,ens j to take over the property nt an j | early date and erect thereon a uice dwelling. : 1 Section Foreman Mack Hair t and erow, of Hineville, narrowly j t escaped injury Wednesday even-!* ing, nfter finishing a day's work i a short distance north of Fort I Mill. Tlio party had boarded a i lever car for 1'ineville and bad ? just gotten up speed, when Mr. , I Hair looked ahead and saw n , 1 freight train bearing down upon i him at a rapid rate. The crew, i realizing their perilous position, . I jumped from the car just in time |i to escape th?^ crash, in which the ! I tar una completely demolished, I 1 > 1 i ttpt rrin | I DDJjiX O I [ DOOM] g OOOl I This En ? We cannot affor 0 are already crowd @ in a few days; so f 0 ly great bargains i 0 Dress Goods, Unilt ? Pfn ;i W"W blWi Jl UII It ? the above goods. |S ets and Skirts thai Blankets to go too JgJ knee, stainless I>i; ?| 12 l.-2c. Our price I YOU 83 @ If you are diss; Sc home and exaniii | [belts Mr. Frank ilugpins has accept-! ?d a position in the dry poods as- < tablishmont of Moaehiun & Kpps. Mr. SS. W. Parks is contem- 1 plating the erection early in the -prinp of a nice residence on Olebotivno street. Representative J. W. Ardroy j returned to Coluir.biu Monday i morning. after spcndiop ttatuiday and {Sunday at his home here. The condition of Mr. L. G. 1 Wilson, of Gold Hill ? !.'> t>?^ beeu dangerously ill for some days; is, wo regret to state, little if any, improved. Very little interest was taken in the municipal election Monday, only half the number of votes polled in the former election being polled. Mr. W. L. Hall was elected intondant, receiving 41 votes, while Mr. R. E. Kodgers defeated Mr. \V. P. Crayton for warden by j a vote of 36 to 18. The new conn- 1 oil will take the oath of of lice I this morning, after which a 1 meeting will be held for the pur- j pose of electing a chief of police | and assistant for the year. It is gratifying to note the sue- j cpks wljich is coining tlio way of tlpe local graded school. With tho present corps of efficient teachers tne shcool is now doing more for the education of the youth of the town and community than for a number of years, and there are | reasons for expecting still greater j things in the future. At present there is, an enrollment of 225; scholars. . The Times has striven hard to 1 awaken the people of this comrjncnity to the necessity of 11 sending Jdieir children to school, t and that our efforts seem not to j have be *n wholly in vain, is a i source of( gratification to the imb. i lifiher. A petition, drawn for the purpose of b eliciting subscriptions to i fund t< > erect a steel bridge over Sugar creek at the site of the Bailee bridge, was circulated on the streets the pant week with the j result th at about S50l) has boen *ubscribid. It is the intention if those in charge of the list to! niae by public subscription one- ! third of the necessary amount and isk the commissioners of York ?nd Lancaster counties to furnish die ren ainder. The plan is to j imild u; :> the present approaches uid ere? t ft substantial steel bridge ( kveli abc ve the high-water mark; litis dof ug away with the inconrenienc > aud expense which has been ex perienced with tlie wooden : bridges in the past. \ V ??0?????0??SS)C BIG STOR 3D!- DOC >-BYE WINTER GO< tire Line S d to carry any heavy g( led. Our Spring Goods v or the next 30 days you ' in Winter Goods. This jrwear, Men's and Gov's II save from do to 50 per We have a few Ladies' ] l will go at Half Price. cheap to mention. 50 p ick stockings, sizes 5 1-2 during this sale, is only MONEY B itisficil after you have led them. BIGSTOR 13?rbor'? bridge ??ver Sn?^nr| creek, .'1 miles of Fort Mill,! is still impassible, anil present iurticetious are that it will remain ho j for eomt' time. Traveler* between , Fort Mill >iiid I?arbersville use the Bniles bridge road. -? ? SPOILED HEH BEAUTY. Harriot Howard, of W, 3lth St . Now I York,at one time hart her ho inty sp.ile 1 1 with skin trouble. She writes: "1 had : Salt liheum or Ec/.ema for years, but nothing would cure if. until I used Bueklen's Arnica Salve." A. quick and sure healer for cuts, burns and sores. 25c at Arrtroy's drug store. A decided improvement In sheen made by the grading of ilonfodetate fctreeel in front of the poHtwftiee. The dirt removed wa? placed in the low places and 1 he entire street now presents a belter appearance. SICKENING SHIVERING FITS of Agnoand Malaria, can bo relieved and cured with Electric This a pure, tonic medicine; of especial curative influoueo on the disease, driving it entirely out of the system. It is much to ho preferred to Quinine, having none of this drug's bad after effects. H. S. Monday, of Henrietta, Te\. writes "My brother was very low with malaria! fever and jaundice, till ho took Electric Bitters, which saved his life." At Ardrey's drug store; price oOc, guaranteed. The Fort Mill friends of Capt. i T. W. True, the genial Southern conductor, regret to know that he has given up the run between j Choster and Charlotte, which he has so satisfaetoiia'ly tilled for several years. Cap!. True Im* been | assigned a run between Columbia and Allondnlo. GREATLY IN DEMAND, Nothing is rnoro in demand than n medicine which meets modern r<?.p tomenls for a hloort and system cleans---.-, such as I)r. King's New Life Bills. Thcv urn jast what yoa no i to euro stomach aud livor troubles. Try them. At Ar drey's drug store., 2jr., guaranteed. ? ISofst cotton Hold on thin market yostorday for 11 1*3 ce nts. A GRIM TRAGEDY is daily onactod in thousands of homos, as Death claims, in ouch one, another victim of Consumption or I'nonmonia. But when Coughs and Golds arc properly treated the tragedv is averted. F. G. lluntlev, of Oaklandon. Ind , writes: '"My wife had the consumption. and three doctors gave her up Finally she took Dr.King's J e\v Dismvevv lor Gonsnption, coughs and colds, which cured her, and to-day slie is well and strong " It kills the germs of all diseases. One doRo relieves. Guaranteed at fi'V and $1.00 by W. B Ardrey. Trial bottie fr< c. . - I A | Efort ? ? Mill, S. C. ? | jj?r ? Mr 1MB! : n?s. | ffusTOo, 11 | 0 >ods over, as we 1$ r ? ill he coming in <. 0 J wiii get unusual- \ 0 i line consists of s > S, , ! Clothing, Shoes, [ 0 ? cent on any of ? 0 ? 0 Raincoats, Jack- I (S l <? 15 pairs all wool ; (? l ^M*' airs misses triple ^ 0 to ') 1-.?, cheap at I ^ I fs* S eeius per pair. [ f<* : A C K , I I 5 taken the goods ? VV ? ft mmmmmmm ? ?- mm ffj j p FORT I I ; JJ, Mill, 8. C. | | ' ' I) gpi??viii i >r./.yr r ? ' nm fm -.-y- ? :>? *?? a % *.f .at ( HICK'S HEADACHE : I POWDERS cure Headache and Neuralgia, ; ! Price# 10c package, If they don't cure you get your money back. | ARDREYS ! DRUG STORE. I I it-4XL>4> 3 /> a * > Let the ^ I ?> i Cliariotts Steam Laorv I' I ': 4, Launder Ycur Linen. | j f; Wo Imy?< llif mini ? 1 Rest Laundry Vlant in % 2| lho ('aro!iiins. Wo do more V, work than i\i\y laundry in ,#Z ilu* Carolina*. We do Hot- ' * ? ? ? tor work than any laundry 2 in the South. ()ur adonis, <o A V ? whose name in attached V *> i i \ v 4 hereto, has instructions to y i> fiivo you full and complete V j sat ii-facl ion or make no * 2 charge, 2 ?i Isn't that fair dealing ? i 4 . ,I<W,|| jj | PIIKKS DRUG CDJitP'Y, |i t ACCENTS t, FORT MIMj, - - - C'. 5 4 *? J3 O 3ST 3 T A musical instrument < you hear a genuine l?di it is more music for less thing else ever invented talking machine that re ural voice. No liarsli, Compare it with other s machines and see for 3 superior it is in every n a polished sapphire b wears out, il reproduc friction, and does ,not as other machines. <Jc son Phonograph and Inn minstrel troupe right in AVe have them at $10 an hear it. It docs its ow m?B ,Tu 3VE.AJ ti ?B6&38S8? ? ? I ALWAYS SOME'l v.^v V:f Tlifro i:? always soni >thi!J_r new 0 ^v>| NKW J .iif?'H ? \ on should st?e o f-.) v.-iiltli? at f>.\ Also Kngli f-< tk. at 5, 7 1-2, 10, 12 12 nnd I5i .? *1 J mm M'O tins line. Keal Linen, C'.\ ^ Ov . *i: ;'"i Torch'in from 1 to :> inch Li >,'<)>: --J.'wOO yurds IiuliH Lir Ant r?. It). 12 12 and 13c. (vj Jl< >SL 700 pairs of misses oik C'2 nnd solo Kofi . sizes 5 to 10, at 10i at 13 mid 25 e. ? LLLTS (Lit Bells, ail tho rni KCSHINO New lot black am COLLARS and C'lTFS?A be . Cull 8oto at 10, 25 and 50c* t)i:v T ;\vi 1 S ;lc was good. but i to sail jolt at 5 and 10c. MEAGHAM. v ' _ "o yy<il 'o1, ~ i PS9SP-> ; >: .'j -j- n* a ye*v eao,? ..>>* |ECONOMY i:> ? * '* * I ^^Pre 01 I1' j| Ifxrj | liconoaiy. ;4 ; s 0$ ! On ivhv \ /Wk The utile: ?? ! ) 'iiid result 9i H I / C i / " / V V V .7 who COIIB' * \ **V /t / ones who .* 2 i] ?M C \Ntl clothing a a/% 3 nm?i aj \ -j . ?? l^fk aid workt 11 i'{ I you some \l fUeElfoaray % ?<?.. < .JM-dEU -7.34 >.?*<< C-. J* * *? # * 4t^A f r. ?.; *,' -S,?? ?.? *?>. >> ? ; * Vj>-V>-v> v..?*vJ* \.vw; v?v;> IWWIWVCANIW NW I T. I). FAULKNI H 1 \ w& i ! Funeral ? /J ^ ,f&r I I 4 i' 5 | & CS ! *y I'nclcrtakiiiK in all i the cheapest Pine Cofl Slate flasket. Hohcs'fo and gentlemen, Slippe and llearsc Wagon. T T. D. FAULKNER i \N'tV\V* * XV'*XXVXNXXXi*\*A V.' a WWXXXXXX /A\\^NN\\\S X<\< * ' *iv '",- t*. ' ' -V > ? T=t XX * >f any kind until son Phonograph, money than any. I. It is the only produces the nat? rating sounds. so called talking Yourself how far aspect. By using all which never cs sound without wear the record t a genuine Edi*e an orchestra or your own home, id $20. Call and n talking. SSZETS" - ' ? 88888880800 IIING NEW I at Mea chain & E, pa\ ar Ynl. Laces in match 5? sh round thread, match ra e. Torchon Laces?You (5b 1 to 1 1.2 inch, at 5o. ? os, match sets, at 6c. ion, very sheur and fine, 1 children's double knee Boys' Bicycle Hoee Qs) ;e, at 50c. Sic 1 white at 20c. a autifui Jiue of Oollar and X ,ve still have plenty left ??! 0 PBTla ? x m i a. g Cl'v ?00?0000?0 . J - xai J-! llMBBg=3 e two ways of practicing 55 is to consider price only. 55 r way, consider quality 55 s. For iuslanoe, those 55 ider price only are the 55 ? buy cheap shoes and 55 nd don't consider wear 55 nunship. They may save 55 inies on their purchase, 55 OSo much more by bav- ? y often. On the other 55 as who consider quality 5? ' go to buy are the great- 55 ini/.ers, after all. *V e a strong line of wear- 5* I and shoes and if you 55 dor quality, wo can do 55 good. 55 ^v>iih|j y j || ?a -a ###??<#? ? - !...-_ .' I.^LMUJO-J t r %?x+r. v\\\ iR COMFY. J gf iCTOR, |i ' P ts branches from fin to the tin est r children, ladies \\ rs, etc. Hearse ai iiones 12 &34. b COMPANY.