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hiu ill iU EimfS. DEMOCRATIC l?UBLISIiKB EVERY THURSDAY. |, B. W. BRADFORD. " JANUARY' 25, llMifC J. !' Boys, remember it is t)<o student "WIhi litis tost niggle hardest td got mi education that Kids the most discipline mid must mood out of it. W Those who pin faith to tljo groundhog theory may now look forward to ids woo lis of fair woatlior, the Eohiir ! weather forecast to the contrary, notwithstanding. .Tnth u'liitfhnr riiitilitinnu fur Foiiutgr TjUjiuiji'h recent unusually bitter utterances in tho Senate, we are unable to say. Nevertheless ..*o caguut help but admire the Senator'* grit. Tho American newspaper was founded by t hristinn gentlemen and is still published by men whose only hope of reward is a free pass into tho pearly gates, most certainly their just due. Hero's iv hearty handshake and congratulation to Intendunt Hall and t)ic now oouncil. May the year IDOU be one of happiness and prosperity to those who by tho vote of tho people liuvo boon placed in charge of the town's utl'uirs for thu year. There are altogether too ninrjy pooplo who uro satisfied if they enn at tlio cud of fhe year just pay out and make ends meet. While this is better than to run behind, a man should have ambition to do something more. There are largo possibilities connected with saving even so small an amount us 9&0 u yea*'. I5y way of explanation for his opposition to tho bill to increase the appropriation for thu State militiu, Mr. Ardrey points out that in UMH the inili tiu was given 98,000, while in ltKW thu appropriation \yus increased to 915,000. Besides this a State armory was built at u cost of ftl.OOO, and Mr. Ardrey ? i.illlru fl... r >1... ttlut.. io .1..:.. . -I. .M.U.VH ? ?!> VUU k'lUlU ?."> UUIII|4 l<IIUUj{l> for the militia without r,u inoruuso. Albort Patrick, who wassentenced to dio for the niurdor of Millionaire Kioe, has beeu granted a reprieve of forty days by the governor of New York, on account of newly discovered ovidenco in behalf of the condemned man. Pattrick's guilt has not, in the opinion of many people, been clearly proven and should ho visit the death chair the otllocr who sends his Soul to the great beyond can never rest assured that he has executed a murderer. -W Wo doff a large and cordial hat to the management of the South Carolina College upon its decision to ubolish football from tip) the lists of si>orts at the ! institution. Tip) list of fatalities the past seasnu throughout the country reads like returns from a bloody battle. TbiM so called ''sport" is wholly demoralizing, dangerous to life and limb and brings no bene (It to anyone concerned. It ouly remains for the college people to put n stop t? hazing and win honors which would flit it lcl them to a Carnegie or othor medal. Thy following, credited "Unknown," i ia too good to bo lost: We lovo the man with the rose on his tongue, the matt who sees the boy's dirty face but mentipus bis bright eyes. who notices your tihubby oout but praises your studious habits, the man who soos all faults but who is quick to praise, slow to blame. ) We like to meet a man whose smile \y?ll brighten up (loudness, whose voiee is full of music qf the birds, whoso handshake is au inspiration and his God bless you a benedict ion. He makes us forgot our troubles us the raven's dismal oroqk it forgotten when the wood thrush slugs, thai biess the mutt of cheer. There is plenty of trouble hero aud we need not ittereaso it. Tliere Is a let cf dying doue ahead of time. Every citizen who has the up buildjug and welfare of the town at heart should make u liberal contribution to tho fuud for the erection of a steel bridge over Sugar crook. With a public donation of one-third the amount necessary wo feel confident that the oountlcs of Lancastor aud York will respond with a like amount. The need of it fltood. milwUiiiiul I _ . .?miim^u hi i ma point igcans much to l'ort Mill, ami es peoinlly our butliip?< men, to whom n large volume of business comes from I beyond the ? r lek. Piuuvillv is making a bid for the trade from that section by building good roads ami bridges aud with our advautago in distance, it docs seom that 1'Vrt Mill could hold the business by offering like inducements. SoUjribo lib*'rally to the fund and let's build the bridge. The good i\suU will eonie later. Aside from the usual interest in the proceedings of tjie legislature there is r msiderablo amusement to bo had in watching I bo reports of the number of fooliah aud worthless measures that are ' offered for euacitou. For instance, wo hare just read iff a bill to compel one who uiakes oath ho fore an officer of ih i ' law to place the right hand on the bill hie while the right hand i? upheld. The bill was killed after some discus * hiou because t lie normal persou has but diio ritfht huud. Thou ou tho lint, wo I find n Lill to dinfmnchiso a niun upon | liin third conviction of drnukeiiiiogH. j . Tnis wins likewise killed in short order. j 1 Sncll bills lire onlv ail and ar<< not worth tho paper on which they uro written. But what wo uro wondering ut is how undor tho nun those who offor such utterly worthless measures (. managed to gut a sent in that honorable body which makes laws for a sousiblo people. Tho Times has received from tho t Ving's Mountain chapter, !). A. It., a i very interesting aui leghthv oommuni- I cation, and it is with regret that wo cannot, owing to its length, publish tho < article. The ladies are seeking to t arouse interest and enlist tho co opor- ' ution of tho people in g movement to I erect in the Nutionnl Statuary Hall in Washington a statuo of John C. Culhoiin. Tho legislature at its present 1 session is to be asked to appropriate tho sum of $25,000 for the purpose and tho 1 ladies upi>cul to tho jsioplo of tho Stnte to nsp their iufiuouco with tho legislu- j la tors o their respective counties in securing the approprition. Practically every Stato in the Union, except South Carolina, is represented in Statuary Hull, and it is hopod that our legislature will no longer allow our State's plnco to remain empty. There is certainly none more worthy a place than South Carolina's most honored sou, John C. Calhoun, A Fine Showing. From the Greenwood Journal. i "According to tho State's correspondent at Fort Mill, tho recent municipal election at that place has been quite a 1 spirited one, resulting in a tie vote. Tho present incumbent is Mr. W. 13. Meacli- 1 am, a brother of Mr. T. 13. Moacham of this city. That Mr. Meaoham is tho ' man for the place is clearly shown by 1 tho udmirable showing that, he 1ms ' made during his administration. It. ' seems that he was opposed solely on the ' ground that lie had been open and fearless and uncompromising in the administration of t lie laws. This to his cred- 1 it, t>nd wo predict at this distance that ' the host people in that little town were ' his strong supporters, and that ho will go in at th?> next election. Farther, if any illegal votes wore polled, we guar- 1 autoo that it was done hy Mr. Meach- j urn's opponents. "lint hero is an account of the good ' work ho has done: The mayor early in ^ the year auuounced a minimum fine of $.1 for conviction for drunk and disor- ^ derly conduct and promised to double the line for the second conviction. This J policy has resulted in the collection of ( nearly $1,01)0 in flues during the past year. "The munieipal affairs have been ad ministered with wisdom and economy, as shown by the fact that in the past | few years about three-quarters of a mile of macadam streets have been laid. Ooiuont sidewalks, six and eight foot wide, have been put down on both sides of Main street, and on part of Confederate street, and electric lights installed in the business streets. "All this has been clone on a tax levy of only two mills and without incurring a cent of debt. The town now owes only $ll>0, part of the bonded debt for the town hall built several years ago, and these bonds are uot for sale even to the town, which has offered to take them up." - ? Tillman Denounces Roosevelt. TIlX nrnil f.minliln IV. .... II... White llous?> of Mrs. Minor Morris was made the "uhjeut of emphatic dennn- | that ion by Mr. Tlliman in the Senate a few days ago. His remarks called out . reinonstranees from Messrs Hale, Hopkins and Daniel, ami led to the very ah- ^ rupt closing of the doors and the sud- \ den adjournment of the senate in the middle of tin* afternoon. The speech abounded in Mr. Tillman's jH*euliar ex- * ptvssions, and was characterised with I many severe and exceptioua'ly p rson- j r mal thrists at I'res d *nt lioosc volt. ( At times he wept over what ho regarded as the indignities to Mrs. Morris, and ' his eyes were tilled with tears when he 1 declared in the face of protests from t his fellow-senators that he would do- j mand an investigation of the White ; Honse incident- 1 -? ? ?Weather Torccast for 1906. i Bclair, Jntty. 1(5, 11100. t Take notice to 11 it* weather for I 11X10: * January, cloudy and some sain. * First and last of February, cloudy ? with some ruin. First of March j i will In* dry, while the last will he ^ cloudy with ram. April will bo 1 ] cloudy and windy with some rain.! I There will ho little rain the tiist of | May, while the last will be cloudy ' with some rain. June, wet and I w indy. First of July, rain: last. I cloiidy mii I some rain. First of j August, wet; lust of month. tolerably ill v. September, wet through- J out. First of October will be wet ? ami the Inst < lomly with some rhiu. i Noveinlvr, cloudy, little rain. Do -euibt-r, diy, little rain. I r. R. COLLINS. I I I A report yesterday from Mr. ,T. t \V. Elms, who was injured at Ca < tawba Falls a few days ago, was to , I the effect that he was doing as i well na can bo expected. It was at | first thought ihat it would be nee- i essary to amputate his leg, but the j phyHK'iaus iiiiw think this can be I j avoids d. f \ f - t^^rfjbbpi :v- *.{ i A Comine MarriageCurds rending u? follotg were esued during 1 p piiflt weeJuj Mrs. Auuurtta Culu I equcsts the pleasure of yonr cojnx>nuy ut the marriage of hor UuWUter Toinmie Ethel, ^ to Mr. Jnmoa McGtep >r, >11 Thursday evening. Febronry first, at half past eight o'clock Presbyterian ChurohT i Fort Mill, South Carolina. The above aiinonncenieu will oatl with interest by till, people! >f lliiw M*-c-ti?>t?. owing to t^e popuarily of the young coupkt. Mtss Culp is a younjj woman if rate culture, strong intellect ititl exceptionally tine dliHraeU-r ind bears every mark of thegenlleliorn, gentle-bred Southern woman. Her life of truth, purity and sweet womanliness has won for her a large circle <>f friends. Mr. McGregor, formerly of this place, is now a resident of Walterboro. lie was recently elected president and general manager < f the Walterboro Mfg. Company, a position which only one of iiiuhctt moral character and business ability can attain, llis courtesy and generous nature have won him friends wherever he is known. ? . Pleasant Valley News. The Pleasant Valley school is a little off in attendance owing to so much sickness. Mrs. J. P. Bailee, after a severe attack ef erysipelas, is improving very fast.,.. M rs. Lee Bickett, of this place, is quite sick with measles. ... Mr. .J. / Bailee visited his wife Friday, who is at the hospital in Charlotte... .Mr. R. W. Duster is visiting his daughter in Monroe for a few days... .Mr, WhiteCousirt, who has been clerking in Charlotte for some lime, lias returned home and will engage in kill!.. (1 * 1 * * ? lining ni?4 sui i. . . . Messrs. r rid Pickett, of Fort Mill, and Oscar Faris, of Charlotte, spent Snudn) with their parents here..Mr. Ei-! jkino Bryant and Miss blanche Uone, of 1'ineville were among the l\ Y. visitors Monday... .Mr. F. 1\ Thetroll and family visited relatives at Wnxliaw the past week .... Rev. J.C. t 'handler was among iiiri Pleasant 1 Lill congregation the oast Week. The Pleasant Valley branch of! the cotton growers' association | mot Saturday afternoon and all ! the members agreed to adopt the 1 plans and resolutions passed tit the recent State and national con I mentions. j. o. H. Accidental Gunshot Causes Death. Officer Robert G. Johnston, of! llio Rock Hill police forbe, died at 1 the hospital in tlmt city early Fri .lay morning irom injuries inflict-! ad Thursday morning by the ?? - ' -ideutal discharge of his revolver. ! l'lie remains were brought to this place Friday afternoon and on Saturday morning, oftlr funeral er vices at the Presbyterian church by Dr. J. II, i homwolljthe burial look place in the town cemetery. Mr. dohnston carried a 41 calibre Colt's pistol iti a holster unler his coat and in stooping to shovel tome coal with which to make a lire in the council chain- ; ber, the pistol slipped from the holster and struck a largo lump of jonl, discharging the weapon. The bnll entered near the collar bone at the left side and ranging lownward came out at a point just below the point of the right diouldor blade. In passing through the body the ball struck the spinal . oluinn, causing paralysis from the -boulders down. Parties \vho heard ;he report of the pistol hurried to Mr. Johnston's assistance and with nueh ditlieulty prcv?ntcd him from bleeding to death before the physicians arrived. He was re-j moved to the hospital, where lie' gradually grew weaker until his loath at the time indicated above. I Mr. Johnston was well-known 11 this section, having been a resilent of this township until he iccepted the position of police in dock Hill about two years ago. Several years prior to this lie rerved as chief police in this this mil was among the best otlieer tie town has had. He was bO ^ears of age and is survived by ,iis second wife and throe children join to hia first wife, and two brothers and three Bisk is. The accident which resulted in bid heath is deeply regretted by all. -< +- ? A Bachelor's Protest. (Contributed. j It is with much regret that the jv?cial circle of Port Mill is suffering r>o iricptrably from the constant and incessant onslaught of the irresistable Cupid, lie it h noat welcome visitor, so loim as Ins darts waver in the air only to iisuppenr when icached for by t ne >f the fair ones; but when Ins dart fails to wavei ?t has been Uoi ig recently), and his unerHug aui plucks our fairest ones--our \ ei?utea?from our midst, thereby injuring! our social circle to such a $reat decree, it is liioli time t ?r i us old bachelors to raise a protect.' . / , t ! r FURNITRI We are now pi on a great main present slock is styles, but we do top notch of new and one things tli PARLOR ORNAMENT DESKCPAiKS WRITING DESKS CHILDREN'S CRIBS CHINA CLOSETS PARLOR ROSS COHORTS HALL HACKS LOOSES All of this grea the distinct muU ments to suit you member tiiat wh payments is all ri IVEill A rccciVfil here 'I uesiluy by Mr. b'n-tl Nitns unnoutu-eu tlii> dentil at Chat lotte of liis step father, Mr. \V. I). Rankin, of Alt Holly, N. O. Mr. Rankin wiis G: yen18 i?t* aire and liad been ill alioui a year. Several of Air. Nitus" fanti lv at I ?* 11 (1 <'?1 the funeral \esterilay. ? ri HOME | | INSURANCE. J g You should take Old l ino In- ^ I surancc with 110.>11: COMPANIES 9 Because-Ist: They are CSii Line Lifs Insurance Companies Because-2nd: They arc officered ar.d controlled by home people and \ keep money in the State. Because-- : I 3rd: The policies arc simple \ contracts, free from a!! spccu- ! lation as to result:, each item i and figure bcinj guaranteed. Because-4th: Tlie premiun rates are b | lower titan most old companies. ? and yet they furnish just as G much, just as ?ood and just as I j safe Insurance. j P See nit? hef. vnit lul ? -s I e I pclisy. I'D ?ruaran!ee to save jjj I you money -1L-I J j J NO. J. BAIL.ES, j Agent, Fort Mill, S. C. j J ? lurea U 5 U-< tTxrrw V J hzmza fiL. u Li M? Q Rvon \ . f ^ Lift- is liMjiiri'itr in <j 0 tit-* Balance when a physi- C ? ci'?n writes a prescripii-. n. 0 it 11:o compounding is in tc- ^ curate, or if the dr ib's su- ^ .. ... plica are lucking in parity * ' or strength, who shall mi- ? f swer fi>r tli'* reu'.ts? \Y ? I recognize our re ponsihilily * in these matters. \V? regard a ^ every prescription as ?me $ X requiring the utmost rare <* $ as to nccurn y an 1 demand- 4 4 inn the highest made of 4 dru^s that mouey will bay. 4 ? Our ideal prescription Bi-r- ? X vice costs you uothuin ?xtiu 7 ? We always strive to ^ive g a the best of everytliMii; nt ^ X prices that are absolutely ^ X fair. * 4 * X ???w?mammmmmi??? i i" i ??TW ? ^ 5 PARKS DRUG C3^P'Y, J J ^ t t t # j 4J j-i-i ? ONLY FUF 3 R i nr. A INK ^ ii i v. acjng our fcpring orders ai i patterns that we shall d disposed of. They are this every year to keep 01 ness and excellence. \Ve at will beautify the home S PARLOR CHAIRS PARLOR TABLES BRASS BE3S LA&1PS CLOCKS 8EATEKS BLANETS KIT R?GKS PICTURES t stock is of feral to you to irstanding that we will i i. Come and lcok over o atever is agreeable to yoi ight with us with only asm s <&, Xo llULjvS. SULES. ! A full supply continually on hind, Call ana saie in an ho lore j i you buy. Iricesaiul j i terms to suit the purchaser. J, E, Marslall & Co,, 1 Iast Bx.CK Sr.. ROCK HILL, - - - S. C. ^ ... Lrt J 7" MODE I. i | Steam Laundry. I CHARLOTTE, ? ? N. C. P1U0II LIST. T Shirts.... 10c i ! t Shirt.-;, low, lShjc f Collars; -^c : 1 '* ('oil's. i?>r pair le 1} Uiulcr.-Urt? Sc ? Drawoi# 8c t? i ocks, pr pair lie j 1 1 l.itnlkercbiofs. linen !'.c ^ Handkerchiefs, silk "c I'auts -J.-ic to 7."o. ' ; I'<KltS 25c to 7">0 t j V .:.S 25o i ?hirt - Waists 15o np ! ' ("nrtaiM...T? 50c up 5 Klanke.s, single, 15c; double, 2"c > Coe.ntvpnnes 10c ^ Tablet lot lis 10c ; ; | riuiAREY & 60?P*? I Agents, | FORT MILL, ? ? ? S. C I > ?A1W %*'.rvtZm.anfttt^a.S TjUR PRICE LIST. CombmiUg good quality and low prices. . The pricH-- quoted below are gu iranteeil to l> t to low -it f >r qnality of (b>ods: 1 year olt Corn Whisky, p r gallon $1 .at) : ? .. ,. 1.75 > H ? ., ? ,. ,, ,. 2.0D I 2 25 j a ,, Tar Heel Corn \\ liiskey 8.00 ; 1 ,. ., CJnod Kye Whisky per gal 1.75 1 ' i ,, (Io hI Kye Whisay " " 2.00 ' 1 ,, ,, (rood liye Whisky " " 2.50 1 1 ? .. Cood R\ e Whisky " " 8.0) ? ? .. .. Cloo.l live Whisky " " 1 oj i No charge fur \ esse! or p icking. t 5 v extra will pr. :uy express on one to three gallons: over 8 gallons. 75 . CM II ?4 AM ft. jiv UHU.t.U:! e ijwr.:rnfl3p 3ALI*l??RY - - - NC, TO OL'H 1'UIKNDS! We are now local d at 124 K I' ?un i sti-f.Salisbury, N. C , and solicit your trade. We have <ii I.and a complete lin*? of the b st Vhiski? s. Wim s. Brandies, Etc . and all suj piy your wants (with anything in 0111 lint4. Our Mr. M. A. Teeter. formerly of Charlotte, has personal hujhm vision of our shipping department and all mail ord* is receive prompt and careful attention at his hands. Ask (or price li-t and order .blank with your order. \V. I!. llOOVCR .v CO.,| i SALISBURY, X. C. Phone 24i<.: 1 \ Mm., if - v INITURE STORE IN TOWN. ?? | ' I ! " k agqr nd have cut prices rop as soon as the ail this season's .u* stock up to the have a thousand for years to come, LACE CURTAINS MUSIC CABINETS CHIFFONIERS SIDEBOARDS CREDIT. . choose from with irrange the payur stock and rei in the matter of all amount down, ung. .. ,.u glfEg j I WREN YOU SHOOT vAJ | y. ?j want to HIT wlmt you arc aiming at FJ,.I ? 1.. it . uj, '.least or target. Make your J. , ^ c.unt l>y th>u<:ir. \ the STEVENS. K- 'i 1 r ye :t STEVl.NS ARMS fYj it PREMIER HONORS for ACCURACY. Our line: jj RiiSes, Siiotpns, Pistols J i.l 4 eti. In stamps jR h\ . t r x j va4;c Catalan U ? ; 1 1 ?'?v>?cic e tiHxt. A M ? ?t f\ \ i. . * cl 'X'ii ??r*cfcrH i ? e i r ^rjsent anj 1/ L>;| ' i" ' ,v?rr^ rolnr Alumi 'un: fl-?n *cr will bu ion* aided ior io ia stamps. I J. Stevens Arms Tool Co., P. O. Box 4036 j CIIICOPEE falls, MASS., U. S. A. V XV r?C*Tl mmmhJ . . . J TAX RETURNS FOR 1906. Office of thf. County Auditor of York Cotnty, S. O. Yorkville, 8. C., December 1, 1905. AS rt*<iuirert by statute my books tvill be opotted at inv office in Yorkvillo on MONDAY, JANUARY 1, 1900, and kept open until l'EDRUARY 20, 1900, for the purjiose of listing for taxation all PERSON*Land REAL PROPPW TV held in York countv on January 1, 190f>. Particular attention is called to the fact that all real property must be reassessed during the period mentioned, and all property real or personal not returned, will bo s ubj ect to a penalty of "?o per cent which will be added after February 2.1. All returns must be mado in regular i form and it is preferable that they be mado by the property owner in person 1 to me or ray assistant, direct, on blanks I provided tor the purpose. The returns 1 must bo duly sworn to either before uio 1 or my assistant or some other officer I qualili 'd to administer an oath- 8 items "f realty whether farms, I or town lots, must bo listod separately, flj and no return which simply says: S sarin as last year," or "no changes," M \'.; 11 be accepted. Returns made on proper blanks and on officer qualifle 1 to ^B a.lit.mis:i-r .in oaih ami forwarded to ^B me by registered mail before February > ;, will be ace pud. All taxpayers are particularly request- B I'd to inform themselves as to the nam- ^Bi Sit of their respeiM i\e school districts, and where they have projwrty in more B than one scho?d district, they will please |BB '.. turns indicating the location of each piece of property. The -. li ol distri ts in which there are spo- B levi s are as follows: v..j ' >' <> in t othesda; Mos 0 and -10 in Brood Hk River: No 12 m Catnwho and Ebene/.< r: Nos. :.'j and 20 in Fort Mill; Nos. ^^^B' and :id in York. F'.r Tlie purp se of facilitating tlm^^H taking of returns and for the grcatur^^DB convenience t.f taxpayers. 1 will Iw utl^H the fallowing places on tho datc-sH^^P At Yorkvillc from Monday, February ^^B "i to Tuesday, February 20, inclusive. Ail male-. between the ages of twen- ^H^j| ' tv-< ne and sixty years, except Confederate soldii rs over the ago of fifty years, are liable to a poll tax of $1, and all persons so liable are especially requested to give the numbers of their respective school districts in making their returns. It will lie a matter of much accommodation to me if as many taxpayers us possible will meet me at tho respect- I ive appointments mentioned above, s? 1 ru-di at Yorkv ille during I the cl ting days, I JOHN J. Hl'NTKH. 1 i unity Auditor. I York\illo, S. C., Dec. 1, 1905. I