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FORT MILL TIMES. ,U*F-.fo7? ?" sa VOL. XIV. FORT MILL, S. C., THURSDAY, JANUARY 25.190U. NO. 13. 'llriifinBl if * 18 DIE IN A CHURCH Wild Panic Caused By a Small fire VICTIMS WOMEN AND CHILDREN Smell of Smoke iu Philadelphia Colored Baptist Church Gives Rise to Shrieks of "Fire!" and 18 Are Killed and Nearly 40 Others Injured in Terrible Rush for Exits. Philadelphia. Special.?A wild panic followed a loud shriek of "Fire!" brought death to IS colored persons and injuries to nearly two score of others Sunday night at St. Paul's Baptist church, on the west side of Eighth street between Popular street and Girnrd avenue. The terrible rush to gain the street was of brief duration, and that more were not killed in the stampede was probably due to the feet that the church was not crowded. Not more than MOO persons were on the second tloor of the building which with the gallery, was capable of holding 000 to 700. The tire was a trilling one and was extinguished before the liremen arrived. The smell of smoke added to the panic, and despite the hemic work of the Kev. E. \V. .lohnson, the pastor of the church, who tried ill vain to allay the fears of the frightened worshippers, t lie terrorstricken people made a desparate rush to leave the church, only to he choked up on the narrow stairway. Those in the rear leaped over the prostrate forms of those who fell, and when the rush was over. IS lay dead on the first Hour and stairs of the building, Death in nearly every case was due to suffocation or trampling. BLOODY DAY IN ECUADOR Trvo New Governments in an Hour Makes Notable Record Even for A 2 T* 1- - * ouuiu Aiuciiua, reopie 01 uruayaquil Revolting Against Assumption of Power by Vice President Moreno Guayaquil. Keundor, Hv <'able? General AI to to occupied (juito, lie capital, at .'1 p. in., Thursday. A junutn of notihle persons met in the government palace here at -1 p. 111. and formed a new government. Vice President Baqueri/.e Moreno assumed the executive power, establishing a new Minist ry. Kioting followed. The people during the afternoon attacted the prisons liberating the political prisoners and afterwards capturing the police barracks, where the rioters obtained poss ession of a number of ritles and sontt cannons. Rifle shots later were heard in all parts of the city and the rioter* became so byld that they attacked s bnttaljjofj of artillery. Many person* were killed ami wounded daring the fighting. The new ministry, however, onl\ lasted one hour. The people rejected the administration of Rnqucrixo Moreno and proclaimed as President <I'eneral Klroy Alfaro, the formei President of Kcuador, and leader ot the revolution, and in his absence l>r Kuiile Arrevalo assumed the civil am military authority. A great panic prevailed here during the evening and in the midst of tk? disorder (lenernl Leonidas Plaza, min ister, of Ecuador to tlie United States who arrived here Jan. 18 and assumed chief command of the army in itsoperations against the rebels, escapee from the city and embarked on board (lit Chilean steamer I,eora, whicl leaves here to-morrow for Panama. hater in the evening order was r# stored. Two hundred persons were killed 01 wounded in the lighting here. Preacher Alleged Poisoner. <iaiuesville. (in.. Special.? Kev. .T \V. Austin, at one time pastor of the Methodist church at Belltown, neai (iaiuesville, was placed in the eonnt\ jail here having been arrested and brought from (Jwynette county, charged with attempting to poison lion Bob (^uillian. of Belltown, giving Mr Ouilliau a medicated apple. It' is alleged that Kev. Mr. Austin while at camp meeting at Popular Springs last [ milliner, Mr. Austin preaching a sermon a few minutes after giving Mr Quintan the apple winch made the j latter \ iolently ill. Two Killed in Mexican Wreck. Mexico City. Special. Two men, a locomotive engineer ami expos messenger, were killed outright in a collision between a passenger train ami a freight train on the Inter- Oceanic Knilway. Two others were sevoreh injured. The baggage car contained ball' a million silver dollars, but none were lost. { CONGRESS AT WORK What Our National Law Maker* Are Doing Day by Day. Tillman Gets Warm. Senator Tilltir-w r.iaila a passionate speech upon the recent ejectment from, the VYbite House of Mrs. Minor Morris. On Thursday he introduced a resolution to appoint a committee of invest is?at i ?n, whi-h ^-solution failed to puss. A fjOt of TMllcn??iAii Ahust> in the expenditure of appropriations was the ext of the discussion in the iluse diring the consideration of the urgent leticieey appropriation hill. But little progress was made in consideration 'of the hill, wliieh will he tie continuing topic for Monday. The portrait of <x-Attorney General Knox for which he Department of .Justice lias asked $2,615 was again the topic of commuit. The most antmated discussion <f the day took place on an nmendnent hv Mr. Keifer Ohio, to increase ilie amount for the transportation of slver coin. Mr. Smith (Iowa) declared that the practice of transporting silver coin from and to sub-tleusuries was graft pure and simple aid in th? interest of express companies. Mr. Hill (Conn.) said it was "unadulterated graft.' Kvery Secretary of the Treasury fron Carl vie down, lie said had disapproveI of the practice, lie said lie could gve a s| leeitie instanee where an expess company was paid by the governnent $l|i.000 for transporting its own money from Sun Fransisco to New Y>rk. Mr. \Villiams( Mis.) stated that of the movement of siver was1 stopped or restricted it won I work llinrdship in agricultural distills. The amendment was lost. Want Licena Record. Mr. Humphreys (Mss.) discussed a measure lie lias peming to itnuke the government records ?t" Kedenal liquor taxpayers and license-holder#* available as evidence. In prohibition and local option sectiousof the'country, i he said, the present jraetiec of withi holding this iut'ormut in really placed the Federal governmnt in the position of aiding the vdatorsiof local laws. Persons openung "blind tii gers," said Mr. Hunpbreys. obtain Federal license and this avoiijl pursuit by government agents.but the government records were withheld by the rules of the Internal Jevenue Bureau from being available ly State ollicials in making prosecution*. The rule of the Internal Revenue iureau, he said. , contravened the well-established rules 1 of evidence of our jurisprudence. Stating that there had been considerable criticism of Southern cotton planters in their efforts to decrease 1 I heir cotton acreage Air. Sims (Tenn.) ; d"nied that this would increase Euroi pean acreage and placed in The ; Record an article frcin the govern; ment crop reporter on the subject. Bill in Exposition's Beiull. r Washington. Special.?Represcnta1 tive Maynard, of Virginia, introduced a bill authorizing the goverixncut to t participate in the .Tnmestovn Tercentennial Exposition at Hampton ' Roads in 1007. ami providing an appropriation of $1,340,000 for govern1 mental buildings and exhibits. The bill also provided for the coiiage by f the government of 1,000.000 $2 silver s pieces, the exposition to pay for the bullion used. By this means the ex, position expects to realize a urofit of about jJiSOO.OOO oa the diflfemice between the cost of the silver ?nd the eirculatin# value of the coins. Representative Muynard believes there will be a great demand for silvei pieees espeeially coined for the exposition and bearing scenes typical of Jamestown, as the coin will be of such r unusual si/.e that it will be pri/.ed as a souvenir. Augusta-Columbia Trolley. Augusta, <<a.. Special.?James 1*. ' Jackson, vice president of the Augusta Aiken Railway Company, and I others, filed with the Secretary of State at Columbia. S. appieation for charter of company to he known as the Augusta and Columbia Railroad Company. It is their purpose to * extend the Aiken trolley line, now 22 miles long, on to Columbia, shortening the distance between Augusta and the South Carolina capital nearlv 'JO miles. Charged With Murder of Sleeping i Brother. Madison, To:., Special.? l!an?r?'i> arrested and jailed l?. I>. Defee ami 1 .1. 11. Defee on affidavits disrating tlieni will* the nmrder of Tom Defee. I .: s: a ami hrothe&of the aoi'uwd, who was he;d< n t?> death with nil nx<i a? he la\ asleep in his home at Midway. / I fc , - BIS BODY EXHUMED Doubts of Rebert Keith Dargan's Death Settled HIS REMAINS FULLY IDENTIFIED More Than Fifty Persons Who Knew Robert Keith Dargan in Life Viewed Disinterred Remains of Suicide President of Defunct Cotton Oil Co. and Positively Identified Body. Darlington. S. C., Special?In order to set at rest tlie numerous persistent stories to the effect that Robert Keith Dargan. who commuted suicide here on July I ltli last, shortly alter the disasterons failure of several large corporations of which he was manager the ?rave was opened and the remains identified by 50 or more well-known eieti/ens who knew him in life. Darcan had $40,000 insurance on his life. , $25,000 in the Fdiclitv Mutual Insurance Company of Philadelphia, and $15,000 in the Kquitahlc. The latter company accepted the proofs of death submitted and, some months ago. paid the amount due, but the Philadelphia company, by reason of the current rumors that Dargun was not dead, persisted in the demand that the body be disinterred and made an effort some weeks ago to secure an order from Judge Ik C. Watts to have this done, The Judge declined to issue the order, but stated that, if the company were sued, it could renew its repuest without prejudice from his decision. On August 5tli Mrs. R. K. Dargan submitted proofs of death and. in reply, the company wrote her, in part, as follows: "The proofs of death as submitted are not satisfactory and, under all circumstances of the case, we must ask you to submit further proof of death by allowing the grave to be opened and the body to he inspected by six residents of Darlington, who were prsoually acquainted with Mr. Dargnti in Ins life. Had to Fight if Not Docile. Annapolis, Mr., Special.?The rtial of Midshipman Chester A. Hloelmaiii, of St. Claries, Mo., on charges of hsizing, was concluded Friday. The court malshal peenpied only seven minutes in reaching a verdict in the case of Midshipman Bloehanni, by far the shortest period in any case A charge of hazing lias been tiled against Midshipman Claude I?. Mayo, of Columbus, Miss., a member of the first class. His offenses are alleged to have been committed during September last when Mavo, with other similarly situated midshipmen, were kept at Annapolis while the other upper elassinen were on leave. New Trial For Capt. Jones. Norfolk. Va., Special?Judge Hanekel this week reached a conclusion which did not become public until Friday, denying the motion for a new trial in the case of Capt. P. W. Jones, of the Virginia National Guard, convicted of tlie murder of Maud Cameron Robinson, formerly of Selma, X. C., and given IS years in the penitentiary; hut as the result of a decision rendered by the Court of Appeals of Virginia allowing a new trial to Fred S. llohaek, enrtrietcd in Floyd county, Va., of murder, the same point involved in the Jones case wos decided in favor of the prisoner and Jones consequently will get n new trial. Fatal Wreck Near Atlanta. Atlanta, On., Special.?Two men were instantly killed, another is rnissimr. believed to he under the debris. and a fourth fatally scalded as the result of a head-on collision between a north-bound through freight and a switch engine on the Seaboard Air Line Kail road near Minn, a small station about eight miles from Atlanta. Shot Both Before Dying. Knoxville, Tenn., Special. ? lien \V!K L ilh'il niul t twii lii'ntli crs, Clark and Tom Hals, shot in * altercation at Freshour's distillery, 32 miles from Greenville. Tenn. Kicker was shot by Tom Hale, but after ho had been mortally wounded he succeeded in shooting the other two men. dying after firing a shot which filtered Clark Hale's breast. The Hales are being driven by v.* a iron to North Carolina, according to last vej?orts. Kicker died in a few minutes. The I origin of the trouble is not known. FRANCE'S [LECTION Much Er&jtenieftt in Selection of President ASSEMBLY NAMES FALLIERES Exciting Scene in Congress Eel) of Palace at Versailles, Each Group Applauds Its Leaders and Hooting Opponents Until Announcement of Result, Which W-s Greeted With Great Cheers. Paris, By Cable- M. Clemen! Armaaml Fa Hie res was elected President of France on the first ballot. The vote stood: Fallieres. 4 til; l^mmer, A71 : scattering, 'JS. The National Assembly met in the congress hall of the Hoyal Palaee at Versailles for the election. Th" greatest interest was manifested in the proceedings. which, however, were very pronounced. The mem hers of the Assembly voted in alpliebct ieal order. Cheers were raised whenever a popular legislator or statesman deposited his ballot in the urn. each groop applauded its leaders and hooting the leaders of oppositiug groups. Several aged Senators who wen* obviously ill ; received the assistance of the ushers when mounting the tribune. Finnih silence proclaimed the end of the balloting and all present eagerly waiglit- 1 ed the announcement of the result. Then when the first figures?M. Fallieres 440 and M. Mounter .'171?were given out there was an outburst of enthusiasm which was renewed after the corrected figures, giving M. Fallieres 440 and thus increasing his already clear majority, were announced. M. Fallieres returned to Paris from Versailles escorted by a military guard of honor. He will take over his new duties Feb. IS. For Public Buildings. Washington, Special.?The Senate committee on public buildings and grounds ordered favorable reports on bills making appropriations for new Federal buildings as follows: At Bluefield, W. Ya., $100,000; Fort Worth. Tex., $T2o,(lOO; Atlanta, <Ia.. $1,000,000; Anderson, S. C., $7.">.(inn. A favorable report was ordered on a hill authorizing the Secret urv of tlm Treasury to contract for (lie erection * of a building at Selnta, Ala., on a site heretofore purchased, using an appro- j priation for construction which was ( made in 1902. T Sole Survivor of 13 on Ship. s Savannah, <ia? Special.--Adrift on J a gang plank1 from ! o'clock last Saturday morning unt il "> o 'clock Monday f afternoon, williont food or water Karl (] Sumner, the* only known surviving <1 member of the crew* of the four-mast- 11 ed schooner Hubert II. Stevenson, was picked up. by the (iennan steamer * Kuropa, bound from Philadelphia to ( Savannah. Besides the ship's new j there were four women aboard., all going to Havana on a pleasure trip, making a total of thirteen people aboard. $30,000 Y. M. 0. A. Building for j Winston- Salem. Winston-Salem, Special.?The di- 1 rectora have decided to erect a mod orn home for the Young Men's ' Christian Association, of this city. s The Iniildiug will be three stories ' besides a basement, and will cost 11 thirty thousand dollars. In the base- ' ment will be provided a swimming u pool, bowling alley, baths, etc. Germany's Former Secretary Dead. Berlin, By Cable.?Baron Yon Kicli- a thofen. Secretary of Foreign a (fairs, ] Green-Gaynor Jury. r Savannah. Oa., Special. With tIm- : decision of Judge Spccr in the Kederal Court that 'ireene ami (iaynor must he tried upon the consolidation of the indictments a rainst tlieiu. the last preliminary poi* t nt issue between the prosecution and (lit* defence was adjudicated am i all is in readiness Pn | the swearing >f the jury. | ! r?..? xx.? T,. _ , I I .. it>?u wi v uib w nuiu ? aniny. I'cmhrook. X. H., special. Seven j persons, all members of the family of ! Charles Avers, are supposed to have perished in a five which destroyed ' Ayres' farm house, near here. The , bodies Ktt a ? ! ild and of Ayres' mot In i 1 in law have liecn found in tin* ruins Mrs. Ayres and four children are missinir, and it ts feared that they, too, are victims of the tire. The authorities suspect that a crime was committed. M ' |tt cut r raj says the doctor to many of 01 doesn't know of any medicinal B cure womb or ovarian trouble; B That such a medicine exi; by the wonderful cures jvi Bgl in thousands of cases, by I IT CURES WC Xra It has saved the lives B women, and has rescued t melancholy lifetime of chron B you, if you will only give il fl S^>U at every drug store ii Vj WR5TE US A LETTER RS Put asitlo all timidity and wiito in fi?*j fri i ly and frankly, in strirtcst cotlfiIM donee, telling us ull your symptoms SS and troubles. We will send free advice 3,5 (in plain, sealed envelope;, how to cure them. Address: Ladies' Advisory SQj Dept.. The Chattanooga Mediciuo Co., Chattanooga, Tcuu. PROMINENT PEOPLE. The Earl of Elgin has a name known tin If over tin* world. .Inn Kuhelik played his violin at tho White House lln* other evening;. Secretary Taft is the champion longlistance traveler of modet u times. Cardinal Cihhou- since his arrival in Baltimore has ordained 1250 priest?. John Burns, the English Cabinet member, bus a gift of liappy and punyen t phrase. Andrew Carnegie plays golf in moderation, liut i?? extremely fond of trout liui salmon fishing. Sir Henry t'ninpbcll-Bannerman is said to he the lirst Prime Minister of >urely Celtic -train. Lleutenant-tieneral Sir William Buter recently retired from the British irniy, having reached the age limit or ilzty-seven. Marcus A. Smith, who is again roprelenting Arizona in Congress. Is dean of he Territorial delegates, this heiug his ightli term. M. Casimir Perier. who resigntnl the French Presidency. has Just received i rare decoriitioii. tlie gold medal of the Assistance Puhiie Sir Robert Iteld. J lie now Lord Chan ellor of (irent Britain, has a face so ypienlly English that he has heeti 'ailed "the intellectual J<?hn Bull." Colonel William P. Cody ("P.nlTalo Hll"? has hoe't <itiicial'y appointed 1*1tructor to the hulloou companies ?<f lie naval engin ers at Alderskot. Knjrtiucl. l'aderowski has entirely recovered rom Hie effects of the nervous breaklown which followed I: s railwnv ttcrilent near Syracuse, N. V., a few nonths apo. The first practical outcome of I.or.l loberts' appeal for national etli<'ieney n the use of the rille is the formation f the Xoftliern Bounties liulitslrial title Lea sue. Tolk Addresses Bostonians. Boston. Special. Live linti?I:* *< 1 of he leading business incn of Boston nemlieis of the Boston Merchants' \ssoeiat ion. altemletl the annual dialer of the organi:'.;] i ion at Hotel Somerset and lieard addresses by Jovernor Joseph \V, Folk, of Misouri; Mayor John Weaver, of Phila lelphia; Governor t'urlis Guild, and ithers. Governor Foil; was aeeorded i hearty reception. Ilo discussed in I i general way reform in politics. AN ARTIC MINFTW. Tlte six months' ni^ht had begun n#l Mi'-. Whaleblubber dropped in on dr=. Wnlruatusk. "Take off your furs," urged the hostiinble ho-tess. "Oh, it Isn't worth while,** was the | 1 CillliC III t<> SU1V <1 wet*i\ ( Wi Knar Disapp h Wo Fulfill Every Promise snd &J UJC Stricture wiioout the h Bp ?> U UUUIL pun or di'li'iillon Iron Ej cured never to return, without inrrrui '*. , Vnrnr l'u?itlv? The nr. Klr.g ! ' '*M> *) lawaof the mate 0 t.ervoua ami curt M <ei{y <?ur auCcea* 1t> tri fjU*"'J' (hi: 1 j V*lVSk ^ !< ?. X-r?r, Tlolft f3jnp "V c uitriveuce hn?t j " ( ir'HVtro in ever ' j \ J tmiiie-l t'nl i-|*n ? / j> y emuiccnsrit phy : *\ Jpar mra/e -tin C , J 'tlr s bv IP a Inanition '7 *' \ toUli.OO prr nion (4 i encoof ? core w ^ KY BEST RtfcRtMCEIS. CHRONICA 'j ^VOUAR ICnpt uVe. ? u J UNTIL CURED. IJ j N. K. KINO. M D. Chrnnia Weei I CONOULtlMJ PmvsiciAM. Clthht 'ir*l P'iClr *AMJf us I.i'll*, rhROftlhR yi.arcundttl w \J n It? een.l r?t: literature, InrluU.n ii i lONM I.TATION, >XAM1NA ilft. KIKBWEClCaiCO.. If2 wjl*B 1 ^ III his lady patients, because he ?? treatment that will positively ? ", except the M:rj;'-<n's knife. *S -Is hrwever, has N :> proved 'lot on diseased women, ? MB DESK A 3?Z. j|f of thousands of weak", sick B! housands of others from a BB 'e invalidism. It will cure K: : a chance. Try it. Em > $1.00 bottles. m GAVE UP SUPPORTER. j$ "I ?orf n Btipportpr for four yrnr*. to km ol np my womb, whioh lm l nowilnl rvrrytlihi,; ly down N-loir 11." writc.i Mm. S. .1. Cliruuii;ii>. A rf MnmiBTillo. N. V. "My uwlor tulil mono m iiHvtifino noubl h<ip iih*. I niilffn <1 uotolil ( initfry,andcoiilil luirilly walk. Alter inkii k f5T two tK'ttli-Rof 1'ivriltu 1 cnvf iipmysiipporifi. pj Now I inn tnkiiiu my i.flli U'lur. have no I<n<1 |M {ff.lnr* nn foriiii-rly,hihI can t? ou *ny f?? t ft.' ball ii ilny at h tllno. I Mrotirly r> i <jti.u:i' Carilui to cvcty ?utlcniiii woman." | NEWSY GLEANINGS. Baseball Iins found r. footuo'.il In Lhet City of Mexico. l'arls taxamcter cabs arc to lie fitted w ith Mnnll electric lamps. Six tons of tallow* candles liave been stolen from a wharf In Bostou. Eleven bankers have pone to the Ohio peuitenuary In the past twelve montiiB.' One of the demands of waiters on strike lu St. Petersburg is "two meals u day." ^ Chinese dealers In Singapore have refused to buy Manila cigars from; Slugapore merchants. Switzerland lias adopted mld-Kuro-, penu time, the true local tlice for Born being Just half an hour Inter. Most of the cargo taken by the liners from San Francisco for .lapnu nowa-' days consists of heavy machinery. China has recently issued an edict' prohibiting, except In the treaty porta,1 the sale of metnl-rimnied spectacles. An outbreak of rinderpest has brought the German campaign agaiust the Hottentots in Southwest Africa to a stuiulstlll. A woman In Coolldge, Kan., lacked a scarlet fever sign on her door, so that, slip wouldn't have to send out any Christmas presents. Itestnurant keepers of Berlin are In' the midst of a war with their guest* :>s to whether "hroccichen" shall be' free with meals or be charged for in the bill. | German farmers are trying to induce' the smaller birds to return to their old; haunts about the fields, ami for tills] purpose arc setting out boxes and other nrtiiicial devices to serve the birds for. I homes. i 1 An application hns been made by flic Japanese Government to the British' Geueral Medical Council, asking it tot recognize the degrees of Japanese medical practitioners in various parts or the British empire. Cracksmen Get $2,0f)0 Gold, r;<iu Oklahoma Bank. Oklahoma City, Special.? Al'tr four attempts, robbers blew the safe of ilie Hank of Dale, near (Lis < it<, and secured $'J,0f>0 in gold and made their escape. It is,thought that 'ho j thieves belong to the same gang that has been robbing banks near htto ior tb<? past three months. ?__?o Claim Hfcrs for Maine Men. Now that Tort lam! is *o ! avi ?t ? r.o stalue of Tom Ki nt a Ma \< \ i> > .liiiiks thai lot M Morrill at. . an I (j Itlaint' .-lioiiiu bo siiiii!;.::> lri,< . I | n * ,."ij ar ' Ni ' 11'i ; ' I i ?'\v" ton I liattiii.! ''t n'V s * Pn"'"''.' 1 ri I'-'ti-or Dial Oar Patients.) Peter ?>id Out Pe!s? Hopes. intra nr bnu|(lii and Vurtcoceln ii Ihnr.t nf i bimlnann) ini.iKk'l<>ui itloo'l PoImii< p 7 or inlucrkl mixture; I.oe* of IWnnlr Q -ly rurni; un Nttmulnut hut |i?rai?nirl. 8 Hi dNlOo ! itn IneUtnilnn organlm! nunc? i h?> of (ii-gri > for the Iraniim tit and cure i t ml y iti'i-o |?r. N. k. K'"r. ttie- tiiiuGi-t it Bj k the chief cinnulHub belnt niiltnl ki unit I'liTsii Imuhnnti .'.irgooti*. i the iriomi lit i>l rhroiiic I. nui.tfi*' Ki i iiipillr.l *mi electrical iinticln. . ruii'r:"t whh ? I the ttHlvxnic. faradSc Utlre K my. hi a lUM-n ray: iu (ml, rtery r >i :.rl<ul *u !> i > <.-un 'iic.ii ii. <>ur r itijiniluf). i" ftt y fi fpcc i. mid we employ none but the bent ffi tent Hitcndbiits. rrgultiljr i.uti.uiil fr&ui?U'? hlriiri* brliifr tn cbnree. u uililuMllui! !o irrnrn patients R . o. ii hor IIIIhill fnr lltiMHluro ?r< mm ' ml g! Our term* lor treatment a?i mice fri m R CK> W tl l med!< toea Included) and ?r fdve llie ui.tur* H nttilii m apoclbeit {EICC Wr ?ncro??f#ll? Irwt nuilfrnr.a- & I JLNOCi)i ncntly cure ml cbronio d.i-eierii h ney fimi Kl.iililcr troubles, fCbeuinntlrrn. v> Irocele. Oraln* I.o??ci. etc. red all 1'tlviito Kj 's had malui int trnubli?. Ciltlirrb of Hid M IchO hud i.iir.tih. I?lsoa'"? <1 liye ur d Far, M *?? . of Women, such ar> iiMp.Ktrueriii', H] iblfr-.. and audi watoiMU'l of women M Ion if you ire Mik or emitted. On re .uest we |j U symptom bi.mli e fur bo rue treatment tion ami Aiivicir Furr y /Ulsnta,.Ga. J