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|| VOL. XIV. | FORT MILL, S. C., THURSDAY! JANUARY 4.1906. ' NO. 40. SCIENTjSTSGATHER Lucid Discussion on Cause of Yellow Fever ?H ? TlflE EVER ACTIVE MOSQUITOES ByinposySium on Insect-Born Held, by Convention at New Orleans Results in Practically Unanimous Acceptance of New Doctrine?Assistant Secretary M'Kelway of Child Labor Committee, Reads Paper Declaring Probably 60.000 Children Under 14 are in Southern Mills? Paper by Rev. J. A. Baldwin, of Charlotte, on Condition of Mill Workers. Ya?, 4\..\ cj :~i r>__ a?-, n - ,iv \< v/in"iiu>. ojnTiai. nv mr U1C largest seetionhl meeting of tlie convontion of scientists was that which attended the symposium on yellow fever and other insect-horn diseases of the section on physiology and experimental medicine this afternoon. The experiences of the tight in New Orleans last summer and the lessons to he drawn from it and a description of the original investigations in Cuba under the Heed eommission proved subjects of great interest to the visiting delegates. At the conelusion of the symposium there was practically unanimous acceptance of the doctrine that yellow fever is alone communicated by the stegomya fasfiat a. Surgeon .!. H. White, of the Marine Hospital Service, who had charge of the fever fight here, gave the results of Dr. Heed's findings as they were observed in New Orleans. Dr. .lames Carroll, who was n member of the Heed commission. declared that with out niosquitoa there *-ould be no yellow fever, and detailed at length his experience in Cuba. Assistant Secretary A. J. "Xh Kelway, of the National Child Labor Committor, attracted much auction with a oajirr on the child labor nrob km, giving the results of hris -studies in the Sou1h and pointing t? the danger of rare degeneracy involved in sendirtg little children to the mills. He sain there wer** probably (iO.t)OO eliildren under 14 years at work in Southern mills. and how to eorreet the evil war* an Ameriean prohlem, because il evmeerne 1 the depreeiation ot! the purest Ameriean -stock on the eontinent. Other interesting papers on the "Progress <?T the Negroes of Virginia as Propeity Owners."'' by Charles Kdgerton, of the Bureau of Corporations at Washington, and the 'Southern Cotton Mill Wcn'kers and their Condition," by ttpv. Jf. A. Baldwin, of Charlotte, X. CL, were read. Professor W. It. "WarneC, of Cleveland, who accompanied the Congressional Committee to the isthmus, read a paper in which he -said that unless a sea-leval eat ml was built in Panama, all the work now in progress would ho in vain. Grateful for Legal Hanging. Dadsden, Ala. Special. -rJjri'k Tinnier and Vance trainer, negroes, were liapged in the county jail here for tlie murder oT Miw. Jane Smith, a white woman, who was assaulted and killed in this city ln-t spring. Will Johnson, also a negro. convicted of the same crime, was repriced by the (?overaor until Fehruaiy 9, pending examination of Infer evidence in liis ease tbmlnei' denied his guilt until the last. Hunter confessed to having committed the crime, darner neck was broken. Hunter thanked the white people for not |>ermitliiig the snob to lynch him. j Dry Dock Dewey Heard From. Annapolis./- -Special. A wireless ITiPSCnmi ' 1?? 1 Hill i MIIMUIIMIIT II. II. "Hosley, of tlu* dry dock Dewey, was received at noon to-day at the Naval Academy. It stated that the dock was 290 miles southeast of <'ape lleurv at thitinUme, that moderate weather hod been cifeotontemi 1 and that the Dewey waa averaging ' three and one-half kn?1* an hour. * i 1 t [ McCall Has Not Resigned. York. Special.'?A rc|mrt that John A. MeCall resigned as president of: the New York I ,ife Insnrance ('ompony at a meeting of the trustees of 1 hie company tost Saturday was denied trl-day by Augustus ({. Paine, a member of the eomqiittec recently appointed In an Av>r il... ............. ' ? ???v. uac i ??ni|#uii\ > annus. Mr. .Payne stated that the report was absolutely untrue, and added that the trustees did not meet Saturday. It Iiftd been said that the meeting was a s4eret one and thut the trustees had pledged themselves to keep the innttci of the resignation secret until the annpl rrjJdrt o? the eornpany came out A BIG HOTEL IN FLAMES Hotel Porter Destroyed by Fire Early This Morning?Hotel Imperial and Hotel Temperance Also Damaged? All the Guests Escaped With Their Belongings. Niagara Falls, N. Y., Special.?Fire early Thursday morning destroyed Hotel Porter, on Falls street. The Hotel Imperinl adjoining on the south ....J il.A IJ~ rr? - it til i u i iic nuin icuiiieruuct, ou me north, were damaged. The guests all escaj>ed with their effects. Ammunition in the store of George Roe, under the Hotel Porter, exploded and for a time great excitement prevailed as the bullets went flying through spaee. Xo one was injured. The loss is at least $150,000. Crime to Export Silver Washington, Special?Thf Philippine Commission has enacted alow making it a crime to export silver from the islands. This step has been taken on account of the serious menace to the parity of the Philippine currency, which was threatened by the recent cx|w?rtations of Silver coins and bullion. The law provides for the forfeiture of such attempted exportation, for a tine of not more than $5,000 in gold, imprisonment for a year, or both. Passengers on the ships leaving the island are allowed to take not more than tw<nty-flve pieces?$12.50 in gold. The Pope's Jubilee in 1908. Rome, By Cable?Preporat ons are already going on to celebrate in 190S the jubilee of the Pope's ordination as a priest. Being asked if 1m desired the festivities to be similar t othose witnessed on the ??ceasioTi of the priesthood jubilee of the lnte Pope Leo, when an international exhibition was held in the vnticin, the Pope answered: "Certainly not. I wish the celebration to mairtain a strictlv rcligious character.'' 15 Infernal Machines Captured. Brussels. Belgium. By Cab e?Advices received here "from St. Petersburg say that the Semeiowsky guards a regiment -supported by the artillery, had been -sent fron there to Moscow. Reinforcements are also being sent !in>m the neighboring pos* to Moscow. The -police at KiefT have discovered a bomb "factory in the eel- . lar of a cmwded tenement balding in that city, and fifteen infernal machines were seized. Twenty-five Lost in Hurricane. Victoria, R. 'C., Special.?A British ship, Bass of Melforth, Captain Cougal, was dashed to pieces in a hurricane on Christmas night, together with a crew of 1!7>. The vessrl was caught on live lee -side, off shore, in a terrific southwest pale, raging off the straits of San Jinan l)e Fuca, on the western coast of Vancouver island. She was destroyed on Ainphritrite ]>oint, known as the '"Monuments of \Vrec.k-s.'r' The Pass Melforth was huiht an Glasgow, in 1901. Three Killed in Trolley Accident. Mahoiicy City., Pa.,.Special.?A trol ley car on the SchuVlcill railway ?vas struck- by a Ijdiigh Valley freight ' train on a grade .crossing, at Girad- j ville. Mr. Winkle of Ma honey City, j and two Arabian women unknown, j from Shenandoah, were killed out- ' right and several others were injured. TWO liittU rWr-k TlrnnriKi/l Roekport, Mas*.. Special.?Lydia Anderson, ]A years old and Catherine h. Cusyek, aged 1*4 years, were drowned by breaking through the ice on the pond of an abandoned quarry. Two boys, Gunnar Williamson, aged 9 years and John Jaeobeon, 10 years old, were rescued. Cumberland University Opposes Football. Nashville,! run., ^jK^eial.?Cumberland University. I>ebanon, on reeord as op|iosing football as it is at present played. As a result of this decision, no foot ball schedule will he made for the next season. $3,200,000 Deal in Louisiana Lumber. Beuroont, Tex., Special.?-Colonel Samuel Park, president of the Industrial Lumber I'nmiuni' will !???? <? f'-~ 1 . ?,JU-I .'I ' "'? ? "" I Chicago to close up the details of a j lumber puichase involving 00.000 : acres of virgin pine in Rapid and | Vernon parishes, in Louisiana. The amount to be paid is $3,200,000. Mutiny Among Sailors. St. Petersburg, By Cable.?Mutiny has broken out among the sailor?, on the warships, Abrek, Admiral Korinloflf, Olcean, nn<l three torpedo boats lying at Libau. Ordera were given to the vessels to proceed to Rigato to co-operate * with the land forces in quelling ilie revolt there. The crews refused to obey orders. The officers are powerless in the fact of this refusal and the ships are still anchored THE BIRTH OF 1906 Once Again The Old Year is Passed to History ? CARNIVAL SCENE IN NEW YORK Navel Observatory at Washington Ticks Off Signal at 12, 1, 2, and 3, O'clock, Washington Time, to Different Time Belts of the United States and also Sends the Tidings to Honolulu, Quara, Minalla, Mexico and W"st Indies?No Effort Made to Encircle the Globe This Year?Signal Wirelessed to Ships at Sea. ntdiington, Special.?Telegraphic signals announcing the birth of 1000 i were flashed from the Naval Observatory here through the medium of the Western Union and the Postal Telegraph Companies. '1 he signal was ticked off at 12, 1. and A o'clock, rcspecivelv. so as to conform with the midnight hour l'or Washington, Central, Rocky Mountain and I'acitiec coast time, respectively. The midnight signal was repeated to all points readily available by the telegraphic companies; to Honolulu. (Suam, and Manilla: through Mexico and to points in the West Indies, and. where jtossible. cities in South America and to England ami France. The Washington midnight signal also flashed to the wireless telegraph stations with a view to its cor-munication to ships at sea. No attempt was made, as on previous oecassions, to circumvent the globe with tlie flash signal. The long d is t a nee telephone was also utilized where available for oommunicntinjj the arrival of the Now Year. New York. Special.?The advent <of the "New \ ear was the occasion tonig'ht of the usual noisy demonstrations throughout the city of New York The faeli that New Year's eve fell on Sunday did not dnmnen ihe enthuasiasm of the tens of ihousnnds of people who paraded the streets blowing great tin borus, ringing bells of all ui'mti|ui"mis. aim nnauy, wim the coining of midnight. resorting t<? all sorts of methods for the production of noise 'The ehftnes of Old Trinity brought to lower Broadway and Wall street the greatest throngs of New Year merry makers. lror years th" bells of this historic church have been rimv as the signal of a new year's birth. In the threat re and restaurant district of upper Broadway the crowds 011 the streets. Sunday night concerts and in the cafes were the largest in years. On the up-town streets many merrymakers in carnavil spirit indulged in confetti battles. F.verywhere there was a spirit of revelry and the new year's welcome was as noisy as New Yorkers know how to make it. Ex-GovernorB Death. Boise. Idaho. Special.?It developed that the assassination at Caldwell of former Governor Frank Rteunenberg with a dynamite bomb was perjjotratrated by some one person by pulling a wire that exph*de>d the -dynamite as the former Governor was dloBing1 the urear p;;ite of his Wjuue. It tirst thought <hat the bomb was arranged to explode automatically as the prate opened. It also developed that two bombs were, both bcinir exploded sinuilMneously, by means ut wire and waxeo fish line, remnauts of which were found on the lawn. The conviction prows that Sieunenberjr was murdered as a result of his activity in crushing miners' strike riots at Cour d' Aleue in 1S?W. thi this theory ojie man was arrested but his name is k<pt secret by the jxtlw*. v. bo say e\idence aprainst the prisoner j* strontr Five other men have been detained-on suspicion. Vote For Church Union. St. bonis. Special.?After a division ot it."> years st<*ps were consummated at a joint session of the general committees, which, if formally ratified iipxt May hy the General Assemblies. will unite the Northern Presbyterian Church and the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. Almost two days were consumed hy rtio ? :i- ---- *1 ik.i .Jiiuii,ni^> nu me union. Receiver Brief. Norfolk. Yu. Special.?The claim of the Edward Stern Company having been settled. Judge \V. B. Martin Friday discharged T. Cat shy Jones from the receivership of the Southern Mutual Aid Association, of Norfolk, to which he was appointed Thursday.' The Birmingham Association after settling the Stern claim announced its solvency. F. S. (Irigus. u stockholder in the Norfolk Association, instituted proceedings for an accounting against both companies without asking for a receivership. fe . I 15.000 ARE KILLED Russian Riots Continue With Great Slaughter COVERS THE WHOLE COUNTRY Business is Suffering Seriously From Strike in Russia?Letters All Censored?Attempt to \viH Prefect of Police at St. Peterm>Urg?Soldiers Surround Hotel and Bring "Up Artillery?Two Regiments of Cossacks Mutinied. Moscow. Bv < able.-!?su*.:...- : ? ' , a llUljjt I" "IC streets eontintukl Until midnight Wednesday nigtit. flte Qovevnor General issued nn appeal to the people. whieli is displayed in the streets, urging the citizens i^ut to trust to the false interpretations given the recent manifesto and calling on;them to give up the strike and take sides with tlu* troops and the |*>li,.(. in the preservation of order. restii|.r 0jj the assurnneo that the lawful authorities will know how to protcet 'lives and property. London. By <'able.- The S!. Petrsburg correspondent ol| The Times, in a dispatch dated. DeeetLber 20, says: "Governor (leneralIDoubasolV. telegraphing reports that to,000 persons had been killed or wouljdeil at Moscow. "Tile latest ivws fi\>m Moscow says that the first regiment of Don Gossaeks. Tverg ^yootiji and the Xesvi/.h regiment of i'rI'fTutry mutincd and are confined in their barracks. "1 am informed fram a good source that 12.000 persons wet-, billed and 10,000 wounded. The revolutionists arc making no headway btlt they show up signs of exhaustion.'' All over the city (here are marks of the battle which has raged in the streets for three days, and the distant booming of cannon ^hows that the lighting is not yet at an oral Houses have been completely demolished by the artillery, and everywhere windows have been sinasl10,i by bullets. Governor General DoubafofT has prohibited tin* opening of windows. The better classes at,. afraid to venture on the streets o.vvnc: to the fact that numerous bombs nnd other deadly missiles are beiig thrown front the windows and Trfcia of houses. Near the'trini'.ipiwi. ^ cli eouid bo seen Owl...- ?i.? ?' n-? .......... i..? iii'us i tin* insurgents flying? alxive their -mrricades. Soldiers surrounded the Coot-mental Hotel and artillery was brought up as it was claimed that a sh,,t had lieen fired from one of the windows." Tt was with difficulty that t |ie landlord persuaded the troops not |(> demolish the building. As the correspondent entered the telephone exchange h(. saw two agitators shot l?v a passing patrol. Artillery enn he heard at work near the Nicholas station. Two attempts on thr ijf,. ?f the prefect of police hy students, one of them a woman, ^ns frustrated. The students were a n ested. The Bourse Gazette says it is reported that.General TV T^ioulifi. j?refeet of I police of St. Peter<l>urg. has heen informed by telephorie that the nuinber of dead or wonted at Moscow uumlier 10,00b and that when questioned tonijrhl the general did not deny that such a Tcp(rrt had heen received. The merchants herP complain that tliev are suffering seriously from the strike in Rnssia, tpiq are not receiving the information m regard to the niiimiioii inere. a** ail letters are eareful 1 v censored. The corros|x?ml<**\t ??f t lio St. Petersburg Times, *in>s tlint it is reported there. that a vnil"i1 nrv terrorist pint lias been diseox bv the authorities. Fifty arr'v^tn have been made in connection with this discovery. Fruilmen in Convention. Pes' Moines. In., Special.?The Western Association of Fruit Growers opened its ana" ,1 meeting here. The attendance is quite lrirpe and the meet in? present mnnv interesting; 'ealures. Many promineut fruit prove is and experts from this and other fruit States a,-,. jn attendance and some liiphlv important papers have been promised to be read. Wedditg Present i"or Miss Roosevelt. Washington, Kpe?.i,d. The President's# attention has been called to a dispatch ttorn Baker City, Ore., to the effect that a OtlMrifjisn is about to bo started for a we^ii^g present fur Miss Alioo Roosevelt. President Roosevelt staled tb.,t while lie deeply appreciated the evidence of jrod will, he hoped nothing of the krind would be undertaken. In fact, he wished particularly that the pvojiosed collection of fun'lg should rot he j made. I % ' jp?SCTCTM I THE "BO0GS! gg of a woman's life, is the nam< gw of life." Your menses come a jfl scantier until they stop. Some nj entire change lasts three or f< much pain and discomfort, \vh I * T CA! S Woman's Refu? gig It quickly relievos the pa figl mtserableness, forgotfulness, t Sn cold flashes, weakness, tired Wx, bring you safely through th build up your strength for tlv wg At all druggists, in ?i.oo ?1 WRITE US A LETTER 552 Put asid* all timidity nnd write u? H| freely aud frankly, in strictest contiJpfs dence, telling us all your svm|>totus mi u ud troubles. We will rend free ud vice 8RG (in plain, sealed envelope), how to KM cure them. Address: Ladies'Advisory KhB Dept., The CU?( tanooK* Mediciue 'Jo., K^| Chattanooga, Tcnn. ?1.PKUM IN ENT PEOPLE. Kins Edward holds a diploma for forestry. John J a col? Aslor's income is estimated at StiO.OOO a day. His now title is "Warwick Ilarriman, the maker of political kings." Nanseu. the Arctic explorer, goes to London as Norwegian Minister. Governor Folk's definition of "graft" j Is to be used in the Standard Dictionary. Senator Depew continues to decline invitations to dinners and other public functions. Elinor J. Rurkett, of Nebraska, the "baby" member of tlic United States Senate, was a plowlioy at ten years of age. M. Rostand is said to have declined an offer of S'Jo.oon for a single magazine publication of his new play, "Chanticleer." Observing his sixty-eighth birthday, Andrew Carnegie announce- that so far he has succeeded in giving away SltiS.OOO.OtMi. Sir Archibald Geike. the famous I geologist, predicts another d"luge ??u account of the universal decay ol the surface of the land. King George of Greece is an athlete nnd more than once, under ihe pseudonym of "George Papadopuius." has taken part in the struggles in Ihe arena and the racing path. Sir Henry Cainp'o^iMtauncrman. according (o the Dundee Advertiser, seems to he the lirst Prime Miidstcr of i pare y Celtic swain. Frank E. Kiepper. the nojjnblienn Congressman I'rom tJi Third Missouri District, is six fee; four itiehes in height and weighs pounds. Former Vice-Presided. I.evi P. Morton lias Riven to Itliine.'i'.r.'. \. Y.. near which liis ltome. Kllerslie. i< situated, an industrial home ami reading-room | to cost t,4l( XI. Big Shoe Concern Assigns. New Bedford, ^Nlsiss.. Special.?Annotincement was made of the assignment of Hatha way. Son atnl llarringtor. inrorporat ion. hoot and shoe manufacturers of litis city and Boston. Titos. F. Billon of Boston, was | named as assignee. The linn i> otie of the best known iti the shoe trade of New England. It is staled that the creditors will be paid in full. The exaei amount of the liabilities is not k now n. 1.1 KK FATHE1PS VOICE. Church- Our soprano deserves a good deal of credit. (lot ham?Why so? "Why, 'her father used to go about the street < peddling fish. "Inlurils her voice, does ahe?"? Vonkors Statesman. fwe Savar Dioappa 1 We FuHiSI Every Promise and I Q UfC r>(|QC Ntrlcturo Without the kn g if C bunc pniii or detention from 1 cured never to return, without mercury j / * 'ft w (hirtucRMi la tl Ti 'W \ end: we u?o both ti '?f| In, X-rtf, flolrl > * "'] contrivance knowt "J ni'XIora In every r \ ) trained anil rttlch |J 4 X -?'1^ and licensed pbyali f J%k /V We cm toy no l; patronage -noC. t >1**^,, \ \k byttil* Inmutlon. I J \ _ \ JaTHvH (olio 00 per niontl i] -^e<W\ eoceof a ciro wii MY BEST WTEREHCt IS. CHRONIC DIS \\Cft fttDBf&Jft Huptu*re. Hydr' \tV1 LIMTII fllDfn "WI Oiiruo, Tumor* uniawnv. ^ NoW< Throat. tin N. K. KINO. M D Chronic IMeen* 1 C? ? OoeeuLiiwo PnvtioiAa. Unnatural Dlachari tAI ?!a ut to-day regarding your coodltloi V* rile rem? you c jr literature. Including ?? CONMIM'ATION, KXAMINAT DR. HIH6 MEOiOIL GO., mmenmnemu \ \X> N6 fmmn |! 1 often given to the "change t t longer intervals, and yew kJ9 women stop suddenly. The }y:? >ur years, and is the cause of >'? ich can, however, bo cured, in Distress, M in, nervousness, irritability, 1? dinting, dizziness, hot and $| feeling, etc. Cardui will i'ig is "dodging period," and ' ef rest of your life. Try it. IsM FVFRYTUtMR R'?T ncrAxn ? <? uv I UUN .11 iTfty' I suffered," writes Virginia Robron. ?f East on, Md., "until 1 took Carilui. which :?i"so <. .'.< it mrjeU; << my doctor, who < . kaow I won ftBfc, taking it. I wish I lint kuoftu ov ySw Cardui earlier in lift-.*' SH HESr " WITH THE TOILERS. The printers' strike in Richmond, Va-y. has assumed a sensational pliase. Thc Canadian Typothetae lias bogwu to import printers front England. The American Federation of Ijiltor. In session at Pittsburg. passed t? resolution favoring women's suffrage. The Sydney (N. S. W.V Wharf Laborers' Accident and Burial Society ha* ?542 to the credit of lis burial fund Bricklayers and- other laboring men nf Eastern Washington have boycotted the brick made by convicts at the Walla Walla Penitentiary. The plasterers in tier many receive eight marks <$1.0(1) per day: from ten to twelve marks <$2..'18 to $2.SO) if doing piecework, and the carriers :? like atnounf. Women in all parts of the United States are to ho asked to join in the tight against the age limit which l?ar* men above forty-five years of ago from employment. The Coastal Operative Butchers* ami Slaughtermen's Pnion. In West ..usiralia, intends t* make j.n effort to p'siiscitate tlie one-time powerful (loldtWds Butchers' Union. It is reported that radical changes in the immigration laws will follow i." thesuggestlons of Co.nmissionor-deueral Immig ra of niliin m iniuhtniiuiiuu of Immigration Sargent are put turn effect. The Victorian (Australia) AntiSweating League has discovered thai t number of girls who are good jdiwtliand writers and smart typists were? receiving an average wage of only t?d a woplc. A movement to replace women stenographers at the City Ilall, of :St. Louis, Mo., with men "who buve families to support and who cair d.< ten* work just as well as the women," wa* inaugurated at the meeting of tic House of Delegate*. Won't Let Fight ?;i T;wu Washington. \<lvMr.a m reived here it<>111 Santo '?> cable are to In- i ll'eet that hilar'! <:t lie |?i*??1 ?:i 1 j: 1 ify of ,i limn1 n..|:ii''- . > t 1'uerlo ('lata In the Morales jjn. > .(t 1 nilepomlaiM'ia a- Ihreatetrni. 'ti' ' Nashville ami Smi pinm iiviri wior it? thai harbor am! negotat ion;?\ r. < ,i? pro^re* . which make it probnhk; at as Captain I?illi:eg!iani did uL .V " t< < 'litis i i I'.oi ea i s ago, both fa;-4 ol llie ill i i. iea..s will lie wave ) << make their light outside of fcti?: |-. ?. if I !:e\ ill >iif H. Iiv111 al all. Tartar:. Deliver Their Arms. The I.nndnn f.lobc states Chut ljcn. ' ^ Sviellov ntly ordered al. the Tarsi s in In !...' a district to ctimt a. 4 and dotivi;- t'nir arms on a eerrair. day. Al the ; | . o' Hir.e ! .v ? nr*ty daggers stir! a Wiiterbury *,vat.,;li w --o mrrod la ill Oar Patients. 1 lever Hold Out False Mopes. in nr uuugiH niui \ i\rlturci* wiilmfifc S bimlnrm; CodIhkI'iui ltl?o<l f"ot*??n ft or minora! nnl urr; I.naa of Mum'T r? f rnrrd; mo Mlinntant but p?riD?iiM :5j 'iJIrnl Co. I* nn lnitlti>ll<>r?ortf?nlrr<1 unrtor tr?? n f Oeorgla for tbr trauimrnt and currof ill a Ir disss***. Or. N. K. King. too founder if Vfc the chief consulting specialist, being aa>?< *wal fC nt physiciansrtriri surgeon*. ic Irratinrnt of chronic ril?rai*s li uniargai jR, nodical and electrical sprnrles. ulpptd wl'h *1 the i/alcanio, fnrsdlr. ba'fcr BK ay. and Kinsrn ra> : Su fact, every rlectri. *1 fiY I to ibo medical profession. Ourc snlinri'.aas* ji, respect, and wr employ none but the but K nt aitrndants. regularly quallflod gredmtsus Wk olana In-1ng In charge. misleading mean* to at euro patient* vaJ H >. It 's or unatkoi far llteraiare ara-*eor. ?> * V Our terms for treatment average from *. I, i medicines Included) and we give the >?mit JK bin a specified time. ft ClftCC Wr aneeeaafully treat and pmaa H> lUdCdi nrntly cure all cbronlc itlmsma ? y and Hlntltler troubles, Rheumatism. B ticolo. Oral:,/ Lossr*. etc.. and all I'rivntfr B dnd malignant troiibUs. Catarrh of tan B, id and Lungs. Diseases nf Kyo and Ca< K oe of Women, such as Dlsplacerocat*. B grs. and such wcakne*?c8 of women. fit ft If you are r.lrk or afflicted. On request m B symptom blank* for borne treatment to ION AND ADVICfVFKKK r ^