University of South Carolina Libraries
v '-GOVERNOR i Makes Use of Jyj His Family^S CAI'lTOL BlIILUINl 1'eruna in known trom the Atlantic to I the Pacific. Letters of congratulation atnl i commendation testifying to the merits of j J'eriiiiii a* a catarrh 'remedy are pouring :ni from every Mate in the Union. Dr. Hartman is receiving hundreds ot such letters daily._ All classes write these letters, front the highest to the lowest. The outdoor laborer, the indoor artisan, the elerk, the edjtor, the statesman, the preacher?all agree that Periiiia is the catarrh remedy of the age. The stage and rostrum, mogm/.i:ig catarrh as their greatest enemy, are especially enthusiastic m their praise and testimony. Any man who wishes perfect health must be entirely free from catarrh. (Jatan it is well-nigh tinivirsnl. Perue.a is the host safeguard known. Ask Your Druggist for Free M WHY TAKE If || CALOMEL? When M07ley's Lemon ^ compound, with a# pleas- ?1 SB ant taste, will relieve yon sj . in of Hiliousness, and all 5 Kjffl kindred diseases without ^ m jjripinj; or nausea, and a E2 leave no bad effects. H 50c. and ?l;OU j>er bottle E?|Jj M PJSQZLEY'S N || LEMON ELffXm. j|j Frozen Fingers in Suivmer. One of 1 ho most peculiar cases that has ever conn* under the observation of n Denver physician came to the office of Dr. I!. H. Martin recently. Mrs. George Kohl of Chicago was up on Rollins pass and disported in tlie snow until the train wont to Arrowhead and turned on the "wye" and started buck to Denver. It leaves the passenger two hours and forty minutes on the bleak top of the pass and all around is a wide expanse of snow. The temptation to make halls of the summer snow to pell iter companions was too great to lie resisted, and Mrs. i Hold enjoyed the novelty to the full. When she hoarded the train for home site soon discovered her lingers were Itosthitten. Arriving in Denver her hands were badly swollen and she was driven at once to the Hfiee of l)r -? w Martin. The fingers of the hands were swot/ ion and Lite flesh had turned blue. The pain was very severe, and it will he a J* wcel*, I In- doctor says, before Mrs. T Hold can use her hands.'?Denver ros?. PASTORAL. The farmer sows his crop And his good wife sews his clothes; The farmer darns the weather . And liis good wife durhs his hoaw, The farmer pitches In the haj; But should he cross Iter whim, H|s good wife lays aside her work j\m| pitches Into hint. ?Judge. Burmah i* stirred by the quehtton of otti* cial dreas. THE "COFFEE HEART." It la m Oaiitrrroiia i?? tli? Totimro or tVliiikjr llssrl. "Coffee heart" is common to many coffee users and is. liable to send the owner to his or tier long home if the drug is per?i>hd in. You can run thirty or forty yards and litul out if your heart is troubled. A lady who was once a victim of the "coffee heart" writes from ?tregnn: "I have been a habitual user of coffee all m.v life and have suffered very much iu recent vears from ailments , which I became satisfied were directly due to the poison in the beverage, such as torpid liver and Indigestion, which In turn made iny complexion blotchy and muddy. "Then my It art became affected. It would heat most ennUl lv t>io ? drank my coffee. and go below normal os tin* coffee effect wore o(l. Sometimes ntv pulse wouhl so as high as |M 137 beats i<? tbo minute. My family * *** i were greatly alarmed at my condition. ami at lasi inotlnr persuaded ine to begin tlte it>o of I'osiujii Food Coffee. "I gave tip the old coffee entirely and absolutely, and made 1'nsmui my sole table beverage. This w;.s six mAntli,iSo, and ;tll my ills, tbe indigestion.' inactive liver and rickety heart action have passed away, ami my complexion Iw-. become I ar and natural. I'lie Inipi'ovi'ineiit -ct in very soon after I ?V made th < change, just as soon as the coffee poison had time to work out of nty system. "My husband lias also Ixen greatly benefited bv the use <>f Postnni. ami wc find that a simple btvakfasl with Fostuni is as satisfyins and tnore strengthening than the old heavier meal we used to have with the other kind of coffer." Name given by I'os tit in 'o.. Hnttle Orrek. Mi.It. Tilt i t's a reason. the little book. "The ltoad to Wellville," it) pkys. ? k OF OREGON jk Pe=ru=na in *. SALKM, OKKUON. A Lettor From the Ex-Governor of Oregon. The ex-Governor ot Orego.i is an ardent admirer of i'eruna. He keeps it continually in the house. In a letter to Dr. Mailman, lie says: bTATE OK OltKGO.X, i Km i i rivk Dkpaiumknt.f I The I'eruna Medicine Co., Columbus, 0.: Itrar Sirs?I liarr had Oceanian to iisr your I'eruna medicine in my /amity /'or col tin, and It proved to be an excel teat remedy. 1 hare not hail occasion lo use It for other ail mrnts. I'on rs very trut y. II. .1/. Ijoril. It will be noticed that the Governor savs lie has not hud occasion to tlse I'eruna for other ailments. The reason for this is, most other ailments begin vwtli a cold. s Peruna Almanac for 1906. ll si wiiituiti really lias small leet site worries all the time tor I'ear somebody's else's are smaller. STOPS BELCHING BY ABSORPTION -NO DRUCS-A NEW METHODA It ox of WaOra Free?-Have Von Acuta I oilicnctloo, stomach Trouhtc, 1rrrcnlm Heart. Illnv Spelt*, Short Itreatli, tiiio mi the Stoiiiiirh*.' Hitler Taste Had Breath- Impaired Appetite A feeling of fullness, weight and pain over the stomach and heart, sometimes nun .ca and vomiting, also fever and am', headache * \\ imt causes it? Any one or "all of these: Iv.eessive eating and driultiiig abuse of - -irits anxiety and depression* mental effort mental worry and physical fatigue? had air in-mthcient food sedentary habits absence of teeth hotting of food. If >oil suffer front this slow death anil miserable existence, let us scad you a sample box of .Mull's Ami-Belch Wafers absolutely free. No drugs Drugs injure tin stomach. It stops hell liing and i tiles a diseased dom.ich b.v absorbing the foul odors from 11 udige>It*J food .in.I hy impartial: activity to tin* liitimr of the ?*naI>11n>: it to thoroughly mix the f.>o?| with the guvric juice*. which promote* digestion ami runs the cli.-t\i*e. Sit.i iat ()kh:i(. The regular nrioc of Mull* Anti llelcli Wafers is arte, u oox. hut to introduce it to thousands of suffer* r* we will send two (ii'i boxes upon receipt of 7"ie. and this advertiscnient, or we will bend von a sample free for this coupon | Tim's Oin:u May Not Aitkak Acain. | i1293 free Coupon 128 1 I >cml 1 Ins eounoii with your name and address ami name of a druggist ' who does not fell it for a free sample ' ( box 01 Mull's Anti-Hehh Wafers to I I Mi l t.'s (iitapr. 'I o\ir Co.. IttlS Third Ave.. Koek Island, III. ( (lir.f lit I Aihi'mm oi?</ It n'V /'/oni/i/. So'd hy all druggists, 30c. per box. 01 gent hy mail. A jollv father of a family is about as jolly its some of the jokes lie tells. Therein more Catarrh in tins section of the country thau all other diseases put together, I and uuttt t he last few years wits supposed to be incurable. For a great innny years doctors | pro lion Deed it a local disease and prescribed local remedies, nud hy constantly failing to | cure with local treatment, pronounced it tnou ruble, Science lias proveu Cutarrli to tie a constitutional disease and therefore requires ! const it ut ionu! treatment Hall's Cnturrb i Cure, manufactured bv I .1. Cheney A. Co, i Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitutional our.. 1 on tbp mar'*. ! It in takeu Internally in doses 1 irotn 10 drops to a teaspoonful. It acts direct- { | ly on the blood ami mucous surface* of the I } system, Thev offar one hundred dollars for i any cane if fails to oure Send for circulars j and testimonials, Address F, J, Cranky & Co,, Toledo, I), Sold hv Druggist*, 7.Y.. Take ft ail's Family 1'llis for constipation OAT THAT 18 FOND OF HUNTING. Massachusetts Animal an Adept at Retrieving Game. The firemen at the East street engine house have a black eat which is remarkable for several thing*- It possesses six toes on each foot, and during the past year it bus had about i two score and ten kittens which have fill had the same number of digits. The cat also has become a follower of the hunting game in more ways than the average feline has aspired to. It lias an excellent record for hunting rats an<l mice that can be found about the premises, but it is also a hunter after the fashion of dogs. One of the. firemen takes trips into the neighboring places for hunting birds, and wherever he goes the cai is sure to he with liiin. Whenever he brings down any game the cat is there to claim the quarry. It is said that the animal will follow the person in question for miles in order to get the game, and it cannot be deceived. Cor as soon as oue of the firemen in the house starts out with a gun (be cut is always a faithful follower. Yesterday one of these trips was taken with some success, and the cat seemed as pleated af the results as was the hunter.?Spricgfleld (Mass) Republican. How he Loved His Engine. Tin* inense love w11irli .111 enirineer hears for his engine is exemplitU'd in j"The Wild wot id Limited," .1 stor> h,v |<'y Warnui 11 in the Christmas number i of l.ippineott's Mji*^:iziii??. This | | makes a new hijili reeord lor a i j writer of railroad stories of eonsiderj able reputation. If a man wants to marry a girl it is I a sign that she thinks a lot of others | do, / r.r-Hr -* i w P?MWWS ' ' * '" \ \ */ * ' REGULAR AT CHURCH SERVICE. Two Philadelphia Cats Have Pro* nounced Religious Turn. Opposite Hunting Turk, on Old York boad, besides a family, Torpey by name. The Torpeys own two cats that are different from other cats in that they go to church. As regularly as Sunday morning arrives the pair of felines may he seen following ilie Tcrpeys to St. Stephen's church, Broad and Butler streets. No matter what the weather or transpirings on back fences, the two pious cats brave probable attacks by impious mongrels and set an example that many humans would do wc II to follow. Neighbors will atiest to the truthfulness of the statement that the churchSoing felines spend the very early morning hours of Sunday in licking themselves into that siate of cleanliness which is said to he secondary only to godliness. Their fur is glossy, their paws immaculate, and not a whisker Is out of place. Arrived at the church, the eats content themselves with peering in at the door. They nte seemingly content to delegate the praying to (heir owners. Then they slip into the vestibule of i:i?' priests nous'* unjoining, cur! up anil ilo/.o until church is out. win;. I hoy follow the Torpoys home n ltd live normal cat lives until another Sunday. ? Philadelphia Telegraph. Courage ami caution make a splcnditl working- team. Taylor's Cherokee Horncdy of Sweet (1u:n ami Mullen in Nature's gnat remedy Cures Coughs, Colds. Croup and Consumption, and all throat and lung troubles. At druggists, !t6v.,li0i'. and $1.00 per hot tie. A 1>1 mil man usually has a sharp In,lytic. Cures LIlooil. Slit 11 T:ou)iIpm. Caneer, lt!oun t'oinon, (irrnli"<t Itlnml I'uritlcr 1'ree. If your Idood i-> impure, thin, du-ensed. hot or full of huuiors. if you hav.t l>lood poison, eaneer. enrhunoles. eating sort's, scrofula, ee/.enin. itehing, n-ingr arel ! imp-, scabby. pimply t kin. hnm? pains. entar.ii. rheumatism, or any hlood or spin ois.ase. lake Itotanie Hlood Halm t II. H. H. ue- onling to directions. Soon all sores heal, aches and pains stop, the hlood is made pure and rich, leaving the skin free from every erupt ion, ami giving lite rieli glow of perfect health to the s! in. At I he -ante lime. H. It. it. improves tin* digest ion. cures dyspepsia >t rellgt liens weak kidneys. .laM the meilu ine for old people. it givs thein new. vigorous blued. Prnggisis -I per large bottle.-with direelioiis for home " lire. Sample free cud | re; aid l>> writing Hlood Hal .i i o., Atlanta. tin. Deserllm trouble and s( e.-iul free tm dieul advice also sent in sealed h'lter. 11. H. It. is rspeeiallv advised for ehrotth deep-seated of illl|iure hlood lilid skill disease, and cures alter ull < ise fail-. Pointed Paragraphs. If I lie public s willing In lots the nclop earcs not for the critic's hark. It is Very exciting I<> kiss a girl before she likes vim St., ,t'l FITSpcrm.'Uionl iy.vire.i. !."o Ri? ' rnervini*nass after first day's use oi l?r. Kline's liroa': Nerveitostorer.Vit rial butt'"and 1 rratise free I'r.i;. li. r. I.Id.. I SI Ar<-li M .. !,bila.,l>a F(H'p#t Ijigiunl. lias a t iirce-yearnl.l s\\ miming t liaiiipioii. Mr?. Wins ow's Southing Syrii i> for ('hi Id ran t eat hing,softens theKums. reduces in (Inn'v. :i' ho s pain .cures win.loolie.2.'< i butt Kiiipi rot William wa? leii nilj plioui graulit'il again do aot bolieva 1'Uu's ('tiro for I'onsum >tictihasnne pml for cnr'lis and cold-.?Jobs i'.UoTF.B.'i'riuitv Snriii'^s. Ind.. l'eb. 15, l'J3). I lie licnt developed hy the limit of licavy guns is remarkable, JOYS OF MATERNITY * WOMAN'S EE3T ilOPF.S HEALIZER Mr?, pott* 'i el I a How V.'oosen fthould Prwpftro for Motherhood Tliu ilni lvi Ht s nt liii^bnnd mid wife Men when they i'uun* in look for\vmr?l to child life* and lonely old ugeMun.v a tvlfr hm? fniUJil herself incapable of motherhood owing to a displacement. of the womb oy~ luck of tl'fDtfth iu tllf i Frequent buckc/he ami distressing pains, accompanied 1?\ offensive <ii>. charges and p-iievally by irregula* nnd scantv nici.*'..m. 'inn imlient< .1 iii> placement or ihm if licgeneraticn < the womb and attrroundinp organ*. The question that troubles woiuru is how cau a woman who has some female trouble bear healthy children? Mrs. Auua Potts,of .">lt> Park Avenue. Dot Springs. Ark., wriu ,: ilv Dear Mrs Piiikharu - uunnx Uiu < any part. of riiymaiTi I was del irate ni ln-uitL . both in\ li.i-.baud .... i I were \erv nnxioes for a obitd to bb> ? ur lionie, but I ha d two miscarriage?. and oui' mil carry a ehilil to iriaturity. A neighing wh<> had been emvd l?y l.ydia tMuktuia. Vegetable t 'impound advised iuc t<> Ivy it. I did so and soon felt tin.! I was grow ii.,t stronger, my hctulnehei and ImrliHehe:-. left me, t tin.I no morn lea ring-down pain-. nut fait like a new woman. Within a year I Us-am* tint mother of drone. Iir?altby child, the joy ot <mr h< mo. India E. Pinkham's Vegetable <'ornponnd is certainly a splendid remedy, and i wish every woman who want* to become a mother would try it " Aotual sterility i? woman is very rare. If any woman thinks she is sterile. let her try l.ydia K. Pint-bum's Veg ctnbW Ci .upon.i r ml writ - to Mrs. Pinkham. latin. Mas-,. Her advice is iroe to expectant <>r would-be mothers . Tl i g Your F1 1 Goes Fu ifeTwU % Here's a pointer on getting upl dollar from ^-our flour. Use guij powder, winch raises the d< Crs light, crisp baking, and deve' Mg! of the flour. No chance to sp< i" with Cinnil T.tirL KoH??# tw I always depend on its strengt bow much raising jwwer the no guesswork, no soggy dou is sold at an honest price?o Notice this coupoa with p rsr- in cuiiiwo out coupcn ev.u. v< ~ pM Solid Car load "good i'jcif baking pt/v, w^-twah5trrwusiiew3fii3irctotac3?? ia i isflcut out this car ano savl it. 7 r>. i ten qcoo FOR VALUABLE ARTICLES, t-i.f. each cah. Add-rsr tmc otp*ktm'.fit ka soltsms mnr<ico a?*wcn nil a.ckm.h W f N C rifle and pi eTvV~~ Winchester Rifle a * j calibers arc loaded the shells, supplic j| powder, and scats w5?sr? i using first-class ma br/.-" v v<r-'''.js system of loading "^3 Chester Cartridges f excellence is mail they shoot ^ xszn^8to9$a$e?e?33ct?l'x Some nn'!i muarly sclecl llio lesser j >1 two eveils ;is n suinpie. in constant acony. A V. . I \ lr;liiinii*? Awful OI*trrs? 'I Iiimccli ICliliii\v T roiiltli'c. w. i.. i. mi n luuil. of i'arU i ci in: . \\". vu., s.avs: "* 1?: *\ almiut .in l?:id " e :i t li e r i .-\ n iinoiuh' uitlui \ iron! w/ 11 1 I yr'tf VaJ, V, sufl 'ivd t \v ? n i v I S 'li* T&5 , 1 iv.inpin:: pair.-. n ' . tin* '.ii-.. uiitiaix | ' disorders 1 ot'i <i h;td I ii|? a dozen &A w ,iin - ,sl u ,n i, ?y.> ~sr.;'t v/twrfl eat". it-lei.lion set 'xt-in. and i ?. . ?>'>i u?'.l to .!> ? I'll' rathe'el. 1 1 i: !\ !<i my bed. iiikI 1'ic doctors l.iil:i!% i? m.i11 usiim I ian"> Kit*i y I'iil- The urine miii.i came f;ci!y a.. . i and .It - pain irr.t ! ii;i 11 v distil.;!! : r <!. I I.:: i' !. i"i cured eitdit yen: 1 lin'.ivli over 70, ant ::s a live as a bay." S ' ! ! ' .iii tl' ii*" cents a i.. \. I . M;.: i ! < . Ibi'Valn N V Must stnylunly seems lit he ahle t<> rat eh a ernoU. I>111 (lie hcst lawyers : and tin* stciucst jinlues don't soein to ' !)< aide in hold him, : ULCERS FOR THIRTY YEARS r.iiaf ll! I i 111)1 iitr.s Krelll IC !? ? ? In I ct'l '( fined I in itr.vil ( at .( ;? r,? I *??? ji Mi?ep. .1 > f t I i (?N|* < !'; .(. '.lie? !>v i ? in.1 .ntci (i tot .il. l . . I u 1 | , la..'t: i 1>> Mi \J I". Mo*i. 01 ! j '.Mii'sMlIr, leva- ill Hit' lollflWll.g Jntt'l : . "I'\? I 01 I \ yrrtls I unified JiOin l?.na;:i! ii: -n .did an inuplieii trout my hin t s . , i i oidd tiliil lit-itlif? do." tors p..). aiftt.'. iiic i i in if nit' until 1 Hied fillicnr.i "ouji, (hiiimriit Ami IV.!*. tvlr.'.li mirid lite in ,iiC Ijli. i'i - rin-j helped lli* t ;,f* mm y !ii?t time I ton! I la in And I am glad ?o write this ?o tliat other* sutler.rig as I .ii! amy be ritual mo in misery." ! . t.nicve Covernment is printing n | coiap mci'.iI ol the war. I .'i .re; in '!J mi mites l.y Woodford'- i Vaaiiarv; never fails. Sold by ! Drn-.'^is - Mai! order" | roaiptlv fillet j i v ;>r. t i t> lit.ii. i'ik\i f> nls\ tile, ti.d. ? ' I! -.(.(-. itiiiiV -fire, idi'ipr <>i war i lie | t iiiie.! Kingdom !.i*r year launched Til! | . new ships. Kvim.v <lit; has !i i-i dny an?l the i w.itoll dot: lias t'i< niirln. | t.V;.; .or. t:#jd as V dou hs i; ina.'vcJoasiy jjc" ; c..-f ul. Tbo.-ougblycioaascs, kills disease gcrsis, I ??op; ?'.!t.cBarirrs, be..l* '.slianmation and local ! CCtcresi, ( .ire? lc.KOiihtea .inu < atari b. I" fliu la ki MwlM I ha ,1.. '....1 ... " ? " " *%li " l",,c w.'tcr, atKl ?i *.ir mote tie a n: c, li^a<:ng, vtunu.;dal I dial than iujuid .in: m;?Iu . tor ail TOILHT AND WOMEN'S SPECIAL OSES For sale nt drujitistr, .10 certs a l>ox. Trial Bor and tlook oi Instructions Free. V"t;c P.. f, >.TOM Company DOSTON. MHL. f'4 Dropsy 11 y ~t Removes all swelling: in 8toro \ .lays ; rlTrets a permanent cure xtTX in into toilav.. Trial treatment a. ti free. Kothinjcsn be fairer Ll Write Dr. H. H. Green's Sons, i i?3Sji#cUllsf?. Be* b Atlanta. Ga. luur myu irther I more baking to the f *.n?! Good Luck baking !TO( I SPOON >ugh better, insures ji'^ij\\ I lops all the nutrition \ > < oil a batch of baking vj ** rj(Sfr S 8 * >wder, for you can H tl~) {JmL^ ffs*/ f{j h. You know just B i* re is to a spoonful? S^ri! i (1 Ci 8 F gli, no wasted flour. j ? *? D ijQUTHERN fcrSCKMOy] d\ Baking I nly ten cents [>er pound e;::. icturc of u freight car. You will find one oi ?. i .. - ? outride. Cut out the cot r}J> ' v . i:i;d < I.nek / 7,1 1i'x : 5" ?" lhr I' cu,ium er AFvE yd " . it to you in exchange tor LIST IN >-' .] j--Y SICRI Of ?3 < THE. SOUTHERN II ' H E & T E R \ STOL CARTRIDGES 0 ? fid Pistol Cartridges of all a , by machinery which sixes & ;s the exact quantity of the bullets properly. By S j tcrials and this uj -to-datc , the reputation of Winor accuracy, reliability ant*. S itained. Ask for them, pi WHERE Y O H H OLD |i A. FEW , CUTTING v, \ REMARKSV _ <L; * T | T!.r purpose of :i sow i; > > 1 li sin mi III cut .< i n' uiily, I mul <Mit wittn'vcr> ii?"voivi . 1 v 1 prefer uii Alkii).. ^ ' fc/v i.i silvrr SioiT", r? :? ! ' world over us the flues! nlell p*. steel ever inailo hi unrimit or itu>Ji r? |;-'l U I 1 . ttm?-s It I - hurd. ! !ii;-i 1. ; ? touch. It li'iMsin sh irpi-wt:ii ; y /i luii^fr than nil* '!*i*r s u It- i j' v-J lla.lo t:t|?T' pcrfly Irota tin to ' litiii. from linmili' to t,, I hut >' " "V < make* Icownv i. r ii- :r . .1 < < iJS. , ami iiikv, not litti-uli'. it* ii 1,.j?? r 1 *vV t > p.-rfi-i't, When li't'l lo -i i-ii k- .l | j thrust, it -priiiu's into shape v. i11 <tit klikine j I Tin* AtkiiiiSa wctltc -mil tines it t t<?ntiy. I 1 We make :t 11 t \ i. mil si ' r I : uubut mil V ] f on.- prode 1 he i***t. I ? AtkIns Snwt. t' >r 11 K t>t\ - l'? !<? ? e't?~-r I S?*rn.pors, eir. nr. - M to .! dealers (\:la on - i. E. C /vTiUNS .5. CO., Inc. j ? Manutiitur*. * ?r 'h? Wcr??t c Factory an?l Cxecutive Olfxti, !n- . Ir.s'ijni ^ ? j lilt \\? Hi s N'cv Yo?: . ? u: .* Mi in? ? J S rortlmitl. (Ort-.-ttn . '.? i l-'rr .?? ! 1 * m Atltth:.. ti tl:?) ^ I \ Accept no Sul-'tilutc lr.?*t on l " Al'iint Pcanf) * 7TY good RVd.i. i\. \K77. . ?.'W* '. v,,vf.v?,v: w..v ?" v -.*?.?W v.' v.- IJ 1 CONCENTRATED Crab Orchard Ii ^ 7 V flVes iv <b?.- . o es c* A SPECIFIC 31^n 1 anai-oirfim mi i?m t, i./ja^ry.w^v^a u k.rv'*b DYSPEPSIA, . SICK HEADACHE, 4 I CONSTIPATION. Titt* 1 lis" t'fit nut., 'if" n luir<l,<tt. Nature ??r ::* r-trr-.ii ii it ;< fur ul!i:>>st ' ii ?'--titiiry. Solil hi :t;i 1; i CRAB ORCHARD WATER GO., I.oi:2*viIl?, ivy. So. 49. lOlS a renovate EfiiM food for stc is unsurpassed, est possible yield any given soil, a tier; of Potash i: The best methods leading I explained in the 65-page illin , iree to fanners who write for i results attained with cow peas Address. GKF.M4S Mew V-. k.?f'J Nii.r-.u Utrcrt, ?-r PRKZZ?.,j^\'j5_Cts pj V*M fSE ^TOCURE M If**. IN ONE DAY (A ^BJ" _ IWWSKiIhbJK HASKQEOllALFOR HtaiW?ME ^ <"*'1 ,or >,,,,r ?I.. .. u.^ 1', If. Dirt)i l the back of overv c'Ati? uzfii ipon. Inside <>t can yea* lift bock. Pick from ti.e" wBraft ?n want and we v.*ill send bEhB yo;ir coujxms BIB FG. CO., Riciuiuu)J, Vj. uk. l. douglas '3= & *3-ashoes s&V. I.. Douglas ?4.or Cilt Edge Lino cannot bo equalled at any prico. *VOOCCHj >.%& i /ss9 "si fe \ 04m ik ? 1 \} u Q.m 01 4K, JM jl j 7 .7. ! .I|^^^4' I-vr / / lv'" - ' . J v./'. ' *%. ! :jL* Ka-'-Vi- ] l;l Ulvo. ,*.1* ^^=4 ^ y/-?' f~Ottrl AS p*Afi'E&A*.'?* SELLS to c ar Mt-.vs ss.r>a snol&thass wr CYHEft MANUFAtiTUREn. c'/n nnn to anyone who can ?i> .\. \j .J V- disprove this statement. N} ' I'^'igl-is flioc. hnve by their txrl'ont >>lylc. easy tittle*;, und superior wearinsr |ii:.lltlev itchievcd the !;?rvjcst sale of any JJ.SO - ."v ?ic Hunm i rc> ore |USt us good as hose llitw Cott you $5.00 to $7.00 ? the only lillcrfn:c is the ','ricf. It I could take you Into ny factory of HrockSon. Mass., the larjrcst in lie werl:! under one roof toul- It jr men's fine ihttes. int.! show voti the core with which evrry iittr ot Douglas shoes is made. you would rcallre vhy \V. I.. I!nu h? $5.50 shoes ore the brat .hoes produce.! in the world. Ii I cottlil sitowyon the ditlerence between the ihocs made In mv factory .'.ml those of other nsKes. von wont.' umlerrtand why Douche* < : hoes co;: more io make, w hy they hold he.r shape, fit hott-r, wear Irtteer, nr.d are of [r.vker intrinsic \ .tine than any other $.1.50 hoe on the aurt-.-t to-day. ff. Cc ,rn i\*rda Sitoos for Ma-t, 92.EO. S J.OU. /la.y*' Cahoot ? Dscsit Shoca.CS.SO. $2, St.76,91.KO CAUTiON. I" "I tifon h ivlnir W. I..l?<iiicas -In.-, Cake n<> Mtlot it lite. Nope p>nt|)'l? i .tin at his uaiiio ami priee stamped on bottom. W.W'Tl t . \ shoe <i?' ii<-r in ?*> <rv wlicro . I,, i toni .s si are not sold, l'ttll lino >>f ..t!?|d . i .ti e t... ill-peotimi Hp'ili retpjert. ri". ' i .i!o it, tr. used; the i will tut wear (rnjitt. V.'rito for Illustrated t'alalognf Pall Stvlos. V.'. I.. OOtti' .As, ft rock* on, .Muu. f.6; htbpyAT 11?j*i 8 j! : ff^g^jDICTlONARY) i" i jr T T j I"]":'' :.:i pj~THE BEST "I fe ^|| CHRISTMAS! h S- .ii] Jl O'FT I S i-&? Itirrul. hrllfcVic. At-1 !' ; ^.v&ttyo, J.ivatlj-.r Opto iintg E S <Tt:1 AuUiev'.tAtiVi: t5u oilier gii; P 3 ? o.'ton u esiiilad?;- of Ilia KlViC. }> j- f ;!;ic ; t. *, i.c-d'o .limti v.ionc. HkosH? B j c.-'..t-.a- \ with ?3.0C0 ?ittv words. a new g fl liiiv, hiorrapl.u at DlntioU'!>> A ...' . !>v \>\ T. Ua.-ria. -?b ti.. r.T. n ft 3 i. ; m: . ;<>aar of liiivrmion.' GranU E t t'riaj.Worli'ai'&ir,St.Louis. Qo;t?oBcst. 5 I ' ' ?!?* 1 ,i i i-a i: s.ntour?tr.iv U : i .! . e-iO 9 Vfr!t '"for" Olciisrary V.'rl.tklrs " frre. * ^v. f. .' :r.?.nico . apr: nw- CJKf " tt3t cdkts v> m i kl ail tlsft fails cla Kji l$c*t < '??/b by run. 1i\a .? * Ljm? jgja J*fB it' tlrnu.So'ti !>v <lr?iKK W ig^keJEXaiiES^r of soil and as a >ck, the cow pea To get the largof cow peas from plentiful applsca3 necessary. to certain success are fully >trated book, which we send t. It tells of the remarkable i nourished upon Potash. r KALI WOHKS, Atlanta, Go.- 2!2'j So. Broad Stieet ri-GRIPINE GUARANTEED TO CURE COLD, HEADACHE AND NEURALGIA. I <; t-lpln. to a dealer who won't HatrnMrt It. ?u\i:v hai K ir rr iioein't rest. ri-jSl.i>., Manufacturer, Nprtng/lmUl,