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mmm g n fc'MS of LOCAL INTEREST J Best cotton sold on this market yosterd?y for J2 cents. Mr. H. C. Gulp, of Durham, N. ,C. is spending a few days with relatives here. Several young lady students of W infhrop-college spent Monday at their homes in this place. Work on the new Meachain ; telephone building on Confederate street whs begun Monday morning Miss Ida'Clan ton. of Charlotte, was the guest Thanksgiving of Miss Bertlm Maesey, <>n Booth st. Mr. J. A. Wit lit-re, of Worthville, N. O., speut several dviys of the past week at the heme of Ins mother in this place. Dr. \V. S. McMurray returned to Baltimore Monday alter a visit 1 to his p treats in this township. The following Fort Mill uien' have been drrwu tis jurors to servo j xluing the week of common pleas court commencing Monday, Dee. j 11: J. M. Epps, C. W Kimhrell and T. 11. Merritt. Judge lly- ! drick will preside. iVr. J. P. Crov/der and family, j who have been living near Con 1 cord, N. C., have returned to this, township and are living on the ! Stewart plantation, south of town, of which Mr. Crowder will have : .charge next year. A large numhe. of school children spent an enjoyable afternoon Friday at the home of Chief i.f: 1'oiice J. M Gamble, on Confod- j erate street. Mali) games were ; indulged in and the children were 11 ... -i i inr-ii itttvfii linn Lilt? [I'llliH wilt i* fill ts w?'ie served. Those little fellows who have heretofore had it chiUiir.ii for tlu* "Chief with tlit* big brass buttons" now have a decidedly ditFcrcut opinion of the As anuouuctai in these roluiimi h ?nie days ago, the annual b itnju t of tiio local lodge of Woodmen 01 the World ?'ill take plaee ill the ; town hall next Friday evening it is hoped thai each member of the camp will be present, as a royal feast and good tune is assured The attention of the ladies is called to the basket of ea'ables which they will I) expected to furnish and which is such an important factor upon such occasions. The ladies of the Home Missionary Society are making extensive preparations for a bazaar to be held in the town lmll Friday, December loth. The bazaar will consist of four booths, one each for fancy .vork, dressed dolls, cake and home-made candy, and the taking of subscriptions to the Ladies Home Journal. Those of our citizens who desire to subscribe to The Joir'ual are urged to place their subscript ions with the ladies, as the society root ives ; percentage on all money taken in from this source. Pursuant to a call of the presi ideut of the local cotton association. the regular annual meeting of the organization was held Sal* unlay afternoon at .'i o'clock, a majority of the member* l.eing present. The principal business before the meeting was the election of officers for the your l'.nit) and the naming of delegates to the county convention which meets in Yorkvilte next Saturday. This business was carried out in regular form and resulted as follows: Officers elected ? J. \V. Ardrey, I president; W. H. Crook, vice-president; J. M Spratt, secretary, and Edgar J< ncs, treasurer. Delegates to Yorkvilie?J. \V. Ardrey, W. H. Windie and C. 1'. Blankenship. ? Old Soldiers Have Merry Gathering. The reception given the old soldiers Friday by Hie Daughters of the Confederacy was an event which will not soon he forgotten by those present. Promptly at 1 o'clock tho veterans marched in u body to the home of Dr. and Mrs. J. H. Thorn well, on Confederate street, where extensive prep, arations for an afternoon of pleasure and amusement had been made. After partaking of a sumptuous dinner, the veterans were escorted to the spacious parlor to listen to the addresses and talk of the deeds and experiences during the time they wore the grey. All of the speeches were good, and we regret that we cannot print all of tliein, hut for it lurk of space, will have to be content with printing onlv the following, which was that of Commander L N. Culp, delivered to t he I . 1). C.'tis "Ladies: This is the second time that I have had the honor of thanking you in behalf of the veterans of Fort Mill camp for the attention and the social gathering that you have had from time to time for the veterans, "Tite domestic habits of women has deterred tln-m. as a sex, from taking an active part in the alfairs of the world. Indeed their home surroundings and their own incli- j "V I i Bells:' ? ?3 Good values ?>< ^ eo)iuiii?' in. A\ e a @ i?*ood for our cuslo 1 a chance to pick 1 ?3 manufacturers an |jj their fall and wint 0 you will come and rivals, you will su $3 body. The follow just opened up am h ' __ _ ? } ? || LADIES and || CHILI I Several of <lio.< all tin' Int>*bt slyU.'d- Tim ?to Sitln.? yard. 10 pit c*'? h'lamieh'tts, | l2"? ,, Outing, 'til } 10 .. (Jinuliamri. Hlo 1' Intuit Ih, 1 or* ni;i. hint* ami til*- y. > I I St-verai pieces (Jantoi * ^ 1 lilonehii l'. Kti*. HloO ladles MMtl child II' ... _ ]t;i111Mini I tiloli Nulls I heavy rihhi d and eotu @ goods. V~) do/.en pairs ladies' jlr lou and won!. {*gJ Kuseiiiiilors, Shawls. I Jr*' To pairs l?!a libels t roi S*' 00 m pair. Ssr l '< an I'm Is and ('< >u Lav Contains, W indow Jc A he illtifli 1 line of tains, i"ii. Iilue and gre? I)ie-s Skirls. I inleisk Ladies Swt ill -is, all e @ 0 Those are posit i ^ Haven't been in 11 <? will not he lion* !( tlieni will niovo ti |jj inu; so como ami S 1 BELK'S] jo> The store with a sin <tf??????0?0??: nations are in lia inony with this condition of tin ir lives. Vet. not withstanding this social cii.-toin that has set a limit to their sp'n ie of life, the history of tin world, shows that in times of danger and , trouble and distress they have al ways ris.-ii to the highest idea! of courage and devotion and per i formed their part on all great op ensioils of the nat ions of .t he world. The people of the South men. women and children arose earn asse to resist the invasion, and | for four long, bloody and desolatlug years they defended their homes with courage and fortitude unparaleiled in all tin* annals of unhallowed war. The Southern home?that model of domestic happiness?gave up its all. The women, as usual, made the greatest Sacrifice; the mother gave lip her son, the wife her husband, the *:twti-r Iwr Iai-. .11 ? 1. 1 ? ??v?. i/iuuiri, l Ml* I'! I Hl^l '11 girl I km* lover, and with a Messing and a tear, bade them good bye and Hent tiiein forth to do battle for their country. They put away their store-bought garments, dies sed in clothes that were woven and made by their own hands They tore liie carpets from the floors of cottages and mansions and sent theni to the camp to lie us"d as blankets by the soldiers. Hands that never knew tile task of an hour's labor wero willingly turned to daily toil. They wove blankets, knit wool into socks, uiadt -over and pa'clietl garments - ' ' I Mf3 and f V W - ? <5; Q "SwPH cry g tmmmumtmf' ?*?? t\ w .v.s^ *: lins? out every day ; re always on the look mors and at I711; up some* irreat unnsi (1 wholesale dealers or stocks at threat ly v let us show you tliro rely t liink t hat wo li: iiu> is a few of tlie m< il marked down: IDA i) ( A HKI I LkY MEN < DREN. ;s m>o(lf< - S n'.it' HU l!'t clri, ,lm| ( )v,.r( !H;iv (! rHI t-i '2< <() suits you wit lit. ? vd, white j <-'?s. hi ? ? t1 Hi e !??l H i Lluniul, I Sweat is. i . -i . ivti's vest, kind to \m n all wool lOil p'tirs in il? ?. ctal >"1 oO jv r p I ?iix it hose, cot- Mtc. Tim Writ Ctc. town, it i") ct# to iJOv) |to\> (5 to III y?n iit'-rpancri, ()v?i>.lio< Sli ulcs. AI t? i 1. 11 all Cur- coino in an n. l'oekei Kn "W It \iui n ' Colin to .stvcly nil bran new and lie house ten days. I >n&\ We know 1 lie1 lent oul in a hurry, be com ineod. RTPtOHEA ?' -<( jl. ft * j^lc thought to please tli MMWIWM.n ? - WW?WW ? I i eh I he a 11 i.f 11>t ki . I a nn v anil aurs 'I tli \ ml wound-d I ii K t< < ! I f . < u wiil' lit i - a ii 1 I ;\ i nji hands, (It'f.-'M d tin- tl> ;kI aixl l;iid llir-m away in tli ir lost restim/*. !'ii? v ui-ii'iin tiir lii'i.i ?r battle, like iiiiiM.ii muli an^fiM, at the !-i11?? id tic- wound -d -Mill living id' It it Ii s. des, tli, ml mill i? n alike anil flnered them Willi wo,d- ? I ki nillies* an I sympathy. i > < > Ilea til 'lie last words of tin- dyiim hoy, and sent it with a loek of hau to the mot hoc in tli far oil' land All hail to the I ) tiiyhers of tin (' mif deraey! May tl:e ( i rent (? >d of M ere y hiess t.lienl! At tlie'fonelllsioii of tlieflp.'eeli t?H the full iwititf r-solution was adopted l>y 11 j,. 1.1) ( s and V ot * * i it ii.-?: "Since cm last nicel i i?i_T two of inn old soldiers. Mes-os, I tin Fells and I'hil liomiclt, whr were ncctis oined to moot with to on these occasions, 'hav ero>M-t| over tin* river and are now ivsl'jiu under the shade of the trees.' \V < drop a tear to their memories and offer their fatnilies our deepest symp it li v I THANK THIS I .OKI)!" cried Ilaiini I'laii'. of I.ittle Hock, Ark "for the reli"f 1 fjot from Kucklen s Ar tiiea Sal.e. Ii cured my f. arful riinnin; sores, whieli nothhipr else would heal and from whieli I have suffered for years." It is a marvellous healer foi ruts. burns iml wounds. < oiaraiUi <-d u< Ardrey's drugstore; rents. Too Lam ens num!} dispesai v elelii a will I) held . ' h < ritore111 ind better values S . A ( Lout lor something q ^ *; season we have 0 ml bargains. All |j| "j are cleaning up ^ educed prices. If ^ ( ugh our new ar- 0 , ave robbed some- S? 111 v valuable goods 0 0 . & 0 Q 0 - Q :nc! I || BOYS. J| >; 'i:i! values in Suits | J nits. S'2.00 1o <t?.l M %| icli suit or overcoat. || <?t I uilei'vi cur, any kind Jj i >t 11 .n ?tr w i? >!, from l't | ! ') |MT suit. || t I leu v \ < )\vrs!i iris and 5 t 1 1 !l I I -i /. f ? Jl >ir i i 11?><4 mill wiiul, i i?l (iluVi'H, L!*? i*IK lo t i i ..nks, Snil Cii-ih, r; la Itn?' of Lap Koln's in QQ ' kin i" |hi111 Suit-. iih?>h I s. at 110 fk to 1,0. ^ s for ? vrrvlaniv. mkiiiLr lit*' town o\t>r, .pf. l! 1? I IIS soil V< III I L!0< (I if''- ii orll II jjjooil fanil ? 1 ? I! j)-( (k 2>'00(ls. Vntl I Uvy rcrlaiii!y 0 1 prior wo put on ^ Seeing is boliov- 0 1 p store^ c people. /Ol 1 = S^90??8?O?S? , I Jriill^resH llHVilltr eollVellt || I. ! I dnV. nur reprcaen uiives may now . In* expected to ifH Inisy l.y telling j ns they don"t know aliont canals. r>ai?l?? I )oiiiinjjro tivati<H, railway rates and other vexatious plot 'I in-, in which o\vrv man un del the ( 11 > 11 li d line ilii<l||eH lie lias . \ji ri knowledge. FOR Pure Drugs Superior Cigars Fine Candies Hct and Cold 1 Drinks go to -.Buchanan's L ? ! Pfyrr Sf Santa Glaus h I And, as for the past 2i mr store headquarters, presents is somewhat dih we have more substantia little trash. Our jewelrj |)eeially attractive. Ha1 md useful things in St( [*lass, Silver Plate, AVatc resides a full line of lai Dolls, Toys, Handkerchi( Pugs, Rockers, Sideboar r.ograpbs, Organs, Piano* vt a n: 1 j 11 niii-i .M'W 1(>? M received ;it reduced price (1OJlK% SCO Sail it 51 t'liUiS. XLsn a a JS/L es 3 ?????SSS? ? ? I Room, Roon & In (Hir cry now. \\ e must lur oiic of tin* Impost stocks of Xnifis it11< 1 we have flit prices in several jr*i thorn. "h/LllllTKE (S Yon U?< i\v iiur motto on this Qy any over, li must rro; so the turn Qp thi* niovini; prices on it. All T 00 I liilf l'riro. We also have ploiii\ ? will at one-half pi ice. Wo do ? want a hat cheap, conic at once. Qp N K\\ (J()()DS eoniinu in nil t li Q\) W.\ 1ST I N'( i New white waist i Cp t NI)KI{WKVli V '! lino for 1- A SC1 N AT() dS, S11 \ \V IjS -djy DI1KSS (1()()I)S Most anyt vy Some special hnr^aiiiK. 0 w e do what we advertise. 1 Mcackam < ?@?0Q38?@? 0? ?0 REMOVAL OwinP tht? fset wi o * :atc our present quarters, to conduct a Special "F Thirty 1 Duiing this Sale we ( Fort Mill and commui come seldom. Frizes a on Clothing, Shoes, Flats ings, Etc. MoElhany-I WV^SVASMt'^NWM^SNW \N". 8 T. 1). FAULKSI V | p?auLA l 4y P" AA >> 8 %t M | |||f| I ffffl 4/ I ndertaking in all i the cheapest 1'ine Cofl State (basket. Robes fo v and gentlemen, Slippe t'J and Hearse Wagon. 'I T. 1?. I'U'l.KVFK) .. / - ? v.* ' l years, has madcf^^J Our stock of Xmasl brent this year, asj il goods and very I r department is esre some beautiful wling Silver, Cut lies, Jewelry, etc., ley China, Glass, fs, Collars, Furs, ils. Pictures, Phov anil a thousand loys* clothing just s. ?3@?8Ha?0? i, Room, | re it i(i order to display goons we ever curried, lilies in older to move >1*37". ? line is to never carry JK Ims come f>?r us to put limmod lints nt nbout. r of nice slinpeg which what we suy; ho if you SJ e {ime. a eg. 1 2 1 2, 15. nnd 20c. SS men. women it children *??> All colors. 251; to $1.75 a hiiig you may want. X & Eppsj i SALE, e will have to va-' jhI we have decided Removal Sale" for Jays. Difer the people of nity bargains that re greatly reduced , Gent's Furnish" 'arks Oq. in comfy. ? ts branches from gl in to the finest gg j r children,ladies sa Mioncs 12 &34. .\f*VP