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'#h? Jort gliJl Shuts, j DEMOCRATIC pUBLfSUKD KfBHY WKDNESDAY B. W. BRADFORD. Torm* of Subscription: pni' yenr $(.<><) Mix rnonthH f>0 Threo month* "r. AnonytnoiiH coniiiiunU-dtlnnH will not bo puhllshpil In tlu-n.- oolunjn.'i. ^ , i DEO KM EI.EU Mm Tin* th'piil I of nj??icull iiiv on Momlny t'Hlinmtoil tin* pioMcui notion mop ?it 1 (.). 1 <>7,*1S0 little*, i uliii-li iu (if ii liiil! ikili inilnri. 'I I.. estimate ctiUHtd ureat excitement j in cutt >n circles, the Now Orleans; market j 11 inpiu^r 150. while New \o.k whm not ho reek less, jninpiuu ! only 50 points. Last year the rojioit whs illiiioht 4.0(h) 01)0 balca i more tluui llie ptenet.t report. Postmasters tloou^hoiit the countly iniihI pay their debts oi 1 retire from the putalic service ih the construct ion plnci <1 on a recent order of the postmaster yeneral. Worried beyond endurance tay an army of collectors aeekini* the pay menl of oT detatH contracted I y : clerks in the department, this .11Ii Cpd Iuih iaHiied an or e.' in which ne aays that he "will not hartaor anyone who contiaclH a detat on the strength of Iiih ollirial |> hi lion and then, without autlicietit excuse refuhch to make payment " | Ohm ia taken to apply topi.s ina>lj? s as well. We notice in the papers thai a unique social function wasoiven a J few days ami tay a St Louis coup \ le in honor of their dnjx, Hoots, tin 1 occasion taeinn the I h anni versa ! ry of histaitth. Snt ioiiiuIiiil; the! board were a number oi w?.11 known j local people. The iIo^'h iik iiii, ! says (he i? port, eoiisisted ?>f tid bitH of beef, riee and broad, which ! was served on silver platters, limit , sy refiisino to aec pt aiiythinu { common. The dispatch doesn't I mention the children of tlio e oiiph hml it in to be hoped they haven't liny, for if they mil make this In:: fool of a tlotf. there is no ti liini; what they would make of a eliilil. One tiling eertnin had the foolki!'or been present, the dispatch would have been more lengthy. President .Ionian, of the cotton association, in an into view, said the preparation to tie up .'1.000,(100 hales of 10 ton and li >1.1 it I'm fill/her prices, in the faet* of the al ready established short erop and the nnpreeerlential consumption js web under way and promises aneeess. Of the ncrra?i> f> r next year lie says; "The eutir>' inachin ery of the association will be put in motion within a few d?.\ pleduiui; the cotton growers or the S mth to a Vcdueial acreage |'or ti ? next yea-. We w l' I lie^iii thif early to hold down amende to tpve the planters a full oppuluuiiy t< ! make arrangements for niiothei y-'ar." There is every reason to i believe that tin farmer who fol lows Jordan's lead w ill be selling : 1*2 I 2 cent cotton tnis time next y??f A p?tition ha^ been eircuh'ted itl Cherokee townsliip of ('lierokt e county asking Oiveinor lleyward to place state eonsiables in Itlacks buVtf. The petition s'atcs thai since the dispensaries were voted out of Dlaekshur^ ami t iatfm v the increase of illieit manufacture and sale of liipior has been so mvat ii is now a source of annoyance io flirt I lluiutol oltlil ???*.! I ? ?? .? lv%, I . .... ..... ........ .... .. .1.... -M.M.IIIIt citizens ?>!" tliitt township. Wo mi not certain that there has been an increase in the Halo of \\hi*k< y in thin township since the county went ilry for it has all alont; h. on a matter of hut little trouble to tho e who wanted liquor to luiy it ? l?ut Certain we are that a cousin h|e placed in this township wh would do his duty, would have hut little time to devote to otln .* mat tern. The weekly receipts of boo. > at this place woul I conn* near lloat itij^ otT an ordinary huiltlinu. In a speech at Aknui, Ohio, Secretary Taft is quoted an sayiin tnat "William ?1. IhyMi would I come the Hiieeessful lender of tin Demoor.die party, and a menace t<> the prosperity of the country unle s something s lould he nccom plished by. President Koo>o\eil." This is a very s <?uiticniit state iiienl, declares an exchange, out i is a compliment to Hi Nebraska Democrat, and, leading between the linos of the utterance, tlit* furt hInihIr nut tIimI lht? "soniotiliiit." Prmidi'til H-x>80v?*U must rh> to prevent Democratic success in the lint ion is to omry out tin* reforms for which Hryan stands Mini wliu-h have Kiven birth to the term |lr\ nniem. All of this ^oes to show thnt Taft lias h level head. He knows Hint the people are ^ettiiij^ theii eyes op*m ami that c.n.esthe Kepuhliean paity mends its ways, it will bo permanently re " ' * W hiskey, a Pistol, and the hollow*. A man was linng in Greenyilh lllHI Fti?l?y. I I WHrt U legal eXeeli lion. 'I ll** ntiiuo of the man is no tintIt*iini lii'i'e jiticJ now. I n to tin liny ile coiiiilllt lei! the deed whirl led to iiib mwl'nI doom he W'fli Briiieidy known, it in better not i< make Imtoiy than lo mike a his toiy which has its finish at tin end of a rope. The man left l?e hind linn a nam , Iml it is far iron being tiiat name wliieh is rathe lo be eho8? n than great riches. Hi i.: 11...i i. II. .. i e ItllMMI III-* I 11 11 II . 1111 \Mlh II It'll I I II minder; t Ire evidence was amies him; iii*' Hoticilui tfaid he wiih ^ til ty (it in 11111< t and should dm; Jin jury mid lm wiih miilly, whirl meant d'lilh; tin* jndyo passei sentence id death ; the higher com would lint rrvi i;-i> till* jud^iilriit o t > liiwrr court; tin* oovernor dr cliucd to i drift iv; thr sheriff line to oliey liif l'?w, .tnd tin* roiidrin urd man paid the penally. W tuii liroiiulit 11?i!-? m iti to hi: awful diami? Whi-key and a pin loi. I'lie etui of lhat way, if pur sued to tin* 'iul, is death. Ltih year thr poor wretch who died 01 Ihr (^illlowri lasL Friday wiih rn ijam'd in thr illicit traffic of whin Ury. lie was not only rn^am-d 11 thin uiil/iwi d work, lull lit* wa rarryin:* a runrealed deadly wrap on an lm conducted ins drude work; whiskey in his hn^oy am a pistol in his pocket li wa ready tor had work. When the of li.-er o< the I i v can * upon hiu and attcmptcil to aircnl him to thr first olVriiHt*. In* resisted, sl.o and killed theolli -cr. If iau j.;uilt . f l.r ' ikiiu; tile law in tile tiis and set ond raHes hronoht Imn f that point wheio he easily iirok the law of (l. ii and man in th thiol ease. I >ii-iv mud of law i minor inattrrs led him on to th disrej* nil of law in the fjjreutei even to the rlisri^ard of linina lite. flu* I iw lu'raser in one na: is in dan-jar of lut'akin tlif law in a ti v ?i ?* it 11 point*. C)i m ti ni.iy i i-ilv li-mi *11 to olln* sins. I lu> i >.111 tlia' loads 11'iw may lio travi'lrd I'aaily, rapid! -i11 t swiftly. ami tin' mid, dostiui lion iiia" la* ivat-ht-d qith-kly. it was I??iiI ciioiioli to lie I'tttii l>?m1 in ?"ll oir liquor. Tho ptsti hi tin- poi'Ui t m.iilc it many inm ili'oi?-i-* ilanqoimis. Kor tin' tin olVi-nsi' a tint', imprisonment an i-onlis, itiou Would liaVi' tli worst. ll tlio deadly pistol Im not lit-i'ii on tin' pt'isoii in all piol ability In* would have submitted t lit i I's'i, Mini today mi^hl have be?a i\ i' and leadim; an lioni'st lit f ho i-otitvaW d deadiy weapon \v: his i vt'i'laslin<r undoing. So it is ut many otln-r ease Till' man who rari ii-s a pistol is u viliiio trouble. Ho may liud Inn soil iilv in a situation w Iter in t In' li? 11 of p ,ssion, uuii *r in i'\pi li d pr >v> a it ion, and tindi stnv s of i-M iti-iin iit, lio nm\ ftjilst;ii d in usiii" it. and thus 1 i* plunged int ? a sorrow and ai "Uisii of soul from wnn-h Im i-.-u not escape as lout; ,,s ho live I'iiut man who mu-ounts^i'S liis >t. to own and rat i \ a pi*toi is I. a< it::; hull under tin* shallow of i|i-a1 i lid di'-t i it < -1 ion. Tlii' law r o rpi /i-s thf tenuity of tin* i tlonso. ai p.-ssililc iliiiiuoi. an I for tin* pr eetloti id tin- Union ill. tin' safe of society, and tlit* happin -ss tlio individual and of the lioim ha* tinilr it a misdemeanor to ?-a ry on iho p i?oii the i? i-onot ah* ilfiiilly woap? n-. Ami yot ? < I ilnv. ami oy.m \ whoio, this law li.'in.; (1 istv^aitied. I In* di-roun' i of l 111* law, ti *1 hor will1 ti??? i Hi it miK? nt lupi ir, will suivly ond tin! Iw r lawni; siii'ss Pi-t >ln and w lifskoy! that is ' had, a diuiU' ions oomtnnat nm. ai lint", r'nmit?*i\ a comhtnat on nil t oomnion. 1 Hit it liquor is not ti 1 only danuonuis kird *of li jn I That which conns from tlit* < 1; p 'iis iry, i?i any >111 i ol n. plao 1 is cnj able of all danger, d; alii m dostnu'lion as tho ilii Ml liqn I slipped ah ml and sold I?y whit ami lilaoks. Impnir loyally s<1 wlnm mi veil up with p suds in load to tho u?ti> ws as snro'v as il ! blind tii?or lupiur \\ oat niatti it if tho man who diotl on tho ?.?i lows F| id.iV Was a iifi;i i<? I m . al i; l In- hhii.s tln? i .p. r ai tlio pistol brought him thoro. TI warning is for white and hi t ahko tho lo-s >n to bo learned for inon and h. ys of both ihoi v / Iji'l \VhlsK"\ i;l>illf, let tile p t? l i ithef is ilaii^eiona; 111< t' are <1 >ohlv s>> Tin* unlaw t nl u ;of either is not ti? be roiuioiiecl law abhliiit* people, ami the pin iluty of putj'it f.inl pr? a*. of t?n?. ris ami parents, i? to create s i'om? public sen t; turn t a^aii tli sale, manufacture ami us.' inl> \io liquors is a b vom. ami tin' cuivy:ii< "I" ouicvaleil a itea?IL w??Hj oils. Let it be ? mpl ai/eij. -The a of sin is tlcitll If iptisl C mi ier. Those ? f iMir citi.vns who ha not yet n ^isten 1 t?li? uhl tlo so ome. T'ie ;Kxik> wiil close n< iu u few Jays. V ^ ^ . ; Ttioiiias*i)ii Will Quit t'te State i It. F. 'I'hoiritiKsoii, n notorious - liquor (halt i of Koch Hill, plead ! t utility last ttircl??y to violation of < ? Ihe dispensary law in two cases i i it ltd was sentenced to pay u tine of | j 3 $o'X) or fso to the (haingang for a ; . : period of oil" venr in each cum*, , - says the Yorkville ICnqimcr. File ph'ii aid tin* sentence were - both matters of previous agice- j i inent on the part of counsel for i the defence and for the stain audi] - tlif utiiit-i* L'lmiin^ is that sentence | i is to hi' hu "pe tided p"iuliti_j tin' , I faithful carryini; of Thuinns j son's part of I In* agreement. ' ; Tlioinass n ni;ioi'rf to leave the * i { state duritii; n p -rind of two years 1 and bit; with iiiin his i'iitiro fnini- i t ly mill I'lVects. It. is 11lldi'lHio il ; I it I st i that dtiriii _j tliat time ho niusi j j , J stay away, not n-turinin; to thin j , I Ktalo for any purpose except on j . nt'i.'imnt of the critical illness or ^ death of hoiho leliitive, and ilien he i must i iii iin otiiy so ion^ as is ?!?- ' j solutoiy nee*Ks.iiy. TiiomasS'iu has heell in the li-\ ; t ipior business in and around KorU I i II 'I ftir s-venil ye rs, mid lias een-j - ort i y Invii aid ' to lead tho an-J tlioi 11i s tjnite a livel \ rhsHe. The , < i iiudeiHtaiidinp that nobody has 1 s any special desire to see him pun |( ish-'tl, they only want him to ipiit ; y selling liipior ill the ct'lllltiunil v, I! and if lie will only stay awaj the ariano uicnt w ill lie perfectly sal- j j islaeloi y to till colieei lied. I II 'Squire Bailes round (iiiiitt in I ?\;? Cases. , " i ' i . , , . I i .. The two rii vs a^amst Sipure J I W third It Itailes, t t I'ppor l''ort ] ,, Mill township, wiioH" work as a.? inairiaee artist lias b ought liiui ' notoriety in two States, were tried . in I lie court at V ukvido the past , we<'!;, tho defendant lieiuo fouii . i? . jmiilty oil Imth eh list's. Ill tho ' i, ease against limi for iivini* with a . woman without submit!tue to tin : binding ties of a uutrri up' I'ore. 1 moiiy he was tin. d S1- 0. The o'het ease was fur shoot im; h.s eousin. i, l-'tl liailos, some m nnlis as*o, tlu* y tine in this ease boillij is'JO. Both 11 in"* unr | ?ii ni . I'm.. ease against the woiiuin. with whom Unties wm convio ivl of ,| living in nt111111 ry. was no: piossed. ' I' *t Fort Mil! People in a Wreck. A railroad wreck which cann(j ileal' i i suiting in I lie sin i his injurs ( ot a nitmher of Fort Mil' people u hiuI others, l<? >k place Wedip-sd ?\ M afternoon nt .'5 ..\-lo It at Ihe south en;I of the Utneviile sidc-tri k |s Tlie wreck, whielt was a rear end i'oliissioii. was between a thr nh s freight train and the "Chester' , <wttig," and was the result of t ie . freight tra n over-taking the Che.t. lei train at the po.nt natural. It j* is understood ttial tiie fr dgiit . train Was running as a liis'-ehu (.[ train and had the right of w.a\ u, over tin- Chester train, the er -w <>t j. of which id otd'is to take tin ii siiliug at Pitieviile and .al ow the ,s freight to pas- Puis tin* Ciiestet ,n train was in th ? act of doing when ] tiie freight train rounded a curvei il, an i d si ed int i the rear end. 01 ' , first-class eoaeh, of the tot lip". |(j The end of the eoaeh was eonsid nh'\ sin islied and v n I ha\ it on 'totally demolished ha 1 not tin en ,,f ginei-r of the Ireig it us"tt I i- a r til lie -. t ? g ? . d etT i t N > hi;.me. {. it i- understood, was a'.ta Ind to ,1 either ot the ttain crews, the fault ' ..-ill. It.. ... . !.: .... y ^ ? " ?? 11 in* ml ii - r? i\\ i 11*1 |1; art*, j.. wImso iln'y w?i? i<> Iihvi' Is tl II.i ,-tj rr -iuht horn until tin* Cho.-Uv train had had ti;ne to oloar tinuiitiu hit *. Am >n^ tho pn--S('n^<Ts on tin n Clu-stor train it tuo lir. . f tin ((j \vi?< k worn Mrs. U. K (trior aiul ,,, iittlo s >n, /,1'ikh. Mi? M n liarA Mom o, h1 Wo ran mako it ititoroatin^ to or Christmas _nfts. l?ut the ourly I.uvo 'l~ as usual. Twolvo oon? ootton mnkr l|V anyway. nml it o stocks in nil i;m?s |,'o S . y.iu will i?nt tin Huv??:;ta_o in b t- early. Wo Imnillo no tragi). Kver l'" radical benttit and will live for in . 1 tin- 11 cipients lu. Our stock of hooka will bo lar^ (>L ?oro w ill - 11 you 0 Recent $1.50 books t Latest $1.50 books f< kvi> And we have beautiful pictuie -? of the family. LOrCATiny \ L G VMES TOILET GOODS * BOX ST A' 18. ' XMAS ( POCKEI WRITING DESKS P ini',.s CIGj We will porve Hot Chocolate. 1 OF O ii A KG E t . s <1 urine t ;uCvme as often as yon li?e whether rhrtiitf* are Coraml y invited u tv iul iVe ineiita. " W. P>. ARE Wan lis and Mi*. J. ]{. Button, all of Kort Mill. Will) the ejceeplion of j Mr. Sutton, who whs thrown vio i lently to the Hour ami ren- | Jered niu'oiisciou- for u short lime, the others escaped with but slight injuries. G?pt. Trite, of llie pnejeng r tin in is reported to have r? - i i r ? ;ci > tu a 11 u hi h-i in | in til 11! i ui Ultteb. ?? The tows of Gold Hill. Wo ar<> having sitae of those real I winter days now?(lays wbm everyone s couip<died to stay indoors most ot' tho iine. Oar "ico cream" boys will have u> expense now. Th inks^i vin^ passed off cxeeediutyly [ lift in this section. Tho "sporting .ft" nave up tho "muUhiK merry" to If ymitijffr so. Misses Inez, Myrtle md May boiic Smith were hostfssi?s to i larjre nuuihfr of their little friends ii't d?y. There were is or 20 in tho I d!y crowd, and all report a most on I i.v.iblo day. Claud Furis whois always ?.i the alert for fun, proposed a straw ide. which was ucecpted, and two >va;'Dii leads filed out for the afternoon. Twas truly a lively erowd. 'l'ho hot s ipper which was announced asi week ro lie jfiven at Mr. ,J. CL Mos.s' .vas r ported as a ^ratid s ie -s. SeverII from i his sect ton attended. There was a net of nine or ten dollars, which ivili lie used as best thought by the [Vi r Nich dsoti .Society. Misses Itenlah and Florence Kimbtvll if < 'harlot te spent Thanks^ivmy 1 lay at heir homo in this section Mrs. Jeniie t atterson and daughter Miss (iussic > Fort Mi:lsp"iit t-aturd.y ni^ht and -mnday it th home of S. II. Kpps. Sr. Moon Cult harp of Charlotte spent I'!s?'ivintr in this section Little Maud daughter wl Mr. and Mrs. 1?. M. Fans, is very ill at tins writing with >:u lnioiiia. Mas: er Morgan Faris, of he same family, isalso stei; with the uhl. it will he remembered by our t*cjoh i t hat Mr. 1'arts is in Florida at his time, but he has b. n until'" 1 of he illness of his eh:hlreii. u iss Aralelh'Creinhton ol lio.'k ilill spent suvtrttl days of tho ptist weok with Miss .Intro Crook liev. and Mrs. \\'. t'. Dwelt spent a tew days last week tit C. I\ and \V. H.?'ruu\ 'ha fit on and h<a Smith spent L'hani Dav at L/. T. Crook's, on "busiuess-" Mrs. la Meson I lamiltuu of Milks (>ro\e, \V . Va.. is at the home oi her father \V. F. i >\ti in iu. <i| r (iolii lliiisoottun. Pleasant VaDc-y News. Mr. Robort Stovonsm ami Mi-s 1*1 lit* Woifo wci'ii 11 iti< m1 mi ntarriago at ?5 > . look on I ho moiling of Nov. il'dtli at i'lrasaut 11 i i 1 Church. Tho rctvin.nn \va> ii>rf.irinod l?y l\ov. .1. 11. Mac!;, vftor i !io niurruige the bridal party re? |iairi., o> i In- ho:.u-. . la hnde, wlioiv a sump:nous snpp >r was mtii'iI. Tli?? principal social o.oni> in this s-Hut haiiivsgiviug day were l \ b.g dinners gin i In* Mr i) \\ . I 'o is an 1 Mis. .1 .\i. Harr.s. l^uitc a number of ivlai i\i s and friends wore present at i .i ii h.iiiio io partauc ol i ha sumptuous iv past s l*j. 1'. Thorrell and family spoilt Mori day in i ha riot to 'rot'. ami Mrs. H'lio spout Thank.-gii iii'_c wiili ninnies at Leslie A. ll. liavilson ami liarlin Wolfe of i. haviotte were down on day lasi woo!; lor a day s hunt Hubert BioUett, WhileCausa rt and .Ino. I'll, dps ot i bar loll, -pent Thanksgiving in I u a ant Valley Mr and all. . I.< <ior Wolfe of < liarloin oaiiiodo'.vii N1! 'dn ? i .y to attoud tho marriage of thoir .siso'i. Mis.- Klli Woifi .diss bossio Wolf at toad i a roeoption given by Mr. and xtra. Win, Rons oi 1 im\ idoooo in li.iaor of tic ndai-g!i:or. M ss ivln i. -lames Harris it Cliai'lo.:. l > \ - U; !i_r hi It. W. 1 foster for a few days. Rev. and Mrs. Chandler of r'ort Mill sih-.h Thur-ii.t> at the homo of Mrs. I). C. Wo'i'o. iJ. i). Lot:.-ami .) Z. ltailos boili have now visitorsat thoir homos -; w.> tino hoy- Mr. .1 1' irdon arrivi d : a: urdnv fr nn t hiladclph a and will spond the week hunting in ilns -eoiioii. (.! urge W..lonos of lainoastor. our soorotary of tho oat ton growers' as- a i in. mot with tho IMoa- iui Valley c .b luiuav ovoiiing and in ule a ton nig i:i I'ciKi!! (M the t.irmi'V'i. Some x-.-m (> 1 lit11 of ill proposition ??f ; >ICUI_ I ho price to la eel;. i.?r ioar 'lie niarKot mi^hi n u t iii th i ?>;. \vh- o :li rs :uv ca^or t > ii s: > hoy.>nd this price. .1. O. 11. A DISASTROUS CALAMITY. I is a <h>us - us ealan ity. \v!i. a you lose your health, he. a as- indices ion and constipation have saj>i>ori ir away. Prompt relief < i i h had in Dr. Kind's N--W I ' 1 ills. Thoy haihl up your (list >:i.e or .-ms. and cure head who. <iir. in-'ss. e-lie, -oustipation, ( e (u.araiUcc.l at Ardr iv's dra^ stove; :i*e ay Hint y.?u when it conns to hny'ng > !!J rs are lo lie the lucky ones s s. (1 tunes f? i till oi it id ft?? linn: are u >ino to t?e 8 -ill down em'v .MM quality aim prsoo hy ru\in^ ytliinu' von j t I' tun itr- will I >f on* lit ut :t .'.u% in :ho ppreciut>on yr nil i b-t ;r that l'V? : an.I a-- I 'or 50 aiul 7 r> cts. i>r S1. 2 5. ami story bo >ks for ewry tn^n i a: FOUNTAIN FENS BIBLES T ONEKV UA B 1 ?*-* ' BOOKS PERFUMES UiS ALI'.l'MS II ; s t; ?? ! ?>il U .. i 1) ii as EP.EE w*-**k bt-f ?ie C y?.-u buy or iiot. *u<I ?tlu*r me;thou custom rs to a? for lefiesh(REY ? CO. -y.-'i- . * s^'fiVlzK' 7 A \IAN Ki:\SOX.MiLrXEStf Ik often iik rfrent as woniui. -> J'.u Thus S. Austin. M;?r of the "liepubli- , Jean.'' of Lea von wort h, tint., van not I nurcasouahlo, when lie refused to nl-j j low the doctors to ope rate on his wife.' for female tiouhlo. "Instond," lie says, "we concluded to try Electric , Hitters. My wife was th-n >o sick, | she could hardly leave her l> d and five j f"?l imysiciaus had failed to relieve her. ! i After taking lileclrie Hitters, she was | jierfoctly cur. d and can now perform all j ; iior household duties." Linn noticed by , ' I \V. B. Ardrcy, druggist, price 5Jc. ]\Ien J.T. KickenlmU,Hr. ?>f rb.-\, ntuobuii; county, tho picture <>t ; li< nil 1), nui' i i *(I at 1 I. njul is just i 15 yuiiis ? hler than Imr ti ?t c.hii I 't hat < lii'tl Ulari 'u"! at 15 nnl con - 1 fern d the distinction f gi n i d ( mm>t hoi hood up >n tier IJii'tln r at , .'>1 your,?. , SUN r.t ST MOTH ICR "Cnnsninjition runs in our family.; ;iii ! ihvit;<<;l) 1 lost my mn; her," .'rites 10. I'.. Runt, of Kitrnio iv. Mo. "Fori lie pis' ljvoMvi'S lmwoior, on tin* slyi. I i .-r igu of a i o i h or l.'ohl. 1 trivo 'ale j ( on I)r Kiti\. - Now Discovery for I'on saniptioii. which h is saved inn from serious luao trouble." I lis mothers 1 loath \va - a sad lo>s f n Mr lend. lint ho learned that lung trouble n>unot t?n neglected ami how to cin*e it < Quickest roll f ami euro for coughs ami oolils. t'i'ioo " to ami $1.0': jriaran-j tooil at \Y ti. Ardroy's drug store. botMo five. !M N IIA L1J 7.39 P. Bt. TUrSDLY, di-:o. ri'ni, "Tim (T BAN Sl'W'j (l'y lo<ail talent) Two ami otio half hours of anusement. t For b > tit of < leaded Sell 1 i ihrari . a Trims an 1 to uonts. Ki-CCIS IRATION NO'l ICR. Tli * books of Registration for iho qualiiinil voters of tne town of Fort Mil! for tho voar fid. a:v now oj n as tlm Savhiys tt.nk. between 1 lio k gi! h uir-ol '.?a in ami A o. in., ami will close tin' J'.'mi ilav of I to oiulu r, l'.tOa. W. I'.. .v "aih.iiu has been appointed Registrar. i .v oiilo.- of t ho < mncil. W i>.. y? nohaui, At tost In.- inliint. ^ \V 1\?rks. t"u?rk. "^fPSMSE LIST. Coiulnniiij* ^ > >1 ijuali'v and low prices. The prices i ?' l ;.t ! >w:iro ^a irantood to it" the i.i i 'si '.or unalitv >; < io'iii>: I year old lorn WhiCivj, jier gallon ?1 <? :1 .] " " ,', " i .. .. 2.ur?, a ,, Tar Heel Corn Whiskey Ton 1 ,, (i?md l.'ye \Vhi>l;yiH , ?. tl 1.?.*> J ,, Good Rye Whisky " " 2.00 :t ,, .. Uoo 1 Kyo Whisl.v " " 2."id i ? (! n; lis e x' hiskv " " t'.ti > mi.; Hyo Whisky " " I tit No e':iar.;e . . \or p.eking, o extra will t press on .,n to i hri e l;.i i 1 < nis: o\ r ' ga ions, ]fie. & goupasiy, l \mncil ?fc I ee M r? . s; sALrsi.r I:Y - - - NO. S to rtARs* r xptRitwci-. ii CM* Ar.t a g TKt LOWEST..- Id n 1.1 |ih..t . k. : 1- r.-r B B diurt ri ll Ml 1 in. it'|> .( en |. .li'nlnliiillv. w E mrniKCtwcNT wiit- ?- .. .n... i .a A ft > <\r>vt i- i 13 Vitro AJ. ! SOLO, f.< TRACK MAF <t. I'BN. EJ Slums an! COFVRICMTS .| i> klj ..I luiioO. J) R Oppoii't i U. 3. Patent Ot:1co? -J hi '-i'i ^ ? ////^ y/j liv.ited means or ecu all cur 6.000 graduat ?:. i; r *r." r\ii?. r.ovu.i 11 ?K v?. cj ? m a | A I> &OU 1; c? ( it VI. \ X ^\ X J Tli F.HE iS MONEY (ill IV>t ii >v.Miil f il)i Mi*s<iini St. Aiiu ricitii fninn is to ciiltivnt .1 h -? Inmly l?i -s< 1 "tnl is i n'!' IV; 'i-ylv ia Spilt* ('? 11 in | Gins* hl i ?>t i- rapidly <liminialiiiit 1? 'iKiiiiyly iiKM'fiisititr, wItiIt* tin* i.' .1 .-"111- - I'M II! 111 (if (l - | I t ;ir - ( >risiii (ioii?M 'il K i' .I.'.i ?>| | - .r r? ;. Tli - !. <.! 1 i?i 11 I ; lii i ml ti Poiiiantl is s.. s.?n |li i? 1 i It i>'itl h^pillislv, ' l l'i i( vll. 1-11 lii Ml ( 1.1'.Os- .isistiHMI Ml'1 ' ' I _ 1 ~ ft si .1 J Ml' ? >11 lilt- 111.1 |, i ton. 1 !i?* p.< -! :. marl; t j i \ u .*. in i {: o c ist <>! j ro liii ino j , J, \ o. r - \ ;> iiitl. mounil. An u S ?' ' 1: <"< is in m in ?'Mi'"h t i - wo: * i . u-li y nr. ! u'' plant t It ("nii.t'.ia ill mi) s??il or r.iiiiiit\V. i.r i J- !U<?1 i. lis 1" n piaiitin: ?i. si t r* * ii.osi \ i 111\\ 111< > in-ri s ih^ titii I ill. \\ it h i rail is tit i \\ *i. i11 C t' t.' f' I ll t* y.irtltMl \ t >11 t int M ?l!l II lit .MY 411 li I f it'll 11 It V t' i llit't J?.y fot littTAJurt' U-:linvr "II iil?tuit I BUCKINGHAM'S C ti'VOWiTl* sin ZANESVIILE, . . Us k * YV h:>n i;i 1 i:c Market 1 <) K GOOD WHISKIES, WINES, BRANDIES, ETC., CAM. UN" UK WRITE -J o in. Xvdf o 37-1 o, O. Box 97, SALISBURY, - N. C. TO Ol lt FRIENDS! We nr?* n??w located Ht 124 10. Council fitif' {, Salisbury, N. C., nul solicit your trade. We have n liind a complete line of the !? si Whiskies. Wines, Brundies, tftc , and can supply your wan s C :tli r.nyilnnir in our line. Our Mr. M. A. Teeter, formerly of Chariot tt , has pci:m 1 snpervisi m >f niir shipping department and ill ma;i orders receive prompt and mi re I'ul ntii ntion at his hands. Ask lor price list and order hlutik with your older. W. II. HOOVER CO., 5 UJSIU'KY. N. (\ Phone 218. X-XX+X, ->fc. % WK l TriE I \ ACME s ? i t BARBER SHOP, % | I | N. L, Carotbcrs, $ i ^ i r op**iC tort ^ t t 6 ?* MODEL j i Steam Laundry. $ | ; } CHARLOTTE. ? ? N. C. || I rrrTTTT i Ii i.n. r. jjicT, Shirts UK* I Shirtnew VI}..c I Collars 8c r t 'ntt's, jut juiir lo jj I' inii-rshirt s N.; * hra\vi;is.. Sc { t iv'.S, |H'V i>.iii tie \ 11 ux'.Ui ivhii fs. linen .hi ? ; Handkerchiefs, silk fio J ] I'ants ? * ti? 7~o } 1 "i '.It s tlac tl) I iO ? Y? si s 2f>c f t Shirt -\\ nists .!"?c up Curtains ">t'c tip * 1 la a in - single, l."ic; duui r. 2'r V Cnunterp lies 10n f Table Clot Us 10c | \ icTcal j Agents, 1 FORT MILL, ? ? ? P. C \ Nil t. IA'SS : .Kin \?K 1J.\!XT M \)IK \\ ill \vi ar as lon;? as 1 )ov?x s No o?h rs urn a- tnavy lushed. because Devi* s v\eii;hdt . a ounces more, to the pint. Sold hv \V. II, Ariiivv i'o Co BY A $.5,0 :jJ /r////rrfl ys *v ? " CATION NO HINORANCt. tS AT WORK. VYKlTK T HAY TO US. COLLEGE, .Macon G* IN OWIN(i (ilNSFNCil? \^riri;lturnl l\?|le??o !$*iy : i- (iinstMitr. piotits are re dly wis." \ bulletin is^r.-d ml SM_ys; "The siippL of niti X, nub tin- price per pound i.? ? con.-dmil <1* iiimikI for the dirt* endy noiiKit fur (in in 11. ' K'oiih e.ys in li e t S. C mown in Ann rict is It! Ilihl lit (it'll lltoie Co..U1 be thsi iiill >p"ii8nbie to tile foOl'lltl. Ill)' mi i eorn. wheat and c fi in y; >0 to $> *>(' per i)otin? I hill $ I ..V ). his. yy m .V III *i?* el main o ! ft.iisenu is w >' tlen it) i/1-..>\ K. v. iiil Itiinitio e 11 vim 11 <ui{\ -Hi t!n I'nitt'il ^ :i lltlll will ' 1 I > \V t^ill'lU'll VI ;> lft'>l?? Z pu; p irti'H anil mil show yort h'u 'tili'lt1 HI t\\.i | hllllMI^ S' HS ! i:ivi> lull in- ti iirt;. us how ' 1 i" 11 u?'i a i.;o> il -1 nt in ihf Im-iP'* " ' iii< > m> S?>iul t'vn ci "l 8t:n'..r j li is w< nuloi f ol uulust i y. ilNSLNG GARDEN t I r.\iK?rlors Oi I