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FORT MILL TIMES. VOL. XIV. FORT MILL, S. C., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 6, lt>05. NO. 37. ^????i?????fin ? MUTINEERS TAILED Frightful Slaughter Wrought By Government Vessels CONQUEST OF THE INSURGENTS ?? Desperate Struggle Between Mutinous Sailors and the Loyal Troops at Russia's Black Sea Stronghold End in Victory to the Latter?Fire From Fleet of Ten Ships Was Opened on the Batteries and the Town and a Furious Exchange of Fill) Continued For Two Hours and a Half. i St. Petersburg. By Cable?Sebasiopol was the sc Mi!" of a desperate batf.lo between the mutinous sailors ami the troops in the forts on shore. During the battle the town and the forts were bombarded by the guns ot t.he cruiser Otehakoff, which now lies a burning wreck off Admiralty Point its hull riddled with shells and its flaunting red ensign ?>f revolution hauled down. Many of the ciow of the Otchaknfl were killed or wounded. According to one, report the barracks of the mutineers was carried by storm aftct the mutinous fleet, which is said to have numbered ten vessels, had surrendered. and the whole position is now in the hands of the troops undei the command of (lenerai Xeplucff anable to guarantee the correctness f this report. The commander of the OtchakotY. Tjieutennut Schmid. immediateh accepted the challenge, replying with both batteries, otic trained oil the town av.d the other on the Fort Alexander batteries, on the north shore. Captain Zilotti, aide de cumc to 'Admiral Vireuius, chief <?!' the naval irnnprnl wt nlV In r?...?%?.l * i? t - * 1 .... .-...II, IIH'M 111!* rtSSIIl'UIU'll Press that llu* latest dispatches received from Kebastopol showed that the OtehnkolT was <>n fire and badl\ riddled, with its revolutionary colors hauled down, hut he was unable to ffivo more definite informal ion. Accord in.:; lo a more detailed report from another source and purporting to eome front the Admiralty, the battle began at !! o'clock, when Lieutenant Sehniid. not receiving a reply to the demands of the mutineers, opened lire from a licet of ten ships, to which the northern batteries at Port Alexander, artillery pasted on the shore and several vessels which remained loyal replied. During the naval battle the sailors fjn the shore, entrenched in the barracks, defended their position with machine gums and nlh r against lhe at tack me infantry. After an engage-i merit I anting two and a half liotlis, I with the Otehakofi' tiddle,) and oil! flr?t and the cruiser llnjpuf font an- j other vessel .v.n,*, LjMUpqam bcltmid ; who had hudlv wounded. sin rest- j dared the entire squadron. The nut-: Vinous sailors r.u shove surrendered j to the Hre?: and HieliiloU ttegi-! mantp. Aocovdiug to this report, llio Pan- 1 teleimon, formerly the Kniuz Potcm- 1 kine, was injured below the water line and ft torpedo beat is ashore on the ' i rocks. No details of the casual it ios or of the damage suffered by the town are , obtainable by the Admirably, hut ( owing to the confined space in which the action was fought it is imprnba- . hie Itu.i .i... 1 .... .....II . ?iii|HU WJlllOlll heavy damage. j The demands of the mutineers arc 1 said to have included, besides the ]."> proposals dealing with service conditions, the convocation of a constitu- J cut. Assembly and the complete reali zation of tlie liberties promised by 1 the imeprial manifesto. 1 Roosevelt's Thanksgiving. Washington. Special.?The Presi- i dent and Mis. Hooscvelt, accoinpenic.l by two of their children. Archie and < Kthel, left Washington to.- Plain Dealing, their country home in Vir j ginia, where they s]>ent Thanksgiving quiet iv. They returned to Wash- < ington Friday. Plain Dealing is about ten miles from Kod Hill. \vbi< b is TJ1 miles south of Washington, nnd was recently purchased by Mrs. Roosevelt. , Two cooks from the "While House nc- ; coir.panied the party to prcpnro th< Thanksgiving; dinner. ( Deranged by Hard Study. Columbia, Tenn.- -Special?A trag- t cdv in which two close friends lost ; Iheir lives occurred near Rally Hill, in Maury county. The dead are Fred j Earl\ and Ilenry Coleman. Early killed his friend and then himself. Both men were theological students. ? Early's mind is thought to have he 1 come deranged hy hard study. i \ MINOR ITEMS OF NEWS Items of Foreign and Domestic News Gathered For Busy Readers. In the South. Prof. U. S. Alexander* of (.'nl|>epei' was killed by A train ncAr that town. "William Huber, a hrakeman, was killed by a train in sight of his mother. in Parkersburg. Richmond contemplates extensive improvements along the .Tames rivei to facilitate the docking of ships. After being arrested in Roanoke, Frank Smith, once a Socialist candidate for congress, cut the main artery in his leg. II. ('. Frick. the Pittsburg millionaire, has bought $500,0t)0 worth of eonl lands in Taylor and Harbour counties, West Virginia, William S. Holland, of Windsor, a well-known Virginia Republican, was paralyzed while sitting in a dentist's clinir. Nine of the ''oath-bound thirteen'' were dismissed front the Virginia Military Institute as a result of insubordination committed with the intention of forcing dismissal. It. K. Diekcrson was shot and killed by l)r. < >. T. Ivenvou at Dawson. (!a., alter the former bad returned from Ihe theatre with a young lady, Dr Kenyon be?ng wounded. Hon. M. B. Norlleeet, in >< card announces his withdrawal from tite rae< for (Jovenior of Tennessee. Mr. N'ortleet says he will support Judge Bond, who announced his candidacy l'or the office r. few days ago. A special from (ireeusboro, N. C., says that the celebrated Nick Williams trial closed there on Tuesday Williams being lined it is estimated that the costs will amount to between $10,0(1(1 and $12,'HH1 which added to the $5,000 line, will aggregate in the neighborhood ol $17. ooo. National Affairs. A compromise is reported lo bo thmost likely solution of the railroad rate controversy. Secretory Wilson reports that the value of farm products in the luited States this Year will reach $l>.Ho,* 000,000. Special Agent Pepper reports that the I nited States sold I'anada last year $100,000,*. 1H) ??I* products and gave her 000 settlers. Coinmai.der Young, who had com* nuind of the ill-fated gunboat Hen nington when she blew up. will probably he let oil* with a reprimsnul. Assistant Treasurer of the I'nited States l.eih, of Philadelphia, was dismissed by the President for alleged failure to comply with the <i\il Service law. The Interstate Commerce Commission has nr.ieticullv completed its bill, whirll -uppo^ed to reoresent the Presidcpr? vjetvrf en railway rate h'gbluiifNfAt t?io North Aijuiintt' largo .motion pf Unrrcn lidantl r.oftr Now yprfc, wits carried awfty l?> \ho tide, Marshall Field, ,Tr,, died itt < "hi puyo r.'utf! u plsloi ?but wound accidentally indicted. Niue men were killed by on explo- | sion that destroyed the lve.Vi.tone Powder Works at Emporium, Pa. Mrs. Cassie L. Chad wick wants to | testify, if a new trial bo granted when ihe says she will tell nil she knows. Sixteen persons are known to have hoen killed in the Boston and Maine railroad wreck and some 20 more or less seriously injured. President John A. Met'all. Vice- I President George W. Perkins and ' Cashier Bantu, of the New York Life | Insurance Company, tostilied before i the Legislative investigating commit" I tee. Foreign Affairs. King Haakon took the oath as King of Norway. Prisoners at Vladivostok revolted and killed three Russian ofliccrs. About 4,000 sailors and the Brest | Regiment jnutined at Sevastopol, Russia. St. Petersburg rowdies beat Robert Woods Bliss, second secretary of the American Embassy. A number of lives were lost and much property was dnmarefl l>v iu Knglish Channel storm. Amerieans on the Isle of Pine ratified the election of a Delegate to Con ^ress nritl Territorial otlicers. A dispatch to a Vienna paper from Constantinople states that Turkey has yielded to the demands of the powers. Agitation lias hern renewed for the ippointment of (irand Duke Niekolas S~ieholale<"iteh as dictator of Hussia. Publicity given the trial of alleged onspirators against the Turkish Xullan's life leads to the belief that Turkey is trying t>? arouse publie < }>j?ion against foreigners. CONGRESS OFFICERS l Republican Caucus Makes Its Nonrnations ?? + WILLIAMS DEMOCRATIC LEADER Speaker and All Other Officers of the House are Re-Nominated by the Republican Caucus and Mr. Canncn Surprises Associates by Pulling Out and Reading a Typewritten Speech ! Difference between Carrier Corporations and the People to be Adjusted in Justice to All?F-ulcs of Lost finnfftprc R.O. A W?..d.?ww ?vv A*uv|.'bVUi Washington, Special. - The American people hint" selected tin- Sneaker ot' tin* House for the titty-ninth Congress; it ??:>Iv remains {'or its to ratify titoir choice. I will r.ot call for a for:;;al nomination. ln;t imply name .Joseph (I. Cannon, ot Illinois." The statement made by Chairman Hepburn Satunlay to the Republican -u .'tubers of the House ot' Rcprcsontalive was reeeiveil by hearty cheers, ami Mr. Cannon was imu.cdiutch declared the nominee for Speaker. William I'. Hepburn, of Iowa, was reelected chairman of the caucus for the session ami Henry tIjoudenslav;er, of N'ew .jersey, secretary. Mr. Cannon sprantr'a surprise on his associates by pnllini: out of his pocket a typewritten speech, which lie read from beyinninic t<> end Mr. Cannon said he would stand with his assoeitiies in upholding the policies of the Republican party. 1111 tier which all the people have prospered. Referring to mil way legislation. lie said thai "h\ the operation of eompelit ive forces, that muttirs of difference hetv.acn the corporations. t!r.' carrier, and the people tho\ su\c. would he adjusted to all. "The concensus of opinion ot the people, however, is that Contrress lias the powerr. by amendment to the law. o provide better remedies for real s existing, so that the producer r. itl consumer can liml a more speedy ami lc>^ expensive remedy than we now have. In this oubiii.n I i< < ...... concur. The burden is upon Cnnun'ss. ami our party. Iwviiij; power, is primavily responsible. Mr. Cannon unfed that justice he dope hoi!) |k corporation anil people, anil in iMiii lusiou refected to the lesirahiiity ot n s'.iut 1 s? ssion. The (.Hicus ol the House were renominated as follows: Clck Alexander McDowell, Pennsylvania. Serin anl at Arms Henry ('assoin. \\ iscoiisin. Doorkeeper I'". It. I.y?m, Nev, ink. I'osimaster .losepli t . McKlroy, j ()!iio. i Chaplain Ixev. I !i*iiry N. Cotnlen. | Michiua.i. | Tin* rules ot the !' ii ly-ei^hth ?\>n' tin lu.iitu the -tai.iiiii^ orders i t el at ink to tlte lousideration ot' pen' sion ,npl hills ou Fridays, on | motion of Mr, Dai/a-ii. ol I'eunsvi1 Vuliia, were ordered . < i,Iinned ihuiinr | the Finv-itititls Coti. te.-i?. This ;eso' lut ioii wii; he otYertni hy r. Palzell. i v,he:t the Hint*" In i'i;oiwi;?rd nest S Monday. V( i \ little he ides t!tc nrif3lti/.:il io:t of tin* House will be accomplished Hie i lust week ot the session, although it is possible iliat an emeraenev appropriation for tho Panama Canal may he passed the last of this week. Fntil the committees art anointed, sucli a oill would Itnve t<> be ennsiderod by UiKMiiinons eonsent. or him!T special order. It will depend npo.i l!ie needs of the eniial limners whether (lie <in erjcney appropriation will be rushed lliroujrll tllis Week or ?Jo o\er HiM'l the week following. The Senate briny; a eontinnous body organization was not neceesary lint little work v i I be hi'<;uu be tore next week. Williams Minority Leader. Washington. Special.? Kor two bonis Saturday the l)nnioernti<* mcnil.'ers of the House of ltepie-cni.ilives diseussed party policies and procedure with a view to *>olidii vine ih?< ndn.n itv and art in;: harmoniously upon all Matter:" <>]' a parti: .i'i elm?actev that Jnay < .,i: : before. tin House. .John Sharps V.'illir <''.1:- ' chosen a- the nominee for speaker and this action <?! the caucus makes liini the minority lender for the cnsuintr Cunuress to succeed himself. Fearful Condition Frcvatl. St. I'lershury. Special. Intense alarm prevails here. ('oinniuuieations with the outer world by telegraph reused when the Finnish operators joined their Kussian comrades. The embassies, legations and hanks are hastily or^ani/inu coitrii'r seiviees 1? both Finnish ami tinman frontiers. The population almost in a slate of panic, fearing that the railroads will I stop numin'.r and the inhabitants j therefore will have no mode of flight. in the event of the eataelvsm, which [ tin v seem to tear is imminent. = rami raj imra Notes of Southern Cotton Mills and Other Manufacturing Enterprises* New Orleans. La. The Lane Col ton Mills and Hie Mediums Cotton Mills have been taken over and consolidated by the Lane Mediums Cotton Cor* pornI ion. which represents a capital stock of $1.(?00,000. S. Odcuhciiuer, president of the Lane Mills, was made president of the new corporation, and the following are the other officials of the concern: \V. T. Mairinnis. first vice-president : Manraee Stern. second vicc-prcsntont; Harry T. Howard, treasurer; ami (Jeorjje A. Hero secretary. hi ttilililiou to the above the following were eho>er directors; Sarah (iravhaii and I'eter F. Pescud. The deal which joins these two la'ue coj.c "lis under one head is one ol the I arrest commcicial transactions ill the histoiv of the State. The consolidation brings together two of the most famous cotton mills In the South and creates one of the largest cotton mills in the country and probably one of the best equipped mills in the lulled States. The combined capacity ol the two mills is 83,000 spindles and 2,400 looms. Bcrnis. Tenn. Dispatches state that construction work has been completed on the Jackson Fiber I'o.'s addition. The improvements include ?.!>" erection of another building: font stories liivih, 12"<x2S0 Icit; also a 40x.">0 foot eni;iue house and 7."> operatives' houses. The equipment of machinery for those ii'w structures will include 22.000 spindles and S00 looms, which are now art iviuir and beiujr put in jiosition as rapidly as possible. These betterments will represent an expenditure of approximately .$400,000,- and will about double the plant the company has been operating This enterprise was established several years ai:o by the members of the Heniis It ms. I tan. < 'o. of St. Louis and Boston which disposes of the product to the trade. A. F. Itemis i> president of tlie Jackson Fibre <'o. Columbus. Ga t 'oust ruet ion work lias be?iui km tin* iiililitinn which the Swift Manufni'turiit'r Co. recently dc< ided to hnilil to its |tl;iiit. The contract was awarded to the ! .K fiiillivaii l'nihlinu Co., of tJreen ville, S. ('., ami calls for a four-story annex Text's feel to the present mill buildin'.!. This new structure will lie equipped with o.(HK) spindles and eompleteineut. both electricity and steam power v. ill Ih> used to operate the new inaehiueiy. About if 1 (Ht.Utld is the i amount to be expended on this enj lar^emeul. There are 1 .'t,07.> sp'iulles I ami 1'Jd looms in the present mill. Pacoht. S. C. A meeting ol the | ili'ectors of the I'acolet Manufaetur inj; Co. was held in ^purl anbury, S. C.. several days ayn to consider tint ! business i?; the year. After a ?'Oi?? idviatiou of the statement prevented | bv the UiHliauntmOII It Wnw unaiii; IU''Usj\ decided to realitD* paying ; ?em.i annual dividends id' .*i }ir>r emit. It will tie recalled that lids (tnnpany V j mills were- eufircW destroyed by Hood enrlv in 1 and have since been ve! hnilt ll..? nfiimemmltAn .......1. . .. ?U? i i n\ ? wunil U? liUli WWIh I'll W?f" ; lar^osi being' hi progress. Charlotte, N. C. The Excelsior Cot; ton Mills of Charlotte. X. C., have ; heen organized and will install atpiip| nient for carding cotton. John Van i I .nnd'Mg'bnin is president *, <Jeo. A. ! Howell, secretary-treasnrer, and Jno. j (ii'iignn, manager and superintenI dent. Contraet lor the machinery j has been awarded. This enterprise is l formed liv Messrs. Van Landinirhnm j & Howell, cotton dealers well known ; to the trade: olliccs at No. 10 North j College street. [ Randleman, N. C. The Randleman Manufacturing; Company, of Randleman. N. C. will rebuild its picker h.ottse recently destroyed by tire. Its new structure will he "lOxStl feet in si/e of mill construction, with steamheating' and electric lighting fixtures, and will he equipped with live pieki rs and one waste picker. All contracts have been awarded About i Tti.dOtj will bo expeuded. Textile Notes. ThcSpai'an Mills <>t Spartanburg, S. lias declared it< usual semiiuinual dividend of per mm it. .1. M. KIhhU-s <11 Kings Mountain, N. C.. is report) <1 :is coiilemplat ing the erection of a HU'Ott-spindle <ottoii mill. I'll.- Selinn Coil.hi .Mills :iimI (lie Kstcllc Cotton Mills, liot'.i .it Selina, Ala., have each declared a dividend of t? per cent. The Whitney (S. C.) Mannl'.iettiring Company iins deelared ils usual semi-annual dividend of per cent and an ex Ira dividend of ~ per cent I A Happ; To have a happy home E? they are great happy-home-ma can be made strong enough 1 little pain or discomfort to yoi I TCA I A Building: Ton H It will nil ? ? WW mmm 4.1 I I ^ Ul? H euro leucorrhea (whites), fal disordered menses, backache, childbirth natural and easy. H At every drug store in $ $1 WRITE US A LETTER ?V|9 Put aside all timidity ?ntl write ns H freely and frurikly, In aim-test ronfiH| donee, telling rvi nil 701 r symptom* Hn nnd troubles. Wewtll Bend free advice (irt p'nin, sealed envelope), how to Kb eure them. Address: I.nilie*' Advisory rivl Dept.. The Chattanooga Medicine Co., 1T.M1XI \ K 1ANC1,:S. 1 F.very ?? 1 tic vs Qiiit'ii A't I nmlra I- . < .; l<n 1.-. "1"it;* M:'l. in*:-" s of "I w,' Iti;iit1 is a 1 gOO I lie .l'div.' oil-.- 111 IT. 'l ite t.lii. en of < !; ? ' is i i t'''toil Willi lieint: ll: only woman n.iiniral in the ; world. Th" .1. dii - f li. la l* toMinral W.i'tor t'. liivsliam i- - ill lit in*:, ha! ' ami hrar;.v. t'olinii.- : Wi'.lo, in nan- moraiion of the sin 1 .i <0,1 ni lirr lnisliainl. has C'Vou ^ 1 h>t the* jeior ul St. 1 Vter-niir.:. l.nov Mary I.?>;iI^** l'?mglas Hamilton. tin> only chilil ?> ' the Into Diihc of Hamilton, i- nrohahiy tho richest woman In i.'roai Hritain. I'ior.'n .? Niauii.'sn!**. Hit* ivmiin wliii rc oai ion'ml ;i? --il ls r vims and ho ; 'l:'N t ? ;\ 1 : <1 world, is now ?i i?\ vo \ : .>i?i. Mi>. P. ar.v. r,:ii\nu I lit* several Arc. li,' r\| V.'"II :-iu? :l < > apnilI 'd In.t huso.: i- m itnu? nis cxpi'i't ;:n<l ft arl; - v.:i InnhT. 'I'll" <.M! .i i>f l :.? ( . is s::i?l to lit' quite iiulih'erent about her toilet, and { has a iioiii'han. i'.;- s> pous.uil eo*-| tun:* - itt .-.ailop. .1 < i; ..:*e. Mi.-s ' .!i> in ?;?? ?::;! K-i .inson. w : > < i t ,i;.;Ui:H'it ill.: ' o." of ihi'j Ini:mitit p.i. iii?";it s of ;h" ( wiv . ' sitv ol i):?!aho.uu. luvntr t Iiiyc vea:\s I oi.i. y\r< Sarah .X Kvutr*. wi n !>. h-oii j ipp.iiiii .1 ii l.i* of lh" Hi t in:'! I K"1 ? < !' I' !'!!. 11".'I. Ii" " plT- ill"!!' I of th" ur,..i:i Si ii 1 rilfvali'M oil' riii" . An : s;i.yu.liirT ! . ii. in piVt rdi'lit j W:ls It " " when M:-? i r' 'I'llOl)* I st 11 ;Mitl M i . .. i - \\ rr" I thiul? livsl .ii assistant to t!i Proftwov l>atiu in the UuIvitM y oil Aberdeen. , M: Iv .!. 't' } i t s. 'I'll \ i r'.t r i ji:i? ' 'Y.I.i. '.It.. . t r:,'.t 1. ' i ill ail M ?| s',;t, Ujili; lit. j Two Ivillcd by a Train. i'llilihlel j'lli;:, S|KviiJ|. Wml" \ i iilic 1:10 Ira.i iv. ol' tlx ii *mi i. * li-'.ii-, 1 load O l 1 in : in f.r,, i; ,i ii.ilhy. i ?v it it'll tvoaitl : ak" liiem to liifi: hotm* ;H I.anuiioi no. I'fiiii.-v !\a: ,t |>ail\ of tlure pi s"-.>. proini'i : i I t i . borne sdi i"!y, weie . i ?iour l>\ 11. Now Voile I \ p! : -. Mi- ;.! . V \.| bier wji-t ihsla. tlv ilini. Mis r.i trade IV v. i! ! .?'I In '!: . ,,i fi and will die. The ale ior.itwiiiio: I v ill s(. n ;|t,(. i_. |? I . .. | wW w,i HA RDM'. "I suppose. sir." said the student, "that you consider a republic the best form of government." "Well, that depends," replied tie i I professor. "Not if it Is of the South | American kind." jbui . >* ummbw 1 We Never Bisappe We Fulfill Every Promise and 1 5J Vts?> f'iSfC t-'^rU'tiiro without tho Ur, * ft] v\ (I, wZJdtv. :.?in or detention from ! & cured never raturu, \Vitho? t mercury | r? .j? Vi^or l'oftltlvoi; si \ Tbo l)r. KloK SS< '/ l?W?of the ?UM? I >5j rorrout and ehror. *M rtofyt&a \ |V ft) \ l>y a atutl of < mtuc . Our sucrei* to il \ te.1: w u?oboth t M ffiWk.', - .\ Our ufflecttrc e. | Coi.t rlrnnco kuowi *6 " nt'xJcrn In c\t>ry ? J T trn!nr<l ntut efltot' . J .- jp' nt;>l license! phvsl j.l Wo employ no ,1 /*\ \ jintrooanc -noC. t \ \ fivp. by (lilt loMUtlon ; I | Xtjr/L'At loSlOXO per ij ?nco of a cure wl A MY BUf.T RCFEPr.NCF. IS. GV.KONICGli ^\X\\ It'ipt-'ro. nydr *sv*' until cured. viroattx N. K. KINO. M O Chronic iu'nntf C' n' CoutuLoua Phv?io'?h. tTnnniurhl DI*oh?r V f,\H I x <r> ?> to-dny ??jr?r<1!r.? your rontlitlo <i'XJ | JX0 Mind you evr literature, Including ~ ( <?Ns;: I.TATION, KXAMIN AT lit. KING MEBICflLCO.. iK-i i Home I you must have children, as ?? iters. ii a weak woman, you ?9 to bear healthy children, with H arselt, by taking B8 ic For Women, m r pain, reduce inflammation, Ejf ling womb, ovarian trouble, g*|j , headache, etc., and make SS -, i .00 bottles. IjS "DUE TO CARDUI E3 and nothing else, Is my baby girl, now SSI two weeks old," writes Mrs. ,T. Priest, of Webster City, Iowa. "Shots .fine, healthy babe and wo arc both doing tjbS nicety. 1 am still taking Oardui, and SuS would not bo without It in the house, jUr ivs it is a great medicine for women." Frl i.aucu tvoui.n. Pgpor >:h k> :tft* limit* 1 y Rttssini .!o - 111 \ .v Yi'i U. Ki*ir:; tf't*. I':.. i t,? !? ? tlto I HI IIiff iiMl'io . y .ii \im rli ;-. in- >.i-.h i- p:-iii;nr* mi I'liilsulolpiti:i. r.i.. 1 . * In . < .tlhst n'T Tin-< .'.:ts? i* I'liin i some time Sl-jo the ille-me ; \ l' if xllU'S. I'.tiul- rri''. fixes tin- !i in xvssges ilr.riii; ill - ? "iii<-.--ji? I -su Holers' strike Sit S! .is- ?. There is :i sitoneil tit up in (lie tranes hi<histries sit Sama lJossi. <*.-!. Inirinz September harvest laborers in Western <'suuuln received S'J.oO per liny ami hosml. A new iiniii'.i. known si-; the Iiileiliiitiousil A *s-iri:t ii >ii <ii l-'ur Workers, lists hern orr..>niv:: i'. Mite'- '1 I >;ixv.-ts observed through- > i Hit ik :-n.! .. - iie ie^..iii by ilu- elo.i- ^ ii* ? i-ollierie.. Tlti i.v lisii'i -? ;i!-:s ninl (heir erexvs. ntr "i-. it:;; ;i-> Jim uieii. went on '! t'ike 1?i! .;.; . N. V. M- 1- . e: .r.s .-ifhli.-iteri with :h" A.e ie.-isi IV -"."ion of 1 .siber psi.v .? ; y isiio tin-'t- t\ p- lie treasuries I . Jim i"? Si:;l.v ili- oi,? i liisij; one Inek "ti \ee; ' , j- ?; . ! n 11 :i 1 i:l II l.slliuf " -'.it : - lis: via-: h-.-spin in An?s(. eonips't xvi.ii t:.;iesy in the pl*? ? ms ninnih. 'rie* (iytnp. i',e . -iint'i MineoxviiA.sso -is! i.a h - pr- x?i <I t.i u \ i> ' i-l X r xu-ii! -Ill i-1 the |Tf|U"st of th h-iriI >! n? . rs* I .n for the Visir.liim o, ,i I .-: |,o", dry on Ssstur?1: A ? ii: 1' e i -' v oeu e : -... .l iile msiktii'.: sin sid* x.'in e ii* >_>. i\ k imIioiiI utile si nil |! l'.lli ) 1 I. -it.I If. c'i'lleit |;ilull*, ItsiS tseeii ! . .ni ( ? ili* W isje (.'outii* : . * .ix . h<;.* i.i of tit? \.i i.' ,-..i i v, :-siioxv ijj i *4, Worker* (t; A en ! '.('! Winn Suffolk, \ ;l , SjXIi :;il |:> |ju> jM'CAi I'llOC ill ptupji. ill it'; . Jtfiil "J whom were Mipporler-i ul' 11:. W'li'r mul Hlue, Carolina PIuiim1;\v afternoon, defeated her old, Vitginia, in a fast mul furious panic o| football. Flic Carolina . !. .on piled up 17 points wliilo Ir-r opponents were bring I'l'UI in iorii|i!rl" ,n?ii!io| kept liom no . in - ill-- Moai line. t:i,<)NC. \TKI). -i -in ih< v Hie going to build ionifl boats for the llreat I/ikes trade thai will be 600 feet long." "tic", they'i! b,' hu'lding 'em so long pretty scon that they'll never get 'tin ai u:tl tnc corners without they warp a carve in 'cm?Cleveland Plain n v.'-. kit Oir Patients.! 1?var Hold Cut False Hopes. ilfo or buugloa>ifi Viirlcoralii ivohont U builnr*?; Con'nglous lllooil ColK'oi H or mlniiriil ntsturr: l oin of Mnnly I y turi'ii: n? Mlinn!.4iit l?ut pormanfint. i dlrui Co. it mi institution oryanUrilunder tbn f Georgia for Ibe tioalinrnt aml^ouroof ?U ^ the cb:of oonsulttncr ttprcialiat, belDg assisted I nt physician* ?nil 'Urgeons- ? ia trratmentof chronic dt?re*a* is unsurptv mi nodical and electrical acenclcs. tj i-.ilpped wl'h a 1 the jrulvnnlc, faradlc batter >if. n:i(l Hom o ray: In fact, overy electrical H i to tbe medical pr foaftlon. Oiirr-.nltarliim l? H respect, ami w on.p'.ny nnno but tlie M>->t H ut attendants, rettul.rly qualified grnduau:* ,d clana beioK la charge. 5 mi-loading nivao* to secure patienta ami H ?. Ii 'itor unr-k< il f'>r lltprnt or? ar'e etit out H our I' run In. t rettt nnrtU average frntfl to Uu ft . medicines includedt aud ? re the assur- JJ ttitn n apoelflad time. jjg >ri*re We tncCA*aftiMy treat and permtv iCAOboi nvntlv cure an chronic d!*ea*ca m ey ami lUatltlrr trouble*. Rheumatlrr). H (ireJe. Drain* Loaae*. cto., and all Private K and mnflgnant troublta. 4'nturrh of tb* K ail and I.unyn Disease* of Eye nq<J E*r, * tea of Women, aueh as Displacement*. gee. and tacit winknessea Of women. tit nlTjou are Mrk or ntllt/;ed On request a* I ) ayfnptone blank* for home treatment 9 'ION AND A l> V IC K./'K It KB ..... I 1 Marietta Ot, Ccrter fflllaaiia A. n