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. WtCs.T0',0 TESTIMONY. a Woiiim Who Uu Snlferid Talis How to Find Belief. Tbc thousands of ?oidcii who suffer backache, languor, urinary disorders and othjr kidney tils, will flud comAv fort in 'ho words j.f Mrs. Jnn? Farrc"* of ^ Ocean JkraFuf liave said before in Kidney Fills. I had been having heavy backache and my general health was affected when I began lining tliem. My f et were 'swollen, my eyes puffed, and dizzy spells were frequent. Kidney notion was irregular and the secretions highly colored. To-dav. however. I am a well woman, and I am confident that lioaa's Kidney ''ills have made nie cm unil nri? ki?AnSii<' mo ivoll " Sold !>. all denial's, ">f> cents a box. Fostcr-Milburn Co.. Buffalo, N. Y. *1 You can't train up a child in the way'ho should go by throwing cold water on his ambitious. oo. 48. (From the Chicago Journal. Nov. 0, tlx Km When Commissioner Garfield went to the Chicago packers anil asked permission to inspect their hooks, the condition was made that no information he might obtain therefrom would be used In court proceedings against them. Mr. (Jnrfield gave this pledge. It Is stated, and the packers allowed study their business In all Its details from the inside. Now, it is announced, the results of his study have been turned over to the Government department of Justice to be employed in legal prosecution of the packer*. Commissioner Clartield would not have ventured to give the pledge that was demanded bjr the packers without instructions from Washington. He pledged, not his own word, Ipit the Government's. It is not his good faith, hut the Government's, that is In ?piestlon now. The Journal has no concern for the packers, except ns they are citizens of Chicago. If It can bo proved that tliey are guilty of engaging In a conspiracy in restraint of trade, they ought to be punished. But their guilt. If they are guilty, must tie fatrlv nrnved Tlior must be Riven a square deal. r Since (he Government hns elevated * Its vision to aucli n height as to overlook the neat of defiant criminal trusts * almost within the shadow of the cnpltol dome. In order to fasten Itself, n thousand miles away upon Chlcngo. the Government and the President cannot be too careful to avoid suspicion thnt they are more anxious to prosecute Western offenders than offenders In the East. Some of the methods already employed In this case have not been particularly distinguished for decency. When the Government enters a man's house and takes Ills private papers, when It drags the wives of packing house employes Into court ainl puts them under heavy lionds. it Is hardly dignified, not to say lionoruble, nor even respectable. ?_______ T>oitig nothing is cquivlcnt to doing wrong. thiTdisi Of Lydia E. Pinkham's \ Great Woman's Remc ft No other female medicine in the w unqualified endorsement. No other medicine has such a recoi hosts of grateful friends as has Lydia E. PinkharrTs It, will entirely cure the worst fc Troubles. Inflammation and Ulcerath UL' 1. ? nun iiiiisf<|uout spinal Weaki Change of Life. it has cured more cases of Rackach etly the world has over known. It dissolves and expels tumors from t velopment. Irregular, Suppressed or Painful M Indigestion, Bloating, Flooding, Nervot Itjr quickly yield to it. Womb troubles st-antly relieved and permanently curc< invigorates the female system, and is r It qnickly removes that liearing-di care" und " want-to-l>e-lcft-alone " fe< n?:ss, Dir./.iness, Faintncss, sleeplessne^ and headache. These are sure indica' rangement of the Uterus, which this me and Backache, of either sex, the Vege' Those womeu who refuso to accept thousur.d times, for they get what t everywhere. Refuse all suhstitutea. k????i^ . '? BABY CAME NEAR DYING From on Awful Skin Humor?Scratched T111*lMood llau?Waited to m Skeleton?.speedily Cured bjr Cntlcura. "When three months old my boy broke out with an itching, watery raah all over hid body, and he would scratch till the blood ran. W'c tried nearly everything. but he grew worse. wasting to a skeleton, and we feared lie would die. lie slept only when in our arms. '1 he first application of Cuticura soothed him so that he slept in Ins cradle for the lirst time in many weeks. One set of Cuticura made a complete and permanent cure. (Signed) Mrs. M. C. Maitland, Jasper, Ontario." 6od& water is now prescribed for hunger. STOPS BILCHING. Cures Brnt Hreatti?Fnaltlv* and Instant Cur* Free?No III. ;i-Cures h) Absorption. A sweet breath is priceless. Mull's Anti-Belch Wafers will cure bad breach and bad taste instantly. Belching and bad taste indicate offensive breuth, whi'-h is due to stomach trouble. Mull's Anti-Belch Wafers purify the stomach atid stop belching, by absorbing foul gases that arise from undigested food, and by supplying the digestive organs with natural solvents for food. * They relieve sea or car sickness and nausea of any kind. They quick.y cure headache, correct the ill effect of excessive eating or drinking. Thry will destroy a tobacco, whisky or onion brratli instantly. They stop fermentation in the stomach, acute indigestion, cramps, colic, gas in the stomach and intestines, distended abdomen. heartburn, bad complexion, dizzy spells or any other ufllietion arising from a diseased stomach. Wo know Mull's Anti-Belch Wafers will do this, and we want vou to know it. St'kci a i. Offer.?The regular price of Mull's Anti Belch Wafers is 50c. a box. hut to introduce it to thousands of sufferers we will send two ("2) boxes upon receipt of 75c. and this advertisement, or we will send you a sample free for this coupon. i 1225 A FREE BOX. 130 Send this coupon with your name ommm-v tinii uium;ir?i h naiur ;or u j free 2>?>k of MiiiI'h Anti-Belch Wafers, a cure for stomach trouble, to Mim.i.'h (Iraim: Tonic Co., 328 Third Ave., Hock Island, 111. J ft irr Full ?Ad<lreM* and H'rife Plainly, j Solil at all druggists, 50e. per box. The I'ekiii robin is becoming naturalized in the parks of Ixindon. Cure* Hlood. Skin Tiouhlfii, Cancrr, Hlood 1'oi.on, (IrratMt Blood I'urlflor Krce. If your blood is Impuro, thin, diseased, hot or full of huinorti, if you hnvo blood poison, cancer, carbuncles, eating sores, scrofula, eczema, itching, risings and lumps, scabby, pimply sltln, bono pains, catarrh, rheumatism, or any blood or skin disease, take Botanic Blood Bulm (,11. II. B.) according to directions. Soon all sores heal, aches and pains stop, the blood is made pure and rich, lenving the skin free from every eruption, and giving the rich glow of perfect health to the skin. At the same time, B. II. It. improves the digestion, cufes dyspepsia, strengthens weak kidneys. Jy,*t the medicine for old people, as it giv> s them new, vigorous blood. Druggists, $1 per large bottle, with directions for home cure. Sample free and prepaid by writing Blood lialm Co., Atluutn. Ga. Describe trouble and special froo medlcul advice also sent in scaled letter. II. B. B. Is especially advised for chronic, deep-seated cases of impure hlood and skin disease, uud cures after all else fails. Don't try to be anybody but yourself ;OVERER regetable Compound, the tdy for Woman's Ills. orld has received sucli widespread and rd of cures of female troubles or such Vegetable Compound. inna of Female Complnints, all Ovaoan in. Falling and Displacement of the less, and is peculiarly adapted to the o an<l I<eucorrhoea than any other remI* almost infallible in such eases. It he Uterus in an early stage of deenstrnation, Weakness of the Stomach, iLb Prostration, Headache, Ueneral DebilI. causing pain, weight and backache, ind by its use. Under all circumstances it is harmless as water. wn Feeling, extreme lassitude, "don't ding, excitability, irritability, nervous*. flatulency, vneluneholy or the "blues" tions of Female Weakness, or some dedieino always cures. Kidney Complaints table Compound alway s cures. . anything else are rewarded a hundred .hey want?a emu. Sold by Druggist* ^HOUSEHOLD AFFAmS CLEANING INDIA RUBBER GOODH To clean India rubber jioods a piece of clean household ibinnel shouuUl bo rubbed upon a bar of common yellow soap. When ii lather is obtained, apply the flannel to the rubber and pass ii briskly over the surface. Tills will speedily make the article clean Set to dry in a cool breeze. TO REMOVE IKK8TAIX8. Chloride of linie and water will remove iukstalns from silver If well rubbed on the stains and then washed off at once, the silver*being polished as ordinarially. The solution for tho I |iih|>iim' in iuur mnuT.s ol cnionue or lime to one and a half pints of water. This may bo bottled and kept ready for use. VSES or KEROSEXE. Instead of using water to wash painted walls take a hasin of kerosene and the walls will look as if Just painted. Kerosene is also good around the sink to keep it clean and to he a menace to the omnipresent Croton bug. Try kerosene on your sewing mnehine if it clogs at all. Kerosene by its lubricating qualities prepares the machine for its special oil. IIAXOIXt; CURTAIXS. The most effective way to hang outturns. especially if tiny are of tine material and attractive pattern, is to drape them straight over poles ami let them fall to the lloor without being caught to the sides of the windows with ribbons of silk or silk cord. The number of chairs in parlor depends entirely on the size of the room and the persons in the family who will use them. They should all he put in convenient .places and near the wall and so arranged that they will he inviting and not stiff or formal looking. Xo tidies, lace or any kind of hanging should ever he put 011 parlor furniture, and even the most, elaborate sofa pillows are out of place in a well regulated one. Women who delight in decorating their homes with pieces of fancy work can rightfully in dulgc this fad only In their bedrooms, hut good taste demands that these should ho simple. TOMATO PASTE. Tomato paste is a good thing to liavo in the house, ami may he made when tomato* s are plenty. Half a peek of tomatoes, a ear rot ami an onion may he slireil together, and to them is added* A good sized hunch of celery cut in piofuf. leares as well as stalks. Boil all very slowly until they are a soft paste that rail he put through a vegetable press. Return this pulp to ;lie fire with a tahlespoonful of salt, a teaspoonful of pepper, and cook slowly once more until a little, spread to cool in a saucer, thickens to a jelly. Spread it out in pie plates in layers about half an inch thick and let it dry in the sun or In a cool oven. When it is dry it must he packed in boxes or wide mouthed jars. To use. cook together a tahlespoonful each of butter and flour until they bubble, pour on half a pint of water, put in a piece of paste about three inches square, and stir until the sauce is thick and smooth.?Harper's Bazar, f-qjf recipes:.-.| Preserved Plums?Wipe your plums, which should be ripe ami firm. Make a syrup of t wo cups of sugar to a quart of water. Drop plums iu boiling I syrup and cook until soft. Can while boiling hot in clean hot Jars. filled to overflowing with about two-tliirds fruit ami rest of syrup. Benton .lolly and Nut Salad?Make a stiff lemon jelly the day before it is to he served. When ready 'A use out in dice, add slieed orange a'flk '.tiglish walnut meats mineed. imi^n with French dressing and serve *.n orange flips or on lettnee leaves with a teaspoonful of tlii.k mayonnaise on top of esteh service. Canning Corn?If the corn is young and juicy it will require 110 watt r. but if. 011 the other hand, it is old and dry. you should add just enough water to make it moist. It should be slowly heated 011 the hack of the stove and stirred often. Be sure it is heated to boiling point before putting in cans. Fill cans full and serow on tops immediately. Walnut and Celery Salad Buy the best Knglisli walnuts and craek carefully so that the nut meats will come out in perfect halves. From a bunch of celery select the tender white stalks and cut in small pieces. Inne a salad howl with crisp lettuce leaves, mix the nuts and celery together, toss lightly with French dressing, then place on the leaves and cover with mayonnaise. Chicken and Nut Salad Stew until tender a lump, one-year-old chicken, having the broth in which it is-cooked well seasoned with salt, pepper and a little celery salt. T,et the chicken cool in ino nrotn <?vor night: when rtaily to use take the breast of the chicken anil cut in small pieces, adding an canal quantity of tender celery and a half cup Kngli<di walnut meats or hutternuts. cut in small pieces; mix well, adding a little more pepper and salt, if needed, and a sqiteetft' of lemon Juice and moisten with a little of the broth in which the chick mi was cooked. Add mayonnaise to taste and toss lightly: arrange on the lettuce leaves and crown oa Ii per lien with mayonnaise. There is I ? 1 Genuine-^ The Genuine i California The full nciine of the o Is printed on the front The Genuine- Syrup c Packages Only, b; Knowing the above wi 1 tions made by piratical cor dealers. The imitations a therefore be declined. Buy the genuine alwa It cleanses the system gently when bilious or constipate kidneys, liver, stomach and I by men, women or childrer. effects from actual use and o laxative remedy of the wellAlways buy the Gent Louisville* Kjc PUTNAM Color more woods Iwlwhtrr and l*s?rr <*>lor? than an; can <iy? auy tfjrnieut without rlpptoa apart. Wm? t The oldest thin?r is tlie way a woman can do things without knowimr how. Taylor's Cherokee Remedy of Hweet Oum ami Mullet! la Nature's great remedy Tares Toughs, Colds. Croup and Consumption, and all throat and bring troubles. At druggists, 26c., UOe. and *1.00 per battlo. A man can have friends almost as loiuar a* his money lasts unless he lends it to them. There ts a fine opportunity in this vicintty to take orders for the ceiehr.tled White llronze mouunients. heudstones. grave envers. ete . made by The Monumental llriin/.e Company, 111)2 Howard Ave., liridgeort. Conn. It Is a good, le citimnto Liusi- | pass, and they offer very liberal Inducements, noiueouo should write them for the agency. flenerally people will eon I ess a thing that they can't lie out of. Catarrh Cannot lie Cured With i.ocal Ari''ATioNs, as they cannot reach tho seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blond or eoastitulional disease, and in order to cure it you must take internal remedies, linll s Cntarrli Cure is taken internally, anil acts direct ly on t he blood and tnucoussu rfaeo Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine, it was proscribed l?y ono of the best physicians in this country for years, and is a regular prescription. It is composed of the best tonics known, combined with the best bio-"1 purifiers, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of ] the two ingredients is what produces siem j wonderful results in curing catarrh. Send ! lor testimonials, tree. F. J. Chunky A Co., Props., Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, price, 7.1c. Take Hall's Family l'ills tor constipation There are twenty-eight cemeteries in the County of London. 11 i ir?? t ( ? ."<) minutes l?y Wnolford's Sanitary Lotion; ucvr falls. Snlil l?, Dmgj;lsts, Mail orders promptly lllle.l by I?r. Petohon. <'! awfi i (I-\ill?\ liul. #1. Loudon was increased (lining the year 1001 liy ;t7l new street*. FITSpormanenl Ivmirod. N'n t'.ts or nervou*nessafter first day's use of I?r. Kline's tiren'. Kerveltostoror.f Jitrialbottleand treatise tr?e ii. Klixk, Ltd.. tul Arch t t..l,blln..l>ii The Fc(1<m';iI Circuit Court of Appeals denies I lie mid ion of Mrs. Cascio L. Chadwiek for a new trial. For Your Famify i~W7w ... .5 PRICE^^25 Cts M AS ' /^fTuRE"THE^RIP^h Jl S| r*. IN ONE DAY P^R!W|1?M HAS NO CQUAL fOfl tfifAQ&HE K C u,i for >'oul ?<?LI. 1^ K H. Dtrt only One yrup of Fig s Manufactured by t\ a Fig Syrup Co. ompany, California Fig Syrup of every package of the geni >f Figs- is for Sale, in Origin* y Reliable Druggists Every\* ill enable one to avoid the fraudulent icerns and sometimes offered by unx re known to act injuriously and : ys if you wish to get its beneficial c yet effectually, dispels colds and hea< d, prevents fevers and acts best o bowels, when a laxative remedy is i l. Many millions know of its h*r >f their own personal knowledge. It -informed. line? Syrup of Figs K.NUFACTURED BY THE niaJTcSi $&nInnclaec;Cal. nocE ruo Offers fn dottix FADELE f oth?r?lj-e. On# Wc >11Th*y ill or !rw? ixioklet -liowr to Dy?. (lla.eli .nil Mil <" *1 >r< ? Burmah is stirred by the question of official dress. In flic United States about 100.000,000 pounds of prunes are eaten each year. Mrs. Wlustow's Soothinir Svrup lor Children i.. i - ...,.?.,Sl-?inius viiMK'iiii>,r?*?inrPHinnaramutioii.ulliiss pain,cures wind colic.25c.a bottle Horlin almost as many telephone uberribrrs at the whole of France. l'lso's Cur? cannot be too bl-rhly spoken of Maoonrh eure.?I. W. tfDniEN, 322 Third | Avenue, X.. Minuennoll*. Minn.,, There arc '. .9fi.">,863 hooks in the public libraries ol London. J ^ GUARANCK AAA BANK DEPOSIT R.R. Fare Paid. Notes Taken ^ 7 500 FREK COURSES BSHEnBSSBBB Board at Cost. Write Quick GEORGIA-ALABAMA BUSINESS COLLEGE, Macon. Ga. MOZLEY'S LEMON ELIXIR ?A srn* ri'RK for? CONSTIPATION, BILIOUSNESS and nil disorder* of tlic Stoninrli mid towel* AOe. u bottle nt drug store*. t. ^ i. n. -1 as a' ^I'ij C n cessiul. Thoroughly cleanses, kills disease germs, stops discharges, heals inflammation and local soreness, cares leucorrhoea and nasal catarrh. i'axtine is in powder form to be dissolved in pure water, and is far more cleansing, healing, geimxnlal ami economical than liquid antiseptUs lor aif TOILET AND WOMEN'S SPF.CIAL USES For sale at druggists, Ml cents a box. Trial R.1* anil Rnnk nf Inslrurtlnna Pro* rue M. Pi iton Company Bohton. MamiS CURLS WHIM All IUI FAILS. H Beflt Coiltfh ttyrup. Tfuiiu* liao In iltun. Hold by druwifiua. Bur ' and Your Horse Antiseptic Known. TRY IT FOR eumatisns, Strains, irains, Swellings | id Enlargements. ce, 25c., 50c. and SI.OO. r P?RL <5 RLrtAN ?any St., Boston, Mass.|| GUARANTEED TO CURE I COLD, HEADACHE AND NEURALGIA. a(l-Or1{iln? to j, <1? w!.o won't Oniiniiitpo It. Mox?:i i*a< u. >r iv doinx't ttni;. licr, 21.D., Muuu.a. tur.T, l JJo re&i*^ ^Fiv^r-'wrafiS should ^ \ S S DYES r? in c ?l 1 vr i*^~ ,)<*?tf!' thi'i any o'h?r ?lv?s You hiniciik tmr<; < ?>., ( niofivn;0, .nuiourl W. L. Douglas *3= & *3= shoes ?" , W. L. Douglas 94.OO Cilt Edgo Line cannot be equalled at any price. W.L.OOUGLAS MAKES AMD SELLS MOKE MEK'S S3. SO SHOES Til AM AMY OTHER MANUFACTURER. C1 fl nnn REWARD to anvono who can O U)UUU disprove this statement. W. I.. Doii|(lm( shorn have by their cicellrnt .style, rosy fitting, end superior wearing qualities, nchlev nl the largest rale of any S.t.5? shoe In the world. They are lust as good as those that cost you $5.00 to $7.00 ? the only difference is the price. If I could take you into my factory at Brockton, Mass., tlic largest In the world under one roof irnblng men's fine shoes, and show you the care with which ev ery pair of Douglas shoes is made, you w ould realize why \V. I? Douvlns f.X.50 shoes urc the best shoes produced In the world. If I could show you the difference between the shoes made In mv factory and those of other makes, you would unt'crrtnnd why Douglas $.t.5() shoes cost more to make, why thev hold their shape, fit better, wear longer, and are of greater intrinsic value than any other $3.50 shoe on the market to-day. W. L. Doug/ais Etronfj Matin SEooa far Man, $2. tit), S2.DO. 3 ay ft' Schnnl A OrasB Shacm.S2.rjO, $2, CAUTION.?Insist upon having XX". 1..Douglas shoes. Take no substitute. None genuine without It's nttiuo ami price stamped on bottom. WANTKIt. A shoe dealer in every town where XV. I.. Douglas Shoes jiro not sold. Full linn of samples sent free for inspection upon request. Fast Color Cyelrts lined- they will riot wear brassy. \frite for Illustrated Patnlog of Tall Stvloa. XV. I.. I)Oi;<;.'.,AS, Brockton. Mass. 1$l?00QToBeGivcnfoi Reliable Information I We will give One Dollar for a Postal I Card giving the Hrst reliable news of I a chance to sell a horizontal steam I engine of our styles, within our range I of sizes. We do not want inquiries at | Itnis time tor vertical, traction or gas engines. ft ATLAS ENGINES AND BOILERS H have for years been the atandard for all attain B planta. Bed of material and workmanship. H Our bigoutputenablea us to aell on small prof- B ita. An Alias, the bast in the world, costs no B more than the other kind. B Write today for our special offer. w ATLAS ENGINE WORKS! Selling *??nei?? in all eitiM INDIANAPOLIS I Corlin F.icin^i ll-gh Kit -in*# Witt>rTuli? BoiUn I fourValv* n<io?a Conipnua<> I urmci Tubular HolUn K uU/uialtc Eofinet fhiotiiin* fuigin?t Partahi* fk>iier? I Atlas Kn^lnot in wrTicn .'l.OOO^oOo II P, ii'.u BotUrc in mttIco 1.000,(00 H. P. John White & So. JS. bt'STIiOiiipSiiiVs 4:o Water