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% 4> J'l b'MS of LOCAL INTEREST $ P- Rest eoOoti sold on this market } Mr. W. M. Phillips was up from tdhester Monday on business. ?? -PmTruljreH are reported 1o lie ,plentiful in thin section this fall. Several droves of wild geese have been seen t<? jmss over this jplace during the paet few days. Mrs. A. L. Parks and children .returned Monday evening from a .visit to relatives at Rock VI ill. Mr. Fred Hnrris, of Waxhaw, was a visitor to Fort Mill Friday. Work on the new Ardrey building on Main street is progressing jfnvovAbly, the walls having reached .the second story height. Mr. O. VI llranson. who has been in ill health for some time, is taking ?i com so of treatment at a hospital in Atlanta. The htuidsome new home of Mr. ,C. S. Link. on White stre*t. is neating completion ami will he ready for occupancy within a short .time. The residence, when completed, will he one of ttie prettiest iit the town. Mr. James Pot's, of Pineville, .was n visitor to Fort Mill Monday. Mr. Potts and family, toother with Mrs. K. M. Erwin an family, contemplate moving from Pine.villo to this place as soon as they cnti secure desirable houses. Miss Essie Stewart, eldest daughter of the late J 11. Stewart, of this township, and Col. Nenl A. McClain. of Lenoir, N. C., were married Wednesday evening at the home of Mr. ii. II. Beanl, in Yorkville. Ed Williams. colored, who was committed to jail about two weeks ago upon tin- charge of having stolen a slut gun from the home of another colored man in tins .township, was placed on trial during the p ist week, hut was tv-cominitti d to jail, the jury in his case having failed to render a vetdiel. The annual meeting of the farm era cotton association of Fort Mill will be held on Saiurdny eve.iinir, next, December the -ml. at ,'J p 111. in the tow.n hall. All fanners are let]nested to be present, a.s otliecrs for next year will then be elected and other business will be t rnupneted. Mr. Lunt llaile has been notitied V *1 1 I A I ' . * ^ ? ny 1,110 post hi atjuuonues or 11 is appointment of carrier on rural mail ?, route No. 1 to succeed his brotUer, Mr J. II. liaile. .jr., who will resign 011 December I. Mr. . K. liaile, r , lias tidied tho position of carrier on route No. 1 since its establishment about four years ago and the patrons of the route regret very much to lose Mr. liaile, who has served them in such a atisfactory manner. Mr. S. L. AJeachnm, proprietor of the local 'phone system, has purchased from Mr. VV. A. Watson a hi! nil I lot adjoining the post-office property on ('onfedrate street and will erect thereon a building for the use of his 'plume exchange. The foundations f >r the building, which will he IS by 25 feet and two stories high, have been dug and construction work will commence as soon hk the necessary material has arrived. Tomorrow, the 30th, is Thanksgiving Day?a national holiday ? ntul the bank, all public offices, stores anil other places of business will close t h.-ir . doors throughout ii. J mi -1 ? if 111 >111? UllV. L !!? pilUIUI IlilHT Will lie opened f??r <>;ie hour in the morning, and no postolHce will observe Sunday hours. The rural mail carriers will also have a holiday. Everybody should bear this in mind and make their urranLrmentH to conform to the suspension of business on that day. The annual reports of the mr.pp istrates of the county for the .year ending November I, have been made public The report of Magistrate MeF.lhaney, of Fort jMili township shows that during the year he issued 22 warrants, executed 21 warrants, compromised two eases, held two preliminaries, ln-ld 17 jury trials, tried 21 eases in person, bound t wo defendants over to court, sent four defendants to chain^anu. collected tinto tho amount of S177.UO, The mnrriaee of Miss Fllit> AVolfe, of Pleasant Valley, and Mr. Robert Stevenson, of Union county. N. C, will tnke plnce this ( Wednesday) evening at the home of the bride's parents. M ss Wolfe is pleasantly known in Fort. Mill. She is the attractive daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Wolfe, of Pleasant Valh-y and n relative of Capt. M M. Wolfe, of this place. Mr. Stevenson is a prosperous young farmer of Union county. After the muriinore, the young couple will make tlieir home in Power Providence township, where Mr. Stevenson owns a largo plantation. I IB3lls ! | 0 ?Good values g( coming in. AVe a I 0 good for our eusto 0 a chance to pick i manufacturers an j g their fall aiul wild ! @ you will come and 0 rivals, you will su &) body. The follow ^ just opened up an I | LADIES and ^. CHILI j | a Severn! pit'i't s ot (Irt'i i >| all tin* latest ityli.-ti it> to $1.'Jo tin yard. |J 10 pieces Hamudrtts, II 2~> ,, Outin<4~. nil | 1(J ,, Ginuliarns. %< 1") Flauin'ls, i I j! . c rem in. blit'* and Several pieces Cantoi ?lileachi ntc, JSte. Io0 ladiea' and rliiid | punts end I uio'n Suits : 52 heavy ribb d -rid c >tt? I??t)Ut 1?. 1if) dozen pairs ladies' ton and wool. Fascinators Shawls, ! 7~> pairs 1> anUets frun ?S 00 a pair. Comforts and Con Lace Cuilanu?, \\ indovv A beautiful line of tainR. ml. blue? and u'i'e< JDiosk Skirts. Utiderak. Ladies Sweateis, all c Tliesc are jmsiti Haven't boon in 1 i will not bo hero it them will move i I ing; so come and ! ! 1 BELTS] The store with a sin ?0?????0?S?3: The Yorkvil.le Enq li ret - ;i \s 11 | iK mow Kelt led thai jurors recently j drawn for the week of court < < m menciiig December 1 will not he. served, and there will he no business that week. instead, after next week the court, will take a re cess f-.r or.e week, adjourning from clay to day until the 11th, and one , or two more venires havinir been drawn in the meantime. Cal ndar 1 will be taken up, and the work will continue, with tludoe Hydnckj presiding, until everybody inter- j ested is batisited to ?t it 11. 1 A great many pec.pie are not. ne qnainted with tlie postage rati on certain parcels of mail matter and at times are much inconvenienced I as a result. Written invitations, for instance, are often posted in i envelopes bearing a one cent stamp. In such cas< n th carrier i or |mj.sImaster is I>y the |> .stal laws to hold tin* parcel until the additional, or tirst-riaa postac^ has been paid. Any piece of writ ten mail matter, wli. tlin* the eni velopo be Healed or not, is clnssod | as a communication and requires Hint-class p static. I'tinO i ::\ i tations, circulate, etc., rcrpiire one | cent poHtaj^e. The marriage ceremony of .Miss ' Sallie "Louise Hen net I and Mr. M. j ; K. Sutton was Holeinnr/nd, ??< . jnl, iii^C b? lurrnnyeinent, at tiij home (of the bride's mother. Mrs. Reuben Bennett, 3 niileB west of I ">it Mill Wednesday eveninix at S.30 o'clock. I Rev -I D. IIileitis, pastor of the AND g 3 Big ? >iug out every day a ire always ou the look* mors imrf nght at 11:;s up sonic great uiiibuj (1 wholesale dealers er stocks at greatly re [ let us show you limn rely think thai we ha ing is a few of the mai (1 marked down: 5HAD CA REIT LEY. | MEN 3REN. i -S J^(hh1h-*? SotOO f ,t ill 2i> Olb. and (here saved nil no . 200 suits i> colors. you wnuI, < i 'ed, white cts. to $.; ) r.i- lot <.r t i'JatlUel, JSw?atei*. li*> ch.i-i n reii's vest, kind to w. sr ill all wool 1 'd*l pairs < '11 flei cell I"; 1 "?() per j i i J'i" i d ! hose, cot- liajjjs, Kie. The last I 'he.. town, a 7."> cts to 2'JU 15oy? 1 f? to Hi \ ears ntt rpanes, ()verslioes Shades. I Alter loo Hall Cur- I come in and 'I). 1 l'ocket Kuif ii'ta. | jf yOU "lots. I conio to 8i*e I vely all bran new and lie house ten flays. A >iu;\ We know the leni out in a hurry. ! !>e convinced, BIG OHEAI gle thought to please the vn *v?* t**c ** ti \* >*<* i i 1 Vi ilTH-l ' Fort Mill I in t >t i>t church, * T" formed tli>* rt'ivitiony. A Inrgr crowd of relatives and frienda were III, si'll! I.i ? llin -u In" ' 'i'1""-' mid extend la-st wishc- it if the future prosperity of tlio litt|?j y yumiLC couple. Much to the surprise and regret of his congelation and friends, Kev. ?I. 1). Mu:^oius announced fr?uu his pulpit on hist Sunday that it was hid (hadiv i ? r? si^n as pastor of 111 ? Fori Mil! I'ipii-i cliurcli, and asked that tho church accept his resignation as such. I > hoeonie elVectivo danuary !. n I >n i he same day Mr. 1 lupins al so olTered his resignation as pastor of Flint 11 ill and Oak (it <ve churches. It. is understood thai Mr. Huojriiirt has accepted a call to a < hurcli al Allendale. Albert .Miller, a youno no re ' who killed !us wif near N'ewp u i last. fuiinnicr, was convicted al i <irkvii t* (Hiring nw past week i and hen'oni."d to In years iri tin* I ? n i t? lit in r y Milh-r lived in this1 township and hi.- wife U ft him. | <_ nil to tin' li<>iji?* of n relative I n i?r Newport. A few nights a t'Mwaifl he went t.i 111 ? h-.i si-, mil nulling his wife out. shot her (load \ in tl??' '.aid. .Wilier wia ruptured; at L?'\inoio . N When pla < (i on trial ! * plead ruiity. Mr. W. W. Iloyee, of Rock Mill, spent a few hours here Thursday. Dr. T. S. K irk j ntrick I- ft Mon day m ?niiti<_' foi a visit to relatives ' at iJiuideutuivu, Fla. -o.1>rxs^tnKmta! z a: jsat ^ 3toa?o 11 ? ? C'? n<] boiler values (S >ut for something ^ season we have Q I :?! bargains. AK jfij j are cleaning un Cv ! rlueed prices. Li' (Vs j igh our new ar- if) ; ve robbed some- ! V, > iv valuable i^oods i}) I rh _ | | ~~ I ; - J ' 4? \ \ j| I BOYS. ?| ! i I }\ mil v.itii? s in Sui I**. W."!? In "sfj.l (> 1 I f t :i suit hi' i)V?'i t. i ? I , | j i I l ?.!?- wt'ii.. nny kin I s 7 tti-ii ?.r Ii'tiiii 50 permit. lu'iiv^ Ovt-rsl rtb ai ;! * M j H i jjiiirn ;f Soeka ? llio | 11 < < iloll ami wool. j *; ( )! ( i ioV* t-, ! ' oil* to I ^ Trunks--, Suit Cus? Cti! f $ 11 il> of jj?m Kolii i 111 ? 5 PO ' ! ;n< r p it 1 Snifn, Mtji'.s ?' i. nt !>0 ?Mf> to S", 00. ? ^ ; for overyljoily. i .. , Uiui^ tlx*' town ti\t,r1 | jsj! | lot Uri tsi'll you a (40?)tl r gSjj 1 if a <" >i ?ii i;inn v : 7 * a 1 I | l!H- j (ft I <? i up-to-uate goods. \ lid tin v oeriainly ^ price vse p;r on Seeing* is in!lev- ? & @ 0 ^.QTnpx11 IVO'lU; ? . A Hunt i man w - a I w di;\s J* In- wifi* '.- iiinnntl (ixpt'i.M.'S, Tlio ui)i! -it ikcr uuliiMed him for ol>111in:?it_C LJOOIIS it11<I v It Isn j>.ft? M? t's mimI Ills corivifiinli followed. FOR Pure Druqs Superior Cigars Fine Candies Hot and Cold Drinks go to Buchanan's Drug Store. - > * * ^cf PpS| lift; > i * I ? NEW ARl lloating Stoves, $1.25 Ladies' Cloaks and Si Fdlsun Phonographs 1 Sewing Maehincs?Ha One 875.00 Organ for ? "ions' and Lovs' Ilats Piet.ures, Frames and Ladies', Ohildrons' an i tit Glass and Sterlin Blankets and Comfc Marrisburg Slioes for Orossott. shoos for mei I ^ * i"oi!u> see t lie new our prices. X-j. .x. imc-A, tjse?':?seae?s e < I Room, Rooi ? , ' !k mir cry now. We must I .TH . f the largest stacks of Xuie hmi' Wii have cat p.ices in sevem tiiuiii. Miilin i* Van know onr motto on thii :m\ ovr. It must jjro; ho the tii ? tin* moving prices on it. All ' > ..'a I i. We also have plen Q) v. ?'l i. > at ?me-hnlf price. We d to want a ha! clioap, come at once. N E\Y GOO US ootninjr in all 0* V'AISTIXG New white waii 0 r x i > ! : u wi:\ 1 i - FuI 11 i.m fo fascinators, shawls C$? 1VUKSS (iOOl)S -Most an /V ,, . VX.' S, me p rial haix'uns. Wc vhat wo advertise. | Meacham &3???S?3?? ?? REMOYAJ Owing the fact that v caie our present quarter: fn r?rvr^/"t? icfr r? Qncr.'^! " i.w/ cvix ant'. 'J u^-'VViKi Thirty During this Sale we Fort Mill and cam mi | come seldom. Prices on Clothing, Shoes, Hal McElhany-l B T. 1). FAULKN H % J l CZ 1 i rr** . _ a h*wHEKAi s U I * $ \ 4 p i i him ? i ! S" | : bhL:X'Ph V i j ' j#:-r-y >? j ?r\i ss-/y}> ?; % fSilBt riulcrtaking in all }f} the cheapest Pine Co y'i State (basket. Robes I 'J' ar-vi gentlemen, Slipp ** < and llcarsc Wagon. ' T. I). FAUI.KNER fc / *W v\ VAWU\U \\V\'v\V?V K'f ?r : V y; " $ - *. : r>?w aiYALS. 1 and up. lits, Latest styles. $10.00 to $30.00. If Price. S45.00. ; and Caps. Moulding v d Mens* ^J^tdcrvrer;r; g sllvoy. >rts. ladies bftd eliildhre.u p. goods and compare .ssetst a????????? ?? m, Room, I lave it in order to display 5w is good* we ever carried, 8k d lines in order to move ery, & -i line is to never carry ? ne has come for us to put tp' Trimmed Hats at about ? 11y of nice shapes which ?v o wba* we say; uo if you ? the time. stilly, 12 1 2, 15, and 20c. ir men, women & children QjP ?All colors. 25c to ?1.75 Cv ythiug you may want. ? & Epps, I 3* h SALE. ve will have to vaJ( 5, we haveN decid^cj Removal Sale" for Days. offer the people of jnity bargains that are greatly reduced :s, Gent's Furnish^ r'arks Co. l - *' % ?. x p*'\ VANVW ^NV\V\SN\SUW 15 R COMFY. 1 / . m y | ji its branches from I 2 ffin to the finest \i or children, ladies 4$ ers, etc. Hearse i J Phones 12 8r34. \\ & COMPANY. ^