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3? Kjltf -?VXi . gtf|iU ' DEMOCRATIC PUBLISHED EyEBQwEPN^PA J B. W. BRADfORp. Terms of Subscription: C>iVe year j.'...'. 51.Ot Six months 5* Three qjionths 2; Anonymous communications will nol be published in th^se columns. NOVMEBER 29, 1905. Dispensary the Issue. Senator I'. H. Tillmnn spent m day in ChnrlcHtoii recently,' heiny his first viit there in two and a hair years. lie stopped there on liis way back liopte, after a visit tu ^'is issippi and a short trip into tPloridn, where lie "picked up a few <1- liars'' lecturing. He too k a trip to the navy yhrd, viewing the process of the work in which in1 i-i niucli interested. Ho wan pleased witli what lie sa\v at tin* big government yard, but thought that the work was not p ogressing fast eimuuli. He wanted the work done more rapidly to keep pace 'with the appropriations, and of comae lie wanted all the appropriations he can got for 1 lie v>01 U. The senator said lie had nothing further to say about the dispensary, believing that Ins views had been sufficiently made char in his Several speeches.' lie said that the dispensary was tin* only issue in tin1 State and that the institution will be settled at a primary and not in the way proposed- the state to determine I he maintenance of the system. As to his reference of a gubernatorial candidate, he said that "all the horses are not yet out." The senator had little to say about national polities or affairs. 'Il?' is in favor of the regulation of railroad freight rates an I lie will doubtless be hoard from in his usual style. The trip has proven beneficial and the senator is looking better than he lias in s^ine time. Wine for Communion Observance, It is claimed hy some that prohibition prevails in the counties that have voted out the dispo'ns.iries and it is true that no whiskey or wine can be lawfully sold in those counties. None can be ship?>cd in mvi'uhI fiiV "ii<ii-o,.iii.I mo.. " I I- I" How tlu'ii can the Lord's Slipper he observed without the church violating the law? Wine cannot lawfully he bought in thou* connlies anil cannot be ordered from a distance except for personal use and not sacramental purposes, unless each individual aiders his own Vvlne. It would not be seemly for the churches to amugglo in whiskey fur Sacramental purposes. It tho law is observed tiieie can be no communion scivices in dry counties.?Abbeville Medium. ?-? ?- - ?? The Dog Tax. Within the next few days Comp. troller Genera] .Tones will figure out the amount of the doc; tax re ceived by the county treasurers Slid notify the eouuty superintendents of education exactly Imw much to each county. The law states that this money must be distributed as other school money, and it is presumed that that this lueans that each county receives its own share, and it is not distributed according to enrollment us is the dispensary money. The comptroller general is not yet prepared to make an estimate on the amount received, but tho State superintendent of education thinks it will run at least $50,000 i.:. m- M 11 in j cit I . nil. .Mlllllll HlalOS that tlit1 school trusters 111 tin* country (list iets have been watching the jot urns and have forced a I a rue number of dnjj owihth to make returns of their canine pets. On the other hand, the comptroller yeneral has been deluded with letters protestinu against the paymont of the tax and there is a promise of a i ice row between the county auditors, the school trustees and the a'viiO'H of tin? doga who do not like ^ ie tax. 1 lie monev receiirnil ?l?5? source, while greatly **tl foi new buildings and other necessi ties, will he but a drop in the buck et to the aniontiI lost by those counties which have voted out the dispensary. Already nearly #70. 000 has been lost troin this source in the tax put on dry countiis by the Briee act goes for tlie support of the constabulniy and not for tin school fund. This is the propos tion that is worrying the school officials and will be seriously di bussed nt the next session of Hit general assembly. - ? God has blessed you with a good price for yoilr cotton. JSliow yout appreciation for his goodness by paying your honest debts, and don't forget to call and settle with us for wo need the niunoy us bad as .anyone else. t. t A 1-armer Writes of CottonEditor Times: Aa the cotton r problem is all the topie, I will ?jive your renders my views on the subI jeet. [ am a cotton association | man and glory in Harvie Ionian. ) ^ president, of the assoeiation, nud ' ; every oilier man who is not a trait' ! or to the farmer. The farqiCo feeds i 1 the woilri, and I can't see why any reasonable man would object to 11iin hnviug hid day. He hus been i punished and oppressed sutHeieiitly, I think. When cotton was o. i ft mwl 7 .....lo lw.,1.. I...t 11. ; who raised it knew how hard it , 1 was to k t-1? soul and body togetli' or, aiid now when cotton is 1 I cts. j l some people would like to get. it | h,irk to starvation prices by using 1 I their judgment j'n tiiak ing crop es' ; timates and most any other way. i ; The association said thi's crop was | 1 i short and Uuuefore we should have , It cents for cotton through Onto her, and as limy say that the crop , 'is going to be shorter even than , they 'ftiinated, they have the right to hold the balance for In ? ents or i what they please. And the manufacturers and some newspapers , , may ki k up a mighty dust and ) accuse Jordan of forming a mighty trust, but wait and see how we'll come out. We have gained the victory every time, so far. why not i this time? We want to hleed old ; Hear Price this time so he will be i inoie careful how he comes against I our daggers, or kill him as (.lend as j ' a door uad, if nocessary. The tig! urus are on our side to do it clearj Iv. Tin* crop hist ye v was tlitr! teen and a half ini 1 ii< ns i nd the | consumption was over twelve mid , a half millions Now what will , I the price go to for a niu and a j half million balo crop, saying nothing about <he fi.e million! new spindles started this veur in j | tiio increase of c msuiuptioii for, j the future. Now t he labor ones ! j lion is ail on our side, livery body admits labor is getting scarce. I know plenty of farms that can't 1 ! furnish enough negroes to cut 1 wood now, and 1 don I know where , tlioy will be by in xt June, the I way tliey are talking of moving. ; If old man Price was living down | here he could not love them enough io ?t*i u is wooa cm. rimy p?h t j make cotton in Africa, Asia, Mexico, Cuba or South America, ho we ; hold the reins. Farmi:k. Pleasant Valley, Noy. 2~). | Dispute Among the Catuwhas. The small remnant of the once j proud Catawba**, 11kt* their white i neighbors, find themselves com-1 strained to go into the courts. The i liock llill representative of The | State has the following to say about j ; a case that is engaging the aliention of the Indians at present: The Catawba Indians are just ' 'now having some diHicnlty anionic j j thetnselvea over a ditVereiicc tliat has sprung up between Samuel i i Harris and lletty Harris and the litigation thai has ensued. For same time there was main-j ! taiued a mission among the lnI diaiiH by .Viss Ounlap. V? ijen this j mission was (dosed Miss Huniap turned the key of tin* house over' to Sam Harris Hetty Harris claimed that the ground on which; I the mission house was located had j i been in her posiessiou for -HI years ! I I .. - I ?- * I I mill IIOI W I lllSOlllU 1 llg T no OllJCCl- I ' inns of Sam II.oris, proceeded to ' establish 11<TncIf in the building j ! Slio Ioih since turned h deaf ear to | all argument brought to bear by j Sum anil Unit claimant lms Iwwl to. | invoke the <tiil of the lew. llis > | case was held by Magistrate Beckham and was to be taken on to the higher court, the Indians being ! given time in which to prepare the . necessary bond tor cool of en. h i action. Several of the Catawbas were in atti udancc upon the trial ' as wit nessos l>ut without the ens-; j toinary or legendary patience. ()ne of tl.'ein stilled that lie wanted ' i to see the matter settled, as he was ! busy "setlm" down" at home and was anxious to get back to bis oc! conation. 4I,? Hawficld^Stccle. i Mr. T. B. HawHt ld.of Harrison, i and Miss Kate Steele, n| tile Til! zah neightiorhood were mat i ied on i ( last Wednesday evening at the I hoine of tin.* brides pan nts. (.'apt, and Mrs ?J.C, Steele, lie v. W. \V Kateliford, pastor of the bride. I , |??'t forming tlm ceri'inniiy, H'tyn ili * , . Waxhaw Kntoi prise. The attend anIn were Dr. Kerr and Miss lier. ruee Walkup, Mr. Sain Steele and MissAinue i law tie Id. The npuiiagH was a quiet home . atl'air, only a few relatives and in- ' lunate friends of the eouple being, present. The bride was attired in . a very beautiful and bocoming . g<?wn of white silk and carried a boquet of wlnte carnations. She I ! wore a pair of white slippers, I which her mother wore on the oe easion of her wedding to years ago, ' After the ceremony a sumptuous I dinner was served in the spicious i dining room. The happy couple. I were the recipients of man) valu1 able and useful pies* Ills, I \ <* | Dinner to Old Soldiers' ?t The following program 1ms been jarranged for the dinner to be given to the Confederate veterans pf the township by the Daughters of the | Confederacy 'it the lesidence of Dr. J. H. Thorn well Friday afternoon, next: PROGRAM. 1 o'clock, p. in. Address of welcome.?S. 11. Epps. Sr. Address to U. D. C.'s?Ii. K. Cinp. "How I started to tlfo war."? | T. B. Meachatn. '"Why I joined the cavalry."? J. W. Ardrey. "While oil the march."?S. P. j Bhinkenshi p. "Reminiscences of camp life."?I A S Wl.iio "How I came out of the war."? ; J. H Thorn we! I. ' ' Why have these reunions?"?I J. B. Muck. "The Press"?B. \V. Bradb rcl I "The S >us of veterans."??I. I\. ! Hiel?-. Sr. "Were our Fathers right?''?\\ .) B. A idrey. "The Confederate soldier after i the war."?Sam K. Massey. ? A Letter From "Splinter." Editor Times: This*leaves this old sinner top side up. hut just wabbling along in the sntne old rut, stiil a hoping, etc. Our neighbors are generally well. I think, I and all seem to entry a high head. Even look saucy. And now, broth- ; er, if von v ill say nothing about tt we will tell you sonietliiug. They are just getting miserably bad, -tuck up. We don't mean with fine clothes, pride nor property, but they just have wads of green- i backs sticking about their old clothes. Besides they have soma corn, thousands of hay, and more potatoes and peas than ever Peter Brown had oats. And fat hogs are ; not to hunt. But it seems as if the old warroir ?1 im Epp^ leads all in fat hogs, (io to h in for further information. We learn the old war- j rior contemp'ates making a trip to Bull's (Jap, in East Tennessee, at an early date, as we suppose, to renew some old Hccjuaintanees, take a view of our old tramping ground and s; * where we fought, hi d and died 1- years ago. And we learn | he prop .ses having that t> rrit r\ i survey* d. We tioirt know f >r what purpose, unless he means to lake options on it and open up a goo e , ranch, and go to raising geese for market. Wo know lie was quite an expert hand at raising them in '(lit. will if Wf wei'l* III I >11 SI lU'SS Willi (Jen'l Longst ree*. lint go to liiin for further information. And wo learn that Hro. H? nry Crook Iiiih installed a 'phone at his lions.*. Tins in addition to his large squad of 'phonies. we'd) congratulate our brother in this hisday of great prosperity. And il strikes us that lie h.ttt no 'phone of Br >ther Sam Menchains st\ le. and neither has Brother Mem-ham any of ihollo i Henry's kind. Wouldn't an exchange, or swap be nice. So thinks Splinter. I\ S. The 'phone mentioned above is a boy pnone. quite a common nrodnet of t his section. (fold Hill, Nov. '-'7 ?? ? ? The hiewc of Gold Hi!!. Our peoplo are looking pleasant these times?they are about up with their work and are looking fol 1 o Ci it toll. "How are you going to spend rimnksmvin^?'* Tins is about the only question wo hoar at present. The yonni* people of this section have nothing planned for the day. The winter is requested to announce that the lYter G u'rison Society of Flint Li ill church will serve a hot suppci at the Inane of Mr. and Mis. -J. (J Moss, of lower Steel (.'reek. The public is invited. Mr. J. (t, Smith killed a small hald-ea^lo (so tie tot in -d it ) Sat inday afternoon. The bird was white with black-tipped feathers and measured about five feet from tip to tip. Mr. Smith says the creature was very tame, appearand v. and did not try to escape when he up proHclied it to ifct a better focus for shooting He says lie will keep it as a curiosity, for 'tis the tiisl of tiic kind foil ml in Gold ! lilt, ('. M. and B. M. Faris and the litters lllll.? u/.n I'll .it.Si hi r. x * " f"' geon, left Monday fur Tampa, Flu. on h pleasure tour. Mr. JJowmafi Merrill, Sr., Hpent Sunday al S. 1,. Colt harp's. There was a lot of grumbling and "fussing'' las' Fiiduy on line No. d about Central's deafness, win u it was aftei vards understood that the line had been broken Wythe falling of a tree just below Orittiu's store. Kev. .1, D. Hnggins tendered his reaignation at Flint Hill and Oak (drove churches Sunday to take eiFect the lirst of January, It KM J. We ate indeed sorry to lose Mr. lluggins, for he has proven self lo be one of the beat pastors we have hud. 13 dak's being ail I eloqmuit speaker, lie in a most ox| eel lent pcoior. an earpebt and coni scient.ious worker. 1 SON LOST MOTHER i '.'Consumption runs in onr family, and throURli it I lost my mother," writes E. B. Ritnl, of Harmony. Mo. "For iho past five years. however, on the slightest sign of a Cough or Cold. I have taken Dr Kind's N- W Disrovorv fur rv?i. sumption, which has saved me from j serious lung trouble." His mot ln r's ' death was a sail loss for Mr Rcicl. l?nt ! ho learned that lung trouble must not j he neglected, and how to cure it j Quickest relief ind euro for coughs and colds. Price :~>')e. and $1.00; guar.iutee l i* w. 13. Ardruy s drug store. Tr.ul bottle free. 4*^. - In nfler years n man is npt lot wontlor what kind of a grudge In* I lie 1 against hi in.-.elf when he hutted into tic nnitrijiioiiial gniiir. MAN'S U: It MASONABL.EN IJSS is often us great as woman's Hut Thos. S. Austin, Mgr of the "Republican," of J.eaveuworth, Ind., was n<>r. unreasonable, when he refused to nllow the doctors tn operate on his wife,! for female trouble. "Instead," he. sayB. "we coi eluded to try Kle? trie , Bitters. My wife was then si sick, she could hardly leave her b il and five fa] physicians had failed to relieve her. After taking Klertrie Hitters, she was perfectly eured and can now perform all her household duties." (iuarautoed by \V. ii. Ai'drey, druggist, pvieo 5uc. Mrs. Anna linmlmlo died a few days nixo sit Spartanburg in t lOSlh year of her aoc. Sue was born before (i-oiL'e Washington died. Mrs. Bumbttlo was a n uive 1 of (ieornia and was twenty-one yea s of when ihe Seminole! Indians attacked her hindiy and' Uilied her f.di. r .anil in itlier o.d . made her hrollier a prisoner. S. e was is. nsidered an old woman wln-n the ( i\il war beu.m. Her tneinorv was almost period up to within a few hours ut her ileal h. and she talked iutei estiujrly of lilO " old days ' of ietie ai?o. "I TilANK THIS I-OllD'*' cried Jlanna Plant, of Little Rock, Ark. 'for i lie relief I jltoI frout Ruckleti s Arnica Saive. Lr cured my ftarfui minting Hofes, which n tliiiij; else wailil leal, and from which I have suffered !??r a years.*' It is a marvellous healer l'or cuts, hnrns aiul woanda. liuarunt ed ut An Ire v s drugstore' eents. 'Possums are now ripe and the colored man whose love lor possums and 'inlets is proverbial, now on the outlook for the animal, i Alter 11osI and when p<*isiinmutiB ! are l ipe. o'possitiUB ate fa: and lit' dark man Ink's to the voods at nielli with his do^a and axe in seareh of I he animal. Already n ; number of e'pissumn have been captured and the colored man wt.l enjoy a feast on'I hanks^ivnitf day. A DISASTROUS CALAMITY. Tr is a disastrous calamity, wh >n you lose your health, because indices!ion | and const i tuition have *,i))|icd it away. Prompt relief cast he hud in Dr. "din t's ' New UIV 1 ills. Tht'V huihl a. i v ill* i i pes: i\ e : - < ns, ail 1 core head tcho, <li/. ziness, enlii , const ipai ion. ( ? iiiuriinteed :.t Aid \ 's <li stun ; ~":c. A cloi'Liyiimn who resigned his pntstonvle to take up I he print lioe of law nssiuueil a* one r? hsoii for 'us change "t lint lilt- average man Would pay more In Ut ep out of jail for onr ilny than to lie kept out <>l hell for an eternity TKFSPA>-s NOTU'K. Not'r,' l. hereby piven that till jtorsoiis ,:t wanted nm to hunt, Jisli, or I trespass in anywav on the lands of tljo unilors'gned Anyone violating tins not iec wilt lie dealt v? it h t t i he I all extent of the law. Ml S. Ti. 11 WlTlIKKS .1. 1>. With Kits. R K( 1 IS L RATION NO'l I UK Tht hooks of Registration for the <| on It lied voters of t lie town e!" Felt. I Mill for the year to .. ;,re now t.pen at the Savings l'.-.nk, J 'tween tit- legal hours of ! a. nt and p. an, and wilt close the 2'hid ilav i.t Deeeiubcr. W. It. Mrach.uu has i t . a ap|.united Registrar. j )ty order of the council. \S B. Menelmm, j Attest lnteudaut. S. \V. Parks. CToiTc. VISITING CARDS | May ho you would like for a Xtnas present for a frierd of some niember of your family or an a treat for yont.solf some Visiting Cards. (?ive lis the older now and lot u- luive theui luio in 1 plenty of t itno. Engraved Cai*ds 30 wiih plate, Si 03 100 ? 1 30 Printed Cards . 30 lor 35 cents IQO ?t 50 cents Leather case witli name stamped ill ~0c extra. (tur cards arc arattered throughout the town and the quality can-* ! not !?? disputed and the prices ' will hear comparison auna feur do ; reproclio. W. B. Ardroy & Co. ! . 1\ S. Tf you havo a plate, lot : ' ca oct some more cards i >r you. News comes from Mexico that the United ytide.s Sled company has bought the famous solid iron mountain at DurHiigo, the ricncst ' of its kind in the world. CtJit miil LIST. Combining tfood quality and low prices. The prices quoted below are guaranteed I to be tiie lowest for quality of Goods: i 1 year old Corn Whisky, jx-r gallon $1 . >(?' } ; ' ,, 1.75 i :t ,, ,, ? 3.00; I .. .. a i>r, i 5 ,, TarHeol Corn Whiskey 5i.tR)! t ? ,, t.oodliye Whisky per j?ul 1.75 2 ,, (Jood Ryo Whinny " " 2.')'.: :} ,, Good Rye \N hisky '' " s?.5t) 1 ,, .. (Jood Rxc Wins y " " 3.00 5 ,, ,, Ct>?d 14 yWhisky " 100 No oliar^o lor vessel or packing. Vic extra will prepay express on one to three gallons; over H gallons, 7uu. SHUMftN& GOVPAUY, Council &> Lee Streets; SALISBURY .... N.C. i 5000 Tappers Annually, ta nil the now positions created by Railroad and Telegraph Companies. Wo want1 YOirvn TJFV andLADLE8 of good habits, to 1 LEftRK TELEliRfcPHY 1 Mil R R ACCOUNTING ~ We furnish 75 per cent, of the Operators and Station Agents in America. Our bix schools* ' are the largest exclusive Telograph Schools in 1 the v\i id EutnY' ihed 20 years and endorsed : by all leading Railway Officials. W execute ;i ">!i bon<l to every student to furnish liim or her :i position paying Fi'oin $ 1 ?to u mont h in stales east of the llocky mountains, or from v-7 ro $10Ha mouth in slims \vst of the lie ?i< s. i.nnu-dia i ly ujiOii graduation 5-1 ink n > an en:i i at any time. >o vaent ions. 1 >r fall i irt miliars ree.ivditig any of our sehools write direct to our uxeciit i\e ollho ut Cincinnati. Ohio. : Catalogue free, | 1^51?r-# Nthool tif TVlt'^rajili v, ("incinnati, Ohio. l.'u'Tiilo, N V. Atlanta, (in. 1 a' i'(ishi<. Wis. i 'lVxaikaiia, Tex. San l'Yan.isfo, l.'al. ! : ? Promptly obiKiiKHl, or y?E PETUniVED. H So VCAVV LXi'EWIENCIt. Oui CH*.HCE:> ArE M J"! Trie LOWEST. S o.l IUO<M. |.hot?. ?>r r<;.. l. l. tor ?.1 ? J* rt < \ ?? ! frmi rrjxtrt on |wit? cn u,:y. H <i fh> i)iNUCMkMr i.u Comlm (?*'J U i? n? 111! M . jjj ?? irt v I'at-nt* obtained through i ?. ajvch- In K TISCC am! iOVD, fno. JL MARKS, PZT4- D & olOr-S unci COPYRIGHTS ?|'i?ckly obiajicd. if N WASHINGTON, D. C. c< ? WMm i ai e x \ ')S?. ^ ':f ^-Sy }<r* ?**' ' ? *?*?*? : 7 n ( -* ; 4 7 1 vs ^ ? ? . - ?t- - -iw .?.*.? .f r ; . v -v r ? v t *^Htv ??f STiATNS TUTM-PS. " i) 1 i - I ? ?LS r'ti'l Mil? 11 I N> fitij . i r?, tii?? ?lrt. u i- v.i ? i . . ... : I . r rrpi , . . - v?,t: 1 .: 1 n ? : !-v.uv?i P.wv .r?.? & a;.-"revert) tc In l.wnl i j. k; ? - i .* a a t *, x,- r, n r, * * ... . - > n- ? I " : A ... ui. 1 .* ; r . -.. t j O'.ir Ltnr a | R n.ifIcf-1 f-? .v. Si.CO to S150 ( j A Fiat. '.-. 2.'1 to :V> E Si'! r o -a .50 to 95 J I J .. ? ' x u rex .i u 11 * j . tr a<(i: >Um|<to fv?v ; ? !. a X i ; : .v : i > prz/t.iti Thl ?j JL.ZVl.y rlSr'jTO^ <3 P. g. 3<?X 43C? R i CKlOOI'EU . I AL'.ri,M.*(i3n<i.S.A. j T" V - . . _ j/'V ' " .;*T ; J"( ,^;rr.r-\ I 2' > ?,' * ^ <({ J'//.' //J (CL/7/r LIMITED * ' ?> N S OR EUU ALL CUR 3.JOO C.RADUAT ? . n p \r.i: i* \ 1 i? I'.otlcn ir * ?o. fJA aAl A I* tuu l ieai oiiiM'K. M. \ . . \ u:A. IJ THKI'E IS MO>;ey [ (ill TV if. TTownrd ??f (ho Missouii Stn <1 \ i-?< Annrirnn funnels to cultivtd I \v>d It in a Inn riy |?I it 111 mid is cii: l!i" I'l'iiMt-ylvHiiwi S ntf (' in | (T !ii->i'ii.? it ?i?t is rn|lid I) diminishing re poitdiuuly inci'iT . in^x. while (lift C'hiiwi st 111 it 1h iis n ?;iiHrMidrf of 11 ->i? Mdf. CfllSlsl (Join I'll Ittd'tf ! suliir r? 11'>11 I s !> <>t (tiiisciiL hi I'm* In l'e ml 1 lifiliMlinml i> s :.'it posed ot nil van imoonsly, Tin riot 1 died million C!.ue.-f as is their rirt (il!iu't'ii_r i-; a staple on tile inaike ton. 1 lie prorti Mi market price var nv 11i 1?- tiic cost of prodiicini; i.s U -in t riipi r s v rv Hit! ground. An r.c $4l) 000, There is loom in one's gar, j itira worth aril your. 1 in* plant ll:i ami (danada in any s iil or eliu.ato l We sell root a.ui s ? < 1 -? for planliiiL to make tnnm-y i/roving tiiu^eng. spring and fall. \\ 111 each onlei w? and cut' lor the garden. You can < a - a..til < uflay and B ?ou have a nice day for literature telling ail about t BUCKINGHAM'S G idvowcrs am ZANESVILLE, -mm ? T : .-T M \\ hen iji the Market /J FOR , GOOD WHISKIES, /i WINES, "I BRANDIES, ETC., 4 O.W.LON.OK WHJTK Jolxrx 3s/T037-1?, !J. <?. Box 97, SALISBURY, - N. C. TO OU 1; i'J{!EA*ns? We tir?? now locHt-(1 at 12-1 E. Council street. Salisbury, N. C., and solicit your trnde. We have ? 11 liancl a complete line of tlie b si Whiskies. Wines, J> ran dies, Etc , and can supply your wants with nnyihintr in our line. Our Mr. M. A. Teeter, formerly of Charlotte, lwrs personal supervision of our shipping depnitinent >id till mail orders receive prompt and careful attention at his hands. A>k lor price list and order blank with your otder. W. II. HOOVER & CO., SAMSHl'KY. N. C. Phone 218. sTHE \ : ACME I J ? 1 BARBER SHOP, $ 5 t 2 N, L, Carothcrs, ' t ;I Proprietor. ? * & ; MODEL 1 Steam Laundry. I i _! ' CHARLOTTE, ? - N. C. | 1 PRICE LIST. | Shirts l()c f ? Shirts, now, ? j '(.Xillare 2c 2 4 ('nil's, per j>:iir 4c 1! I \' ndcrshirts So ; | Drawers So { J J I ocks, per pair He 1 , | 11 *ii'i'f; ,-lr,-fs, !ii.?' !.. He ; | f Handkerchiefs, silk fjc : j i Pants 25c to 70c i J? ("oats 25e to 70c f | Vests 20c * I S hirt Waists 10c up J * t'nrtains 50o np 5 Hhinkcts. single, 15c; double, 2*c $ Counter janes 10c j Table Clot lis 10c i \ { Agents, | FORT MILL, ? ? ? S. O ; 1 ? rm ? ??*??w ,%-?- *****+>%+*,* ft n No Gloss Oapkiaui: Paint Made will wear as lou^f as I tovoo'R. No others are as heavy tsulied, becni'86 Dovoe's weijjh ' ti. > outlet s in on to the pint. Sold bv W. 1>. Ardrev V (J<\ ? . . 1 j !t\ a $S,OCKi 7 7?. /(' f f r llANK "'-posit CATION NO HINDRANCE. i J Ml V/ U H IS. \\ KlTK Ti'hAY TO US. COLLEGE, f/lacon Ga. - ? . 3 IN OWING G rXSKNG. ile Agricultural (Joilego says: "I ?> Ginseng. Gig profits ar^ reallly grown. A bullet in issued by vut bit v>: "The supply of nativo r, am! 111? price per pound is cor* constant demand for the ding in "idy u irUet for (iiiiseng in the fu* long Kong suys in lie- IV S. Conio.?| grown in America is very .1 that nun h move Could be diss a-, indisp usable to tile foili-llUli, 11 I tiie same as e> rn, wheat, and ooties ii 'in V> 00 to SV V ) per pound, iiau SI.AO. i t is i nsy to grow and ic of uintm e 1 Ginseng is worth i! mi t > grow several hundred dol* iven throughout the t nited States ihut will grow gaiden vegetables. : purpos. s and call show you how There are two planting seasons, ' give full instructions how to plant get a good start in the business for income. Send two cent ni?mn i?. It in wottdm ful induRtry. INSENG GARDEN I Exporter* - OHIO . . V