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erty collectors ere seldom a Mo I mate with any confidence the fhw of their collections, since the J^rtcos 'for specimens so constantly wsi'i. A case in point Is that of the Mae butterfly of Brazil, specimens of which were originally sold for from IfM to $75. Not long ago some collectors who supplied the London marSur.t ran Into a perfect swarm of these Butterflies and shipped to England Anch quantities that better specltoons than the original insects are sold tor $1 each. It not infrequently happens that two or three specimens of a certain family ttre discovered by collectors, who, encouraged by the high prices received Iter their finds, are tempted to prose- | cute their search for this particular variety without results for several ye*rs. 'Suddenly they or some other collectors find the insects grown plentiful. and the cherished varieties of the cabinet become among the commonest specimens. Parish Clerk's Record. The Yarmouth (Eng.) Parish Mag& sine claims that Mr. E. J. I-upson, the parish clerk in that town, has a record unparalleled in the Church of England. Appointed forty-two years ago, 8*e? has served under seven vicars, and :dno* 1863 has been absent from Yarmouth only once in 2,162 Sundays, while temporary indisposition has prevented the performance of his duty in the parish church on but three other occasions. He has attended T1.D42 marriages, and has "given away" the bride on 1,264 occasions. These marriages were solemnized by 218 different clergymen. Mr. Lunson attill performs his duties with all the alertness of a man twenty years Y*>m\?er. STRONG PROOF. .Taggles?How do you know you talked sensibly to your wife? Waggles?She wouldn't listen . to n?c. ?Judge. HjOOD, big 4 I can not be out a libera! am sn the fertilizerten per cent. Ii form of Sulphat highest quality. "Plant Food" and "Trucl books which tell of the success other garden truck?sent free Address. OERftV New York?03 Numu Street. or . / ,jJj(iCut Your Work *n ^wo Atkins Saws cut not only wood, iron V ^\an<* ot^cr materials m < ^.-ociicr tnin any Jf \\ other, but they cut ^ work. tS That is because they I :fnMV made of the best steel 1 \fjVf in the world by men that i know how. i AtMIns Sawi, Corn Knlvej, Perfection Pioor L .V tiftri, etc., arc mid by alt Rood hardware l iitMk'9. Catalogue on request. I j fc. C. ATRINS CCL CO. Inc. i Saw Manufacturer! Id the World 1 factory and F.xecu'lee OITicea, Indianapolis Y iMarHn-New Yorlc, Chicago, Minneapolis K Portland (Oregon)# Seattle, San Krancitco J Mempnia, Atlanta and Toronto (Canada) Jl Accept no aubstltuto?Insist on tho Atkins Brand ?Y DEALERS EVtBNWpfHh I WATEfiPSOOF Jfcb Jlkr onaaoTMiNC '& Mode ? block or jtllow for oil kinds \uyTLQj t I ok wet work On sole everywhere ?j7\\ \ \ X bock for the iton of the risYand /* A\\A / Uw iwt TOWcR on the buttons. /PXJX e?j/ I k^ mil niOITM HMt VIA / /Ax Avzt / J rt*n? c tmjmAt TtMtrr#. taw y^j_ So. 47. m i*emuii LiiAir. M THE BEST |?H FAMILY MEDICINE TO ujS Tor Const: pa'Ion, Ttiliousneaa, In- JrKB W (iijMtion, Sour Stoumch, Colic, IffSJ Sw DixcincM, lle.ulache and anything RE & ciumJ by a disordered I?irer. flfl M "That Droufsy Feeling" Hj S4 by putting; your digestive organs EM H to work, increasing your appetite. K| ggj?l au<l. In fact, makes you feel like a fill i Vfjjl *" ^ MSZA[. Til dOC. and St.OO per Bottle oH ^ at all Drug Stores. iSyS One Dot* Convince*. L'9 %, IBS&kI-... -i v ti'k - *' ..?> IKATARKHI B^|||||r^ A rUmr I of the 7th Ohio Volunteers, 259 K | Good ale street, Columbus, O., K | wri tea: "As a remedy for ca- IE g tarrh and stomach trouble 1 IE 5 can fully recommend Perona." K 3 Mrs. Hamilton, wife of the B 1 gallant Colonel, is an ardent K f friend of Peruna also. fell I\APJm i!\ V Jry\tKvi^m H ^ A? 6 mealy" potatoes : produced withount of Potash ? not less than t must be in the e of Potash of k Farming" are two practical ful growing of potatoes and the to those who write us for them. LN KALI WORKS. Atlanta. Ua.?221,' So. Broad Street. Most men arc better for knowing the worst of themselves. FITSpermanontlyoured. No fits or nervousness after flrst day's use of Dr. Kline's Great Nerve Restorer, fit rial bottleand treatise free Dr.H. H. Klin*. Ltd.. C31 Aroh 8t..I,hila.,I'a The tin saint needs a sign. Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup for Children teething,softens thegu ma,reduced Inflammation, allu\8 pain,cures windoollc.Uc.a bottle Cupid takes a day off when the feminine match-maker gets busy. Taylor's Cherokee Remedy of Sweet Gum and Mullen Is Nature's great remedy?Cure? Coughs, Colds, Croup anil Consumption, and all throat and lung troubles. At druggists, -J5o., 50o. and $1.00 per bottle. China's Bows and Arrows. Though an attempt was made two years ago to abolish, bows and arrows as the national weapons of China the W rvrk hit a nnlv hftnn within the last few weeks. The Imperial archers have existed tip to the time the royal edict put them out ol business about a month apo. The emperor's decree is as follows: "Our dynasty was established by means of the bow and arrow and the art is still therefore kept up in the examination of officials and the drilling; of troops. Irately, however, military science has Improved and weapons are being; modernized every day and wo must iml tate the mnrtlal spirit of our ancestors by uslnp our best endeavors to es tablish a strong; government. Hereafter the princes, dukes and ministers of the eight banners must all earnestly practice military art and attain the utmost proficiency, which will leave no time for the observance of mere forms, and we order all officials in future not to carry the bow and arrow when they attend stato ceremonies, I nor are imperial bodyguards or the . I palace guards to use them, but the best weapons must be provided for them. I^et the board of war draw up the necessary regulations for the prop er testing of military efficiency for the soldiers and let the said board report thereon." Feet Clad in Sandals. Kier Hardy, the British M. P. whose Scotch cap came in for a great deal of notico in past years, has discard ed shoes for summer wear and has adopted sandals instead. It is hinted I that he has converted several of his fellow members to this airy kind ol footwear, but that they are waiting for next summer to follow his ex ample. John Alexander Dowio, of Zior Oily, is repu ted to be in feeble health Iund the question of bis successor is arousing much dissension. POUT mm THWfr' A taw int lUHMk turtii A Itv *V A*rn H?IB ? Drmc*. Do Ton Baleh? . ft maaim a dlaaaaad Stomach. Ara you ffliotod with Short Braath, Gu, Sour 1 Eructatooua, Hnart Paina, Indication, Dyapoprta Burning Paina and Lead Walght in Pit of Stomach, Acid Stomaoh, Diatended Abdomen IiittinHa Pni;?* Bad Breath or 'Any Other Stomach Torture? Let ua eand you a box of Mull'a AntiBelch Wafer* free to convince you that it cures. Nothing elae like it known. It'* aur* and very pleasant. Cures by absorption. Harmless. No drugs. Stomach Trouble can't be cured otherwise?ao saya Medical Science. Drugs won't do?they cat up the Stomach and make you worse Wc know Mull's Anti-Belch Wafers cure and we want you to know it, hence this offer. Special orrer.?The price ot Mull's Anti-Belch Waters is 50c. a box, but to introduce it to thousands of sufferers we will send two (2) boxes upon receipt of 75c. and this advertisement, or we will send you a sample free for this coupon. i 11255 A FREE BOX. 114 Send this coupon with your name and address aud druggist's name who does not sell it for a free box of Mull's Anti-Belch Wafers to Mull's Grape Tonic Co., 328 Third Ave., Rock Island, 111. Give Full Addrem and Write Plainly. I I bold at all druggists, 50c. per box. Diplomacy is tlie art of yielding gracefully to the inevitable. ITCHING SCALP HUMOR Lady Suffered Tortures Until Cured by Cuticura? Scratched Day and -Night. "My scalp was covered with little pimples and 1 suffered tortures l'rom the itching. I was scratching all day and night, and 1 could get no rest. 1 washed my head with hot water and Cuticura Soap and then applied the Cuticura Ointment as a dressing. One box of the ointment and one cake of Cuticura Soap cured me. Now my head is entirely clear and my hair is growing splendidly. I have used Cuticura Soay ever since and shall never be without it. (Signed) Ada C. Smith, 309 Grand St., Jersey City, N. J." Berlin has about thirty vegetarian restaurants. rise's Cure Is the best medicine weaver us*>i lor all nffoctlons of throui and lungs.?Wit. O. Endslkt. Vanbures, lnd., Feb. 10, 1900. Condon uses 211,323,602 gallons of water a day. CAi-MED RAGINQ OF THE OCEAN. Oil Poured From Ve?ael Made a Miniature Millpond. "I am one of the few tourists," he said, "who ever saw the sea oiled in a storm. I'll tell you how they did it. "The oil was stored in big zinc tanks, where it served as ballast. It only cost a cent or so a gallon, for it was refuse, a mixture of whale oil. vegetable oil and petroleum. "When the hurricane struck us and the ship was like to founder in the surging, boiling foam the captaiu turned a valve and through sluices on either side of the ship some fifty or sixty gallons of oil flowed out upon the sea. "The effect was like magic. The oil made a prismatic skin over the water on all sides. The foam disappeared. We floated in a millpond about 200 yards square and without this dark calm millpond roared the white sea. "It only took about two minutes for all this to happen. "Wo sailed onward. The rocking ceased. The seasick heaved sighs of relief. For a half hour the oil stayed with us. a solid skin of beautiful hues. Then it broke up and sailed away in patches of every size. "The storm raged two hours. We oiled the sea four times. It was an odd experience." Money makes a good figure in the dress-makers it hires for it. PASSING OF PORRIDGE. Maka* Way For tha flatter FooJ of a lletter Dir. Torridsr* is no longer used for breakfast in my homo," writes u loyal Briton from Iluntsvillo. Out. bis was an admission of no small slgnitleaneo to one "brought. up" on the time-honored stand-by "One month ago." she eontinues. "I bought a paekage of Grape-Nuts food for my husband, who had lw?en an in valid for over a year. lie had passed through a severe attack of pneumonia and la grippe combined, and was left in a very bad condition when they passed away. "I tried everything for his benefit, but nothing seemed to do him any good. Month followed month and lie still remained as weak as ever. I was almost discouraged about him when 1 got the Grape-Nuts, lint the rc nit has compensated me for my anxiety. "In the one month that lie has eaten Grape-Nuts he has gained 10 pounds In weight. Ids strength is rapidly returning to him. and he feels like a new man Now we all eat Grape-Nuts food and arc tlie better for it. Our little year-old boy. who nsed to suffer from pains in tl.p stomach after eating tlie old-fashioned porridge, has no more trouble since he began to use GrapeNuts. ami 1 have no more doctor's bills to pay for him "We use Crape-Nuts with only sweet cream, and find it the most tasty dish in our bill of fare. "Last Monday I ate 4 teaspoonfuls of Crape-Nuts and cream for breakfast, nothing else, then set to work and got my morning's work done by 0 o'clock, and felt less tired, much stronger, than If I had made my breakfast on meat, potatoes, etc., as I used to. I wouldn't he without Grape-Nuts in tlie house for any money." Name given by Po<1 turn Co.. Battle Creek, Mich. There's 1' a reason. Bead the little book "The Road to * v/cllville" iu pkgs. Save the Good Luck Coupons, Good Luck Ba is a blessing to go< far, every time, an when you use I GOG Furthermore, it i HR of the high priced ki H That's money in your pc H If you cut out th H handsome premiums. H these, see the gift book Hp Your grocer ougl Hj Baking Powder. If n name? H| THE 80UTHERN MF ?' t DIRECT FROf r Si 288 I ao7^; a QQGQQQQQQ?? Baird-N Stock Pins 9336 Mapleleaf 388 Solid Gold, plain . .66 8347 L,lly :*i7 Solid Ool(l. plain . .76 Solid Gold 31U Solid Gold, plain . .86 m tv.rl crescent S*i Solid Gold, ix-arls . la? Vp> ^ ' ,^3 478 Gold Plato. (>ead edye .36 fg 1VM i and ti 486 Gold plate. |*<arl .36 jS pHIrl? 666 Sterling Silver, plain . .16 781 Crescent, peat Sterling Silver Brooches Scarf 1 9016 Handy I"in, holly . .36 7 Pearls, solid 1 93o6 Crescent . .40 64 lioiid, pearl. 1 9313 Heart . . . .36 76] 9.117* Swallow ... .36 9137 Wishbone, St 9318 Owls, irray , . .85 947*1 Maplclcnf at< 9333 Wishbone . .36 9472 ttuliy eyes, at Our Catalog TIs now rendy for mailimr. The ls*ok Diamond*. Gold mid Silver Jewelry. I .eat her. KlN*ny.' We call >0vo the 1 est service possible . ue snarante your money if you as'a it. Most important < ! all. we su "Direct trom Workshop." liuyimr from us yotisave tli for ten years we have Wen llllimr orders by mail I * in all parts of the postal union. Wo can please yon. Wo want every lover of artistic Jewelry: every |x? I copy of our tieautiful catalog?sent post paid upou roc J BAIRD-NORTH COMPANY, 3 A girl is about as modest as she can ever hope to beeome it' she will admit there is .one other girl in town as pretty as she. How's Tills? WeofterOne Hundred Dollars Itewardfor any cose of Catarra in a. cannot be cured by iiall'aCatarru Cure. r. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo, O. We, the i;iuiei.-i;;i t <l, have known F.J. Cheney lor the last It years, and believe him perfectly honorable In nil business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their linn. West A Trcax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O, Wildinu, Aixsav A Mauyix, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, U. Hall's catarrh Cure Is t i- *n Internally, aitIngdlrectly upon tho blood and inucoussurlaoesof tut) system. Testimonials sent free. l'rlee,75c. per b ittle. Sold by all Druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills (or constipation. In nil argument most men shout so loudly that yon eau't hear their ideas. WASTED TO A SHADOW; Bat Fonnil a Cure After Fifteen Year of Suffering. A. II. Stotts. messenger nt tin State Capitol. Columbus, O., says: ^ ^ ^ "For fifteen yeari walk, and then wasted away In bnl for ten weeks. After being given up, I began using Doan's Kidney Tills. In n couple of months I regained my ol<l health, and now weigh 1NH pounds. Twelve boxes did it. and I have becu well two years." j Sold by all dealers. .rs> cents a box. I Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N, Y. I - . .-,v\'Vv ' - - * *' Woman s Coat of A king Powder, the absolutely pure 3d cooks. You can count on a s] id bank ou your baking being crii >D LUCI 3 to every woman's interest to purchase nds. It is sold at an honest pnce?10 >cket-?-about 300 per cent.?every time the b e coupons found on back of each can w< For list and pictures of found inside each can. This c tit to have Good Luck __ ? mc ot, will you send us his VOddCariMid CUTOUTS 0000 for G. CO., Richmond, Va. ss ^ jWJ .35 Solid Gold Neck Chums 'aS <19 Neck Chain, 13 Inches 3.00 Brooches 334 Nwok Chain. I3*a Inches 3.75 3.75 B?ul Nailaif, U IncbM 1040 I*, diamond 25.i*i m 0?,i. n", i ,> v ..... 'iHiiifi 4 im 1?M SollA Oolil I .Ink* *.50 4 it! *? ?"li?l Ooht Ix*ket . 4.50 1 * * i'uo W o Sterling Silver llat l'ln .30 -. lo:io3 Vu.lft |>atlern Coffee . Hjiooir. each .50 "iM .. 1-35 <loz. 5.00 solid ?nlil 1.50 103ft5 Violet Tea Spoons ilo/.. li.l irolil . .50 Our < utulo?r 1' picture* llie com erumr stiver .auinlete vt.det nattem. rime silver ."Jul -t.>lA Solid Wold SMiruet ISinif 3.50 erliuc silver .:ts| IftVA Diamond IUhk contains l'>2 paces ami illustrates over '.WOO articles? Toilet Woods, Watches, ltiinrs. Tnhlo Ware. etc. e every article we sell, we assume all risk . we return ive > on one thinl of your purchase money hy selling e I'rolits I 11 the lohlier. the wholesaler alia retailer, to the entire sat islaction of thousands of customers rson who intenilsto make a holiday cift, to have a elpt ot your address. WltlTK NOW. 20 Essex Street. Salem, Mass. I Orchard Water i T^A,OE,^lMA*Kt Is a Certain Cure for 3n DYSPEPSIA, I | SICK HEADACHE, 4! CONSTIPATION. U | Stimulates the Liver,cures I Biliousness, Sour Stomach, | Irregularities of the Bowels. , A natural product, prepar- | ed hy concentration ; a gen- j uine natural water. CRAB ORCHARD WATER CO., I.otiisvillt*. Kv. ifc| A on:* ? HOICK" Shirt \V#IM an.1 skirl 1 Holder Nomine*! I?!*e6tii|( An*or* ?>r In untkllne*". t>ut always* trim. ui? fo date, Knoll . V. ,6 for $1. O. Si..Supply Co.. McuilolaJII. pRicE.^25 ct? m mm m '//TO CURE THE 6RIP/i^ ji ffi ft*- IN ONE DAY frV rBW mm y ?*: MAi NO tJU^L FOB HEADACHE rf r?" 'or 'f' ^ . F. W. Die in H Every Coupon Counts for a Premium m nil rms 1 and reliable leavener, poonful to go just so >p, light and tempting ^B l \ Powder fl cents for a pound can. HQ aking powder can is empty. QH : will send you useful and jfT.N^ooVd^eoH < ^ IJWOOUJC^iNG^WRgW^ VALUABLE ARTICLES. SEC LIST InB W Addrg**:THt Oc?amtm(NT STMUorH t a kWtu co biumwiw an ao???v>.ijsa.B IM i 1J W.L. Douglas t/% aa n ^ ? J= & *3= SHOES ?< W. L. Douglas 14.00 Cilt Edge Line cannot bo equalled at any price. mORE MEM'S S3.BO SHOES THAU AMY OTHER MAMUFAOTURER. ff 1 n nnn REWARD to inyons who can 9 I UjUUU ditprovs this atatomant. W. L. Douglas $.1.50 ahoca have by their excellent style, eaay fitting, and superior wearing qualities, achieved the largest safe of any $3.50 shoe In tha world. They are luat aa good as those that coat you $5.00 to $7.00? the only difference Is the price. If I could take you Into my factory at Brockton, Mass., the largest In the world under one roof making men a fine shoes, and show you the care with which every pair of Douglas shoes is made, you would reallzs why W. L. Douglas $3.50 shoes are tha best shoes produced In the world. If I could show you the difference between tha ahoes made In my factory and those of other makes, you would understand why Douglas ti.SU shoes cost more to make, rvhy thay hold their shape, fit better, wear longer, and ore of greater Intrinsic value than any other $3.50 shoe on the market to-day. W. L. Doug!am Strang Mat/a Shaam for Man. S3.BO. S3.00. Baym' School S Cross Shoam.S3.BO. S3. S1.7B.S1.BO CAUTION.?Insist npon having \V. I,.I>ouglas shoes. Fake "o substitute. None genuine without his mime ami price stamped 011 bottom. WANTED. A slioe denier inevery town where \V. I.. Douglas Stioes are pot sold. Full line ot samples sent free for inspection u|w>n request. / Fait Color Eyelets used; they will not wear brassy. Write for Illustrated Catalog of Fall Styles. W. L. l>Ot (i I.AS, Brockton. Mass. |$l,000ToBeGivenforl I Reliable Information We will give One Dollar for a Postal Card giving the flrst reliable newt of a chance to sell a horizontal steam engine of our styles, within our range of aizes. We do not want inquiries at this time for vertical, traction or gas engines. ATLAS ENGINES AND BOILERS have for years been the standard for all ataam plants. Beat of material and workmanship. H Our big outputcnablea ua to aeil on small prof- I its. An Atlas, the best la the world, costs no I more than the other kind. m IKrite today for our tptcial offir. jj ATLAS ENGINE WORKS I helling ifincioi io ftllcititf INDIANAPOLIS I CorliM Kni;in?t Hlfh Speed Fn/ nt-a W?Ur Tuba Boilart KourTalvt fjiginai ( uifoind t nglnet Tubular BoiUra H Automatic Kaginaa Throttling Kngioet PortaMa Boilara H I Atla* Knginw* in 3,000.nfW> HP. 8 | Mm Roitoit ka nrvlcti.MP^OIH P. I #5 Dropsy ii t/3Sck? Removes nil swelling In 8 to 20 \ days; effects a permanent cure in 3?to 60 days. Trial treatment _ , i ? irrr. r^oininKoan oe laircr ' Write Dr. H. H. Green's Sons, i;xt> IF J ?Soeclallst,t. Uox B Atlanta. Ga. ~ So. 47. ruittsw^iu Auu^uui^^l^r M Boat <' ?uk1i rtyrup. Taatr.i .iotxl. Lao . C3 In tlmo. HoM by <tr.iKKt^ta. rH n-GRIPINE GUARANTEED TO CURE COLD, HEADACHE AND NEURALGIA. II Orlplur to a lioil.r wlio won't Uonr.btPr It. MO.VEY BACK IP IT DOKII'T I UKI. er. K.D.. Maouficturtr. Svritxu field. Mm