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^8F ? I ??? I I -111 P & * ??j | 5 1*1 fc'MS of LOCAL INTEREST J; r , ' Mr. Loo Armstrong spout a fow : hours iu Uock Hill Saturday. v Born Thursday morning to Mr. anil Mrs. Leo S. Aiken, a daughter. Dr. W. S. MeMyrray, of Baltimore. is ox pooled home Thanksgiving for a short visit. M i^s Mabel Ardrey spent several days r>f the past week with MiflH Jauie Mnssey. of Book Hill. Air. K. E. Parks, who lias for popr1 time been employed at Sumter. lias returned to liis home here. The cannon in Confederate Park are being mounted on substantial foundations of cement and stone. Mr. F. II. Huggins, of this place, formerly a Furman student, 4 is teaching school at Onto. S. C-. Mrs. 1 i?zie Siurgis. of Mavtield. j Kv.. is the gnest of Mr W. M.*, Pulp and family at the Palmetto i Hotel. Mr. C B. Mngill, who has been i seriously ill at tiis home at Grat. tan for sonic days, is able to be i out again. The weather has In en very \ changeable for tlie past t? n days and as a result many people are j suffering with colds. Miss Kate Marshall returned to i her home in llo<-k Hill Saturday, , after a visit to Mrs. \V. 1). Wolfe, j of^iis pi a eo. The election for officers to serve I the town during l'.K)H will take place Monday, January 1. The registration books will, close December 2 2 Mr. and Mrs. ,f. -1 Ormand, who i u . .. I : " 1 III1H' urni II villi; Ilea 1" I 111.' UlltH Willi ; dam, will move back lo their home- j place south of town within a few ; days. Mrs. T. B. M enchain returned Saturday morning from Bennettsvi 1 It*, where she had 1? -en attending the Woman's Missionary Conference. Mr James Stegall and Miss In diaiin Belk were married Thursday evening at 7.30 o'clock at the homo of the bride's parents on Ardrey hill. The marriage ceremony was performed by Rev. I)r. J. H, Thorn well. Special attention is called to the big advertisement of Mr. T. B. Belk in this issue. Mr. Belk has a big stock of up-to-*date g<>od-,| anil his priees are right. Bead I his ad. curefully. The recently organized Fort Mill football team met defeat Sat unlay afternoon at the hands of the second team of Davidson ( X. CD College. The score of the gone, which was played at David-ton, was 73 to 0. Mr. Robert Pulp, a Pineville yonnn man who has had a number of years experience in the (lru? business, has been engaged as a clerk in the Buchanan drug store' in this place. The ladies of the Village Improvement Society are highly pleased with the result of the sup- | per given hy tliein in ihe town hall Friday night, and it is not mi- j likely that another will be given . at an early date. The proceeds of I i..? . . I nuiiiy ii 1(4.'11 S Bll}>p?*r amounted to $13.50. Since our Inst issue the town j council hns decided to extend the) cement paving from the corner of Ml*. Ii. ?J MasRey's upper store I through to the depot on tho north i 8'de of Main sheet, while on the the opposite . iilo of the street ce- !' merit will he put down from the | lower corner of the dunes building I to a point just beyond the post- !, office. ' i i 1 , | About the toughest looking set of humanity tl at iuis come under i he observing eye of the writer < was a crowd of Italian laborers ( who passed through this place; on a special train Friday night en route to Miami, Fla. l'he men, of which theie were more than 300, were from New York City j i and were going to Florida to work i on the Kast Coast Ka.lway. ? Tin1 Times man begs to acknowledge his nppreciation of the kind- 1 tiess of Capt. S. H. White, through whose order a substantial quantity , of country produce was left at this ' otlice h few days ago from out* of 1 that excellent gentleman's plnnta- : 1 tiotis. Tin* many friends in this 1 community of (*>?fit. white will ht* i pleased to kn??w that he is enjoy- ; ing good health at the home of his 1 eon and daughter. Col. and Mrs. i Leroy Springs, in Lancaster. At the Inst meeting of White Oak Camp, \V. O. VV., it was de- i coiled to hold the annual supper < on the evening of Friday, Decern- | her 8. As has been the custom, i the lodge will furnish oysters, i coffee, etc., and the ladies will tie 1 expected t<> bring baskets of other i i eatables. If in the intention of the 1 1 lodge to make the supper this year j the best yet held. As heretofore, i each member will have the privil- < ege of taking " guest. I ] ?<. ""C~ -t a j COMII ? ? & ?=3@lls: !Good values g coming in. We goo<l for our custt a chance to pick manufacturers ai their fall and win Iyou will come an rivals, you will si body. The folloi just opened up ar | LADIES and || CHIL I* Several pieces of dr< II nil the Intent styled?ft Ito Si.25 the yard. 10 pieces Flannelettp II 25 ? Outings, a I \ 10 ,, Ginghams. < 15 Flannels, I creant, blue and grey. | Several pieces Cautc | Bleaching, Etc. || 150 Indies' and chih I pants and Union Suits heavy ribbt-d and cot' goods. 25 dozen pairs ladies ton and wool. Fascinators, Shawls, 75 pairs Blanaets fre $S U0 a pair. Comforts and Co Lace Curtains, Windo; A beautiful line of tains, red, blue and are Dress Skirts, Undeis Ladies Sweaters, all These are posit 63 Haven't been in t will not be here 1 @ them will move t ^ ing; so come and IBELK'S ? The store with a sir ?@2hS J50S?0? ??: Mrs. J. II. Thornwell, president of the local chapter of Daughters of the Confederacy, requests The Times to extend an invitation to the old soldiers of the township to n dinner to be given at her residence at 1 (/clock in the afternoon of Friday, December lut. The many friends of Mr. L. A. Harris will regret to learn that, his health has so failed recently that it has become necessary for him to take a course oi medical treatment under a Charlotte specialist. Mr. Harris wen* to Charlotte ThursJay for that purpose. A few nights ago Policeman Sanders, of Yorkville, caught the [ ol( '*d sexton of the Episcopal I i- e . i - ? * i-ii urcu, or Hint piace, red handed in the net ot' selling whiskey to three white men over the pulpit of the church. In Hen rolling the vestry room a quantity of whiskey was found in the closet or wardr. ho, where the surplice of the rector \a kept when not in use. The Times needs what is due it 1 >n your subscription. You can pay us tliis fall and we HHk you not to delay it. Our obligations must be met and we must ask you to help ns. The amount you owe is small, but if ail tlie small accounts are put together they im^regate quite a sum to us. On I many of the amounts we have waited for several years. Do not permit us to wait any longer. XZ NO ?^I C AT ?? s Big ? ;oing out every day a are always on the lookc [>mers and right at this lip some great miasm ad wholesale dealers iter storks at greatly re d let us show yon thron / irely think that we ha ving is a few of the niai nl marked down: HEAI) CAREFULLY. MEN at ,DREN. s?bk poods? Some upe* oin 20 cts. and t )vercoi saved on earl ' . 200 suits ol 1 colors. you want, col red, white to $-100 | Hit; h>t of I >u Flannel, Sweatem. 25 down iron's vest, kind to wear in ail wool 100 pairs c Ion tieeeed S'l 50 per pai Bin lot of ' hose, cot* B?Hs, Etc. The best li Etc. town, nil 75 cts to 200 Boys k 6 to 10 years, unterpanee, Overshoes v Shades. After lool Hall Cur* come in and sen. Pocket Kuift kirts. If yOU nee< colors. co mo to see i ivelv all bran new and 1 lie house ten days. Ai ong. AVe know the hem out in a hurry. & / be convinced. BIG OHEAI 10I0 li* * ? ! ? * *" * 1 -r,'" mvu^ui iu I lie Mayor McXinch, of Charlotte, ' < will ask the city fathers of that r city at their next meeting toll change the irimo of Kaat and ' ij ! West Trade street to "Jackson" ' j and "Lee" avenues. It is his wish 1 and the wish of a la rye number of y j citizens, to name West Trade street (| in honor of General Stonewall : (J Jackson and in compliment to his ,| widow, who has been living on l ? that street for many years. The j eastern end of the street would, of r course be named for (Jen. Hubert ' 0 K. Lee?"Lee avenue." tj Mr. St ? ve Huddleston, a young man who with his father, Mr. R. K. Huddleston, resided in this H' ' place up to about two years ag >, " I was .killed Saturday night neur " [Concord, X. ('., by a train on the 1 Southern Railroad. Huddleston | had been employed as a flagman i? j for one week, and at the time of I' 'his death had been on duly for ' i T- ' Hllliy-1A injurs. II IS llloll^lll ' that lie fell Hsleep on the tracks ' and was killed Ife was 28 years I1 of atjo, and is survived hy a wife " and one child, who live in Char- 11 lotto. The burial was made y? a- * terday at Flint Kill church, in the n northern part of this township. 1 S A Beautiful Tribute. Rock IT II Herald: Little Alice Hammonds, daughter of Mr. and A Mrs. Clias. Hammonds, of Fort o Mill, S. C., wan suddenly and vio- ii lently taken fiom the loving arms f \ . . V \ i? so^NG! Store I nd better values If j ml for something g season we have ? il bargains. All ? are cleaning iij> & duced prices. If ? igli our new ar- ? ve robbed some- g ly valuable goods ? j Z 111 BOYS. nl valm'H itt Suits ! i its. $2.00 to SO.CO !i| i Ii suit or overcoat. ' Underwear, any kind Lton or wool, from -10 per suit. j !; Iieavy Ovcrsliirts and pairs of Soeko?the | ?cotton and wool. I'f ,f Ml,.. it ? ' ? XJIiVMl P, Mil CIS If) Trunks, Suit Cases, |S! ne of Lap Holies in nee-pant Suite, ages J8! , at 00 ets to $5 DO. for everybody. ling the town over, X, let lis sell you a good 5? I a good farm wagon, Lip-t.o-date goods. @ ul they certainly <? price we put 011 jp[ Seeing is belicv- ? 5 STORE 11 people, g? | 03 I' 00000000000^$ I if hoi parents, hy 1 li?? cruel hand if Death, on Wednesday afternor n November 8th, and Death's Con-: [tieror Bent His angels to take the irecions child unto Himself. "Safe in 11;e arms of Jeans," ho- j 'ond the reach of sulJ'oring and leath, she will await ilio coming if her distressed parents and km Ired to the home where no tears' re shod and where life is etorr al. Loving hands laid the body to Ost in the cemetery at Fort Mill, n Thursday afternoon, November j th, lhotj.?A Fkiexj). ?? Mr. \V. A. (ilenn,n popular nurpvyinan of Austin. Ark , spent i few days tin past week '.villi liis| ephew, Dr. D. CL Tlu-mpson, in > Ills place. A marriage to take place this veiling at 8 o'clock, in which their rh-nds in this section are much 11orested, is that of Mr. Mason I Sutton and Alias Sallie Louise ?oiinetl Tin. ._.o * i iiiui I iM^r will IflKt* I >lare at the home of i !?? ? bride's lother, Mrs. Reuben lient.ett, A lll.'K Wt'Kl of tills |>1 ?!< *. Rev. J. C\ : 'handler will pronounce the cnrf'. . tony, immediately after which In- bridal supper will be served. i I irye crowd of relatives and fiends will witness the happy vent. The management of thoMillfort >1111 is Contemplating the erection f a number of new tenant houses n the mill village in the near nture. : T .M* NEW AR Heating Stoves, 81.2 Ladies' Cloaks and ? Edison Phonographs Sewing Machines?H One 875.00 Organ fo Mens' and Boys' Hat Piniui'At. T?? .* iv i ui j' 1 <1 IIIU1S it 11 ( Ladies', Childrens' a C1ut Glass and Sterlii Blankets and Comf Harrisburg Shoes for Crossett shoes for nn Come see the new our prices. T i? \T @?S<5?? ????@? ? I JUST RE I "Wliite'VU Qy Mercerized, beautiful patt? Heavy Madras, splendid qnulit ^ A special in Dress Goods?5 $0 in Hlack blue and castor, posit ?I Tins will not bo here long. Ci H?? jcx Undies' heavy ribbed Hose, t Fleece lined, If) and 20c. 2ft Hoy s School Hose, 1U, 15 an Ohildreus' Hose, hlach and v Q Under (o) Forty dozen Mens' Fleeced Cp were bought lfp*t'AJnreh, wlioi ? dust come in awfully late; so w ? mcnt. All sizes 34 to 44. I Meacham fa REMOTA Owing the fact that cate our present quartei to conduct a Special Thirty During this Sale we Fort Mill and comm come seldom. Prices on Clothing, Shoes, H3 ings, Etc. McElhany pX#A*X*X?X*>X *< \S\S\WV* \\\WVN\\\SN\\%* V B T. 1). FAULKf K k Funesial I it ^oilr 3 \f i:?)ES >< t tf 4/ Undertaking in al the cheapest Pine C< ?C State Casket.. Robes ? and gentlemen, Slip] and Hearse Wagon. T. 1). FAULKNE1 XXX XXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX p.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx V mam ?x>Cr-.?. , ? v. -^CSjH n . t .. ' ? . ?C V*^vjja in'- ? i > ?' Yi ' '*v|j RIVALS. _=_ 5 and up. Suits, Latest styles. 810.00 to 830.00. alf Price, r 845.00. s and Caps, i Moulding. i nir ? xz a iiu i^iens underwear. , ? u ... # tig silver, brts. ' ladies and children. m. goods and compare i-SSETT . ??- - - ? . y ceivedTI reLi3ting. g worth 25c for 20c. y, worth 16 2*3, for 12 l-2o. Cj8 2 inch Fancy Broadcloth, ? ively worth $1.25 for 75o. N mi't got utty more. 03e. x seconds, worth loc, at 10c. a vhite Cash i mere, 15 to 25c. a wear g Underwear. These goods VV i cotton was 7 1-2 and 8o. ? 'e cut the price to 45c gar- ? & Fnnc 2 .. . ' -WL sale*h -?;? 'Wi we will have to V3* rs, we have decided "Removal SaleM for Days. offer the people of iunity bargains that are greatly reduced its, Gent's Furnish-" Parks Co. i ty ' ; /1 IE 11 COMFY. | i| I its branches from >ffin to the finest go J for children, ladies 'Supers, etc. Ilearse gg 'Phones 12 8r34. || | COMPANY. Si ^ jv-rv '