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ry. v.? " ? ..Z.' - ' * ? goxi #UU <Simc& DEMOCRATIC PUBLISHED EVKRV WKDJiESDAy B. W. BRADFORD. Teflnn of Subscription: Oi,<i year $1.00 Sfx moTi th>? 60 Three months 26 NOVMKIJKR -22, 1<>00. Col. Thompsons Handicap. Col. Henry T. Thompson, of Columbia, S'.nlo utxent for the New York Life Itisuiance Company, colonel of the Second regiment, member of the Columbia polii-e commission uud candidate for adjntant and iiiHpector ueneral to succeed Clen. John I). Frost,seems to have made considerable trouble fi ?r liiniBitlf l?o 1 ?-a /??*/? ??" I ' w? ......... it >'j it 10 v; > n - /.rn lUilh t'l forts to enforce tin; Sunday lawn in the Capital City. Ah the result of.the aetiv.ty ot the police commission, inspired, it is said, by Col. Thompson, it is now impossible to buy even a cigar in Columbia on .Sunday and there is talk by Bottle of those whose business has been curtailed by the orders of the i commission of inking the matter1 t the courts to compel the com- | tnissioiiers to see to it that the Sunday laws ale enforced impar- ; tially ? that all business and work, xcept that of absolute necessity.' hj forced t o siispend on the first J day of the week. Naturally this dissatisfaction creates speculation 'us to what effect the matter will! have on the candidacy of Col. Thompson for adjutant and inspector general next year, and those who arc in a position to know something of the fueling pver the matter mi Columbia pre. ! diet that lie will ha\e an up-hill! tight to carry the city, which is practically Kichlaud county,, against Col. J. C. Hoyd, of the j First regiment, byjwhom he will lie ! Opposed. So it woliivl sccill that 1 Col. Thompson enters the race tor this office with an unusual hamiicap, for when one asks to he sleeted to a S ate otlh o lie should be in a position to assure the voters that he has strong hopes of flattering endorsement hy his home county. ]3ut perhaps Col. Thompson will rely on the old adage that "a nrouhct is not without honor snve in hi? own country.'' I ?? Talks About the Town. We don't know what work tin* i Village Juiprovemeiit Society Ims in vit'w, t>ul we would like to uee the ladies work up interest in the mutter of planting shade trees, along the streetH of the town Nothing mhls more to the beauty j of h town or the comfort of its citizens in hot weather than goon shade, and Fort Mill needs more of it. The tail season is the best time of tlie year to put out trees, and the sooner the better, so that the dirt may settl" well around the : roots before the sap rises in the ' Spring. With electric lights and cement ; pay* mollis the m .in street of Fort Mill has assumed a decidedly city, like appearance. No longer does one have to grope along through the darkness over sticks and atones ' hut can walk along good and well ligiited street as will bo found in in oh l cities. May the good woi k continue until all the streets of the town have been paved and lighted. Had you thought about it, all the physicians of the town, with ii.,. ..v,.. ..r i:..~ ... n ? ? ? v> v. .?v* J/I iv/ii *?i > "II , I I V r I'll V UII federate hin et. Then there is also three 1). l>'s. hml a veterinary on the name street. We hnve always believed in niviny credit where it is due, so here is n bunch ??t tsowere for the town council. It is not u qinVion that the present council has done more for the improvement of b\ut Mill than any former conn-il did <n one year's tiuie. The streets are in better shape generally and are kept cleaner thnri ever before. The present council is composed chief IV of vounu' men those who are looking forwaid t<> tin* time when the town hue grown t?? a city and tire tint doing things by halves. The town's welfare has been well guarded, its funds liandled and in Vented in a business-like manner, and we offer congratulations to the c tuncil for its excellent work. And another matter. The books of registration are now open and it behooves ?very citizen who iH enti led to vote to trot a certificate to tlmr effect. An election for town officers will be field early Hi January, and, should there lie a change of arlmipistration, it would be a grave mistake to put in a Council that would neglect or drop the good work which the ptesei t pouucil has begun. llegister it |H&can Hird let s elect a set of yoatig biibiuess men who will continue to do things in a business Id v.BSS % "'-.?. Xi-i. A Larger jChaingangJ At Mr. Brice-'s prohibition mpet- j ' iii^r ip the coqrt house Monday, | ' siys the New Era, a resoldt on was j adopted askiup that the legislature I be "tnetnorialisjed to p-ovide pin' ishiueut for the violation of thej I liquor laws by service on the chain ' L'aup without the alternative of a j | line, and to attach to the same j I penalties that are provided for the ! : sellinp of the same." If the lepis- j lalure aids favorably on this we 1 may look forward to a preatlv aup- ! | inented chaingang force with the) j prospects of many miles of good j | roads. However, it will be a ruth- } i cr pathetic picture to see Home of j i our esteemed prohibition friends! manipulating the pick and shovel ; on the public highway as a penance for having slaked th ir thirst with blind tiger liquor. But if we are to have prohibition let's huve the j genuine article. Bun a fine tooth i comb through the' county and j catch everything that looks susj suspicious. Judges to be lilectedTt will be of general interest to note that a number of judicial elections will !>< held by the general assembly at its next meeting. According to the records in the office of the secretary of state the elections to be le-ld are to till the positions now held I>y Chief Juslice Pope, .Judges Daubster, Aldric.ii, Purdy, Watts, Gage and ; Klugli. These half dozen elections will 1 enliven the next session to a con- | siderable extent. It is not known whether all of the present judiei- ! ary whose terms ? xpire during the ! year 11)05 will lie candidates for ; re-election. Tln-re have been sug- ; gestions that some of the present members of the bench will retire to private life, and that they have I i :? ? r * timii ipine enough ot iDe worry unci | tribulations of 1 iff on the'beqcli. ?A Question of That. In Gold Hill academy a few days ago, Mr. S. E. Honey, the princiltni. offered a prize to any member j of the Etidlisn Grammar class who could frame a sentence containing I lie word "that" six timed consec! ulively. Oil the following tuurnind Grover Epps presented this sentence and cluiiued the prize; "I think that, that that, that that t hat modi ties is a noun." After having the olaimant parse each "that," the principal declared the sentence dramatically correct, and awarued the prize, lint on declaring the sentence dramatically correct, Mi. lioney made this re inai k: "1 believe Mr. Epps, for all that, that that that that that that, modities is an adjective." Who can make it ei^ht? ? Marriage in Steele Creek. Mr. .1. 13. Pet/ram, of Yorkyille. j and Miss Prnnkie Krwin. of Steel Check, were married Wednesday at hid') noon at tin1 home of Mr. lames Ei win, brother of the bride, lie v. E. E. Gillespie, assisted by lveV. .1 . K MeAlliiiit* t i.'rf. iiitn.i l i t he Ycretuouy, immediately after ! which the bridal dinner was I served. The jjowii of the bride was of linen, hand einbroidored. The couple drove to Yorkville, a distan t of 25 miles, where they i will reside in the future. Mr. L'egram, who was a cnndi| date in the last campaign f<u the ofli n of auditor of this county, is a prospetoiiH business man of Yorkville, being connected with a i cotton mill and a big mercantile i establishilient. Ilis bride, who is I well known here, was one of the , most popular young country women of Mecklenburg county. _ Government Seed Distribution. The department of agriculture will begin il? annual distribution of flower and vegetable seeds on December 1, and before planting time it is expected that the entire amount, aggregating HS.OOO.ttOO packages, will he in the hands of I t lie people in nil sections of the | i country. Tins enormous hulk of seeiis is subject to the order of j senators mikI representatives for distribution unions their constitt uents. the secretary of agriculture reserving one-fifth of toe entire amount to supply the statistical crop corn sound nts. the weather j bureau. Mint for other purposes. In addition to those of the vegetable and flower variety, the de-j partmetit sends out quantities of j cotton, forage and lield seeds to lo- | calilies to which they are best suited and from which it is thought ' good results may be obtained. NOT 1 E. On account of ill health, our Mr. L. ^ A. Harris has boon forced to give up i active worn in the store, temporarily. | We hope that our friends will continue ! to give us a liberal share of their trade : in his absence* We appreciate your i business and will do our best to please I you- L. A. liAKKlb &> CO. ?_ i ?y? _ i i^i The Newt of Gold Hill. * \ . ?? ? v Our 'phones $re now busy with f)ie chat of "ra'iii." and "sowing wheat" The refreshing showers Sunday nighf were quite unexpeeted but highly appreciated. All otir farmers seem in excellent spirits since they now have high hopes of next year's bread. Thuse who sowed in the dust and clods may perhaps be alidad yet, for all theirs has to do is to "come up." Mrs. Coidey Stegall died in St. Peter's hospital in Charlotte last Friday night at 10 o'clock with typhoid pneumonia, tylrs. Stegall , will lie remembered in G old Hill as Miss Mary Hamilton, a sister of Prof. Jackson Hamilton, former | principal of Gold Hill ueadetny. Mrs. fStegall attended school at Gold Hill academy during tnc j _ r i cv i i * ? I Bluing 01 1 n nil una visi eu here several times. Consequently, she had innumerable friends here who are grieved to hear of her death. She was only 21 years old, and was a bride of only one year, having been married Nov. 17th, 19Q4, jqst one year to the day. AJiss IS. Corintfe Paris returned Saturday morning from Betinottsville... .Mrs. B, M. Fur in is quite ; sick t.t t .is writing....Mrs. Tirzah j Faris is visiting her son, fch P. Fat is this week Mr. S. L. Coltharp ] has been on the cripple list for the last few days with a "stumped toe" which came near resulting seriously. Prof. S. E. Boney and Messrs. Grover and Jim Epps went with the Fort Mid team to Davidson College Saturday to play a game of foot ball with Davidson's scrub J team. We Gold Hiiliies are inclined to tlqnk, from the scon, that they will not want logo soon again. But we have always heard tlie old saying, "try, try again," j Quito an extensive tract of land belonging To Messrs, J. 11. Coltharp and Ciias. Graham, was , "burnt off" last Thursday and considerable damage resulted. The] tire was started by some boys hunting, and owing to the high wind and dry condition of things, it swept everything before it. Pleasant Vadev P?r?nnalt Mr. John M. Harris in the elianipiou shot so far this season. While out hunting Saturday evening lie succeeded in ba^trim; a lar^e wild turkey .... Mrs. O. W. Potts is on an extended visit to relatives at Gmhriesville, Bethesda and Yorkville... .O. F. Milholeu and Mrs. Laura Neely, of Leslie, spent Sunday with Prof, and Mrs, Hoke.... Messrs. Harwell and Dunn, two of Charlotte's popular drujr^ists oamo down Saturday on a hunting expedition .... Mr. J. D. Wolfe and daughters, Bessie and Ellie, spent Saturday in Charlotte .... Miss Dovie Harris and Aire. Alive Harris, of Fort Mill, spont Sunday at the home of Itev. S. J. Orniand. ....Mr. Jhb. O. Hall paid a visit to Lancaster and Fort Lawn the past week.... Mr. Oscar Faris, of Charlotte, visited his parents in this section Sunday Mr. T. W. Culp and sister, .Miss Anna, spent a few days with relatives in Fort Lawn the past week..., Mrs. Carrie Pettlis, of near tins place who lias been seriously ill for the past week, is imptoviiio. Tho 'phone line from Marvin to this place is now comple'ed to Mr. vv i> v ?5-i w . .1 xi ui mail h l rWllIt'llCt*. Doings in the "Fork." Editor Tunes: it Ins been sotvie time since thin scribe lias indited n few newsy scraps, so we will your readers something of the doings in tlie Fork. Mr. Z. V. Bradford spent Monday in Charlotte.... Miss Ada White visited friends in Kock Hill Tuesday Mr. and Mrs, Lee ; Armstrong and little daughter Kathleen spent Saturday and Sunflay with relatives and friends at Leslie.... Master lyobt. Lee. the little son of Mr. and Mrs. 0. S. , Armstrong, who has been very ill for some days, is now improving. Arbor day exercises were held at the Massey school house last Friday. The newly-built and beautifully painted school house was quite ail incentive to Miss Su-ie White, the principal, to have the school grounds beautified by planting trees. This was the most important part of the program, i)ui tlie recitations hy the chi 1 dren, along with music of all sorts,1 was the most delightful feature 01 ! the occasion. Ipse Dixit. ? ? SON IXST MOTHER "Consumption runs in our family, nncl through it I lost my mother," writes ' E. B. Reid, of Hurntony. Me. "For the past five years, however, on tliu slightest sign of a Cough or Cold. I have tak- ' en Or King's New Discovery for Con- j sumption, which has saved me from i serious luug trouble ' His mother's I death was a sad loss for Mr Reid, but i ho learned that lung trouble must not ; be neglected, and how to euro it I Quickest relief and cure for coughs and 1 colds. Price .VOc. and $1.(K); goarnu- i teed at W. B. Ardroy's drug store. Trial , bottle free. ^1-^. jli" How to Enter a Printing OfficeAt) Alnimmn exchange gives n bit of wholesome advice when it Bays: "In entering a printing office, you should advnnce to the j door and give three distinctive . raps, or kpOck the door down. The ; devil will attend to your alarm. ; You will give him your name, post 1 office address and the number of j \ears yon are owing for the paper. I He will admit you. You will ad! vnnce to the center of the room I and nud address the manager with i the following countersign. Ex! tend the right hand about two feet ' from ln? horlv w.tti tlo.! and index finger clasping a five j dollar bill, which drop into the ex- j tended hand of the manager, who will gpisp your hand and?the bill. After giving him the news of your locality you will be permitted to retire with a receipt for i hu obligation properly discharged. Beat cotton sold 011 this market : yesterday for J.1 J.-4 cents. MAN'S JJt REASONABLENESS is often as great as woman's. But Thos. 8. Austin. Mgr of the "ilepubliean," of T.eavotiworth. Intl., was not unreasonable, when he refused to al- I low the doctors to operate on his wife, for female trouble. "Instead," ho . says, "we concluded to try Kleotrie ! P.itters. My wife was then so sick, I she could hardly leave her b d and five ' ( [51 physieiuns had failed to relieve her. ; After takifig Electric Bitters, she was ; r perfectly cured and can now perform all her household duties." Guaranteed by | VV. B. Ardrey, druggist, pricoOOc. Onnliffe, who robbed ibe Adams Express company of $101,000, has been sentenced to six >ears in the , . penitentiary. j< "I THANK THE LORD!" j ! cried Hanna Plant, of Littlo Rock. Arlr. "for the relief I got from Buckleii's Arnica Salve. It cured my fearful running ' ( sores, which nothing else would heal, J and from which 1 have suffered for 5 1 years." It is a marvellous healer for I cuts, burns and wounds. Guaranteed at i Ardrey's drug store; 25 cents. i Greenville county hits joined the j anti-dispensary ranks. The vote j ( was about li to 1 against the dis- | penaary. 1 j A DISASTROUS CALAMITY. | ] It is u disastrous calamity, when you ! lose your health, because indigestion i and constiputftm have sapped it away. | Prompt relief can be had in Dr. King's i i New Life Pills. They build up your di- j gestive organs, and cure headache, diz- ; ' ziness, colic, constipation, etc. Guar-I 1 an teed at Ardroy's drug store; 23c. Proj urntions are being made for 1 c tile annual South Carolina Aletlio- 1 list conference, which meets in J Spat tatihurg next tnoiilh and the , ' ministers of that place are already ; planning for the entertainment of j ; J t he guests. b | TKPSPASS NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that all persons are warned not to bunt, fish, or ( trespass in any way on the lands of the' undersigned Anyone violating this ' | notice will be dealt with to the full ex- . tent of the law. Mrs. I,. B Witheks ,T. D. Wiyuiiiis. It E< i LSTR ATI ON NOT ICE. The books of Registration for the qualified voters of t no town of Port | Mill for the year 11)015. are now open at j the Savings Bank, between the legal | hours of 1) a. m and 3 p. in., and will I close the 22nd day of December, 11)05. W. 11. Meachum has been appointed j Registrar. Rv order of the council. \Y. U. Meachftm, Attest Iiiteiiduut. | S. W. Parks, Clerk. Muuthfiils of Deliciouses. Cigars to burn. You Enjoy the burning. The'best lesson is hut of example. I j Lenrn n vnlnnble lesson by follow- j itig tho exnmple of the discrimi- | nuting Btnokers of Fort Mill, nnd : I when you think of smoking think of us. We enrry the largest stock I nnd best assort merit of the beat Cigars?the happy, satisfying kind. We have ninny eustoniers who will i walk the length of the business pnrt of the town to net satisfaction. ' Do you persist in sacrificing it | merely for the malier of a little | convenience. | ] We keep till grades, but the I lowetit qimlity starts ut tuul jjfoea on up. W. B. Arclrey & Co. | viprctnpMr procured. OR MO FT.E. (tend m*Hl#l. akettfh.& ? or photo for free report on pnUbUHlit^ Book Doww w to Obtain IT.H nndForrifr ?*i?t*n#?nnc: fmdn-Marke. "W ! FRSK Fftircit to run over ort?rf?l to inventor* A ^PATENT T.AWYER8 OF 28 YEAR8* PRACTIC* 8) $ ,,20,000 PATENTS PROCURED THROUGH THEM. ? if) All tiu?ine*<i c??nfloontial. Sound advice. Keith***!!#) J YjaerrW. Moderate oharRM. j; |wrc. a. snow & co.| ; ft1 PATENT LAWYERS. S. Patent Office. WASHINGTON. ?4$ : ... , -v.'1 a - vw 'my*!* FOR Pure Drugs Superior Cigars Fine Candies Hot and Cold i Drinks I ] go to Buchanan's i Drug Store. OUR PRICE LIST. ; Dombining good quality ami low prices. . L'he prices quoted below are guaranteed t<> be th i lowest for quality of Goods: 1 year old Corn Whisky , per gallon $1..?0 ' I .. .. .. .. .. 1-75 < 1 ? ,, 2.00! | 1 ,, .. ., 2.26 < > ,, Tar Hoel Corn Whiskey 3.00 | I ? ,, Good Rye Whisky per gal 1.75 < i ? ,. Good Rye Whisky " " 2.?Hi 5 ,i Good llyo Whisky " " 2.50' I .. Good K?e Whisky " " ll.vto j 1 i ,, ,, Good Rye Whisky " " 1 00 i ' No charge lor vessel or parking. ! < 5Je extra will prepay express on one i to throe gallons; over 1 gallons, 75c. j i SHUtfiAN & CQ&PAHY, !j Counoil & Lee Streets; j . SALISBURY .... N.C. j < 500Q Telegraphers; EassEiissa NEEDED| (Vanualjy. lo till the near positionc created by j Railroad and Telegraph Companioa. We want ' 10UNO MKK and LADIES of good habitai to j LEARN TELEGRAPHY Anu K K A'JoUUM UiMU ? Wo furnish 75 per cent, of the Operators and ] 3tation Agents in Aniqrica. Our six schools i ' ire tho largest exclusive Telegraph Bchcola in I ;ho world. Established 20 years and endorsed j ay all leading Railway Officials. Wo execute a $250 b?pd to every stnlotil to furnish him or her a position paying from $ in to $(>h a month in states astoftho Rocky mountains, or from r7*> to $100 a month in status west of the Rockies, immediately upon graduation. Students can enter at any time. >>'o rural ions. L^or full particulars regarding any of onr schools write direct to mr executive otlice tit Cinoincati. Ohio. Catalogue free, Motm' Nr.lioo 1 of Ti-li^raphy, Cincinnati, Ohio. Buffalo, N Y. Atlanta, Oa. T.a<'rosse. Wis. roxarkuna, Tex. San Francisco, Cul. I ZO YEARS'EXPERIENCE, "ur CHARGES ARC E B TMC LOWEST. Sena model, pliota or sketch for H expert peercb enl fi Ulty. I X INFRINGEMENT KUtln <ondiulrd Ix-fui hII M court*.' I'nu-ntx ol.UJnt?l through M, AOVER- U TISEO and SOLO, frt-i. TRADE-MARKS, PEN. B SIONS And COPYRIGHTS quickly ol.tiunod. 5 Opponlts U. O. Patent Office, S I LIMITED MEANS OR EDUC ?i_i. i/un t.uvg ukaduaTE ?. R r AR" V \ 11?. i!l> i im it ?h ho, (\ a ? a i a r[ 50U Iree Counei. VJ ' ? L?r\ i_> V TIIEIIE IS MONEY 01U Prof. Hownrd of (lie Missoini Stnt dviae American fai int ra to cultivutt ized. It Ih h Imidy plant and in nisi tin- Pennsylvania Suite Collude in pi Ciiiist iit; root i> rapidly diminishing, rospotidinvdy increasing, white tlieo China stands as a guarantee of m stei lure."? Consul (ie or'11 HnMee of II Fuller repoi (h; The 8 of (linsi'iitr large lit re and the demand is s > gtea posed of advan ng? onsly, l ie- root i< .1 ! ..Ill' mi * urru iu;tu<)ii v ese as is ihetr lire. Gingeng is a staple on the inaiket ton. The picseui :ua:ket j iiee v.irii while the <ust of producing is less ti reqnir.s v-ry lit;! ground. An nci $40.0t?. There is room in one's gard lass worth each year. The plant thri ami Canada in any soil or climate tl \\ sell rm>ts and t- > ds for planting to make moil y growing Ginseng, spring and fall. NV ith eiu h order we and care for the gulden. Yon can g a small outlay and n mil have a luce day for literature telling nit about lh BUCKINGHAM'S G1 Growers nud ZANESVILLE, .... v jjs'j *" &r*'' SLL. -,l< '.l. / : -a ja_b When in the Marked FOR I GOOD WHISKIES, WINES, j BRANDIES, ETC., I CaIjL on or write J JoIhiMottI?. I R. O. Boy 97, I SALISBURY, - N. C. I TO Oil* FRIENDS! I We nre now located at 124 ?." I Council street, Salisbury, N. C.t V und solicit your trade. We have 1 n hand a complete line of the I !> et Whiskies, Wines, Brandies, I Etc., and can supply your Wants I with anything in our line. Our j Mr. M. A. Teeter, formerjy of Charlotte, has personal supervision jf our shipping department and ill mail orders receive prompt and rareful attention at his hands. Ask (or price list and order alank with yonr order. \V. H. HOOVER & CO., SALISBURY. N. C. Phone 248. ijj | THE . ]| ! ACME 1 , I I t BARBER SHOP, 5 I ' I i? N. L. Carothers, |! j! Proprietor, $ L * MODEL Steam Laundry. I J CHARLOTTE, ? ? N. C. > i PRICE LIST. Shirts 10c Shirts, new, l-.HiC I Collars 2o : Cuffs, per pair 4c Undershirts 8c Drawers 8c , 5-ocks, per pair 8c Handkerchiefs, linen 8c Handkerchiefs, silk 5c Pants 25c to 75c j i Coats 25c to 75c ; Vests 25c ; Shirt-Waists 15c tip : Curtains 50e up ! Blankets, single,'15c; double, 2"c Counter paues 10c Table Cloths 10c I i FELMMSY-PARKS GO. Agents, I FORT MILL. ? ? ? S. C ? No Gloss Cakriaok Paint Madk vi 11 wear as long as Devoe's. No others re ns ncavy bodied, because Devoo's reigh 3 to a ounce a more to the pint. k>ld bv V\*. B. Ardrey & Co . . ... - 1 ^ i?v A $5,000 'if? nfrfd hank ,>kvosit att o n no hindrance. s at work. write today to JS. COLLEGE, Macon Ga. J---- ? IN )WING GINSENG. e Agricultural College says: "I Ginseng. I?ig prorite are really grown."?A bulletin iaaued by irt says: "The supply of native and Ilu* price per pound ia coronatant demand for the drug in idy market for Ginseng in tlie fuong Kong >ay.s in the U. S. Coi\* iout grown in America is very t that liincli more could be dis . <.o luisLytriibiiuie 10 Ule Iour-liuiin the same as corn, wheat and cotph fi'ittn S^OO to $8 ?0 per pound, win $1.50. It is easy to i^iow nnd ( of mntme.l Ginseuu is worth en to jjjrow several hundred clolives throughout the United States lint will grow gnrden vegetables, pui poses and call show you how There ?re two planting ?? iibdiih, give full instructions how to plant et a good stir' to the business for income. Send two cent slump tola wonderful industry. NSENG GARDEN Exporters OHIO I 1