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A TRULY IBEAL WIFE HER HU8B*HB'g REST HELPER VteorouB Health la the Qreat Source of the Power to Inspire and Hnoourace All Women Should Seek It. One of the most noted, successful and richest men of this century, in a recent article, hao said, " Whatever I am and whatever success I have attained in this world I owe all to my wife. From the day 1 first knew her she has been an inspiration, and the greatest helpmate of my life." j r To be such a successful wito, to reta in the love and admiration of her husband, to inspire him to make tho suost of himself, should be a woman's ?onstnet study. , If a woman finds that her energies are (lagging, that she gets easily tired, dark shadows appear under her eyes, ??he has backache, headaches, bearingdnwn pains, nervousness, whites, irregularities or the blues, she should start at once to build up her system by n tonic with specific powers, such as I .yd in K. 1'inkhazn's Vegetable Compound. Following we publish by request a letter from a young wife: Hear Mi's. Pinknnm: " Ever since my child was born I have suffered, as I hope few women ever have, with inflammation, female weakness, bearing-down pains, backache nn?l wretched headaches. It affected niv stomach so 1 could not enjoy iny innds, and half niv time was spent in tn-d. ?r.^ii. v 1X..1.1:?' ? ' J ?- '"MiiUll > CgVUHMt' LOUl|H>UD<l mrulo mo a well woman,ana I feel so grateful that 1 am Rl;i<i to write and toll j on of my marvelous recovery. It brought me health, Dev.* iuVmill vitality."?Mrs. Bessie Ainsley, till South 10th Street, Taoonia, Wash. What l/vdia E. Finkham'.s Vegetable Compound <1 Id f>,f Mrs. Ainsley it will do for ovcrv sick and ailing' woman. I If you have symptoms you don't understand write to Mrs. Fink ham, at Lynn, Mass. Her advico is free and Always helpful. ^ d GUARA'** 4^- A/\A BANK DEPOSIT R-R'FarePaid. NotesTakon ^ 7 roo free courses Board at Cost. Write Quick 1E0RC.I A-ALABAMA BUSINESS COLLEGE. Macon. Ga women! will find in Mozlky's I.kmon Kl| flfl Elixir, the ideal laxative, a pleasant and thoroughly re- H |B liable remedy, without the la least danger or possible harm SB Kh to them in any condition peculiar to themselves. i?| 1^4 Fleasant in taste, mild in 5fM action and thorough in results. Mas B Tested for 35 years. EM*j 50c. and $1.00 per bottle at III all Drug Stores. jjjftj g MOZLEY'S i {? LEMON ELIXIR B fyjr,' "One Dose Convince*." tol |$1.0QQT"BeGivenfor Reliable Information We will give One Dollar for a Postal Card giving the first reliable newt of I a chance to sell a horizontal steam engine of our styles, within our range B of sizes. We do not want inquiries at B this time for vertical, traction or gas B engines. lATLAS B ENGINES AND BOILERS B have for year* been the standard for all attain B riant*. Beat of material and workmanship. B Our big output onablea ua to tell on small profB !< - An Atlaa, the beat in the world, coat* no B more than the other kind. ^ Writ* today for our special offer. atlas engine works! I Sailing acaaclae In all eitta* INDIANAPOLIS I H Corliss 1 nrinc* High Speed Engines W?WrTah?Bollsn I ronrVglw I'nsinM Ct>iii)H>tiod Engines TuLular HoiUr* B^ <$i A u toui all r Kii^tuos Throttling Knf in as PortAbl# Uoilvrs H a Has Engines in snrricn 3,000,000 HP. ^ ^ a Has HoiWrs in scttica ii. P. John ^hUe & 3 HflMTFT^ A.tdreoi of <1> parwia or 1 1 9 [ill) 1 I- I 1-- > art Indian blood wli<> ara 111"'' noi ltvinif wi'h an y trlba. Ill 'Jloi p ?*n who worn drnftod In Kentucky, 3 2U ;S) .if mother* of aoldior" who h**" l*"*? If Hg ili'iilcd |<on?lon on account of thalr r?> M m irriairr. ( > of men who acrved In t h*> r ed* 5 oral army, or <6) the nearoit kin of ouch | * oolillrr* or oalh'ro now iloci'Mwl NATHAN 1IK KlOltl), Attorney, \S uohiiiMlon, I), t. I CflN I: V ISl.AN l? MOUVKNIK POST I t'A It OS. Mix l*auliful colored ar?n*a for Mo Coney IaUn.1 Voatal Card Co.. Coney Inland. N.V. MM M^MS U Beat (\iu?h Syrup. Taataa Jood. Vn .El In lima. Aold brdrtualiU. M PR.ICK?/r=r\25 cti m mm I srfo cm fwfro^h II If p*. IN ONE DAY mji ** ? ANIHRIPINE ^ ????. NO fOKAl POR KtADACit kt ^ c*a ,or *"ul -* ' ->iW?Fii . JF. W. Diet Btat* or Omio, Citt or Toudo, i looas ooomti. f Fun j. ubbbbt make oath that b* (? Mnior partner ot the Arm of F. J. Cum a Co., doing business in the city ot Toledo. County and State aforesaid, end that said ilrm will pay the sum ot obb bondbbd dollinn for eaoh and erery oaae ot catabbb that oannot be cured by the use of HaWs Catabbb Cobb. Fbamb j. Cbbnbt. 8 worn to before me and subscribed In my , ???. presence, this 6th day of Decern* jsbal. v bor, a. d., 1880. a. w. glbasox, ' ?>? ' JVotary Public. Holt's Catarrh Curels taken Internally, and aotsdlreotly on the blood and mucous sur* f A/^AU i\t thn avutam UanH iaail lree. F. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo, O. Hold by all DruMists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Fills for eoustlpatlox Burs are short livcil?especially humbugs. Taylor's Cherokee Remedy of Hwnet Gem and Mullen la Nature's Rrcat retnp<jy-Curei Coughs, Colds, Croup and Consumption, and all throat and lung troubles. At druggists, 25c., 50c. and $1.00 per bottle. A woman's idea of frankness is to have some man tell her how nice he think she is. So. 45. ECZEMA FOR TWO YEARS Little Girl'* Awlul SulTerlng Willi Terrible Skin Uuuior ? Sleeplr** Nig lit* For Mother?Speedy Cure by Cutlcura. "My little girl had been suffering for two yearn Iroin eczema, and during that time 1 could not get a night's sleep, as her ailment was very severe. 1 had tried so ninny remedies, deriving no benefits, 1 bad given up all bopc. But as a last resort 1 was persuaded to try Cuticura, and one box of the Ointment, and two bottles of the Resolvent, together with the Soap, effected a permanent cure. Mrs. 1. B.Jones, Addiugton, Ind. T." FITSpermauentlyeiired. No Htsur norvousness after first day's use of Dr. Klino's Groat NervoRestorer.t'dtriulbottloand treatise free Dr.K. H. Klink, Ltd., t?Sl Arch Ht.,Philn.,Pa Iceland produces most of the world's supply of eiderdown. Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup for Children t fteus thogu ins. reduces Inflnmmatlon,allavs pain,cures wind colic,25c.a bottle The number of immigrants from Germany last year was 27,9R4. lam sure Piso's Cure lor Consumption saved my lifothroo years ago. ?Mrs. Thomas Robkuts, Maple St., Norwich, N.Y., Feb. 17,1900 Japan's tea crop will, it is leared, be about ? 500,000 pounds short this year. CONGRESSMAN COULDEN Find* Quick ltcllef From llladder Troulilti Through Dunn'* Kidney l'lll*. Hon. Joseph A. GouUlen, Member of ('aneress ronrosontinir tlio IStli Dis trict of New York. 1 1 ^ n'8? trustop of ^1P Soldiers' Home at iffSIr1 Gentlemen: A9 VJR , many of my friends v 1 11 have used Doan's y '' Sidney rills and liaee been cured of kidney and bladder troubles, I feel it tuy duty to recommend the medicine. From personal experience I know Doan's Kidney Pills will cure intlammation of the bladder, having experienced relief the second day of using the medicine. (Signed) J. A. GOITLDEX. Sold by all dealers. r>0 cents a box. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y\ When the wise guy fails he considers the man who succeeds a lucky fool. QliR SIMPLE SELF-INSTRUCTOR" WILL WAR* AN V ANO CViRV CHORD ON TMl QSCA* Ot Uki\ JUtT AS NAIN AS tHL C> * **> * ^ TfjH Mt (MID lilt 10 It nC' IUAW """' yl AlfFTttl to NVMt CAN 81A* f?k C?0?D??H? IT11U XT [ T t hi am i nit it HAtau ail mi t hosd* oi itti A\ USUI At AVIllll If' V- *r'. t II t KM OVDLN ?AI*C\ Nt)*f jy N JpTl I 1 rrT " t y yj ( J bin \ ?MffDol tr-? :cun 1 "^51 %lA"p s toe?iw aicBT *o? wimsKiios kar-flfRIX MUSIC CO. ZTZZn V CHARlOdt N C f?05 Tal.tlldg] THERE IS NO SLICKER LIKE f'SB HJ#!> Forty yeors aqo"* and after mary years of use on the eastem'cosst. Tower a Waterproof Oiled Coots}were introduced in the West and were'colled Slickers by the pioneers and cowboys.yThis ^r&phic none has come into such general use that it is frequently though wrongfully applied to moiy substitutes. aoiTwant the flenwve fLook for the Si$r of the fish, and the name Towe^ on the buttons. ' MAPI IN BLACK AND YULOW AW SOLD C>V REPRESENTATIVE TRADE THE WORLD OVER in li.XTOWtt CO.BOSTON. MASS.U.iA. TOWtR CANADIAN CO.b?U< TOIONTO. CAW. ! Good Teeth cel Good Temper Arc characteristic of the Atkins Saws always. \ nr* i t i i nat is because tney are made of the best steel in the world ? Silver Steel ? by men that know how. Alkins Sawe, Corn Knivet, Perfection Floor Scrapcra, etc , are ?o!d by all (ood hardware dealers. Catalogue on rc>)ue*t. E. C. ATKINS (EL CO. Inc. I.argett Saw Manufacturers in the World Factory and Executive Office*, Indianapolis IrANrxits?New York, Chicago, Minneapolis Portland (Oregon), Seattle, San Krancltco Memphis, Atlanta and Toronto (Canada) T Accept no substitute- latlit on tho Atkins Brand IT iOLD BY 0000 DEALERS r\GtYWffPfT~fl 11 w " TI-GRIPINE GUARANTEED TO CURE ) COLD, HEADACHE AND MEURALDIA. H Crlplnr to s detltr who won't Guarantee It MONEY BACK. IF IT DOMY'T flJll, scr, M.K*., Manufacturer, kprinff/lrid, Jfo t. V Vi GIVE THANKS Thursday, November 30th is the Day Set Apart THE PROCLAMATION ISSUED Reciting the Origin of the Custom Among the Early Settlers, the PresTrlrtft A rl"o fPh-i WL. > ? I 4UV11V XXOIVO X licit JLUU jreupio UD- 1 serve the Day by Thanksgiving For the Past and Prayer for the Future. Washington, Special.?The President lias issued his proclamation naming Thursday, November 30th next as a day for thanksgiving. The proclamation follows: By the President of the nited States of America, a Proclamation. When, nearly three centuries ago, the first settlers came to the country which has now become this great republic, they fronted not only hardships hut terrible risk to their lives. In those grim years the custom grew of setting apart one day in each year for a special service of thanksgiving to the Almighty for preserving the people through the changing seasons. The custom has now become national and hallowed by immemorial usage. We live in easier and more plentiful times than our forefathers, the men who with rugged strength faced the rugged days; and yet the dangers to national life are quite as great now as at any previous time in our history. It is eminently fitting that once a year our people should set apart a day for praise and 1 hanksgiving to the (liver of good, and, at the same time, that they express their thankfulness for the abundant mercies received, should manfully acknowledge their shortcomings and pledge themselves solemnly ami in good faith to strive to overcome them. During the past year we have been blessed with bountiful crops. Our business prosperity has been great. No other people lias ever stood on as 11 - ? uigu it icvei 01 material weil-neing as ours now stands. We are not threatened by foes from without . The foes from whom we should prav to be delivered are our own passions, apatites and follies; and against these there is always need that we should war. Therefore, 1 now set apart Thursday. the dOtli day of this November, as a Day of Thanksgiving for the past and of prayer for the future, and on that day 1 ask that through out the land the people -rather i-i their homes and plaees of worship, and in rendering thanks unto the >1 >st High for manifold of the past year, consecrate themselves *.o a life of clcnlincss, honor and wisdom, so that 111is? nation may do its allotted work on the earth in a manner worthy of those who founded it and of those who preserved it. * In witness thereof, 1 have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be aflixed. Done at the City of We. sh inert on, this second day of November, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and five, and of the independence of the United States the one hundred and thirtieth. (Seal) TIIKODOHU WOOSKYKLT. By the President. KMIir ROOT. Seeretary of State. News Notes. The woman whoso torso was found in a dress-suit ease in Boston harbor and whose arms and legs were pieked up in another ease was identified by means of rings on the lingers as Miss Ktelicl Durrell, a chorus trirl from the "Shepherd Kins:" Company. Five minor officials of the Westmoroland Coal Company were killed hy an explosion when they entered the Ila/.el Kirke mine, at Hazel Kirke, Pa., to ascertain whether a fire started some weeks npo was out. Two hundred natives were killed by Portugese troops whom they ainhushod in Portuguese, A Vest Africa. President Louhct was welcomed to Lisbon, Portugal. Navy Unfit For Rattle. Washington, Special. l'ear Admiral Charles W. Kae, engineer-in-ehiof of the United Stnt'-s navy, i:i his annua! report t rls at'ention "to the critical condiPon of engineering: in the I'nited States navy" and ]?oints to the explosion on the gunboat .Pennington in San Dieuo harbor, which, he says, most forcibly emphasizes the necessity of serious and immediate attention. The report says: "Were the country suddenly pi imped into war the navy would find itself in no condition to win battles. Current Happenings. The Lake Molionk Conference of Friends of the Indians and Other Dependent People opened at Lake Mohonk. N. Y., Rev. Dr. Lyman Abbott presiding. The Federal Court in Chicago sustained the demurer of the meat packers to the live indictments ehnrginu monopoly, hut dismissed the demurrer to the five alleging conspiracy. *1 \ UNCLB SAM?"A Eemedfy TU Smcb Badorsemente Stem Be in Every Home." Election Returns Thai W I N C Jffl "LEADER" AND "RE Carefully inspected 'Hi give invariable resu |B ilty of Winchester ' are determined THE SHELLS TH FOR EMERGENC And for the Sto< NOTHINC CAREFUL] experiment: many ~ years, hai f clusivelv that th< Potash is essen duction of big eared corn. Let us send you our practic many other careful crop-feeding without any cost or obligation. Address, OIZKMAN New York -9J Nassau Street. or I A N I' SCKir I'lKf. I ;,1\mri'iit l.mnl Quickly. JWrilM. Also i>rojrr?*?Mvt' mmi i'b?iuiu< titration should corns here. Hugo Senbersk Raton, N Mexico 80745? ??i?rarfffrmiiraai | DO YOU BE I A Full Sized Box jrr Science declares it tli? only way t belch? It means a diseased stomach gestion. dyspepsia, burning pains an 0 colic, sick In-: dache, implt's. bail en 1 low and take it to any druggist in t (Mull's A To convince you that it cures. > Hj Harmless. No drugs. Stomach trou S tlicy cat up the stomach and make yo H That is why we let you try it free. I Take thl? n to vnnr rtruvtriat and he * w? (jl\ * on)> one ll<>x to ?<rh family. If >nu ran I ami address of the druititlsti ami ? ( *II send you a 1 Mull's Grape Ionic Co.,? 2 131 Rock Island, III. H f??????? * To the Retail Druggist: conpoo to to tbf Jobber of whoii ^ am! h* will irlv? yon 60 rent* in < ^ properly huihM, which you nanj 11VV.**' O aisfactlti 3 ^C'JWT O It-tall l>rii,itf|!?t. sjf g Jj(| -y j- but t i our iul\ i* \ ^>4 ! interest A/I Parties^ ^ HESTER PEATER" SHOTGUN SHELLS shells, the best of powder, loaded by machines which Its account for the superior Leader" and "Repeater" mokeless Powder Shells. , r, pattern and penetration by scientific apparatus 3 cperiments. They are | E CHAMPIONS SHOOT IES AT HOME I ;k on the Farm; EQUALS UA A *!? iic vnccii Mimacpue arlce, 25c., 50c. and $ 1.00. Dr. EARL S. SLOAN, I 1 15 Albany St., Boston, Mass. I , L/Y conducted s, ranging over /e proved con- i 2 liberal use of i; tial to the proyields of full:al books telling of these and tests; they are free to farmers Send name and address. I KALI WORKS. Atlanta, Oa.?22),' So. Br.aJ Stmt. 1 fcl| A 1)1 F.N CHOICE" Shtrt-\V?l*t and Skirt I Holder. No ruined wabtii. bleeding fingers or 1 untldlnens. hat *lv*ay* iu*?t. trim. up-to-date, Kach25c..6for $1. O. K.ttui?i?ly i?K ?.\Icnd?ttt, lli. LCH? BAC o cure stomach trouble. A now method, i. Are you afflicted with short breath, gas id load weight in pit of stomach, acid stot inplcxion, bad breath or any other stoma* lie United States and he will give you abt nti Belch bulling else like it known. It's sure and ble en n't bo cured otherwise?so snys Mh u worse. You will know that it will cun CUT OUT THIS COUPON. KB CUT OUT ON THIS LINE. & ! Ill tr|v?. \ r i n ri'^nlnr full ?iz?> .lor Wot of Mull'* Antl 1 In.I n ilriirfiflit wnu ilo?"? imt kooj. Mull'* Antl llnkli M lutmplti tiy until. 1'atietit. tl lakers. II08. Ail ntri FEE RElit^iiiiy tlnio ill 9 ao YEARS' EXPERIENCE. OurCMiiaU Aortlta . Q TH? L9WIIT. 8i'udm.x|.|,iJwloif?l?llM?nil it K ?xi*>rt M-iir. li mil froe rnpuil on i>? ,i K1 INFRINGEMENT Fill In rontlMrU <1. l't' OB courts. I'k' u'.* obtained tlimiiuti I | , , I TISED Ani'sS?OLD, ft?. TIIAPE-Ml HONS .uii! COPYRIGHTS qmcLl lie B Oppoelte U. 8. Patent < ?^ concentrated GRAB ORCHARD water. 1*9* Nature's great remedy for Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Constipation. Stimulates the Liver, regulates the Bowels and keeps the entire system ina healthy condition. A natural product with a record of a century. If afllicted try it. Sold by all druggists. Crab Orchard Water Co., LOUISVILLE. KY. W. L. Douglas *3=& ?3-l? SHOES W. L. Douglas S4.00 Cilt Edge Lino cannot be equalled at any price. __ - ?... T ? ? ^ W.L. DOUG LAS MAKES AMD SELLS MORE MEM'S S3. AO SHOES THAR MKT OTHER MAMUFAOTURER. CI H nnn REWARD to anyone who can ) I U,UUU disprove this statsmont. W. L. Douglas $v.5t> shoes have by their excellent .style, easy fitting-, and superiorwearing qualities, achieved the largest sale of any $J.5D shoe In the world. Thev are lust as good as those inset cost you 55.1)6 to $7.00 ? the only difference Is the price. If I could take you Into my factory at Brockton, Mass., the largest In the world under one roof snaking men's fine shoes, and show you the care with which every pair of Douglas shoes Ls mode, you would realize why W. L. Douglas 5J.50 shoes are the best hues produced in the world. If I could show you the difference between the hoes made In my factory and those of other mokes, you would understand why Douglas 5.1.50 shoes cost more to make, s hy they hold their shape, fit better, wear lunger, and are of greater Intrinsic value than any other $3.50 (hoc on the market to-day. W. L. Douf/lma Strong Mario Shoom for Mon. S3.SO, S3.00. Boys' School A Droma Shoom.S3.SO, S3, SI.15,SI.BO CAUTION. ? Insist upon having W. L.Doug?s shoes. Truro no substitute. None genuine vitliout his name and price stamped on bottom. tVAXTKI). A shoe dealer in every town wln-ro A'. I? Douglas Shoos are not sold. * Full line of Ainples s?-nt free for inspection upon request, i Fast Color CRelets used; thrif will not wear brassy. Write for Illustrated f'atalog of Fall Styles* W. L. DOt'OI.AS, Itrockton. Xlaae. troubled with ills peculiar to their sex, used as a douche is raarvelously soc:esstul. Thoroughly cleanses, kills disease germs, tops discharges, heals inflammation and local oreness, cures leucorrhcea and nasal catarrh. l'axtine is in powder ioim to be dissolved in pure water. and is far more cleansing, healing, germicidal iud economical lhau liquid antiseptics ior ail TOILET AND WOMEN'S SPECIAL OSES For sale at druggists, CO cents a box. Trial Box and Book of Instructions Free. Ihs a. Paxton Company Boston. Mam. Dropsy! jr Removes nil swelling >n Stoao I 1 daya; effects a permanent cure y<V in joto oo days. Trial treatment fsBCS: given free. Nothlngcan be fairee leiTBjSTlf 4 T nis Write Or. H. H. Green's Son*. I SeoclaHtU. Bu B Atlanta. ?' ~ CATARRH Is the mother of CONSUMPTION. Our OABBOI.ATE of IODINE POCKET INHALEH t? a gunrantocri euro. Prioofsl.OO. W. H. SMITH Sl CO., 01 Buffalo. N. Y.Sole Manufacturer* and Propre. ) BREATH ? it Your Druggist's Ry absorption. No drugs. Do yon , sour eructations, heart pains, lndlnaoh. distended abdomen, dizziness, h torture? Cut out tl:e coupon be;o!lll?*lv fi\f nli'ifirn " ?i,ll --v .. *.?. Vk VMUI(|U U liUil n Wafers! pleasant. Cures by nl>sorption. E lieal Seienoe. Drugs won't (lo? H i you as soon as you begin its use. M Nch Wafer* nhnnlulrly Irrr. Iteinember, I afera semi u* this Coui on. together with name H O tni your name here. fj o et and ouiiilwr here. ^ ????????? O >u will please accept thl* Coupon If the ^ tie Is properly slimed, and ptve to the re- -t ly from you fi> cent* In cash or trade for X name and nddrex* an?l forward all eon- ? yon like, an.l we will remit yon In lull y? for eneh coupon properly signed by the yoliraell. C 2 cn >r. dan your name here ^ Aildre-m here 21 mmmsmmmammmmmmmBMit