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Hf f 5 n*?MS ol LOCAL INTfeRHPT J Mr. P. E. Ardrey, n student of tha South Carolina College, spent Sunday at his home here. Mr. Saml. L. Johnston, of Rook > Mill, was a visitor hare Friday and paid The Times a pleasant cnll. Mr. Ernest Armstrong, of Char, lotte, spent Monday and yesterday ' at the home of his parents in this township. Mr. R. Butler, of Greenwood, formerly superintendent of the Millfort Mill, was n visitor to Fort Mid Monday. Miss Mattie Thomasson. of Rook Hill, who hns been visiting relatives in Charlotte, spent Friday night at the home of Dr. T. 1>. tneacham, before returning to her home on Saturday, Mr. aud Mrs. iV. M. Kimbrell, /came up from Columbia Sunday morning to gtleud the funeral of the latter's sister, Miss Eunice Sledge, in Steel Creek. Mr. R. M. Pounds, of the Stone /& Barringer Company, Charlotte, paid a hurried visit to some of his old friends here Monday. Mr. Pounds is an tillable young gentleman who is meeting with the success in the business world which gentility and real worth command, ^and his presence in this community is a source of gratification. Negro Brute Attacks Young Lady. Excitement was rife in (he Gold Hill section Sunday and Monday as the result of an assault kSaturiday afternoon 011 the 15-year-old daughter of a white farmer of that ^neighborhood named McKinuey hy an unknown negro man. The girl had been sent to a pasture near her Home to drive the /cows up to the barn yard. She did jiot return within h reasonable length of time and the mother, be- 1 coming apprehensive at the delay, /let out in search of her daughter, caning ner every lew steps pfter .entering the pasture. It seems tluit the girl did not readily locate the jCows and was going through a clump of bushes iu search of them <was confronted by an unknown fiegro man who leveled a shotgun *t her, suyiug that if she made an outcry or attompted to run he would kill her. Fortunately a few inonients after the negro had ''eaptured" the girl, the cries of her mother were heard by the negro ^nd as the mother neai ed the place arhere h? and the girl were the (legro, tearing detection, ran and eft the girl to return home with lier mother without having harmed ner in a physical way, News of the assault did not bezoo me generally known until Sunday morning, when a large posse was formed and a thorough search of the neighborhood took place. (The search was continued Monday bat without success. It is said that fi negro named Caleb White, who i has since disappeared, is suspected .of having committed the deed. The Farmers' Inning. The fnllowi ng incident occurred jon our streets Saturday afternoon: A farmer was comiin; into town with a load of wood and was met by a citizen, when the following . colloquy took place: Citizen?"Hello there, how much wood have you on that wagon V' Farmer?"One cord." Citizen?"What will you take for it?" Farmer?"Three dollars." Citizen?"Thunderalion, old fel- j }oyr, don't you know I cant nay $3.00 per cord for wood?" Farmer?"I don't give a cent whether you can or not. Cotton in bringing 11 centa per pound and I have my own hrend and meat at home, and I don't have to jtell wood for a living." The farmer got his price. /i Sad Deathlin Steel Creek. After an illneaM of several weeks Miss Eunice Sledge, a daughter of ! Mr. nud Mrs. James Sledge, died early Sunday morning at her home in Steel Creek. Miss Sledge iuid been n student at a Charlotte college for several months, and about five weeks ago whh stricken ill with fever. She returned to her j home nnd it was only ten days ago that she would consent to take her bed. From that time she grew won-e nnd despite all that skilled physicians and loving hands could do, she was relieved only when death came. Miss Sledge was about 26 years of age and is stir- | vivcd by a father and mother and i several brothers and sisters. ... . h NOTICE. I will meet tho 'lax-Payers of Fort Mill township in Fort Mill on Wednesday, the 8tk, and Thursday, the ?th, days of November, for tho purpose of receiving Ftate, County and Special Taxes for the year 1906. Also Commutation Road Taxes for the year 190G will be received. H A,D. NEELY, County Treasurer. PltMMt Vallty Htmt. Mr. W. D. Tkerrell had the misfortune a few days ago to lose a tine hoj;, which by some means had broken one of its legs. The Bailee bridge has been repaired and ie now ready fur the traveling public. The Pleasant Valley school opeued oil Inst Monday. The attendance is stuull but will be larger Uter on. Mrs. O. VV. Potts gave n dining Wednesday. Those present were Miss Annie Morrow, of Monroe; Miss Blanche Morrow, of Charlotte; Miss Cloud Hall, of Ardrey's and Mrs. Jae. P. Harris and I)r. R. M. Potts, of thiB place.... Albert Harris, who has been clerking for Davidson & Potts, lias returned to his home in Pineville, where he will enter school Rev. SSharpe, of the Van Wycke circuit, was in Pleasant Valley Monday on business...,,. White Cousart, of Charlotte, spent Saturday night and Sunday with relatives hero Robert Bickett, who is attending a business college in Charlotte, spent Sunday with his parents at this place.... Miss Eunice Hall, of Ft. Mill, has been spending a few days witli her sister. Mrs. .T. W. Hall, of Pleasant Valley.... Misses Annio Morrow, of Monroe, and Blanche Morrow, of Charlotte are visiting relatives here and at Ardrey's. .. .Mrs. C. II. ltoss has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Justice, of Charlotte.... Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Potts spent a couple of days in Charlotte the past week. ....Mr. Jas. P. Harris, Pleasant Valley's truckman, took a load of his produce to Charlotte last week. in? news 01 uoiq Hill. The farmers nre badly in need of rain, for sowing wheat. Some preparations for sowing are still being made, but there will hardly be any sown until the rain conies. Our prophets say it will not be very far otT, at this writing, because the weather has moderated considerably within the Inst few few days. Then, some say they have u touch of rheumatism, which they claim is a "shore" sign. The school is increasing attain, owing to the scarcity of cotton to pick. Miss Corinne F#ris. the arsistant, will soon bo ret]uirod to resume her work. The Children's Day exercises at Philadelphia church Suuday afternoon were successful, A children's day fund was taken, which amounted to $2.50. Master Claude Faris met n "lucky hit" with a box of fish Saturday. The box was left uncalled for at the 'depot and Claude secured the entire box by paying express charges which were $2.10, He made quite a sum from them; and failing to soli some of them he "set" his fellow friends "up" to a fi>h fry at the academy Saturday night, lie is one of Cold Hill's jolliest specimens; he is invariably into something which is of a lively nature. All who participated in his fish fry report the jolliest, "funniest" time of their litre* Good for Claude! Part of the Flint Hill choir mot at S. C. Paris' Saturday afternoon. All the members of the choir are requested to meet with the organist Saturday evening at 8 o'clock. Misses Corinne Paris and Annie Crook Spent Saturday night at C, T. Crook's.... Miss JJeulah Kinibrell of Charlotte visited her home in this section several days last week, returning Monday morning. Miss Emma Moitjlhaney of Ft. Mill, spent Saturday night and Sunday ut Mr. Bowman Merrill's. She was the guest of her sister Miss Sallie, who lives at Mr. Merritt's ATTENTION WOODMEN. The next regular meeting of White Oak Camp will be held Tuesday evening, Nov. 14. All members are requested to attend as business of importance will be brought before the Camp. J. Q. COUSAKT, C. C. t. a. mii.ia clerk. THFSPAS8 NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that all persons are warned not to hunt, tisli, or trospass In any way on the lands of the undersigned Anyone violating this notice will be dealt with to the full extent of the luw. Mrs. L. B Withkrs J I). Witiirkh. ENTERTAINMENT TOWN HALL. McNeely Brothers will heat the Town hall Friday night, Nov. 10th, with the host fun of the season. Two hours of spontaneous laughter and wholesome amusement, consisting of choice selections of wit, humor, pathos and sentiment. Part of proceeds benefit of gradod school library. Prices 10and l."?c ???' ? RICES I I ? ?: ? LOW P are malii tl Bell's Bi| l You had bettor Some more barg; bargains than eve Goods, Clothing f while you ean get Don't let Jack ] napping any mo and follow the in< "r>/\/ilr/\4- lvifX^l* puuiVUt-UlHHV) il I HI right lioro with 3 ly, selocting all wearing apparel You will come as thing you want h store at prices be Please remember, not try to force 1 goods. We shov give you the pric willing to risk j ment for the rcsu Belk'sB: Fort j N. 15.?Clothing, Moves are on the | A Few Facts In buying our stock we used j the utmost core to buy the purest aixi freshest drugs thut the market ! affords. We are now thoroughly pre| pared to (ill the nmst difficult pie' script ions and solicit your patron- 1 I age more especially oil this cln?8 ! of work. Of pntent and proprietary medicines we carry all of the usual ! line and a great many of the uu usual. Attractive line of Kundrios. Delicious hot and cold drinks' at the fountain. Points, Oils, Kte. Buchanan's Drug Store. iis lively at Clean Store, get in the rush, tiins and greater >r before in Dry md Shoes. Come , pick and choice. Frost catch you re. Act wisely, clination of your I you will land i rour wliole famithe comforts in for the winter. near finding anyere as in any city low the average. , we positively do you to buy our v you the goods, es, and are tlien rour good judgeIts. ig Store, - - - - s. o. Furniture and | second floor. When in the Market FOR GOOD WHISKIES, WINES, BRANDIES, ETC., CALL ON OK WKITK John Moyle, 1>. (). Box 97, SALISBURY, - N. C. TO OUR FRIENDS! Wo are now located at 1121 J3. Council street. Salisbury. N. (' and solicit your trade. Wc have on hnntl a complete line of the h at Whiskies, Wfnos, I handles, Etc., and enn supply your wan's with anything in our line. Our Mr. M. A. Teeter. formerly of Charlotte, has personal supervisiv>n of our shipping department and all mail orders receive prompt and careful attention at hi.* hands. Ask (or price list and order ! hlauk with your 01 dor. W. II. IIOOVKK & CO.,: SAMsnrRV, v C. rhone 2J^ / - r-' 0@ 000?0@0@(9? o I All Record: !This is sometimes hard to do records /ire so good?but our ()( brouker right. It wns certainly or before have we sold as many half. l?ut November is of the year; so now for a stroll); of the past. NEW GC Q5 Are coming in all the time?t I SILKS, S 55 Never sold ns many Silks in t 4T> in the past (>(> days. 55 Thirty six inch guaranteed T 55 press. < hie piece This a beai A black, elegant lustre and rustle, 55 Colored Silk t\>r waists, 50, 7." Thirty six inch while natural ?> wear, never loses its finish in w jg White and Crean S for Evenin 55 Thirty-six inch all wool Batiste 55 Thirty-six inch Panama Cloth. 55 Thirty-six inch Mohairs | BLACK DRES Q Splendid line in most all the New Collars 10c, 15c, 25e am | UNDER^ Vmi must see our Mentor f< fed Ladies' Vest and Pants Children*' . st and Pants t Splendid VcHt and Pants CLOAKS, C gS Never Hold half as many. Ki record hreaUer. Long Coats, * $2.00 to $5.00, Chi Id reus' long c m pay $10.00 fur a Kainnday Co same for $S 50. Misses Coats fi Como to see us every clay, new to shov von. 1 Meacham ??????e@?s? ?@ W'AWWWWWW^WWViWS 1 T. 1). FAULKi 5< U V* ,#PlS iJ 4.' < ? * 4> ?? l iulcrtakiu)' in all the cheapest Pine C<i State (basket. Robes 1 and gentlemen, Slipj and IIearse Wagon. % T. 1). PAULKNPP ^ /;n LIMITED MEANT. O R EDUCfl ALL CU^ G.OOO GRADUATES fr. t: f t its l* \ 11?. , Q A. - ALA. BU I We Never Disappoi | W? Fulfill Every Promise and Hi 1 UL7E PHQC Strlcliifr without tt>e knll il fw U UUnC pttln or ?' ?t?-ni ion from b B cured nornr to return, without mercury < [1 -i ,i? Vi|{or I'o.llively iM 'rho Ur- Klu? M,-(1 2 laws of the state of /'fjKfy. , -'* / i.orvons and chronic SI iMsWo \ i tbls Institution, le tt v. rW&crEw \ I by a staff of cmlneni .( ;tT?''. i'yf/ Oursoocess la tho k. JuSf t'y X e<1: *|1 " oboili nif n VyHE1,. 1 Our ocicessrs equ I , Irs, X-rny. violet rn I Ul\ ei] Contrivance known t i ( modorn In every re f ) tmliieil and cfllclrn and licensed pbyslcli j ,\ l|ty Wo employ no n ( \ tL~>s patronage -no C. O. ;1 \ V * by flits Iniriitlon 0 ? "'V \ to110.00 per nionil.,1 I aoceof n cure wltb my best reference is. CHRONIC DISE /< ,'Cft (iWUABmi*, iitip?n,'K I ( S* UNTIl CURED. rW C:~"*T'i,n;nB? N. K. KINO. M D. Chronic Disease J Cut* CuNtuLuNO Physician. Cnnainrel Discharge I >t\J> * i ^ us t.?-.iay regarding yonr condition I ?<?nd literature. Including sj CONM I.MUIlN, fr X A MI N ATI! \ I 8?59*0?00lS&S? s Broken, a ctober Sales was a record- v) our banner iiioutli. Nev- 0,1 ^oods in a month aud a *) the best trade month vP) poll to Biuaah everything ^ >ods 8 'itlier by freight or express j*? :ILKS' I wdve months as we have aa afTela just received by exitiful piece of goods, nice pn for SI .(X) 0 ') and lit") cents. pS or wash Silk for evening ashing, for 75 cents. i dress goods g g wear;s goods. i wo a vt s 25c to $1.50 yard. ^0 .1 50 cents, wy tear, 1 ir Lrdies nr.d Children, 50o 25c ?J* :loaks, g fteen lust. Saturday was a pjx 2.05 to $10.00, Short Coats, 0 ;outs, $1.50 to $3.00. Don't jS ut when you can buy (lie \ or $2 75. pq We will have something (& & Epps, I ?@55o?@?39?08 %\\NXXXXXXVWV^3Hf ieli comp'y. 8 ip. I ICTM^ lj I its branches from ffin to the' finest }jg for children, ladies > sjs >crs, etc. Hearse *3 'Phones 12 &34. J L& COMPANY. HY A 55,00a / f/// // f f / '* Y> K HKl'OSI I' iTIOM NO HINDRANCE. Hf^WORK^ \ KITE T"I?A V 1f> S. COLLEGE, Macon Cia. int Our Patients. 1 ?v?r Hold Out Falss Hopes. ? fa or bougie and Varicocele without H iihIuco; Contagious Itlood Pelim H >r mineral Mixture; I.nee off Manly r ured; iu stimulant hot permanent. M leal Co. la an In.Ululton organised under tho if (Joorgta lor tbe treatment and U dlaea.ea. Dr. S. K. King, the founder of V, |r ehlof consulting apeclsllat, belug asaisted I I physician, and .urgoons. t, treatment of rbronte dl.fanes la unanrpae- E dlcal and electrical agencies. # Ipped with a I the galvanic, faradte batter- R f. and Klnacnray: In fact, every electrical B o t be medical profession. Ourrsnlurlum ia R .pert, and we employ none hut the teat L t atlendauts, regularly qualified graduates B ina !? lug In churge. ft ialeadlng meaa. to teoore pa Meets and (] U.'aor uua^ked fnr literature are rent out H >ur term# for traatmant avorao-o r?,a ts i? t iiittliu.'.cb lucludad; aud we give the a- up* H In a a peel fieri lime. M ;?Qtc We tucoeaafnlly troit aad perm* H .MOE.O* ncnlljr cure *11 rbr nlo dl-e una and Ittariilor trouble*. lU.ouu.ait.ia, sela. prnlna. Lo**e*. etc.. and all Prtrata kI malignant troubl* a. Catarrh of the H an<1 1.11 ngs. l>l?ea?nit of Kre and Knfe, B a of Women, mich a* in pim ent o ia, 3. and a ich weaknu??ea of women. K If jrou ara *lrk or affile, tad- On reisrtl * U< 'Oi|>torn blank* fur heme treaiir.aut. W IkN AMI) AIIVICK'TRRB |!| Qf SS%SaeSK Atlanta. Oa. L j.jiii ? n??i. i.kiin