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ps * . THE CHANGE OF LIFE MTELLI6ENTW0MEN PREPARE JJangorB and Pain of This Critical Period voided by tho Uee of Lydla E. Pinkbam'a Vegetable Compound. now many wo amJ men realize that f- T I the most critical J I ; jfejg j I period in a wolf T-J <=* ?5 | | man's existence ' yf i I *s *'ie c^anKc ?f a -<=?- fh I I life, and that the I j anxiety felt by II %*?'] j women as this yugftivMy^S^^StrAjjj time draws near \MrxAEGi Yy/afirj]) is not without ~ reason ? ' If her system is in a deranged condl- i tion, or she is predisposed to apoplexy j or congestion of uny organ, it is at this timo tn linnnmn anfivA wtiK host of nervous irritations, make life A burden. 1 At this time, also, cancers and tumors re more liable to begin their destruc- ] tivc work. Snch warning symptoms as sense of suffocation, hot flashes, dizsincss, headache, dread of impending evil, sounds in tho ears, timidity, pal- ' pitation of the heart, sparks before the eyes, irregularities, constipation, ariable appetite, weakness and inquietude are promptly heeded by intelligent women who aro approaching the period of life when woman's great change may be expected. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is the world's greatest remedy lor women at this trying period, and may be relied upon to overcome all distressing symptoms and carry them aafely through to a healthy and happy old age. Lyuia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound invigorates and strengthens the female organism, and builds up the weakened nervous system as no other medicine can. Mrs A. E. Q. Hyland, of Chestertown, Md., in a letter to Mrs. Pinkha:n. says : Dear Mrs. Pinkham:? "I hail been suffering with falling of tha womb for years and was passing through the ch&ngo of life. My womb was badly swollen. I bad n good deal of screnee*. dizzy spells, tieadm-hos. anil was very nervous. I wrote you for advice end commenced treatment with Lydia E. rinkhom's Vegetable ComKund as vou directed, and I am happy to say at all those distressing symptoms left ino, end I have passed safely through the chango ?f lifo a well woman." For special advice regarding this important period women are invited to write to Mrs. Pinkham for advice. It la free and always helpful. Many a lawyer hns discovered that a wife's word is law. So. 4*2. COONS CAUSE MUCH TROUBLE. Uncle Sam Raises Game Fowls and the Animals Eat Them Up. The Fercdnl government and tho I 6tate of Louisiana will probably have lo abandon their plan to use Breton island, on the coast, as a proservo for Ihe prorogation of prairie hens and ether fowls, owing to the immense cumbers of raccoons that have preempted the claim. Although the island is a small one, It is said by tho game wardens that within Its few square miles there must be 5,000 to 10,000 coons. About 15,000 prairie hens were 'batched this year, and as soon as they became of an eatable size they were devoured by tho 'coons. The same has happened to other varieties of game fowl which the government endeavored to propagate on tho island. Tho Breton islands are some distance from tho mainland and difficult of access. It was for this reason that they were selected as a preserve. But the 'coons have spoiled all the plans. A force of trappers and hunters is to be s: nt to the Island after the 'coons, but so great is their number that it is feared they cannot bo exterminated.? New York Ilcrald. Little Girlst ae Stowaways. Three little gli Is have the town o hlillinc-cket. Me., a good scare las week. They disappeared mysteriously and search failed to reveal tlieii whereabouts until some hours latei when they were found in the town o Sherman, twelve miles away. The] had nlaved stowaway on a train In or dcr to got there. The size of the lion's share depends upon the size of the lion. COFFEE NEURALCIA L?atci When You Unit mid Uio Pottum. A lady who unconsciously drifted Into nervous prostration brought on by eofTce, says: "I have been a coffee drinker nil my life, and used It regularly, three times dny. "A yenr or two ago I became subject to nervous neuralgia, attacks of nervous headnehe nnd general nervous prostration which not only incapacitated me for doing my housework, but frequently made it necessary for me to remain in a dark room for two or three days at a time. "1 employed several good doctors, one after the other, but none of them was able to give me permanent relief. "Eight months ago a friend suggested that perhaps coffee was the cause of my troumes mm tnat 1 try rostuin Food Coffee mul give tip the old kind. I nm glad I took her ndvlce, for my health has bton entirely restored. I have no more neuralgia, nor have I had one solitary headache in all these eight months. No more of my days are wasted In solitary confinement In a dark room. I do all my own work with ease. The tiesh that t lost during the years of ?iy nervous prostration has come back to me during these months, and I am ouoe more a happy, healthy woman. I enclose a list of names of friends who can vouch for tho truth of the statement." Name given by X'ostuui Co., Battle Creak, Mich. There's a reason. Ten days' trial leaving off coffee and l vising ratlin Is mfflcleut. All grocers. I Jkk. THE CLOSING SCENE Portsmouth Treaty Officially Signed By Both Rulers IS DONE WITHOUT ANY CEREMONY War in the Far East Officially Ends With the Signatures of Czar and Mikado. Washington, Special?The emperor jf Russia and the emperor of Japan Saturday morning signed their respective copies of the peace treaty, thus officially ending war. Baron Rosen, the Russian ambassador, called at the state department and saw Secretary Root. While he had no official advices on the subject information had reached him to the effect that the emperor of Russia had early in the day ailixed his signature to the treaty. A few minutes after noon Minister Takahira appeared at the state dapal tment with a message stating that the emperor of Japan had signed the treaty at Tokyo. A cablegram was immediately dispatched to Spencer Eddy charge of the American embassy at St. Petersburg, who was instructed to inform the Russian foreign office that the emperor of Japan had signed the treaty. St. Petersburg, By Cable.?The treaty of peace was signed Saturday though the representative of the foreign office refused to make any official statement on parchment with the the French and English text in parallel columns, was sent by Foreign Minister Lamsdorff to Peterhof, where the ceremony of signing took place. Paris. By Cable.?Premier Ronvier, acting on behalf of the Russian government, cabled M. llavmand, the French minister at Tokyo, to inform xin* Japanese government mat the emperor of Russia bad sgincd the peace treaty, thus completing Russia's part i:r the conclusion of peace between that country and Japan. DEATH OF SIR HENRY IRVING. Attack of Synocope After Return to Hotel On Conclusion of Performance at Bradford. England, Caused Death at 11:30 O'clock Friday Night. London, By Cable.?Sir Henry Irving died suddenly at Bradford Friday night. The death, of the distinguished actor was totally unexpected, lie was engaged in a tour of the provinces, appcnring nightly, and a few days ago sjxoke at a public meeting in advocacy of the movement for a municipal theatre. Sir Henry played as usual at Bradford, and returned from the theatre to his hotel, where he was seized with an attack of syncope, dying at 11:30 o'clock. living's Inst appearance was ts "Beekct," in Lord Tennyson's play of that name. The Associated Press received the following telegram from Sir Henry Irving's mnager, Bran Stoker: "Very terrible news. Sir Henry Irving had an attack of Syncope after returning from the theatre to the hotel and died suddenly." Ready For General Passenger Agents. Mexico City, Special.?The committee having in charge the entertainment of the members of the General Passenger Agents' Association of Ameirra lias completed all arrangements for the care of the party from the time of their arrival at the border until they reach this city, where they will hold their convention from October 17 to 21 inclusive. Slight Fire on Governor's Island. New York, Special.?A slight lire started Sunday in the bakery of Castle Williams, on Governor's Island, in which there are about 300 military prisoners, most of whom were exercising in the court yard. The prisoners formed a bucket bagrndo and had the blaze out beforo the tire company arrived. The damage is small. Five Swept Overboard. New York, Spoeial.?Five lives are known to have been lost and more than 10 persons injured, some of them or* w*i* ilt- rvi? I?a 1J*?a ? "nil* , "ii in*- \ niliii *i juit; oifiuiirr Campania 'ast Wednesday when a gigantic wave rolled over the steamer and swept across a deck thick with steerage passengers. John Oraliam of Milwaukee was one of the passengers washed overboard and lost, lie was traveling in the steerage. In addition to the name of John Graham the Ounard line ofHcials gave out the following names of steerage passengers who were washed overboard. Holston Methodist Conference Praises President. Bristol, Va., Special.?The Holston Conference of the Methodist Episcopal ehurehy South, in session herr unanimously adopted a resolution commending President Roosevelt's ef forts in behalf of i>ence between Ja pan and Russia. Bishops Hoss am Duncan of the Southern Methodis church, were both present at tl?<. con ferenco. f jjV FITSperm?tnontlyeured. Ko fits or nervousne.ssurter first Juv'a uso of Dr. Itllno's Great NerveRestoror, fit rial bottlennd treatise (roe H. Klixk, Ltd., 931 Arch St.. Phlla.,Ya The more active the mind the greater the need for physical recreation. Mrs. VTlaS'Ow's Soothing Syrup (or Children toothlng,->oftenst begums, reduces tnllam malion,alln. a pain,cures wind colic,26c. a bottle Milan is one of the important industrial centres of Italy. 1'lso'sCure is the best medicine we over use l ior all directions of throat and lungs.? Wm. O., Vauburen, ind., r'eb. 10, 1J0J. "Every mind frets for relaxation," says a writer. NO TONGUE CAN TELL Ilonr I SufTeretl AYlth Itching aud Uloeillng Kczcuia Until Cured f by Cutlcura. "No tongue can tell how I suffered for live years witu a icrrto.y pamtui, itching and bleeding eczema, my body and face being covered with sores. .Never in my life did 1 experience such awful suffering, and 1 longed for deatu, which 1 felt was near. 1 had tried doctors and medicines without success, hut my mother insisted that 1 try Cuticura. 1 felt better alter the first bath with Cuticura Sonp, and one application of Cuticura Ointment, and was soon entirely well. (Signed) Airs. A. Eteon, Bellcvuc, Mich." Mount Aconeagun, the giaut peak of tho j 'Andes, is 23,080 feet high. Thu Great Antiseptic, Sloan's I.iniment. for nil mosquito bites. It kills yellow fever and malaria germs. Cats arc licensed in Heron, and every cat must wear a metal badge. Deafness Cannot Re Cured by local applications us thoy cannot reaohtho diseased portion ofttiouar. There is only ono way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional romodios. Deafness is eausod by an influmud condition of the mucous lining o? the Eustachian Tube. Wlionthis tube is iuflurncd you havo u rumblingsound or imperfect hearing, nud when it Is entirely closed Deafness is the result, and unless tho inflammation cau bo taken out nud this tube restored to its uormul condition, hearing wilt bo destroyed forever. Nino cases out of ton nrecaused by catnrrn, which Is nothing but an fnlluinud condition of tbo mucous surfaces. We will givo Ono Hundred Dollars f> run 7 caseof Deafness (caused by cutarrh)thut caunotbocurodby Hull's Catarris Caro. Send for circulars free. F.J. Ciikmkx A Co., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75a. Tako tlall's Family Fills for constipation. The English flag floats on 11,305 mcr. chant vessels. Taylor's Cherokeo Remedy of Rwoet Gum and Mullen Is Nature's great remedy -Cures Coughs, Colds, Croup and Consumption, and all throat and lung troubles. At druggists, 25c., 50e. and ?1.00 per bottlo. They Knew the Answer. "You never can tell how children are coinc to anrilv thinrrs " snlrf a r?.,v. lie school teacher. "The other clay I asked the class what a fort was. One boy answered. 'a place to put men in.' " "Then what's a fortress?' said I. "'A place to put women in!' exclaimed the class In unison." BOX OF WAFERS FREE-NO DRUGS -CURES BY ABSORPTION. Carri Belching of Out?Rml llronth ?nd Bad Stomitcli ? Short Breath? Bloating?Sour Krnctatlon* Irregular Heart. ICto. Take a Mull's Wufer any time of the day or night, and note th? immediate pood effect on your stomach. It absorbs the pas, disinfects the stomach, -kills the poison perms nnd cures the disease. Catarrh of the head and fhroat. unwholesome food I and overeating make bad stomachs, j Scarcely any stomach is entirely free from taint of some kind. Mull's Anti-Belch I Wafers will make your stomach healthy by absorbing foul pases which arise from the undigested food and by re-enforeinp the liniiip of the stomach, enabling it to thoroughly mix the food with the gastric juices. This cures stomach trouble, promotes digestion, sweetens the breath, stops belching and fermentation. Heart action becomes strong and regular through this process. Discard drugs, its you know from experience they do not cure stomach trouble. Try a com "wm-sorse (Vaturc'sj method that does cure. A soothing, healing sensation results instantly. We know Mull's Anti-Belch Wafers will do this, and we want you to know it. Spkciat. Okfkti.?The regular price of 'Mull's Anti-Belch Wafers is We. a nor, but to introduce it to thousands of sufferers we will send two (2) boxes upon receipt of 75e. and this advertisement, or we will send you a sample free for this coupon. , I 10215 FREE COUPON 125 I Send (his coupon with your name I and address and name of a druggist J who does not sell it for a free sample I box of Mull's Anti-lielch Wafers to I Mtrix's OnAPK Tonic Co.. 228 Third I Ave., Rock Island, 111. I J Give Frill Addrett and Write Plainly. Sold by all druggists, 50c. per box, or sent by inail. . William R. Travers, a well-known New York clubman an?l related to many prominent families in New York and Baltimore, committed suicide by shooting. A GIANT LAID LOW. Crippled an 1 Made III liy Awful Kidney Disorders. John Fernnays, fruit ralsor, Webster, X. Y., says: "I used to lift railroad ti^i^ bu^ made me crawl on hands and knees. 1 I was so crippled for a tiino that 1 couldn't walk without sticks, had head! aches and dizzy spells and the kidney 1 secretions were muddy and full of briekdust sediment. Doan's Kidney Pills made the pain disappear and cor1 vected the urinary trouble. I have felt t better ever since." Sold by all dealers. r>0 cents a box. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y, . > , # To make Co '"T'^AKE a fwnrnon Clay P'ps. 3 Pl.f n T stem. Bind the two in position with a t of Rubber Hose. ] Then till the bowl of the pipe with citiin Carbide. Next tic a rag over head of the bov Carbide. Now put the pipe into a Glass of Water, as in picture. There you have a complete Gas- " plant for 25 cents. Touch a match to the Burner? and you'll get a beautiful White Gaslight. Of course, this is only an cxpei mcnt. but it shows the wonderful sit plicity of Acetylene Lighting. That very simplicity gave Acetylci Light a setback, at first. It seemed so simple to turn Calci Gas-light that over 600 different kind "Acetylene Machines" were invcntei marketed for the purpose, by about a people. Well, the thing to be expected cert About 530 of these "Acetylene Ma Invented and sold by people who ki Tinware than they did about Cas-mal The "Calcium Carbide" was all ri but 530 of the machines for turning all wrong all the time. So Acetylene Gas "got a bad nar clear enough now that it never deserv It was like selling Wood Stoves to in, and then blaming the Coal for not * * * Lots of things happened to gricv< these 530 makes of alleged "A<?ctyler But very few accidents occurred fr the days of rank experiment and 1 among, "Generator" Makers. Of course, a gun will go off unexp then, if the trigger he pulled by a pe know it was loaded." But, that's no fault of the Ammun Well, finally the Insurance Com these 530 odd makes of "Acetylene wouldn't Acctylate, and the Insurance investigation of all Generators that w ' them. Then, out of the 600 odd "Mac only about 70 were "permitted" by the to be used. Oh, what a howl was there! By "permitted" I mean that tlfc was willing that any building should 1 Fcr Your Family i A The Best A V MSm? anc feSSrf I \<BlJ .is ,?& PJRICE,/p=^25 Cts ? rasi EJ f4i?P%ili i AWOTE |J s&fiy Just think of It? Nomo, whose output of gold for th? season of 1905 Is estimated at $10,000,000. was practically unknown a few years ago. the Boston Transcript recalls. Its recent history pmbably surpasses the maddest dreams of the adventurers who long ago froso and starred on its then inhospitable shores. It strike# us that Jack London mlswod a rare chance when he hurried away froip the romantic Northwest to go to London to study prosaic socialism. Maine Products With Peary The Peary expedition was fitted out largely In Maine. The Rhlp was built In Bucksport; the canoes came from Oldtown; the sledges and snowsaoes wore made In Norway, and 150 pairs of moccasins required camo from Moomouth True, the pen may he mightier than the swonl, but the pencil isn't much good without the help of a knife. I MOZLEY'S LEMON ELIXIR ?A SCR* Cl'RK FOR? CONSTIPATION, BILIOUSNESS nn<l till Hlfti>r<tfr? ofllir Slimufli uinl n.?w?-U SOc. n liotllo ?t ilrnjj ?tore?. .r * iSr *~ -2*? / Cheap Gas untry Horn out extra cliflfge, lasburner on its Acetylene General* just as it permitte ight-fitting piece or wired for Elect Now, the Insi fine-ground Cal- whether or not th Generators were a rl to keep in the Because, they 1 I . plosion occurs, fro v\\ I // - alois they authori \\ \ ? '/Vy, And, here's a p r .? i J Though there ?? \ I Acetylene Light in V Tires from it in /' j^\r\ \ Kerosene and Gas \yjy-' There have als ri- 1 // j"o7 Fires from Ci Itf Besides these 1 /Ri 5tiin'<i rive Tint ? ie ?2H That shows ho Kat in its cxaminatioi Pfja "permitting" only TpySS' ptcion, out of the the market. igjjjpf Well,?the booi nfn~!jI prices possible 0:1 fjju jw Calcium Carbide, fly I but acts like Magi< 'fml I Today, Acetylc l/llf I Kerosene Light, o Ml I It is ;.ot more fjlh J nor three-fourths II' f If I can't ^ror || I "faction my name If J _ But Acetylene ; i " Light of the year ? It is also the (1 ."I Sunliglit in healt) /I because of this. \ ^.1 the easiest of all j so muc'1 gplants grow 24 hoi ray of Sunlight co twice ns fast as si urn Carbide into of, s of "tanks" and 1''a was ?rov 1, patented, and months P?"mci >s many different Now,. I've save ainly happened! nortant to you tl chines" had been Light, new more about It consumes 01 ting. Oxygen from the ght all the time, as cither Kerosene it into Gas were That's a trcme you?three-fourths ne," though it is Because,?Oxy, cd it at any time. And every bit burn Hard Coal Women, Children I burning. loss that can neve: A 24 Candle-Pi : the Owners of two-fifths of a ccn ie Machines." That's about $ om them even in in the year for fo dense ignorance, A Kerosene La a third more, viz. ectcdly, now and 'Kerosene alone, o rson who "didn't That's exclusr wicks, and the e ition?is it? cleaning, filling an panics got after I want to prcnu Machines" that are a hatise-ownci ; Board made an Tell me how ma 'ere submitted to what it will cost t Sanitary, eye-savii rhines" patented. Write me toda; Insurance Board on Tap." Just a^dacss m Insurance Board be Insured, withand tar Hsrse ntiseptic Known. TRY IT FOR iienatisffi, Strains, ains, Swellings 1 Enlargements. >, 25c., 50c. and SI.OO. EARL S. SLOAN, ny St., Boston, Mass. 9B fSk B RTSk BaW 31 i MiHlNiit UARANTEED TO CURE. SOLD, HEADACHE AND NEURALGIA. I-Orlplnr to t doalrr who won't OnarHt^r It. MONEY BACK IP IT DOESN'T CUBE, r, JI.D., Manufacturer, Sprhiufield, JtotsHim #WATE6?ROOr 01l? aOTMKFB SSUCKIS.FOMMfcL 5LICCB5 AW HATS.IB B FOLLOWING OUP aUCCfciSti HB o AT PHILADELPHIA CHICAGO M AND OTHfcR EXPOSITIONS Kj % HIGHEST POSSIBLE mRD SB WVAT THE 5T.LOUI5 W0RLD^fA?^ tirtSbj-n.^A J towir j^ssJ^g.jAgrajr L^/rr? .MitlllA TC>9htcl<nh .AJklW A/lSy I -"i mm pp n 1 DDV Bliorthand an<l Hoofckcepinir. 1 libbullfirn 1 A thorough huMncs* course, KttiiroAii accounting. Our graduates cover the Booth ; positions guaranteed; catalogue free. AM KltlCAN Tl I.I (iltAl'II AM? COMMKKC'IAL COI.LKUK, MIIIpiIKCVIIU. OM. MONEY $ $ $ Ik (Wme. Wl?.' j Conry imi.and sorvKNin pomt C\IJPS. Kit I* I'l! iftil colored scene* for fcq C?tirv Island Postal Card Co.. Couey Irland. N. Y. So. 42. 3-light for es tviiicK used any one of itiese 70 ors it had found safe, and effective, d houses to be piped for City Gas, ricity, under proper conditions, irance Companies ought to know esc 70 different makes of Acetylene bsolutely Safe to use. lave to pay the hills, it Fire or Exn: any one of the Acetylene Generze. roof of their good judgment, arc now Two Million people using America, there have only been four one year, against SS65 Fires from oline. 0 been 4C91 Fires from Electricity, ity Gas, and 520 Fires from Candles, there have been 26 Fires from the only four Fires from Acetylene. w careful the Insurance Board was 1 of Acetylene Generators, and in the 70 makes th:t were above jusCoo experiments that were once on * * * n in Acetylene Lighting made lower the material it is derived from, viz., a material that looks like Granite z. ne tyght is a full third cheaper than r Gasoline Light, per Candle Power, than half the price of Flectric Light, that of City Gas. c these staiements to your full satisis not "Acetylene Jones." is tnore than the safest and cheapest 1905. //litest Light?the nearost to natural i-giving Violet rays, and vitli its freedom from flicker, it is i\rriflcial Light on the Eyes. like real Sunlight that it has made urs per day in dark cellars where no uld reach them. It made them grow milar plants that had only the Sunviz., half the time, rn by Cornell University in a threeit made this very year. * * xl up for the last a point more imtan all the others about Acetylene ily one-fourth as much of the vital Air of Living rooms or bed-rooms, : or City Gas-Light consumes. ndous difference in a lifetime, mark i of a difference. ?< ? is Life. of Oxygen stolen from the lungs of and hi en, through Lighting, a r be made good again, ower Acetylene Light costs you only it per hour. 5.85 per year, if burned every night ur steady hours. mp of equal capacity would cost you : three-fifths of a cent per hour for r $8 75 per year. vc of broken lamp chimneys, new verlasting drudgery and danger of d trimming daily. t these figures to yon. Reader, if you r or storekeeper. jny rooms you've got and I'll tell you o light them with brilliant, beautiful, ng Acetylene. y for my Free Book about "Sunlight ie here as? "Acetylene Jones," o Adams St.. Chicago, Ills. I W. L. Douglas *3= & *3= SHOES Bm W. L. Douglas S4-.00 Gilt Edge Lino cannot be equalled at any price. (j*' ' v^AhV1. , ] cCstnhlishert^^*^. W |j July ?. 1*7(1. % W.L.DOUGLAS MAKES AMD SELLS _ MORE MEM'S SR.SO SHOES THAU AMY OTHER MANUFACTURER. *m nnn REWARD to snyons who can v> IUjUUU disprove this statement. W. L. Douglas shore have by thetr excellent style, easy fitting, and superior wearing qualities, achieved tbe largest sale of any shoe In the world. They are lust as good aa those that cost you $5.00 to $7.00? the only difference Is the price. If I could take you Intw my fuctory at Brockton. Mass.. the largest la the world under one roof making men's flna hoes, and thow vm the care with whkh every pair of Douglas shoes U made, you would realize why W. L Douglas $3.50 shoes are the baa* shoss produced la the world. If I could show you the difference between lbs hoes mads In my factory and thoee of other makes, you would understand why Douglaa $3.50 shoes cost smrs to make, why they hold their shape, fit better, wear longer, and are of greater Intrinsic value than any other $3.BO shoe on the market to-day. W. L. Douptam Strong Motto Sjboom for Mon. S3.BO, SS.OO. Boy?'School A Droom 3hoo?.$3.BO, $3. 91.78,91.BO CAUTION.?Insist upon having W. L.Don^ lea shoes. Fhko no substitute. None genuine Without his name and prioo stamped on bottom. WANTED, A shoe dealer Inevery town wber* W. I.. Douglas Shoes are not sold. Full line of samples sent free for Inspection upon raquest. Fast Color Eyttcts used; they wl!l not woar brony. Write for Ilinstrsted Catalog of Fall Stvlea. W. I~ DOUGLAS, I'.rockton, Mnts. TOR WOMEN troubled with ills peculiar to their sex, used as a douche is marvelously successful. Thoroughly cleanses, kills disease germs, stops discharges, heals inflammation and local soreness, cures leucorrhoea and nasal catarrh. Paxtine is in powder form to be dissolved in pore water, and is far more cleansing, healing, germicidal and economical than liquid antiseptics fo ail TOILET AND WOMEN'S SPECIAL USES For sale at druggists, C<0 cents a box. Trial Box and Book of Instructions Frees. Thk R. Paxton Compmnv Boston. Mass. H-^Thompson'sEife Water I > - t \