University of South Carolina Libraries
. . ? ? .. I ' ? s * Jrelw 2MU uimcp. TJCMOCRATIC '4-: < BLISHED EVERY \YEDNESDAY v B. W. BRADFORD. m* of Subscription.JHT One year 51.00 1 V Six months oi) Three months j SEPTEMBER 27,1905. RhK . Ct\arlotte Printers on Strike. ' , Practically nil llie union jjrint >:-/ pt'8 in'.itU' -vvtilkf?l out Monday afternoon, snyn ycslenln] 's <)l>serwr. Tins whs the result of the /effort of tin' international Typoi ? _ i r- : * .. r . .. ? tiiapmcai i nice 10 t'liion-i- an ' fi eight.-hour day. Some we. ks ngo the Charlotte Union, which is a | : branch of the Internal ion:*.l, inter? I'OgHtori tilt) 101M?>I yin?r Plillter Association of (.timrrolle iih to its . attitude toward an eight-hour clay, snil it replied tljut it won Id resist it to the utmost. For moro than a week th.ere have been well nut heni tiealed reports that a strike of the . lueiiib.-i'H.of tlio OliHrlotte Union I was imminent, and yesterday a 1 committee from that body waiteit , upoll the employers <?f union print \CI* niid called for an answer from ..them individually io the demand They declined to answi r. but re , ferrod the matter to the Finploy ing Printers asso.-iat ion, a meet 'ing.of which was held at no jwheu, by a unanimous vote of it hose present, the president was idirented to inform the commit t..' itliat the association do lined to artcede to the demand. This reply iwim rendered a few minutes after L' -.o'clock p. in. I pou thestrok" of it. ithe union employes of I he Ohserver. the Chronicle and the Ohservier Printing House laid down llieii work, put on their coats and walked ^wt. The scene was enacted : I ion l .the same time at the establishment -t.f the Kay Printing: Company, in .the printing otlice of Dr. M. ('. Register, and at a little later In or i .in The Charlotte News newspaj ei and job ofliees. N ?? - ? I After the Patent Medicines. The patent medicines in this state supposed to contain alcoli 1 fire goinu to have a liaru 111:?>t it Tit addition to theoruer i-sind to the internal revenue department, , .which notifies all (iruiruiats that they must clogo on t all stock b> December the 1st or pay a license. Cliiet Constable llanunet line issued an order to all constant) s ^iviuir a list of medioimn tli il ran only be Hold by preficni lion. ; i.^aiuetime M|?o the Stale chemist finalized a nmmber of brands and the result of tbo investigation was that Hosteit :'8 Hitters contained 82 OU per cent alcohol; l)ewill s Itiitecs, C2.50 per rent; IVruin. 52.00 per cent?Cnlmn (.lingerie. 61 10 per rent. As s result a circular baa Veen scut to all constables r latino that these medicineH must not be Sold as a he vera ire and only by prescription. The ordi r will nvnte a sensation anions the drug ^ists and may result in a number of thein going out of the patent medicine business altogether. , ? > Rock Hill Merchant kills Necro. Amzi Sanders, a negro, who works around the Southern d?j>ot. ill liock 11 ill, was shot and instantly killed Friday morning by .Manlitis Owens, who conducts a grocery store at the corner of Main street and Hail road avenue in that city. 'Jflie shot ting occurred in front ot the store. It is waiiI 1 lint the t w . i loo! wnn! . ftiaide tho store nnd th nem invited Ow?"ih to conn outside. 11" (lid Hi) 11 Ti(i the shooting occurred almost immediately. fot:r rdiotu hejnir fired in rapid succession 5 . The coroner's jury's verdict was that''Amxi Sanders cmiic t? hideath f-om minslmt wounds r.t the hands of Manlins Owens.*' The substance of the iuoticut-was that the ne^ro., came out of Owens's store to the edi?e l ih.? sidewalk. Owens foil owed to tl.i door hikI threw u sm ill napei 1 >? ot sugar,^ Sandcrt ui the .v (Sanders said: "What did yor do that for?" Owens repli <1; "I'll ?I k Worse than that to you," and was laughing when he said it. Tl ^Bjntegro said : "Vou can't here and do it -oi l r.: n i -| to vfatk around the corner. Owens JjfcST' sSPPPP*'' out of the (lo ?r Oil tin* todewalk, drew n pi-tol ?nd 1>h^iiii tU tire, shooting four or live inn , . Bite negro fell at tin* third shot Sanders had nothing in his hands Be*.* ?ik1 no one saw him moke any u?.^ jSy movement. No words worn I tffird between them while in the ?>-'Mote. There were two wounds in tho thigh and one under the shout?. (?er the latter causing death. Hm^iOwetiH refused to testify at the QJt to make n statement. L.,;. . '^Anders was at one tine- a *i: <> for Mr. T. it. lie Ik in this - - -v*w, ^^Hk/. v / ;;jfc tL Notable Speeches by Nrjrro Leaders. | A n?>tnhlo ev-iit was the gather- I itiu hero JSutnulay of hundreds of negioea to t??k? | aft in tlie celebration in honor ofCnpt. S K White's erecttig ill eohfedeiate p u k a tnon iitnent to the negro niuvea. Tin spirit displayed hy the negroes Sat unlay w:ik u sharp contrast to1 that shown ten yearn ago when the monument was unveiled, There were then less than 2"> M'^iuch ; pi esent. hiilf of whom wete old slaves who^e names were on the monument. '1 ho sp< alters Sntmduy were:, Prof M I\ Lee..of l.aeaBtfir. and Dr. A. J. V. ;ii i ". of I'hailutte. Iij>1h of these i. I< iiuent sp< k0.8 >U.(I inrtiie s. ns tile tilths, tllli o" yood hi nil id advice to h:-i rnee. Prof. Lee. alter telliuo 1 lie neyrro tiitit his only rhirve lay in tin: South and in the Southern whit man. his best triend, tns led on iiis rem-litiino here and strivinn to aeeuiniilale property, Haying tlmt this \v?m the standard by which the w i e m mi jndot'd tie- nemo. Dr. W arner in the eniiise of his remarks on deration Raul that the South ojves more it! one year to edti ate tin. ne^ro than the north does in tin years, and that th money from the mnMi ernes to col eoen which not one neirjro yont li in lb'/ will ever see. while tit it frolli the musses t?oes, i\s i k11 ill ! to teach the man- I ' v* ru o t read and write. He ids said tint the neoro who lays his hand on a while Woltl i!i dies. : id 'i.-s jtislly. and beo._reil his people to sh \\ tlicit* own women the respect the white women receive front Ihe wliito ill *n. lie warncri them tiud no race can ri-o holier titan its women. Itoth speakers expressed their satisfaction with the '.'tin ( Yov.*" ear law, so loii^ as Ihe in trro after paying the nam f ire us I lie white Ulan m't us o>" I acc? > til modal i ni The speeches were Weil reei veil \ the Ii> tio doubt help to keep M[?theyood feeling 11 nit has Tu i vs | r< all e l between tile two i an s here. \ \vot!Jcrtal Loltim It !! Due of t lie I li i 11 d Stativ i v, t itr11-1>t:11 firms, located in South ('urulina, has been working mi an unproved coil.hi boll will: ?n?!t?i ful insults, if the story which reach > ns through tin- t hurlotie News is correct. Mr. If. I'\ Hyatt is in charge ol tho fmiii mul he begun experimenting with sone I seeil thai were sent him Ir an Mai ll ot o. The seed lad been gathered as the I'esuli of several } yea s' careful si lection by a Mai Ii I) >ro con:: \ farm r who had siie! <va>?led hi prodm ing bolls tint j contained seven leeks Tho re inaiuder of the story is told bv our contemporary and is as follows: ; "Last year Mr. Hyatt plan; i and raised fiom tin se a i| s am that produced eh Veil loekrt to t libel!. Now ho 1 as capped tile ?-1 i max by prodi cing a 1 il v h h consistH of iliirteen h c . .. T' b 11 w:. woigln-d and was I ml I ' weigh one ha f oiine? ; > > t wi.l In ' seen 11 at i lirt y t \ b ?i Is pi\ <1 n -e a poi nd, whieb is abut t n ! tinea tbesi/.e i.if nn ordinarv coti ton boli 1! I'm|uiii s from I'M t > ! It* holla of ei an too it m , i ii i a protlueo a T) mini. * T! is iioll of eo|t( n v lis \ 'a ed t si nee of t he ' p rt rot hm men in the town id mi it.'.' lignum it was found lint the e ti n Wlls \V? II matured W'i ) got ' : I) pe. ! .Nil*. I Ivan stnteR thai i has a got a' !. 1 rot t on t is . . lit eleven locks to the !? II am. 1 . lis: ipiile u number running as ! i ;h a-* thirteen, mid this coming uon he pl'op srs to p ek ti e ml limn this cotton and put a location where ii will not e< me in eonlaet villi any other ?g j-,.' . ( j' Cotton while growing. A in if In should urn co d in gt tting his cotton to reproduce itself, it does look as if the eotlon plant Well be 1 almost d ii 'l d in value as s>> u as this is ? tal li lied a ail dt'liioast ial! ed as a fact. Mi. Hyatt is not yet. pre pa ret 1 to pit seed on the minuet. It lei uil'i a sevcial V'llS t m. t a ti\ d tyj which will r produce its If and \v id 11 ?t dot el i uate in s feeding \ a .?. I anca IV.jc.u t? Consolidate. The Lancaster Ledger "i 'malnr. d ay a M ion sees that a e aup i n \ v i; nil. uiivc 1 In tiial pl .t the pa: wted; f ,r I ji rp s of pa: h m i: a the till a |>c\vw's| tp rs. Til" !> ilgt r. 1 he lb vi w and Th Kn > . i.. i i I f'i J ' I I .It ' ft I I It Ml" HI . ? I I ' ? ?? ' 11 I 11 1 I . ?.<? OIK' llt'VV l>'!| <M'. ' !i < ifli I ti ui-.v C'Hii. ;u?v, w!iu 'i is t . ! iu)\\ 11 ?f t!it* l uicjisitT 1'nhli^l mil,' (\ in; uny, ii'if !! ' \V I . . prj si.!, lit, njul W. (.' (' iuti! u. s c ivtary ami trvn-arr Tiio . ; f'i! h'hicU i>t' tin: v >ti>t>uiy i? pl'i i*il Mr. ('hue. T. OiiMin vh. wh ? Ii'i.-; Sn uli'y oliti'i! Th" l? vii"v I ?r iiiimiit'i' i-f yi-ars, 1ms Ihmmi chosin 'editor ria* n?iw n.nvr will !>.> 1 1 rail-<1 th?? Lium-hh^t N? w.-i, fn<lirnl i stu- (jf which will njipi v.t , O^tobvi t:h. iMfctitSS i Si*fi aHLI . ( I tic Dispensary Defeated. A 'phone uieKKH?o? from Rock Hill yesterday afternoon stated that the lection in tlmt city re-, suited in a vote of L'.J for anil h8 against the dispensary. In Yorkville the vote whs 35 for. ami 1 Ud , inst The Fort Mill vote was 'J I for, and l! nguin>t?a total in the three towns of 5510 against tile institution and 7 t for it. rrti i inn i - ? WH--IUI v \ i 14 * \ 'in. tur >x lint York (anility's d spensary lias xiit t '. i ii im overwhelming defeat The Mam uV koiti Hill. Onifnii eontiunos to hi? kiiiir. iii fact.. It is op. m i no vi'i v rapidly and it sc,?ins thai peopl \\ 11 i, through mttrli s< i?m than iimnd. The young 1' 'V"* this t-1-? t ic.?i gr ally i -ujoyed their iv?? <*ii?nin j supp i at tho academy Saturday night i\l i s. (V T. (hook a*d isl - i M Kliza Praither, spout Monday at S. ( \ Far is.' M iss. r f in /. Sni i t it and Li'ssio F,pps spoilt Sain, day 11i< I)t with Miss Mayo tVihharp. ....Misfit1 Fa: is spent Sat unity ni lit with M i - Sui> Fnris M i-s Grace (ho >k sp.-nj Saturday tii^ht with Mi-s i oi" Smith of IoaVi Sp-r'l ( 'rook .... -.Iiiioro CJro >' : amj !t h or ( w ns p.Mit Saturday in llook 11'U . . . . Prof. S. E. Koik-v spont Saturday and Sunday in Chest r on professional Imishio-- . .. .Mrs. Lone i ndn Foil harp spoilt Saturday Midi I;, r sister Mis. S P I 1 Mntrkoiiship of 1' lint 11 ill.... M rTir/ah Farm is ymit itig ih?? wo at hor dnughUrs. Mrs. S. I'. Hlun konsiiip's .... Motion *Faris, of IM'-a ant ^'alh-y. sp? ?it Sund n ' i' ' 11 .... 11 . 1. 1 I. i 1 yi ;is sp. nt S.itui 'av niyht :.t S. V' Faris. Killini" Birds (tut of Seas- n.,i ;n, s-ason I- r kiliino partr. l?r? s d n >t op u . n.i,. .1' . -1, II |^ M ? ? II 1 .. i: !*s in i. a! ni!.- Imvo ,-ady ! - . mi 1 .y t ho tur Is. nail,y of | wiii.!. i I it 11 inoro I in. i 1: If vi. Tito la w apa - t rlo : it i tig i. n. r ..... v. .. ... i .... MUtn uri 11 c* . i < . II* IJ VI x . In | ' I . I 'Ml l he stai tite in>o ?s to t.:? leet llif v?hiiil? birds they arc i'nliv n\ ;i. us well i t<? put till st> >l"s llU'tl "! I Mil rij'l'li loolill ". Midi till' iiin'rr who rilr mis III" hints h . uf N??vi'tiil)cr is not only violali?i?_r tin' law lint is ticiuinir iih I fi lo v.* - !i ii n I o is u 11 f 11 ? 1 . lit lawabiding citr/.i'ti I'ffU iii;o|-ii'Vi'tl that rioinu sinuiill In' allowed to Kill the \oiii;" hi ids wlitul hardly a I >! t to 11 \ i.l 111 n s ru i ii til - spul of tit ' m'mmoii is hi - c< i in 'iiity. whil In- is r. strained hy i, i.? ?-1 ot law ami Iiiii pi iy. A Ncv. Twenty Dollar Dill. Tli treasury 111 | -trtin- nt has it*i ; \ j: ' i i. i r 111 111 o11 i lit*\v .1' ?1 < s I i .41. -a In.*lt is utilise ii.. !ti aii'l t )ll - I' h>l I'll Sli . $ ui II'I J??()'.) I<t?tf The pred- hi. r t h. i. u ... ' ?'r ! W ! .' it i iit' i;.1 \ I 1m y. . ! >w t 1 ; 'if >. ! : i..;*. is i t'i il.ii-i | i liy n iusi\ hr '.it. (.'t'oi':.s Washington's fun* oeeuj h i tliO center, iusi .ui 4 I ( on li ,*i s, whit !i is to the riuhl ? f tin* omit r on ail notes, is ii. ?hw t. tit me rii^lil t>|' tin* new hill m m! at a rel ti've position on the I. ft is the li ur i i saiTron. sninn>n.iitil l.y a $ of the same s'i i Aii mid tin' d in us a i ; it.d 1 * .ml id ent;':aved work in stc !. T e rost of liu' Inc.* 19 j alt i.r l<l Oil tin Lack tilt* t/nlilcn atr'i' of tl.o o!ii not ', wi>11 iis its h-jti "h'Ihil win..--. uivos ii|t its ji n o t i a ,-in ill'.n ami inoIV formal I)11 i. noiri'lo:S hy h unU ami the Words, " I'v. r lit v Do,la 19 Tin* now h<ii contains more difficult onoravi iij* ami is said to ho hard or to connloi foit M r. and Mrs. (Jut y S. >ii loft \ ostordny f ?r (ir.duim, N. where thin i 11 reside in the fu t urn. 1 -i -r to RIOV. .I i . CiIANf I F.R. 1\>UT Ml LI . S. i Rev Si'*, la .rillkills' pastoral vii.iis, of coin's- . , <1 > not ei v?yiMir plenum io oi nfort ? - is?' .1 ?ii m> \\ to \ our > !>; i \ c. L'u von ha , t wo s"'- < !'f'.'I in in f iuir atrial ? i oai.'t le-lpi;- wo all : ave. Kotyoa i p'ojal'y imvo; I a" a jiavi i I' yuiir hush ii. - iis in11.1 Wot! is", 1 lawns i*i-l n 'I 'll!, I li 1,! , tj . : ; nioe pi i) ' i, are irhfifnI tovo?i astliey are I o .tjoiio Tuiiitilo il i\vn tiniidiug . ; i fdncMf men Imrrasoi) bj 1 i a- I .? li uvv I' e 11 "ni. ( i :* v. !. i d w< mo", ami 1 ii > : o' childr-h, yoc ii a v 1 str< a-j to ?ot on wit I : but yon wi>>ihl bo in >rn il m l.aimtn to tiud ill ], .vt i v. in in is : > . , ;i] r b;\i it j llin I'.V ' ?ni- < f j^cop1 ; tic ]i :(.:?. .! '1 < . I d> n';. Or, , rhii; : . '' e nit \ j .ii.i. w? 11: 11 un Il !\Y . iS ' ill. 'lo | .it it \> i :>? to !< p ut - unci. 1 l.i n t'.v > wa> > lo do it out* ib . iinl t fi'iv.t i To ji: t! n otln r fi tim JAW! i luiir. J en is ul.out much t> print iVvm - t'' * i > paint. v it) nu\ uilici pint fovlVvoe tiiivO* fiv.vcr allons t ivi n mi\< i |K\In s and w m s twice as Jon^t as lead :md oil. The ihriftj and comfortable have then.vt of vising nioticv morn wisely. How lucl:y th -y are! how happy! Yours truly , (J? I-' W I)i:vof. & Co. i I* S. W 11 Ardrey & Co sell our piiiut. <; '^rr*K> ' ' i . ' . Graded School Prize Compositions AUTUMN. The Au'iitnn f.iontliH aiv S, p-' teuiber. October ami November. There a'o iiiiiny champ s i!t the season. rim leaven tilrii yellow, red and 'town, and dr p < V f the trees, 11 I urns cool ill Autumn The. pJeuMiTes a: play in:: i s ise-bai I and lt >imjr j? selinol. The labors are picking cotton, rut-tin : p'-us and trinnin^ cotton. We i > not 'nave any sha le to play in heeawse tho leav< s fall otf of the trees. \N e have no pretty uieen m- iss to play in I localise it dies down. I It** threat holiday is Thaulxsoi vuitr. It v >:n s on the last Thtirsd iv in N?>v< ndier. It ia a National holiday tin ? ul the I". S. Susan Bradford Ap;o 1- year;:, till) Gra le. A>'T'"MN. September, < )etolji r and \- veinhor a re t hi* t h i i*e li?-a u 111 ?i 1 A n t u ii i u tuonfhs. Tho mornings anil nitrhls aro rnol. hut at noon it ts real warm. Tho fai titers farther in t, c orain, ate 1 all the fruits. The Mpiiirels are very busy trettimr the nuts thai fall to put away f >r \vi tel* Itse. It is very pleasant to , a j'dly ero'.'d t< >' or fter school hours in.'* "o out nut tinj. TllU'-ks "V1II4 1- t' . rent lioli r of tli'fi seas !!. Aiitninn is do 'x id in Natures :;; >st ( rteet oil : willi- the' trees in their r< n u yellow leaves, tins inakt : item iifnl scene. Dora fir or. A o(x 1. i , .. ! lit h I > u'e . 1 . I'!. (If ll i I ?1 H ? ll'.ll will 1 . : v t Di patent i; liei :i> d . '_jci v i ' i; .s i d 1 !! ?. > i c ; i. I men I. i . i i . > > .till now ilcciiii : . iii ells . .f I if - > li. i k . i: n ; I I Ml! a liCCIl. .( < ' li(jnor (l'Milotoil il .. i.,111(1 ol il(M H ll;: m i i I W ; I l I V(> t J) . V ( ; ' I. .Ii (11"ItI'M 11' (Mis. . Health vs< P^ncy Expensiven^s. You'll h ?o?' I i to t' ink <>l floor c-OV?'i ino- t >r v;? itlli.l \ <>u will j?rii,! v ;iitk ( . or fort inn! < ip'-t.-- (.1 miiyix* \ vi.l t11l :k of t'irtl rln a)> ' i.: -- Straw Maftint; i '? looka tiucki ? oi ii" j?o< <1 a-, it i- mijv si I t-? look u wr k and lusts on.', it. i ;it a \rnr 1 tii| 1 t iik n?i ixt1 yi . t > ir 'i rr lirnlth a id r -iivm 'mil ci'i noiuy iiiii 1 ml' t t Our floor -ruii s ronir in > < < I ors at a $1 *J.*> | r r . n. :\tv fivr ri-uts w ?r li c \ i - :i >11! \ c .1 o! | <>I:kIi r . >. 1 COII Is a r? 'Ofll ; }'(| y II \ l lint !. Ir! > wii <>-? w ' h \ . ? . i I : i m t i n {-? on 1 v I 11 makes sweep; t? ) '. i tin ntii! < ! vintes I1.. on* -.nty ! i. ini; iiltojother. .\u\!> y : i j?{ ;> nnil il v.t iM'.' lik ' ii'oii. rue i>r iv.'u tuny he i-' .1 on lh> } > . to mid to Hi.- i- s'i tri in e< S -! \v? a tlier. Ton visito. ? i in of tins k iml at oucn pr -tiny i' li f illness. ("It'iifi i i i s - c n. | rl ?>l a happy homo. \ d lunk ui t.i compnrntive cost. i . 1^. Ardrey & - o? 9 / ( _ - T "V * " '" *>"?. WARM AG. M^mRors of lv Fnrf Vill i. ! ' try will tak noti' 1 thit i is J fur A! Y ONi , wliothor a m aiicr of the militia or not, to wear at any timm s without p'mission of th e.tnnnnytltn^ olficor, nnv ptrr of tin- eipiii i t t.t fur- 1 nisht.-ri iii miiilit? uniform, h .t. or lotfiriu^s. A >?i :i fuvMv i*? ? tifinrt . tmt any violator of t'li !;tw, < o.oit l; ,?.?thi? nnti< of f!-.t? oi i, fi.s of thi~" 'oiiipiuiy, ; will oo iiriv-itc 1 tm l pniiish? :l. Tho litw provide*. :t trial I '[<*; , magistrate : and > t:t\ii. tun fine of >1 1 of (1:ivs iinpiisouim :ir. T I1. sr-n \TT, Co 'v. i e N" (; s si We tuv iip'.v icn * <i ; ' 1 Con > )! i .1 . i - y. \ j mo.': y or 11 V * 't vo , 1 ti l ttn.'l ;; ocuifp! n .' t' < 1 sv \\ ll IS'\ ifS, Vi t! li '1 ?s I jl< , i tit 1 ottii si;; , 0 i: h n:.y> Mm.: in < tlr If . (>;li ?i. M . A. 'I C'lfi', I rm. . \ 1 '! , - t , ! i "f hi r tit pit;:; >'1'( '; 1 o il nil i t nil <>n; i ; rem ;v pi < nipt t. ..1 l*'? fol II i It olltioil 111 '.is i I: t Ask (??r price ii-t ami unlet I I ink wit It v'otii (> (lei. W. is. H>\ : ii & CO.. SA I 1 IS I J l i-l V . N . v . 1'!; OH* _ t'v T-t V-ro- F-iriM f1 t" ii'sM1 r'.'Mll'.' I ttj ? 1 * ; ! j!! V I ?.:-J ... si .j. i . c.i...z. I ?. v iv> is 1 a vin.l fii'c vo?i c?v i r;*\ i* > .v Policy ? Your family, of y x . . . ' i:\ \ i. - ' ! i ; e # ! : ' ' : ;1',:. ; "co'j \\ ' v, b / : r . : ' : ] ' ' ' ! t i: -r ;.i i \ v. " * ; C * ' v i ?i > V J . 1 : ' ? \ J i - t Pros; ?cttvc t' >HvV ;ii:: I:: . i CVC.l (. - .i j by " > ' * t ; :;i !:OIT o . ; 1 . - v tl i ' i iiv: \ . t \Y;3 /"? ~ ' f. , . L ' . r! . . ; I >'W iN i jk-;, ! j ? r c . ' ? i r- /i WAj )N Oil \V KIT John t1 c\ p. o. :.\tx s uj ?\ - . c * A o '>. r " < 1 N a - .: . .../ An.. ... Vt:' ll\ V ft'Vi 0 ?! V/ V ! Vo. . .IS : . > . <.' LESR mm 5 . /vim i W I *.' .? ..1 . . I v Lit. . .. 1 ' * . t: . it > ' 1 i. - l. . <; p 1 1'i ' i i .. H , j- v > : * ' i :t i i . i ' s ' .is! 'if I ! . <> J' ^ 5 to . . -i i i III- ! S MU,r ' i ' tl, i u' >!' ' ! V 1 1. '.-I I . . t ur i> . *! .!! C : '.I .. * ' V i'i'l >!.) -< V,;| \ 1 >. I l * r". rr I* S3 > HAr.'iXfi n - o* : < |K i't an i. u.t.l : .. i?n , ? r, | IWfrnlHCEMtNT i fi> .1 . I . }' s - m . bi :*u. m i?j Cpposlt u. 3.' m I wjjti -'ic.r a. . I. j 1 THE | 'i ^ * ACME I ^ - ? 2 BARBER SHOP,. | ? S "! N. L Carothers, % % . * Proorktor, % # v.' ' I n t. John K. Bnodm. n.\KT & ttUKKniN, * A: ton ers itLhw Uock iUU, - - - S. C. (' rvt'i iiiiittupi<iy.Co.. o ?i \ i: UN DHKD -Old i ^ionr, .A Tho Times Office. s ii'if iiia !M? U't 111 M l.liU iUUB. 1 ' ii < - your family, if / Lino Life Insurance e ts, . So, v. he i I ask : io. an. not able to i 'k of i! visit; un. ' sj is uiiviiij^ the risk s denemin? * o<i your : v ' ihood, willingly . r . i.-'' i - - lit. price of i y. ir than run I . without both you : ire able to make, v >: t of a life insur t a \ .* oe couki do 'ir. ; a ; hi v. . 1. ! k over this w your family or * , v, hen. \ ou can, <, happiness. > ii t: ! \on rig- t. ;'kv your aprlL. anee in the * i AM o n ii /y **" ' * - - . V J H . . .l. -1 ^ ^ Ja C .V) : \3T C N 8r HALL ! ' viur ; : ;.! !:ATS, sr.-! '.s UUCP, POAK, s >|'s \ i' 'A I . SI.. iv.i-. \ : I - i c;i i: 7 n ! i lie <>f ! nl It tie v Groceries, <; i!s. 1 < I i < m s, etc. < i : i i in :\ r pn-mpt ! Ni (Will let U9 V Ml. N & HAT L, ' ^ I F x* i . / r / * i i j J :? 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