University of South Carolina Libraries
I ' s I T] 1 J ? -in JB-jm_. _L * ITEMS of LOCAL INTEREST * i + <p The secretary of State on Fri-ii day issued h commission t<> ihe ? Fort Mill Cotton Warehouse Co John Wilson, a colored drayman of the town, was lined !$U and costs Thursday by Magistrate M Klhaney for having mortg igcd I property other than his own. Quite a number of young lady ! students of Wiuthrop college n il yesterday for iiock Hill to be j' present at the opening of the college today, , I9*0(ir renders will please ex- ( cuse the absence of the usual "per- ( eonale," which are crowded out b\ , the large amount of advert isiu< , curried in this issue. Now is a good time to begin the | work of hunting up resist rat ion : ( certificates. There are lots of ?? ? pie who have ceititicates ami d >n't < know whore to put hands on them.) , Certificates will bo needed on I lie | 20th, Mr. Jno. II Armstrong i)jaJ. I Mr. John H. Armstrong. .*? r? t-i dent of Charlotte, died at a hospit i al in that city on September Wih. i after an illness of several months I of Bright's disease. Mr. Arm I strong was 57 years of age and is survived by several daughters. The funeral service and b?irial took place the following day in Charlotte in t'uo presence < J a 1 large crowd of sorrowing relatives i am) friends. Mr. Armstrong hud quite n num ber of relatives in this township, among the number being tIxr? brothers, Messrs. \V. H., J. M. and 1 C. fr. Armstrong. - - Graded School on a Boom. I Tho attendance at the grruh-d , School is daily increasing. h'tom . }"J7 p esont 011 the opening day. the number has now swelled t J68, and the indications are thai other scholars will ho ? nr. l ed during the week. With tni s I number of scholars, the t. adiei - | find it <1 iiliruit to perform their duties and it is probable that at the next maetini; of the Irusleos a new teacher will be elected, making six m all. To the Gang. Ed. Williams, colored, who was j arrested in Iloclc Hill the past t week upon u wuiruut issued by ' , ~ . i 5??? eptember At Be Arbuckle's Coffee at %25 pounds Granulate Quart Jars at 85 cent Uuv a J no. 1>. Stetsoi Got our prices on fc Goods, Etc. All l)n the advance. The following salosin E. R. Patterson., Mr., Manly S. Youiu* and T. 2E5- I3.3BC5X ae Old Eel J??? the ('linrl.itto liriekCr.s plant, was iinmyi here Thursday hy Otlio?r (Jat ?!?! ami tri.d l< tin<* id it j*isl i h t o .MoKihnin y ii iom the elinru'" of olt!a:.i:i.-: amy np >'i tills pret Williams was found ?*ni! v ami i: failing to prod no " .in ? t S'JJ was take i lo the l? iiii; i n- .'a) days. -** ?> F::specti )'i cf Itirn! Ma! !r. :c.. 1'ostinnslor L5. Ii. ??I i>-ey h s received from t i p . 111 a* <i pirtiuent at Washington in-truelioiiH that, all mail hox-s mow in use on the rural delivery r ?t.t lending out from this place m:M !> ? thoroughly inspected within, the next few days. 1'lieso in.-p lions will la- cut e :h< earn ; . tviioso linties i! shall in npni i ill lioxes found to 1? <!t feel i vo. | iion-wcat lierp; oof. iaij . pnlv I i ated. or do n<>t in a y m.i: ;?v m to t lie r , aire... ,' i AVIUM'S of 111! S111 * 11 I) ?.i'H will 1)0 r?'<|nirt'<I t<> repl-ee them with new boxes within a specified time. This nil'mir applies to boxes with even >lich detects as the ah.->ence ol s._;finis. Another important Miliar ?t" tin* depart meat i~ that th w. 1 boV s now iihmI by many p. >j >;. ; receptneleg tor newspapers are to ' he dispensed wiiii ia the nof.r lain re. ? Dr. Tho?nv/cll in Newberry. A lariro nuinl.or . 1' the pe .?>! ? ol Hit city had tiie pleasure i i inir a splendid I 'ctuiv at the < ?art house hist .Monday . \ nhi:; by J Jr. . i 1 i 11 o 11 w e 11, 111 i i > r t .v 1 i d. 1) i rhoniwoll is an ulti'fietiv -I) diet mil his nil !re-s abounded i? thought with fiiiliieietit \\ i f !. t in :!< it doilh'y entei lainii.:;. lie ? i i . is his snbj e| " 1, h i :?i." ai l i, .1,1 ,.r 11,..' -a.: %..? ? i o W? ; I : > r-.U t i? HI. will, till- ! ? ?! work I 1?' t - I).'.mi tl<?i?i;r. Arid 1) it .. ih illvvnyH , o'rved ?ih n powm- for 1*0011,? X<-.\ berry !ii rnl i and News, ? -*4,UA'arrir.^s. M'lvritvl, SiiimI- y. Ai \oi-i. Jn 1 b\ 'Hqriire -i. l\ M 'Ellinm v. M . W. (i. Tn vlor nml v|i*s AJ. . Me A teer, bold of whom m ployed in I:ic initi i li . ( )ii tlie llio 1 ?!I? it -I. *.Si| :!r MeKlhanoy w.ih nyiin oul!.? I t.p >ti to li'* tin* it ii pt i a 1 knot, tin- con Irnctiiiif pnrtii'H boinc Mr. flmrlr(loliowny and Mi. = 4 K.ina l)i iiIoh. both of whomi >- a!s? ro^idrnis i (' this place. UVI.T ?,"> Attractio] ilk's. 15c a pound. (I Suuar for 81.50. s a (io/Qii. a Hat. 85.00. ^ hon s, {1 \ < )\ 1, i i: <; , 1) ry (< i ] i i i i? xoo:i.s DonJ at nc'aro cn arc with us: ?!r. .?no. M. Pal'. ars(>ik 3.i r. Mr. O. II'. :kik. liable Stoi A Peculiar Worm. A \'iv y peer.! ar v Tin ire- made its m]i]tearanee hi this \ i. in; y. \\!io.-e into or stiry i-. r->?i i t ? In* very p >isou< us. ! ?, e i; it::- ike World is not n .? tin ortiiii i: \ _Ttili woriti, if J In* r > <11 e . i s. itii tli? down of u yount* < i. This eovei itil* iitdiics on ! in- v. oi liiick e iltiph't ly cu ns i|. t .kilty a i'? irin at i 's ex . mi: y .< !!y like t he feat Iters i-i i i. : f r< w sparrow's tail. Tire Womh : fully emions ineuH t httachi i'. to If to rose liaslr'B whit li lircuiints For ninth. r of lain s who ii tve l.n a st lino . I'lu?se who have r.tade an i xantination of Ii; insert art n Mike, iti a eonnl t ? it-, w stenee or I > n ii i ' . ti" vi 1o:<I [ : oi it i jects. I'ri.. ' e; h *' ao! \ ai; i' .run r v. i;i; wli >iu t!ir 1 ;iiies man lielil a < m vetvtd i r i 'ii Siilnnlay. rep nested us to rail to the alien'.on of the supervisors of and ljtnees'er miltii.s tin* eoiniition of Ihtiles' Ii: ntye. ver SSttyar or? The bli lye was d un iyed hy ir: a v? .. i ,.i* ;.. 11. . r. .i n^o, anrl t>y C .;is!a:il usi\ will: rej t;?i i s, m 111 llait time, 1!; .5! r art in** is now in siicii sh 11>?? as I > !n ? t f -mcl* 11 t"" ! <>'( ; t.i t who 1 1 ! Cio^rt it. (/iirN IMon.-nni Valley fi 11 i ^ y I 11 an arc I :' am! d 1 1 sa 1 will likt ly r sail a !? -.- ilio uee? - j snry r. j : ire s- > a in.. ! \ 4.? VI:J dews J? UJ. i h.!!. 1 . ? : fiv hin;; a u li, v. - \ lllia a II ' l : 1 1 ' ' i> "1.1 !. .is I 1 colli in.; 1 (!. . . .1 v... ; cm i in ; til Inii ilti. 1 r i>.> '1 li 1 ' ' i ii". i'tin ; . I }?!i:a 1 ii a 1 a i !:;ir - ia> 11 i 1 Tli' iv v. ? I . 1 a ' a t 1.' i . . ;!. C V: < !: '1' i.< iir 1 ; I r 11 1 1 -lii v'.-ni" 1? : .......'..1 ...... 1. 11 is. 1 . i .?. . i -in rii /. y ii i:rl?:. ' In ',.',1 .Tuvl nt > i:if? ) Mjili1 I'llj.iyi ! 'iiit ? . t --i i. 'lh t I Mill ! ,i iii I t hi. i .-'lii-i1 musi ... fro*hm<Mit.4 were nerved. I I>n -imiJ i" I'" iiutrMli- Mils iM'.ununi'y V ; < : 11 ' ' Mi Ma "i* I , i .r ' V i:-! i . 'i 1 J'.i's. . i ' !? ( ii'ii r. i i-.i< - , .! .. i !. i. s . i i i: 1 .-'i'!i I (.ill. . all 'il 1'"'.' Mill: ? > \i.- Far:. ? :<I ii Ii 1' i* : -'t. !'!? .i -;i'M Valley, .MisM ? 'I'. . , . " < V. ii > I. a- ' i: a< IV.ri out. rI" Ml'! lll'l.l V . I'll m ! m Ii hi f th ii' visitintf iii-iiii. mm M.iri;.'.. Triple i. I. a:', i - \v r s"i'0' 1 and r 1:. ovcnaiVi -I'lia-i'l till too short for tins |.r. v at. M - lli'.s i,' Far!.-' leaves to lay for i W i il ii . si i:i v i V"" \>' mt li roji colli jfn.. . .Mi. - : .alali K ailii 11 Vit Sunday t ?, ???????s>???? ? I Vy g) I ft i Q 1 n c? is HO i 5? i S : i ? j ||j ! I i I I hi ; hi ?: s ! {If i | ] I II I M ? . ? 1 CO i j >5 j @ i: t?3 3 '6 1 0;* '< (<a I V* -!> \ ? I ? V' ?"h:i ii>(t<', wlu'iv -!i will !m . i.i?i ? v.'i 1?. I] [' ' <?! ; . W ;! ? i- ft ;.' M'l miiti ;>r fur t lie l.r i!i .... rr i >u: \V iuil if i. t, it -it mi I!.' i' 1. I 'it : w tS.iy < -Mi-- i: > t't jtlfM lVt iriunl i 11 ?..?. i : Cll ' v * . ! Iy inomiutf Miss J .ct N'lch ' return f i ' o ''tii: t> i n !.i; , ;i i >' o.'l v t ' ) '' .it - Mr.. T U ? a.r i . > ; ' \Y< ? \ : !i 11 > i.- i . sou, formerly of this section bu it ... o *N i ; i % i 'if. i ii . h .' I i !? mi; . uo! III II * : i ;>l. ii-r ! > j.i in > r? >; I : I if ?vin; t iMill, of which li \t .i; en 11< lis- i*fi tU'iif 1 ti> his 1' ill'-.', jN ifh oIsimi'.s hn:m S. I ; . c. 1*. i;i i I. 'ti- lii;. ami .'. 1 . 1*-1 ?l?- s; si v -ii . i;.* ii Vurkvillf mi h i ini'ss ft 1 w 11 the cotton war house W ii Wiudh is Itu-y :;iii,t 'n '! >u 111 ? s- n f ui; iinif s 1-? cij -M vi y : ; ; .* h. CHnl lliil (;1\ it-' \?. ill mm for iruct ill S. C. l*ar is Saturday aTtorn h ix'oiiip: ly .it ! ' ' i !: \ !! *i nl ! n* i ru ir ;iu 1 i lit''- ' i i i (lu :;':u I it jiv r -s: i -if<l \ ? It ;?r -fiit. ? rMi Ij M. Diiikins, wli t..: a<?\ "till Wrr'iK ! :|It 'i'lt Vi;< I ' . I'i'lil livos in this I tv.ii.--lii]i, - .. in-. 1 (lay '< llirt ' at >1. JVIi ' -litil Fit nnl'i. Health vs. Fancy Economy vs. r-? *- / . r -?.??> - -? t? ... ? " A V .. _ <? Y u"l| - < -ii 1? :u ' > 11 "ii 'Iti >r f.ivcrin r?? !" ? tl weal!.c; Y> >n w ; i i | ii i .1). v l h' i I' < < mi: ft r! anil ' "j> s ?>i . . y >u wii Ihil !v of t ciif .i: i i >.- i il ill raw ?d i ii . I i > iliM : v a.i > In.- . t : - p* > (! ! < 1 ? v. c -i: aad I . ! i u ,!y '??.a i \ ar. I'ii! : ' i. 1.11\ i t' v(iii i i < :i- ' I i !* ;i ;ii :i hi; i fn i: nc an. if i i a in i ul rl t (>t >. i hn I ;i i f ' n IIH Clilll(k ill fill ('< i! ( r.- .i: a S I -"? i "I ii M > i I; !t v? ci r.1 - \v r: ii n i all ... ill ( I I. >1 i.-.ll ( I *J.I 1 I .? ri'il' -i it 1 ou.ii iiiu! y<>'l l.liv<- ri ' i tif' !*' ir111 >111 1 > . i. \ i,. i j -tint '? < n 1 lt" v it.! i' in;* 1 t> ? .. n -li-i. :ip? Ml.i i It III S t 111* !lfC? . ! ' I >1 til I ui:; i:l'"_'<-' < r. Am i> iy ?. tit .* ;> ji \ it'.nl ti '.v hp It!; i At tiL it* tv. ? in.', i: .! i ! :t 1 li-' Iloi?i ! (> >1'!' I 1 i I if ? In i if it ."ill it 111 r. it vis!. >,* . . .i? ?.f 11 kiiiil :<! nfO J.:' f ir 1 In- 1. I'll fulitt^s. ? i iiitlii' " *t ! i*i)in: ii a I t;?;>y Sm :do. A.: t! ! > U tit t < <>.is|> i\ u* ?*<>.V. VT. W- Ardr^y A' in. * New Fal I 7" ; , ; ] Our Fall &tock is nov lion. With the exceptioi i Dies! Ics, prices were nevi posed of our ulillinerv Dt of lialtiniore, who come as an expert and artistic your interest to see her She can tel? you what is 1 We represent the Ai in Tailor Made Suits, and to So on your full suit, i ine, measures guarantees see our samples. All Fi Wholesale Cost, Get 01 much money we can saw Climax .M s'tjaito Can >pi 8 !?1.5C will lu-d for revi val yt'iira. ile, o". jvx^ $ | Esnbroidc i 2,030 yards Gambru <) hroidcrv Mdgcs and I 12, 3 5, 20 and 2r>c, at the 22ud. all i?o lor U fi lengths of >, o a? J piece em at this pricv | ? plenty of the good.* ^ 12undreds and luiiidn 0 iZ, 20 and ?.S cents. 6 ; 1 Our Fall< $ Will be on Wednesdii are determined to m fi .. .. / v.. - j. ilk:j | NflEAGHAM 4 ?*?" kf^ '*? (Ti ?^.? ?^v^>?^-<$>? ^ J-'IXK V &3&SC X4&& i ' $ tfi ]T a4 t c~ C' /" ^ iXi US <^ $ VI T3-^ 1 1 <T*> ? <n> <r^ i W * & a i d JLL ?JLI ri j? M V* o Ikivo ' ho lai v, s o 1 ool I'i JO o i ?b shown in Fort. M V;" will irivo us a sh< i, wo iv? 11 savo vol $ -i <? r ' ^ uan^iiO t ho ismo; riuornr" Shoos l\r $ I Mr.FJfianv-l V. " " J *\e n..r\r?*? *> ? T<. r>,rv?\r'?^ri j * ' ' ? V'.1/ ? t ? '# V ? 4 # 'r , ? ' *% V < 'p h KAin IP ? 1 ' ? ji j. a \ i i i 1 i. I >..' .' ' V? S J !j i^KBUL ? <? L ' " ^ 4 ;: *- ? 4 ' I < J4'!., v.""*' ? : /\\ i\ > i > . /> ? " (\- Jh *\ - ?4r. ^ : 1 / ? 1 />K* -,i i i *r': ; .' < cA . J t i U <T 14/ : | M )P8? * 1 J U }.' ( J C- >"t 1 '* I nderta kiiui in a < y r.e cheapest Pine (I Vr :,4;Pc deckel. Kobes an J gentlemen. Slip ' V* * '*} a: u x I e a ;*s e \V a .? on. X . 1>. ! AIJLKNL v> 'V /.'/.^AS'AVAWSVV \v v , av;*,w .w\ i t \ i*^ ': . 1 Goods. r ready for yourinspect 1 of a few pieces of do:r lower. We have dis^ bpartincnt to Mrs. Agee, s highly recommended milliner. It will be to hats before you buy? nost becoming to von n - ? J v' merican Woolen Mills, can save you from S3 )ur experience in tal a perfect (it. Call and irniture and Stoves at lr prices and see how i you. )?worlh ptico for one ni^lit, bufc lSSET 0 ;ry Safe. \ ? ? z :k and Swiss Em- ? nsertion, worth loj - 0 10 o'clock Friday, ? l)c the yard. All in a id (> yards. Not a Remember, there f Numbers for all. % :ds of yards worth o <> $ ^ Opening ? iy, Sept. 27th. We ? ako this our ban- ^ L | [ tff~> sr-1 arv crv /r^. [ C4 CPF5 | ?&xx ::?3?ap5> :li You a I 11 ^ O ? ^ f 1 V" i *?OSt SlTHi l)U)st ? I loth hi g over g ill, nnd if you ^ nv to sell you i money. We $| %fc Keith Konr Men - 1 Parks I w&x vr * .-' ^' .^S'>?>v?*.>s>iC!>\'?\# *; <v v V?%> % V.'V^VWWW iVAl C-OMPY II ' I ^r>- , fii >>. -i okSS gg $ r , m _ IJ yi -'?iV',>? 1 * "jj?* 5 ? ^ 11 Ti n u #4)1 8 SECTOR. '% / / il its branches fro off in to the finest ty for children,ladies ?S pers, etc. Hearse >2 'Phones 12 &34. |g; It & COMPANY. 88 VA>*^\T \ \ Vf?VV* . vo\-*'?*v?V*\vT\ v*V*' ii- Mfc A j?ck . . aJflNB