University of South Carolina Libraries
11/ %U gptt 3WHI 2inus. k^^BUBLISiii:d hvkky \vi;dnk<day jw|*5* .. k- b. w. bradford. ^E*> ? 1 "* i B| :. vJBEPTKMBE R 20,1903. HSv"-' cPfEWl) your prtnuineH cteiin and iii worry unci expense ??i a j??o |yt^MNf ?f fever; also the good will of mm. I: A? soon hh the yellow fever epiwft deuiio in over, the bookmakers and fhB / race track tools will go down and r ';?? finish the job of cleaning up New [l^v Wnee Governor Heywurd is not to again try for gubernatorial lion- j Kg!"*' or*. there iw iitlle for him to lone hit ignoring Senator Tillman's pjMg deniHtid to oust the State boa id of It l#N8 been pointed out that the Auier.cuti hen has a perfect right to duck and cackle. The past year with her eggs and chickens bIih produced 8-<SO,OO<),00U of the wealth of the country. According to the advertising' i j columns of an exchange, one "Hen- , junin Glover" is now president of the South Carolina College. This }h is about the proseutost mistake J of a prebiilunt yet out. r >9f _ J W In the excitement incident to i f the announcement of peace, the dispensary investigation and the closing of the baseball season, the | J ^^tpeach crop seems to have succeed ed iti making a failure without I HrTttnyone noticing it. j|| The ar,:-le of Hon. W. H. Stow ; art, iti another column, should be ^ carefully read by every citizen of r ESM* township Mr. Stewart, whose it Mstluties call hint to every section ol ?J;;i: the county, is better prepared, perrn haj)H, limn nhy m;in ;:i 11.. 1111 > tk j to judge us a whole the Iii|tioi | conditions of York. Head what P* he has to eny. One Advantage to the blind tigers after the dispensary system has been voted out is that upon oouvicliou they will hardly Itcalled upon by the mayor t<> pay a ftue ofuioiothan $2.r?; whereas at present the magistrates lino is BS100. Realizing this, 1 ho tigers will likely vole "110 dispensary." ^^Next Tnesday, the 20th, ia the (lay for the dispensary election, and every citi/.on of the eounty should exercise his right and vole. The polls will open at 7 a. in. and close at 4 p. in. The re(|uiremont to vote iH that of producing your tax receipt of the past year ami i registiatiou cortilieate. Town registration certificates are unnecestary, us wo understand it. It is, of oourse, impossible to forecast the r?'Hult of tne election ; next Tuesday, but many are of tin1 opinion that Fort. Mill township will show a majority for the (lis pensary. Others who air ret? that the anti-dispensary force has been decreased in number durum the past ten tinym still claun that this township will go against tin1 ittsti- ! tntiun. ? ? ? ?> ? Historic Catawba (alls. , . Catawba Falls, or rapids, about] which little has been thought or! said for many yenis is full of historic interest. It was at these i falls a fort was built diving the Auierienu war of 1H12 with England, The fort was called Dearborn. It was here that tho mem bera of Congress from South Carolina urged and came in one vote i#f Setting this place /is a location of Up' national mili'ary school, now at West. Foint. Thus it came j near being the West Point of the United States. It was at this point that Coruwallis crossed the Uatuwba river on his way to Lancaster, thence to Vorktown. Now f lint u wan li It t* <?/M'iwo .dun 1 "* ' f ?! ?* . ?* v??.niiiij vui piiuiiun 11fin '.inrlertaken to develop and utilize the waters of this grand fall-, or rapids of tile Catawba river by tlio erection of an electric power [limit, a new and lively iutetost is wing awkoned. A charter for a railroad to run from Fort Lawn, a Station on the Chester ami LanI'oad near the river, has ed and the contract for liu road has heen made will begin at once. At 11 the east side is Lam as , on the west aide Fair y. Both of tlnae are lies and this new cntor[ioublless be a great heart fishing place for all ng years ago there ?veu> taken at this point than else in the State. The i canal there nswas d lie rt for the conveniem e tiers in boating cotton "Dispensary or No Dispensary." Editor Hock Hill Herald: AsM have been .-oniewlmt cri icisod for' circulating uu invitation asking Senator Tillman to address the peoplo of York county 011 the liquor question, will you permit i me to express u.y views am! state some facts on this subject? The criticisms expressed or implied I shall pass by. This is supposed to ho a free country and each individual has the right to his own views. I accoid that to others and claim the same right for myself. I have always supported Senator Tillman and expect to do it until ho betrays the trust the people of South Carolina have placed in hint, which will, in my judgement, liev- : cr happen. The question before the people of York county is I it} nor, dispensary liquor, blind tiger liquor. prohibition liquor, or any | other kind of old stall. Not Mr. Tillman or Mr. Ibice. What is proposed in the place of the pies- I ent system? Mr. JJrice sa>s the present 'system is worse than the old bar rooms, worse than blind tleers, worse than nothing at all " W hat does he propose? Free liquor? It must have been that way with him while in Columbia, for lie says "'he is quite certain that he I had not bought any while in Co- ' luinbia, the past six sessions of the legislature, i suppose he certainly ilid not mean that, lie does not I say he didn't drink any. He certainly has been misquoted. Qui fuciut per iWium, per Be. Cnder the present system there J! l'l* 1ml two wji VN i > i uiJIimr if lln? ' - J : dispensniy, loyally, and llie 1>Iin?l tif?er, illegally. W i? art? i*?iil??d upon to make our choice between tjie , two, for no one believed that pro- ! iiibitiou prohibits. If wo vote out t ho dispensary, will the situa'iou lie be! tii, or worse? TImt is the question. I know of no way of "jadoiiu; the future lint by the past,1' ami let uh to the records j^u. First, \ orkville. What were the conditions tlioro before establish inout of the dispensaryV luder prohibition, so called, I refer you to Dr. T. K. Kmilisirs sermon partly ?j 11 otto 1 by Senator Tillman at Tit/.ah, and which the Knquirer admitted was true. It ou^ht to be republished for the information of the people. Wo all can reca'l the remarks of Solicitor J. K. Henry before the Yorkville com! some time before the establishment of the dispensary. He t<>hl the Court that he "was nauseated, sick front tne former or smell of the meal^ corn liquor that came from the breath of witnesses and even jurors. " ! do not know that I quote his words, but the substance, "lie had live coiliT-lioiise towns in his circuit, four with dispensaries and one, Yorkville, without u dispensary, but there was drunken ness on moan liquor in that one than m the other four combined. And on beinj* asked by a brother lawyer afler adjournment oT t!.e court, why he should make such a statement, bein^ a candidate for re-election, replied, "Ueeause it was the trntii," and 1 .have it on oood authority, Senator Ihiee being present, embused Mr. Unity's statement and'said, "Yes, every word of it was true." Kurt her, I took ttio trouble to look up tin* j record of the mayor's court of Yorkvilie to sec if the statement that the location of the dispensary increased < r bred blind tigers.] This is an argument used again*' the establishment of dispensaries I found tuat from May 1001, to May 1002, the year before the establishment of the dispensary, that there were 2!) trials of tigois before the mayor. Krom May, 11102, to 100*1, one y? ir after the establishment of the dispensary, that there were three trials. Krom i lOO.'J to 1001 there were none tried and from lliOt to 100"? there were three trials, but that these latter three were held during the time the dispensary was closed on no- j count of tin* death ?>f Mr. Snyder. So what have wo? Twenty-nine ; in one year to live in three years. Does that look like an increase or decrease? What say you to the fact! If the dispensary was such a ''damnable, delmuehino" institution, as Mr. I trice and The Enquirer would make it to be, it does seem to mo taut it would have a blight in." ctTec.t on our county seat. l?ut docs it? Every citizen of the county must feel, as lie drives over the splendid macadam streets or walks upon the excellent concrete, i cemented pavement, that the old town has taken on new, life and : prosperity, See for yourself the! recent editorials in the Enquirer shim* this line. I hit how about 1 prohibition towns? j also looked I up the iccord of Hock Hill. You know, Mr. Editor, that we arc pro i hihitin^ people, for about four yen is atfo onr people voted down 1 the proposition to establish a dis- j p-nsaiy here by a Ini'uc majority, j and many of those who voted according to their convictions for 1 the dispensary were jeered at as they cast their ballots, '"one of > whom I was which." Before the election they cried, "clown with blood money f?>r education." We do liot .want the tainted, sordid sti.lF in our schools. No. a thousand tim s, no." Have we been usintr it? 1 a:n informed tlint from ; $(100 V?' J annually of the blood , money is used in our city school, ' SI 11(1 ! IlilVlt lintl I/I / ?f tl/i Uliirlc t imr ... ? M ?.???' v>?*tvg vi ui^uuuf; , effects from its use upon t>iir chil xlren. But vote out the disp.'UBurv, gentlemen and I guess that you will not got it again. lust after the elect ion you kn i\v, Mr. Lid it or. Hint niuetv-eight of our leading eiti'/.ei?8 formed themselves into nil * Anti-Blind Tiget Association*' and with united voiceH and uplifted hands ( I almost said, swore) to erterminnte the blind tiger. K:;eeutive committees of twenty-live members with sub . secret detective committees of live, ! two ladies from oaeh ward, tnein- I b?is. and all united to become in "inbers, only $1.00 membership! fee, wh > iiad signed the death warrant, as it were, to the dispensary. And the end was in sight. Blind tigers were to go and piohibition in its highest and best form , was here, and the people applauded. What have they done? If, any man knows, let him noeuk. What about the records of the mayor's court? 1 only looked up the trials of the tigers who weie convicted, not trials with dismissals which doubtless were more | than convict ions. The record Hie first year after the dispensary was voted down, there were live convictions. The secoud year ten convi.Mi ms. The third year seventeen convictions. An inciease is it not? At the Kimo ratio, what will this year be? Can you enforce prohibition? Those iiiuety-rig.u citi'/.eus must certainly say "No,"' or admit* that they did not do what thev in that meeting resolved ami pledged themselves to do. Have we we in my blind tigers? 1 do not know of my own knowledge, inn i am told that within a radio* of live miles, with UocU Hill as a centre, there aro over one hundred in this business. Do our people use any liijnors? Tho amount expressed hero. supposed to la* legit laiati'. averag *s in round numbers two huudrod gallons per week tln> year round. That is an estimate, lint thero also eomes in at hunt one-half that mu-T. "underVoveis, in grips, etc;" so we have a total of about three hundred gallons per woek, twelve hundred gallons pel-i month, fourteen thousand four hundred gallons per year, mating j tin* cons 11 me is at least $10,000. j "Hood business for a dry town." W ill voting the dispensary out of ; York better our conditions? 1 ( think not. Lteinove the eonstabu- j law. Cut off about $7,000 from the 1 S'diool fund, Sd.OO from lie county ; fund, tax yourselves to make? up deficiencies, and to en fore tho law. \\ hat law? 1 do not know. "\\ hat is everybody's bnsiruss. is nobody's busin -ss" is a truism. 1 do not believe that conditions will be improved and hence 1 shall vote to retain the dispensary as the lust system yet tried, but when some- j tiling better is proposed, I will I i. . I \V. II. STE\vai:T. Unck 11 ill, Sept. I 1, lt)Uo. lite llaile Family Reunion. (costkilll'ted.) On W imIiu'siFiV, the JOlll (if \iifjpist, n pleasant minion of tlu< liailc family assembled at the old homestead of tin* late Col. James C. at IVKmII) near Catudon. It was an ideal day in every inspect and one lout; to be remembered by all pr? .sent. The old I.omo is now owner! by ('apt. L. L. Olvburn. whose children and praad children wore present to enjoy the occasion. There never were more hospital people than ('apt. and .Mrs. CI) - 1 l>uin. Their house was thrown pen to all and all were inane to feel at home. The old home j brought back ninny fond memories to the older members of the fniiii- ! ly. Every nook and corner of the beautiful yard brought back fond recollections of the past. Only four children of the Haile family were present, but many of the {{land children Mini {{rent {{rand child inn. The four children were Mrs. S. If Brewer, Mis, X. (', Mnssey, Mrs. Kirk Shannon iinu Mrs, S. M. Mills. The eomieetinu families were Mr. d. \V. Ardrey and family, Mr. I'. F. Massay and family, Mr J.C. Unpins and Miss Loma 11 Holies, of Fort Mill; Dr., I. 10. Masse.y and son, Mr. Henry 1 Massey and family of Uock Hill: Miss Mamie (Myburn of Lancaster; Dr. ?l. 10. \V. liaile and wife, Mr and Mis. llanis Kees and children, of Kershaw; Mr. Henry Haile and family of Liberty Hill, and Mr. Frank Spnini, of Mississippi. Many old friends from the sur- ; roundinir country and Camden were present?about 130 in all. , Col. Win. Ti ant ham and Mr. (. W. Ardrey made very appropriate' speeches. A most bountiful ami delitfhtfulMlmner was spread under the beautiful shade of the mockorau^e trees. A monument had boe i creeled the day before in the cemetery nearby to the memory of the loved ones who have passed " ? "J Supl. Hand to LectureSupt, \\ Ij. JIukI. of Chester, has accepted an invitation to deliver an uducutinnnl mhlr r-; to the peo pie ot thin place on the evening ot Sept. 2'.Mil, Tlie lecture will take place in tlie town hall, beginning at 7:lo, and will be fiee. Hit ltd is ullO of the best known educators of this section and those of our cdizetis who fail to hear him will miss a rare treat. -? ?I.ike Finding .Money. Finding liealth is like finding money ?so think lh ism who are sick. When yon have a cough. cold, sore throat or cliest irritation, lie Iter act promptly like W C KsiHier, of Painty Levc-1, \*a. Ho says: "I had a terrible chest trouble, caused by sm iku and coal .last on my lungs; but. r finding no relief in Other nmicdios. I was curcil by 1 Jr. Kind's Now* Disc >ve yforConsmiipt ion, Coughs ami fob.? <{reat"st sale of any cough or lung c.Mlicitio in the world. At Ardrev's drug store; .Vic and .*1.00, guaranteed. Trial bottle free. I Jest cotton was quoted 10 cents on this market yesterday. LETTER TO W. 15. WYLIE. FOliT MILL, S. C. Dear Sir: A j ainter complained that our cans are to > tall; unhandy; spill. It's a way wo ha vo; ": i< handier not to tie full, bat \\o have a W'cakne-- for full-ni'asure. ()ar gallons > on;ain .-ighi jiitits: the usual "gallon" is seven. WeTi think it o-.or again, but \v?. like a full can. How* much short would you lit.era barrel? JrYvon gallons would bo tli. projiortion. Sho.*: measure suggests I ha I the short age is probably not in the cheapest ingredient. t .... ... r . . in sr. m u s; cil in lmir (JUIU'tS In I It'i gallon, ami lifty gallons to a hnnvl. Tho name lu go b\ is Devon lead-amljciuc. Yours truly ('. > F W i )kvok & i' >. 1' S. \V l'? Avdrov & Co soil our lunu. That Wi-stprii pro'iflior \v!n? in .sistH dial Cain wast!./ hist striker, might add that Noah was the head of tho tiist sitipitiiiIt!i11trust. Got off Cheap. l!o may well think 1\>; hart got Oil heap, who, after lia\it:g contracted const lpat ion or iudiges, ion. is still able to perfectly restore his health. Nothing will do this l>at 1 Jr. King's New l.i'e Hills. A <piiek, pleasant and certain cure for headache, constiput ion, etc. v' hat. Ardroy s drug store. you noticed that lit* straw Ithl and tin* owner, too, ure gjett ino tired of each < it her. Arc You I.neaped? Engage 1 people should reineinhcr l hat after marriage many ouarrcls can he avoided by keeping their digestions in good condition with Electric Hitters. S A H.rown. of J'cnncttsvillc, S. C. siv>tf "Ear years my wife siifl'crcd inteiisyfy from dysjiepsia. complicated with a Cupid liver, until she lost her strong; if mid vigor ami became a mere wreck iff her former self. Then sir* tried I^oetric Hitters, wliich li i her at o/ce and llually made her entirely well J t-he is now strong and healthy." \V 1i Ardrey, druggist, sells and guarantees/ tiiein at 6Uc a hot t le. | The pen is mightier tlNiu 1 he sword -e ho:i th r- is a hog 111 il. Attacked by a Mr.fc ami beaten in a labor riot until covered with sores, a i liieu^o si ran car couductoi applied Uuekleu's Arnica Salve and, was so >11 sound and well. "I use it. in my family," writes (J .1 Welch, of TeUmisha, Mich, "and hud it ]mv1c'T." Simply jrreat for cuts and burns. :J3e at Aritrcv's tiring store. notice] To Tin: Ladies of Foi:t Mii.i, and Vicinity: You arc cordially invited t?> come in my MII.LINKWY' Ol'KMNC oa Friday, Sop.ember ^'Jnd. at !,. .? Massey's store. Mas. B.C. AtlKK. SUBSCBIBTION TO STOCK. Books of Fqkt Mru. Cotton W o:t.llol Si: Oom 'ANY lv? lit Ui'KNKl) SKPtkmukkei, l'.llA. l'tt r.sua tit to authority coiiferretl on us by .1 T. Gaunt, secretary of state fos South Carolina, in a conmiissioii dated September 1 >, I tit la, we hereby vive not ice t li it on TllVUiDW N FX T, SKI*T KM t*? KB 'Jl. I'.ino at 10 o'clo :!c a in. in tlio oltice of W. J>. Mea. bain. Cashier, in Fort Mill, S. we will ?|?eii the I cooks <>f subscription to the Fort Mill Col to.i Warehouse Company, P. Hl.-WKRVSilli* J. \V. ai:i>i:ky V. Pi. Hi.ankknsih;? P.. M. VV\His \V. H. Mkvciiam I) G. Kikm. .]. M. Si it a r r. Port Mill, S. C. Sept. I!' WARNING." Mcnibors of tho Port Mill bight liifan try will tako notion tha? it is unlawful for A! V UN'K. wlrulior a nmnihor ol tin- militia or not, to wmir at any linn, without permission of the commanding olHeer, any part of tho oipiipna'iit fur nishwl tho militia taivforui, hat, 01 loggings. Yoa arc farther untitled that any violator of this law, coming to tho nutioe of the otUucrn of this company, will bo arrested ami tpnuishnd. Tho law provides a trial I infers a magistrate ami a maximum lino of ?1<>;> or 550 day* im prison man t. \ T ?. Sl\\TT, Capt yCo. K, 1st N\J. S C. 'IleaA . jj ar^cL^ (j Wealih. 1 ; ? \i Health is better than wealth,:* and [Hire drills me essential to j J good health. ft Prescript ions are promptly and j f Hci'imililv tilled by us, and the!^ purest ingredients are always j d , ; v useit. As for pnees, ours are j the lowest at all tiaies. ; ^ Kntire stock fresh and [jure. I ' tiiino us your prescription and give us a trial. Buchanan's > Bros' Store. ' C5 i Is Your Familf 1' Who is taking the risl you arc not carrying an ( Policy? Y our family, of < you to take a policy, don' take it ? S shall have to ru til lam able." Your fan '> V. f/vttl* o / Vi\ / ' : i u i l>Ul Hltf, > \ " .i I money-making ability foi run the risk of living on ; an insurance poIicy*-Ics the risk of your dying an and her sustenance v. hid Yes, she can <Jt> without tl ance policy now, much, he Without your money^earj Prospective policy h matter, and don't let you even your estate take sue by a.small outlay assure t I am a home man and So call at my office and h cation for the best Old 1 world. ,JohnJ. Be c J" I I ** fc, ; THE ?> . <* : ACME > ^ ! BARBER SHOP, I > & > ? \ N, L. Carothers, ? I > < ; Proprietor, 'f, > A ( <0 b v. 03. W. 3. Hart. Joha F. 3i 1IART & 1SREKDIN. Attorneys at Lu-v, vock Hill, - - - S. C. Oflic, ?a r 11 .c!: Ili'.I ?n<>i>ly Oc. !H' A HUNDRED?Olil (utper*, nt Tina's Ofliee. siiil ills M? you or your family, i>ki Line Life In sura nc course. So., when 1 as!t nay "I am not a hie :.o ii the risk of dying un iily is taking the risl is depending on you ' :a livelihood, willing!; r-25 or$:>0--the price o s each year than rin \ d he without both yoi i you are able to make lie cost of a life insui - :tter than she could do line ability. oi'ljr, think o\er tliis r wife, your family or h a risk, when you can, heir Cut lire happiness, i will treat you :t me take your appli. Line Insurance in the dies, Ag't. 'v * (jV to 3 AST ON & HALL \ For }Yn e FUM^ll MEATS, such ilk IJFFi-t rojiiv, SAl'SAliE, FISH, lite. \\ ? mHu mi iy ft lino of lie.ivy and Fancy (iioeeries, Cm ii. .1 fr- s . v.. , -* * ' * ci v i-i S?, V \ I". "l'i..;!>.< orders receive prompt nttciitioo. Call Ko. 1~!> and lotus serve you. jASTON & HALL, wwt.?r . r??iA, n J r'#i>vrr*i?k*ERiWi www* eweuuteiv MODEL !! SI cam Laundry. ; t'll A KI.< )TTK, ? ? N. C. | riar i; list. | Shir: ; 10c j[ Tmirt.-, IK'W) 1-.'?< t ollais 2c '1 ('nil's, jht pair Jo ? Undoraliirtfl 8o ? Drawers So K J ouks. jmt pair :?o K Ii:iiidkurchi.Ts. linen ...lie | IIuinTLcrdhiel's, r.lllc fie ^ Panlsy 2>V. t<? Too 8 ('outs i. 2 <o to Tic b Vests Y ?r>o J| J-hirt-Viands , J."ic up A Curtain! .*>0c up Tllnnkt tl. single, 15c; double., 2*e Counterpanes 10c Table CI It hs 10c MEL f W FYPft^SOU. J Aleuts, FOlrf MILL, - ? ? j*. C 1 / A