University of South Carolina Libraries
Y K K Y BRADFORD. ^f^Krrij>tion: ^PTT...../. $1.00 ' wt Vnmit li.v 16 m spdmlcntv on current subjects is i | no the hi in t<> isinir made known BR^V^ s;EiTEMia:K .0, i?>or>. j j1 Editorial Briefs. The Times litis Oiiih fur had lit- ! t ie to say for or against the proposit ion to vote the dispensary out ^B of ilie county, and, believing that Wf thost? of o.u;- readers who care to take part in the election are amply intelligent to judge for themselves I in the matter, we shall not attempt Jto build or bust, the institution. As-to our individual opinion, however, it may be added that we have little faith in prohibition, taking 1 lis a basp for this Relief our observations arid experiences in a soon I led prohibition town the past years. Viewing the situation locally, [ i we fail to see where or how the | people of Fort Mill are to be bene- j fitted by the removal of the dis pensary from Yorkville, while, on the other hand, there is apparent- I jiy little to lose. Aside from Ilie! (extra tax, amounting to perhaps | 5200 a year, that our people would i called upon to pay 111 the event . of prohibit ion, this township would j hardly realize that York county | was without a rum shop. The pen- . pie of Fort Mill and the Yorkville i (dispenser have little dealings with I | .each other. *Ye have not looked (< over the records at the local ex- i UliiHR olliee lull vnn i ti 11... hl.-uui-. i : (x lion lluit twenty gallons would he # .11 broad estimate of the ninount of whiskey shipped here from the Yoikville dispensary sinee its es- < tablishment. The bulk of whiskey .consumed in Huh townshio comes i from North Caiolina towns, and will continue to do so regard Iom* of the result of the election on the 2t?th. Hut, as stated in the outset, we have no argument to make for or auninst the dispensary, j The election to decide the ipies lion takes place on th'e 2<>th, and we hope that every voter of the! county will cast his ballot accord jni4 to his own convictions, and not be intlncnced by the slick tongues of politicians and others, i -v-%. We hope that every child of pchool aye in Fort Mill was up and off for school at the tap of the academy bell Monday moraine. If that boy or ^irl of yours is at work earning a dollar or two a| week, we say, stop work, send them to school! If thev haven't as good clotlll'S MH bQIIIO people's children, makes little ditforenee! Dress doesn't make brains nor educate clnldreti; neither does keeping tliein away from school for j such a cause excuse you from a duty which you owe to the child and the Clod who nave it. It is! our belief that a parent who, without. just cause, neglects the child's education is ,'Mtilty of a great wrong and will be held accountable. Again we say, send your child to school, and cheat tieworld of an ignoramus. A number of farmers around f'hosteltii-hl arc reported to have i signed an agreement which reads: !1 "We, the undersigned, swear l>efote God that we will not give 1 over 40 cents per R)l) pounds for picking cotton before Oct. loth, j IDOf), and do herehey forfeit. SnO if 1 violate the agreement; the Minn ISO to be distributed *inonu tllOHO wllUSr* llfllllCH HpjM'lir Oil till' HB|^k It in needlenH to iidd thnt, hnd it iniI'tr outh. coiicornmLf the B ^k<of tlic 1 would 111 o u 11or w (TliuiHiliiy) the B Hind lliiuiu icai y" iii e hot ns" mm to the ^E^B^^^^^^Biropriety of ^HHHB county. ^^H^^^^^Bith the B Bin. aud a i /v%B^^^^^B^^^^Bceuient B Bdiat re-elect ion oh u the - * *ri The Times 1ms been asked to [ all to the attention of the authorities the need of dispersing the! crowds which cou^re^ate in Alain j sfii'i't S'l t iiii In v i, if i*i-h i wi iiu It iu i i common occurrence to see 1 lie | pavements so blocked that ladies j md children are coin pel led to walk j mt into a dusty or muddy street to get by. The street uhouid be j kept open at ail times. %/%, The Yorkville Kuquirer appears lo be s< mewhal troubled over the visit, of Senator Tilliunu to I Tirzah tomorrow. The Enquirer I erhaps realizes that the side not lino tlio biggest end of the argument in ttie Tirzah meeting is likely to control the eleetioii on : the 2<>th, and that "Uncle" lieu is j coming "loaded for b'ar." A majority of the cases tlmt come before Recorder Shannon* house, of Charlotte, nowadays are for the violation of the prohibition laws. And still, there are those who claim that prohibition does prohibit. '%/%In answer to the question of how some p-ople live without working, it would perhaps be proper 'o bay that they walk nights to keep from sleeping, and sleep days lo keep from eating. Say, brother, did you get one of I hose numerous bills we sent but a j few days ago? If so, and you liavent paid us, this is to remind you that we are still looking for you to call and settle up. The Cocaine I.vil. Says the Charlotte (,hronicle:"A good many excursions of colored people have been run into this oily from South Carolina during the summer. They have not given Iho town tin- Hinallpox or the yellow fever, hut if all aceounls are correct, they have implanted here an evil mole dangerous, in that it is of a secret order tin' cocaine habit. The South Carolina negroes it is said, acquired the hahit from the Louisiana negroes. In York county, S. ('., the majority of the negroes are cocaine slaves. The drug is the most seductive that has yet been put upon the market. It costs $(? an ounce, but a darkey will manage to lind money for its purchase in some way. Strange, ii is not, that this evil has so far been overlooked by the lawmakcis? Ami strange also, that tin' cocaine wrecks are confined almost exclusively to the colored race. The white people seem to know the danger, hut it is to the negro what tin1 tlame is to the moth The condition into which this freely-secured poison is bringing the colored race is one that should command the attention of the lawma Iters." The Tiin^s knows little of the cocaine habit in York county outside of this township. but in justice to the colored population here we will kiiv that The Chroniele hns exaggerated matters in its stato11 it 111 that "a majority" of our no groes aro cocaine slaves. \\ bile there are doubtless a number of negroes here who are addicted to the halnt, wo don't believe that conditions throughout tho county are near ho alarming an the Char lotto paper has stated. Still, the habit is on the increase, and it is the duty id' our law makers to put a atop to tin- manner in which this poisonous drug is sold to t he negro. -Cotton Warehouse to he Opened. Tho stockholders of tho local cotton warehouse association a few days ago purchased froiu Mr. J. M. Spratt the old Spratt Machine Co. building, west of the railroad, and will at once lit it up us a cotton warehouse Tho building has about l.O(K) feel Moor space, will hold 1,000 bales of cot ton and is built of brick with a tin roof. It will, with a few changes, .. i e. - r ' Ill iui <1 m-vMi iiir-|i|titn \\ Ml CIIOUSC mi'I will ho;hi l>?' ready for use. The fanners' organization of Fort Mill township is in a healthy condition. Tho iiiemhorH are Ink nig n great ileal of interest mill attending regularly the frcijuenl meetings of the association, The capital stoek of the warehouse company is divided into shares of Sl2f) and there are nearly .*>0 stock holders. Tins shows how g? ii'Til tiie spirit of organization is inning the farmers hero and how well they stick together. The farmers of this section will j loiihtless show tlieir appreciation ?f the warehouse hy giving to it tlieir undivided suppoit. ? ? -4 ? ?- ? Colored Population to Celebrate. Tho colored people of tho towi ship Hive arranging for a big eelehration on tho 2drtl inst. The featlire . of the occasion will he die tile laying of tlie corner stone of St. dames A M. Iv Zion church and speeches hy several prominent colored ml lieu tors. . v'% t r vv w - v ' . v. ^ V. J r". ^ > - 5^ " ? ' .-* ' . ".v>* -* With the Sick. Mir. P. 1\. Mull i? still serious ly ill at her home on Main street. The infant dmmhter of Mr. and Mrs. A. K. McKlluftiy, which been seriously ill for several days, is much improved at present. Mr. Phillip Bennett, who lias j been in ill health for some time time, is reported to be extremely 1 sick at his home in lower Fort j M ill township. Mr. W. K. Warren, of upper For .Mill, has been confined to his beil for several days with an attack of malarial fever. Kepnrts yesterday from the bedside of M rs. T. S. Kirk pat rick, who has been dangerously ill for some I (lays, were to the effect that there ( was little, if any, improvement in her condition. Mr John Celts Dead. Mr. John Felts, u well known > farmer of the township, died early Wednesday morning at his home 2 ! | miles north of Fort Mill, ajjeil G3 j years. The immediate cause of death was dropsy, fiom which dis- | ease he had boeii u sutferor for j many mouths. Mr. Felts served gallantly as a private through the Civil war, reIceivitig a number of slight wounds while thus en^a^od. lie is survived by a wife and several children. The funeral service and burial took place Thursday tnoraiim at , Flint Hill church, Kev. J. D. 11 ug?^ii?s conductintf the eervico. ? M ? Graded School Opens. The session of lOOo-'OG at the Fort Mill (iraded School Octran Monday morning with a recordbreak im; attendance. Prof Willi-1 spoon ami Ins assistants, Misses .w iiin it- ?ian ison, iNuii Tliornwell and Wren Harris were all present and took charge of their respective ; grades. The trustees and faculty of the ' school were much gratified at the; hum' number of scholars, 127, picsent on tin* opening day. This number wan materially increased yesterday morning and it is expected that by the close of the I week 17)0 scholars will have been enrolled. I OK ; York County Desperado Captured. A dt spnteh from Salisbury, X. 0., Monday says that Zoke ^ oung, a negro, was shot and killed and another negro dangerously wound- I j od there Sunday afternoon by! ; Whitman Hardy, a mulatto desperado from Vorkville, S. C. The I shooting appeals to have been [ without provocation. Hardy himself was slightly wounded while , attempting to escape. He was arrested and is now in jail at Salisbury. The murderer is wanted by by lite South Carolina authorities I' rebooting two white men. Hardy, it is said, escaped from York jail with Iteese and Lucky se\ oral \ ears ago. ? A Nine-Gallon Gourd. Mr. W. J. Kimbrell, mail. oari lii'i* of route No. 2. reports a huge , gourd at the home of Mr. \Y. T. I Single, in the lb-lair flection. Mr Kimhrell a few days ago measured the gourd, which was found to he I feet, ti 1-2 inches in cirruinfor- 1 once and 2 1-2 feet lone. It is he- J heved that when the seed have heon removed the gourd will have a capacity of at least nine gallons, i Carruthers Brothers Convicted. A telegram Monday morning to Mr. Sam Carruthers. of this place, stated that his three sons, Will, i Charles and dim. had on Saturday been convicted at Salisbury. N. ('.. I . of deadly assault upon Mr. Walter Crump, and that sentence would be pronounced yesterday. Crump is still seriously ill, but there are, | hopes f<>r his recovery. Mr. Sam Carruthers went to Salisbury Monday morning. Death of an Infant. Friends of Mr. and Mrs. (iary S. Thompson deeply symp ithise with them in the loss of theird months old son, who died Saturday alter do.hi at 7 o'clock at tlx1 Palmetto j notel. The child had be. n sick about ton days. Funeral service was conducted by Dr. .1. II. Thorn- j w dl Sunday afternoon at I o'clock, after which the burial took place in tlie town cemetery. - ? A Sunday Marriage. M r. Robert Me Kinney and Miss ' J'inie Parker, n young couple from L'ineville, were married at this place Sunday afternoon by 'Squire John YV. McK.lhany, Got off Cheap TP. may well think ho has pot oft' cheap, who, after having contracted constipation or indigestion, is still able to perfectly restore his health. Nothing will <lo I his b it l)r. King's Now Li n Tills. A qniok, pleasant and certain onre for headache, constipation, etc. J.'ic at Aiar-.iy s ctrug store. t 4 Best oottori was quoted HO 1-5$ J L-entb on this HJiu kot yesterday. - 4 *? LETTER TO J M. SPRATT, FORi MILL. S. C. Dear Sir. Woul'l you like to hear of a 20-year puiut ? Mr .lames A O'Neil's house, Heucler- | son, N O, was pniutcd 20yearsagQ with Devoo lead ami zinc, ami never painted again until last year; it then looked better thail common } stint in half that time. The reason is: Devoo is all paint and true paint; while the common paints are part true and part false. Don't pay to monkey with paint. And Devoo -tests less than any of'em; not by the ptllou, of course; by the h<>use and year. That's how to reckon it. tio by the name. Yours truly t>4 F \V Dkv.or Cq. 1' S. W B Avdrey ArjCo sell our i>uiut. Of the wounded Russian soldiers treated at Harbin. 1,200 were found to have mutilated themselves by cutting uii uieiirsi uugiTS in iill* l'lgill luiiui. I ike Finding Money. Fiuilujg health is like finding money ?so think those who are siek. When you have a cough, cold, sore throat or chest irritation, better act promptly like W C Barber, of Sandy Ijovel, Ya. lie says: "1 ha<l a terrible chest trouble, caused by smoke and coal dust on my lungs; but after finding 110 relief in other remedies, I was cured by Dr. King's New Discovery for Cousumpt ion, i. oughs and I olds." Greatest sale of any rough or lung medicine in the world. At Ar- i drey's drugstore; 00c and $1.00; guaranteed. Trial bottle free. There is one divorce in Maine for ovsix marriages. Arc You Fngagctl? K11 gaged )>oople should remember that after marriage many quarrels can be avoided by keeping their digestions in good condition with Klectvic Bitters. S A Brown, of Bennettsviile, S. U. says: | "For years inv wife sutYerod intensely i from dyspepsia, eomplieated with a tor- ] pi?l liver, until she lost her strength anil vigor and became a mere wreck of her | former self. Then she tried Klectrie Bitters, which helped her at once and j finally made her entirely well. She is j now strong and liealthy." W 11 Ardrev, druggist, sells and guarantees them at 60c a bottle. Since the first of the year this conniry litis imported $2,000,0000 worth of automobih s. Attacked by a Mob and beaten in a labor riot until covered v\ ith sores, a Chicago street, car conduittin applied I'.ueklcn's Arnica Salvo and, v\as soon sound and well. "1 use it in my family," writes G .1 Welch, of Tekoiisha, Mich. ' and liuil it perfect." Simply gretit for cuts and burns. 25c at Ardre.v's drug store, A Kentucky woman, oiily .'ft years of age, has just acquired her ninth husband. i TEACHERS' EXAMINATION Will bo hold in Yorkville on Friday, j Sept. lit. I fso more examinations uutil next spring. Applicants mnst provide themselves with pencils and legal cap paper. JOHN 15. I'AliULLL, 0-0 'it Co. Snpt. Kdncat'n. "an a a d liTaTcTT Prohibiting trespassing upon or cutting of llowers or shrubbery from the plots of the cemetery, and the interference with, or cut t ing of, shrubbery, monuments, eti1.. in the park, lie it ordained by the town council of Fort Mill, S. C., now sitting in common council, and by authority of the i same: Skc. 1. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to trespass upon any plot in tin- cemetery or pull or cut any flowers, or other bushes, or evergreens, t herefrom. t?KO. 2 It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to cut or disfigure any plant, tree, or other shrubbery in the park, or to interfere in any way with the cannon balls or any monument in said juirk. Skc. !5. Any violation of the above ordinance will be subject to a tine of not less than one dollar or more than five dollars, or imprisonment in the guard house for a term of not less than i t wo days or more than ten days, or hot h, at the discretion of the iutcmlaut or; town council. I.lone'aml ratified in ornnmil blc<l ths 'JSth cluy of August, I90.*?. W. 11. Mi .veil vm. Attest: lntonduut. S. W. Pauks, Clerk. AN ORDINANCE. Prohibiting the dejxisitir.g of trash, tilth, rubbish, barrels, boxes, pajier. ete., in the streets ol' the tow not Fort Mill, S < ' 1*0 it ordained by the town eouneil of Fort Mill, now sitting in common council, and by uuthority of same: SKr 1 'Ihat it shall be unlawful for any |<er? ui or persons who ball dopo>i, tra*h. tilth, rubbish, barrels, boxis, papers or anything whatsoever, in the-streets or sidewalks of said town, or shall dejHisit or place the same where it will he blown into said streets or sidewalks. Sn . 2. It shall l>c unlawful for any merchant or other person whatsoever, to place any rotten cabbage, (iota toes, apples, haiuinuas, lemons, or any other rotloti or deeuved matter wh atsoever, belli ml or beside their stores, or anywhere tdse within tin* incorporate limits of said town, within olio hundred yards of any building ^ku -1 Any violation of the above ordinance will be subject to a lino of not less than one dollar and not exceedi.ig live dollars for each and every of fense, or lie imprisoned in tin- guard house for a term of not less than two days or more than ten days, or both, at tho discretion of the iuleiidant or town ooaueil Done and ratifiied in council assembled this 28th day of August, ItHWi. W 15. Nik veil M. Attest: Inteiidant. S. \V Parks, Clerk. _ I Schools Begin, Remember that we have all that appertains to bcJjoo! life. Tlio largest stock of Tablets am! best assortment ever seen in Fort Mill is on hand. Our aim is to buy the best Tablets that can be put up for a nickel and then jump to the host tlpit can be sold for a dime. Pencils and Pens. Lunch Boxes and Pencil Boxes, Blackboard and Pencil Erasers. Eye Shades and Ink tall kinds) Our Folding Lunch liox at a dime is a hip-gait) and they won't last long. AY. B. Ardroy A Co. Is Tour Family 1 Who is taking the ri> you arc not carrying an Policy? Your family, of you to take a policy, don take it-rl shall have to r til 1 am able." Your fa aiul your good wife, wii money-making ability fc run the risk of living 011 an insurance policy--Ie the risk of your dying ai and her sustenance whic Yes, she can do without 1 ance policy now, much b Without your inoncv/cai Prospective policy matter, and don't let voi even your estate take su by a small outlay assure 1 am a home man an So call at my office and cation for the best Old world, John J. Bi FOll SALE. Two houses and lots, i known as the Pegranii lots. See C. II. I>elk, Agent. I IftfiO Telegraphers EX222EZ53S WEEDED Annually, to till the new positions created by Railroad and Telegraph Companies. We Want , YOUNG MEN and LADIES of good habits, to LEARN TELEGRAPHY AND R R. ACCOUNTING === Wn furnish 76 per cent, of the Operators and Station Agents 111 America. Our six schools are the largest exclusive Telegraph S< hools in i tho world. Established 20 years and endorsed by all leading Railway Officials. Wo execute a $250 hotel to every stu- ' dent to furnish him or her u position paying from $10 to$00a month in states | east of i he Rocky monutains, or from $75 to $100 a mouth in states west of tie* J Rookies, immediately upon graduation. ( Students can enter at any time, No | vacations. For frill particulars regard- j iug any of *onr schools write direct to! our executive ollice at Ciuciuoati. Ohio. ; fa (alogue free, Mor>f School of TYIt'^ropliy. I'ineinnati. Ohio. Eufl'aln, N. Y. Atlanta, (ia. 1 .a" "rosso. Wis. T? \arkana,'JYx. San Frnncisco, Cat. TO Orit FltlENDS! i Wo are now Incut- (1 nt 121 K Council street, Salisbury, N. (\. twid s-licit your trade. We have on 111'. tit I a complete line of the 1) kt Whiskies, Wines. Brandies, Klc . and call supply your wants with anything in our lino. Our Mr. M A. Teeter, formerly of Charlotte, has personal supervision of our shipping department and a 11 mail orders receive prompt and careful attention at his hands. Ask for price list and order blank with yonr order. \V. II. IIOOVKR & CO., SA^ISHVlfV, N. C. Phone 21* ! V i ? ? . '" . \ ACME j i BARBER SHOP. t * i f 1ST T * ^ 1 U) V/IA&V1 Of ? J * 1 J Proprietor, J $ $ %*-%%> -% %- %.-<%. nGeo. W. 8. Hart. John K K.-c<nin HART & BREE1H X, Attorneys at Law, Rock Hill, - - - S. C, Office over Roclc Hill SuppT. '' 20C A HUNDRED?Old papers, at T it Times Office. 'alii tte M? ik, vou or your family, it Old Line Life Insurance course. So, when I ask I't say 441 am not able to itii the risk of dying tinmily is taking the risk o is depending on you: >r a livelihood, willMigl> $25 or $30--the price oss each year than run nd he without both you h you are able to in n j the Cost of a life in ,"? etter than she couid do ning ability. hoMcr, think over triis lii" wife, your family o< ch a risk, when you c; u tlieir future happinc s d will treat you r.t'J.i let me take your appli* Line Insurance in ihw liles, Ag't. C11) to GASTON & HAi-i. For your FRESH MEATS, such (ib J 5 EE F, PORK, SAUSAGE, FISH, Etc. We also carry a line of Heavy ami Fancy Groc.?:iv Caniitd (toi ilh, Tobacocs, eti "Phone orders receive proinp* at t?>111i<>11. Call No. 29 and i t.ii serve you. u/Yb 1OIN & HALL. I T MODEL ( | Stoam Laundry. f i %> v | CHARLOTTE, ? ? N C. | PRICE LIST. ( Shirts 10c I Shirts, now 1 >1 /,c i Col lavs 2c > ('utt's, jh'v pair lc ft Undershirts He % Drawers So f i-ooks, jh'v pair, So K Handkerchiefs, linen tic t Hamlkt?r<?liii?fa nill? ?- "? i ran is 25c lo ?5o 1 Coats .* 25c to 75c I Vests 25c I t hirt-Waists 15c up Curtains 50c up Blankets, single, 15c; double, 2"c < Counter panes I lie Table Cloths 10c M ELliftHEY-PARiC GO. ! Agents, PORT MI LB, ? ? ? b. C j