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\ J)Ol Wi tioi rov of] ? ? ! ????0?????Q?Ci fi ITEMS cl LOCAL INTEREST J Master Clydo Yon^ue, of Sprim; Held, S. C? is uisiiiu^ at tin- li ?in. of Mr Duncan Wolff, in tins pine Mrs. T. S. Kirkputiick lias l>o?-n seriously ill of fever for some days at lior home on Bouili street. Dr *1. K. iMassey, Sr., of liock Hill, i> the attending nh vsician. TJie Village Improvement Society will meet tomorrow (Thnr? day) afternoon at 5 o'clock at tinreside nee of Mrs. W. B. A i drey.' All members are requested to be present. Mr. and Mrs. AW F. Buchanan and little son, t?F Charlotte, passeil through Fort Mill yesteruay en route to Grattan to attend a family picnic. The next regular meeting ol Wliite Oak Ca'uip, No. 11, Woodmen of the World, will la* held next Tuesday evening at the usual hour. All members are earnest 1} requested to attend this meeting. Mr. J. W. Brewer and Miss Sa- j rah Osborne, daughter of Mr. *). Osborne of upper Fort Mill town ship, were marrit-d in this place {Sunday afternoon by Magistrate Joliu \\\ McFlhaney Misses Louise and Agnes Wise, two charming ydung ladies of Shreveport, La., left Thursday for Greenwood, after a visit to the faipily qjf Rev. ?J. C. Chandler, of this place. Owing to the inability of Sena-j tor 13. 11. Tillman to visit Y'ork ooipity sooner, the annual picnic ot Tii/alt has been postponed until September 7th, the senator having accepted the invitation to address the voters of the count\ hat day. It is ex|)r'ctotI that a J record-breaking crowd will attend the picnic thin year. Friday was an ideal day for an jilting, and, as usual, people for miles around attended the annual picnic at Brown's Shop. With jood shade, plenty of cool waiei and an ahtmdanee of the very Lest dinner, the day was most pleasant ly spent by all The speakers of the occasion were ('apt. Kdwards. of Chester; Mt d. \V. Ardroy, of Fort ill; Hon !. K. Breed in. of Hock fiiII, and i'rof. Boney, of Gold Hill. The speeches >ver? all oopd and eaeli speaker was liberally applauded during, and at the close, of his reworks. ATE AUG W o have jnst roeoive utds, or one solid ear 1< ire Nails. Buying in ( u to make bet-tor oriee> AVe sell McConniek vs, Hay Balers and all] Also, we have just r. Buirgy Harness. AYe are here to do be my anything, call and 11 : - ...... i i*i Kiii^ |)rn*c \uu, iiiiti i will he posted. "DP. 33. DE31E3X he Old lie] 3?ao A fiiilii iom itiiii11 it-r ot tbe tjiinl illi;d VetiM s i f I III' r?illtily 11;?\ 111-_r bj?neil tlio | o'iliiiii r? <pn-stmo mi election to determine win* I her the dispensary tsiiall remain in Y nk county Supervinoi I . \\*. J>oyii on Saturday ordered that .-aid <1 c t lo:i lie ik.Id l liloii?!ioilt tin conn ty Oil I III frd/o , Sop!". lit). T d'i Notice ol tin* election nppems in another column. Pursuant to advertisement, the Fullwood prop rtv in this place was otlVred to public sale Thursday by Clerk d. A. late. The two 1 loot h si reel lots t I h old I > i rracks ,1 and the home-place ) were bid in by Mr. Ij. A. Harris, the consideration beino .:2<)0 ami $dOI), re-pi et ivclv. Tbe small and I .1 id, 1. 1 ... , .ii 111 r?'-i (it'll i 'I fill' town was bought by ).lr. -I. \\ Ardrey '<?r The postoriice department on lnl\ :tr?l issued nil older atithoi izintr tlio suspension it v'iv: 'r mi all rtinil mail routes on tin- i >. lowing holidays: New Y -nr's da\ (January I), WiishingtoirH Birth day (February 'J-I. Memo al ?< I )e-oration I) * y ( M ty do ), In:*pendonre Day (Juh t).li;.-M M mday in September, know n as Lb >. I iy, and sueli a day as tin* L'i ?i ident may set apart as I hank oi\ iiio J)ny in each calendar y nr. Rural farriers will not he required to drive their routes on t lies-- d i \ > With tlie int rodn* 11 ?n of t lie heavier type of locomotives, ih Southern Kail way finds it nrcessary to lay even a heavier rail than the DO-poiind rail which has la-en in use ??n this division only a few years, and a tiack for e is now en gaged in putting down the new rad between CViliiinbia and <'11u: lotte. The lievv I L- i ei^li'een. or twenty miles north of (' iltllllllin Mini Will lie conij leteii through tu Charlotte with Helens! possible ili-lny. It is with pleasure (hut we an limn ret* the anticipated return tu Fort Mill ol Prof ). .\. !>oyd and family, of Pim ville. I'rul iloyd visited Fori .Mill the past week and closed tlie ileal Willi Mr. II lie Ik tor the llelk home pi ce, on Confederate sheet, which I'rof. Ifoyd and family wiil occupy np u their letnrn here within a short time. I'rof. lJoyd is well known throughout this section, having for many yeais sup--; intended tie local graded school. and his many friends in this sectivin will ^ratilled to know that he and his excellent family are to a_;ain like up lobideacc h. re. 9 , \ ~^~~E===~Z: 30G-S" IJ S T NEW d Iron? the factory IV2 uad, (>!' Barbed Wire ar lots places u^ in ] ; to our i ast inters. Mowers, Hakes, Disc 1 repairs for above niacin rceived another shipv siness and when you ^ get our prices, we if you don't want to jjKL-, SPir*c>3p>., liable Stoi " ??3 I )r. A. .M i ?IH haicm. :i v n 1 craduito in miMicine v> I 'i hOVfllll III Mltlld 11 I -> | >: ?? I 11 1 ills piotes inn in iliis township. has lli eided 11> ? :i t?_i? in the . 'us iin s . here aral will t j > a th lniIIISS III (II. e of til. .Mhss-'\ S rooiuH on Main street. (! oils . i tlii* now st no tic "inivii.. ?\ and it i^ ? \ ool a! J! a ;li s! ok wiii it. oinnpioii' and tl liiiMne . 11> ii l o I! 11 |:u i' 1 ic wi 111 a 1 o11 ?I'i ys lh salt a o> iii|>l< to stork ot (It s tiio lii hi will ha mile an i.p to date 11 lie ol I oi let ai t i a . . I' ! ii'c . lei siiinliiou. Spoi l d allcnti i will III- e i VOII to till* St .\IIO_; it hilt III III old d i inIts, I h 1 ama i n fo u ii ich lias already and wd and . - a lie rv, As 1 whole the llew stole, will h is to lie 111) i w 11 as 1 i III' IM!l II. i 'in Stoic, is lo lie 111 ill'. I! Ill I \ I v respect. Air. i). ( I.on i. v. ho iat present employ i in tin 11 u^stin , ol i). ! |'?. Mi mi. will In a social cd with I Jr. i.tutiman in tic new business. P'.easard Vallsy We/vs. I >r li iciia it 1>" -11, I' Sei ,n* a M i-s , wiii> lms lif?"i visiting Ii.I'jil?i? r . I Jr -I. T. Kill, iiiriii >1 lioiiii' Snl iiriliy. I >r. K< 11 is it w in tin >inp!o, of th?? I . S. meat to 1111 ml mi liir y? 11 < IfvtT |i iti"iils in liit- sirirki'n nii-trm! nl Xt'W ( >1 leilllH. Il>- ih illlillllllt' frnlll yell i\v l.-vt-r, li;ivin-_c 1?*?<I llm 'lis ciisr nbollt y? 'ii s iii.. i, I .1 . Tuns. I\i Ii, -I l\. of Ii ui.villi*. Ky., y iiin^c -t m <>) I >r. -I T. Ki-il. wii.i i.i .ri i1 i -I'M11> i i it ymitij^ lady nl S : anion, M wlittln-r In- will i ni \i? l' .r tin prai't ice i t h is ; n . it. -a n. (c)ii it ii ii ii in li< r i < >n i' | >> ) nt'.ended !>i iu n - Si .p ni -tin- 1 isi I' i i' I i v. ii ml al I i p> >i t an > 11 j .\ nIIItime, i \ p? oii>> yoiiiiv! inm. w >. ill Sinii 1 i y. 1'i lf 1; k <? 1111111111u s<?1111 * t liiliij; 'is f ill. >Wr : 11 i i III lilt' t ! I i ; - r Tnat aint any I?; r r 'I h in 11n' p. nit i/l a small s /t'd pin* I lu I t;u? liump thai it i a <" ! ll'llt'S Ilk.' 1)1(1/ >. A nd that r? where tile rub < i n. M is. 11 N. Patter- a returned Friday from aa extend. 1 vim! t I't-la lives a in I til tnis in ill III oil li taiiiis \l is- It- li 'cm I 1 a . ; i- i > visiiino m ?rt Mill . ..Iloheit I ?i \ a :il aa-l 111 iter 11 -; :. spend iii^ ill.- week in A - he\ i ll> . . . .' > and Webb ileal Ii, of L?an astei, pent Sand ?y m I* is ml \ .! i \ Mr. I.i in si I i;trr;st, >! II.cli ui .ml, \ I.., retained A1 ) . B?0?G^?@02?C^ ? ? i O. I ; ? i q S O. ? I I ? .000 ! Q i - > i ' : . <ind ill } ,-I III f ' i [I aril HI mos. U ;! ! H I Jh virt ! x<,u o Mil! I bnw 0-J O $ { *. .? I 1 V'' i C1 " -O i <" ) . Wc ( . , i N' j & Cl) fei r>.t~ <r> ? ?\ rr- r% : ? . o1vyij'4>^>'vA^ <. ; v./ .J ( , iinvi s nt, 1 iriiMi .s 1 !-i \1: ,. .|. I' II n i ' . \\li > i In (mi in 11: hi is | iii ;i I mi (Jlmi t'.u Severn I Wl'i ks. i.- ' I'l 'III ! V I III !) 1 IV.I! :i' I 11 i . \vi il i!i:^ . ... Mr ( ? i' i ! ai i .1 <i . \ i! Ir an ('l tit'.- Sail: 11 11 i J11 aisj -il 1 Saini v in IM an I \ a I !i v. Ah. I 1 1 i i n' 1 tin li in, I In- ' ' ' 1, 1. 11. I a I. *v liauk 111 C 'ua: !?>i! 111 ; r . 1 ; I tl iv. I 11' t In- I'llSlli H;r : II. I '! air \ a 11 y '.'i.I : 1 | . I :. I in v." 1 i . - . 1? , Al isn- I' ! t Kilita mh! A! II a 1 l is a I I in- A . < v 1 i I N < 1 11 1 1 !] Aii ' ! ! IJ a r 1 . I ! hi 1 i I 11! a 1 <l .Mull 1 11 . i>l "i >1 n 111! r. a I 11: it'^a . v. 1 a- ! 1 11 1 i I y al V\ inl li> |>: A! \ unit* A i II 1 > 1? 1 11 ! j 11: t a l . . '! A1111 i A i ll 1 - y a I ' .? 1-1 1. I' 11.nif 1 '< . A- : Al. - -. - I ,1 ami A. Ai. 1 iali .i ( Inn- I* M lirvanl al lii" I iii\a-isil\ nf N r! 11 (li ': l, liml .1 >MI I ' I 1 I. . ttivil al I lui llislitill-' J'iii 11:?? ilea!', (iuin I? and 1. i 1 ' I ' ' (: 1 S j 1 in: \ liai iti' v ;l" y li - a\ i Y a a- 11: } ffit'l I 1 \ li.V ! . I' mil' : ! 1 inl. Mil. I i v w rilr< " 'v i I; : liinir In, inir lilllv u'il'l \va- in 1 i : i - ? hvaltll, \\ ill serious *) 111'? 11 t >. mil l\v > phvsiri ni h- r up. \V> 'Vi- valimxt ... .. ., ??i . i n \ i ' . Kill;.; - * uw vim". lii> ( on?!t inn < 'mi. lis ;! ii>i i 'i >:' i Till- li !i ' ' ' l'l'lii I . !l 1' i'I* I ;i ii 11!;; t'i ?u I In i I - . . ?mi*vi1, ami i- now in i> i t i s tli." Nfv> ! ! i i ri'i.i!M .1 n'1 r i.1 >: .I' ' u'li.u.m' "il . '] i i.i. I. i I I ^ i \> VS. 4 ? <*. <* i* t> THE i \ ACME I & ^ c> it i1 r> A T~* nr>r* r-r y^-vt-v > jd/\K:3?;K bMUr, % * % % N, L, Carotlicrs, $ * & $ V-' i Proprietor. $ 4> < $ 4 *> ^ v y_ lii."_v_?_l_ Oi-o W S H.i . J- . . V, B.< :.!. MAR V A: i5Ri :- i>I\. Rock hill, - - - S. . < ,.U> o . i' livx .. ii..i .ij . y . ' . -??J j\. stjfloistg-1 T J;; ;0 A. 3yC 1 I Is the (Vessel! Shoe for Men and the 1 trrisbi lies and children. I i Tie. \ fit better, look better and wear <r. er than ;ni} shoe wc have ever sold. We % 'Vt-r ha\( a dissaOstied eustomer. Our 21 x an* e\?*ori? nee yoe: a fomv way, when it OUT: to ioes. You can have the benefit of this < \|k ri< nee FKMK. ZLj= CFr. r As ^^Trrv~ Our Annual An :5iiGe Sale i ni.-l lt ?. OryniulitfB hm<1 i> ?: i i * ! ! . ,? " \ .. . ? s ? / s .. > . i . . 1(><5 r,o :<m.rcn . \ >-vn DUi-ssi-s. " ' S ' i - - ' ' . .flQ* #>c i ANC \ PAR VSULS. ' . I ' mi ? I >1 $1.25 S; l, A COUSUTS, 25c i ? j r fv v ? > ^f Jt l , 11 . i ,iv 1 , I " !. . I S*:> iinl 25, Yon mny .? I: i liaU, worth up to .!:?I \ it I <iv I'.H'h't' l>'l" ' . 1 ') I \ V ; v S ... Vv. ? A 1 v J. &? & HT O?! ? I ? . , " XX <e> f' 1 S i jrc " :i*i| / ? J Mv'^S S i 1 Sj u \ d r 11 fa v. \ \ if\i ? \ v : i- \ :j ir;/)w |,;. J V E ? I """ s A 1 v -i U TO S | RfcElt IParks Co. $ ,;i ? / : .; ?,^ssa? vV AN'US^VVX A^WVWWV p T. I). FA I LKNEli COMFY. 1 S. j \ r-.. ... ||9 /V . j } $5 ...? , ' v ,-x ^ ! ' , / . Jjj 55T' ' + ' - -v. . ? r* / v "* r I '/> J H <2 I ' 1? ;r r< ! I// K : J <, / '. V V/ ? v > :I^C50R ^ /? r a 22 h . , i e i its branched from .; . * : Coffin to the finest J J U . i\ .1. r.ol es for children, ladies ga :ii "...--.i !e:r.e.i, Slippers, etc. Hearse jjg i . r o \Va^;on. 'Phones 12 &34. I.KiVMU & COMPANY. M \v\Sv* ?s *. A