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I'll She i?rl ptll uiuui. DEMOCRATIC PUBLISHKD KVKRY WEDNESDAY 13. W. BRADFORD. Trrni? of Subscription: one yi-jr 51.00 Six month* r.o Throe months ui .: <'nrrmtpniKient'f on ? urn lit subjects is tnvit fl. hut no i ponsibi'.lty i- :istunicM for tin. views ol e<>> r. . :>on<lcnts. , Ai.'inyiiinuH communications will jiot bo p'ubllshcl in those column^. On application to the publisher. n<lv^rtisinjt rates are tunic known to thbse illt' l'Pstoi1. AI v? I iST >>!, 1 !)() >. Editorial Briefs. Nobody expected the Ports, mouth peuee conference <> bo uu A 1 ..1 1 i ... . iv .: .. mpiiwuov; dim iuiiin. Wishing t?> see his square < 1 <st 1 policy followed liy the envoys, Mi. * 1 loose veil is throwing a few eaids on the table and holding buck the joker. *%/% Much to the ftiiTU8?met?t of the business interests the Chinese boycott does not arouse the Biiine resentment that followed tlie blowing up of the Maine. In spite of the fact tlmt the yellow fever mosquito Iim.s had the centre <>f tli'* stage, our friend, the anopheles, has been steadily work ing the malaria pumps a 11 season. The private eon tractors are still of the opinion that tin* Panama canal should be dug by private colli met, while the Pari lie railroad owners do not Bee any use in dig gfug it at all. Though Witte lias so far done his best to * hiulV ' the d.ipanese in the interviews granted the for eigu press, there can be no doubt tlifit In* realizes the necessity of miking pence in view of the Bpreadiug revolution in llussiu Last year, President of the St. Louis World's Fair; lliis year President of the Trans- M ississippi Commercial Congress. Who can predict where this sort of tiling may yet land Diivul 11. Francis? With proper impartiality and a high' netiHC of equity, the Kquitaable Life contributed to the campaign funds of both parties. 1>< fore blaming the company, think of what the politicians ini^ht have done to it, if not pacified. 4. . , That low, ronihiln<_r sound which you do not hear rolling up from the north, the oast, the south and ilio west, is the ^ruiiihliu^ of the people heeailse there is to lie no extra session of conurress to re lieve tli.-m of trust and tarilV oppression. ? - ? The Peace Conference. Tlio iden of ronchiiiu an agreement seems to have been atian drmed at both the Japanese and Russian capitals unless within those inner portals which the pub Jie knows nothing about. Hope of peace, likewise, ban 1 > n a lens doned throiijrlit>ut I mrope and the world expected lilt- meeting ye tVrday would result in nothint; inure tlwm n iorniMl and tinnl call i'll* otT. 1*4ut wtiile I 1ht?* is IiF? . | it'ii* is hope, and tlio conference in not yet (lead. ( tne mighty force in the ne^oliniions, 111o one tliionurli \vh so instrumentality the peace iNoiiferenee was e lied, and wln? has been the friend and counsellor of both hides is President KooROVelt: and lie : -ems to bo the only one that clings to hope. It was through his iiilliienee that the conference was not finally ad jonrned Saturday. Out of re sped for liini and the American people whom lie represents the commissioners consented to take a recess until Monday to see if their tfoveriunont.s would make further concessions. A despatch Sunday niuht from Portsmouth told that a Hirlher postponement had been inad? till Tuesday aftei lioor, and uti il tins mcetincr is over no man en11 tell wnether ii will be peace or war between .Ja pan and Kushin. Charlotte (>l server. Divorce a Blessing to Women. The Rev. M. .1. Savago a noted New York divine, recently, in a Her moil, nave his views on the dt vorce question as follows: "I have intimated that one of the distinguishing chatnrtn is!ies of modem tinien is the growth ot divorce. A great many peopV aro frightened to think that tids i.-, ofte of tho deplorable fruits of the wider freedom given to women. '"1 believe on the whole that a large number of divorces at tinpresent time are altogether to lie welcomed. Tkey are almost always iVi the interest of oppressed women, tjiving them uuolher opportunity HP is ^ T for h tree. sweet, wholesome 1 iF?.*. i '"Thru* are eases whore the < 1 i ' voree law's are almsed. hut not : nearly so many ?a the frightened ministers of a threat ninny of our ehnreli* s seem to imagine. "Law does not make marriages. The ehuieh dors not make marriages. Men ami women, if they are ever married, marry thenis. !v?s All the law can do is to mak> ii nullify uiieinpi to prntoet; a 1 lac CI i ii re) i can do is to recognize ami try to ouiiserrate a Tact which already exists !?ut if there is no marriage. then it is doseci ation to keep 111 > t lii* a!iaa;. "If 11 if i ? are child roll, tl.iii com . plicatcH matters, but a pent many j timcH the woman is simply teleaacd from an uitoieralilc, on in. ucous exiaicnce, anil mvcti an opportunity once more to Hud something sweet anil hopeful in the way of love ami life." -* ? Boasts Thai Have Gone Wrong. .J nst before Admiral ITjestven sky lin t Admiral Toj^o, In* sijrnnled the ro-t of his fleet the following message; "We ninst not on y have a triumphal entry into \ ludiI vostock but sink a part of the.TapI nurse fleet on tli" way " Two days I later tho Puis.-iaii ailmiral was wounded, a prisoner, ami hi fleet 1 wiped from the fare of tin wnb is. Cfamhimiie, at Wateilm . shouted: "Tho Old Guard may die It v.iil ; never mir: end* I !" An i.oiir la!. I I lie was vaiujiiisln <1 by \\ ellin^ton Gen. l>u.ller at the onset of the ! Poor war annoum-eil: "We w II cat our Christmas dinner at Pretoria.' bill In* never did j Kuropatkiu an id to the czar: "! will hoist the iiussuui Hag over the palace o! luc .Mikado. S!>es?ei in.eic the melodramatic proiu ise that Port Artliur should be nis tomb. P'.>tli of l Ins. men roluimd fi out the front in disgrace. I'o ( i I'll. " ! eb" St mil t is acei ' 11 ileil the ('onfederate lioast, so rife during the liist three yeais of tin I civil war: 'We will stable our j hoiscH in Faueuil I lull. Itoston. ! I lie Confederates came no nearer I to I'oston than Pennnylvauia. i . . . I III Instill v (it III T leaders nf II It * 11 i have littered similar boasts mi the L'Vr lit' battle tilill ll"Ve! CIWMO till '. Seeks Husband's Pardon. Tin* Columbia Stale says that it. 10 rumored lliat Mrs. I'd Denton uf Chester is moving to yet a par ; don for her husband, who is si-rviny a loin? ti'iin sentence in life j State prison on the charge of liav i in if killed ?I. L. Patterson at Port .Mill. The woman's case i? a s id one. and yet slinnu t I The urouuds on wl.i *!i ftl:e vvili [ try to jxet a paidon am tliat si. killed Patterson herself. Si.e , claims that she had wion^i'd nei husbuiiu and that Patterson \, i> t , blame. She had killed i'at t t'lri' .11 in despei at ion. so her appeal will j state. Matj. Ilart, her attorney, is dead and she has im one to t her. She issdii to h?> worki in* in a mill ani endeavoring to raise seven e.liildrein -? Corruthcr* Brothers Slash Crump. A telegram 'veeiveil here Frid y by Mr. Son <' n i utile1 s si at ed t hat his three 8 >ns, Will, Charles and dim hap been lodged in jail at Salisbury, X. ('.. upon the elm ? ?;< ' of haviit^ cominitleil a d adly is,..i ... \\\. < ' .... i * 11 | ly r i | v ? <I I I ?* I \ i U 111 J ' . II 11 < > V I T Mvr hi if cotton mill of Hint city. From [reports it mx-ius llml Will <iml Charles Carol hers ltnd wot ked for Crnir.ip Imt had quit ilic null s nnc t h<> s ago. Fruity morning tin* two filtered tin- mill miki asked to be |>11 jt to woi k 011 different nut chines ftom those which tin y hud formerly operated. Ciuinp iefuse-1 to do this and in an instant tin two were] upon him. Crump was sevorol> slashed; one u ash ln'nin i i11LT oil I lie top of hi- ii -ad, round inn 'I'*1 neck, Imivlv missing the j ovular vain, ami endin_ lieu the iimidle ol the had;. l>e in-a 111 i. there were a numhei of other diin oeroiis cuts ami a slah in the hitck, One ?'f the ( ;.rr:i I hers hoys was arrested <jui the spot, while the sl'(toot i i'MteflOed In so T" ' " was theru arrested. '4 !?? laird brother, v lio was not pvt scui wltt-u I lie (hilii. ii Ity |.<ok place, was ar rested in lite ftflentooii. I) cause til talk whit it Ki'u-e.-ile<I tiiat the I.'a Kit hers brothers haitied a eoiiBpirnc} for I lie destruction of Crump. The throe Carrulhcrs hoys wore lodged lit juil l> nwnik developme nts ill die c->IU! 11 ioii of t11' u in p. wl o was (lanuci < ais! y id. Mr. San i (jnrnitIn t. 1 .tie r of tlx Carnii iers hoys, left Saturday una iiiiio f. r Salishurv . Fiendish Suffering in often canst <1 by sores, nleers and eapeers, i liar cat away voar skin Wat# lie dell, of Flat i toek, Midi . say*-: ' i-nave a sett Mncklcii's Arnica Salve, for tT Ice Sm'saiiil (it icers. !t i? the he-tt healin# dressing ever found." Soot lies n ml heals cuts, tin rns and scalds \ ut Ardrey 's tlruK st i>ro; g tiara lived. . ' | J Fort Mill's New Rural Routes. Fort Mill town., hip is to have two nesy rurnl mail routes. This _ri'ii t ? fy i jilt news was leeeivvrl l?y Postmaster H. II. Masscy from the I'oatoliiee Department at Wasliiuilton a few days a?;o. 'lire i.ew routes will become operative u November 1. A stated in these eolums some \v? -ks ayo. the est ihlisluneiit of these routes will neI'es'iitati; a slight ehauico in the two routes now in operation and we publish below the routes to lie travelled by the carriers aft r .\<> '.'fill Del' 1 : i: mil No. 1 H? lit Fl. Mill iiii< 1 runingr tenth \vost to S F Sutton's, thence math hikI west to I II Sutton s ntnl l\ Hnil"* thence to He11nett s corner, them to NiVftl H It 11(1 \ il tl<i IjloOil r* |jl)lfi's. the net* southeast to ('olh'irp > ! uixl north west to Stewart plnc^ i unci l et raff to ('olt harp's, then ?* to ('tins. (!minim's. It M Knris". | W I' Kpps" Itiul Smith's, \\ H Windle's, W II N.cholson'? and V'tn.Ci' to Windlo's. thence to Hlackweldcr's store, \\ I' Itoyd's. Sri in Smiths'. St roup's, Melidell hull place, .las. Hoyd's. (iarri-on place, Joe Smith's, Kimhrcli's cm ner, .Mason's (jol lier, to Z. T I tail s and retrace to .Mason's, thence tr S M i'lppH*, Itlankenship corue't. (I rilHn's store to Fort Mill.? Length L'*> I 1 Utiles. Kmito N(.. 2 Iteuiniiins; at Ft Mill and running northeast to .'oi Hades, tin !( * to .1 S Miller s, .1 ! I While's, It ('nip's store, KcllV corner, Kelt's place and retrace to Keil's corner, 1 !n nee to \\ ! A tin v's corner, W (' Howie's place and retrace to Ai ii y's corner tiiciice to \\ in. Aidrey': , dr . 'miniuoii.on a coiner. Kerr place and r trice to (.'nniiin^hains corner, t hen >n 11 irrit >n road to Ilia, rison church, tluti:c to '1'nttlc's si ai hi. 1 retrace to Harrison church, thence by Barberv i 11 p ?r-t otlicc to l'oit .Mill. Length 21 1 ; miles. J ' 'I O N 11. i He.; Ill ll iTio nt h' . M lit and run in no east on Do b y 'bridge road to (Jrmvdci s ' onicr, jtlieiice lo Kokpaliiek place and i el i ace to Ci owdcr's corner, t lie nee . . "It .1 ... I . . . 1 ? ii- II <>ii i/ i \ s mmoe i t at I lo II N'iind! 's innit'i', tIt tjee to tJelaii j post Hire and retrace li? Yandle's conior, liltncc ii Ili wis! >n L i'iroad t:> 1). Wolf's tlvnee to I ).i\idson's mniv ('nip ninicr, (.'has. Uoss' place ninl iv' t r:?fc> to ('n!p curner. theiiee west 10 Pleasant II ill church, Miliar corner, Harris' corin'r, 11?? i 1 I"< k lo Fort Mill Length i!.~> mis Koute No. 1 -Dt'oiiiiiinir at Fi. Mili and luiiuin^ southerly I" Dinkins* conn r, thence to lirielt Sard, I i i 11 - <mi i:i i, i, s \\ :< i j ( c >im i. 111 i?? n >rtii t > .1 Y\ Ard:v\'s minci, i. rtiiwest to S K While's. in.; t heasl to Spring for run. in rtheaet f Mcni t , 11 < > r 111 - | West !o Springs place. norlii lo S I.. C 11:harp's faint, southwest, to to ,l II Paths' comer. northwest to Kiiuhrelfs rorner. soutiiwi si ti> S !, ('took ct i'. northwest I ' F.pp a store, mat Least to \\ I! Willi I)'.. southeast to Ml'i, ! '( I thatps a ;d retrace to Warren's. 11 ne is i;! t to < \ I'. Plan* Metiship's, iiorth to dim Millers, east t > l int Hill, south to Potts' 11*:i< Spring farm. Ki/.- r's place in I retime ti Sprine Farm, south ea-t to l > maid's c >t lie", southwest to Culp'se n'lit't, sont hoast to K iin brel.'s, f- lit h West t< Steel (Meek liridyo iiikI Fort Mill. Length 25 o l ill Irs. S >i.i? i(!i u of tin* 1 'Mn'fitH ??T !Ii?* ru;ill servioe to tlio ]? ?ij>11 of 1!iitownship 11 it\ be iii. ,1 f;- in 1 he fict tlint when tlio now routes ate eatahbshed, ihe c in iers will rover ail iit'i ii of little less I In.ii I'M J iiiiIt's; Nv.ll pnfis alioiit o 0 hour's, 1 ami will .solves nietliiu^ like *2,Odd peiiplo with daily mail. 'I'.; re are .I : s'l"'1 who will e\p rl So; VI i' l)V the n< w ivuh s ami who are not lain liar with the it (|iiiiemouh I olitain t lie set Vioo, alt:l ful tllO benefit of I t liese we publish a few of the II.on imp rtaut i qui eijj nts. ijo.vs \\ 11 .*ii li' \f not li t;i iij) proved urn! .! > n 't c nf.tnn wit's the 1 <militl ions of tin' lit*} v'i i iilt'iil, will n >t 1j<' m rvt'il. It is i <}tltrt?1 ..II b"\e c 1 ?? iiiLl i.Ht?! 1 >y patron -. witi lime m> Kuf iiimI ii liiwf ithcrj roof. Inpromptly replaced Iij those \ hifh ennform to thy i'i oiiliilion , it tin 11 I \ lot' Is t i h" C' ii t it lift!. l'o\rs llS'.ISt lie I'll It'll iiV till' roadside so that canier i nn obtniu access lo ii m (limit ti isiin iinlijio fl'O.'ll ills ('Oil! t > illllV. I'.irtit's livm^ in flic neipjhborliooil of a rural loutt who ties/lccl ni' io'i.s It provide l)o>. s or it ruse to ficct ih iii .n tin* manner prescribed will In- regarded as not ci? h i iti^ t In i urnl st rviee. ' ' rV:u!hr nisripper?rnikc. | J D Hnn\mi, of l.ut ler\tl f. (> . laul tic iH'enliar ?ttsa ppoaraiiee of 11 i > )mi in f il lyc.ijilo'.i. .. i l iutIio> - "'it liiti f)iism'8i< to Or KiiiK s New l.ife iii) siys; "They me a j? rfect ronit ity, for il'/./.iuesH, > air slnmuch, iieatia li ! constipation, era(Jimrnnteetl at Arthvy's ilruj< storn, I'rie. J. c. | The News of Goii Hill. Qqiikp lirus in Aumiet tohM spem HtrMiien, but ftiil I bflipvn llipy would ft ol eiinifortiihlf tboHu copl nmrniiius. Cotton will nut open quite so rapidly if tli j cool spell Continues. Most of t e farm cry in this serii'pi >av- ?t their tod d? r. despite the wet vv. itli<?l\ The aiinual Child I till picnic was held at nrown's Shop Friday. Quite a laryo crowd ass. mid- d. but owitijr to The Fnoutrer'y mistake in announcing the da ?. the crowd \va- not as 1 ir^o as p-mil. Address s w we dnliv. it I by (.'apt. Iv! a ard-, of ( he:-\er; (" ipt. .1. \\ Arflrey. of tori Mil!, and .Mr. Ito e I in, ol It" k Hill T'le crowning features of the h?\ w r? tin excellent sp'-eclc s ol I r?'f. S i.. t'oiiev. the ne?V piine.j .-f Gold Mill Academy, turd Ptof. Jackson Hamilton. former pTtneipal "I 'lie school, hu now of Sinks Grave. W. \ a. Tic extreme interest in t liesc speeches was shown hy the marked attention anil soilness ol the crowd. Oim i iu!d almost hear a pin fall on the h aves, s<> to -on ak. ?Gold Mil. while k en v f.-elinu her loss of Prof. H uilton, is proud to 11a ve seen> ed saeli a man us Prof, i.oney to till the vacancy. The annu d lawn pity after the picnic was led a' the Incite of iS. G. Falls, uid w . itt ndei. bv " ! ivj?e crowd of y .lnc p - p A'i s Florence Kiuibrell who has been vi~i.iiuc at leu faihci the past tin- e wet ks, n sui led Inn work in ( mil ' t .M. i. t\ ... M >s Aliu'i * McGi nn. f \ ni l, villcvnit' d Mis. Oua \% ii.?1'?? a few days la -l vfn I: . . . . Mi-s Hoi . Ah xand !*, who h .s la *n ? i iinn n lalivisand fri mis in lliis sc lion, let u, lie ! t > he. in >n c in (' 11 a I I o 11 e S 11II 'a! . v . . . A' 1 s k e.< r pice iiia:; in, who h's In o vi-iiiit!' tlic Mioses Grok. iclurind to In i h in- in ('h o lot to Fi id i v . . . . i' i ; \ d. of I mi sail T a i I. N <spent Saiurd.iy nioht with M. Fori ....I'ii i Faria nnd Grovsi Kppy will leave inn I -v. dn\- i n Smi s (irave, \V. Va.. wln-it tln\ wi! cnlcr the M'hoiil ol v ii, a Pro I, Hamilton - prin dpa!. Tut'tic is Aroused "> lie pulni is arous i In a-knirv! of i tie curattvi merits of flint uiv.i: men- ' ieiaul inuif, Klectric liiin .'s f. : u, siniiiiicii, liver and kidneys. Mary II Walters, of ' Ml t?t Claire Avo, Cot amn i \ .. i - < V- . ' 'i.'' ! '. 1 . , - it' iny ii. . w.'.v w:v , . . I , I ii. >: >!< ;>. uii'i 111 y *!,irli w 11'. 11. iiM-iiv s i ?r - . 11 i 1 . , . ; llllt l . t !"?> Ml il I'l . i >. II .. ..Ill,, I.--' i I in.-- . I i.'.i iin i ;. in a slni:-< iii'ic I \\ii> i ii i it iy < ,; ,i ( | ' (tH ir:?iili .I ..I A < ilin si ... , i Schools !>og'in. lit iimm'ui'r Ilia! \\v ii;. v.* a!! t hut Jippm t a n. I< > > I < I ' TIlO lill'm'st .stork ot I' .l 1 i - Mild ! '.-I issori nnut rver i-anii , :i i ;; ,\i . 11 i? on ; nnd. ( hir nim in l ? lui\ t'ic lirnt I'hI .i-Ih tiii if i I put no f' r n ni('k*'l a tni t! n Ho to 1 in* liost 11.;11 ? nil lie t 1 I. i i dimi . DeioMie ftwt Dn?? lu.ich Bcxc. artf Pens!! Sixes, Blsckboaid rr:'i Pane!'. frr.sers, Eye Shades and lt.k ;;ii ki.;r!u ' )ur Fol<!;n.. Lnml I, it i! nit1 i- r 1)h tin Mr tli \ V I"s1 \Y. 15. A ril '.'cs & ( '</. } ( , ; p A Is Your Faiif' Who is takiny; the r you ire not earn :;'e ;u Policy? Vour family, t you to take a policy, do take =t--J shall have to til I an nh!c." Vour t and your y.r> >d v i\v money-ma'- ?r.e, ah'li y i run t-ic risk i i v:r.01 an i a sr. ranee policy--1 ttic risk of your dyiup, ; and dor siislenanec vJ?i Vcn, she can do without ancc policy now. much Without your moncwu: I * ro*? po c t i v e po I icv ilia'tor, ; nJ <:? ! at \ < en your .-stale tak : s hy i - raa >: V. i am ;i U t la. :.i a. So oa f! at ir " i".' j a nt. catio 1 or ii b< QU v. T 'u T 'D u Uiill J . )J i :: topo 4 J (.alii 1 ?lN'P- or i:\< Ki.? i "N(' . Hi In-111.' i i? i. 1 . ii v .\i < . n > is. i ' -m I -:| I .1 .. I :i 11.1 \ . r^l. Will 111: I; i y j . .?cllOi 11 1 I [ i~< ' r< ' : I '. , i / f v ' y v / c.}'/,-' /'-/ A it: D V 1 *?: % 'JS F c / cut v ,oco c :?no j t: i; r < II i* 11:? r. ?: ? i <i fl \ ?AI * CUU 1 i <-f I OI.I v * ^l*' FOR .SAFE. '' wo h- a cs and lots know n . . ?\s v y lots. See <... 55. 'ac:i > A fX /' n rv ,c^ r ' ^r.y; ' M f-?7 : . n <. ?? > .. * " ' ? -- Kj > <_ . V- * T i ' . ? - . t - i 1< r ' * ? . Ill \n TL; /,c ,u .v.r VT! .. ' "j? ?' ion Aj^l) . : . ftllK . Oili Mi l i i- ia '.*? * i.i w.rlr1.. i * '< * i la fid,): t by. M 's. \ \ i i ', i >1 i i 111 i ' i ii. i;l : > ' r li li i i'V h?r :i v -?rin1 I. i . ' : i - . i< i i i i In' y i .ii, i i is. I -1 . ... i;<, ,. i. . . ii;i, !\ .,{??? ? . :ii it ion Moll I'll! I' i' . "N I 5 111 i. i i iii' ipv !'' m !. i. \ ' 'd t : ?,u ' li . ; ? ?* :i . i i inn t fi. i:i S:i !* ?<' i'lii.-il . y V illl-.l! l.i'l, V_?li'.l. I I. i l> 11 I \i ,:int t. t I ti r< W i> T. 1 . I ' . . I ?. . . TO OUT ROUNDS. V ire ii . t 1 ! ( ' i lit' f 11 1. 11 . < iifiri s ?lici I y on i 11 aiii \\ ' ii I nit i a ? i it ! ! Imc < i I i lis \. Iii-k ?' . \\ i'ti-s. i' !'. . t i. i ii' n; / yi u. \ iu with n:._\ ! ' in mn 11io\ ' 'ti '.'i ' '? , i >1lilt i 1 V i) ( '.HI t' IJ. < our -ii i | t .' < ill ?r i i in . i i i I'.-r i ' i : i in V .. . i . 1 i lii'ir i i i. 1 t i \\ . : * ( (j i .x K ' ' ' S A k < 1 . i * i. ' 1 . V i'vM ^ I x* ? / ( * r v / > w nr v * " -* > " ' \ n 11?.? l / . > . r . u) vn,' > ' ' ' i > 5 . , 5 J > * TV' " v < ?-?-*/? L ? t i N ! .. , ^ 'v . ('A I.I. f \" i;!' \'v u! i i. C\]')."* 1 ' O*' * - -.? *\ o. r?. a SALISBURY, C V JWBJK* *?/?* ; ^,<"V > ' i . ,l ' i ' ' ''' r.,"- . " Tail 1fill i<k, you or your family. il Old Line Life Insurance f course. So, when I a>h n't say 4'1 am not able to run the risk of dyia^ uuunily is taking the risk 'to is depending on your for a livelihood, >villiugl\ n $2.S orS30--the pri;e >f _ss each Near than run i;ul he without both you ;ch you are able to make the cost of a life insa *better than she could d< irnitig ability. lioMcr. think over tho )\\y w ife. \ our fjrai. < ;;: i a ri^k, when you future happine a J wil! treat vu? ri 1 -1 in - take your apph ! kiae > tNura ace in lie ailes, Ag't. "\?v for YV'onion, !e\. S.Ik ^ hie Faculty. Tlu>' .ii'-n1 S).1i-!k;i,1 Librnr.v . lO I D ) 1 I icall lifulucss. Hour. I . ' f -I . ' I "O'JV .?-s. I)i?grtniii ?>1 1. H > \t : . mi optMis J-opt-. 2?). I 111 m ,M, III 1).. I'vesMt j i. f . ?v a j?o.1 iv? ^U< A.ION NO ' iNORANCE. M' ? r T k'lC H K. u i:11:: i oi> \ TO PI' i. kOU.liGE, Macon tio to GASTON & ILVJ K ir yonr IT'?.: MKATiS, Midi IIS la i\ ! >. t S'l'-tAH Ik ! ISI i. ! lo. \ .! i ) y a lino of i. i y i.i ( Fan G oc??rii ' i ( ' i <Is. 'J i 1 ar t.? h. i lc. ' n i i is ri'coivo jjioip " ! if i. ' all No. l!!) and Jot rI l V t \ (III. G \STON & HALL * . i I V()i)kl, J I I ]). Lmmuvy. ^ . M i.' i '. '. - ? N. c ; \ . K--BLTST. flf Hill - J0< v J. u, . . I , f : i u,. [i'T I " i i . lei i'h'ls i; $ ; i - ... ? I . }??*? j . II*, ' i i.< Tt-hit i>. liiu n ." i iuitri ,i ; 11j :-. r'i 1 k ii ? .i. 11 > i 'i ? >:: ? ' ? 4 . I Vuf?w'i I v. it !.>< u, I : 1 Up ? It-,!";(; (h.uhif. 0 ' 1 -II' Jl.llf S l('t > : > ill. I'Jr. ;; 1 , :-MrtikF53l .. * . ' j f'.ems, ? i > .n Mill. ? ? ? s. r. " '**, M '? 1 ' r \ .Mr . i- *-> w C j? su * ?, ?\' aMI En ?Ol?V%' -*v .' S. '*v ?# BttjraSf . .JcjjH?Mk* .'MM. ' ! *4- ' .1 t illy > ! I'll. I ..r FFE RE. 'RNEO. . i'ix-1 .cKor. ? - >"v??ui. * .wf.*?C. '4 1! IMi* ; |..| ...I I. >i?. ;.U fjl' ^ r ? ' r.n 'i '(. f rv 4% p ?rt 'i . ? I vV .Ti. f It' * ^ "iI'lrt.H1 I ? ?? ? *1! AOVKR# ' T. r . I r.CMi.f ? TRAOk'MAKlS. PliK. * i- i . r "*i t.\ i . irkljr oI.m.hwL ' * C, po?:t3 *!. 3. f?a*ent Orfit?, * iiHJflcTON, O. C. I? r, . Vf ' ,? ' ?? [I 25 f" * - JLiti * w/ iib-feSEfc^Swai I'