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" -V;-* - " "" -V 1 0.1 I ^00? Q????? ?? I ' L I pou Wij s i tion i-fflif i i row I ! of i @ cIkm ? y(>U 8 I T1 ? ? Q ?yU3 S # -+ ?? ^*v%% ^ ITEMS of LOCAL INTEREST ^ i' Mr. .1 as. T. McGregor spent j >Suu?luy in Columbia. Dr A. M. lhiehanan \v< nt to, .CUestei Friday on business. Mrs. J. H. Suttun and lil lie son j left Saturday morning for a vi.-ut jU> relatives at Sp iiirr, N. C. A mirjil???r c;f complaints have bean heard recently of the filthy , condition of seveial hog pens in different parts of the town. The I local board of health should inws- j tignte tUo matter. Mrs. S. A. Epps was seriously' ill daring the past week, hut i..considerably better at prebeut. Mr. Z. V. Howard has moved' hie barber shop from Waxliaw. N. JC., to this place and is located up stairs in the Ardrey building un Main street. iUi". r>. A. i\,pps i)net iMios Tonijvtie Gulp 1?-ft yesterday for the Ivorlliern markets. to buy the full and winter stork of goods for I lit firm of Meacham A: Kpps. Rinses Lillinn r.iid Jnnie Masf?ey. f.f Itock Hill. are visiting the Aliases Ardrey of this place. Dr. J. L. Sp rait spent Friday afternoon jtt Charlotte. Supervisor T. W. Boyd, of lav na, visited Fort Mill township Friday for the purpose of inspect- I ing Barber s and Brules' bridges, j over Sugar creek, which are reportend to have been damaged by | 4 I. /? A I . . .1. 4 ... ?u? i?*c<unt mj?(i w;ut?i . Miss Nan Thornwell returned Monday from an extended visit to! relatives and friends in North Carolina. Mies Willie Hoke is visiting Mi.iS Kthel lYgrani, of (insignia. The annual Brown's Shop pie pic will take place Friday. The I public is invited to be present Th? next session of the Fort it. ill Graded School will begin Monday, September 4. Miss Until Wright and Mr. W'al ^tor Harleeton Androws, of Wellington, S. C.. were happily mar- j riecl Sunday evening at 7 oYloek at the home of tho bride's father; Mr ?J. A. Wright at Grattan, the j Jtev. J. D. Hoggins, officiating Tho inmriage was a quiet atTair, only tlie members of the famil\ being present. Mr. and Mrs. An drew* left Monday for Wellington, I their future home, 1 , Lj . .-L.- -.. "P ' ' " 11 . s=s:,., ATE AUG! We have just received or one solid ear lo; re Nails. buying in ea l to make better prices W e sey MeCormick 1S\ s, Hay balers and all rc Also, we liave just rc< Higgy Harness. AYe are here to do bus >uy anything, call and s rrfully pricc^ you, and i will be posted. T. jQ- BKI ? ie Old Rel: \ irri 111*4 ..J' I... 11 .1 1 * ??? ./rin j?i(i > i <i ^rniriu'l) mi 11 if local (1 in in* >hi i between tin- ' 11iu.111 itim 1 Park team of Rock llilli 11id tlit* second nine i I* this plaee. resulted in a victory Lor tin* latter r| by a score of 2tl to 7. j " A petition retjijestini? Senator IS. It. Tillman to sp,aak at tin* an \ nual picnic at Tirzah was circti- ' luted on the streets Monday and 11 was signed by a majority of tli >se Lo whom it was presented. In >? view of the anti-dispensary move- s merit now on in the county it is b, hop d that Senator Tillman will accept the invitation. 1 he picnic t? will tie held at Tirzah the 2'.Mh of S t his niniit h. hi The Tinn fi wishes to a^ain ml! to the att? ntion of its readers the '' public sale of the Fulwood prop, ertj which takes place tomorrow P ( riiuie lay) morning at the stand in Confederate park. This propcity, particularly that located on Month street, is indeed valuable, C and t ho hidui ng fc?r tli- wi I Id ml it - ' C less he spirited. Clerk of Court I. A. Talc wiII eoildUCt the sale. Dr. A. C. ISairon pastor of the 'J, First Rapti; t church, of Chariotte. died Friday evening at the home ? of his daughter at Somerset, \ t. l' Paralysis was the direct cause ot death. He is very well known in ' this section as a preacher of more x than ordinary ahilitv. He was b2 ' years i>f anil a wtenm of the civil war. ' '' Jlov.-I. II. Thornwell pica ' d at tin* Presbyterian church Sun- " day to the Catawba C.imp of \ . t ;l erans. JUh remarks were timely " for Dr. Tbornwidl is one of the 1 tinislnd speakers in the State, ' atul his hearers listened with the " ? attention and appreciation. ^ I lock Hill Record. The (Mia. lotto Observer of Man il'iv uiii'j llint \I ? I. I.' 'I' I ?.v ... ... a' ii. 11 111' 11 ii. i uirit'i i mid Miss Metn Iv<m!<1 were married A laid niulit at 10;d"> t?y Stpiire \\ 11 Ii laid (). Hniles, the well-known s mairiaii'aitiht a'Toss the South a Carolina line, The marriage was \ a runaway atTair, the young lioineo ( having stolen his luliet, who is a just Id yearn old, otT the street ( while she was on her return home o from the postotliee. A Mr. Napoleon lauiaparto Camphell (lied at his heme in Hethel ?i township, at ahout < t o'clock -I Tnursday morning of Bri^hl's \ dis?"\se. M r. Caniphell was ahout <?$ years of a^c. Me was a farmer > l>y occupation, and lived in Itelhel \ township practically ail ot his life v except four years in the servict of d the Confederacy. 1 ? J S T NEW from the factory 'V2 u], of Harbed Wire r lots places us in ] to our cost inters, lowers. Hakes, Disc 1 flairs for above uinehi [ eived another siiipi iness and when you \ ret our prices, wo f you don't want to 3E3L? iable Stoi r: @?@< The News of GoU Hill. (io'd Slili hiii been ?mjjoyiiiu 1 In* mil ivat for some wtvUs, since Hps wi'iv laid by. '1 lit* harvest i'_j lias Uemin. Snnre biiiilff is it worth tin* pulling. 1 i*uchs i redding will lio "popular" ibis ill. ('otton will opfii rapidly il io warm weather ci>ntinu< s. Tin* protraided meeting at Flint ill JiaptiM ehlircli > losed last aturday. The pastor was ass'stid y lit-v. \V. 10 Hurt, of Vorkville. 1'iif tiolt 1 Hill Hand lias decided > li'ivt* its animal picnic at 15r >wn hop on Aiil.'. !? >!Ii. Kveryhody. ir unit near, is invited to In inn lemsolves, their lenitives, their ienils, ami tlieir weli-iiited husk's and enjoy the day. There v id nihi lity lie some speakers. .M lisle ill lie iuinistud hy tin- tioid lliil and. Misses Annie Davis of St el reek and Lola Alexander of harlotto visited friends in this etion last Week.... Miss Mamie ! >*?s of Steel ('reek spent id: til's ay e.iipit in this seel ion .... M r. oin lioyti and sist. . M i-.- -I nie I Indian Trail. N. D, sp ot Sal rday ni^ht in tnis section.... Irs. dailies Lai is and renter Mi-s jinilie Lee Set'/.iT, of !voek 11 id, isited relatives in this section 1st Week . . . . L. 11 ( )\Vell returned iindav from I hi inhere, where lie as been visiting his brother, Itev \ . Dweii.... M r. K nor. \V indie ml sister Miss (lull, .Messrs. I). \ . nd (i ('. Kpps, visited relatives i I liion last week . . . . M i.-s (* ?rinrie Karis, who was *pi te sick a w days the lailer put of last 'eek. was able to resnnie her work londay as. assistant ot (iold liill l'IiooI. Miss A ra belle Crei^liton of 11. i! ...i. .. i i - V 1 H" l\ I I I I I I I ' ? I i < I ^ I M I II \ I f I I I ? L; I iss (Mince ('rook returned I <iim* ist Friday Mr. liny i'dniikcnliip lt'luiinil Ijoiiio .M ri<imy al'mi week'n stay wilh Ins mint Mis. \ ill Caldwell of Chester Miss I race Crook j-j? 111 Saturday niMif l ilr. It (>. Keiidrick's in Si r|e Voi-k Miss I'loi n -n Kiinlircil f ('hnrlotti* is visitino |u*r father I r. .1. I j. K in.i>r i 1. Cards are oul uiiriii" llie lnrringe, August .'it'tli . of Prof, ni kson 11HiniIn n of Sinks 1 i nivr, \ . \ a. hikI Miss Llsii- I> \ d of 11i? section. Miss l.lsio is tli onnuest child if Mr. ami Mrs \ . I\ l>oyd and is a prize of rl)it'll Prof. Ilainilloii s'nould la* lily proud to lnr v.oil. I'r f liiuiil'.oii ia well known here anil e mi .??, - ^ - . I OOQ? ??(30 ?C ?( i; i ; S I N./ i /mm) & 1 f; and | || i II S ! I 1 ' UUu h! I IIK*S. || nrnl j vanl | i | Q Will ? buv, i O : ? ? ! Q v"-0 0 0 0 "P i ? f; A 3SOSCSGOC3Q !in sin io111uIi11 4 ? < ii niuiiilii's Iin\ i i lii-fii ??I*. 11 i j it I <1 (i< ilil 11: Ii Araili'inv l<?r wwii yi-nrs, ii-ni^n t liis sum hit. 111? is m itin;i i I c\lni"nliiHit} i iiil :ly (ioul .'I ill i .li'lnl- h? thin IX > | > 111 <11' hoiljilt I .rir iii-iii i i<:?t ? ??11 i*;? 1 ii lat i< nin a ml lifht widili'S ill mlviilh'i1. -4 A I oiicliiil.of Stor? is (lir? saving 11*<tiii ili-.uii, of ill - Isiln ill' I . I'll l-Iv l?-i\ *.'; I III In t! ; I 111, Ml. l! wnti-s "At ill - :i!^i- of 11 nmillin ii r lilt 1?- <?irl was in ?!- -liiiiii^ ln .i.ili, will siTiiitis Tlii-uat Troulili- ami h\n physicians ^-.i \ i- ii?-r np. \Vt- \\'iv a Inn I in i! s, i,v ii \\ i- iv >lv? '".ii i-> ! >r ; Kind's rrt itiscoviTv I >i" I\! 1111it n>;i l 'unfits .1 ml Colds. 'I'll lirst liot (! }_a vt relief; alio;* taliih^ lout bolllis sii-t was lived, Mtlll is MOV. HI p. rtri'l ll' .llll). ' Never l.i lis in n?!i . t . < I run* a 'fmyli if i* *ld. Ai Ai*iIn \ dmjr store; ami ii i .ii -ed I i'M I tililf l'n . I lest Colt' n ijliuti'd 10 1 "2 cents on tins ilia ket yi'hteiilny. I ieiulisli Suffering is i if it'll I'M II si . I li\ MII'I'S. nil IS ;i i 1 fanners, I li.ii cut i way y sir .-' tin. \\ : '. I'.i li 11 nt Fiat I; Kilt l says: ' I ir nn ! 15ru* .; "i > Arn: i ;-a 1\ : i r>, t ires a 1111 i "a 11 t'i 'i'.i. I Mill' ! -.1 li 0 iiv 11 ssiii" I riri '"i> i it IPtr >i !i .nil t eals eiiis. burns ami - '.litis n-at Aril rev "s dmi; slnr . >ru ranI I. %' ? ?.'A- \S? i a -A -v, 0 * THE r # * \i ACME J 4> ? 1 BARBER SHOP. t p ' (* * * % N, L. Carothcrs, ? * <> ? Proprietor, $ * ' & 0 t When in the Market i OK coon whiskies, W IN ES, 15 hand! es, etc., CAI.I. 1 IN I lit Will I !. ^"? l?. <>. Box T)?!7* SALISBURY, - > '. C. V:V. ** jP' T * * If you ever expect Cooking Stove Furnitur Sewing Mi It v. ill pay you to buy i i nlcd one cfouv stores, ; of the above j^oeris as ()ii ami offer rbeio at wliol Factory P S)mi I tri .> i hese banzai IECT > ICvjl-^_n O A or Aii?>os? Glcsrs K\ 'i l! :n?_r l! .! I?. I . ;> P hot wcmUi ! .vns .1 II \LF J'UK'i:. 1. A 'i)E MS VMS i "> rent \ csts for IU i rl.l \ i sis for :11XIJ>K].N\S MA WIN SI K) Lawn I )nws?>s at - \(. j ...... |t... .., oO * Law M i ii i h nl i ANEV i'AUASi 1L ;ui:,.r price Si To. take vnir choice Mi MM MR COH \V. re ~?0c, now MUJJMIK \\\ " e a !' - apes It'll worth 7o<\ have yoi.. . t i lot Al- i a f. u lilt to: ; you can lake choice tor ? 1 IK). m k m $4 a m 5 l \ tt A*Afc iS /"U i T <JL S3 I! fen* wo are ^ ^ <*'u'' ' if '!i-' y? 'f|||\ V- f. || : , si iii!' t ,, ' - J. | ^ M'i !<><>! ^8 | McElfcanyoPi ^. 5^ ?. r> ? - v."' -- V P ? v Vi *- X 1-.SNV '* V.\ V \1,,'.,.V-.V(\VAS\\S' 8 T. I). FAI LKNK * Is Funeral * 8 f 1 Jkk /'.A. i K < <? h. i v v'f 4 i /.r><V' ' T ? 7 I uJ .? ^v\y * ^ /v^1' \< / v j lif $ ! v )i)'irfj H* ! ? ?r <h, I I 6/ < . *? i sulcrtaknii; in all il J( (lie cheapest Pine (iot'f Mate (at-Let. Robes foi and gentIcincn, Slippei / and Hearse Wagon. 'PI T. I). 1 M'LKNKR & \lA\ .'ASNNNVS'^WVVVvVk * > T-i ' ? mm % to need a Sllit Of e or schirae t now. We have ind must dispose icklv as possible osale rices. ns. iua? iocs Sale. u i i ust ?.:<>. Orguudies and ?TS. 1 Oc 5o i Mt ESSES. J (>o^ : lSii f >1 s. for $1.25 SETS. 25o V, >1.00 mid si.2.1. You niny '' 1 (led hats, worth up to $330. * 5 EPPS, arks Go- ? .? ^%%\y\sss\\\\\\w\\\ it COMFY. | 11; ''I #*. I 11 #1 I : f v || CTOR. g? ga Iffl ts branches from in to the finest 2g r children, ladies jf.S *s, etc. Hearse gg. jflg hones 12 &34. g* COMPANY. ||